camelidynamics course outline

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  • 8/3/2019 Camelidynamics Course Outline


    GUIDELINES(January, 2011)

  • 8/3/2019 Camelidynamics Course Outline


    Guidelines Table of Contents

    What is the Guild?

    Mission and Description

    Associate Member


    Camelidynamics HandlerDescription and Educational Requirements

    Camelidynamics Teaching Program

    Description and Graphic Metaphor

    Apprentice Practitioner

    Description and Educational Requirements


    Description and Educational Requirements


    Description and Educational Requirements

    Quick Reference Table of Benefits and Privileges


  • 8/3/2019 Camelidynamics Course Outline


  • 8/3/2019 Camelidynamics Course Outline


    Apprentice Practitioner (First level of the Teaching Program)Apprentice Practitioners pursue continuing Camelidynamics education through a greatdeal of individual study and clinic attendance, as well as, practice teaching lessons toothers at no cost. This continuing education and practice teaching allows the individualthe time to more fully understand and practice the Camelidynamics techniques andmethodologies, while learning the additional skills required for teaching others.

    Practitioner (Teaching Private and Semi-Private Lessons &Consulting)A Practitioner pursues an evaluated course of continuing education and is (or has been)involved in the daily care or management of camelids. After successfully completing theirapprenticeship, the individual is evaluated and certified as a CamelidynamicsPractitioner. The individual continues to pursue an approved course of continuingeducation to refresh, refine and maintain their certification. Practitioners are certified toteach private, semi-private and group lessons* for up to 6-8 people. Lessons are focusedon specific Camelidynamics skills and methods with a significant hands-on componentand differ from workshops and clinics in both scope and organization. (To more fullyunderstand the definition of Lesson vs. Clinic/Workshop See Definitions in theAppendix.) The Practitioner may charge for their time, at competitive rates.

    Instructor (Teaching Clinics or Workshops, Private & Semi-Private lessons, & Consulting)An Instructor has spent a number of years as a Camelidynamics Practitioner, continuesto teach private and semi-private lessons, and is (or has been) involved in the daily careor management of camelids. The Camelidynamics Instructor is certified to teachCamelidynamics one and two-day clinics, workshops up to 20 people, promotionaldemonstrations, and private and semi-private lessons and consult at competitive rates.

    Once evaluated and invited to become a Camelidynamics Instructor, the individualcontinues to pursue an approved course of continuing education to refresh, refine andmaintain their certification.

    Each applicant who participates in, and applies for, any level of teaching certification within theGuild, must pursue initial training and education, and must be committed to continuingeducation, evaluation and refinement of each certification, and be personally certified byCamelidynamics.

  • 8/3/2019 Camelidynamics Course Outline


    Additionally, there are a number of personal characteristics that any Guild member shouldpossess. They are:

    Open-minded Willing to learn Non-Judgmental With Animals and People Ethical and Honest Supportive of Peers and the Camelid industry

    Educational Units (EU)To meet the needs of a global organization in fluctuating economic times, the CamelidynamicsGuild has chosen to create a menu system of specific educational units to both attain andmaintain various certifications and teaching levels within the organization. This allows individualsto both choose from particular areas of interest that fit their current time and budget. Thefollowing pages list the educational units available to each level and certain REQUIRED EUs forattaining various certifications. A complete description of all the educational units currentlyoffered by Camelidynamics (and other organizations and educational institutions), and some ofthose that are under development and will be offered in the coming years is listed in Appendix.

    At this point in the organizations growth, information is being submitted to Camelidynamics inmany forms. For this reason, each person in the teaching program will be asked to submit anannual report of educational components taken and experiences for that year.

    Additionally, Camelidynamics will provide each level of certification in the Guild with a logo andstandardized text to advertise their Camelidynamics certifications on their personal/farmmarketing materials and websites. This material will be included in the Guidelines Appendix.

    IMPORTANT NOTE:People with limited or past exposure to the Camelidynamics Philosophy and Methodologies mayhave become excited by its possibilities and present themselves as Camelidynamics teachers.They sometimes use the Camelidynamics name or logo in their biographical or farm informationand in the promotion of their workshops. While some may be good animal handlers, in somecases, the results have been detrimental to clients when they try to implement Camelidynamicswith limited or outdated training.

