bwffi~~mw~ ,q - msme.pdf · 1. introduction: marketing, a strategic tool for business...

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F. No. GAC-21-6/2019-CDN Dated 1the ~ebruary, 2019


Ministry of MSME, Office of Development Commissioner, EF' .& IC Division, Govt. of India, Nirman Bhavan, New Delhii has is~ued O.M. No.5(1)'2 01.6-·MDiV675-92 dated 23.10.2018 regarding approved Scheme guidelines on "Pr1lClllllrt:mcnd :amd marketing Support" a component of scheme Development of MSMEs (Entl'lelrpreneurship and Skill Development programme ) Vertical 4 . The above meoti<•ned O.M. i;s. being uploaded on the ICAR website and e-office for inform~ tion.

~q (Ajai Verma) Secretary (GAC)

Distribution :-

1. Directors/Prvjed Directors of all ICAR Institutes/National Rese:udn Centre~;/ Project Coordinators/Coordinated Research Projects/A 1f ARis/Bu1·eaux for i r1f~nmatio111 and compliance.

2. All Officers/Sections at ICAR Krishi Bhawan/KAB - ·I & H/NAS('

3. Secretary(SS), CJSC, CSWCRTI, Dehradun.

4. Secretary(SS), HJSC, ICAR.

5. Sr.PPS to DG, ICAR/ PPS FA (DARE)/PPS t!J Secret~Lf1, ICAH.

6. Media Unit for placing on the ICAR websit•e.

7. Guard file/Spare copies

.169-4 77 ()!, Ill !/ $ ,--

.I \Jo.S(l)/2.016-fvlOA /(,/J: -SJ :2--

Go•;e.-nment of lndil

M inistry o' MSME

Office of Development Commissioner

EP & IC Division

Office Memorandum

Nirma'i ~ hava'i, New Delhi

Dated : 2.3''~ October, 2018

Subject : Approved scheme guidelines on " Procurement an d Marketing Support " a compo nent of scheme

Development of MSMEs (Entrepreneurship and Skill Development Programm e) , vertical 4 -

circulation - reg.

I am directed to circulate approved scheme guidelines on ''Procurement and M arketing Support" a component of main scheme on " Development o f M SMEs" (Entrepreneurship and Skill Deve!op;nent

Programme). which has been approved by Hon'rabJe t.t.OS for M SME, to all SFC commi ttee membe~s for their

kmd reference. The approved scheme guidelines w1l! en fcrced w.e.f 16.10.2018 for the 14·~ Finance

CommiSSion. Copy of schem e guidelines are enclos ed herew1th for ready reference. ,·· .. ,_ .. , - ~ ~-·


. ~ '1, i (.. I ·'

(A K. Verma)

Dy D:rector

Ph No. : 011-2306 2215 e-maii:<;Kverma@> r.

:;, 2. 3

" 5

6 7. ~


S$&FA, M,'o MS:v'::, Udyog Bhav3r:, •'l;;w Delh1 jS(SME~ M/c ~.1 SME, Uoycg Bhavan ~•-='~ De!ht JS(pers.l Liepar·rnen;: of E><J:er·-~:;:ur': M/o Fir>ar.::?, Nor:r. 61oc!.., N~·.-. De!hi ,l).dvisor (tr>d~suy).Nti Aayog, ?arl.3r~<;?r,: Stre-:: Nev, Deb Sec:era•y, M/o Sk:ll O:::ve!opment a••,d Emreorene__.r~~o~c Shvaj1 S:ad•t.:m, f..nne~e buih;i:1g, ~i~·N

Delhi. Secretary, M/o Soc1al Justrce & Err:powermert, Shastr1 Bha'lan, New Delhi -01 Secretary, M/o Women & Child Vrelfare,. Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi -01 Secretary,M/c Tribal Aff<Jirs, Shastr. Bhava:1, New Delhi -01

