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Noname manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Cache-based Multi-query Optimization for Data-intensive Scalable Computing Frameworks Pietro Michiardi · Damiano Carra · Sara Migliorini Received: date / Accepted: date Abstract In modern large-scale distributed systems, analytics jobs submitted by various users often share similar work, for example scanning and processing the same subset of data. Instead of optimizing jobs inde- pendently, which may result in redundant and wasteful processing, multi-query optimization techniques can be employed to save a considerable amount of cluster re- sources. In this work, we introduce a novel method combin- ing in-memory cache primitives and multi-query opti- mization, to improve the efficiency of data-intensive, scalable computing frameworks. By careful selection and exploitation of common (sub)expressions, while satisfy- ing memory constraints, our method transforms a batch of queries into a new, more efficient one which avoids unnecessary recomputations. To find feasible and ef- ficient execution plans, our method uses a cost-based optimization formulation akin to the multiple-choice knapsack problem. Extensive experiments on a proto- type implementation of our system show significant ben- efits of worksharing for both TPC-DS workloads and detailed micro-benchmarks. 1 Introduction Modern technologies to analyze large amounts of data have flourished in the past decade, starting with general- purpose cluster processing frameworks such as MapRe- duce [12], Dryad [23] and Spark [43]. More recently, a lot Pietro Michiardi Eurecom, France E-mail: [email protected] Damiano Carra and Sara Migliorini University of Verona, Italy E-mail: {name.surname} of effort has been put in raising the level of abstraction, and allow users to interact with such systems with a re- lational API, in addition to a procedural one. SQL-like querying capabilities are not only interesting to users for their simplicity, but also bring additional benefits from a wide range of automatic query optimizations, aiming at efficiency and performance. Currently, such large-scale analytics systems are de- ployed in shared environments, whereby multiple users submit queries concurrently. In this context, concurrent queries often perform similar work, such as scanning and processing the same set of input data. The research in [21] on 25 production clusters, estimated that over 35,000 hours of redundant computation could be elim- inated per day by simply reusing intermediate query results (approximately equivalent to shutting off 1500 machines daily). It is thus truly desirable to study query optimization techniques that go beyond optimizing the performance of a single query, but instead consider mul- tiple queries, for a more efficient resource utilization, and better aggregate performance. Multi-query optimization (MQO) amounts to find similarities among a set of queries and uses a variety of techniques to avoid redundant work during query exe- cution. For traditional database systems, MQO trades some small optimization overheads for increased query performance, using techniques such as sharing sub-exp- ressions [36,37,45], materialized views selection [20,31], and pipelining [10]. Recently, work sharing optimiza- tions operating at query runtime, for staged databases, have also been extensively studied [4, 19, 22, 35]. The idea of reusing intermediate data across queries or jobs running in a distributed environment has also received significant attention: for MapReduce [33,41], for SCOPE operating on top of Cosmos [39] and for Massive Par- allel Processing (MPP) frameworks [15].

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Noname manuscript No.(will be inserted by the editor)

Cache-based Multi-query Optimizationfor Data-intensive Scalable Computing Frameworks

Pietro Michiardi · Damiano Carra · Sara Migliorini

Received: date / Accepted: date

Abstract In modern large-scale distributed systems,analytics jobs submitted by various users often sharesimilar work, for example scanning and processing thesame subset of data. Instead of optimizing jobs inde-pendently, which may result in redundant and wastefulprocessing, multi-query optimization techniques can beemployed to save a considerable amount of cluster re-sources.

In this work, we introduce a novel method combin-ing in-memory cache primitives and multi-query opti-mization, to improve the efficiency of data-intensive,scalable computing frameworks. By careful selection andexploitation of common (sub)expressions, while satisfy-ing memory constraints, our method transforms a batchof queries into a new, more efficient one which avoidsunnecessary recomputations. To find feasible and ef-ficient execution plans, our method uses a cost-basedoptimization formulation akin to the multiple-choiceknapsack problem. Extensive experiments on a proto-type implementation of our system show significant ben-efits of worksharing for both TPC-DS workloads anddetailed micro-benchmarks.

1 Introduction

Modern technologies to analyze large amounts of datahave flourished in the past decade, starting with general-purpose cluster processing frameworks such as MapRe-duce [12], Dryad [23] and Spark [43]. More recently, a lot

Pietro MichiardiEurecom, FranceE-mail: [email protected]

Damiano Carra and Sara MiglioriniUniversity of Verona, ItalyE-mail: [email protected]

of effort has been put in raising the level of abstraction,and allow users to interact with such systems with a re-lational API, in addition to a procedural one. SQL-likequerying capabilities are not only interesting to usersfor their simplicity, but also bring additional benefitsfrom a wide range of automatic query optimizations,aiming at efficiency and performance.

Currently, such large-scale analytics systems are de-ployed in shared environments, whereby multiple userssubmit queries concurrently. In this context, concurrentqueries often perform similar work, such as scanningand processing the same set of input data. The researchin [21] on 25 production clusters, estimated that over35,000 hours of redundant computation could be elim-inated per day by simply reusing intermediate queryresults (approximately equivalent to shutting off 1500machines daily). It is thus truly desirable to study queryoptimization techniques that go beyond optimizing theperformance of a single query, but instead consider mul-tiple queries, for a more efficient resource utilization,and better aggregate performance.

Multi-query optimization (MQO) amounts to findsimilarities among a set of queries and uses a variety oftechniques to avoid redundant work during query exe-cution. For traditional database systems, MQO tradessome small optimization overheads for increased queryperformance, using techniques such as sharing sub-exp-ressions [36,37,45], materialized views selection [20,31],and pipelining [10]. Recently, work sharing optimiza-tions operating at query runtime, for staged databases,have also been extensively studied [4, 19, 22, 35]. Theidea of reusing intermediate data across queries or jobsrunning in a distributed environment has also receivedsignificant attention: for MapReduce [33,41], for SCOPEoperating on top of Cosmos [39] and for Massive Par-allel Processing (MPP) frameworks [15].

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2 Pietro Michiardi et al.

In this paper, we study MQO in the context ofdistributed computing engines such as Apache Spark[43], with analytics jobs written in SparkSQL [3], inwhich relational operators are mapped to stages of com-putation and I/O. Following the tradition of RDBM-Ses, queries are first represented as (optimized) logicalplans, which are transformed into (optimized) physicalplans, and finally run as execution plans. Additionally,modern parallel processing systems, such as Spark, in-clude an operator to materialize in RAM the contentof a (distributed) relation, which we use extensively.Our approach to MQO is that of traditional databasesystems, as it operates on a batch of queries. How-ever, unlike traditional approaches, it blends pipeliningand global query planning with shared operators, usingin-memory caching to support worksharing. Our prob-lem formulation amounts to a cache admission problem,which we cast as a cost-based, constrained combinato-rial optimization task, setting it apart from previousworks in the literature.

We present the design of a MQO component that,given a set of concurrent queries, proceeds as follows.First, it analyzes query plans to find sharing oppor-tunities, using logical plan fingerprinting and an effi-cient lookup procedure. Then it builds multiple shar-ing plans, using shared relational operators and scans,which subsume common work across the given queryset. Sharing plans materialize their output relation inRAM. A cost-based optimization selects best sharingplans with dynamic programming, using cardinality es-timation and a knapsack formulation of the problem,that takes into account a memory budget given to theMQO problem. The final step is a global query planrewrite, including sharing plans which pipeline theiroutput to modified consumer queries of the original in-put set.

We present a prototype of our system built for Spark-SQL, and validate it through a series of experiments.First, using the standard TPC-DS benchmark, we pro-vide an overview of query runtime distributions acrossa variety of different queries which are optimized usingour method: overall, our method achieves up to 80%reduction in query runtime, when compared to a setupwith no worksharing. Then, we proceed with a syntheticevaluation of individual operators, to clarify which onesbenefit most from our technique, including when datais materialized on disk according to different formats.Our main contributions are as follows:

– We propose a general approach to MQO for dis-tributed computing frameworks that support a re-lational API. Our approach produces sharing plans,that are materialized in RAM, aiming at eliminatingredundant work and I/O in a given set of queries.

