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Units 1 2 3 4* * * *Revision

Skills in Mind Listening comprehensionComplete the table with your personal information (About me). Then ask your partner about theinformation in the table. Complete the table with your partner’s answers (About my friend).


REVISION TIPS: Listening – filling in the gaps


1) START is a warm-up exercise.

Listen to the recording of a conversation between a new student and a teacher. Fill in the missinginformation to complete the table. You will hear the recording twice.

Leggi attentamente le intestazioni e rispondi alla domanda ‘Quale informazione manca? Su che cosa devo concentrarmi quando ascoltola registrazione?’Ricorda che il tuo compito è di inserire 1 o 2 parole e non quello di completare le frasi. Prendi appunti mentre ascolti la registrazione per la prima volta.Quando ascolti la registraione per la seconda volta, controlla le risposte che hai dato cercando gli errori, anche quelli di ortografia.Prima di compilare il foglio delle risposte, controlla di nuovo se hai scritto tutte le parole correttamente.

New Student File School: Wentworth Comprehensive

About me About my friend

Family name


Date of birth

Telephone number

Hobbies and interests enjoy ... hate ... enjoys ... hates ...

Special talents can ... can’t ... can ... can’t ...

Favourite subjects

New Student File School: Wentworth Comprehensive

First name Norbert (Norbi)

Family name (1)

Nationality (2)

Telephone number 0561455672

Date of birth October (3)

Hobbies and interests enjoys sports and computer games, hates (4)

Special talents can swim, can’t (5) or sing

Favourite subjects (6) PE and IT


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Reading comprehensionRead the text in speech bubbles a–e carefully. Match sentences 1–5 (A and B) with the speech bubbles.Then circle the correct answer A or B. START 2

1 A. We swim on Mondays and Fridays.B. We go to a sports club twice a week.

2 A. I get back home at 2 pm.B. I spend 6 hours at school.

3 A. Every Christmas I get gifts from my parents.B. I give gifts to my parents every Christmas.

4 A. Ms Brent can’t play the piano.B. Ms Brent can play the piano.

5 A. Sometimes I don’t have cereal for breakfast.B. I never have milk for breakfast.

REVISION TIPS: Reading – getting the main idea of the text (skim reading)

Leggi attentamente il testo prima di rispondere. Scegli la risposta che meglio descrive il testo nella sua interezza e non solo unaparte di esso. Stabilisci qual è l’argomento del testo e descrivilo iniziando la frase con ‘Il testo tratta di…’Leggi attentamente le risposte a, b e c. Ricorda che una stessa idea può essere descritta con parole diverse nel testo e nelledomande dell’esercizio.Prova a eliminare la domanda non attinente al testo che hai letto. Scegli, tra le domande rimaste, quella che più si avvicina all’argomento del testo.

Read the text and mark the statements (1–4) True or False. Choose the correct answer (A, B or C) tocomplete statement 5.

Anthea, the Perfect HousewifeAnthea Turner, a famous British TV presenter, is on TV for sixty minutes every week in her BBC show ‘Perfect Housewife’. Every

week, she invites two untidy housewives to her very clean house. Then they watch videos of their dirty homes and Anthea shows themtheir mistakes. The guests usually feel bad. Sometimes they cry. Then Anthea becomes their housework teacher for a day. They learnhow to organise their lives, tidy up and cook. Before they go back home she gives them two presents – a Perfect Housewife apron anda book of housework instructions.

The women go back home and start ‘the big clean’! After two weeks, Anthea visits them and checks their houses. She uses herfamous white glove test to find all the dirty places. The contestants hate the white glove!

Every week, after the white glove test Anthea chooses one winner. Only one person can win but both families have perfectlyclean houses.

In the new series, you can see, for the first time, two Perfect House Husbands. One of them is Gary, a sports fan. He says he can’t dothe washing-up because ... he is too tall. But Anthea says: “No way! You can do it!”. And, of course, she is right!

