calc online portal

Visit: Call: 01733 215 777 CALC – Online Portal Requirements Specification v.1. Prepared by Bev Baker on 21 st January 2020

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CALC – Online Portal

Requirements Specification v.1.

Prepared by Bev Baker

on 21st January 2020

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Contents 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................. 5

1.1. Purpose .................................................................................................................................................................. 5

1.2. Scope of Project ..................................................................................................................................................... 5

1.2.1. Overview ......................................................................................................................................................... 5

1.2.2. Scope of the CRM, Automated Emails and Activities...................................................................................... 5

1.2.3. Scope of Multi System User ............................................................................................................................ 6

1.2.4. Scope of Access for CALC Staff ........................................................................................................................ 6

1.2.5. Scope of Access Council Staff .......................................................................................................................... 6

1.2.6. Scope of Access for Councillors....................................................................................................................... 6

1.3. Glossary .................................................................................................................................................................. 6

1.4. Overview of Document .......................................................................................................................................... 7

2. Requirements ................................................................................................................................................................ 8

2.1. User Login .............................................................................................................................................................. 8

2.1.1. Log in Single Role User and Main Menu ......................................................................................................... 8

2.1.2. Log in Multi Role User and Main Menu .......................................................................................................... 8

2.1.3. Logout of the Online Portal or Switch Role for Multi Users ........................................................................... 9

2.2. Dashboards and Main Menus ................................................................................................................................ 9

2.2.1. CALC’s Dashboard and Main Menu ................................................................................................................. 9

2.2.2. Council’s Staff Dashboard and Main Menu .................................................................................................. 10

2.2.3. Councillor’s Dashboard and Main Menu ...................................................................................................... 10

2.3 Association of Local Councils (CALCs) ................................................................................................................... 10

2.3.1. Editing a CALC ............................................................................................................................................... 11

2.3.2. Deactivating a CALC ...................................................................................................................................... 12

2.3.3. CALC Global Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 12

2.3.4. CALC Communications .................................................................................................................................. 14

2.3.5. CALC Messaging ............................................................................................................................................ 14

2.4 Users ..................................................................................................................................................................... 15

2.4.1. Viewing Users ................................................................................................................................................ 15

2.4.2. Role Access and Modifications Rights for Users ........................................................................................... 15

2.4.3. Adding a User ................................................................................................................................................ 16

2.4.4. Editing a User ................................................................................................................................................ 17

2.4.5. Reset Password ............................................................................................................................................. 17

2.4.6. Deleting a User .............................................................................................................................................. 17

2.5 Contacts ................................................................................................................................................................ 18

2.5.1. Viewing Contacts ........................................................................................................................................... 18

2.5.2. Role Access and Modifications Rights for Contacts ...................................................................................... 18

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2.5.3. Managing, Adding, Editing and Deleting Contacts ........................................................................................ 18

2.6 Organisations ........................................................................................................................................................ 18

2.6.1. Viewing Organisations .................................................................................................................................. 18

2.6.2. Role Access and Modifications Rights for Organisations .............................................................................. 18

2.6.3. Councils ......................................................................................................................................................... 18

2.6.4. Adding an Organisation ................................................................................................................................. 19

2.6.5. Editing an Organisation ................................................................................................................................. 19

2.6.6. Actionable Events .......................................................................................................................................... 19

2.6.7. Archiving an Organisation ............................................................................................................................. 19

2.7 Events .................................................................................................................................................................... 19

2.7.1. Viewing Events .............................................................................................................................................. 19

2.7.2. Role Access and Modifications Rights for Events ......................................................................................... 20

2.7.3. Adding an Event ............................................................................................................................................ 20

2.7.4. Venues and Trainers ..................................................................................................................................... 20

2.7.5. Event Prices ................................................................................................................................................... 20

2.7.6. Editing an Event ............................................................................................................................................ 20

2.7.7. Cloning an Event ........................................................................................................................................... 20

2.7.8. Sessions for an Event .................................................................................................................................... 21

