ca siteminder federation runbook for microsoft office 365 · ca siteminder federation runbook for...

CA SiteMinder Federation Runbook for Microsoft Office 365

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Page 1: CA SiteMinder Federation Runbook for Microsoft Office 365 · CA SiteMinder Federation Runbook for Microsoft ... for Office 365 for user synchronization. ... This example demonstrates

CA SiteMinder Federation Runbook for

Microsoft Office 365

Page 2: CA SiteMinder Federation Runbook for Microsoft Office 365 · CA SiteMinder Federation Runbook for Microsoft ... for Office 365 for user synchronization. ... This example demonstrates

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Page 4: CA SiteMinder Federation Runbook for Microsoft Office 365 · CA SiteMinder Federation Runbook for Microsoft ... for Office 365 for user synchronization. ... This example demonstrates

Contents 4


Legal Notice .................................................................................................................... 2

Contents .......................................................................................................................... 4

Chapter 1: SaaS Partner Introduction .......................................................................... 6

Overview ..................................................................................................................... 6

Partnership Process .................................................................................................... 6

Prerequisites.......................................................................................................... 6

Manual Directory Synchronization Example .......................................................... 8

Target Microsoft Office 365 Services ..................................................................... 9

Chapter 2: Configure CA SiteMinder (12.52) as Identity Provider ............................ 10

Configure Identity Provider and Service Provider Entities ......................................... 10

Local Entity Creation ........................................................................................... 10

Remote Entity Creation ........................................................................................11

Configure Federation Partnership between CA – SiteMinder (IDP) & Microsoft Office 365 (RP) ..................................................................................................................... 12

Configure Partnership .......................................................................................... 12

Federation Users ................................................................................................. 13

Assertion Configuration ....................................................................................... 14

SSO and SLO ...................................................................................................... 15

Configure Signature and Encryption .................................................................... 15

Partnership Activation .......................................................................................... 16

Chapter 3: Configure Service Provider ...................................................................... 17

Configure Microsoft Office365 ................................................................................... 17

Directory Synchronization (Synchronize On-Premise AD users to Office 365 Cloud) 17

Activate Synchronized User:................................................................................ 21

Configure partnership in Windows Active Directory for Windows Power Shell .... 23

User Role Assigning ............................................................................................ 25

Chapter 4: Federation Testing & Target Services ...................................................... 26

Federation Testing .................................................................................................... 26

Identity Provider Initiated Testing ......................................................................... 26

Service Provider Initiated Testing ........................................................................ 27

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Contents 5

Single Logout....................................................................................................... 28

Federation testing for Active Profile .......................................................................... 29

Microsoft Lync 2013: ............................................................................................ 29

Microsoft Outlook 2013 ........................................................................................ 31

Chapter 5: Exception Handling ................................................................................... 36

Exception Cases ....................................................................................................... 36

When the SiteMinder Partnership is Inactive ....................................................... 36

When Service Provider Entity ID was misconfigured on the SiteMinder Side ...... 36

When Identity Provider Entity ID was misconfigured on the SiteMinder Side ...... 37

When Service Provider Security Token Consumer Service URL was misconfigured on the SiteMinder Side ........................................................................................ 37

Audience Field was misconfigured on the SiteMinder Side ................................. 38

Name ID Format values was misconfigured on the SiteMinder Side ................... 38

User who is not in the Microsoft Office 365 trying to login through SiteMinder .... 38

SiteMinder User who doesn’t have desired attributes in the user store ............... 39

Chapter 6: Summary .................................................................................................... 40

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Chapter 1: SaaS Partner Introduction 6

Chapter 1: SaaS Partner Introduction

This section contains the following topics: Overview

Partnership Process


Manual Directory Synchronization Example

Target Microsoft Office 365 Services


The scope of the document is to provide the necessary steps to configure the federation part-

nership to achieve SSO (Single-Sign-On) between CA SiteMinder 12.52, acting as the WS-Fed

Identity Provider (IDP), and Microsoft Office 365 acting as the WS-Fed Resource Partner (RP).

