call for crowd funding support cpa’s work in sri lanka

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  • 8/13/2019 Call for crowd funding Support CPAs work in Sri Lanka


    Call for crowd funding: Support CPAs work inSri Lankaby CENTRE FOR POLICY ALTERNATIVESon Jan 17, 2014 12:16 pmNo Comments

    17 January 2014, Colombo, Sri Lanka: At the Centre for Policy Alternatie! "CPA#, $e chan%ethe $ay citi&en! 'erceie an( en%a%e $ith %oernance) *!tabli!he( in 1++, CPA ha! oer 17

    year! !et the bar for ho$ cuttin%-e(%e re!earch an( a(ocacy can a((re!! the (eficit in(emocracy an( %oernance throu%h con!tructie (ialo%ue, bol( an( innoatie content,other$i!e mar%inali&e( or for%otten).e nee( your hel')

    CPA i! a relatiely !mall team of fe$er than /0 !taff, inclu(in% tho!e in a(mini!tration,$orkin% acro!! 4 key unit! in 2 office!, both locate( in Colombo) .e (o a lot of $ork, frommea!ure! to a((re!! corru'tion to election monitorin%, from international a$ar(-$innin% ciicme(ia initiatie! to %ra!!root! ca'acity buil(in% acro!! Sri Lanka, from !ocial 'ollin% to fiel(-ba!e( an( a''lie( re!earch) CPA, more than any other ciil !ociety or%ani!ation an( eenbeyon( main!tream me(ia in Sri Lanka, (e!i%n! an( leera%e! cuttin%-e(%e online an( $eb

    tool! to !tren%then an( 'romote it! a(ocacy) ur 'ublic intere!t liti%ation encom'a!!e! ca!e!on fun(amental ri%ht! a! $ell a! 're-enactment u(icial reie$, an( ha! 'roi(e( relief tothou!an(! of 'laintiff! oer lan%ua%e ri%ht!, lan( i!!ue!, human ri%ht! iolation!, electionmal'ractice!, (i!'lacement, the free(om of moement an( much more) CPA! !ocial 'ollin%'roi(e! uni3ue an( a!t !ocio-economic (ata!et! an( analy!i! for the $hole of Sri Lanka) urre!earch an( a(ocacy on con!titutional reform, 'o$er-!harin% arran%ement! to re!ole theethnic conflict an( on human ri%ht! 'rotection, ha! been hi%hly commen(e( nationally an(internationally)

    Senior !taff are re%ularly 3uote( in main!tream me(ia, both locally an( internationally, for their

    e'erti!e an( in!i%ht!) 5n!titutional out'ut, in 'rint an( online in all three lan%ua%e!, i!re%ularly fla%%e( an( u!e( in (ebate! aroun( 'olicy-makin%) 6ecau!e of it! 'rofile, CPA i!often the !ubect of hate-!'eech, $ith key !taff re%ularly an( 'ublicly ilifie() An( yet,'articularly in a country $here een 'o!t-$ar, 'eaceful (i!!ent, critical thinkin% an( alternate'olitical 'er!'ectie! are iolently cen!ore( an( clam'e( (o$n u'on, $hat CPA (oe!,re're!ent! an( 'roi(e! a !'ace for, i! ab!olutely ital to Sri Lanka! (emocratic future)

    Prata' 6hanu ehta, Pre!i(ent 8 Chief *ecutie of the Centre for Policy 9e!earch in elhinote! that ;< CPA ha! al!o ri%orou!ly 'ur!ue( re!earch into many of the mo!t 're!!in% i!!ue!
  • 8/13/2019 Call for crowd funding Support CPAs work in Sri Lanka


    of our time) Such or%ani!ation! nee( to be !u''orte() =hey are a nece!!ary 'art of a ibrant(emocracy, an eco !y!tem that alue! kno$le(%e, an( the eerci!e of 'ublic rea!on)>*($ar( ortimer,Chair'er!on of Sri Lanka A(ocacy Cam'ai%n note! that, ;CPA i! 3uite!im'ly the mo!t out!'oken, cre(ible, an( fair-min(e( ciil !ociety %rou' in Sri Lanka>) ?e%oe! on to !ay that, ;$ithout the CPA there $oul( be irtually no in(e'en(ent an( cre(ible(ome!tic criti3ue of the Sri Lanka @oernment! authoritariani!m an( other ece!!e!>)

    Chan(ra Jayaratne, Sri Lankan of the ear in 2001 an( Bormer Chairman, Ceylon Chamber ofCommerce !ee! CPA a! an or%ani!ation that en!ure! ;!trict benchmark! for a!!e!!ment of theoutcome!, (eliery of 'romi!e! an( efficient, effectie an( 'rofe!!ional mana%ement ofre!ource! o'timi&in% 3uality an( 'ro(uctiity>)A! 9ichar( L) Armita%e, former S e'uty Secretary of State aer!, ;Sri Lanka ha! been atrelatie 'eace for nearly fie year!) et, in that time, the nation ha! not taken !ufficient !te'! tobuil( effectie (emocratic in!titution! or !tren%then the role of ciil !ociety) .ithout !uch'ro%re!!, the 'romi!e of 'eace may neer be fully reali!e( in Sri Lanka) =hat i! $hy the Centrefor Policy Alternatie! $ork i! !o ital an( (e!ere! the !u''ort of eeryone $ho care! aboutthe 'eo'le of Sri Lanka>)