– We cast the optimization problem of selecting thebest sharing plans as a Multiple-choice Knapsackproblem, and solve it efficiently through dynamicprogramming.

– Our ideas materialize into a system prototype, whichextends the SparkSQL Catalyst optimizer, and thatwe evaluated extensively, using macro and microbenchmarks. Our results indicate tangible improve-ments in terms of aggregate query execution times,while fulfilling the memory budget given to the MQOproblem.

The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Sec-tion 2 covers related work on multi-query optimization.We introduce and formalize our optimization problemin Section 3, and present our methodology in Section 4.In Section 5, we provide the implementation details ofour prototype based on SparkSQL. We evaluate theperformance of our approach in Section 6. Finally, weconclude the paper in Section 7.

This article extends the work presented in [30] inseveral aspects: (i) we revise and clarify different partsof the paper that have been previously described in aconcise way due to space constraints; (ii) we discuss thedetails of our prototype implementation in Section 5;(iii) we evaluate our approach with a new set of ex-periments focused on micro-benchmarks (Section 6.3),in order to assess the impact of each operator on thesharing opportunities.

2 Related Work

We now review previous work on MQO, both for tradi-tional RDBMSes and for distributed computing frame-works.

MQO in RDBMSes. Multi-query optimizationhas been extensively studied [10, 17, 36–38]. More re-cently, similar subexpressions sharing has been revisitedby Zhou et al. in [45], who show that reusable com-mon subexpressions can improve query performance.Their approach avoids some limitations of earlier work[17, 36] by (i) considering all generated plans as shar-ing opportunities to avoid leading to suboptimal plansand (ii) also considering multiple competing coveringexpressions. More recently, work sharing at the levelof the execution engine has been extensively studied[4,19,22,35]. The MQO problem is considered at queryruntime, and requires a staged database system. Tech-niques such as pipelining [22] and multiple query plans[8,9] have proven extremely beneficial for OLAP work-loads.

Our work is rooted on such previous literature, al-beit the peculiarities of the distributed execution engine

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Cache-based Multi-query Optimization 3

(which we also take into account in our cost model), andthe availability of an efficient mechanism for distributedcaching steer our problem statement apart from thetypical optimization objectives and constraints in theliterature.

Materialized views can be used in conjunction withMQO to reduce query response times [20,31,42], wherebythe contents of materialized views are precomputed andstored to provide alternative, faster ways of computinga query. Nevertheless, due to the nature of RDBMSes,base relations change frequently, leading to view incon-sistency and view maintenance costs. For this reason, abroad range of works addressed the problem of materi-alized view selection and maintenance, including bothdeterministic [2,6,36] and randomized [13,25,44] strate-gies. Finally, the work in [46], addresses the problemof progressive queries and proposes to use materializedviews to help their computation, based on previous par-tial results from related queries.

In this paper, we focus on analytics queries for sys-tems in which data can be assumed to be static. Suchsystems are built to support workloads consisting mostlyof ad-hoc, long running, scan-heavy queries over datathat is periodically loaded in a distributed file system.As such, problems related to view maintenance do notmanifest in our setup. Moreover, while materialized viewsare generally stored permanently (to disk), our approachconsiders storing intermediate relations in RAM.

MQO in Cloud and Massively Parallel Pro-cessing (MPP). Building upon MQO techniques inRDBMSes, Silva et al. [39] proposed an extension to theSCOPE query optimizer which optimizes cloud scriptscontaining common expressions while reconciling phys-ical requirements.

In the context of MPP databases, the work in [15]presents a comprehensive framework for the optimiza-tion of Common Table Expressions (CTEs) implementedfor Orca. Compared to our method, we consider notonly CTEs but also similar subexpressions to augmentsharing opportunities.

MQO in MapReduce. The idea of avoiding re-dundant processing by batching concurrent MapReducejobs and make them share some intermediate resultswas widely studied in [1, 7, 16, 27, 28, 33, 39, 41]. Thecommon denominator of such previous work is that theyoperate at a lower level of abstraction than we currentlydo in this paper: they analyze low-level programs thatuse the procedural API to describe an analytical job.For instance, MRShare [33], is a sharing framework forMapReduce that first identifies different jobs sharingportions of identical work. These jobs are then trans-formed into a compound job such that scan sharing,

Map Output sharing and Map Functions Sharing canbe achieved.

Caching to recycle work. Finally, we considerprevious works [5, 14, 18, 24, 32] that address the prob-lem of reusing intermediate query results, which is castas a general caching problem. Our work substantiallydiffers from those approaches in that they mainly focuson cache eviction, where past queries are used to decidewhat to keep in memory, in an on-line fashion. Instead,in this work we focus on the off-line constrained opti-mization problem of cache admission: the goal is to de-cide the best content to store in the cache, rather thanselecting which to evict if space is needed. The onlywork that considers the reuse of intermediate resultswhen analyzing the overall execution plan of multiplequeries is [14]. Nevertheless, they focus on small prob-lem instances which do not require the general, cost-based approach we present in this work.

3 Problem Statement

This section frames our problem statement and definesa running example that we use in the following sections.

In this paper we focus on the MQO problem only; wegloss over systems aspects that a full-fledged solutionshould consider as well. In particular, the assumptionthat a set of concurrent queries is given as an inputto the MQO problem hides some complexity and re-quires careful engineering. This amounts to the designand management of a queue of pending queries, to de-termine the queue size, and when (given a sufficientnumber of queued queries) to trigger the MQO. In ad-dition, given a batch of concurrent queries, in case oflow concurrency and sufficient available resources, thesystem should be able to discern whether to executesuch queries in parallel, as in a traditional query-centricmodel, or to apply MQO, as done for example in [35].Finally, given an optimized query set, produced by ourMQO strategy, the system should determine in whichorder to schedule the new batch of queries, given a per-formance objective.

We now introduce a simple running example, thatis rich enough to illustrate the MQO problem. Considerthe following three concurrent queries:QUERY 1:SELECT name, dept_name, salaryFROM employees, departments, salariesWHERE dep = dept_id

AND id = emp_idAND gender = ’F’AND location = ’us’AND salary > 20000


QUERY 2:SELECT name, dept_name, title,

to as title_expired_on

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4 Pietro Michiardi et al.

employees departments salaries

Filter [gender = F]

Project [id, name, dep]

Filter [location= us]

Project [dept_id, dept_name]

Join [dep = dept_id]

Project [id, name, dept_name]

Filter [salary > 20000]

Project [emp_id, salary]

Join [id = emp_id]

Project [name, dept_name, salary]

Sort [salary, DESC]

Query 1



ψ2 ψ3

employees departments titles

Filter [gender = F]

Project [id, name, dep]

Filter [location= us]

Project [dept_id, dept_name]

Join [dep = dept_id]

Project [id, name, dept_name]

Filter [from>= 2010]

Project [emp_id, title, to]

Join [id = emp_id]

Project [name, dept_name, title, to]

Query 2


ψ2 ψ3

employees salaries

Filter [age > 30]

Project [id, name, age]

Filter [salary > 30000]

Project [emp_id, salary,


Join [id= emp_id]

Project [id, name, salary,


Query 3

ψ2 ψ4





Fig. 1: Logical plans for the queries in our running example. Each operator tree has been optimized for queryindividually. Similar subexpressions (SE) inside logical plans are emphasized by dashed boxes surrounding thecorresponding sub-tree of each query logical plan. Boxes with the same border color denotes the same SE.

FROM departments, employees, titlesWHERE dep = dept_id

AND id = emp_idAND gender = ’F’AND location = ’us’AND from >= 2010

QUERY 3:SELECT id, name, salary, from_dateFROM employees, salariesWHERE id = emp_id

AND age > 30AND SALARY > 30000

We use Figure 1 to illustrate the optimized oper-ator trees (logical plans) of the queries in the aboveexample. The leaf nodes represent the base relations.Each intermediate node is a relational algebra operator(Selection, Projection, Join, etc.). The arrows betweennodes indicate data flow. Our MQO strategy uses suchoptimized logical plans to produce new plans – whoseaim is to exploit sharing opportunities by caching inRAM distributed relations – which are then translatedinto physical plans for execution.

