calentamiento global global warming

Upload: sanchez-henry

Post on 08-Apr-2018




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    Global warming is the increase in temperature of the Earth due to the use of fossil fuels

    and other industrial processes leading to an accumulation of greenhouse gases (carbon

    dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and chlorofluorocarbons) in the atmosphere. Since 1896it is known that carbon dioxide helps to prevent infrared rays from escaping into space,

    making the maintenance of a relatively warm temperature on our planet (greenhouse

    effect). However, the increase in carbon dioxide levels can cause a global temperature

    increase, which could cause major climate change with serious implications for

    agricultural productivity.

    The increase in carbon dioxide, caused by man from the industrial revolution, this in

    reverse. Each year more than 7 billion tons of carbon dioxide are made to the

    atmosphere, two thirds from the combustion of fossil fuels, while the rest will rise to the

    deforestation and the burning of wood.

    Global warming is the result of increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, implying

    that human beings by their actions, is responsible for this phenomenon and it is thebiggest environmental problem facing civilization and the current future


    The excessive accumulation of gases thought to prevent infrared radiation from the sun,

    being reflected by the Earth's surface coatings become upper atmosphere and outer

    space, staying in the middle layers and cause it to overheat; overheating would affect

    the entire globe, resulting in climate change.

    The greenhouse effect

    The temperature on Earth has changed through natural processes over millions of years,

    allowing warm temperatures optimal for life thanks to the natural phenomenon calledgreenhouse effect.

    This natural phenomenon is the main source of solar energy in the atmosphere,

    composed of various gases like carbon dioxide and water vapour, which traps heat on


    But why it is called the greenhouse effect? The soil acts as a greenhouse of glass or

    plastic in which plants are grown in cold countries, because the presence of glass or

    plastic prevents the transport of heat accumulated outward and prevents the output from

    one part of the infrared radiation.

    The effect is the accumulation of heat and temperature rise of the enclosure, as it

    leverages the effect of solar radiation to pass through the glass or transparent material

    heats the objects behind it, it works as a selective medium and light effect is to trapenergy within the greenhouse, which heats the indoor environment.

    The earth, when heated, but also gives the atmosphere prevents heat from escaping into

    space and everything returns to the earth's surface. This complex mechanism allows the

    planet has a temperature acceptable to the development of life as we know that in the


    However, this natural phenomenon by the lifestyle that humans have been developing,

    has been altered causing an increase in gases and hence an increase in temperature, the

    greenhouse effect become an agent of destruction, because the temperature experiencing

    rapid growth quickly, a phenomenon that had experienced natural way for thousands of


    Greenhouse effect, a term that applies to the role of the atmosphere warming the earth'ssurface. The atmosphere is almost transparent to short wave solar radiation absorbed by



    the Earth's surface. Much of this radiation is re-emitted into space with a wavelength

    corresponding to infrared, but is reflected back by gases like carbon dioxide, methane,

    nitrous oxide, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and ozone in the atmosphere. This heating

    effect is the basis of theories related to global warming.

    The so-called greenhouse effects are phenomena by which the earth has warmed due to

    the surrounding atmosphere. Several gases in the atmosphere (nitrogen oxygen carbondioxide hydrogen steam methane other items in smaller quantities and dust particles)

    allows radiation to pass through this, warming the earth's surface, while avoiding all

    reflecting the earth radiation escaping into space. This causes the atmospheric layer, and

    therefore the land, keep warm. the greenhouse effect thus contributes to there being life

    on the planet, because without the warmth that reflects the atmosphere, average global

    temperature would be in los18 C below zero, instead of 15 C above zero currently

    available. Among the gases in the atmosphere and contributing to the greenhouse effect,

    water vapour is the most incident.

