c-i booklet wk 1

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  • 8/2/2019 C-I Booklet wk 1


  • 8/2/2019 C-I Booklet wk 1


    See pp. 175-189 for sample answers to odd-numbered exercises.2

    3. There are a number of verbs with stem changes. In the following cases the

    stem vowel diphthongizes whenever it is stressed. See the following


    a. stressed - o changes to ==> -ue

    CONTAR: cuento / cuentas / cuenta / contamos / cuentan

    b. stressed - e changes to ==> -ie

    PENSAR: pienso / piensas / pienso / pensamos / piensan

    c. the following verbs have these types of vowel changes.

    -- * Note that some have additional changes as well.

    -o ==> -ue -e ==> -ie











    4. In other cases the stem vowel changes as follows:

    - note that here again there is no change in the first person plural

    (nosotros) verb forms.

  • 8/2/2019 C-I Booklet wk 1


    See pp. 175-189 for sample answers to odd-numbered exercises.3

    a. -e changes to ==> -i

    SEGUIR: sigo / sigues / sigue / seguimos / siguen

    - Other verbs of this type are:

    SERVIR (sirvo.....) MEDIR (mido.....)

    PEDIR (pido......) REPETIR (repito....)

    REIR (rio......) REIR (ro.......)

    VESTIR (visto.....)

    5. There are additional types of changes:

    a. In some cases the stem vowel -u- changes to > -ue.

    JUGAR: juego / juegas / juega / jugamos / juegan

    b. In some cases only one form is irregular.

    CABER: quepo / cabes / cabe / cabemos / caben

    - Other verbs of this type are:


    - see the examples on page l

    c. Some verbs suffer spelling (orthographic) changes.

    HUIR: huyo / huyes / huye / huimos / huyen

    OLER: huelo / hueles / huele / olemos / huelen

  • 8/2/2019 C-I Booklet wk 1


    See pp. 175-189 for sample answers to odd-numbered exercises.4


    Complete las oraciones con la forma apropiada del verbo.

    (Complete the following sentences with the appropriate verb form. See thevocabulary items at the end of the exercise.)

    A. Me llamo Casimiro. Yo __________ estudiante en la Universidad de



    en San Diego. Yo _________________ cuatro cursos: biologa, matemticas,


    espaol y redaccin. En la clase de redaccin nosotros ___________________


    mucho y yo ______________ que as yo ______________ a aprender a escribir

    pensar ir

    bien. En biologa yo ______________ todo tipo de experimentos y en


    matemticas yo _____________________ problemas de clculo. El prximo


    trimestre yo __________________ seguir un curso de filosofa, pero ahora yo

    quererno _______________. En la clase de espaol yo ___________________ lo que

    poder repetir

    ________________. De noche yo ____________ con las conjugaciones


    or soar

    de los verbos. Al da siguiente yo no ___________________ nada en clase.


    El ltimo ao de estudio yo ______________________ estudiar en Espaa con



    programa de la Universidad de California. Ahora poco a poco yo



    a sentirme bilinge.

  • 8/2/2019 C-I Booklet wk 1


    See pp. 175-189 for sample answers to odd-numbered exercises.5

  • 8/2/2019 C-I Booklet wk 1


    See pp. 175-189 for sample answers to odd-numbered exercises.6

    B.Yo no ____________________ a ese hombre, pero la gente ___________________conocer decir

    que _________ un brujo benvolo. ____________ que no todos ______________ ser saber pensar

    lo mismo, pero yo_____________ no tratar con l porque le ________________

    preferir tenermucho miedo.

    {Vocabulario: gente = people; brujo = warlock; benvolo = good; lo mismo =the same thing; todos = everybody; tratar con = to deal with; tener

    miedo = to be afraid}

    C.La ambulancia ________________________ a los heridos a ese hospital porquellevar

    ___________________ ms cerca y as los mdicos __________________________estar poder

    atenderlos ms pronto.

