by 1

  Nathalie Gomez, 22 years old from Mississauga, Ontario is a l ocal student as Practical Nursing of Humber College discovered the best medication of having a high prolactin or called hyperprolactinemia and it about the blood circulation of human body last year, Monday of eptember 2!, 2"#2$ Natha lie Gomez e%perimented &ith that medication for almost ' months to submit her thesis &hen she discovered the best medication of having hyperprolactinemia and this medicine called (Prolosintenin)$ (*his medicine Prolosintenin &as a big help to cure having high level of prolactin)  professor + rthur ias said$ Nathalie &as engage by finding this medicine because she has also a history of having high level of p rolactin&hen she as #- years old and she got ./ level of  prolactin$ (0 feel so nervous that time because of having a high level of prolactin &ith ./)$ 0f her level &ill not go do&n li1e &hat his doctor says before she &ill get a tumor$ he tried her best to find a cure of having hyprprolactinemia then she started &or1ing alone by herself from anuary 2"#2 about loo1ing and finding this medicines to c ure the patient of having high prolactin until she discovered the best medication to the problem of many people about their health$ +fter / months of Nathalie3s discovery it become popular to every country around the &orld and it3s really a big help of the history of this medicine called (Prolosintenin)$ +fter . years, anuary #4, 2"#/, Nathalie Gomez is already a doctor because she change her mind to be a nurse$ 5ight no&, she &as a doctor of Hormone Health and she &as &or1ing at *rilli um Hospital at Mississauga, Ontario$  Nathalie3s father &ho is also physician ic1 + dults Hospital said, (03m proud of my daughther3s discovery &hen she &as still 22 years old that time and 0 am happy because she can help the people &ho are sic1$ + month later, r$ Nathalie Gomez give a free blood test to every people around Ontario and a free medicine for those people &ho has a hyperprolatinemia and even those people &ho has lo& level of prolactin$ Phillip 6ee, patients of r$ Nathalie said, (0 7ust drin1 / times of that medicine  prolosintenin and it &as a big help for me that my prolactin &as already normal and nothing to &orry$ 03m so proud of r$ Nathalie Gomez because she helps me to live longer$ 0 hope she &ill still continue helping people &ho needs their help$

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Post on 14-Jan-2016




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7/18/2019 BY 1 1/1

 Nathalie Gomez, 22 years old from Mississauga, Ontario is a local student as

Practical Nursing of Humber College discovered the best medication of having a high prolactin

or called hyperprolactinemia and it about the blood circulation of human body last year, Monday

of eptember 2!, 2"#2$ Nathalie Gomez e%perimented &ith that medication for almost ' months

to submit her thesis &hen she discovered the best medication of having hyperprolactinemia and

this medicine called (Prolosintenin)$

(*his medicine Prolosintenin &as a big help to cure having high level of prolactin)

 professor +rthur ias said$ Nathalie &as engage by finding this medicine because she has also a

history of having high level of prolactin&hen she as #- years old and she got ./ level of

 prolactin$ (0 feel so nervous that time because of having a high level of prolactin &ith ./)$ 0f her

level &ill not go do&n li1e &hat his doctor says before she &ill get a tumor$he tried her best to find a cure of having hyprprolactinemia then she started &or1ing

alone by herself from anuary 2"#2 about loo1ing and finding this medicines to cure the patient

of having high prolactin until she discovered the best medication to the problem of many people

about their health$

+fter / months of Nathalie3s discovery it become popular to every country around the

&orld and it3s really a big help of the history of this medicine called (Prolosintenin)$ +fter .

years, anuary #4, 2"#/, Nathalie Gomez is already a doctor because she change her mind to be a

nurse$ 5ight no&, she &as a doctor of Hormone Health and she &as &or1ing at *rillium Hospital

at Mississauga, Ontario$

 Nathalie3s father &ho is also physician ic1 +dults Hospital said, (03m proud of my

daughther3s discovery &hen she &as still 22 years old that time and 0 am happy because she can

help the people &ho are sic1$

+ month later, r$ Nathalie Gomez give a free blood test to every people around Ontario

and a free medicine for those people &ho has a hyperprolatinemia and even those people &ho

has lo& level of prolactin$

Phillip 6ee, patients of r$ Nathalie said, (0 7ust drin1 / times of that medicine

 prolosintenin and it &as a big help for me that my prolactin &as already normal and nothing to

&orry$ 03m so proud of r$ Nathalie Gomez because she helps me to live longer$ 0 hope she &illstill continue helping people &ho needs their help$