    Occasionally, teachers with this type of limited background combine Camelidynamics conceptswith other approaches and different handling and training philosophies. These may bear asuperficial resemblance to Camelidynamics but are not recommended or endorsed by MartyMcGee Bennett, because they fundamentally alter the nature of the Camelidynamics Approach.

    The Camelidynamics Approach is highly specialized and is constantly evolving. Currently,successful Camelidynamics Handlers, Practitioners, and Instructors have rigorous, on-going education and training in order to be able to represent the method and solve problemseffectively. A current list of certified handlers, practitioners, and instructors, of Camelidynamics, islisted on the Camelidynamics website (

    Camelidynamics will be happy to recommend qualified handlers, practitioners or instructors, aswell as, to offer an assessment of anyone who claims to be teaching the Camelidynamics

    Approach, but may not be listed on the website. [email protected], if you haveany questions, comments, or concerns.

  • 8/3/2019 Camelidynamics Course Outline


    ASSOCIATE MEMBERThe Camelidynamics Guild is open to anyone interested in and dedicated to training and handlingcamelids (Alpacas, Camels, Llamas, Vicunas, etc.) with respect and results.

    Guild Benefits available to the Associate Member:

    Membership in an exclusive association of camelid enthusiasts, owners, and breederswho are dedicated to training and handling with respect and results.

    Access to the Camelidynamics Guild Forum - an online resource for members. Ask aquestion, make a comment, share, and read about the experiences of others in themembership and learn about innovative & effective approaches for specific camelidissues. Posting on the Camelidynamics Forum is only available to members of theGuild, and is moderated by Camelidynamics founder, Marty McGee Bennett. She

    personally reads every post and responds to as many as possible.

    An electronic library of resource articles that Marty has written as updates for her bookand also for various industry publications, on specific topics as well as articles (reviewedfor content) submitted by knowledgeable guild members.

    A Weekly "Newsletter" which includes: (1) a Digest of the most recent posts on theForum; (2) News from Marty; (3) Happenings in the Guild that week; (4) Handling orTraining Tip of the Week; and (5) Calendar of upcoming events.

    Discounts on the Camelid Companion book and Zephyr Halters.

    Advance notice of events and clinics,

    Experience required: None

    Education required to become an Associate Member: None

    Annual Education Units (EUs) required to maintain Associate status: None

    Annual Dues: $30

  • 8/3/2019 Camelidynamics Course Outline


    The Camelidynamics Handler Seal indicates that the individual has met minimum educationalrequirements (a minimum of one Basics Clinic and one Advanced Clinic) and has made acommitment to support the Guild Mission of treating the camelids in their care kindly, efficiently,safely and respectfully, and to work in such a way that the process is fun.

    The Handler Seal is acknowledgement of this commitment. Individuals holding the seal areencouraged to use the Seal to promote and advertise that they use and endorse theCamelidynamics philosophy and methods. Camelidynamics is a very well known program andbrand. The seal can be a very powerful marketing tool that will help to differentiate you fromothers who have not invested in this education. This may be as a transporter, breeder,veterinarian, vet tech, shearer, ranch hand, or show handler.

    Handlers are people who have achieved a level of proficiency in Camelidynamics and use themethods in their work with animals. What the seal does NOT do, is provide certification to teachothers. All handlers have been evaluated during the course of their training, and are certified byCamelidynamics.

    Guild Benefits available to the Camelidynamics Handler are:

    All the benefits of Associate membership (included in the dues of the Handler)

    Use of the Camelidynamics Handler Seal on your marketing materials.

    Listing on the Camelidynamics website, and the use of a link on your website to the

    Camelidynamics Handler Seal web page. This page outlines the advantages of usingbreeders, veterinarians, transporters and other service providers that have qualified forthe handler seal. It is also a good marketing benefit to breeders and their farms.

    Once certified, the handler has access to significant discounts for future Basics clinics toenhance or maintain their handler seal.

    Discounts on the Camelid Companion book and Zephyr Halters and advance notice ofCamelidynamics training clinics and events.