    {Vocabulario:llevar = to take/carry; heridos = wounded; atender = to care


    D. Complete las oraciones con la FORMA DEL PRESENTE del verbo indicado.

    1. Los viernes ellas siempre ____________________muy tarde porque____________

    a bailar con sus amigos.- They always go to bed very late on Fridays because they go out dancingwith their friends.

    2. Nunca ____________________ antes de las 2 a.m. y para el otro da siempre

    ____________________ dormir hasta el medioda.- They never get back before 2 a.m. and the next day they always want to

    sleep until noon.

    3. Nunca ___________________ suficientes lpices en la caja y algunos

    alumnos nunca_________________ con qu escribir.

    - There are never enough pencils in the box and some students never findanything with which to write.

    4. A Antonio no le _____________________ las comidas exticas; l siempre

    _____________________ la misma cosa: una hamburguesa.-Antonio doesn't like exotic foods; he always asks for the same thing: a


    5. Si me _____________ esta noche te ______________ todo lo que ____________.

    - If you call me tonight I'll tell you everything I know.

  • 8/2/2019 C-I Booklet wk 1


    See pp. 175-189 for sample answers to odd-numbered exercises.7

    7. Traduzca las siguientes oraciones.Use el tiempo presente.

    (Translate the following sentences. Use the present tense.)

    ** Note: Some of the sentences are in the present progressive or future

    tense in English, but in Spanish these are translated with the present.

    Example: Why is the baby crying? ===> Por qu llora el beb?

    a. I'll give you $500 dollars for the car. DAR


    b. I'm telling you the truth. DECIR


    c. I'm going to my biology class. IR


    d. I know all the numbers in Spanish. SABER


    e. I know Mxico City well. CONOCER


    f. I know my phone number and address. SABER


    g. I'm leaving on the midnight train. SALIR


  • 8/2/2019 C-I Booklet wk 1


    See pp. 175-189 for sample answers to odd-numbered exercises.8

    h. I'll bring the wine to the party. TRAER


    i. Help! I'm falling! CAERSE


    j. I sleep eight hours every night. DORMIR


    k. It rains every spring and it snows in the winter. LLOVER / NEVAR


    l. I wake up at 5:00 a.m. DESPERTAR


    m. They prefer to return tomorrow. PREFERIR


    n. He'll return this afternoon. VOLVER


    o. I'm runnning 2 miles a day. CORRER


    p. She always breaks the test tubes (las probetas). QUEBRAR


  • 8/2/2019 C-I Booklet wk 1


    See pp. 175-189 for sample answers to odd-numbered exercises.9


    Los pronombres reflexivos son:

    ME - TE - SE - NOS

    l. Los pronombres reflexivos se usan cuando el sujeto y el objeto

    directo son la misma persona:

    Juan se viste temprano. (i.e., Juan viste "a Juan".)

    - Juan gets dressed (dresses himself) early

    PERO :

    Juan viste al nio. / Juan lo viste.

    - Juan dresses the child. Juan dresses him.

    ==> OJO: Ver que a veces el verbo aparece con preposicin:

    Juan se casa con Mara.

    Juan is marrying Mara. (getting married to)

    2. En algunos casos el sujeto y el objeto indirecto son la misma persona:

    Juan se compra una camisa nueva. (i.e., Juan compra para "Juan")

    - Juan buys himself a new shirt. (Juan buys for Juan)

    Juan se pone el sombrero para salir. (literally: "on himself")

    - Juan puts on his hat to go out.

    PERO :

    Juan le compra una camisa nueva a su hermano.

    - Juan buys his brother a new shirt.

  • 8/2/2019 C-I Booklet wk 1


    See pp. 175-189 for sample answers to odd-numbered exercises.10

    3. Los pronombres reflexivos tambin se usan para indicar cambios de

    disposicin. En ingls esto se indica con el verbo 'become" o "get' +


    Julio se cansa fcilmente. = Julio gets tired easily.Juana se enoja rpidamente.= Juana gets mad right away.