Partnership Process

The partnership creation for each partner involves the following steps:

1. Installing and configuring the prerequisites

2. Configuring SiteMinder as an Identity Provider

3. Configuring the Service Provider

4. Testing the Federated SSO


Prerequisites for CA SiteMinder and CA Secure Proxy Server

Installation of CA SiteMinder 12.52 Suite

Creation of Signed Certificate by a well-known Certificate Authority such as VeriSign, En-trust, Thawte or Go Daddy for Identity Provider Digital Signature.

Important! - The Federation Partnership Authentication URL must be protected by Site-Minder with persistent sessions enabled.

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Chapter 1: SaaS Partner Introduction 7

Identity Provider Authentication URL is protected by creating following objects:

o Authentication Scheme

o Domain

o Realm

o Rule & Policy

Notes: Protecting the Authentication URL ensures that a user requesting a protected federated

resource is presented with an authentication challenge if they do not have a SiteMinder session

at the Identity Provider.

Installation of CA SiteMinder Secure Proxy Server 12.52

Protect CA Secure Proxy Server Admin UI

Navigate to the Agent which registered during CA Secure Proxy Server Configuration. It should be in the following format [DOMAIN-SPSADMINUI-{agentname}]. e.g. DOMAIN-SPSADMINUI-caspsagent.) Add User Directory and Policy to this domain.

Log into CA Secure Proxy Server and create Security Token Service (STS) with CA Site-Minder Partnership Name (e.g. SamplePartnership-Office365)

Place the SSL public cert and SSL private key in SPS and enable SSL on CA SiteMinder SPS

Review STS logs to make sure STS is functional at secure-proxy_install_dir/proxy-engine/logs/partnership_name.log. Message stating STS initialization is complete indicates that STS is running. Or Type following URL https://{sps-domainName}/{CA-SiteMinder-PartnershipName}/ws-username and following message confirms STS is functional

Test Secure Proxy Server – After restarting the CA Secure Proxy Server, type the following URL in the browser and verify if CA Secure Proxy Server is working as ex-pected.https://{sps-domainName}/affwebservices/assertionretriever

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Chapter 1: SaaS Partner Introduction 8

The STS must have internet access.

Pre-Requisites for Microsoft Office 365 Single Sign-On

Microsoft Office 365 – Enterprise Account

DNS information to register a domain with your DNS provider.

Registered Domain and Active Directory domain must be the same in order to synchronize the Active Directory users to Office 365.

Install the Windows Azure Active Directory Module described here: which requires the Online Services Sign-In Assistant:

Download Office 365 desktop client Application.

User synchronization between your user store and Office 365. Password synchronization is not required. The following synchronization methods are supported:

Manual synchronization: Use Windows Azure AD Module for Windows PowerShell. This

method is adequate for testing SSO.

Microsoft Directory Sync tool: Microsoft provides a tool for synchronizing Active Directo-ry with Office 365. This method is adequate when user accounts are stored in a single Active Directory domain.

CA Identity Minder connector for Office 365: CA provides an Identity Minder connector

for Office 365 for user synchronization. This method works well when user accounts are stored in Active Directory, CA Directory, LDAP, or RDBMS.

Manual Directory Synchronization Example

This example demonstrates copying an Active Directory user to Office 365.

Open the Windows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell and run the following

commands. Provide your own values for upn and location.


$User = Get-ADUser -f {userPrincipalName -eq "[upn]"}

$ImmutableID = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($User.objectguid.ToByteArray())

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Chapter 1: SaaS Partner Introduction 9

New-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $User.userPrincipalName -immutableID $ImmutableID -LastName $User.surname -FirstName $User.givenName -DisplayName $Us-er.displayName -UsageLocation [location]

upn Login name of the user.

For example: [email protected]

location Two letter country code of the user. For example "US"


Target Microsoft Office 365 Services

The following services of Microsoft Office 365 have been tested for federation using CA Site-

Minder 12.52 as Identity Provider.