First, we see that the three queries can share thescan of the employees, departments and salariesrelations. Hence, a simple approach to work sharingwould be to inject a cache operator in Query 1, whichwould steer the system to serve input relations fromRAM instead of reading them from disk, when execut-ing Query 2 and 3. A more refined approach could be tofind common work (not only common I/O), in the formof similar subexpressions (SE) among the queries from

the example, such as filtering and projecting records,joining tables, etc, and materialize intermediate resultsin RAM, to speed-up query runtime by re-using suchintermediate relations.

Figure 1 illustrates four examples of similar SEs,which are labelled as ψi, i = 1, 2, 3, 4 (we explain themeaning of this label in the next section). For exam-ple, consider the subexpression labelled as ψ2: all threequeries share the same sub-tree structure, in the formProjectp(Filterf (employees)), but use different filter-ing predicates and projections. In principle, it is thuspossible to save reading, parsing, filtering and project-ing costs on the employees relation: by caching theintermediate output of a general form of subexpres-sion, which subsumes the three similar sub-trees in eachquery. Such costs would be payed only once, and thecached intermediate relation could serve three consumerqueries. To achieve that, we need to build a coveringexpression (CE) that combines the different variants ofthe predicates appearing in the operators, for instanceconsidering ψ2 the corresponding CE could be:

Project id, name, dep, age(Filtergender=F∨ age>30(employees))

In a similar vein, the SEs labelled as ψ3 and ψ4

share the projection and filtering on department andsalaries relations, respectively.

We anticipate that, in the context of our work, itis possible to rank some SEs according to the benefits

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Cache-based Multi-query Optimization 5

they bring, in terms of reducing redundant work. Forinstance, the SE Projectp(Filterf (employees)) leadsto additional savings when compared to the SE Fil-terf (employees), and caching the intermediate rela-tion of the corresponding CE results in a smaller mem-ory footprint because of its selectivity. More to thepoint, we now consider the SE labelled as ψ1 in Figure 1:Query 1 and 2 share a common sub-tree in their respec-tive logical plans, that involves selections, projectionsand joins. In this case, selecting this SE as a candidateto build a CE between Query 1 and 2 contributes todecreased scanning, computation and communicationcosts. However, since caching a relation in RAM bearsits own costs and must satisfy capacity constraints, ma-terializing in RAM the output of the CE might revealnot beneficial after all. For example, a join operatorcould potentially produce an intermediate relation toobig to fit in RAM.

Overall, given an input query set, our problem amo-unts to explore a potentially very large search space, toidentify SEs, to build the corresponding CEs – whichwe also call sharing plans, and to decide which CEs toinclude in the optimized output plan. Our MQO strat-egy aims at reducing the search space to build CEs byappropriately pruning SEs according to their rank. Fur-thermore, a cost-based selection of candidate CEs mustensure memory budget constraints to be met. In thefollowing Section, we delve into the detail of our MQOapproach.

4 Cache-based work sharing

This section describes our approach to MQO, using acaching operator to materialize in RAM intermediate(distributed) relations that belong to a sharing plan.We assume a set of concurrent queries submitted bymultiple users to be parsed, analyzed and individuallyoptimized by a query optimizer. Our MQO method op-erates on a set of optimized logical plans correspondingto the set of input queries, that we call the input set.

We approach the MQO problem with the followingsteps:

1. Similar subexpressions identification. The goalof this phase is to identify all common and similarsubexpressions in the input set, as discussed in Sec-tion 4.1. In short, we compute an operator finger-print for each operator in the logical plan of everyquery and store it in a fingerprint table. Two (ormore) operators sharing the same fingerprint consti-tute a SE. Identified SEs are candidates for buildingcovering expressions (CEs) in the next step.

2. Building Covering subexpressions, a.k.a. shar-ing plans. Given all SEs identified in an input set,the goal of this phase is to construct one or moregroups of CEs representing candidate sharing plans,as discussed in Section 4.2. Since the search spacefor building CEs and for their subsequent selectioncan be very large, in this phase our approach prunesbad SEs, in an attempt to produce few, good CEscandidates.

3. Sharing plan selection. The goal of this phase isto select the best combination of CEs, using esti-mated costs and memory constraints, as shown inSection 4.3. The output of this phase is a seriesof sharing plans which use shared operators (cov-ering those of the underlying SEs) and materializetheir output relation in RAM using a cache opera-tor. For this reason, we sometimes refer to such CEsas caching plans. We model this step as a Multiple-Choice Knapsack problem, and use dynamic pro-gramming to solve it.

4. Query rewriting. The last step to achieve MQO isto rewrite the input query set such as to use selectedsharing plans, as shown in Section 4.4. Essentially,cached relations pertaining to a CE are pipelined tothose queries that can be rewritten using that CE.The output of this phase is a new set of rewrittenqueries, that subsume the input set, although theirexecution is not guaranteed to be in the originalordering.

4.1 Similar Subexpression Identification

Finding similar subexpressions, given an input set oflogical plans, has received considerable attention in theliterature. What sets our approach apart from previousworks lies behind the very nature of the resource weuse to achieve work sharing: memory is limited, and theoverall MQO process we present is seen as a constrainedoptimization problem, which strives to use caching withparsimony. Thus, we use a general rule of thumb thatprefers a large number of CEs (built from the corre-sponding SEs) with small memory footprints insteadof a small number of CEs with large memory require-ments. This rule of thumb is also in line with low-levelsystems considerations: data materialization in RAMis not cost-free, and current parallel processing frame-works are sometimes fragile, when it comes to memorymanagement under pressure.

Armed with the above considerations, we first con-sider the input to our task: we search SEs given a set of“locally optimized” query plans, which are representedin a tree form. Such input plans have been optimized

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6 Pietro Michiardi et al.

by applying common rules such as early filtering, pred-icate push-down, plan simplification and collapsing [3].The natural hierarchy of an optimized logical plan, ingeneral, implies that the higher in the tree an opera-tor is, the less the data flowing from its edges. Hence,similar subexpressions that are found higher in the planhierarchy are preferred because they potentially exhibitsmaller memory footprints, should their output relationbe cached.

Additional considerations are in order. Some opera-tors produce output relations that are not easy to ma-terialize in RAM: for example, binary operators suchas join, generally produce large outputs that would de-plete memory resources if cached. Thus, when search-ing for SEs, we recognize “cache unfriendly” operatorsand preempt them for being considered as valid candi-dates, either by selecting SEs that appear lower in thelogical plan hierarchy (e.g., which could imply cachingthe input relations of a join), or by selecting SEs thatsubsume them (e.g., which could imply caching a rela-tion resulting from filtering a join output). Currently,we treat the join, Cartesian product and union as “cacheunfriendly” operators. This means that our method doesnot produce SEs rooted at cache unfriendly operators;moreover, cache unfriendly operators can be shared in-side a common SE only when they are syntacticallyequal.1 In the following, we provide the necessary defi-nitions that are then used to describe the identificationof SEs.

Definition 1 (Sub-tree) Given a logical plan of aquery Q, represented as a tree τQ where leaf nodes arebase relations and each intermediate node is a relationalalgebra operator, a sub-tree τQs of τQ is a continuousportion of the logical plan of Q containing an interme-diate node of τQ and all its descendant in τQ. In otherwords, a sub-tree includes all the base relations andoperators that are necessary to build its root.

In the following, if the context is clear, we denotea sub-trees simply as τ , without indicating from whichquery it has been derived.

Given any two sub-trees, we need to determine ifthey have the same structure in terms of base relationsand operators. To this aim, we define a similarity func-tion based on a modified Merkle Tree (also known ashash tree) [29], whereby each internal node identifieris the combination of identifiers of its children. More

1 Our method can be easily extended for sharing simi-lar join operators, for example by applying the “equivalenceclasses” approach used in [45]. Despite technical simplicity,our current optimization problem formulation would end-updiscarding such potential SEs, due to their large memory foot-prints. Hence, we currently preempt such SEs from being con-sidered.

specifically, given an operator u, its identifier, denotedby ID(u), is given by:

ID(u) =

(u.label) u ∈ filter, project,

input relation(u.label, u.attributes) otherwise.

