buss1001 exam notes

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  • 7/21/2019 BUSS1001 Exam Notes


    BUSS1001 Understanding Business


    Four functions of management Planning, Organising, Leading, Controllingo As you move u, more on lanning and less on leading needed

    !anagerial "or# !et$ods%

    o Unrelenting ace

    o Brevity, &ariety and Fragmentationo &er'al Contracts and (et)or#s

    Mintzbergs 10 Managerial Roles

    Interpersonal Role Information Role Decisional Role

    Figure$ead performs

    symbolic duties


    !onitor seeks

    information about issues

    aecting organisation


    encourages change and

    innovationLeader builds

    relationships with


    motivates, coaches


    transmits information


    +istur'ance $andler

    takes corrective action

    when company faces


    Liaison maintainsoutside networks who

    provide help and


    So#eserson transmits information to


    esource allocator distributes resources of

    all types

    (egotiator represents

    organisation in major


    -ey management s#ills .ec$nical, /uman, Concetual

    o As you move u, $uman s#ills remain imortant, concetual increases and

    tec$nical decreases

    Ee!ti"eness doing t$e rig$t t$ings

    E#!ien!$ not )asting resources


    Sole Tra'ing

    (artners)i* or more eole

    o +iculties raising and retaining caital, issues )it$ longevity, e2osed to

    3oint4several lia'ilityo Small 'usinesses rovide more t$an 506 of emloyment in Australia

    is# artitioning

    Using cororate structures to manage ta2

    (ri"ate !o+*an$ s$ares not traded, often family o)ned, limited lia'ility for


    Initial (,bli! -ering .I(-/ selling s$ares in u'lic, e2ands investor 'ase, greater




    2ision an' Mission clear4o)erful statement a'out organisation7s direction 8vision9,

    and $o) )e get t$ere and )$y )e c$ose t$is route 8mission9


    /o) to get from oints A to B

    Provides long

  • 7/21/2019 BUSS1001 Exam Notes


    BUSS1001 Understanding Business

    o ational Analysisormulation !mplementation

    o =ncremental 8emergent9 everything overlaps

    S,stainable !o+*etiti"e a'"antage $o) to outerform cometitors in t$e long run

    =nternal analysis

    o &ore &o+*eten!e activities of an organisation t$at gives it an advantage

    over cometitorso Reso,r!e Base' 2ie3 resources t$at t$e organisation $as t$at can 'e used

    as an advantage

    *2ternal analysiso (orters 4 or!es

    *2ternal and internal analysiso SW-T Strengt$s, "ea#nesses, Oortunities, .$reats

    o Sta#e$older analysis employees, shareholders, customers, government,

    society/interest groups

    (o3er -ee satis>ed !anage closely

    !onitor 8min e?ort9 -ee informed


    &,sto+er 2al,e (ro*osition .&2(/ @uality and distinctiveness, #ey features

    o Dierentiation strateg$ ma#e roduct as uni@ue as ossi'le Focus on customer needs