    Experience required: None

    Education Units required TO BECOME a Camelidynamics Handler: 35 EU

    Education Units (EU) TO MAINTAIN Handler certification: 10 EU/year

    Annual Dues: $96

  • 8/3/2019 Camelidynamics Course Outline


    Educational Units (EU) required TO BECOME a Camelidynamics Handler =35

    The minimum35 EU required to become a Camelidynamics HandlerMUST come from anycombination of these sources:

    Educational Unit Description EU CostAttend a 2 Day Camelidynamics Basics Clinic 10 Clinic

    FeeAttend 1 Day Camelidynamics Basics Clinic + 2 PrivateLessons with a certified practitioner or instructor

    10 Clinic+


    Successfully complete a 4 Day Camelidynamics AdvancedTraining

    25 ClinicFee

    Educational Units (EU) required TO MAINTAIN certification of CamelidynamicsHandler Seal =10 /year *

    Educational Unit Description EU CostOrganizing & Hosting a CD Event Marty or Instructor 10 n/cAttend a 2-Day Camelidynamics Basics Clinic 10 Clinic

    FeeAttend a 4-Day Advanced Camelidynamics Clinic 25 Clinic

    FeeAdvanced Training SubstituteIndependentStudy(Appendix)

    25 IS Fee

    Attend a 1-Day Basics Camelidynamics Clinic 5 ClinicFeeAttend a 1-Day Clinic Camelidynamics specific topic orrefinement of CD knowledge and skills

    5 ClinicFee

    Independent Demonstration of Skill Video, Essay, Test 5 $150Case Study - Animal 5 $75Private Lesson from Instructor or Practitioner 2.5 Lesson

    FeeAttend a Camelidynamics Demo 4-6 hrs 2.5 Reg FeeForum Participation (1 EU = 10 posts) credit for a max of25 posts

    1 n/c

    Attend a Camelidynamics Demo 2-4 hrs 1 Reg Fee

    EUs to maintain the Handler Seal may be chosen from the list above, and may be based on theindividuals particular interest, talent or current situation.

    (*) IMPORTANT NOTE: Although the philosophy of Camelidynamics and the mission ofthe Guild remain the same, the methodologies, equipment and techniques are continuallyevolving and improving. It is highly recommended that Handlers plan to attend some typeof clinic that Marty is teaching at least every other year to remain as current as possible.

  • 8/3/2019 Camelidynamics Course Outline


  • 8/3/2019 Camelidynamics Course Outline



    By Invitation

    Camelidynamics InstructorTeaching SkillsGroup Dynamics

    Identify & Use Appropriate Animals

    Safety of students and animalsMulti-Task

    Create Lesson Plan

    Problem Solve Animal BehaviorUse Additional Gear & Techniques

    Coach EffectivelySelf-,Animal- & Student-Awareness

    Understands & PracticesPhilosophy of

    CamelidynamicsBalanceHalter Fit

    Catch Pen Dynamics

    LeadingTTouch Basics

    Explain PhilosophyDemonstrate Gear & Techniques

    Apply MethodologiesAdvise StrategicallyUnderstand Facility Design/Use


    Is teaching for me?


  • 8/3/2019 Camelidynamics Course Outline


    This level within the teaching program provides an individual with several opportunities. TheApprentice has a very safe environment to decide if teaching, and/or the Practitioner program isfor them. If teaching is not what they choose, then it is certainly the hope of Camelidynamics thatthey will remain with the program as a Handler. On the other hand, individuals who would like tobecome future Practitioners or Instructors begin an apprenticeship, to gain proficiency with themethods of Camelidynamics and develop their teaching skills.

    As part of the learning experience apprentices provide a limited amount of instruction to a verysmall number of people, at no charge. This minimizes the risk for the Apprentice,Camelidynamics, the animals involved in the lesson, and the student(s) receiving the instruction.Apprentice Practitioners will be evaluated by their students on both teaching and animal handlingskills. After each lesson the apprentice is also required to complete a self-evaluation of theiranimal and teaching skills. These evaluations will be sent directly to Camelidynamics.

    The apprentice will also be required to do animal and teaching case studies, obtain additionaleducation, and receive valuable feedback from students.