Notice that this definition makes a distinction betweenloose and strict identifier. A loose identifier, such thatused for projections and selections, allows the construc-tion of a shared operator that subsumes the individualattributes with more general ones, which allows shar-ing computation among SEs. Instead, a strict identifier,such that used for all other operators (including joinsand unions), imposes strict equality for two sub-graphsto be considered SEs. In principle, this restricts theapplicability of a shared operator. However, given theabove considerations about cache unfriendly operators,our approach still shares both I/O and computation.

Definition 2 (Fingerprint) Given a sub-tree τ , itsfingerprint is computed as

F(τ) =

h(ID(τroot)) τroot = leaf

h(ID(τroot)|F(τchild)) τroot = unary

h(ID(τroot)|F(τl.child)|F(τr.child)) τroot = binary

where h() is a robust cryptographic hash function, andthe operation | indicates concatenation.

The fingerprint F(τ) is computed recursively start-ing from the root of the sub-tree (τroot), down to theleaves (that is, input relations). If the root is a unaryoperator, we compute the fingerprint of its child sub-tree (τchild), conversely in case of a binary operator, weconsider the left and right sub-trees (τl.child and τr.child).For the sake of an uncluttered notation, we omit an ad-ditional sorting which ensures the isomorphic propertyfor binary operators: for example, TableA join TableBand TableB join TableA are two isomorphic expressions,and have the same fingerprint.

We are now ready to define what a similar subex-pression (denoted as ω) is.

Definition 3 (Similar subexpression) A similarsubexpression (SE) ω is a set of sub-trees that have thesame fingerprint ψ, i.e. ω = τi | F(τi) = ψ.

Algorithm1 provides a pseudo-code of our proce-dure to find, given a set of input queries, the SEs ac-cording to Definition 3 that will be the input of the nextphase, the search for covering expressions. The underly-ing idea is to avoid a brute-force search of fingerprints,which would produce a large number of SEs. Instead,by proceeding in a top-down manner when exploring

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Cache-based Multi-query Optimization 7

Algorithm 1 Similar subexpressions identificationInput: Array of logical plans (trees), threshold kOutput: Set S of SEs ωi

1: procedure IdentifySEs([τQ1 , τQ2 , ...τQN ], k)2: FT ← ∅3: foreach τ ∈ [τQ1 , τQ2 , ...τQN ] do4: nodeToVisit ← Add(τ)5: while nodeToVisit not empty do6: τcurr ← Pop(nodeToVisit)7: ψ ← F(τcurr)8: if CacheFriendly(τcurr

root ) then9: FT.AddValueSet(ψ, τcurr)10: end if11: if (!CacheFriendly(τcurr

root ) ∨12: ContainsUnfriendly(τcurr)) then13: nodeToVisit ← Add(τcurr

children)14: end if15: end while16: end for17: S ← ∅18: foreach ψ ∈ FT.Keys do19: if |FT.GetValue(ψ)| ≥ k then20: S ← S ∪ FT.GetValue(ψ)21: end if22: end for23: return S24: end procedure

logical plans, we produce fewer SEs candidates, by in-terrupting the lookup procedure as early and as “high”as possible.

The procedure uses a fingerprint table FT (line 2)to track SEs: this is a HashMap, where the key is afingerprint ψ, and the value is a set of subtrees. Eachlogical plan from the input set of queries is examined ina depth-first manner. We first consider the whole querytree (line 4) and check if its root is a cache-friendly oper-ator: in this case, we add the tree to the SEs identifiedby its fingerprint. The method AddValueSet(ψ, τ)retrieves the value (which is a set) from the HashMapFT given the key ψ (line 9), and adds the subtree τ tosuch a set – if the key does not exists, it adds it andcreate a value with a set containing the subtree τ . Ifthe root is not a cache-friendly operator, or the logi-cal plan contains a cache-unfriendly operator, then weneed to explore the subtrees (line 13), i.e. we considerthe root’s child (if the the operator at the root is unary)or children (otherwise).

At the end, we extract the set of SEs from theHashMap FT: we consider the SEs bigger than a thresh-old k (e.g. with at least two subtrees from two queries)in order to focus on SEs that offer potential work shar-ing opportunities.

Going back to our running example, Algorithm1outputs a set of SEs as follows ω1, ω2, ω3, ω4 – inFig. 1 the sub-trees corresponding to them are labelledψ1, ψ2, ψ3 and ψ4, where ψi is the fingerprint of SE

ωi. For instance, ω1 contains two sub-trees (one fromQuery 1, and one from Query 2), while ω2 contains threesub-trees, one from each query.

4.2 Building Sharing Plans

Given a list of candidate SEs, the goal of this phase is tobuild covering subexpressions (CEs) corresponding toidentified SEs, and generate a set of candidate groupsof CEs for their final selection.

Covering subexpressions. For each similar sub-queryin the same SE ωi, the goal is to produce a new plan to“cover” all operations of each individual sub-query.

Recall that all sub-trees τj within a SE ωi sharethe same sub-query plan fingerprint: that is, they oper-ate on the same input relation(s) and apply the samerelational operators to generate intermediate output re-lations. If the operator attributes are exactly the sameacross all τj , then the CE will be identical to any of theτj . In general, however, operators can have different at-tributes or predicates. In his case, the CE constructionis slightly more involved.

First, we note that, by construction, the only sharedoperators we consider are projections and selections. In-deed, for cache unfriendly operators, the SE identifica-tion phase omits their fingerprint from the lookup pro-cedure (see Algorithm1, lines 8-9). Nevertheless, theycould be included within a subtree, but they are in anycase “surrounded” by cache-friendly operators (see forinstance in Fig. 1, the SE labeled as ψ1). As a conse-quence, a CE can be constructed in a top-down man-ner, by “OR-ing” the filtering predicates and by “union-ing” the projection columns of the corresponding oper-ators in the SE. The CE thus produces and material-izes all output records that are needed for its consumerqueries2. Fig. 2 illustrates an example of CE for a simpleSE of two sub-queries taken from the running exampleshown in Fig. 1. In particular, we consider the SE la-beled as ψ2.

The resulting CE contains the same operators asthe subtrees τj ∈ ωi, but with modified predicates orattribute lists.

In general, we can build a CE, which we denote withΩi, from a SE ωi, by applying a transformation functionf(), [τ1, ...τm]

f()−−→ τ∗i , which trasforms a collection ofsimilar sub-trees to a single, covering sub-tree τ∗i . Notethat the resulting covering sub-tree has the fingerprintof the sub-trees in ωi.

2 For the sake of readability, we omit the description ofseveral other optimizations – such as the removal of duplicatepredicates – that we have implemented.

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8 Pietro Michiardi et al.


Filter [gender = F]

Project [id, name, dep]


Filter [age > 30]

Project [id, name, age]

… …


Filter [gender = F OR age > 30]

Project [id, name, dep, age]

ψ2 ψ2

Query 1 and 2 Query 3

Fig. 2: Building covering expression example. The firstand second trees are two similar subexpressions. Thethird tree is the covering subexpression.

Definition 4 (Covering subexpression) A Cover-ing subexpression (CE) Ωi = f(ωi) is a sub-tree τ∗iderived from the SE ωi by applying the transformationf(), with F(τ∗i ) = F(τj)∀τj ∈ ωi, such that all τj ∈ ωican be derived from τ∗i .

In summary, the query plan τ∗i that composes Ωicontains the same nodes as any subtree τj ∈ ωi, chang-ing the predicates of the selections (OR of all the predi-cates in τj) and projections (union of all the predicatesin τj).

Once the set of CEs, Ω = Ω1, Ω2, . . . , has beenderived from the corresponding set of SEs, ω = ω1, ω2,

. . . , we need to face the problem of CE selection. Themain question we need to answer is: among the CEscontained in the set Ω, which ones should be cached?Each CE covers different portions of the query logicalplans, therefore a CE may include another CE. Lookingat the running example shown in Fig. 1, we have thatΩ1 (derived from ω1, in the figure labeled with ψ1) con-tains Ω3 (derived from ω3 and labeled in the figure withψ3). If we decide to store Ω1 in the cache, it becomesquestionable to store Ω3 as well.