    Juan se hace el tonto. = Juan acts dumb.

    Juan se re mucho. = Juan laughs a lot. (starts laughing)

    4. Los reflexivos tambin se usan para indicar una accin recproca.Veamos

    estos ejemplos:

    Los nios siempre se pelean. = The boys always fight with each other.

    Las chicas se ven los domingos.= The girls see each other on Sunday.

    Nos queremos mucho. = We love each other very much.

    Ellos se engaan. = They deceive each other.

    La madre y la hija se parecen.

    - The mother and daughter look like each other.

    En las guerras los soldados se matan sin razn.

    - In wars (in wartime) soldiers kill each other needlessly.

    5. El reflexivo se usa con verbos intransitivos que indican movimiento

    para sealar la voluntad/la decisin del agente. Veamos los siguientes

    ejemplos para contrastar IR vs. IRSE; SALIR vs. SALIRSE

    Juan va a la tienda. - Juan goes/is going to the store.

    Juan se va a la guerra. - Juan is going off to war.

    Martina sale del trabajo a las 3. - Martina gets off work at 3:00.

    Eva se sale de la casa de noche. - Eva sneaks out of the house at night.

  • 8/2/2019 C-I Booklet wk 1


    See pp. 175-189 for sample answers to odd-numbered exercises.11

    ----- Aqu hay una lista parcial de algunos verbos reflexivos y sus

    significados. Estdielos y luego haga el ejercicio que sigue.

    l. levantarse = to get up vestirse = to get dressedsentarse = to sit down acercarse = to approachacostarse = to go to bed alejarse = to distance oneself

    despertarse = to wake up mojarse = to get oneself wetbaarse = to bathe secarse = to dry oneselfdespeinarse = to mess up one's hair esconderse = to hideafeitarse = to shave arrodillarse = to kneelpeinarse = to comb oneself asearse = to tidy uplavarse = to wash oneself casarse con = to marrypararse = to stand up ducharse = to showercepillarse = to brush calzarse = to put on shoescansarse = to get tired divorciarse de = to get a divorce

    2. ponerse + adjetivo = to become ponerse + artculo = to put onquitarse = to take off abrocharse = to snap onabotonarse = to button up atarse = to tie up/lace/knotvestirse = to put on mudarse = to change/to move

    3. enojarse = to get angry alegrarse = to get happyentristecerse = to become sad enriquecerse = to get richhacerse + adj. = to become + adj. ponerse + adj. = to become + adj.divertirse = to have fun/enjoy volverse + adj. = to become +

    adj.enfadarse = to get angry desmayarse = to faintrecobrarse = to get well recuperarse = to recuperate

    4. rerse de = to laugh at parecerse a = to look like


    Complete la oracin con la forma apropiada del verbo en el PRESENTE. Veael vocabulario al final del ejercicio.

    l. Manolo ___________________ a las 5:00 de la maana y __________________

    despertarse levantarse

    a las 5:l5 a.m. l ___________________ los dientes y _____________________

    cepillarse ducharse

    en 15 minutos, ______________________ en 10 minutos y ____________________

    afeitarse vestirseen 3 minutos. Antes de salir ______________________ y ____________________

    peinarse ponerse

    desodorante. A las 5:45 ___________________ al auto y ____________________

    subirse irse

    a la oficina.

  • 8/2/2019 C-I Booklet wk 1


    See pp. 175-189 for sample answers to odd-numbered exercises.12

    2. Los estudiantes siempre _________________ cuando ellos ________________

    divertirse ponerse

    los trajes de bao y _______________________ a la piscina.


    3. Yo __________________la chaqueta antes de salir porque ________________

    abotonarse ponerse

    fro afuera en el invierno.

    4. Esteban ________________ bien las cintas de los zapatos y _____________

    atarse quitarse

    los lentes para jugar futbol.