2.7.9. Uploading Files .............................................................................................................................................. 21

2.7.10. Uploading Certificate/Award Templates .................................................................................................... 21

2.7.11. Cancelling an Event ..................................................................................................................................... 21

2.7.12. Mark Attendance and Add Cancellation Fees ............................................................................................. 21

2.8. Bookings ............................................................................................................................................................... 21

2.8.1. Viewing Bookings .......................................................................................................................................... 21

2.8.2. Role Access and Modifications Rights for Bookings ...................................................................................... 22

2.8.3. Requesting a Booking .................................................................................................................................... 22

2.8.4. Approving or Unapproving a Booking ........................................................................................................... 22

2.8.5. Booking Stages .............................................................................................................................................. 22

2.8.6. Cancelling a Booking ..................................................................................................................................... 23

2.9. Emails and Activity Logs ....................................................................................................................................... 23

2.9.1. Bulk Email Sending ........................................................................................................................................ 23

2.9.2. User Defined Fields for Emails ...................................................................................................................... 23

2.9.3. Unsubscribing from Emails ........................................................................................................................... 23

2.9.4. Activity Logs .................................................................................................................................................. 23

2.10. Invoices .............................................................................................................................................................. 24

2.10.1. Managing Invoices ...................................................................................................................................... 24

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2.10.2. Role Access and Modifications Rights for Invoices ..................................................................................... 24

2.10.3. Exporting the Finance Report ..................................................................................................................... 25

2.10.4. Raising an Invoice ........................................................................................................................................ 26

2.11. Reporting ............................................................................................................................................................ 26

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1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose

The purpose of this document is to present a detailed description of the Association of Local Councils Online Portal.

It will explain the purpose and features of the system including: the interfaces of the system; what the system will

do; the constraints under which it must operate and how the system will react to external stimuli. This document is

intended for both the stakeholders and the developers of the system and will be proposed to the Association of

Local Councils for approval.

1.2. Scope of Project

1.2.1. Overview

The online portal will be used by all members (including CALC staff; local council staff and councillors). The system

will also store information on all persons who attend training or events, even if the organisation they are a member

or employee of, is not a council. Only local councils can be members, this could be a paid or unpaid membership.

Users of the system will be able to perform various tasks within the system, but this will be dependent on their role.

User roles will dictate the level of access an individual has to either view or modify data.

Users will be able to access the online portal from anywhere, if they have a suitable internet connection and a device

that can display web pages successfully.

1.2.2. Scope of the CRM, Automated Emails and Activities

All users will receive emails to the email address entered in the user details section. Association users will be able to

create and send emails via the CRM element of the system and receive emails to a shared inbox. A user will be able

to mark an email as private, ensuring that the email and any replies will only be visible to themselves.

Automated emails may be triggered and sent based on some of the actions a user may perform within the system or

they may be initiated by the system at set points in time or after a fixed interval.

Users will be able to set the’ emailed from’ address, this will automatically default to the email they use to login but

can be changed. The ‘reply to’ address will default to the shared email address for the logged in user’s CALC. This can

be changed; however, this will mean that if the recipient replies to the ‘reply to’ address, it will not be visible within

the online portal. If the message is supposed to be visible to only the sender, we recommend marking it as private

rather than changing the ‘reply to’ address, unless the user explicitly wants the reply to be outside of the portal.

Users will be able to also log other communications between CALCs and councils, including telephone calls, face to

face etc. Users will also have the ability to send instant messages between CALCs and any messages that are sent to

a CALC or all CALCs will also show in the activity logs.

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1.2.3. Scope of Multi System User

Some users could have more than one role. When logged in, these users’ scope of the system will be restricted to

information and functionality permitted by the role they are currently logged in under. Users with more than one

role may also have a different email address attached to that role.

1.2.4. Scope of Access for CALC Staff

CALC staff will be limited to the county association where they work and any organisation that is linked to that

association. In other words, they will have full access to all information pertaining to the association that they work

for. They will also be able to view limited information for other CALCs along with activities related to that CALC.