9. Secretary, Department of North Eas:crn Regton, Vigya1 Bhavan Annexe, New De!hr 10. Secretary, DIPP, M/o Commerce e. l:1oustry, Udyog Bhavar., New Delhi 11. Secretary, M/o Labour & Emp/o·rnent, Shram Shakt1 Bhavan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi 12. Secretary, M/o R.1ral Development, Rajpa th Area, Central Secretria t, New Delhi 13. S~t'<l1(;, Department of Science e. Tech:1ology, Technology Bhavan, New Mahrauli Road. New Oelhi -1 i0016

~~ccretary, Department of Agricultu•e ~esearch and Educat'on, M /o Agr•culture & Formus w:lfare, !<rrshr Ohavan, New Delhi. j

15. CMO, NSIC. NSIC Bhavan. M/o MSME, Okhal3 1:-~dustrial Estate, New Delhi

\ 'lltJ\~~ ! • -. \! • :'

~ \ Q_ ~'"~){A K. Ver~,;, ~ i{l\!(t) Dy 0'"""' Copy for informat ion t o:

(i) Economic Arl•mnr, 1•/ljo MSM E. Udyo, Bnavan, r~ew Delhi (ii) i.Jnder St:c.e:ary (uNj (lrW ) i-.,1/o iviS;\1.E, uoyog Bha·Jan, New Delho (iii) Sh. KaranJe<: t Si ngh Dy Director SME Se::t1or.. M/o MSME, Udyog Bhavan. New Delhi

Guidelines for Procurement and Marketing Support Scheme

0/o the Development Commissioner (MSME) Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises

Nirman Bhawan New Delhi 110 018

/"'"\ ~ \ I

·- ._., .f

"' '·· 1


Marketing, a strategic tool for business development, is critical for the growth and survival of MSMEs. Due to the lack of information. scarcity of resources and unorganized ways of selling I marketing, MSME sector often faces problems in exploring nevJ markets and retaining the existing ones. Keeping in view these facts , the Procurement and Marketing support Scheme has been introduced to enhance the marketability of products and services in the MSME sector.

2. OBJECTIVE: The scheme aims at the foHo·...ving : • Promoting new market access initiatives like orgams1ng I participation in National I

International Trade Fairs I Exhibitions I MSME Expo.etc. • To create awareness and educate the MSMEs about importance I methods/ process of

packaging in marketing, latest packaging technology, import-export policy and procedure. GeM portal, MSME Conclave, latest developments in international I national trade and other subjects I topics relevant for market access developments.

• To create more awareness about trade fairs , bar code, digital advertising, e-marketing , GST, GeM portal, public procurement policy and other related topics etc

3. ELIGIBILITY CONDITION: Manufacturing I Service sector MSEs registered at Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum (UAM) Portal.

4 . IMPLEMENTING AGENCY: M/o MSME through 0/o DC (MSME) along with the network of its field offices, NSIC and other organisations of the Ministry of MSME. The Implementing Agency will implement all the components of the scheme and monitor their performance, caH proposals I applications , scrutinize them, prepare the bill/ claim and ensure settlement.


5(A) Participation of individual MSEs in domestic trade fa irs/ exhibitions across the country:

Eligible items ! Scale of assistance Space Rent charges 1 80% of spase rent paid for Gen~ral category units anrl 1 00°/r for 1

I SC/ST/women/NER/PH units limited to Rs.30,000/- or actual whichever is j less. The space rent will subject to minimum booth/stall size provided by . the fair organiser.

Contingency expenditure 100% contingency expenditure for all categories of units subject to (include travel , publicity maximum Rs 15,000/- or actual, whichever is less One representative &freight). from each participating unit may travel limiting to AC II tier train fa ir/

Economy Class Air Fare. Local participants will be paid Rs 12/Km as freight charges (transportation of goods charges) up to 50 Kms

Note: A MSE would be allowed reimbursement for maximum of 2 (two) events in a year and submit their cla im online (or system in place) in the prescribed format within 30 days from date of conclusion of the event.

5(8) Organising/participation in trade fairs/exhibitions by the Ministry/Office of DC (MSME)/Government organisations:

Eligible items

Space Rent charges

Scale of assistance/budget

f4 The implementing agency will hire bare space I built up space (i.e fabricated stalls I booths) from the event organiser I any other agency ,and mobilise the participating units.