Text source:


5. The text is about:a. Anthea’s dirty house.b. Anthea’s untidy husband.c. Anthea’s TV programme.



1 Anthea’s programme is one hour long.

2 The contestans spend two weeks at Anthea’s home.

3 Anthea’s guests get a white glove as a present.

4 The contestants are both men and women.

a. I start school at 8 am and finish lessons at 2 pm.

b. I often have cereal for breakfast.

c. We go to a sports club on Mondays and Fridays.

d. My parents always give me presents for Christmas.

e. Ms Brent teaches Jamie to play the piano.

Units 1 2 3 4* * * *

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Communication in MindEveryday English Complete the table with the phrases in the speech bubbles.

Can you help me with my homework now? I’m afraid you can’t. Sorry.

I’m afraid I can’t help you.Of course, you can. Go ahead.

Can I use your mobile?Certainly. I’d love to.

1 Hai lasciato il cellulare a casa e hai bisogno di chiamare tuo papà. Ask for permission:Chiedi a un/a tuo/a amico/a di lasciarti usare il suo cellulare.

2 Un’amica ti chiede se può usare il tuo cellulare. Dalle il permesso Give permission:di farlo.

3 Un amico vorrebbe usare il tuo cellulare. Non dargli Refuse permission:il permesso di usarlo.

4 Non riesci a capire un nuovo argomento di matematica. Ask a favour:Chiedi a un/a amico/a di aiutarti a fare i compiti.

5 Un’amica ti chiede di aiutarla a fare i compiti. Accept a request:Accetta di aiutarla.

6 Un’amica ti chiede di aiutarla a fare i compiti. Reject a request:Rifiutati di aiutarla.

Leggi lo scenario descritto in italiano e metti a fuoco due aspetti:I. descrizione della situazione (chi? con chi? dove? quando? Di che cosa stanno parlando?)II. funzione comunicativa delle frasi che usi (che cosa vuoi ottenere scegliendo determinate parole o frasi?Prima di leggere le risposte, metti a fuoco la funzione comunicativa dello scenario (II). Prova a pensare a una frase o a unadomanda che meglio si abbini alla situazione descritta nello scenario. Leggi le risposte A, B e C. Scegli la risposta che meglio si abbina a tutti e tre gli aspetti dello scenario.1. Funzione comunicativa2. Descrizione della situazione3. Uso di un registro linguistico appropriato: formale (conversazione con uno sconosciuto o con un adulto) o informale(conversazione con un amico o con un compagno di scuola)

Units 1 2 3 4* * * *



REVISION TIPS: Functional language, reading – choosing appropriate expressions

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31. Sei stato/a assente da scuola una settimana per malattia. Chiedi a un/una amico/a se puoi prendere in

prestito il suo quaderno per il fine settimana.a. Can I give you my notebook for the weekend?b. Can you lend me your notebook for the weekend?c. Give me your notebook for the weekend.

2. La tua insegnante ti chiede di aiutarla a pulire la scuola dopo la festa scolastica. Non puoi aiutarla perchéla mamma ti aspetta fuori per riportarti a casa. Rifiuta gentilmente.a. So what? My mum is waiting for me in the car outside.b. I’d love to. My mum is waiting for me in the car outside.c. I’m afraid I can’t. My mum is waiting for me in the car outside.

3. Vorresti andare alla festa di compleanno di una tua amica. Chiedile se puoi andare alla sua festa.a. Can I come to your birthday party?b. You’re an angel. Let’s go to a party.c. Can you come to my birthday party?

4. Un tuo amico ti chiede se può prendere in prestito l’auto di tuo papà. Digli di no.a. Can you drive? Check it out!b. Certainly. Go ahead. I can’t drive.c. I’m afraid you can’t. It’s too dangerous.


TOTAL Units 1-4 21

Read the situations in Italian (1–4). Choose the sentence (A, B or C) that best matches the situation.

REVISION TIPS: Functional language – answering questions about a picture

Ricordati di rispondere a ciascuna domanda con una frase completa.Prima di scrivere la tua risposta, pensa alla forma verbale che devi usare nella frase.Per descrivere la situazione della foto usa il Present Continuous.L’ultima domanda si riferisce non solo alla situazione nella fotografia, ma anche a te. Per parlare delle tue abitudini e dei tuoi comportamenti usa il Present Simple. Scrivi 1 o 2 frasi complete (non devono essere lunghe!) per rispondere a ciascuna delle tre domande.