The next step of our process is then to identify thepotential combinations of mutually exclusive CEs thatwill be the input of the optimization problem: each com-bination will have a value and weight, where the valueprovides a measure of the work sharing opportunities,and the weight indicates the amount of space requiredto cache the CE in RAM. We start considering how tocompute such values and weights, and we proceed withthe algorithm to identify the potential combination ofCEs.

CE value and weight: a cost-based model. As intraditional database systems, we use cardinality esti-mation and cost modeling to reason about the benefitof using CEs. The objective is to estimate if a given CE,that could serve multiple consumer queries, yields lower

costs than executing individually the original queries itsubsumes.

The cardinality estimator component analyzes re-lational operators to estimate their output size. To doso, it first produces statistics about input relations andtheir columns. At relation level, it obtains the numberof records and average record size. At column level, itcollects the min and max values, approximates columncardinality and produces an equi-width histogram foreach column.

The cost estimator component uses the results fromcardinality estimation to approximate a (sub) query ex-ecution cost. We model the total execution cost of a(sub) query as a combination of CPU, disk and net-work I/O costs. Hence, given a sub-tree τj , we denoteby CE(τj) the execution cost of sub-tree τj . This com-ponent recursively analyzes, starting from the root ofsub-tree τj , relational operators to determine their cost(and their selectivity), which is the multiplication be-tween predefined constants (representative of the com-pute cluster running the parallel processing framework)and the estimated number of input and output records.Given a SE ω = τ1, τ2, . . . , τm, the total executioncost C(ωi) related to the execution of all similar sub-trees τj ∈ ωi without the work-sharing optimization isgiven by

C(ωi) =m∑j=1

CE(τj). (1)

Instead, the cost of using the corresponding CEΩi mustaccount for both the execution cost of the common sub-tree τ∗i , and materialization (CW ) and retrieving (CR)costs associated to the cache operator we use in ourapproach, which accounts for write and read operations:

C(Ωi) = CE(τ∗i ) + CW (|τ∗i |) +m · CR(|τ∗i |), (2)

where both CW (|τ∗i |) and CR(|τ∗i |) are functions of thecardinality |τ∗i | of the intermediate output relation ob-tained by executing τ∗i . Eq. 2 indicates that retrievingcosts are “payed” by each of the m consumer queriesfrom the SE ωi that can use the corresponding CE Ωi.3

Given the above costs, we can derive the value ofa CE Ωi, denoted by v(Ωi), as the difference between

3 In light of the end-to-end MQO process, the last phaseamounts to rewrite the queries in the input set to use selectedCEs. Such rewrite can introduce additional work, which wecurrently neglect in our modeling approach: indeed, queryrewriting involves highly selective operations, with low cost.This means we assume the dominating cost to be that of read-ing from RAM, which we found experimentally to be true.

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Cache-based Multi-query Optimization 9

the cost of an unoptimized set of sub-trees (executionof ωi) and the cost of the corresponding CE Ωi:

v(Ωi) = C(ωi)− C(Ωi). (3)

From Equations 1 and 2, we note that v(Ωi) is an in-creasing function in m. Indeed, the more similar sub-queries a CE can serve, the higher its value.

Along with the value, we need to associate to a CEalso a weight, since the memory is limited and we needto take into account if a CE can fit in the cache. Theweight, denoted by w(Ωi) is the size required to cachein RAM the output of Ωi, i.e. w(Ωi) = |τ∗i |

∆= |Ωi|.

In practice, the weight is a measure of how much se-lective are the operators in the CE. If a CE contains ahighly selective filtering predicate, then its weight willbe small.

Having defined the CE value and weight, we de-scribe next the algorithm to identify the potential com-bination of CE.Generating the candidate set of CEs. Next, we fo-cus on the problem of generating a combinatorial set ofCEs, with their associated value and weight, to be givenas an input to the multi-query optimization solver wehave designed. Given the complexity of the optimiza-tion task, our goal is to produce a small set of valuablealternative options, which we call the candidate set ofCEs. We present an algorithm to produce such a candi-date set, but first illustrate the challenges it addressesusing the example shown in Figure 1.

Let’s focus on CE Ω1 (corresponding to the sub-trees labeled as ψ1). A naive enumeration of all possiblechoices of candidate CE to be cached leads to the fol-lowing, mutually exclusive options: (i) Ω1, (ii) Ω2, (iii)Ω3, (iv) both (Ω2,Ω3), (v) both (Ω1,Ω2), and (vi) both(Ω1,Ω3). Intuitively, however, it is easy to discern valu-able from wasteful options. For example, the compoundCE (Ω1, Ω2) could be a good choice, since Ω2 can becached to serve query 1 and 2 – and of course usedto build Ω1 – and for query 3. Conversely, caching thecompound (Ω1, Ω3) brings less value, since it only ben-efits query 1 and query 2, but costs more than simplycaching Ω1, which also serves both query 1 and 2.

It is thus important to define how to compute thevalue and weight of compound CE. In this work we onlyconsider compound CEs for which value and weight areadditive in the values and weights of their components.This property is achieved by considering compounds ofdisjoint CEs, i.e., those that have no common sub-trees.

For example, consider the two CEs Ω1 and Ω2, andthe sub-trees used to build them. The CE Ω2 is includedin Ω1, but only some of the originating sub-trees of Ω2

are included in the originating sub-trees of Ω1 (in par-ticular, the ones in query 1 and 2, but not in query 3).

Algorithm 2 Algorithm to generate CE candidates.Input: Set Ω of CEsOutput: Set of Knapsack items (potential CEs)1: procedure GenerateKPitems(Ω = Ω1, Ω2, . . . )2: Ωexp ← ∅3: while Ω not empty do4: Ωi ← PopLargest(Ω)5: DescSet ← FindDescendant(Ωi, Ω)6: Groupi ← [Ωi]∪Expand(DescSet)7: Ωexp ← Ωexp ∪ Groupi8: Remove(DescSet, Ω)9: end while10: return Ωexp

11: end procedure

Given our definition of the value and the weight of CEs,the value and the weight of the compound (Ω1, Ω2)maynot be equal to the sums of the values and of the weightsof each individual CE, since part of the CE need to bereused to compute different sub-trees. Thus, we discardthis option from the candidate set.

Note that, if two CEs share a sub-tree, then suchsub-tree is a CE itself, whose value is bigger or equalto each individual value of the CEs in which it is con-tained. In practical settings, the case where some CEshare a sub-tree is not frequent, so not considering themdo not have a significant impact. For instance, in thestandard dataset we use in the experiments (Sect. 6)such a case does not occur.

Algorithm2 generates the candidate input for theoptimization solver as a set of non-overlapping groupsof CEs; then, the optimization algorithm selects a singlecandidate for each group in order to determine the bestset of CEs to store in memory. Given the full set of Ω ofCEs as input, we consider CE Ωi starting from the rootof the logical plan and remove it from the set (line 4).We then look for its descendants from the input set Ω,i.e. all the CEs contained in Ωi (line 5). With a CE andits descendant, we build a list of options that contains(i) the CE itself and its individual descendants, and (ii)all the compounds of disjoint descendant CEs (line 6and 7). We then remove the descendant from Ω andcontinue the search for other groups.

Considering our running example, we start fromΩ =

Ω1, Ω2, Ω3, Ω4. The “largest” CE is Ω1, and its de-scendants are Ω2 and Ω3, therefore the list of mutuallyexclusive options for this group would be [Ω1, Ω2, Ω3, (Ω2, Ω3)].The final output of Algorithm2 then is:

[Ω1, Ω2, Ω3, (Ω2, Ω3)] , [Ω4] , (4)

where the notation (·, ·) indicates a compound CE, and[·, ·] indicates a group of related CEs.

Note that a CE may be part of more than one largerCE: to keep the algorithm simple, we consider only the

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largest ancestor for each CE. To each option, we asso-ciate the value and the weight (in case of a compound,the sum of each component), that will be used by theoptimization solver.

