ca database scavenger hunt pt. 1

AS English 10-Cusick Database Scavenger Hunt-Day 1 Name: _____________________________________ General Topic Overview : What is your topic? What do you already know about it? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________ SIRS RESEARCHER Go to the Research Page on the LSW Media Center Website and click on the SIRS Researcher link (found under hot topics.) 1) Click on the A-Z list tab on the main page of SIRS Researcher and find and select the topic from the A-Z list that most closely relates to your general topic. 2) Read the Topic Overview- select the more button and read the overview and terms to know. 3) Define two of the terms to know from your topic. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________

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Post on 19-Jul-2015




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Page 1: CA Database Scavenger Hunt pt. 1

AS English 10-CusickDatabase Scavenger Hunt-Day 1

Name: _____________________________________

General Topic Overview : What is your topic? What do you already know about it? ________________________________________________________________________________



SIRS RESEARCHER Go to the Research Page on the LSW Media Center Website and click on the SIRS Researcher link (found under hot topics.)1) Click on the A-Z list tab on the main page of SIRS Researcher and find and select the topic from the A-Z list that most closely relates to your general topic.

2) Read the Topic Overview- select the more button and read the overview and terms to know.

3) Define two of the terms to know from your topic.






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4) Go back to the Leading Issues page and click on the timeline logo. List 4 key events that have occurred within the last 25 years.1.




















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5) Go back to the leading Issues page and click on the global issues logo. Now narrow your results to newspapers and browse through the articles. List two issues other countries are facing.














_____2) Go back to the Leading Issues page and read

the Pro/Con Issues and Essential Questions. Select the one that is the most interesting to you.

What did you pick?







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In the upper right corner of the page is a link to an interactive website or video about your topic. Click on that link.

3) Spend approximately 1 – 2 minutes clicking through the site. Now - describe this interactive:










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Close this webpage and continue working in the SIRS Researcher site.4) Look through all of the issues surrounding

this question. Be sure to read the topic overview, terms to know, the timeline, etc. Explain a pro (Yes) and a con (No) for this issue.

PRO (Yes)




______________CON (No)




_______________5) Now choose your position (PRO/Yes or CON/No) and click on one of the articles listed under

that position. Find 3 key points in the article and paraphrase them. Remember to include the paragraph number

for each.







______________________________________________________6) Now it is time to start your works cited. Scroll to the bottom of the page and find the MLA

Citation. Copy the entry and open a Word document. Title it Works Cited and paste the entry.

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7) Click on the back arrow and scroll to the middle of the page to find articles on your topic. Take note of the different source types you can use (newspapers, magazines, viewpoint articles, etc.) Select a magazine article.

8) After reading your article find one direct quote you could use in your paper. Remember to include the paragraph number.








_______________________________________________________________9) Now add this source to your works cited. Scroll to the bottom of the page and find the MLA

Citation. Copy the entry and copy to your word document. At this time you should PRINT your works cited.

Finally, let’s say you need to figure out a way to view this article again in future. You have two options:

The first option is email. Click on the Email button and enter your school email address. A copy of the article will be sent to that email account.

If you must print – make sure to click on the Print View button to get a printer friendly version of the article.