    5. Victoria y Samuel _______________ mucho y por eso quieren casarse


    en agosto pero por ahora ___________________ todos los fines de semana y


    _____________________ todos los das.


    6. Agustn _______________ a Europa el sbado; l _____________________

    irse llevarse

    toda su ropa; as _________________ de su familia para no volver jams.alejarse

    vocabulario: antes de = before; por eso = that's why; por ahora = for now;

    cintas = laces; traje de bao = bathing suit; desodorante =deodorant; chaqueta = jacket; lentes = glasses; llevarse = totake off with, to take with oneself; jams = not ever

  • 8/2/2019 C-I Booklet wk 1


    See pp. 175-189 for sample answers to odd-numbered exercises.13


    1. Verbs changing stem: from -e- to -ie- and from -o- to -ue-.Complete las siguientes oraciones con la forma PRESENTE del verbo.

    a. En la selva siempre _______________ pero nunca ________________.

    llover nevar

    b. Yo _____________ ir a la biblioteca porque all ellos _____________querer tener

    varios peridicos espaoles.

    c. El zorrillo ________________ mal pero despus de baarnos nosotrosoler

    _____________________ bien.oler

    d. Cuando mis amigos ___________________ a verme yo no _______________venir poder

    estudiar ni leer.

    e. Durante los das feriados siempre ________________ muchas personas morir

    en las carreteras.

    f. Esta noche l ________________ a leer la novela aunque l no tienecomenzar

    ganas de hacerlo. [aunque=although; tener ganas=to feel like]

    2. Ejercicio sobre verbos irregulares. Cuidado con los cambios ortogrficos.

    a. Los pjaros siempre _______________ cuando yo ___________ al patio.huir salir

    b. Yo __________ de Nueva York; slo ________ en California de vacaciones.ser estar

    c. Yo no __________________ a nadie en mi familia.parecerse

    d. Mario ____________ 6 pies, 3 pulgadas y ___________ el pelo negro.medir tener

    e. l siempre __________ de mis chistes, pero yo nunca ______________

  • 8/2/2019 C-I Booklet wk 1


  • 8/2/2019 C-I Booklet wk 1


    See pp. 175-189 for sample answers to odd-numbered exercises.15



    4. My mother laughs when I tell her that I don't have fun at parties.


    5. My teacher gets very angry when I sit down on her desk.



    6. When the singer takes off his shirt, all the girls faint.



    7. After marrying the millionaire, she'll buy herself a huge Cadillac.(marrying = infinitivo en espaol)



    8. We need to sit near the door. In this way we will get near therefreshments. {to get near = use present tense of ACERCARSE; in thisway = as; refreshments = refrescos)



    9. Mara puts on her gloves and hat after she gets dressed and combs her




    10. The couples kneel at the altar when the priest marries them.__________________________________________________________________________


  • 8/2/2019 C-I Booklet wk 1


    See pp. 175-189 for sample answers to odd-numbered exercises.16

    11. The mother bathes her baby first and then she takes a bath.



    12. The barber shaves the customer first and then dries his face.__________________________________________________________________________


    13. The girls go crazy when they listen to Springsteen. (volverse locas)



    14. The actor takes off his wig when he takes a shower. (wig = peluca)



    15. I'm going to the zoo and I'm taking the kids.(zoo = zoolgico; to take (with oneself) = llevarse



  • 8/2/2019 C-I Booklet wk 1


    See pp. 175-189 for sample answers to odd-numbered exercises.17


    1. Hay tres verbos que se traducen como el verbo del ingls TO BE:


    En las siguientes semanas vamos a aprender los usos de estos tres verbos.

    a.HABER - El verbo HABER tiene varios usos. Uno de ellos es situar lo

    indefinido. Veamos los siguientes ejemplos:

    - Hay una fiesta en casa de Yolanda.

    - There's a party at Yolanda's house.

    - Hay hormigas debajo de la casa.

    - There are ants under the house.

    - Las expresiones del ingls - THERE IS y THERE ARE {There exist(s)}- se

    traducen con la expresin HAY.

