busyness agile roots 2015


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Post on 03-Aug-2015




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Page 2: Busyness Agile Roots 2015


How  Effort  Metrics  and  Utilization  Constrict  the  Flow  of  Value  

[email protected]@AdamYuret

Page 3: Busyness Agile Roots 2015

Please  Turn  Your  Smartphones  ON!      #AgileRoots

@AdamYuret [email protected]

Page 4: Busyness Agile Roots 2015

Who  Is  This  Guy?!

Husband,  Dad,  Humanistic  Lean  Flow-­‐Based  Systems-­‐Thinking  Consultant  at  CDA  Consulting,  Sailor

@AdamYuret [email protected]

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My  Other  Interest

@AdamYuret [email protected]

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[email protected]@AdamYuret

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[email protected]@AdamYuret

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Why  Are  We  Here?  

@AdamYuret [email protected]

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Oh  Right,  at  This  Session

Seek  to  understand  the  relationship  between  

utilization  and  flow.    


Discuss  some  alternatives  to  optimizing  for  


@AdamYuret [email protected]

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But  First,  an  Apology

@AdamYuret [email protected]

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Resource  Efficiency  Nightmare:  0%  Utilization

Waste@AdamYuret [email protected]

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~100%  Resource  Efficiency

@AdamYuret [email protected]

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“Resource”  Efficiency  Nightmare  0%  Utilization

@AdamYuret [email protected]

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That  Guy  Woke  Up  and  Said…

@AdamYuret [email protected]

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What  Can  Happen  When  “Agile”  Turns  Up?

@AdamYuret [email protected]

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Some  Agile  Adoption  Antipatterns

@AdamYuret [email protected]

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Focus  on  Compliance  to  the  Framework  Over  Value

@AdamYuret [email protected]

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Status  reporting  stand-­‐up  meetings



!• What  did  you  do  yesterday?    

!• What  will  you  do  today?    

!• Any  impediments?    

@AdamYuret [email protected]

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@AdamYuret [email protected]

Splitting  Teams  &  Creating  Dependencies  

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@AdamYuret [email protected]

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Limit  WIP/Visualize  Flow  of  Value

@AdamYuret [email protected]

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Limit  Work  In  Progress

Excessive  Work  in  Progress  (WIP)  is  the  enemy  of  flow.

@AdamYuret [email protected]

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If  We  Measure  Busyness,  We’ll  Create  More  Busyness.  

@AdamYuret [email protected]

Page 24: Busyness Agile Roots 2015

What  is  Failure  Demand?

Failure  Demand  is  demand  that  originates  

from  a  failure  to  have  done  something  right  in  

the  first  place.  

@AdamYuret [email protected]

Page 25: Busyness Agile Roots 2015

Typical  Example  of  Failure  Demand

@AdamYuret [email protected]

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Protecting  Silos  From  Failure  Demand  Creates  More…

@AdamYuret [email protected]




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Value  Demand

@AdamYuret [email protected]

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Quantify  Value

@AdamYuret [email protected]

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Make  Strategic  Intent  Visible

@AdamYuret [email protected]

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Stephen  Bungay:  Directed  Opportunism  

@AdamYuret [email protected]

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The  Organization  is  Not  a  Machine,  But  an  Organism,  a  Set  of  Human  Relationships.    

-­‐Steven  Bungay

@AdamYuret [email protected]

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Study  This  Guy’s  Work

@AdamYuret [email protected]

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Principles  of  Product  Development  Flow

@AdamYuret [email protected]

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Utilization  &  Queuing  Theory

@AdamYuret [email protected]

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Rules  Are  Waste

@AdamYuret [email protected]

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Create  Slack

@AdamYuret [email protected]

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Three  Types  of  Slack


• Variability  Buffer  !

• Learning  


• Innovation

@AdamYuret [email protected]

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Slack  as  Variability  Buffer

@AdamYuret [email protected]

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Lean  Decision  Filter!


Flow  Trumps  Waste  


Value  Trumps  Flow

@AdamYuret [email protected]

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What  Does  That  Mean?  

Flow  Trumps  Waste

@AdamYuret [email protected]

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Lean  Decision  FilterValue  Trumps  Waste

Value  Trumps  Flow

@AdamYuret [email protected]

Page 42: Busyness Agile Roots 2015

Unit  Hour  Utilization!

!A  unit  unavailable  for  response  provides  no  service  to  the  community.  The  unit  may  be  out  of  service  for  a  multitude  of  reasons  including;  another  emergency  response,  training,  maintenance,  etc.  If  a  unit  is  not  available  80%  of  the  time,  it  is  not  reasonable  to  expect  the  unit  to  perform  at  the  80th  percentile.    

!….  Poor  availability  negatively  influences  response  times.  

@AdamYuret [email protected]

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Slack  For  Learning

@AdamYuret [email protected]

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Read  a  Book

@AdamYuret [email protected]

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Capability  Balancing

@AdamYuret [email protected]

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Lean  Coffee

@AdamYuret [email protected]

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Slack  For  Innovation

@AdamYuret [email protected]

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What  Happens  Without  Slack?!

• Failure  Demand  

• Silos:“Pain-­‐Killer  Teams”  

• Overloaded  Bottlenecks  

• Deadline-­‐Driven  Development  

• Exponential  Delays

@AdamYuret [email protected]

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@AdamYuret [email protected]

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A  Brief  Digression  Into  Metrics

@AdamYuret [email protected]

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Limit  WIP,  Eliminate  Task-­‐Tracking

@AdamYuret [email protected]

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Focus  On  Value

@AdamYuret [email protected]

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A  System  Is  Not  The  Sum  of  It’s  Parts

@AdamYuret [email protected]

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@AdamYuret [email protected]

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@AdamYuret Sayat.me/ayuret [email protected]