    Guild Benefits available to the Apprentice Practitioner (AP): All the benefits and certification of Camelidynamics Handler (included in dues for AP, at

    no additional cost)

    Camelidynamics website listing and use of Guild and Apprentice logos

    Discount on all books, gear and teaching aids

    Unlimited access to Marty and the other Practitioners, through the Guild Forum and theprivate Practitioner Forum

    Eligible to assist with 2-Day Basics clinics (a valuable marketing opportunity)

    Experience required: Minimum of 2 years hands-on involvement in the camelid industry

    Education Units (EU) required TO BECOME an Apprentice: Handler + 25

    Education Units (EU) required TO MAINTAIN Apprentice certification: 30/year*The Gold Standard for Practitioner and Instructor continuing education is attendance at anAdvanced Training each year (25 EU), and some additional educational contributions to theorganizations through posts on the forum, hosting a clinic, case studies, contributions to teachingmaterials, etc. However, as we try to meet the needs of a global, and busy membership, anindividual may apply to follow an Independent Study curriculum taught by Marty McGee Bennett,during a year they may not be able to attend an Advanced Training . (See Appendix)

    Annual Dues: $120

    * The Apprentice may stay at this level for up to three years, with approval fromCamelidynamics and must remain current with their annual Guild dues and annual

    continuing education for this level.

  • 8/3/2019 Camelidynamics Course Outline


    Education Units (EU) required TO BECOME an Apprentice: Handler + 25All 25 EUs MUST come from one of these sources:

    Educational Unit Description EU CostAttend a 4-Day Camelidynamics Advanced Training 25 Clinic

    FeeAdvanced Training SubstituteIndependent Study(Appendix)

    25 ClinicFee

    8-wk On-Line Intensive Camelidynamics Course (UnderDevelopment - 2011)

    25 Reg Fee

    Education Units (EU) required TO MAINTAIN Apprentice certification: 30/year*

    Educational Unit Description EU CostAttend a 4-Day Camelidynamics Advanced Training 25 Clinic

    FeeAdvanced Training SubstituteIndependent Study(Appendix)

    25 ClinicFee

    Organizing & Hosting a CD Event Marty or Instructor 10 n/cAttend a 2-Day Camelidynamics Basics Clinic 10 Clinic

    FeeAttend a 1-Day Camelidynamics Basics Clinic 5 Clinic

    FeeAttend a 1-Day Clinic Camelidynamics specific topic orrefinement of CD knowledge and skills

    5 ClinicFee

    Independent Demonstration of Skill Video, Essay, Test 5 $150Case Study Animal (1 EU = 5 pts; max of 3) 5 $75Case Study Teaching (1 EU = 5 pts; max of 3) 5 $75Attend a 1-Day Seminar for Teaching, Public Speaking orCoaching

    5 Reg Fee

    Teach a Free Lesson Teaching Report & Evaluation 2.5 n/cReceive a Private Lesson from Instructor or Practitioner 2.5 $75Attend a Camelidynamics Demo 4-6 hrs 2.5 Reg FeeForum Participation (1 EU = 10 posts) credit for a max of25 posts

    1 n/c

    Attend a Camelidynamics Demo 2-4 hrs 1 Reg Fee

    The EUs listed above represent only the educational component of

    certification. Please refer to the full description in the guidelines for thebenefits, experience required, and the annual dues.

  • 8/3/2019 Camelidynamics Course Outline


    A Practitioner has fulfilled all the requirements of his or her apprenticeship and has been

    evaluated and determined to be proficient in handling, training and teaching skills. This levelwithin the teaching program provides an individual with the opportunity to advertise as aCamelidynamics Practitioner. Practitioners are certified to teach private, semi-private and grouplessons* for up to 6-8 people. Lessons are focused on specific Camelidynamics skills andmethods with a significant hands-on component and differ from workshops and clinics in bothscope and organization. (To more fully understand the definition of Lesson vs. Clinic/Workshop See Definitions in the Appendix.) Additionally, the Practitioner is qualified to consult privatelyabout barn design and challenging animals at competitive rates.

    The Practitioner will be required to continue to obtain additional education to maintain theircertification to keep current with new methodologies, techniques and innovations. They will alsobe expected to continue to refresh and refine their teaching, coaching, and animal handlingproficiency. The EU requirements listed are the minimum required. Anyone interested in

    becoming an Instructor in the future, is encouraged to take every opportunity to pursue additionaleducation.