4.3 Sharing Plan Selection

Next, we delve into our MQO problem formulation. Inthis work, we model the process that selects which shar-ing plan to use as a Multiple-choice Knapsack problem(MCKP) [40]. Essentially, the knapsack contains items(that is, sharing plans or CEs) that have a weight anda value. The knapsack capacity is constrained by a con-stant c: this is representative of the memory constraintsgiven to the work sharing optimizer. Hence, the sum ofthe weights of all items placed in the knapsack cannotexceed its capacity c.

Our problem is thus to select which set of CEs (sin-gle, or compound) to include in the knapsack. The out-put of the previous phase (and in particular, the out-put of Algorithm2) is a set containing m groups ofmutually exclusive options, or items. Each group Gi,i = 1, 2, . . . , g, contains |Gi| items, which can be singleCE or compounds of CEs. For instance, looking at ourrunning example, the output shown in Eq. (4) containsg = 2 groups: the first group has 4 items, the secondgroup just one item. Given a group i, each item j hasa value vi,j and a weight wi,j computed as described inSect. 4.2.

The MCKP solver needs to choose at most one itemfrom each group such that the total value is maximized,while the corresponding total weight must not exceedthe capacity c. More formally, the problem can be castas following:




subject tog∑i=1


wi,jxi,j ≤ c


xi,j ≤ 1,∀i = 1 . . . g

xi,j ∈ 0, 1,∀i = 1 . . . g, j = 1 . . . |Gi|


where the variable xi,j indicates if item j from group ihas been selected or not. Note that the weights of a CEindicates how much selective are the predicates it con-tains. Nevertheless, this is paired with the value of theCE, since we are interested in CE that are potentiallysaving a lot of works.

The MCKP is a well-known NP-Hard problem: inthis work, we implement a dynamic programming tech-nique to solve it [26]. Note that alternative formulationsexist, for which a provably optimal greedy algorithmcan be constructed: for example, we could consider afractional formulation of the knapsack problem. Thisapproach, however, would be feasible only if the un-derlying query execution engine could support partialcaching of a relation. As it turns out, the system wetarget in our work does support hierarchical storagelevels for cached relations: what does not fit in RAM, isautomatically stored on disk. Although this representsan interesting direction for future work (as it implies alinear-time greedy heuristic can be used), in this paperwe limit our attention to the 0/1 problem formulation.

4.4 Query Rewriting

The last step is to transform the original input queriesto benefit from the selected combination of cache plans.

Recall that the output of a cache plan is material-ized in RAM after its execution. Then, for each inputquery that is a consumer for a given cache plan, webuild an extraction plan which manipulates the cacheddata to produce the output relation, as it would be ob-tained by the original input query. In other words, in thegeneral case, we apply the original input query to thecached relation instead of using the original input rela-tion. In the case of a CE subsuming identical SEs, theextraction plan is an identity: the original query simplyreplaces the sub-tree containing the CE by its cachedintermediate relation. Instead, if shared operators areused – because of SEs having the same fingerprint butdifferent attributes – we build an extraction plan thatapplies the original filter and projection predicates orattributes to “extract” relevant tuples from the cachedrelation produced from the CE.

Considering our running example, assume that theoutput of the MCKP solver is to store Ω2 and Ω3 incache. Ω3 derives from ω3, where the composing sub-trees (one from query 1, and one from query 2) arethe same, therefore the extraction plan will be Ω3 it-self. Instead, ω2 (from which Ω2 derives) contains sub-trees with different filtering and projection predicates:when Ω2 is materialized in the cache, we need to applythe correct filtering (e.g., “gender = F”) and projectionpredicates to extract the actual result when consideringthe different queries.

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Cache-based Multi-query Optimization 11

5 Implementation details

In this work, we adopt the Apache Spark [43] process-ing system and its extension called SparkSQL [3]. Asanticipated in Section 3, our prototype implementationglosses over some system aspects that we discuss next.Queries written in Spark SQL take an abstract form,called a DataFrame. A DataFrame object represents thelogical plan associated to a query, to produce a givenoutput relation. A logical plan is a tree composed ofoperators (nodes): thus, each node contains informa-tion about the operator type and its attributes (filteringpredicates, join columns, etc.).

In Apache Spark, each query issued by a client “lives”within an instance of an individual session. The sessionimplements all the machinery necessary to parse andoptimize logical plans, build physical plans and sched-ule low-level tasks that implement the computation re-quired by a given query. As a consequence, each queryruns in “isolation” and sharing work between queries isthus hindered by the very nature of the Apache Sparkarchitecture. To enable worksharing across multiple cli-ent queries, it is thus necessary to build a centralizedcomponent that can accumulate multiple client queries,optimize them, and schedule their execution. We callthis component the SparkSQL Server. Additionally, itis necessary to modify the typical Apache Spark work-flow to submit an application: individual clients shouldsubmit their applications to the SparkSQL Server, bypassing the logical plans associated to each query.

In this paper, we focus on the implementation ofthe algorithmic aspects of worksharing in the Spark-SQL Server, because our goal is to validate and assessthe benefits of the proposed methodology. Hence, weassume the (locally optimized) logical plans associatedto each individual client query to be available in theSparkSQL Server, taking the form of a collection (e.g.,a list) of DataFrames. Hence, our prototype implemen-tation materializes as an extension to the existing sin-gle query optimizer designed for SparkSQL, namely theCatalyst module [3]. To do so, we follow the optimiza-tion process of 4 phases discussed in Sect. 4. Operatorfingerprints are computed to identify all similar subex-pressions in the first phase. Phase 2 and phase 4 re-quire query transformations, which we achieve using theScala’s pattern matching and the TreeNode library ofCatalyst in SparkSQL. Transforming rules are passedas a function to specify how to transform the logicalplan trees. In our prototype, cardinality estimation isachieved by a pre-processing phase, that produces thestatistics needed in phase 3.

Finally, once the worksharing optimization processhas produced the caching plans according to the solu-

tion to the multiple-choice knapsack problem, the Spark-SQL Server behaves as a regular Apache Spark clientand submits (sequentially) each rewritten client queryto the compute cluster.

6 Experimental Evaluation

We now present experimental results to evaluate the ef-fectiveness of our methodology, which we implement forthe Apache Spark and SparkSQL systems.4 First, wefocus on a general overview of the performance gainsachieved by our MQO approach, using the standardTPC-DS benchmarking; we then proceed with a de-tailed analysis of caching efficiency for individual oper-ators and simple queries.

6.1 Experimental setup

We run our experiments on a cluster consisting of 8server-grade worker nodes, with 8 cores each and a 1Gbps commodity interconnect.

For the macro-benchmark, each worker is granted 30GB of RAM each, of which half is dedicated to caching.We use the queries in the TPC-DS benchmark libraryfor Spark SQL developed by Databricks [11], and gen-erate a CSV dataset with scaling factor of 50.

For the micro-benchmark, each worker is granted6 GB of RAM each, of which half is used for cachingdata. The synthetic dataset used for the experimentsis stored in HDFS using Parquet and CSV formats.The dataset is a table of 30 columns. The first tencolumns ni, i = 1, 2, ..10 are of integer data type, ran-domly and uniformly generated in the range [1, 10i+2].The next ten columns di, i = 1, 2, ..10 and the succes-sive ten si, i = 1, 2, ..10 are of double (in range [0, 1])and string (of length 20) data types, respectively. Wealso vary the input sizes from 10 millions (10M) records(of size 3GB on disk) to 100M records (of size 30GB ondisk). Note that, for clarity of exposition, when we dis-play the query plans and input relations for the micro-benchmark we only show a subset of 5 out of the 30 at-tributes, and label such attributes with names. Hence,for our examples, we call our input relation “people”,where attribute n1 becomes “age”, and attribute s1 be-comes “name”, and so forth.

In both benchmarks, we use Apache Spark 2.0. Be-fore running any test, we clear the operating system’sbuffer cache in all workers and master to obtain more

4 Source code of our prototype is available as an opensource contribution, available here:

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0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8

Execution time ratio









Fig. 3: CDF of the performance gains of worksharing fora TCP-DS workload consisting of 50 selected queries.

accurate results. We also disable the “compression oncaching data" feature of Spark.

