calibration of anisotropic velocity models using sonic and … · 2019-08-25 · calibration of...

Calibration of anisotropic velocity models using sonic and Walkaway VSP measurements Rafael Guerra and Erik Wielemaker Schlumberger Wireline Contact authors at: J [email protected] EWielemaker London, 27-Sep-2018

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Page 1: Calibration of anisotropic velocity models using sonic and … · 2019-08-25 · Calibration of anisotropic velocity models using sonic and Walkaway VSP measurements Rafael Guerra

Calibration of anisotropic velocity models

using sonic and Walkaway VSP


Rafael Guerra and Erik Wielemaker

Schlumberger Wireline

Contact authors at:

[email protected]

[email protected]

London, 27-Sep-2018

Page 2: Calibration of anisotropic velocity models using sonic and … · 2019-08-25 · Calibration of anisotropic velocity models using sonic and Walkaway VSP measurements Rafael Guerra

London, 27-Sep-2018 Calibration of Anisotropic Models using Sonic & Walkaway VSP 2


• Introduction

• Elastic Anisotropy principles

• Key applications in oil industry

• How do we measure elastic anisotropy in-situ?

• Case studies

• Conclusion

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London, 27-Sep-2018 Calibration of Anisotropic Models using Sonic & Walkaway VSP 3

Elastic anisotropy – geophysics & geomechanics

Simple definition:- Elastic wave velocity depends on propagation direction (geophysics)- Rock mechanical properties depend on measurement direction (geomechanics)


k = Bulk Modulus

DV/V = Volumetric strain


F = k DV/V

F = m e

e = tan q = Shear strain

m = Shear Modulusrigidity

F = Shear stress

F = normal stress Vp


4 31 2

Z Vp p



1 2

Z Vs s



No volumechange



Simple connection between geophysics and geomechanics:



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London, 27-Sep-2018 Calibration of Anisotropic Models using Sonic & Walkaway VSP 4

Simple Example (rocks)

Fractured rock (HTI, FVTI,…) Laminated shale (VTI)

The arrows indicate direction of maximum rock compressibility & minimum rigidity

It coincides with the direction with the lowest velocities:• P-wave velocity (Vp) and S-wave* velocity (Vs)

*In anisotropic media there are two S-waves (Sv/Sh or S1/S2) with <> polarizations & speeds

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London, 27-Sep-2018 Calibration of Anisotropic Models using Sonic & Walkaway VSP 5

Simple Example (sonic logs)

(Hornby et al., 2003)

Using anisotropy corrected Sonic

Synthetic from uncorrected sonic

• Compressional sonic logs in same field for different well deviations

40% Vp


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London, 27-Sep-2018 Calibration of Anisotropic Models using Sonic & Walkaway VSP 6

Polar anisotropy (VTI) – what it is?

“The wave velocity varies with the propagation angle from vertical”

• Shales exhibit polar anisotropy

• This talk covers mainly polar anisotropy

(Adapted from Oilfield Review, 1994)

group velocities

and polarizations

Horizontal velocity (km/s)



al v





(Horne et al., 2012)

Haynesville Shale




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Polar Anisotropy (VTI) - Thomsen parameters e, d, g

Vp0 vertical P-wave velocity

Vs0 vertical S-wave velocity

e ~ “%” of P-wave anisotropy (horizontal vs vertical velocity)

g ~ “%” of SH-wave anisotropy (horizontal vs vertical velocity)

d anisotropy curve ‘Shape’ parameter (P- and Sv-waves)










(Horne et al., 2010)



Isotropic seismic analyses:

- Vp, Vs, density

Anisotropic seismic analyses:

- Vp0, Vs0, density- e, d- g (microseismic, multicomponent seismic)

- Tilt of symmetry axis TTI

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London, 27-Sep-2018 Calibration of Anisotropic Models using Sonic & Walkaway VSP 8

Key types of anisotropy

The elastic tensor relates stress to strain (Hooke’s law)

The elastic tensor has <=21 independent parameters

• Isotropy (ISO): 2 parameters (Vp, Vs) ISO-2

• Tilted TI (TTI): 5 parameters (Vp0,Vs0,e,d,g) + tilt

• VTI: 5 parameters (Vertical axis / polar)

