california ppt

The Golden California! Tiffany 4-1 QuickTimeª and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.

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Post on 13-Jul-2015




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The Golden California!

Tiffany 4-1

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Water Features!

• There a major river that reaches an ocean in south of the Golden Gate bridge.

• The Sacramento river is the largest in California.

• Bring a boat.

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Land Features!

Death Valley has a temperature of 134 degrees it is the hottest place in the U.S.A..

California can have snow covered mountains and blazing deserts .

Bring a jacket and flip flops.

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Constructed Landmarks

» The golden gate bridge is 4 miles long .

» Hollywood was made in the 1940’s.

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Historical Features

• In 1848 a man found gold while making a sawmill for his boss.

• United Nation was found in San Francisco.

Important Cities !

✦ The largest cities are Los Angles , San Francisco , San Jose and San Diego.

✦ Los Angels attracts 24 million people a year.

The Wow Facts!

✺ California is the third biggest state in the U.S

✺ California has two harbors that are natural and famous.

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California has eight lanes for you to drive on and you can drive eighty miles per hour wow everybody’s dream.

California can still have palm trees in the winter.

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