1.2.5. Scope of Access Council Staff

Council staff will be limited to the local council where they are employed. They will have full access to all the

information connected to their council. They will also have a limited view of some information provided by the CALC

that their local council is under. This will mainly be the events offered by that association and bookings that are

connected to their own council.

1.2.6. Scope of Access for Councillors

Councillors will have the least amount of access to the system. Access will be limited to their own personal

information within the council they belong to. They will also have a limited view of some information provided by

the CALC that their council is under. This will mainly be events offered by that association and their personal past

and present bookings.

1.3. Glossary

Term Definition


Service A computer application that runs on a server and runs processes in the background.


C# is an object-oriented programming language used with XML-based Web services on the

.NET platform and designed for improving productivity in the development of Web


CALC Refers to a county association of local councils or county association, for short.

CALC User Staff who work for an association of local councils.

Clerk User

Is a local council staff user, that has more ability than a basic council staff member, such as

the ability to approve a user’s booking.


Contacts are any persons that have attended an event or been booked onto an event or

any person that is entered into the system for another reason, but they are not users and

do not have access to the online portal. Many contacts are also users. All users are

contacts but not all contacts are users. Contacts belonging to organisation that are not

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members are not users. Whereas contacts that belong to an organisation that is a member

are also users.

Council Refers to a parish Council, Parish meeting or town council.

Councillor User A person who is a councillor at a local council.

Database Collection of all the information monitored by this system.

Event Training or gathering that is offered by an association.

Council Staff

User Staff who work for a local council.

Main Portal See Online Portal.

Member An organization that is a member of an association of local councils.

Microsoft SQL


The Microsoft relational database management system is a software product which

primarily stores and retrieves data requested by other applications. These applications may

run on the same or a different computer.

Non-member An organization that has a link to a county association but not a member.

Online Portal

An online portal is a web-based platform that collects information from different sources

into a single user interface and presents users with the most relevant information for their


Organization An organization has some link to a county association.

Role A level of access granted to individual user of the online portal.


Persons that can login into the online portal. A user is always a contact but unlike a basic

contact they will have access to the online portal. A user’s access to the system is restricted

by their assigned role.


Another term for the online portal. It can also refer to when a background process is

triggered either via user interaction or at specific time or interval.

Web Portal See Online Portal.

1.4. Overview of Document

Apart from a few, all mock-ups will be shown as if the logged in user is a CALC user. The wireframes in this document

are designed to be a rough guide to how views may look. They are designed to give all stakeholders an idea of what

the system should look like and the components that may be required. The wireframes do not represent the exact

positioning of components, nor are they definitive list of the components which will be present, in the final product

for a view.

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2. Requirements

2.1. User Login

2.1.1. Log in Single Role User and Main Menu

On arrival at the ‘Association of Local Councils Online Portal’ users will be presented with the login screen and will

only be granted access to the portal, once they have signed in.

Once logged in the user will be taken to their dashboard, contents of the dashboard will depend on the user’s logged

in role.

2.1.2. Log in Multi Role User and Main Menu

Some users within the system could have more than one role. When a user logs into the online portal, the system

will check the user’s roles. If the user is found to have more than one role a dialog box will display to the user and

the user will select which role they wish to log in as.

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2.1.3. Logout of the Online Portal or Switch Role for Multi Users

Users will be able to logout by clicking the option in the dropdown under their name. To switch roles, this is only

available to users with multiple roles, the user can access the dropdown under their name and choose another role.

This would effectively log them out of one role and log them back in with another. Only logout will display for users

who only have a single role.

2.2. Dashboards and Main Menus

The dashboard and main menu will be different depending on role the user has logged in as. Each dashboard will be

tailored to the user role that is logged in and will present information that is useful for that role. The dashboard will

be an overview of information that CALCs, council staff and councillors are most likely to want to see when they first

login. The dashboard will differ for each type of users and will need to be determined during the project’s

development. Although it is one of the first things the user will see, it is often one of the last things to be developed,

as the information which is most useful for each type of user, often becomes clearer during the development of the


Items that may appear on a dashboard, could include statistics; easy access to areas of the portal that are often used

by the logged in user type; relevant news feeds or alerts etc.