Sky Drive

SharePoint Online

Page 10: CA SiteMinder Federation Runbook for Microsoft Office 365 · CA SiteMinder Federation Runbook for Microsoft ... for Office 365 for user synchronization. ... This example demonstrates

Chapter 2: Configure CA SiteMinder (12.52) as Identity Provider


Chapter 2: Configure CA SiteMinder (12.52) as Identity Provider

This section contains the following topics:

Configure Identity Provider and Service Provider Entities

Configure Federation Partnership between CA – SiteMinder (IDP) & Microsoft Office 365 (RP)

Configure Identity Provider and Service Provider Entities

To create Entities, Login to CA SiteMinder and navigate to Federation Partnership Federation

Entity Create Entity

Local Entity Creation

Configure Local Identity Provider Entity with following details:

o Entity Location – Local

o Entity Type – WSFED Identity Provider

o SAML Token Type – SAML 1.1

o Entity ID – Any (e.g.

o Entity Name – Any (e.g. SampleEntity-WSFed-SAML1.1)

o Base URL – https://<FWS_FQDN> where FWS_FQDN is the fully-qualified domain

name for the host serving SiteMinder Federation Web Services (e.g. ca-

o Disambiguation ID – Unique identifier for the partnership (e.g. samlsso)

o Signing Private Key Alias – Select the correct private key alias or import one (e.g.


o Supported Name ID format – Unspecified

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Chapter 2: Configure CA SiteMinder (12.52) as Identity Provider


o Click “Finish”.

Remote Entity Creation

Remote Entity can be created either through metadata import or manually. To configure

Remote SP Entity manually, select Create Entity

Create Microsoft Office 365 Remote Entity with following details

o Entity Location – Remote

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Chapter 2: Configure CA SiteMinder (12.52) as Identity Provider


o New Entity Type – WSFED Resource Provider

o SAML Token Type – SAML 1.1

o Entity ID – urn:federation:MicrosoftOnline

o Entity Name – Any (e.g. MicrosoftOffice365)

o Description – Any (e.g. WSFED RP for Office 365)

o Remote Security Token Consumer Service URL -

o Remote Sign-Out URL –

o Supported Name ID Formats – Unspecified

o Click “Finish”

Configure Federation Partnership between CA – SiteMinder (IDP) & Microsoft Office 365 (RP)

Login to CA SiteMinder and navigate to Federation Partnership Federation Create Partnership


Configure Partnership

Add Partnership Name – Any (e.g. SamplePartnership-Office365)

Local IDP ID – Select Local IDP ID (e.g.

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Chapter 2: Configure CA SiteMinder (12.52) as Identity Provider


Remote SP ID – Select Remote SP ID(urn:federation:MicrosoftOnline)

Base URL – Will be pre-populated

Skew Time – Any per environment requirement(e.g. 30)

Enable Metadata Exchange – Select the check box.

STS for WSFED Active Profile – Select the check box.

Select the user store (e.g. smuserstore) from the “Available Directories”

Note: Make sure this partnership name is same as the value given in CA Secure Proxy Server STS

Federation Users

Configure Federation Users – Accept default values

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Chapter 2: Configure CA SiteMinder (12.52) as Identity Provider


Assertion Configuration

Name ID Format:

Name ID Format – Unspecified

Name ID Type – User Attribute

Value – EmailAddress (LDAP Attribute name which contains Immutable ID)

Assertion Attributes:

Assertion Attribute – UPN

Namespace –

Type – User Attribute

Value – name (LDAP Attribute name which contains UPN - name)

Assertion Attributes:

Assertion Attribute – ImmutableID

Namespace –

Type – User Attribute

Value – emailAddress (LDAP Attribute name which contains Immutable ID)

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Chapter 2: Configure CA SiteMinder (12.52) as Identity Provider



Authentication URL – URL that is protected by SiteMinder as mentioned in pre-requisites


SSO Binding – Select SSO Binding supported by the Service Provider – HTTP-Post

Audience – urn:federation:MicrosoftOnline

Security Token Consumer Service URL –

Enable Sign-Out - checked

Add Sign-out Confirmation URL –

Add Sign-out URL – URL of the wsfeddispatcher service e.g. https://ca-

Configure Signature and Encryption

Signing Private Key Alias – Verify correct Private Key Alias is selected

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Chapter 2: Configure CA SiteMinder (12.52) as Identity Provider


On confirmation screen make sure STS information are displayed correctly. Confirm remain-

ing values and finish Partnership.

Partnership Activation

Activate the created Partnership.