----- ------- ----- --, -- -· --· ---- ·----- . - - - --- -. -- --G The upper cap of hiring o~ buili up space to orga'l;se I pan:~ipa,

I reg :onal I national/ 1nt::rnat:onal events v1iP be of Rs 15 00 ic:Khi> t •

25.00 lakhs & Rs 40.00 !akhs respectively.

I" The participating unit~. will be provided space rent subsidy @ 80°/3

. for General category units and @ 100% for SC/ST/women/NER/PH ;

I units subject to one ~oath _J stall per _unit and for m_ini~um booth/stali ~ s1ze The total subs idy w1!1 be w1thtn the upper llm1t as mentioned

1 above. 1

,. The exclus1ve trade fairs for Self Help Groups (SHGs) I artisans 1 i 1 NER MSEs will be held w1th 100% space rent subsidy However, the ,

I Advertisement and Publicity , for organising/ participation

u er limit of subsid will equally applicable to them also. · Rs 15 00 lakh max. or actual whichever is less for wide publicity of · event and other related activities such as cultural orogram etc ' either through event organiser or any approved agency . 1 in the event (for the events at I

I Sl. No. 2 above) .

1 " Approval of Empowered Committee wil: be required for exceeding ceiling limit subject to limit of I max 10-15%. t

S(C )C apacity building of MSMEs in m ode rn packaging technique:

r--Ei ig ib le items I Unit based

I interventions for specific packaging I requirements.

. Scale of ass istance


1 80% of total cost pa id to empane!ied agency I consultancy organisatioi"­for General category u:1its and 100% for SC/STJit../omen/NER/PH un::s


1 limited to Rs.SO,OOO/ - or actual whichever is less for paskaging

I consultancy. The agencies wiil be empanelled by the Indian Institute of Packaging with approval of Competent Authority.

' 5{0} De·velopment of Marketing Haats.

1 Elig ible items - ·--r- -· Scale o l ass lst ance

! In the initial phase, ! For upgradation/renovation/ modification in existing fc:cil!tles 1 upgradation/ renovation/] maximum sanciior an1o!.m' will be Rs 10 lak'1s I haai I city or actual 1 modification of the existing I whichever is less . . basea on the est1ma~es nrep2red by G::Jv~ l fscilit·~s i;J marketing haats. i approved va1:.1e~ I PWD.

Note: The selection of Haats wi'! be done by imp!emen-t~in-g-ag_e_n_c_y_a_n_d_w~il,....i ...,.b_e_n_e_e_d-:--ba_s_e_.-th_r_o_u-gh a ;

1 committee comprising of Director MSME-DI as Chairman and Member from Directorate of I

II Industries, representatives of local body etc The final approval of Cor.1petent Authority will be


_ required. . I

5(E) Vendor Development Program (VDP): To facilitate market linkages for effective implementation of Public Procurement Policy for r;1SEs Order of 2012.

j Type of VDPs i Prog ram Sca le of Assista_n_c_e------------------~~· 1 d uration ~-~---.,....~~--------~~---,..---~~~--~-~~

S tate level Vendor ! One day Sanction of Rs 30,000/- per programme · Developme nt Pro-g ramme i

I Nat ional Leve l Ve nd or '! 2-3 days. Sanction per program for organizing these programmes i Dev elopment Prog ram me 1 be Rs 7.0 lakhs rnax. for "A" class City and Rs 5.00 lai-.h I


1 for "Other cities" including J&KJ NER/HP and minimum 1

r------:-:---=----=--:----:-:-:--- -'-· --:-:--:---:-:-"--r_ec_vo:-v_e-:-;-r~v-:-of 2sro <?_nd 10% respective! . __ ! Note: MSNIE- Dl will ensure participation of ali stckeholders i.e. PSU.s/State PSEs/State Govt. ] re resentatives etc. and also the MSME entre reneurs 1

S( F) Internationa l/National VVorkshops/Seminam : To educate MSMEs on various facets of business development i .e product & process development innovations, technological


/-'. dev )pment, issues related to IPR, Exim policy, Public Procurement Policy, design & { ' -packaging and market research and access.