    Guild Benefits available to the Practitioner:

    All the benefits of and certification of Camelidynamics Handler (included in dues forPractitioner, at no additional cost)

    Camelidynamics website listing and use of Guild and Practitioner logos

    Discount on all books, gear and teaching aids

    Unlimited access to Marty and the other Practitioners, through the Guild Forum and theprivate Practitioner Forum

    Eligible to assist with 2-Day Basics clinics, and if asked, with less experienced studentsat an Advanced Training (a valuable marketing opportunity)

    Practitioners are certified to teach private, semi-private and group lessons* for up to 6-8people. Lessons are focused on specific Camelidynamics skills and methods with asignificant hands-on component and differ from workshops and clinics in both scope andorganization. Practitioners are authorized to teach demonstrations only with priorpermission from the Camelidynamics office. (To more fully understand the definition ofLesson vs. Clinic/Workshop See Definitions in the Appendix.)

    Experience required: Minimum of 2-5 years responsibility for and involvement in ormanagement of the daily care of camelids

    Education Units (EU) required TO BECOME a Practitioner: AP + 40

    Education Units (EU) required TO MAINTAIN Practitioner certification: 35 /year*

    Annual Dues: $300

    * The Practitioner may stay at this level indefinitely, with approval from Camelidynamics,annual continuing education and must remain current with annual Guild dues for this


  • 8/3/2019 Camelidynamics Course Outline


    Education Units (EU) required TO BECOME a Practitioner: AP + 45All 45 EUs MUST come from one of these sources:

    Educational Unit Description EU CostCase Study Animal (1 EU = 5 pts; 1 required) 5 $75Assist at a 2-Day Basics Clinic 5 n/cAttend a TTouch/TTeam 1 Day Workshop 5 Reg FeeCase Study Teaching (1 EU = 5 pts; 1 required) 5 $75Attend a 4-Day Camelidynamics Advanced Training 25 Clinic

    FeeAdvanced Training SubstituteIndependent Study(Appendix)

    25 ClinicFee

    8-wk On-Line Intensive Camelidynamics Course (UnderDevelopment - 2011)

    25 Reg Fee

    Additional EUs available to increase knowledge and skills while pursuing Practitionercertification. The chart above represents the minimum requirements only.

    Educational Unit Description EU CostOrganizing & Hosting a CD Event Marty or Instructor 10 n/cCase Study Animal (1 EU = 5 pts; max of 3) 5 $75Case Study Teaching (1 EU = 5 pts; max of 3) 5 $75Attend a 1-Day Clinic Camelidynamics specific topic orrefinement of CD knowledge and skills

    5 ClinicFee

    Independent Demonstration of Skill Video, Essay, Test 5 $150

    Animal Behavior Workshop 1 Day, Dr. Susan Brown 5 Reg FeeAssist at a 1-Day Camelidynamics Basics Clinic 5 Clinic

    FeeAssist at a 1-DayClinic Camelidynamics specific topicor refinement of CD knowledge and skills

    5 ClinicFee

    Case Study Animal (1 EU = 5 pts; 1 required) 5 $75Case Study Teaching (1 EU = 5 pts; 1 required) 5 $75Attend a 1-Day Seminar for Teaching, Public Speaking orCoaching

    5 Reg Fee

    Receive a Private Lesson from Instructor 2.5 InstructorFee

    Give a Free Lesson Teaching Report & Evaluation 2.5 n/cForum Participation (1 EU = 10 posts) credit for a max of

    25 posts

    1 n/c

    The EUs listed above represent only the educational component ofcertification. Please refer to the full description in the guidelines for the

    benefits, experience required, and the annual dues.