• HTI: 5 parameters (Horizontal axis / azimuthal)VTI-5 HTI-5

• Orthorhombic (ORT): 9 parameters (2 sym. planes)

• FVTI = Fractured VTI

8 parameters (1 sym. plane)



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VTI-anisotropy impact on Geomechanics

Key applications: wellbore stability, well design and hydraulic fracturing

(Waters et al., 2011)

Barnett shale:

- Low stress in high-clay volumes usingisotropic model

- Higher stress predicted using anisotropic model

Minimum horizontal stress is computed from vertical stress, elasticity, closure stress data and a poroelastic model

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London, 27-Sep-2018 Calibration of Anisotropic Models using Sonic & Walkaway VSP 10

TTI-anisotropy impact on Surface Seismic

Key applications: seismic depth imaging, amplitude vs angle (AVA), AVA vs azimuth in fractured reservoirs (AVAz), Full-waveform

Inversion (FWI), etc.

(WG, data courtesy

of Wintershall)

Isotropic PSDM

(Gerritsen et al., 2016)



(Jones et al., 2003)

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London, 27-Sep-2018 Calibration of Anisotropic Models using Sonic & Walkaway VSP 11

TTI-anisotropy impact on Surface Seismic

(Jones et al., 2003)

Anisotropic seismic imaging results in:

• Sharper images

• More accurate structures

• Improved well ties

• Improved amplitude analyses

(Jones et al., 2003)


TTI(WG, data courtesy

of Wintershall)

Anisotropic PSDM

(Gerritsen et al., 2016)

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London, 27-Sep-2018 Calibration of Anisotropic Models using Sonic & Walkaway VSP 12

How to measure TTI? Surface seismic

Limitations: opening angles and data

quality decrease with depth and

uncertainty in Vp0, e, d increases

More robust results if combined with

borehole anisotropy measurements

Upscaling borehole data and joint

tomography are key processes

(Woodward et al., 2008)

• Grid tomography workflow updates Vp0, e, d

• Borehole data constraints (usually markers & vertical velocities)

(Bakulin et al., 2010)

Model updates without and with steering filter by

joint tomography of seismic and checkshots

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London, 27-Sep-2018 Calibration of Anisotropic Models using Sonic & Walkaway VSP 13

How to measure TTI? Sonic logs

Vertical wells drilled through flat shales:• Advanced LWD and wireline sonic measure vertical

shear (C44=C55) and also horizontal shear (C66) from

Stoneley mode Thomsen g

NOTE: dipmeter required to know relative dips

(Valero et al., 2009)

Deviated wells drilled through shales:• Wireline dipole required to discriminate Sv & Sh shears

• Monopole compressional and Stoneley are used

Constraints from a priori anisotropy database, VSP or

multi-well sonic data Thomsen e, d, g

(Holstein et al., 2007)

~ similar VTI

effect on LWD


Polar anisotropy signature of sonic recorded in vertical well flat layers


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How to measure TTI? Wireline Walkaway VSPs




* References:

- Parscau & Nicoletis, 1990

- Leaney & Esmersoy, 1989

- Horne & Leaney, 2000

- Leaney & Hornby, 2007

Delivers locally: Thomsen e, d and tilted axis

Each Walkaway shotpoint produces 4 points in plot above

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Walkaway & SonicTI-anisotropy – Middle East

(Waqas et al., 2017)

Thomsen parameters:e ~ 0.6 , d ~ 0.1 (Walkaway), g ~ 1 (Sonic)

Polarization Inclination (deg)






(Donald et al., 2018)



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London, 27-Sep-2018 Calibration of Anisotropic Models using Sonic & Walkaway VSP 16

Sonic VTI signature in shales

Isotropic Stoneley model

Isotropic Dipole

Flexural model

(Guerra et al., 2016)

Walkaway VTI signature

in shales and Thomsen

parameters computed

Walkaway & Sonic TI-anisotropy – West Africa (1/2)

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London, 27-Sep-2018 Calibration of Anisotropic Models using Sonic & Walkaway VSP 17

Walkaway & Sonic TI-anisotropy – West Africa (2/2)

Correlation between e and gseen in cores (above) was

estimated in-situ from

collocated Walkaway & Sonic

measurements and used to

extend the anisotropy logs (Guerra et al., 2016)

