by: audrey bradley, alex olson, zack tibbens. by: zack tibbens

Selective Breeding By: Audrey Bradley, Alex Olson, Zack Tibbens

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Page 1: By: Audrey Bradley, Alex Olson, Zack Tibbens. By: Zack Tibbens

Selective Breeding

By: Audrey Bradley, Alex Olson, Zack Tibbens

Page 2: By: Audrey Bradley, Alex Olson, Zack Tibbens. By: Zack Tibbens


By: Zack Tibbens

Page 4: By: Audrey Bradley, Alex Olson, Zack Tibbens. By: Zack Tibbens

Plant breeding is the science

and art of changing what they have and making it in what they desire it to be. They do this by arranging the different plants and changing there molecular patterns. They do this for higher varieties of protection by , pest resistance and diseases from getting to the plants.


Page 5: By: Audrey Bradley, Alex Olson, Zack Tibbens. By: Zack Tibbens


By: Alex Olson

Page 6: By: Audrey Bradley, Alex Olson, Zack Tibbens. By: Zack Tibbens

Some people say that selective breeding can weaken the species

because it reduces the gene pool.

The other animals or plants become redundant and un-necessary.

It could cause genetic problems and the animal may become sick easier.

If it is a plant that needs more water then it would be creating an environmental issue.

Disrupts the food chain and the natural order of life.

Selectively bred animals are more likely to become extinct.


Page 7: By: Audrey Bradley, Alex Olson, Zack Tibbens. By: Zack Tibbens

Selective breeding can be described as being

systematic breeding of animals in order to change certain qualities in them.

It can produce fitter, stronger animals or animals of a higher yield of milk, meat or eggs for example.

It can produce animals better suited to survive in poor climates or marginal conditions, thus preserving human food supplies and saving life.

It ensures the eradication of hereditary sickness in some blood lines.

Selective breeding rules out weakness and disability.


Page 8: By: Audrey Bradley, Alex Olson, Zack Tibbens. By: Zack Tibbens


By: Alex Olson

Page 9: By: Audrey Bradley, Alex Olson, Zack Tibbens. By: Zack Tibbens

Naturally there is no laws against selective breeding.

There are some laws about genetically breeding crops that we will be eating.

Law or No Law

Page 10: By: Audrey Bradley, Alex Olson, Zack Tibbens. By: Zack Tibbens

Questions to ask the class

By Audrey Bradley

Page 12: By: Audrey Bradley, Alex Olson, Zack Tibbens. By: Zack Tibbens

Selective breeding in Plants

Page 13: By: Audrey Bradley, Alex Olson, Zack Tibbens. By: Zack Tibbens

Selective Breeding in Animals

Page 14: By: Audrey Bradley, Alex Olson, Zack Tibbens. By: Zack Tibbens

Question 1

Why do you think they choose to preform selective breeding?

To try to make plants and animals more capable of growing and living longer.

Page 15: By: Audrey Bradley, Alex Olson, Zack Tibbens. By: Zack Tibbens

Question 2

Do you think selective breeding is more common in plants or animals?

Selective breeding is more common in plants than animals

Page 16: By: Audrey Bradley, Alex Olson, Zack Tibbens. By: Zack Tibbens

Question 3

If you could, would you use selective breeding to create your offspring?

Yes, I would to make it how I want it.

Page 17: By: Audrey Bradley, Alex Olson, Zack Tibbens. By: Zack Tibbens

Question 4

Why do you think bred plants are known as varieties, cultigens, or cultivars?

Scientist felt they needed to give it a different name to be known by.

Page 18: By: Audrey Bradley, Alex Olson, Zack Tibbens. By: Zack Tibbens

Question 5

What are some of the plants you think that are selectively bred?

Corn, Carrots, Peas, Apple, Orange, Kiwi, Grapes… and many more.

Page 19: By: Audrey Bradley, Alex Olson, Zack Tibbens. By: Zack Tibbens

Question 6

Do you think farmers appreciate the discovery of selective breeding?


Page 20: By: Audrey Bradley, Alex Olson, Zack Tibbens. By: Zack Tibbens

Question 7

Do you think selective breeding is good or bad for mankind?

Good and bad

Page 21: By: Audrey Bradley, Alex Olson, Zack Tibbens. By: Zack Tibbens

Question 8

How do you think they choose witch plants to breed from?

The plants with better traits.

Page 22: By: Audrey Bradley, Alex Olson, Zack Tibbens. By: Zack Tibbens

Question 9

Do you think selective breeding has made an effect on the production from farmers?

Yes it made farmers produce more.

Page 23: By: Audrey Bradley, Alex Olson, Zack Tibbens. By: Zack Tibbens

Question 10

Do you think it would be easier to selectively breed plants or animals?