  • 8/3/2019 Camelidynamics Course Outline


    Education Units (EU) required TO MAINTAIN Practitioner certification: 35 /year*The Gold Standard for Practitioner and Instructor continuing education is attendance at anAdvanced Training each year (25 EU), and some additional educational contributions to theorganizations through posts on the forum, hosting a clinic, case studies, contributions to teachingmaterials, etc. However, as we try to meet the needs of a global, and busy membership, anindividual may apply to follow an Independent Study curriculum taught by Marty McGee Bennett,during a year they may not be able to attend an Advanced Training. (See Appendix)

    Educational Unit Description EU Cost

    Attend a 4-Day Advanced Camelidynamics Training 25 ClinicFee

    Advanced Training SubstituteIndependent Study(Appendix)

    25 ClinicFee

    8-wk On-Line Intensive Camelidynamics Course(Under Development - 2011)

    25 Reg Fee

    Attend a TTouch/TTeam 5-Day Workshop 25 Reg FeeABA** Education 8 wk intensive on-line AnimalBehavioral Analysis course Dr. Friedman

    25 Reg Fee

    Organizing & Hosting a CD Event Marty orInstructor

    10 n/c

    Assist at a 2-Day Basics Clinic 10 ClinicFee

    Attend a TTouch/TTeam 2-Day Workshop 10 Reg FeeAssist at a 1-Day Clinic - Camelidynamics specifictopic or refinement of CD knowledge and skills

    5 Clinic

    FeeIndependent Demonstration of Skill Video, Essay,Test

    5 $150

    Animal Behavior Workshop 1 Day, Dr. Susan Brown 5 Reg FeeContributions to the Teaching Manual 5 n/cGuest Moderator on the Forum (30 days specificsubject only)

    5 n/c

    Case Study Animal (1 EU = 5 pts; max of 3) 5 $75Case Study Teaching (1 EU = 5 pts; max of 3) 5 $75Attend a 1-Day Seminar for Teaching, PublicSpeaking or Coaching

    5 Reg Fee

    Attend a Camelidynamics Demo 4-6 hrs 2.5 Reg Fee

    Receive a Private Lesson from Instructor orPractitioner 2.5 InstructorFeeFree Lesson Teaching Report & Evaluation 2.5 n/cAttend a Camelidynamics Demo 2-4 hrs 1 Reg FeeForum Participation (1 EU = 10 posts) credit for amax of 25 posts

    1 n/c

    ** ABA = Applied Behavioral Analysis Scientific Study of Behavior Utah State University (Dr.Susan Friedman)

  • 8/3/2019 Camelidynamics Course Outline


    Instructors have fulfilled all the requirements and have maintained their Practitioner certification

    for 2-5 years. They have also been evaluated and determined to be proficient in their handling,training and teaching skills by Camelidynamics. They have also shown the initiative to continueto learn, innovate and support the animals in their care, the camelid industry, the Guild and itsmembers,

    This level within the teaching program is attained by invitation only,

    The Instructor will be required to continue to obtain additional education to maintain theircertification, as well as, keep current with new methodologies, techniques and innovations. Theywill be expected to continue to refresh and refine their teaching, coaching, and animal handlingproficiency and be available to and to help mentor others in the Guild at all levels and those in thePractitioner program.

    Guild Benefits available to the Instructor:

    All the benefits of and certification of Camelidynamics Practitioner (included in dues forInstructor, at no additional cost)

    Camelidynamics website listing and use of Guild and Instructor logos

    Discount on all books, gear and teaching aids

    Unlimited access to Marty and the other Practitioners, through the Guild Forum and theprivate Practitioner Forum

    Access to Marty for one private video tape assessment (10-15 min in length) annually-

    Certification to advertise as a Camelidynamics Instructor and to teach 1 and 2 DayCamelidynamics clinics or workshops up to 20 people, promotional demonstrations,private and semi-private lessons, (covering Camelidynamics specific topics), atcompetitive rates.

    Certification to charge competitive rates for consulting regarding facilities and challenginganimal behaviors.