2.2.1. CALC’s Dashboard and Main Menu

The CALC dashboard is what will be presented to the CALC user when they log in. It will probably contain all

communications between CALCs that are not marked as private or messaged to an individual. Other items to be

determined in the latter stages of development.

The main menu will only show options that the logged in user is permitted to see and dropdowns for the main menu

will be structured accordingly. The main menu will develop with the project, but a typical CALC user menu may look

something like this.

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2.2.2. Council’s Staff Dashboard and Main Menu

The Council staff dashboard is what will be presented to the Council user when they log in. Displayed information to

be determined in the latter stages of development along with the main menu for council staff.

2.2.3. Councillor’s Dashboard and Main Menu

The Councillor dashboard is what will be presented to the Councillor when they log in. Displayed information to be

determined in the latter stages of development along with the main menu for councillors.

A typical councillor’s menu, which is the most limited type of menu, may look something like this.

2.3 Association of Local Councils (CALCs)

Each Association of local councils will be its own entity within the system. The developers will be responsible for

creating a new association with limited details and the first association staff user for the newly created association.

The first user will then be able to create other staff users and complete the rest of the association’s details, if

required. All newly created association users can then populate the system with the rest of their association’s data,

such as events, organisations etc.

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2.3.1. Editing a CALC

County associations will have access to amend their details and personalise the system to a certain extent. This

includes uploading their logo and choosing a colour that will be used in the main header and for non-main menu


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2.3.2. Deactivating a CALC

If an association becomes inactive, the developers will be responsible for marking it so.

2.3.3. CALC Global Settings

Ability to modify global settings for a CALC, will be accessible from the dropdown of the main menu under the CALC

button. Settings screens are very similar in design and vary only with the options that are available for each. All will

have the ability to manage the settings for that type; add a setting of that type; edit the setting of that type and

delete a setting of that type.

The following settings will be available within the system:

• CRM Fields (Associations will be able to set up their own fields for the CRM.)

• Membership Types (Associations will be able to set up their own membership types. This will be used to

determine what rate to charge for an individual who is booked onto an event or training.)

• Event Categories (Associations will be able to set up their own categories for events.)

• Event Information Fields (Associations will be able to set up their own fields for events.) Accessing, Managing and Deleting Global Settings All lists of settings will show on the same view. Users will scroll down to the setting they are looking for in order to

view existing ones, add, edit or delete. User can delete a global setting item by clicking on the button to the right of

the setting item of the one they wish to delete. Users will be asked to confirm that they wish to delete the setting


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CALC – Online Portal SRS v1 Page 13 Adding and Editing a Global Setting As settings details are generally small, adding and editing views will appear as a popup dialog.

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2.3.4. CALC Communications

Communication between CALCs can be done using the built-in email system and other communications can be

recorded using the activity logs. All these will be viewable when viewing a CALCs page, if the email is not marked as

private or if the message is not sent directly to an individual.

2.3.5. CALC Messaging

As well as the above CALC users will be able to communicate with each other using the instant messaging system.

Messages can be sent either to an individual in a specific CALC, to all CALC users for a specific CALC or globally to all

CALCs. Where these messages will be viewable will be specific to whom the message was sent too.

• For messages sent to an individual, they will be viewable on the individuals page.

• For messages sent to a CALC or all CALCs they will be viewable on the CALC page.

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2.4 Users

Users are contacts within the system that also can access and use the online portal.

2.4.1. Viewing Users

The manage view lists all the users in the system and it can be filtered, to display only the users the logged in user

wishes to see. Which users the logged in user will be able to see will be dependent on their role.

2.4.2. Role Access and Modifications Rights for Users

• Association Staff Users – will be able to see and modify all users that are in their association. They will also

be able to see and modify all users that belong to organisations that are linked to the association they

belong to.