I lt~m -,-Scale o f assistance ; International : Rs. 2.0 Lakh per workshop/seminar anywhere in the country/or actual I /National whichever is lower. An additional cost of Rs. 1.5 Lakh (maximum) towards cos t i workshops/seminars of air travel, boarding & lodging etc. or actual whichever is lower wil l be I admissible for international experts for international level event The Govt.l I non - Govt. reputed organisations having at least 5 years of experience in i l organising ~ubject specific workshops I seminars -will be hired The ·

i honorarium & travelling allowance to the persons other than Govt. offic1al will I be admissible as er Govt. of India extant rule.

The limit may be enhanced with approval of Empowered Committee subject to limit of max. 10-15%.


S(G) Awareness Programs: To create an overall awareness about trade fairs , digital advertising, e-marketing platform, GST, GeM portal and other such related topics etc.

Scale of Assistance I

I Financial support of Rs 70,000/- per J program wherever necessary subject to i

I expenses as per Govt. of India extant rule. ; The program wi ll b-e conducted by the I

j lmplement1ng Agency. The honorarium & I I travelling allowance to guest faculty other

I than Govt official will be admissible as per

1 Govt. of lndi3 extant rule .

The limit may be enhanced with approval of Empowered Committee subject to limit of max. ! 10-15%. I L___ _____________ _

6. Selection of MSEs: The unit will apply to the Office of DC (MSME)/SME division, M/o MSME directly or through implementing agency online/offline, two month prior to the commencement of trade fa irs/ exhibi tions After due scrutiny the proposals, the secretariat office will submit the proposal at least 15 days before the event to the Empowered Committee for the final approvaL

The proposal may also be called by field offices of 0 /o DC (MSME)/SME Division, M/o MSME under the Scheme, after initial scrutiny, these shall be placed before a Screening Committee constituted at fie ld offices. In case of field offices of DC, MSME, the Screening Committee will be headed by Director I Dy. Director - In charge and GM , DIC or his nominee/representative from association as member. For NSIC proposals, the Screenmg Committee will be headed by Director (Planning and Marketing) and include representative from Finance and Ex-hibition division as a member. The committee shall meet at least once in two months and examine t he proposals as per eligibility conditions and other criteria la1d down in the guidelines. While processing the proposals, the preference shall be given to f1 rst time participants and units from remote location viz. , from Aspirational Districts and also from SC/ST. Women, PH and NER.

7. Empowered Committee: The Empowered Committee shall be the final authority for approval of proposa ls. The Empowered Committee will be headed by AS&DC (MSME) with JS(SME) or his I her representative, ADC(Market Service) or his I her representative,& JDC(Export Promotion) or his I her representative and Director (Planning and Marketing},



NS!C or his I her representative and Nom:nee of IFW as members. SecrE:tam.'l i. sr ti r~f:.

provided by Market Service Oiv!sion of Office of DC (MSME) A.ny of the Export promc... ·

association/Industry association may be invited as specia l invitee to attend the meeU;1g.

8. Provision for MSME-Deve:lopment Institutes: MSME-Dls \'.' ith prio r approval of 0 /o DC

(MSME), may participate in exhib·itions/trade fairs for propagating the scheme & pol icies of the

Ministry. An expenditure of Rs.30,000/- or actua l, wh:chever is less . shall be permitted to·nards

stall charges and T AIDA etc. of the officer as per 3dmissible rules.

9. The scheme will be monito{ed by an integrated MIS by the implementing agency and also

scheme management unit setup at the office of DC (MSME) with in one month with dashboard 1 link to IFW for monitoring .

1 o. DC MSME sha11 develop a digital events management MIS so thc:t all events across India

could be monitored efficiently without any data breach and put in place in one month and

dashboard I link to !FW ..