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Chapter 3: Configure Service Provider 17

Chapter 3: Configure Service Provider

This section contains the following topics:

Directory Synchronization (Synchronize On-Premise AD users to Office 365 Cloud)

Activate Synchronized User:

Configure partnership in Windows Active Directory for Windows Power Shell

Configure Microsoft Office365

Directory Synchronization (Synchronize On-Premise AD users to Office 365 Cloud)

Activate Directory Synchronization:

Activate directory synchronization to use your on-premises Activate Directory to add users to

Microsoft Office 365. Steps to follow to activate directory synchronization:

Login to Microsoft portal online using the enterprise admin account.

Click “Users and Group” and Click “Activate”

Click on “Activate” in Step 3 and click “Download” to download the Directory Sync Tool.

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Chapter 3: Configure Service Provider 18

Click on “Activate”.

Once it has been activated, following message will be shown.

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Chapter 3: Configure Service Provider 19

Configure Directory Synchronization:

Note: Do not run this tool using the Admin account of Active Directory Domain Controller; use

any other user account to run this tool. Admin credentials are required, however.

Open Directory Sync tool and click “Next”.

Provide Microsoft Office 365 login credentials and click “Next”.

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Chapter 3: Configure Service Provider 20

Provide Active Directory Credentials and click “Next”.

Click on “Next” Next Next and Finish on upcoming screens

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Chapter 3: Configure Service Provider 21

Activate Synchronized User:

Assign Licenses and Active Synchronized Users:

To activate synchronized users from Active Directory, select the user and click “ ” icon

Select services for the particular user and click “Next”.

Note: User will be able to login only to the selected services.

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Chapter 3: Configure Service Provider 22

Provide the email address in order to send credentials via email and click “Activate”.

Click on “Finish”.

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Chapter 3: Configure Service Provider 23

Configure partnership in Windows Active Directory for Windows Power Shell

Launch Windows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell as an Adminis-


Connect to Office 365 as a Microsoft Office 365 Administrator:

Type the following command in Microsoft PowerShell


Change the Domain Authentication method to “Federated”

Note: Line breaks are only shown here for formatting and readability purposes


-Authentication Federated

-DomainName <domain name>

-FederationBrandName <any name>

-IssuerUri <Identity provider URI>

-LogOffUri <Identity provider Logoff URI>

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Chapter 3: Configure Service Provider 24

-PassiveLogOnUri <Identity provider Passive logon URI>

-SigningCertificate <IP Signing certificate>



-Authentication Federated






-SigningCertificate "MIIEmDCCAoCgAw…..5WifUBkgA=="

Note: If you are updating values after the authentication method is set to Federated then you must

use the command Set-MsolDomainFederationSettings


-DomainName<domain name>

-FederationBrandName<any name>

-PreferredAuthenticationProtocol WsFed

-IssuerUri <Identity provider URI>

-LogOffUri <Identity provider Logoff URI>

-ActiveLogOnUri<Identity Provider Active LogOnURI>

-PassiveLogOnUri <Identity provider Passive logon URI>

-SigningCertificate <IP Signing certificate>









-PreferredAuthenticationProtocol WsFed

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Chapter 3: Configure Service Provider 25

-SigningCertificate "MIIEmDCCAoCgAw…..5WifUBkgA=="

User Role Assigning

Get to Users and Groups Tab and select the user to be tested (e.g. iduser)

Select all applications as shown below:

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Chapter 4: Federation Testing & Target Services 26

Chapter 4: Federation Testing & Target Servic-es

This section contains the following topics:

Federation Testing

Federation testing for Active Profile

Federation Testing

Microsoft Office 365 supports both Service Provider and Identity Provider initiated login. This

version of Microsoft Office 365 does not support Mobile Application login via federated Single


Identity Provider Initiated Testing

Access URL -

Enter the credentials and click login

User will be landing at the Microsoft Office 365 home page

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Chapter 4: Federation Testing & Target Services 27

Service Provider Initiated Testing

Access URL –

This will automatically direct the user to the login page of Identity Provider (SiteMinder).

Enter the credentials and click login

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Chapter 4: Federation Testing & Target Services 28

User will be landing at the Microsoft Office 365 home page

Single Logout

Navigate to Admin and select Sign out

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Chapter 4: Federation Testing & Target Services 29

After Logout redirected to Login Screen as configured in SLO step

Federation testing for Active Profile

Microsoft Lync 2013:

Download Lync 2013 app

Login to Microsoft Lync 2013 with Active Directory login credentials.

