bv eu mrv services · 2017-03-10 · have adopted the regulation 2015/757 on the monitoring,...

Bureau Veritas EU MRV services MARITIME EU M MARITIME EU M Your guide to monitoring, reporting and 1 BV Organization for EU MRV Compliance Verification EU M EU M verification of CO2 emissions from ships MARITIME EU MRV Your guide to monitoring, reporting and verification of CO2 emissions from ships ANAVE 7 de marzo 2017 Ignacio Herrán Elorza

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Page 1: bv eu mrv services · 2017-03-10 · have adopted the regulation 2015/757 on the monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) of CO2 emissions from maritime transport. It entered

Bureau Veritas EU MRV services



EU M Your guide to monitoring, reporting and

1BV Organization for EU MRV Compliance Verification

EU M EU M verification of CO2 emissions from ships

MARITIME EU MRVYour guide to monitoring,reporting and verification ofCO2 emissions from ships

ANAVE 7 de marzo 2017

Ignacio Herrán Elorza

Page 2: bv eu mrv services · 2017-03-10 · have adopted the regulation 2015/757 on the monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) of CO2 emissions from maritime transport. It entered

Bureau Veritas EU MRV services


Maritime transport has an impact on the global climate and on air

2BV Organization for EU MRV Compliance Verification

Maritime transport has an impact on the global climate and on airquality, as a result of the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and otheremissions that it generates.

The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union (EU)have adopted the regulation 2015/757 on the monitoring, reporting andverification (MRV) of CO2 emissions from maritime transport. It enteredinto force on 1 July 2015, with monitoring to begin in 2018.

This guide explains the Maritime EU MRV Regulation, its impact on you,and how Bureau Veritas can support you in implementing it.

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3BV Organization for EU MRV Compliance Verification

THE REGULATION?International maritime shipping remained the onlymethod of transportation not included in the Union'scommitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.In order to reduce CO2 emissions from shipping atEuropean level, the EU has imposed a system formonitoring, reporting and verification (MRV system) ofCO2 emissions based on the fuel consumption of ships.This represents the first step of a staged approach forthe inclusion of maritime transport emissions in theUnion's greenhouse gas reduction commitment.

Page 4: bv eu mrv services · 2017-03-10 · have adopted the regulation 2015/757 on the monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) of CO2 emissions from maritime transport. It entered

Bureau Veritas EU MRV services

WHO MUST COMPLY?The Maritime EU-MRV regulation applies to allmerchant ships of 5,000 GT or above on voyages from,to and between ports under jurisdiction of EU MemberStates. Ships above 5,000 GT account for around 55%of the number of ships calling into EU ports andrepresent around 90% of the related emissions.Companies operating the vessels will have to monitor

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the CO2 emissions released while in port and for anyvoyages to or from a port under the jurisdiction of aEU Member State and to keep records on CO2 emissionson both per-voyage and annual base

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- Monitoring and reporting must becomplete and cover CO2 emissions fromthe combustion of fuels, whilethe ships are at sea as well as at berth.

- Companies must apply appropriatemeasures to prevent any data gapswithin the reporting period.


5BV Organization for EU MRV Compliance Verification

Companies must, for each of their ships,monitor and report the relevantparameters during a reporting period inaccordance with following principles:

- Monitoring and reporting must beconsistent and comparable over time.

- Companies must obtain, record,compile, analyse and documentmonitoring data, including assumptions,references, emission factors and activitydata, in a transparent manner thatenables the reproduction of thedetermination of CO2 emissions by theverifier.

- Companies must enable reasonableassurance of the integrity of the CO2

emission data to be monitored andreported.

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Bureau Veritas EU MRV services

By 31 August 2017, companies mustsubmit to the verifiers a monitoring planfor each of their ships indicating themethod chosen to monitor and report CO2

emissions and other relevant information.

The monitoring plan must consist of acomplete and transparent



6BV Organization for EU MRV Compliance Verification

complete and transparentdocumentation of the monitoring methodfor the ship concerned and must containat least the following elements:

- I -dentification, type of the ship and theCompany details

- II -Description of the CO2 emissionsources on board the ship and the fueltypes used. These include main engines,auxiliary engines, gas turbines, boilersand inert gas generators

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- III - Procedures for monitoring the fuelconsumption of the ship by followingmethods:- use of Bunker Fuel Delivery Notesand periodic sounding of fuel tanks

-bunker fuel tank monitoring;

- IV- Single emission factors used for eachfuel type,

- V- Procedures used for determiningactivity data per voyage, including:- the distance travelled,- cargo and/or the number of



7BV Organization for EU MRV Compliance Verification

-bunker fuel tank monitoring;

- flow meters for applicablecombustion processes; or

- direct emission measurements

- cargo and/or the number ofpassengers transported,- time spent at sea and berth- Information about the ice class ofthe vessel

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Companies must use standardizedmonitoring plans based on templates.Those templates, including the technicalrules for their uniform application, mustbe determined by the EU Commission bymeans of implementing acts.