6.2 Macro-benchmarks

We begin with a full-fledged performance benchmark,where we use the standard TPC-DS benchmark adaptedto the Apache Spark SQL system [11] to evaluate thebenefits of our MQO approach. In particular, we se-lect a subset of all queries available in the TPC-DSbenchmark, and focus on the 50 queries that can besuccessfully executed without failures or parsing errors.

Next, we present results for a setup in which weconsider all the 50 queries and execute them in the or-der of their identifiers, as established by the TPC-DSbenchmark. In other words, this experiment identifiesall sharing opportunities in a workload consisting of50 queries, and applies our worksharing optimizationto all of them. Figure 3 shows the empirical Cumula-tive Distribution Function (CDF) of the runtime ratiosbetween a system absorbing the workload with MQOenabled and disabled. Overall, we note that, for 60% ofthe queries, we obtain a 80% decrease of the runtime.In total, our approach reduces the runtime for 82% ofthe queries. On the other hand, 18% of the queries ex-perience a larger runtime, which is explained by theoverheads associated to caching, as we discuss in Sec-tion 6.3. Overall, our optimizer has identified 60 SEs,and it has built 45 CEs. The cache used to store theoutput of the optimization process is approximately 26GB (out of 120 GB available). The optimization pro-cess took less than 2 seconds, while the query runtimeare in the order of tens of minutes (individually) andhours (all together).

Next, we consider an experimental setup in whichwe emulate the presence of a queuing component thattriggers the execution of our worksharing optimization,as anticipated in Sections 3 and 5. In particular, since

TPC-DS queries have no associated submission times-tamp, we take a randomized approach (without replace-ment) to select which queries are submitted to the queu-ing component, and parametrize the latter with thenumber of queries – we call this parameter the win-dow size – to accumulate before triggering our MQOmechanism. For a given window size, we repeat the ex-periment, i.e., we randomly select queries from the fullTPC-DS workload, 20 times, and we build the corre-sponding empirical CDF of the runtime ratio, as definedabove. We also measure the number of SEs identifiedwithin the window size, and show the correspondingempirical CDF. Given this experimental setup, we con-sider all possible combinations of queries to assess thebenefits of worksharing.

Figure 4 shows the boxplots of the runtime ratio(top) and number of similar subexpression identified(bottom) for different window sizes. The boxplots indi-cate the main percentiles (5%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 95%) ofthe empirical CDF, along with the average (red lines).The Figure shows a clear pattern: as the size of the win-dow increases, there are more chances of finding a highnumber of SE, thus better sharing opportunities, whichtranslates into reduced aggregate runtime. We observea 20% decrease of the aggregate runtime (median) witha window size of only five queries, which ramps up to45% when the window size is set to 20 queries.

As anticipated in Section 3, a queuing mechanismcan introduce an additional delay for the execution ofa query, because the system needs to accumulate a suf-ficient number of queries in the window before trigger-ing their optimization and execution. Investigating thetrade-off between efficiency and delay, as well as study-ing scheduling policies to steer system behavior is partof our future research agenda.

6.3 Micro-benchmarks

Next, we evaluate our system through a series of ex-periments based on simple workloads composed by twoqueries, reading the same synthetic input table, fromwhich we display 5 heterogeneous (numerical and cate-gorical) attributes, for the sake of conciseness. In eachexperiment, the two queries are run sequentially. Wemeasure and compare the runtime of the Spark jobs as-sociated to each query, according to three strategies: i)without worksharing, ii) by having the full input rela-tions cached by the system (FC), iii) with our workshar-ing technique (WS). In the latter case, the optimizationproduces a single CE: hence, the first query triggersthe evaluation of the CE, which is cached, whereas thesecond query benefits the most from worksharing. Eachexperiment is run three times, and results are averaged.

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Cache-based Multi-query Optimization 13

5 10 15 20












5 10 15 20Window Size (#Queries)











Fig. 4: Execution time ratio and number of similarsubexpression within a group of queries (given by thesize of the window) as the window size increases.

Overall, our results indicate:

– Roughly 50% and 30% improvement in aggregatequery latencies for CSV and Parquet files, respec-tively.

– Our worksharing technique outperforms the naivecaching of full input relations.

– Between 25% and 40% less space used by our methodwith respect to the full cache technique.

In this work we present queries that use filter and projectoperators because they appear very frequently in dataanalysis, where such operators are usually pushed asclose as possible to the input tables by traditional queryoptimization techniques. We also consider the join op-erator that involves shuffling data across the network,but defer discussion to the end of the Section.

Filter-based queries

We consider two simple queries whose logical plan isdepicted in Figure 5 (top). Both queries read data fromthe same input relation, and apply a filter operator withtwo different predicates on the same attribute. The log-ical plan displayed at the bottom of the Figure is theoutput of our multi-query optimizer, that is, a single CEcovering both input queries. In this case, the optimizedCE can be manually verified: it reads data from the in-put relation, applies a filter operator with a combinedpredicate (using the OR logical operator), and caches

Fig. 5: Query (top) and Cache (bottom) plans for Filter-based queries. The input relation is derived from thesynthetic dataset, with a labelled schema used for illus-tration.

10 40 70 100

Input size (million records)














)Query 1


10 40 70 100

Input size (million records)















Query 2


Fig. 6: Micro-benchmark for filter-based queries: in-dividual query latencies, comparing baseline, naivecaching and our worksharing as a function of input size.

the intermediate result.5 The output of each query canbe obtained by applying the filter specific predicate onthe cached result.

Next, in Figure 6, we show the individual query run-time, without any optimization (Qi), using the cachingoption (QiFC) and with our optimization (QiWS) forCSV input files. In the baseline case, without cachingnor worksharing, both queries have similar executiontimes, that grows linearly with the input size. Instead,when naive caching is used (QiFC), individual queryruntime change: it increases quite dramatically forQ1FC,because this query incurs the overheads associated witha cache operation on the entire input relation, and itdecreases for Q2FC, because this query benefits from acached input. For large input sizes, however, the system

5 Note that the cache() operator in Apache Spark is atransformation. As a consequence, it takes effect only uponthe first call to an action, with the first (rewritten) query.Thus, the first query effectively “pays the price” for caching.

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FC WS100

Input size (million records)






















)Without WSFull CacheWS




FC WS100

Input size (million records)






















)Without WSFull CacheWS

Fig. 7: Micro-benchmark for filter-based queries: aggre-gate query latencies and memory utilization with CSVinput format (top) and Parquet input format (bottom).

spills cached data on disk, with reduced benefits on exe-cution times. Our MQO approach, instead, achieves su-perior performance:Q1WS pays a small price for cachingjust what is needed to produce the output relations,whereasQ2WS runtime becomes negligible and is marginallyaffected by the input relation size.

The aggregate latency of the workload is shown inFigure 7 (for both CSV and Parquet input format). Ourworksharing strategy consistently obtain 40%-50% ag-gregate latency improvement with respect to the base-line. Figure 7 shows also the system memory utilizationdedicated to caching. A naive caching strategy thatstores the entire input relation suffers from capacityconstraints: once the available RAM is depleted, data isspilled to disk, as visible when the input size increases.Instead, with our worksharing approach, we only cachethe output of the combined filtering operation definedby the CE, while satisfying capacity constraints: theRAM is wisely used and spilling to disk is not required.Overall, the cache size is roughly 25% of the size of in-put data size, for both the Parquet and CSV case. Ourmulti-query optimizer uses only 2/3 of the caching ca-pacity (25% of 200M records costs 16GB of cache size,

Fig. 8: Query (top) and Cache (bottom) plans forProjection-based queries, using synthetic data.

which totals 24GB in our system, that is half of 6GBtimes 8 workers).

Projection-based queries

Next, we consider simple queries that only perform pro-jection operations, as shown in Figure 8. Both queriesread data from the same input relation, and apply aproject operator on a set of different attributes (top ofthe Figure). The logical plan displayed at the bottomof the Figure is the optimized CE covering both in-put queries. The CE can be manually verified: it readsdata from the input relation, applies a project operatorwith the union of each individual query attributes, andcaches the intermediate result.