• Council Staff Users – will be able to see or modify all users who belong to the local council who employ


• Councillors – will only be able to see and modify their own details and will not have access to other

association or local council users.

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2.4.3. Adding a User

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2.4.4. Editing a User

2.4.5. Reset Password

2.4.6. Deleting a User

Access for deleting a user is available from the manage view, by clicking the delete button on the right of the user

that is to be deleted. When deleting a user, a warning will appear if that user has any confirmed bookings that have

not yet passed, if the user proceeds with the deletion it will cancel the confirmed bookings. All waiting list allocations

or unconfirmed bookings will also be cancelled. User will be required to confirm that they wish to delete the user.

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2.5 Contacts

Contacts are persons within the system that do not have access and cannot login to the online portal. They usually

become part of the system when they are booked onto an event, although they can be added for any reason. All

councillors and clerks should automatically be able to access the portal.

2.5.1. Viewing Contacts

This manage view lists all the contacts in the system and it can be filtered, to display only the contacts the logged in

user wishes to see. Which contacts the logged in user will be able to see will be dependent on their role.

2.5.2. Role Access and Modifications Rights for Contacts

• Association Staff Users – will be able to see and modify all contacts that belong to organisations that are

linked to the association they belong to.

• Council Staff Users and Councillors – won’t have access to view or modify contacts.

2.5.3. Managing, Adding, Editing and Deleting Contacts

The views and actions to manage, add, edit and delete contacts are very similar to managing, adding, editing and

deleting users, that no specific mock-ups will be available for these within this document. The main difference

between the contact views opposed to user views, is that no password information will be requested or stored

within the database. In general contacts will normally be members or employees of organisations that are not

association members.

2.6 Organisations

Organisations can be, local councils (parishes), companies etc.

2.6.1. Viewing Organisations

The manage view lists all the organisations in the system and it can be filtered, to display only the organisations the

logged in user wishes to see. Which organisation the logged in user will be able to see will be dependent on their


2.6.2. Role Access and Modifications Rights for Organisations

• Association Staff Users – will be able to see and modify all organisation information for organisations that

are linked to their association. They will also be able to archive an organisation.

• Council Staff Users – will be able to see or modify all information for their council.

• Councillors – will be able to view, but not modify their council’s details.

2.6.3. Councils

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Councils are a special type of organisation and are the primary type of organisations that associations interact with

and therefore will be the heart of the system. Councils are linked to a county association. All local council staff and

councillors will have access to the system, as denoted by their role.

2.6.4. Adding an Organisation

When adding an organisation only limited details will be required once added then the rest of the information can be

populated from the edit view.

2.6.5. Editing an Organisation

Organisations will have a tabbed interface, that will allow users to quickly view various information associated with

the organisation and take various actions. As well as being able to edit the details of the organisation, separate tabs,

will allow the user to: send and view received emails; view actionable events and notes (activity logs); past and

present bookings; users/contacts and invoice information.

2.6.6. Actionable Events

CALC users will be able to add notes and actionable events for an organisation. These actionable events can also be

assigned to another CALC user to complete. A log of all events for that organisation will be kept and will be viewable

within the appropriate tab. This will be displayed in chronological order with the latest at the top. Users will also

have filters so they can sort the log, to easily find what they are looking for.

2.6.7. Archiving an Organisation

Organisations that no longer exist or who no longer have a connection with the association can be archived. To

archive an organisation user will press the button on the main organisation view. Users will need to confirm they

wish to proceed with archiving the organisation. Information for archived organisations will still be viewable by

filtering on ‘View Archive Only’.

2.7 Events

Events can be training or any other gathering that is offered by an association, for example a conference or meeting.

An award and/or CPD points can sometimes be gained by a person who attends an event. To achieve the award

and/or points, the user may have to attend more than one session, a session can span a few hours or up to a whole

day. Users will be able to book a whole event spanning several sessions; a single or several sessions or an event that

only has one session.