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Chapter 4: Federation Testing & Target Services 30

Provide Active Directory login password.

After Successful login, user can login into Lync 2013 application using Active Logon.

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Chapter 4: Federation Testing & Target Services 31

Microsoft Outlook 2013

Configure Microsoft Outlook 2013–Navigate to File Data File Management

Click “New”

Choose “Microsoft Exchange,POP3, IMAP, or HTTP” and Click “Next”

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Chapter 4: Federation Testing & Target Services 32

Select “Manually Configure server settings or additional server types” and Click “Next”

Select “Internet E-mail” and click on “Next”

Provide E-mail Settings

o Email-Address – Provider email Address of the user

o Account Type – Select “POP3”

o Incoming mail server –

o Outgoing mail server(SMTP) –

o Username – Provide emailAddress of the user

o Password – Provide user password

Click “More Settings”

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Chapter 4: Federation Testing & Target Services 33

Click “Advanced” tab.

o Under Server Port Numbers, do the following changes

o Incoming Server(POP3) – 995

o Check “This server requires an encrypted connection(SSL)”

o Outgoing server(SMTP) – 587

o Use the following type of encrypted connection – Select “TLS”

Click “Ok”

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Chapter 4: Federation Testing & Target Services 34

Click “Outgoing Server” tab and select “My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication”

and click “OK”

Click “Next”

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Chapter 4: Federation Testing & Target Services 35

Click “Finish”

Once configuration is completed, user should be able to access Outlook emails.

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Chapter 5: Exception Handling 36

Chapter 5: Exception Handling

This section contains the following exceptions:

When the SiteMinder Partnership is Inactive

When Service Provider Entity ID was misconfigured on the SiteMinder Side

When Identity Provider Entity ID was misconfigured on the SiteMinder Side

When Service Provider Security Token Consumer Service URL was misconfigured on the Site-Minder Side

Audience Field was misconfigured on the SiteMinder Side

Name ID Format values was misconfigured on the SiteMinder Side

User who is not in the Microsoft Office 365 trying to login through SiteMinder

SiteMinder User who doesn’t have desired attributes in the user store

Exception Cases

When the SiteMinder Partnership is Inactive

When SiteMinder Partnership is Inactive or not Defined, following error appears on browser

When Service Provider Entity ID was misconfigured on the SiteMinder Side

Entity ID used

Result Fails at the Microsoft Office 365 side and displays the error given below.

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Chapter 5: Exception Handling 37

When Identity Provider Entity ID was misconfigured on the SiteMinder Side

Entity ID used urn:federation:MicrosoftOnline/fugen

Result Fails before authentication and displays the error given below.

When Service Provider Security Token Consumer Service URL was misconfigured on the SiteMinder Side

Security Token Consumer Service URL used

Result Redirects to the specified URL after authentication with a blank page

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Chapter 5: Exception Handling 38

Audience Field was misconfigured on the SiteMinder Side

Audience used urn:federation:MicrosoftOnline

Result Authentication at the Microsoft Office 365 fails and displays the error given below.

Name ID Format values was misconfigured on the SiteMinder Side

Name ID Format used X509 Subject Name

Result Works fine without any issue. Change of attributes only matter.

User who is not in the Microsoft Office 365 trying to login through SiteMinder

User ID used demouser1

Result User does not exist in Microsoft Office 365and produce following error

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Chapter 5: Exception Handling 39

SiteMinder User who doesn’t have desired attributes in the user store

User ID used feduser1

This user doesn’t have the email id attribute which is the Name ID Format used in the Partner-


Result After authentication, following error page appears.

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Chapter 6: Summary 40

Chapter 6: Summary

Microsoft Office 365 supports both Identity Provider and Service Provider-initiated scenario

Microsoft Office 365 services federation via Browser-SSO is tested

SPS is configured for Microsoft 365.

No backchannel or artifact based profiles are implemented at Microsoft Office 365

The SSO, assertion consumer and target URLs are all https

Microsoft Office 365 Single Logout Service URL is tested

The following services provided by Microsoft Office 365 have been tested for desktop

browser environment




SharePoint Online