Note that projection-based queries can benefit fromadvanced data representations such as Parquet. In par-ticular, Parquet is geared toward columnar storage: thus,we expect projection queries to execute efficiently, be-cause they only read from disk the data pertaining toselected attributes. It is thus interesting to verify thebenefits of caching, if any, for such workloads. In thenext series of results, we focus on the Parquet inputdata types, as shown in Figure 9.

Overall, our results share similar qualitative consid-erations as for filter-based queries: the price to pay tocache data affects the latency of Q1FC and, to a lesserextent, of Q1WS. However, the benefits from cachingin Q2FC and Q2WS are less pronounced than for filter-based queries. This is due to the efficiency (for pro-jections) of the Parquet data format. Also, our MQOmethod is superior in its use of the RAM, when com-pared to a naive caching strategy.6

6 The attentive reader might have noticed that also ourmethod eventually spills some contents of the cached datato disk. This is explained by two effects: i) Apache Sparkdynamically adjusts at runtime the amount of memory dedi-cated to store cached data, and thus overrides the 50% setting

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Cache-based Multi-query Optimization 15

10 40 70 100

Input size (million records)















Query 1


10 40 70 100

Input size (million records)















Query 2





FC WS100

Input size (million records)






















)Without WSFull CacheWS

Fig. 9: Micro-benchmark for Projection-based queriesusing Parquet input format: individual query latencies(top), aggregate query latencies and memory utilization(bottom).

As shown in Figure 9 (bottom), the aggregate per-formance for a simple projection-based workload is infavor of our approach, when compared to naive caching.Nevertheless, we measure no tangible benefit when com-pared to the baseline: the execution time “lost” by query1 to invest in caching does not pay enough benefits forquery 2. Obviously, results obtained with CSV data filesare largely in favor of our approach, which outperformsthe others in all metrics. Indeed, the parsing costs re-quired for projections translate in non-negligible CPUcosts, in addition to increased disk I/O costs due to therequirement to read all data in the input relation.

Discussion: other types of queries

We have conducted an extensive experimental campaignconsidering queries that combine projection, filtering,as well as join operators. In fact, the generation of syn-thetic queries to emphasize different aspects related to

we use in our experiments; ii) our methodology is based oncardinality estimation to compute the weight of a CE: as aconsequence, estimation errors might induce the system tospill some records on disk.

system performance and the impact of our optimizationmechanism, can yield a combinatorial amount of resultsthat we summarize below.

In general, when using the CSV input format, thebenefit of worksharing is remarkable: indeed, this wide-spread input data format stresses underlying parallelprocessing frameworks quite heavily, especially when itcomes to parsing, tokenization and type casting costs,as for example discussed in [34]. Thus, caching achievesconsistent gains in query execution time, because it canalso save over the “hidden” costs related to a specificdata format. Conversely, using the Parquet data for-mat can attenuate the benefits of caching, and this istrue mainly for simple queries with projections, as dis-cussed above. Instead, when queries involve operatorssuch as joins, for example, other quantities (such asnetwork I/O) are predominant over the savings in dataaccess times, and the effects of caching become tangibleagain.7

Another way to judge our micro-benchmark results,is to view the query variants we propose as ways to as-sess different aspects of the cost model defined in thiswork, and consequently the suitability of the knapsackformulation of the optimization problem. We remarkthat our results are very robust with respect to theconstants we use in our cost model, which is truly de-sirable as it implies that little to no tuning is requiredto use our method.

Finally, we remark that the benefits of our approachcan vary depending on the query selectivity. In the ex-tremely adverse situation, where all queries to be ex-ectued select essentially all data from the input rela-tions, it is clear that the advantages of our approachcompared to a “full caching” baseline will shrink. Thisis to be expected, as it is not possible to do betterthan caching the full input relation, provided it fits intomemory.

7 Conclusion

Complex queries for analyzing massive amounts of datahave become commonplace today: such trend has beenfueled by several efforts to support SQL capabilitieson top of large-scale distributed processing frameworks.Similarly to what happens in traditional relational data-base management systems, users share access to data-intensive processing frameworks and induce workloadswith a high degree of redundancy in terms of queriescontaining similar (sub)expressions. As a consequence,the traditional problem ofmulti-query optimization that

7 Data compression techniques can be helpful in this case,but we defer their analysis to future work.

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has been largely studied for RDBMSes, also apply torecent data processing frameworks.

In this paper, we presented a new approach to multi-query optimization that uses in-memory caching prim-itives to improve the efficiency of data-intensive, scal-able computing frameworks, such as Apache Spark. Ourmethodology takes as an input a batch of queries writ-ten with the SparkSQL API, and analyzes them to findcommon (sub)expressions, leading to the constructionof an alternative execution plan based on covering ex-pressions, that subsumes the individual work requiredby each query. To make the search problem tractableand efficient, we have used several techniques includ-ing: modified hash trees to quickly identify commonsub-graphs, and an algorithm to enumerate (and prune)feasible common expressions. We then cast the multi-query optimization problem as a multiple-choice knap-sack problem: each feasible common expression is asso-ciated with a value (representative of how much workcould be shared among queries) and a weight (represen-tative of the memory pressure imposed by caching thecommon data), and the goal is to fill a knapsack of agiven capacity (representative of memory constraints)optimally.

To quantify the benefit of the proposed method-ologies, we implemented a prototype of our methodfor Apache Spark SQL, and we designed two familiesof experiments. First, we used the well-known TPC-DS workload to design a macro-benchmark on realisticqueries and data. Our results indicated that workshar-ing opportunities are frequent, and that our proposedmethodology brings substantial benefits in terms of re-duced query runtime, with up to an 80% reduction fora large fraction of the submitted queries. Then, usingmicro-benchmarks, we studied the benefits (and costs)of worksharing for a workload of simple queries, focus-ing on individual relational operators, including filter-based and projection-based queries.

In our research agenda, we will consider system as-pects related to the management of a queuing mecha-nism to accumulate submitted queries in a batch win-dow, and analyze the trade-off that exist between queryruntime and execution delay. In this paper, we have ob-tained promising preliminary results, showing that evensmall window sizes (that would mitigate execution de-lays) are sufficient to reap the benefits from workshar-ing.

Acknowledgements This work was partially supported bythe Italian National Group for Scientific Computation (GNCS-INDAM) and by “Progetto di Eccellenza” of the ComputerScience Dept., Univ. of Verona, Italy.


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Pietro Michiardi received his M.S. in Computer Sciencefrom EURECOM and his M.S. in Electrical Engineering fromPolitecnico di Torino. Pietro received his Ph.D. in ComputerScience from Telecom Paris, and his Habilitation from UNSA.Pietro is a Professor of Computer Science and head of theData Science Department at EURECOM. In his work, Pietroblends theory and system research focusing on scalable ma-chine learning algorithms. Pietro is interested in developing

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a theoretical understanding of the optimization process un-derlying many machine learning methods, in methodologicalaspects of computationally efficient Bayesian inference ap-proaches, and their application in industrial domains suchas the automotive and the IT infrastructure industries. Inthe past, Pietro worked on a wide range of research topics,including: computer networks and their performance evalua-tion, applied cryptography, applied game theory, distributedsystems for content storage and distribution, and distributeddata management systems.

Damiano Carra received his Laurea in TelecommunicationEngineering from Politecnico di Milano, and his Ph.D. inComputer Science from University of Trento. He is currentlyan Associate Professor in the Computer Science Departmentat University of Verona. His research interests include mod-eling and performance evaluation of large scale distributedsystems.

Sara Migliorini received the Master degree in ComputerScience from the University of Verona in 2007 and the PhDdegree in computer science from the same university in 2012.From 2012 to 2019 she has been a post-doc research associateat University of Verona. She is currently an Assistant Pro-fessor in the Computer Science Department at University ofVerona. Her main research interests include: geographic infor-mation systems, big data and collaborative and distributedarchitectures.