Borehole anisotropy

improved velocity

model and minimized

Walkaway travel time


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Walkaway & Sonic TI-anisotropy – North Sea (1/2)





(Mogensen et al., 2018)

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Walkaway & Sonic TI-anisotropy – North Sea (2/2)

(Mogensen et al., 2018)

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Sonic & Walkaway FVTI – Middle East

(Leaney & Jocker, 2018)

Two ortho-walkaways give 6 FVTI parameters:Vp0, Vs0, ε, δ, δN, δV

g, δH


et al, 2015)

The sonic method relies on core database and advanced wireline sonic measurement to deliver

in vertical wells 7 FVTI parameters:

Vp0, Vs0, ε, δ, g, δN, δV

Missing: δH

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• We have reviewed elastic anisotropy and its importance in:

• Seismic data analyses

• Geomechanical studies

• In-situ borehole measurements of anisotropy from sonic & VSP are crucial

to calibrate earth models and minimize uncertainties

• New advances still needed in the integration of the different measurement

scales, from core to field scale, and in handling lower anisotropy symmetries

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ReferencesArmstrong, P., Ireson, D., Chmela, B., Dodds, K., Esmersoy, C., Miller, D., Hornby, B., Sayers, C., Schoenberg, M., Leaney, S. and Lynn, H. [1994] The

promise of Elastic Anisotropy. October, Schlumberger Oilfield Review

de Parscau, J. and Nicoletis, L. [1990] Transverse isotropy estimation from multioffset VSPs. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 1990.

Gerritsen, S., Ernst, F., Field, C., Abdullah, Y., Daud D. and I. Nizkous [2016] Velocity Model Building Challenges and Solutions in a SE Asian Basin:

First Break

Guerra, R., Wielemaker, E., Miranda, F., Ferla, M., Pampuri, F., Gemelli, S. and V. Mattonelli [2016] TI Anisotropy Calibration with Sonic and

Walkaway VSP: 78th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Vienna, Extended Abstracts

Holstein, E. [2007] Petroleum Engineering Handbook, Volume V: Reservoir Engineering and Petrophysics: SPE

Hornby, B., Howie, J. and D. Ince [2003] Anisotropy correction for deviated-well sonic logs: Application to seismic well tie: Geophysics, Vol. 68

Horne, S. and Leaney, S. [2000] Short note: Polarization and slowness component inversion for TI anisotropy. Geophysical Prospecting, 48, 779–788.

Horne, S., Primiero, P., Donald, A., Knight, E., and Sayers, C., Koster, K., and Keir, D. [2010] Dipole sonic-log calibration using walkaway VSP data,

SEG 80th Annual Meeting, Extended Abstracts

Horne, S., Walsh, J. and D. Miller [2012] Elastic anisotropy in the Haynesville Shale from dipole sonic data. First Break

Jones, I., Bridson, M. and N. Benitsas [2003] Anisotropic ambiguities in TI media: First Break

Leaney, W. and Esmersoy, C. [1989] Parametric decomposition of offset VSP wave field. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 1989.

Leaney, W. and Hornby, B. [2007] Depth-dependent anisotropy from sub-salt walkaway VSP data. 69th EAGE Conference, Extended Abstracts.

Leaney, W.S. and Jocker, J. [2018] Sonic tensor completion, GeoConvention, CSEG

Mogensen, C., Khaitan, M., Guerra, R., Dahlhaus, L., Leaney, S., Jocker, J. and E. Wielemaker [2018] Elastic Anisotropy from Walkaway VSP and Sonic

Data Recorded in the North Sea: 80th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Copenhagen, Extended Abstracts

Mizuno, T., Zhang, Z. and Leaney, S. [2015] VSP Orthorhombic Anisotropy Inversion for Fractured Reservoir Characterization, 3rd EAGE Workshop on

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Waqas, M, Willemsen, P. and Rufino, R. [2017] Seismic TI Anisotropy Estimation in Nahr Umr Shale from Walkaway VSP, SPE Reservoir

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Waters, G., Lewis, R. and Bentley, D. [2011] The Effect of Mechanical Properties Anisotropy in the Generation of Hydraulic Fractures in Organic Shales.

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Woodward, M., Nichols, D., Zdraveva, O., Whitfield, P. and Johns, T. [2008] A decade of tomography. Geophysics 73