    Experience required: Minimum of 5 years responsibility for, and involvement with ormanagement, of the daily care of camelids

    Education Units (EU) required TO BECOME an Instructor: Practitioner + 35

    Education Units (EU) required TO MAINTAIN Instructor certification: 25 /year*Annual Dues: $1200

    * The Instructor may stay at this level indefinitely, with approval from Camelidynamics,annual continuing education and must remain current with annual Guild dues for this


  • 8/3/2019 Camelidynamics Course Outline


    TO BECOME an Instructor: Practitioner 2-5yr+ 35 Addl EUs + Invitation

    Education Units (EU) required TO MAINTAIN Instructor certification: 25 /year*Educational Unit Description EU CostAttend a 4-Day Advanced Camelidynamics Training 25 Clinic

    FeeAdvanced Training SubstituteIndependent Study(Appendix)

    25 ClinicFee

    ABA** Education 8 wk intensive on-line course Dr.Friedman

    25 Reg Fee

    Attend a TTouch/TTeam 5-Day Workshop 25 Reg Fee8-wk On-Line Intensive Camelidynamics Course (UnderDevelopment - 2011)

    25 Reg Fee

    Organizing & Hosting a CD Event Marty or otherInstructor

    10 n/c

    Teach a 2-Day Basics Clinic Submit Record to Marty(Appendix)

    10 n/c

    Teach a 1-Day Basics Clinic Submit Record to Marty(Appendix)

    10 n/c

    Teach a 1-Day Clinic Camelidynamics specific topic orrefinement of CD knowledge and skills. Submit Record toMarty (Appendix)

    10 n/c

    Attend a TTouch/TTeam 2-Day Workshop 10 Reg FeePrivate lesson given to Marty in person 10 $150Case Study Animal (1 EU = 5 pts; max of 3) 5 $75Case Study Teaching (1 EU = 5 pts; max of 3) 5 $75Independent Demonstration of Skill Video, Essay, Test 5 $150Animal Behavior Workshop 1 Day, Dr. Susan Brown 5 Reg Fee

    Contributions to the Teaching Manual 5 n/cInnovation in teaching Submit report (Appendix) 5 n/cInnovation in gear Submit report (Appendix) 5 n/cAttend a 1-Day (or more) Seminar for Teaching, PublicSpeaking or Coaching

    5 Reg Fee

    Guest Moderator on the Forum for 1 month 2.5 n/cTeach a Free Lesson Teaching Report & Evaluation 2.5 n/cForum Participation with Marty to learn Moderation (1 EU= 10 posts)

    1 n/c

    Teach a Camelidynamics Demo 2-4 hrs 1 n/c** ABA = Applied Behavioral Analysis Scientific Study of Behavior Utah State University (Dr.Susan Friedman)

    Additionally, Instructors will be expected to help Marty mentor Practitioners currently in theprogram, and help them continue to refine their animal and teaching skills.

    *The Gold Standard for Instructor continuing education is attendance at an Advanced Trainingeach year (25 EU), and some additional educational contributions to the organizations throughposts on the forum, hosting a clinic, case studies, contributions to teaching materials, etc.However, as we try to meet the needs of a global, and busy, membership, an individual mayapply to follow an Independent Study curriculum, in lieu of attending an Advanced Training yearly.(See Appendix) However, at a minimum, every other year, the 25 EUs must be in personwith Marty McGee Bennett.

  • 8/3/2019 Camelidynamics Course Outline


    Benefits and PrivilegesThe following table is a quick reference to the Guild Member

    Guild Benefits & Privileges:AssociateMember CH AP Practitioner Instructor

    Membership in an exclusive groupof camelid enthusiasts, owners, andbreeders through an on-lineresource (The Forum) Marty McGeeBennett personally reads each post,and responds to as many aspossible. X X X X XWeekly Newsletter from Marty -News, Handling Tip of the Week,Calendar, Happenings in the Guild,and Digest posts on the Forum thatweek. X X X X X

    Library of resource articles thatMarty has written. X X X X XAccess to the CamelidynamicsEducation, Certification andTeaching Programs - as a resource,and as an option for continuingeducation. X X X X XCamelidynamics website listing &

    calendar listing, if applicable maketwo different benefits? n/a X X X XAccess to Handler Forum n/a X X X XAccess to Practitioner Forum -Lesson Plans, etc. n/a n/a X X XDiscount on Camelid CompanionBook (Specifically) 10% 30% 30% 30% 30%Discount on Zephyr Halters 10% 20% 20% 20% 25%Discount on Additional Basic Clinicsafter certification n/a 40% n/a n/a n/aDiscount on Advanced TrainingClinics n/a n/a 5% 10% 15%

    Broader Discount on Books andEquipment (excluding halters andCamelid Companion) n/a n/a 10% 15% 20%