Users will be able to state whether email reminders should be sent to participants how often, whether they should

be sent per event or event session; the start date and how many times. The system will then calculate when each

email should be sent out. Users will be warned if the cycle exceeds the event or sessions start date but will not be

prevented from continuing.

2.7.1. Viewing Events

This manage view lists all the events in the system and it can be filtered, to display only the events that the logged in

user wishes to see. Which events the logged in user will be able to see will be dependent on their role.

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2.7.2. Role Access and Modifications Rights for Events

• Association Staff Users – will be able to see and modify all events that their association offers.

• Council Staff Users – will be able to see all events offered by the association they are a member of and

indicate if they would like to attend.

• Councillors – will be able to see all events offered by the association they are a member of and indicate if

they would like to attend.

2.7.3. Adding an Event

Each event can have none or more CPD points against it and/or an award or certificate. For user defined fields user

will be able to select the ones they want or create new ones. Events will not be viewable outside the association

until it is made live, this will allow users to edit it over time and only make it publicly visible when it is correctly set

up. At least one session needs to be created for an event before bookings can be made for it. Users will be able to

create email reminders when creating an event with options for when they should start, how often they should be

sent etc.

2.7.4. Venues and Trainers

Users will be able to add a trainer or venue at the event level or the session level. If added at the event level the

trainer and/or venue will be applicable to all sessions. However, they can then be changed at the session level. So, if

the event consisted of 5 sessions and all but one used the same trainer, the trainer could be added at the event level

and then modified on the session that required a different trainer, likewise with a venue.

As some venues and trainers may already be in the system as a user/contact/trainer or a CALC/Council/Venue, users

will be provided with a lookup for trainers and venues or they will be able to choose to create a new one. When

creating a new trainer, a new contact will be added to the system. When creating a new venue, a new organisation

will be added to the system.

2.7.5. Event Prices

When adding an event, the CALC user will be shown all the membership levels in the system allowing them to add an

appropriate rate for each. If no memberships levels are within the system when creating an event, the user will be

warned and suggested that they add some. Users will also be able edit the rates allowing them to increase or

discount a rate for a council, organisation or person.

2.7.6. Editing an Event

The Event edit view will have various tabs, one that contains the details of the event and the session/s connected

with the event and another that will allow quick access to bookings for that event, the final tab will allow users to

upload or select files for the event, as well as choose or upload a certificate/award template.

2.7.7. Cloning an Event

This will create a copy of an existing event, with all the same details as the event that was cloned which can then be

edited. Only the event details will be copied, and the newly cloned event will not be linked to bookings or sessions

that the source event was associated with, however user will be able to state if they want to keep the files and

certificate associations.

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Users will select the event to be cloned, by clicking on the clone button on the main event page. A dialog box will

pop up for the user to confirm they wish to go ahead with the clone and at this point the user can choose to also

clone the file or certificate associations. The newly cloned event will be created, and the user will be taken to the

edit view where they can make any required alterations and start adding sessions.

2.7.8. Sessions for an Event

Users will be able to add multiple time slots for an event which will be classed as a session. A session can be any time

period if it starts and ends within the same day. User will be able to modify or remove sessions once they are


2.7.9. Uploading Files

Users can upload files that will be used at the event. These can be images, word, pdfs etc. Uploaded files can also be

attached to emails.

2.7.10. Uploading Certificate/Award Templates

An event can have an award or certificate that can be given to participants at completion of the event. User will be

able to state if a certificate is available and if so, will be warned if the template is not uploaded each time, they save

the event, until a template is found. Users will upload these in the form of a word template which will be

appropriately tagged with the required database fields that will allow the system to auto populate participants

details. The developers can provide a list of tags to use when creating these documents, or alternatively for a small

fee, the developers will be able to tag up the documents with the required data.

These documents can be created and directly emailed to participants if required. Users will have the option to state

whether the certificate should be automatically sent by the system. Alternatively, the certificates can be bulk

downloaded from the system and each will be populated with all qualifying participants details and printed if

required before the event or after.