APPLICATION FORM (For participation of Manufactu ring I Service MSEs in Trade FairsfE~h1bitions 1

{ Please refer para S(A) & 5(8) o1 the scheme guidelines)

Annexure - I

_j _____ _

i 1-....:S~'I.:.:.N~o::.:·c.-+--------.:..:ltc:::e:.;.m.:..:s:_. __ ----------­

PART- 1:


j_ ·-t Name o' MSE u,7--· ---------------------- I ---------- j --------- --l-- I

: Name of Prconet·J' -' Partner I A:Jtno•tSed Signa:c;y With i I j Co'lta::t Number t----------··-- . J

Na;ne o' Concerred fmpler'.er.ting agency


~ I Address of the Un1: (Te'ephone No/ Mub1le no cf contact perscn of the unit e-matl j

I 1 etc) ---------------------+--- ------·J I dyog Aadhaar Numoer I Attach !he copy) I

I pe o~ U111l (Whether M1c•J!Sroall) l r-7 Ca:egory o' the 'J'ltl (Genera~Worrenl j


Location of j (Rural areal Ctty: Metropchtan c1ty)


9 Whether Manufacturing I Serv•ce i ~----~-------~~-------------------------~

Quality standard I 10 (ISO Certtfied; Ncn ISO cer:r.ieo I ZED Cen:,fied) :








•<; ,_

Innovative I Parented p roduct ( Patented I Non patented}

PART- il: Event Details

Nan1e of fa•r dura!ior ver:ue { ;o l:e filled from Master da:a)

A rea of Stalff Booth bco<ed i:1 S-:;"'i

W;e;her s;>ace ·ent t::aid(Ye.siNol

1 Details c' Ex ~io:ts i I

.j__ ____________ _j i I ---~--- ;


~-----L----------------------------------------------r---------------~ l l7 I Whether assistanc-e rak.en from M/o MSME for part1cipation m fast 3 years . 1f yes

de~aifs of assistance taken r 18 I Details of Oer:-land Draft (fc- Gerera' categc:y Onlyi

I (To be issuea by any r.a!I0'1alisc-d bank) (fi appltcable)


Amount ir Rs

,Date . Name of


· Declaration. I hereby de::lare tJ·at the above tnforrna:ion is true and correct in all res~ects.

INumber J tStgnature of aulnc:tsed s:~'latory of appitcant lASE Unit)

Name &aesignation

Approval Flow Chart: Apply to Implementing Agency __...Approval of Screening Committee at the end

of Implementing Agency-t- DC Office for final approval of Empowered Committee ·P- issue of approval

to Implementing Agency/ Applicant. --------------------------------


Peveloprnent o l Market ing Haats {Please refer para 5 (D) ,:>f the schem e guid!ines ;

S.l\lo. !1 Item ---- ---- -- -··-1

-------- --- l 1 ! Name of the~lm:-p-ci-,e_m_e_n_t_ln_g_A_g_e_· n_c_y-------+-------------- - ---~ 2 I Name of the Marketlno H8at with complete ----




I address -

I ·----- - ----------J 1 Name of the custodian of the Marketing Haat with I I complete address

1 Name of the Contact person along w1th complete details

1 I

- --- -j

! I I

1-----+-------·---------------+------·- ·-- ·-·-·------1 5 Present facilit ies in the Marketing Ha 3t i

! I

I _ ___.



Details of upgradailon/renovation/modification 1 sought w1th their values as per Govt. ~pproved 1 va:uer/PWD and Total Cost (attach the estimate 1 prepared by Govt approved va:uer/P\'\/0)

I Any other information

(Signature of Authorised Signatory)

Name & Designation

Appro va l f low rhart: /l;-plic~:•on th·o~gh irr.p!em;:nting agency---to--Approval of COI1o11tttee ::lt

the level of implementing agency -+ DC Office for final approval by F..mpovvered Commi!tee

issue of approval I sanction to itnp!cmenting c,gen:y/ Marketing Haat.





