busting a presentation myth

Busti ng a presentation myth Jeanne Trojan @jmtcz

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Post on 13-May-2015




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Takes a popular presentation myth and shows that it doesn't apply to most presentations.


Page 1: Busting a Presentation Myth


a presentation mythJeanne Trojan


Page 2: Busting a Presentation Myth

The myth says that in a presentation…

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body language accounts for 55%

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voice accounts for 38%

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the words you use account for only 7%

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In other words…

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93% of the effectiveness of your presentation

depends on HOW you say it!

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The author of this study was talking about…

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…communication that is one-to-one and concerns


‘This Communication Model was meant to apply only to face-to-face, one-to-one communications,

containing an emotional or attitudinal element’. Albert Mehrabian, author of study

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How many presentations do you give one-to-one?

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How many business presentations are about


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You can give a presentation with beautiful body language

and a strong voice, but…

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… if WHAT you say isn’t important to your


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…they won’t listen to you!

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Forget this myth

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Content matters!

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