2.7.11. Cancelling an Event

CALC users will be able to cancel an event and provide a reason for the cancellation. An automatic email can be sent

to any persons who are booked on the event, which will inform them of the cancellation and the reason why. All

associated bookings will be set to ‘Event Cancelled’.

2.7.12. Mark Attendance and Add Cancellation Fees

After an event session CALC User will mark each booking as attended, cancelled or did not attend. Non-attendance is

classed as a cancellation. For cancellations CALC User will enter an amount to charge for the non-attendance, if

applicable. This could be a percentage of the booking cost or a fixed amount.

2.8. Bookings

2.8.1. Viewing Bookings

This manage view lists all events with a least one booking in any stage and can be filtered accordingly. User will also

be able to filter on other criteria. Alternatively, bookings for a single organisation can also be viewed on the tab for

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the organisation of interest to the user. Which bookings the logged in user will be able to see will also be dependent

on their role.

2.8.2. Role Access and Modifications Rights for Bookings

• Association Staff Users – will be able to see and modify all bookings that their association offers, but they

won’t be able to approve or not approve a booking if it was made by a councillor or staff member of a local

council, however they will be able to cancel it.

• Council Staff Users – will be able to see all bookings made by users of their organisation. Clerks will also have

the responsibility to approve or not approve the booking.

• Councillors – will be able to see all bookings that they have requested, irrelevant of what stage it is at.

2.8.3. Requesting a Booking

Requesting a booking for an event will normally start with viewing the event and then either selecting to participate

in the whole event or requesting to join an individual session. If a session or event is fully booked the user will be

asked if they wish to join the waiting list. The process for requesting to be booked on an event is basically the same

for all users.

2.8.4. Approving or Unapproving a Booking

In general, for council bookings they will need to be approved by a clerk if there is a cost involved. Some of the other

users will also require approval if this is the case an email address field will be presented for the user to seek


When a booking is unapproved then a reason will need to be provided, which will be stored and displayed in the

relevant areas of the system.

In order to keep track of who is authorising bookings, an audit trail will be provided. This will state who was asked to

approve the booking; when the request was made; whether it was approved or unapproved, the reason why it was

unapproved; when it was approved or unapproved and who approved or unapproved it.

2.8.5. Booking Stages

There are 7 stages that a booking can be in.

• Requested – a user has requested to go on the course through the system or staff have added the request

for them. This could be association or council staff.

Waiting List – the event was already full when the booking was requested or confirmed, so the user making

the booking has indicated that the person would like to go on the waiting list.

• Confirmed – the person has confirmed that they will attend. This could be because it was approved, or an

association staff member has confirmed it after or at the time the request was made.

• Not Approved – the person who is responsible for approving the booking denies it, this could be a clerk, or

another user nominated to approve the booking.

• Cancelled – the person cancels the booking themselves or a local council staff member cancels it, or the

participant does not attend the event. A cancellation fee may be applied for cancellations.

• Attended – After an event association staff will mark whether the person attended or not.

• Did not attend - After an event association staff will mark whether the person attended or not. A fee may

apply for non-attendance.

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2.8.6. Cancelling a Booking

If an event is cancelled all bookings associated with the event will be classed as ’Event Cancelled’ not basic cancelled

as this will be used, when the person books on the event cancels their place. If a clerk or nominated approver does

not approve a booking, then this will be classed as not approved rather than cancelled, as the booking was never

confirmed. Only confirmed bookings can be cancelled. Non-attendance will also be classed as a cancellation.

Cancelled booking may be liable for a cancellation fee and this will be up to the discretion of the association offering

the course.

2.9. Emails and Activity Logs

Various emails will be sent from the system and will be styled according to the chosen colour scheme and logo for

the relevant county association. Each CALC will have a shared mailbox. Only CALC users will have access to the email

system and unless the email is marked as private, they will be viewable by all CALC staff within that association

including the replies.