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From 1 January 2018, companies must, based on the assessed monitoring plan, monitorCO2 emissions for each ship on a per-voyage and an annual basis by applying theappropriate method for determining CO2 emissions. Data required are detailed below.


⇒ Amount/weight of cargo carried

9BV Organization for EU MRV Compliance Verification

=> Port of departure and port of arrival including date, hour and travelled distance

⇒ Details of the method used for CO2 emissions monitoring

=> Amount of each type of fuel consumed during the voyage (including time onberth in arrival port)

⇒ CO2 emission factor for each type of fuel consumed

=> Amount of CO2 emitted by type of fuel consumed during the voyage

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=> Data for the year on voyages to/from and whilst at berth in ports of a EUMember State's jurisdiction

⇒ Vessel identification

⇒ Total annual amount/weight of cargo carried

⇒ Total annual distance travelled

10BV Organization for EU MRV Compliance Verification

⇒ Total annual distance travelled

⇒ Total annual time spent at sea and at berth

⇒ Total annual amount of each type of fuel consumed

⇒ Total annual amount of CO2 emissions for each type of fuel consumed

=> Average energy efficiency (e.g. EEOI, EIV, fuel consumption per distanceand/or cargo carried)

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ACCREDITATION OF VERIFIERSBy Accredited Certification Bodies (Addition to existing ISO 14065:2013 accreditation of BureauVeritas Certification by UKAS)

31 AUGUST 2017Monitoring plans to be submittedto the verifier for assessment

30 JUNE 2019

11BV Organization for EU MRV Compliance Verification

1 JANUARY 2018Start of first monitoringperiod

EARLY 2019First yearly reportssubmitted to Verifiers

30 APRIL 2019verified emission report tobe submitted by the companyto the Commission and theauthorities of the flag statesconcerned

30 JUNE 2019document of complianceissued by verifier to beplaced onboard

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EU MRV Compliance Verification EU MRV Compliance Verification

Lo que Bureau Veritas puede hacer para cumplir con el Reglamento

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Bureau Veritas EU MRV services

Fechas clave:

-31 de agosto 2017 – Presentación de los Monitoring Plan”

-1 de enero de 2018, comienza el primer período de monitorización.

-1 de enero 2019, se pueden enviar a revisión los Informes de

13BV Organization for EU MRV Compliance Verification

-1 de enero 2019, se pueden enviar a revisión los Informes de emisiones.

-30 de abril 2019, los informes de los Verificadores han de enviarse a la Comisión.

-30 de junio de 2019, los “Documentos de Cumplimiento” han de estar a bordo.

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1- Training.

2- Gap analysis.

3- Consultancy (Tecnitas).

4- Organismo Verificador (Reconocidos UKAS).

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1- Training.

-Seminarios “in house” particularizados con duración de 1 a 1,5 días.

-Seminarios a grupos de diferentes empresas.

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2- Gap analysis

Análisis para evaluar el cumplimiento del Plan de Seguimiento.

(Plan de seguimiento a presentar antes del 31 de agosto de 2017)

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3- Consultoría. (TECNITAS)

- Ayuda en la preparación del Plan de Seguimiento.

- Ayuda en la preparación del Informe de Emisiones.

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(Informe de Emisiones a presentar todos los años antes del 30 de abril de cada año. El primero el antes del 30 de abril de 2019)

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4 – Verificación.

- Revisión del Plan de Seguimiento.

- Verificación de los Informes de Emisiones y realización del Documento de Cumplimiento.

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(Informe de Emisiones a presentar todos los años antes del 30 de abril de cada año. El primero el antes del 30 de abril de 2019.)

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-Reglamento Europeo 2015/757-Verificadores, acreditados conforme a ISO 14065

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Bureau Veritas.c/Valportillo Primera 22-24Madrid 28050+34 912702216+34600990190Ignacio Herrán Elorza