Look at the photo and answer the questions. Answer with complete sentences.

1. Who can you see in the picture?

2. What are the people doing?

3. Do you like shopping for clothes? Why / Why not?


Units 1 2 3 4* * * *

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Units 5 6 7 8* * * *Revision



Skills in MindReading comprehensionThe text ‘Nicole’s Hero’ only includes answers to five of the questions below. Read the text andunderline the answers you find. Tick (✓) the questions that have answers. Cross (✗) the questions thatdon’t have answers. Then write complete sentences to answer the questions you have ticked (✓).

1. How old is Przemek Saleta? ■2. What sports was Saleta good at? ■3. How many children has Przemek got? ■4. Was he good at skating in ‘Stars Dancing on Ice’? ■5. Was Przemek Saleta the TV show winner? ■6. Why did Saleta leave the TV show? ■7. Did Przemek see his daughter at Christmas? ■8. Did Nicole lose weight after her operation? ■9. How long can Nicole live with her new kidney? ■

REVISION TIPS: Reading – multiple choice tasks (A, B, C)

Leggi il testo completo dell’esercizio 1. Prova a rispondere alla domanda “Di che cosa parla questo articolo?”Poi leggi attentamente le frasi 1–6.Trova le parti del testo che meglio completano ciascuna delle frasi.Confronta le parti che hai trovato nel testo con le risposte suggerite A, B e C.Cancella le risposte A–C non attinenti al testo.Scegli la risposta corretta tra A, B e C.Controlla quale parte del testo conferma le risposte che hai scelto.

Read the text and statements 1–6. Choose the correct answer (A, B or C) to complete the statements.

Nicole’s hero

Przemek Saleta was once a kick-boxing and boxingstar famous in Poland and around the world. Now heis even more popular – he became a real hero for hisdaughter Nicole.

In December 2007 Saleta took part in a TV skatingshow ‘Stars Dancing on Ice’ but he didn’t win. He leftthe programme suddenly and went to hospital. Hewasn’t ill but he wanted to help his teenage daughter.Nicole was very ill after her kidneys stoppedworking. Przemek gave Nicole one of his kidneys.

Saleta saved his daughter’s life but, a few daysafter the operation, things went wrong. There was asecond operation and Przemek didn’t wake up. Hislife was in danger for six days. His family and fanswere really scared and worried. Happily, Przemek gotbetter just before Christmas. He spent it at homewith Nicole and his family. Saleta lost 10 kilos in one week in hospital and now needs about 12 months to get better again. It is hard buthe is very, very happy. Now his daughter has a new kidney and a new life. She can go back to school, and herlife with a new kidney is safe for the next 20 years.

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Units 5 6 7 8* * * *

1. Przemek Saleta first became popular:a. as a sports champion.b. as a TV star.c. as Nicole’s father.

2. Przemek left the TV show because:a. he couldn’t skate.b. he had problems with his kidneys.c. he wanted to help his ill daughter.

3. In December 2007, Saleta had:a. one operation.b. two operations.c. five operations.

4. People were worried about his life:a. for about a month.b. for about a week.c. for about a year.

5. After Przemek’s operation, Nicole:a. is slim again.b. can return to school.c. spent Christmas in hospital.

6. The text is about Przemek Saleta’s success as:a. a boxing champion.b. a skating star.c. a father.


Communication in MindEveryday EnglishComplete the dialogues (1–4) with sentences A–D.

Dialogue 1 A: That was a great concert, mate.B:

Dialogue 2 A: When was your little sister born?B:

Dialogue 3 A: Our team won the volleyball match yesterday.B:

Dialogue 4 A: I’m going to the cinema with Jamie tonight.B:

a. On 5th May 2007.b. Thanks, I really enjoyed every minute. I love playing for my fans.c. You can’t be serious! So you aren’t coming to my birthday party?!d. That’s amazing. You are the champions. Congratulations!