2.9.1. Bulk Email Sending

CALC users will be able to send an email out to many recipients. CALC users will be able to create the email and

select the users they would like to receive it or choose all members of a council, CALC or organisation. All replies will

go into the shared email inbox and will be visible in the local council/CALC/Organisation inbox. Files may be

uploaded and attached to emails or user can choose a previously uploaded file.

Two categories of bulk email; same email sent to individual councils to appear in each council’s activity feed, then

mail merge style that are customisable i.e. Dear Marie. When sending to many recipients each email appears in

recipient’s activity feed.

2.9.2. User Defined Fields for Emails

Association staff will be able to set up fields for their emails. Each field will have a type, whether they are required

and will be sortable.

2.9.3. Unsubscribing from Emails

The option to unsubscribe from emails will be on every email. However, if councillors or council staff members

attempt to unsubscribe from certain types of email categories or if the council staff member is a clerk then they will

be informed that this is not possible and the reason why.

2.9.4. Activity Logs

Other forms of communications between CALCs that are not an email or a message or between a CALC and a council

that are not emails, can be recorded as an activity log. When adding or editing an activity, the user can choose what

type of activity it was, such as a phone call, or face to face meeting or just a note.

Activity logs will display on councils or CALCs respective views and will also include emails that aren’t marked as

private and messages that are sent to a CALC or to all CALCs.

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2.10. Invoices

2.10.1. Managing Invoices

The invoices view will allow the users to see all events that have at least one complete session, whether the

attendance for that session has been added or not. In order to sort events, they will be given a status which users

will be able to filter. The default status will be ‘All but Fully Raised’, other states are: All, Not Ready to Raise, Pending

Raise, Partially Raised and Fully Raised. User will also have a quick export finance report button which will be

enabled for all states above and not including ‘Not Ready to Raise’.

There are 4 states

• Not Ready to Raise – at least one of the sessions dates have passed, but no information has been added for

attendance, for any sessions.

• Raise Pending – at least one of the sessions dates have passed and at least one session has attendance

information, but no invoices have been raised.

• Partially Raised – at least one session invoice has been raised for this event.

• Fully Raised – All sessions invoices have been raised for the invoice, the event is fully invoiced and complete.

2.10.2. Role Access and Modifications Rights for Invoices

• Association Staff Users – will be able to access the invoice section, raise invoices and export the report.

• Council Staff Users – no access.

• Councillors – no access.

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2.10.3. Exporting the Finance Report

Users will be able to export a financial report into excel format, which will summarise all the financial information for

an event. Each organisation which had at least one participant or at least one cancellation that warranted a fee will

be included in the report. For each organisation the report will detail who attended or cancelled and a fee for each;

as well as an attendee total, a cancellation fee total and an amount to pay. At the foot of the report will be an event

total for attendance; one for cancellations and a final event total for the full amount to invoice.

Once users are happy with the financial information, they can then manually send each organisation an invoice using

the details of the report.

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2.10.4. Raising an Invoice

The system will not have functionality to send invoices, but users can mark the invoices for a full event as raised,

using the ‘Raise Invoice for Full Event’ button. This denotes that all invoices for this event have now been sent and

invoicing for this event is now complete. This action will also set the ‘All Invoices Raised Date’ to the current date,

plus set the invoice raised date for all sessions to the current date, for any session which has not been previously


Invoices can be raised per session this is useful when sessions for an event are weeks or months apart. As the ‘All

Invoices Raised Date’ is at the event level it will not be set until all invoices are raised at the session level.

User will also be able to undo the raise at session or event level; in case it was set to raise in error.

2.11. Reporting

The ability to export data from the database into CSV format. Various types of reports would need to be exported for

example ‘attendance at an event’, activity log exports etc. Which reports should be included in the first release will

need to be discussed in more detail and during the development process?

Users would also need to be able to filter the data that goes into the report. There are many different options that

could be used to filter, such as between two dates, only show specific events types, only show data for a specific

council etc.