busybee - universitetet i oslo · “we need bees. we rely on them not only to pollinate our planet...

BusyBee Anna, Martin, Janni, Runa og Ådne

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Post on 31-Mar-2021




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Page 1: BusyBee - Universitetet i oslo · “We need bees. We rely on them not only to pollinate our planet but to sweeten our lives with the fruits of their labour”-Sally Coulthard , The

BusyBee Anna, Martin, Janni, Runa og Ådne

Page 2: BusyBee - Universitetet i oslo · “We need bees. We rely on them not only to pollinate our planet but to sweeten our lives with the fruits of their labour”-Sally Coulthard , The

“We need bees. We rely on them not only to pollinate our planet but to sweeten

our lives with the fruits of their labour”-Sally Coulthard , The Bee Bible

Page 3: BusyBee - Universitetet i oslo · “We need bees. We rely on them not only to pollinate our planet but to sweeten our lives with the fruits of their labour”-Sally Coulthard , The


Page 4: BusyBee - Universitetet i oslo · “We need bees. We rely on them not only to pollinate our planet but to sweeten our lives with the fruits of their labour”-Sally Coulthard , The


Page 5: BusyBee - Universitetet i oslo · “We need bees. We rely on them not only to pollinate our planet but to sweeten our lives with the fruits of their labour”-Sally Coulthard , The

TEMA OG PROSJEKTIDÉ“Pollinerende insekter er essensielt for matproduksjon”

Tema: Bier og Bievelferd

Målgruppe: Birøktere

Page 6: BusyBee - Universitetet i oslo · “We need bees. We rely on them not only to pollinate our planet but to sweeten our lives with the fruits of their labour”-Sally Coulthard , The

UNDERSØKELSESMETODERKontakte organisasjoner og foreninger som driver med birøkt

● Kartlegging av yrket, omfang og teknikker ● Domenekunnskap

Intervjuer, spørreundersøkelser, fokusgrupper, workshops, fremtidsverksted

Page 7: BusyBee - Universitetet i oslo · “We need bees. We rely on them not only to pollinate our planet but to sweeten our lives with the fruits of their labour”-Sally Coulthard , The

HITTILFokusert på :

eksplorerende intervjuer

● identifisere brukerbehov ● problemstilling

Vi har vært i kontakt med:

● ByBi● Facebookgrupper● HeierduRietz (Vulkan Bigård)● Vestbi

Page 8: BusyBee - Universitetet i oslo · “We need bees. We rely on them not only to pollinate our planet but to sweeten our lives with the fruits of their labour”-Sally Coulthard , The

PLANEN VIDERE● Datainnsamling

-bruk og brukere● Lavoppløslige prototyper● Evalueringer

-sammen med brukere, bedriftsbesøk● Nye datainnsamlinger● Høyoppløslige prototyper

○ A/B testing● Evaluering

Page 9: BusyBee - Universitetet i oslo · “We need bees. We rely on them not only to pollinate our planet but to sweeten our lives with the fruits of their labour”-Sally Coulthard , The

PROBLEMDEFINERING OG IDEER“Bruke teknologi til å støtte biene slik at birøkterne kan la biene gjøre jobben sin på egen hånd og forstyrre minst mulig”

Mulige problemstillinger per nå:

- Varroamidd - Sverming- Kartlegging (honning, kolonistørrelse etc …)