    ==> OJO: - El verbo HAY se usa para situar lo singular y lo plural.

    - HABER en este uso es invariable; no se conjuga; no concuerda en nmero.

    - Hay una silla. - There is one chair.

    - Hay diez sillas. - There are ten chairs.

    b.ESTAR. - el verbo ESTAR se usa para situar lo definido (excepto eventos).

    Veamos los siguientes ejemplos:

    - Los libros estn en los estantes.

    - The books are on the shelves.

    - Las hormigas estn en el piso.

    - The ants are on the floor.

  • 8/2/2019 C-I Booklet wk 1


    See pp. 175-189 for sample answers to odd-numbered exercises.18

    - recordemos que el verbo ESTAR se conjuga as:

    estoy estamos


    est estn

    ==> OJO: - es importante ver que lo indefinido va con HABER y lo definido con

    el verbo ESTAR:

    - Hay un lpiz debajo de la mesa.

    - There's a pencil under the table.

    - El lpiz est debajo de la mesa.

    - The pencil is under the table.

    c. SER - el verbo SER se usa para situar eventos definidos. Veamos estos

    ejemplos. Ver que puede situarse el evento temporalmente o


    - El concierto es en la cafetera de Revelle.

    - The concert is at the Revelle cafeteria.

    - La pelcula es a las 8:30 p.m.

    - The film showing is at 8:30 p.m.

    - La fiesta es en mi casa.

    - The party's at my house.

    2. TENER. El verbo TENER tiene varios usos. Vea los siguientes ejemplos.

    TENER - to have. Tengo dos hermanos. - I have two brothers.

    TENER QUE - to have to Tengo que estudiar esta tarde.

    - I have to study this afternoon.

    l tiene que salir maana.

    - He has to leave tomorrow.

  • 8/2/2019 C-I Booklet wk 1


    See pp. 175-189 for sample answers to odd-numbered exercises.19

    TENER tambin se usa para indicar estados fisiolgicos o psicolgicos:

    Tengo hambre. - I'm hungry.Tengo sed. - I'm thirsty.Tengo dolor de cabeza.- I have a headache.Tengo tos. - I have a cough.

    Tengo catarro. - I have a cold.Tengo fiebre. - I have a fever.Tengo fro. - I'm cold.Tengo calor. - I'm hot.Tengo miedo. - I'm afraid.Tengo el pelo largo. - My hair is long./ I have long hair.Tengo los ojos negros.- My eyes are black.Tengo 20 aos. - I'm twenty years old.Tengo razn. - I'm right.


    1. Tomorrow I have to go to the library because I need a book.



    2. The students have to see the doctor because they have the flu.



    3. There's a cold beer in the refrigerator if you're thirsty.


    4. There are at least 10 ways to write a paper. (ways to = maneras de)



    5. There's a meeting at 4:00 p.m. but I can't go because I have to sleep.



    6. The students are in the library because there's an exam tomorrow.



  • 8/2/2019 C-I Booklet wk 1


    See pp. 175-189 for sample answers to odd-numbered exercises.20

    7. There are two students in the library who are afraid of you.



    8. You're right. The meeting's at the cafeteria this evening.



    9. The dictionary's on the shelf but there's a list of verbs on the desk.



    10. The rock concert is tonight in Los Angeles.



    11. There's a hurricane in the Gulf of Mxico.



    12. The Olympic Games are in Spain, but there's a boat race in the SanDiego bay.



    13. Buenos Aires is in Argentina but Lima is in Peru.



    14. Chile is south of Peru but Ecuador is north of Peru.



  • 8/2/2019 C-I Booklet wk 1


    See pp. 175-189 for sample answers to odd-numbered exercises.21


    El verbo GUSTAR es pasivo. El sujeto del verbo es siempre el objeto que a

    uno le gusta. (i.e., The verb agrees with the object liked.)

    I like wine. -Me gusta el vino. (Wine is pleasing to me.)