.~ I·

Annexure -Ill

Form for approval of Partner Organisation for Trade Fairs I Exhibition/ Vendor Development Programme/ !nterr.ationejl/ National Workshop I seminars and Awareness programmes

( Please refer the para 5(8).(E), (F)&(G) of scheme guidelines)





j S.No., ltem

!---------- ------·- - - · - - ·- - -1 1 Name of programme


1 Name of the Implementing Agency (as per the scheme guidelines)

2 Name of the Partner organisation with complete address

3 Type of VDP (NVOP/SVDP) (if applicable)

4 Brief about partner organization and its role for MSME Promotion (about 200 vtords)

PART -II: Event Details

Details I

I Vendor Development Programme International I National


D Workshop I Seminars

I Awareness Programme D Trade Fair I Exhibition 0 flick whichever is aoolicablel





~ j

l : I

I !


.--L- ·--' c.







• •r-t i , ""'\t.-. ("t t- ~ .- ~ -- - . .. ,..... I D .... . c . . O .. , DcHC Clc \ctt<.J€ ur t•rc t: ve •• t

Class of the city (as per scheme guidelines) (if I I I applicable) '


Brief of proposed event and its objective (abo~ l 200 words)

Amount of Financial assistance sought item wise

No. of stalls (if applicable)

No. of participating Micro/Small and Medium Enterprises

Expected outcome of the event



Signature of the head of Partner Organisation

Name Designation:

Approval Flow Chart: Application through implementing agency ---... DC Office for final

approval by Empowered Committee -+ Approval I sanction to implementing agency.

8 . , . ''

APPLICATION fORM (To be f ili;d bf MSI\1E~ fv' participatior: m Vendor De•1elop'Tlent PrograiT.r:>~Rla~on<Jiflnt.'!rnational Worl;shop/Semln<!,

A wa renE•ss prog rcr:n)


Type cf ever.!

(Please refe1 the pare, 5(E). (r}&(G) of s-cheme g'.lidr./in,,s)


~oor Oevelop:nem p•cg'a:n-ne ~VDP l I SIJCP D intema:•on;;!JNa!u:)r>al r---j IWO;!Ghop/~ef7'inar '--· I

r·W?.reress prO<Jramrne D l

i i I

:---~----------------·---+----- . _____ _j


I 2 rsa'11e oi lrn;:>lertert.r>g ag!:nC~'

L----~-----------------' 3 1\arr.e of N'.SME u'llt I

Nam~ of Prop·;etor ' Far, I Au:l:onsed Signa:ort ~rtitr Cor.ta:::t Numbe: I -,---1 I

5 AdGress of tne U:-:1t r Te ·~r.or.e No t Mobile r.o o• con!a•:t pe'scr cr H'e L:'i:t. e- 1

1 mailet:: )

6 U.:lyog Aad'iaar Number

(Attach the copy)

·- - ---r--=-- ---,------------------- --- ----- ---1'-- ----·----·-- --J i 7 Type o: Uni: (Whet'ler Mi::roiSrr aii:Nediu:-1\ j

~-----+-----------·---------------------------~-----------! s

Ca~ego(y c·"

SCtST/NcR/ P H, __ _; _______ _ flo Loca~ior of un1

(Rurc:l area/ c:.'y/ Me:ropolitan city:

PART- li: Event 09tails

11 Ou~ation ar.d Venue\ To be fila:d fron masl'e' data) I

I ~----~----------------------------~-------------+-------------------~

(i}Area to be bcck.e<:l 1n S'i ntrs ! 12

(i1) Whether S:3ace r"Ent pa'd(YesiNo) (if paid. attach cocy of \<Oucher)


~App~·ceb!e or.t-1 for VDPi I

Wl:ether assJSt-ance 1z~en fro.., r.1io MSME for pamap.:oon i;'l lest 3 rears . 1f yes

cetails o: ass:s~an::c taken

Details of Demand Orar~ (To be i-ssued by ar.y r.<:lionailsed bar.k)

(If applicab:e)

' Declaration I here;,y declare that !he above i nforma~ion is true and correct in ali r::spects

i~"""\C t: ~~ in R.s. pa:s ~ank .. I

Approval flow chart: Application by applicant Unit to !mple11ent Agency ~- Approval by screening

Committee at the end of 1mplemenung vgency -Y- Final approval to u11it for participation.