    6ob 9ae, a former Lea(er of the Liberal Party of Cana(a an( Premier of ntario, en(or!in%thi! call, call! CPA ;< a !mall, effectie, (e(icate( %rou' of 'eo'le $ho beliee (ee'ly in a'lural, (ier!e, (emocratic Sri Lanka, an( $ho beliee coura%eou!ly in 'ublic 'olicy ba!e( onfact!>)Cheryl Saun(er!, Laureate Profe!!or at the elbourne La$ School call! CPA ;< anetraor(inarily im'ortant in!titution, in Sri Lanka an( internationally) 5t offer! a combination offor$ar( thinkin%, balance an( %enuine e'erti!e that i! all too rare>)aa aru$ala,irector Common$ealth ?uman 9i%ht! 5nitiatie, De$ elhi note!, ;=heCentre for Policy Alternatie! "CPA#< ha! in the la!t (eca(e< taken the lea(, in ho!tilecircum!tance!, a%ain!t the culture of im'unity an( continuin% human ri%ht! iolation! in Sri

    Lanka) 5t! im're!!ie recor( in thi! re!'ect ha! to be !u!taine( an( !u''orte()>e!hamanya 6ra(man .eerakoon, $ho $a! a foun(er (irector of the or%ani&ation note!, ;=he$ork that the Centre for Policy Alternatie! "CPA# ha! (one oer the year! in !hinin% a li%ht onthe many area! of State action that nee( to be correcte( ha! thereby receie( the hi%he!tcommen(ation< A! a foun(in% father of the in!titution an( a lon% time 6oar( irector 5 amintimately a$are of it! ca'acity an( 'otential) .hat it nee(! mo!t at thi! critical time in ourcountry! ourney i! fun(in% an( re!ource! to accom'li!h it! ta!k!) f (etermination an(coura%e to (o !o it ha! no !horta%e)>

    e!'ite thi! re'utation, the mo!t 're!!in% challen%e for CPA to(ay i! (onor fati%ue an((i!en%a%ement) .ith Sri Lanka a! a mi((le-income country on 'a'er an( com'etin% (onor

    a%en(a! in me(ia%enic contet! like Syria, Af%hani!tan, 6urma an( De'al, Sri Lanka!en(urin% nee( for ciil !ociety re!earch an( a(ocacy to be !u''orte( i! in %rae (an%er ofbein% !i%nificantly (e'rioriti!e(, een for%otten) =hi! i! not a tem'orary %litch) 5n!titutionalfun(in% $ill, for a ran%e of rea!on!, be increa!in%ly !carce)

    5n or(er to e'an( it! (onor ba!e, CPA i! e'lorin% the 'o!!ibility of rai!in% en(o$ment fun(!from $ell-$i!her!, both locally an( internationally) =hi! cro$(-!ource( fun(in% a''roach $illhel' CPA to maintain it! in(e'en(ence an( !u''ort it! entire 'ortfolio of re!earch an(
  • 8/13/2019 Call for crowd funding Support CPAs work in Sri Lanka


    a(ocacy, $hich currently ri!k! ra'i( con!triction) CPA encoura%e! (onation! aroun( thefollo$in% broa( (enomination!,

    SE 2,000 "one-off (onation#SE /00 "'er annum#SE 2/ "monthly#

    onation! out!i(e of the!e (enomination! are al!o $elcome) Plea!e !en( your (onation to:

    =he ?on%kon% an( Shan%hai 6ankin% Cor'oration Limite()?S6C ain 6ranch,Do) 24, Sir 6aron Jayathilaka a$atha,Colombo- 01,Sri Lanka)

    Account Dame: C*D=9* B9 PL5C AL=*9DA=5F*S G Cro$( Sourcin% Bun(Account Dumber: 001 170 4H 01H

    S.5B Co(e: ?S6C LIL6ank Co(e: 70+2

    Contact CPA! *ecutie irector, r) Paikia!othy Saraanamuttu on '!ara1Kc'alanka)or% formore information) A! a le%ally re%i!tere( entity in Sri Lanka, CPA ha! un(ertaken, !inceince'tion, an in(e'en(ent annual au(it $hich i! 'ubli!he( on it! $eb!ite) CPA al!o 'ubli!he! it!*ecutie irector! re'ort eery year, fla%%in% in!titutional out'ut an( im'act)

    =he !ucce!! of thi! effort to !u''ort CPA! on-%oin% in!titutional e'en!e! re!t! entirely on you)Plea!e contribute %enerou!ly an( 'a!! thi! a''eal alon% to tho!e $ho $ant to !ee CPA continue

    to cham'ion an( brin% about a Sri Lanka $here anyone, any$here i! able to lie in (i%nity, an($ithout fear)

    r) Paikia!othy Saraanamuttu*ecutie irector