REVISION TIPS: Functional language, listening – choosing appropriate expressions, multiple choice tasks

Prima di ascoltare la registrazione leggi tutte le domande.Pensa in quale situazione si potrebbero usare le parole date nelle risposte A–C. Prova a rispondere alle domande ‘chi? con chi?,dove e quando? Qual è l’argomento della conversazione?Pensa a quali parole avrebbero potuto essere usate in questa conversazione prima delle frasi contenute nelle risposte A–C.Ascolta la registrazione attentamente. Cancella le risposte (A, B, o C) che non si abbinano alle parole usate nella registrazione.Scegli le risposte (A, B, o C) che meglio si abbinano alla registrazione e ai tuoi appunti.Ascolta nuovamente la registrazione e controlla le tue risposte.

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Units 5 6 7 8* * * *


Listen to the recording. Choose the correct response (A, B or C) for each part (1–5). You will hear therecording twice.21 a. I was born in Warsaw.

b. I was born on 13th August.c. No, I wasn’t. Were you?

2 a. Why not? You can’t be serious!b. Sorry about that. c. Thanks. I enjoyed making it.

3 a. Thanks for your help. It was very kind of you.b. I didn’t. Where did you go?c. You can’t be serious! You promised to help me with the housework.

4 a. Is that right?b. No, I stayed in and watched TV.c. I went there on Monday.

5 a. That’s amazing. Beth is a lucky girl.b. Poor Beth! She has to tidy her room.c. Beth doesn’t have to be awake all night.


Read Josh and Patrick’s emails in Task 3. Which sentences (A–J) best summarise each authors’ intentions?Complete the table with letters A–J.START 3

REVISION TIPS: functional language – filling in the gaps, multiple choice tasks

Non leggere le domande prima di iniziare l’esercizio.Leggi l’intero testo in modo da comprenderne il senso generale.Solo allora leggi le frasi attentamente e una per una, scrivendo le parole che vorresti inserire negli spazi vuoti del testo.Confronta le tue risposte con quelle date nella consegna e scegli la risposta corretta (A, B o C).Riempi gli spazi vuoti.Rileggi il testo attentamente. Assicurati che la grammatica sia corretta e che il testo abbia senso. Controlla l’ortografia.

a. to thank his friend for the pictures.b. to remind his friend to send more pictures.c. to describe his New Year’s Eve party.d. to send his friend some party pictures.e. to thank his friend for the music files.f. to describe his last weekend’s trip to the country.

g. to ask his friend about last weekend’s activities.h. to congratulate his talented friend on very good

pictures.i. to ask his friend for a quick answer.j. to ask his friend about his New Year’s

Eve party.

1 Josh wrote the email message ...

2 Patrick wrote the email message ...

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Units 5 6 7 8* * * *

TOTAL Units 5-8 24




Read the email messages and choose the correct word (A, B or C) to fill in the gaps.

Hi Patrick,How are you? What about your New Year’s Eve party? (1) was just perfect. Thirteen people came. They didn’t (2) to bring (3) CDs. You sent me (4) great mp3 files (5) last month and we danced to your music. Brilliant songs! Thanks a lot!I’m sending some pictures from the party (see the attachment).How (6) your last weekend?Take care,Josh

Hi Josh,Thanks for the pictures! (7) are really great. You are an (8) photographer!What did I do at the weekend? I woke (9) early and went cycling in the country with my best friend, Tom, and (10) girlfriend Gabriella. It was a bad idea because Gabriella had an (11) with Tom on our way back home and they were very angry. (12) weekend ride was a total disaster! Josh, don’t (13) to send me more pictures!Write soon,Patrick

1 a. My b. Mine c. Yours2 a. has b. had c. have3 a. any b. some c. a4 a. any b. some c. an5 a. in b. on c. —6 a. were b. was c. where7 a. They b. They’re c. Their8 a. great b. amazing c. horrible9 a. down b. up c. to

10 a. her b. he’s c. his11 a. argue b. argument c. dream12 a. Yours b. Our c. Ours13 a. remember b. have c. forget


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Units 9 10 11 12* * * *Revision

Skills in MindReading comprehension Match the photos (a–e) with paragraphs 1-4 in Task 1. One photo does not match any of the paragraphs.START 1






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