    I like books. -Me gustan los libros.(Books are pleasing to


    I like apples. - Me gustan las manzanas.

    I like watermelon. - Me gusta la sanda.

    (*Note that the verb is plural if objects liked are plural.)

    (**Note the use of the article in Spanish: el vino, la sanda, etc.)

    Los pronombres que van con el verbo GUSTAR son formas dativas. stas son:

    ME / TE / LE / NOS / LES. Vea los ejemplos y sus traducciones:

    He likes... A l le gusta... A l le gustan...She likes... A ella le gusta... A ella le gustan...We like... A nosotros nos gusta... A nosotros nos gustan...

    They like... A ellos les gusta... A ellos les gustan...A ellas les gusta... A ellas les gustan...

    You like... A usted le gusta... A usted le gustan...A ti te gusta... A ti te gustan...A ustedes les gusta... A ustedes les gustan...

    I like... A mme gusta... A mme gustan...

    Las frases introductorias (A + pronombre) no son necesarias, a menos que

    se especifique la persona o sea necesario enfatizar el pronombre para


    Mary likes sherry. - A Mary le gusta el jerez.

    Mrs. Garca likes beer. - A la Sra. Garca le gusta la cerveza.

    She likes beer but he doesn't.- A ella le gusta la cerveza pero a l


    He likes peanuts. - Le gustan los cacahuates.

    I like milk. -Me gusta la leche.

  • 8/2/2019 C-I Booklet wk 1


    See pp. 175-189 for sample answers to odd-numbered exercises.22

    I like milk but he doesn't. - A mme gusta la leche pero a l no.

    Cuando los pronombres con "a" se usan, pueden aparecer al principio de la

    oracin o al final Si aparecen al final son an ms ENFTICOS.Ver elejemplo.

    A m me gusta el pastel de manzana. - I like apple pie.

    Me gusta el pastel de manzana a m. - I'm the one that likes apple pie.

    Cuando lo que agrada es una accin, denotada por un infinitivo, se usa la

    forma singular del verbo.

    Me gusta comer zanahoras.

    Le gusta salir de noche.

    Me gusta nadar y bailar.

    Traduzca las siguientes oraciones. Vea el vocabulario al fondo.

    1. He likes to smoke a pack of cigarettes daily, but she doesn't.


    2. She doesn't like high heels but she likes tennis shoes.


    3. They like fried chicken but I don't.


    4. I like old blue jeans.


    5. He likes to play baseball but we like to play basketball.


    6. Juan likes detective novels but I like short stories.


  • 8/2/2019 C-I Booklet wk 1


    See pp. 175-189 for sample answers to odd-numbered exercises.23

    7. Mr. Lpez likes erotic movies but Mrs. Lpez likes horror movies.


    8. We like the newscast on T.V. but she doesn't.


    vocabulario: pack of cigarettes = cajetilla/paquete de cigarrillos; highheels = tacones altos; tennis shoes = zapatillas de tenis;blue jeans = pantalones de mezclilla; basketball = baloncestonewscast = noticiero/noticiario; short stories = cuentos


    En espaol hay otros verbos como GUSTAR. Veamos los siguientes ejemplos:

    a. DOLER: to hurt

    -- A Julin le duele la cabeza.

    - Julian's head hurts.

    -- A mme duele el cuello.

    - My neck hurts.

    -- A l le duelen los pies.

    - His feet hurt

    => OJO: (note that the possessive adjective is not generally used in

    Spanish with parts of the body.)

    b. MOLESTAR: to bother, to be bothersome to (*)

    -- A nosotros nos molesta el ruido.

    - Noise bothers us.

    -- A ella le molestan mucho los zancudos.

    - Mosquitoes bother her a lot.

    (*) Este verbo puede usarse de manera activa tambin:

  • 8/2/2019 C-I Booklet wk 1


    See pp. 175-189 for sample answers to odd-numbered exercises.24

    -- Yo molesto en esa casa.

