calabash. Автоматизированное тестирование мобильных...

Calabash Автоматизированное тестирование мобильных приложений #qameetup61 Докладчик: Юрий Комаров

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Post on 11-Apr-2017




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BDD ? ; .

?Calabash + Cucumber

Calabash?Calabash , , , , .

Cucumber?Cucumber RUBY , .

? -; Gherkin Given/When/Then/And, Given ,When ,Then .


Calabash HTTP-, , Ruby API .7

Cucumber Features

Feature: FTPSampleScenario: FTPSample Scenario

Given I wait for "Tap Get to start getting" to appearWhen I clear text field number 1And I press "Get"Then I wait for "Invalid URL" to appearThen I wait

Then I touch the get tab

Cucumber Step Definitions

Then (/^I touch the (url_get|get|list|put|create_dir) tab$/) do |tab|wait_for_elements_exist('tabBarButton')case tabwhen 'url_getindex = 0when 'create_dirindex = 4endtouch("tabBarButton index:#{index}")end

calabash-ios consoleids=>List all the visible accessibility ids.labels=>List all the visible accessibility labels.text =>List all the visible texts.marks =>List all the visible marks.tree =>The app's visible view hierarchy.flash =>Disco effect for views matching verbose=>Turn debug logging on.quiet=>Turn debug logging off.copy=>Copy console commands to clipboard.clear=>Clear the console.

calabash-ios console

[yurikomarov@calabash-sandbox]$ calabash-ios consolecalabash-ios 0.20.4> text[0]UIButtonLabel => Get[1]UILabel => Tap Get to start getting[2] UITabBarButtonLabel => Create Dir[3] UITabBarButtonLabel => Get[4] UITabBarButtonLabel => List[5] UITabBarButtonLabel => Put[6] UITabBarButtonLabel => URL Get[7] UITextFieldLabel => file URL

Xamarin Test Cloud

:~2000 OS device log 30



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