    - I'm in the way in that house.

    c. DESAGRADAR/AGRADAR : to displease/to please

    -- A ella le agrada ir al cine pero le desagrada ir a la iglesia.

    - She likes to go to the movies but she dislikes going to


    - Hay tambin una serie de construcciones semejantes. Veamos los ejemplos

    a continuacin, recordando siempre que cuando se trata de un uso pasivo

    es necesario incluir el pronombre y asegurarse de la concordancia.

    DAR PENA = to be sad about

    - Me da pena no poder venir a la fiesta.

    - It saddens me not to be able to come to the party.

    DAR RABIA = to be angry about/to be enraged by

    - Le da rabia verme contigo.

    - He can't stand to see me with you.

    DAR CORAJE = to be angry at

    - Nos da coraje tener que mentirles.

    - We are angry at having to lie to them.DAR GUSTO = = to be happy about

    - Me da mucho gusto conocerlo.

    - I'm very happy to meet you.

    DAR TRISTEZA = to be sad about

    - Te da tristeza saberlo, verdad?

    - It saddens you to find out about it, right?

    EJERCICIO:Traduzca las siguientes oraciones.

    l. His stomach hurts and his feet hurt too. DOLER


    2. The light bothers me. MOLESTAR


  • 8/2/2019 C-I Booklet wk 1


    See pp. 175-189 for sample answers to odd-numbered exercises.25

  • 8/2/2019 C-I Booklet wk 1


    See pp. 175-189 for sample answers to odd-numbered exercises.26

    3. She dislikes popular music. DESAGRADAR


    4. It makes me angry to hear those politicians. DAR RABIA


    5. It makes me happy to see you again. DAR GUSTO


    6. It saddens me to see you depressed. DAR PENA (depressed = deprimido)


    7. It bothers him to have to work tomorrow. MOLESTAR


    8. That music saddens me a lot because it makes me remember that I like todance but I can't. DAR TRISTEZA/HACER RECORDAR/GUSTAR (because = porque)



    9. I love to see her smile and dance. (love = encantar)



    10. It pains us to think that you don't have a place to go.



    11. These sandals bother me and that's why my feet hurt today.



  • 8/2/2019 C-I Booklet wk 1


    See pp. 175-189 for sample answers to odd-numbered exercises.27


    Cuando usted escriba sus composiciones sobre las lecturas (readings), lo ms

    probable es que use el tiempo PRESENTE, a menos que se pida lo contrario en

    las especificaciones ("Temas para la Composicin").

    Traduzca el siguiente prrafo. Consulte el glosario al pie de la pgina.

    ______________________________________________________________________In one of Julio Cortzar's stories, there's a woman in Argentina

    ______________________________________________________________________who makes mental contact with a woman in Hungary. The main

    ______________________________________________________________________character's name is Alina Reyes. She's a wealthy young woman who

    ______________________________________________________________________lives the good life in Buenos Aires. But sometimes Alina senses that

    ______________________________________________________________________there is a woman in Budapest who is hungry in the cold and snow. She


    also knows that the beggar woman lives with a man who beats her.

    ______________________________________________________________________Alina can feel the blows and the pain. Until one day Alina travels to

    ______________________________________________________________________Budapest and the two women meet on a bridge. And then....



    to sense = sentir that/who = que pain = dolorto beat = golpear Hungary = Hungra blows = golpesto feel = sentir main = principal bridge = puenteto know = saber sometimes = a veces beggar woman = mendigato travel = viajar character = personaje wealthy = ricato meet = encontrarse contact = contactountil = hasta que then = entonces

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    See pp. 175-189 for sample answers to odd-numbered exercises.28


    The present Progressive tense in English is formed with the verb TO BE +

    present participle: He's going./ She's coming home. This tense is used to

    indicate that something is happening now or is in progress now: It's

    raining./ She's sleeping./ They're eating. etc.

    In Spanish we use the PRESENT tense to indicate that something is in

    progress or happening right now. We do not need the PRESENT PROGRESSIVE

    for this function, although it is an option.

    ==> OJO: In Spanish the present participles are called "gerundios," like the

    English gerunds, but they NEVER function as nouns. The formation of these

    "gerundios" is determined by the infinitive forms, as follows:

    -ar verbs -er verbs -ir verbs

    VERB STEM + + -ando + -iendo + -iendo

    Examples: hablar/hablando trabajar/trabajando

    comer/comiendo tener/teniendo

    vivir/viviendo salir/saliendo

    Mara est hablando con el profesor.- Mara is talking to the


    El oso est comiendo. - The bear is eating.

    No est saliendo el agua. - No water's coming out.

    Irregular verbs sometimes have irregular participle forms. For example:

    pedir/pidiendo; seguir/siguiendo; vestir/vistiendo; medir/midiendo;

    huir/huyendo; ir/yendo; ver/viendo; ser/siendo or leer/leyendo.

    The auxiliary verb is often ESTAR, but other auxiliaries are possible as we

    shall see.

  • 8/2/2019 C-I Booklet wk 1


    See pp. 175-189 for sample answers to odd-numbered exercises.29


    Provide the "gerundios" or present participles for the following verbs.

    seguir/_______________ traer/_________________

    leer/_________________ ir/____________________vestir/_______________ medir/_________________

    ver/__________________ correr/________________

    poner/________________ estar/_________________

    ser/__________________ huir/__________________

    Change the following sentences to the present progressive tense.(Cambie las siguientes oraciones del presente al progresivo.)

    1. El carpinteromide la madera con la cinta mtrica.


    2. El polica sigue la pista del traficante de drogas.


    3. El paciente pide un calmante para el dolor.


    4. Ese hombre se viste para salir al trabajo.______________________________________________________________________

    5. Mis amigos traen los refrescos y yo hago los tacos.


    6. Arturo no ve esa telenovela.


    7. Nosotros huimos del trfico y la contaminacin de Los ngeles.


    8. Alicia lee el peridico todos los das porque busca trabajo.


  • 8/2/2019 C-I Booklet wk 1


    See pp. 175-189 for sample answers to odd-numbered exercises.30


    Como ya vimos, el progresivo se forma con el verbo auxiliar + el gerundio.

    El auxiliar a veces es ESTAR, pero no siempre. Vea los siguientes ejemplos:

    - Los nios vienen cantando.

    The children are singing [as they come].

    - Los hombres van arando la tierra.

    The men are plowing the soil [as they go along].

    -Ando viendo las blusas. - I'm looking at the blouses.

    - Sigue lloviendo. -It's still raining./It continues to rain.

    Los verbos ESTAR, SEGUIR, ANDAR, VENIR, IR pueden funcionar como auxiliares

    para formar el tiempo progresivo.


    Traduzca las siguientes oraciones. Use el auxiliar apropiado. Siga elejemplo. Consulte el glosario.


    1. I like the new lawn mower that is cutting the grass around the trees.

    Me gusta la mquina nueva de cortar zacate que va cortando la hierba

    alrededor de los rboles.

    2. We like the deer that are running through the forest.


    3. I'm still training because I like to be strong and healthy.


    4. Who's the boy that's whistling on his way here?


    5. I'm looking for a house in Del Mar but they're very expensive.


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    6. The geologists are still measuring the San Andreas Fault.


    7. That young man is fleeing from the policeman that's following him.


    8. There he is. He's running toward us.


    9. Who's the man who's getting dressed in the other room?


    10. Vctor is going around town telling lies again.


    11. Fees at UCSD keep going up every year.


    12. It saddens me to know that you are not feeling well.


    13. They are having problems with their computer.


    14. We are making hamburgers and the students are selling them.


    Vocabulario: deer = venados; forest = bosque; to train = entrenarse;healthy = bien de salud; to whistle = silbar; expensive =

    caro; fault = falla; geologist = gelogo/a; fees = la matrcula;lies = mentiras; hamburgers = hamburguesas