    o &ost lea'ers)i* strateg$ ma#e your roduct as c$ea as ossi'le

    Focus on reducing internal ineciencies

    o o!,s strateg$ focusing on articular mar#et segment or geogra$ical area

    Can use di?erentiation or cost leaders$i

    Means5en's identify strategic goal, e2amine met$od, evaluate

    strengt$s4)ea#nesses, imlement 'est otion

    =mlementing often fails lac# of communication, clear lanning, monitoring and

    control, and accounta'ility and re)ard

    Allios .%004/ a**roa!) to i+*le+entation

    o e>ne 8vision strategies9 Craft 8imlementation rograms9=ntegrate

    8rograms% roll

  • 7/21/2019 BUSS1001 Exam Notes


    BUSS1001 Understanding Business

    &ontingen!$ *lanning $ave 'ac#

  • 7/21/2019 BUSS1001 Exam Notes


    BUSS1001 Understanding Business

    o Strategi! allian!e cooerate for articular venture, s$ared facilities or


    -,tso,r!ing t$ird arty


    Ke$ +arto Geogra*)i! seg+entation nations, states, cities, neig$'our$oods

    o De+ogra*)i! seg+entation age, gender, education, nationality, generation,

    income, occuation

    =nformation very accessi'le and cost

  • 7/21/2019 BUSS1001 Exam Notes


    BUSS1001 Understanding Business

    o Better roduct at mar#et rice

    o Same roduct at lo)er rice

    o !onooly t$roug$ customer franc$ise

    .$e !ar#eting !i2

    o (ro',!t

    o (ri!e

    o (ro+otion

    o (la!e


    Anyt$ing o?ered to a mar#et physical goods, services, e$periences

    A total roduct $as D levels%

    o &ore *ro',!t )$at is t$e 'uyer really 'uyingE

    o A!t,al *ro',!t c$aracteristics of roduct brand, packaging, uality level

    o A,g+ente' *ro',!t additional services4'ene>ts I t$e actual roduct

    (ro',!t 'ierentiation $o) does it comete against ot$ers

    o uality, services (delivery, support), personnel, strong brand, availability

    .yes of Consumer Products


    &on"enien!e Fre@uent urc$ase, lo) rice, )idely distri'uted, mass romotion 'y

    roducer *oothpaste, maga+ines, detergent

    o S)o**ing

    Less fre@uent urc$ase, $ig$er rice, more lanning, advertising 'y 'ot$

    roducer and reseller *elevisions, furniture, clothing

    o S*e!ialt$

    Strong 'rand reference, comle2 'uying 'e$aviour, $ig$ rice, e2clusive

    distri'ution, carefully targeted romotion u$ury goods - .ole$, #ne crystals

    o Unso,g)t Goo's Little a)areness or negative interest, varied rice4distri'ution, ersonal

    selling ife insurance, .ed ross blood donations

    (ro',!t line grou of related roducts o?ered (e0g0 anon1s printer range)

    o Stretc$ing u4do)n c$eaer and 'asic cameras versus ricier and more lu2ury

    cameraso Line >lling more variety of same rice

    (ro',!t +i; entire roduct range o?ered 'y >rm (e0g0 anon sells printers, ink,

    cameras, etc)


    A 'rand can $ave H levels of meaning

    o Attrib,tes >rst t$ings you t$in# of )$en you see a 'rand

    o BeneCts attri'utes must 'e translated into functional and emotional 'ene>ts

    o 2al,es 'rand says somet$ing a'out 'uyer7s values

    o (ersonalit$ 'rand ro3ects a ersonality

    Bran' e=,it$ t$e value 'ased on t$e its 'rand loyalty, name a)areness, erceived

    @uality, and ot$er assets4relations$is how aware you are of the brand

    .yes of 'randso Man,8a!t,rer or national bran's o)ned 'y ma#er

    =ntended to create trust to)ard roducts

    o Distrib,tor or *ri"ate bran's 'rand o)ned 'y retailers4intermediaries

    =ntended to 'uild loyalty to)ard t$e >rmo Generi! bran' Jno name7 'rand

    o &o5Bran'ing e0g0 *elstra 2isa ard

    o :i!ensing legal agreement for organisation to use anot$er7s trademar#


  • 7/21/2019 BUSS1001 Exam Notes


    BUSS1001 Understanding Business

    (*" PO+UC.S

    Ne3 to 3orl' 'rand ne) invention

    Ne3 !ategor$ e2isting roduct, 'ut ne) tye to >rm

    (ro',!t line e;tension variety of e2isting roduct already o?ered

    (ro',!t i+*ro"e+ent ne) and imrovedG

    Re*ositioning c$ange of image, use, target mar#et for e2isting roduct

    Comany can o'tain ne) roducts in )ayso Ac@uisition

    o =nternal ne)

  • 7/21/2019 BUSS1001 Exam Notes


    BUSS1001 Understanding Business

    o Consider t$e resonsiveness of t$e target mar#et

    PO!O.=O(AL != *L*!*(.S


    o Can 'e used to =(FO!, P*SUA+* or *!=(+

    Sales *ro+otions s$ort term incentives of gifts or money

    o S$ouldn7t 'e overused, $els re)ard loyal customers

    o ree samples, e$tra loyalty points, cash:back oer, coupons

    (,bli! relations media releases, sonsors$is, lo''ying

    (ersonal selling t)ond customers

    Selling rocess

    o Prosectingrenancial resources to carry out direct mar#eting

    =ntermediaries are 'etter at it, from e2erience

    .yes of intermediaries

    o W)olesalers 'uy roduct from manufacturer and resell to retailers

    o Retailers 'uy roduct from )$olesaler and sell it customer

    M,lti5!)annel retailing (e0g0 ;oolworths - supermarkets, petrol,

    internet)o Bro

  • 7/21/2019 BUSS1001 Exam Notes


    BUSS1001 Understanding Business

    Belongingness (relationships with co:workers/peers)

    *steem (important projects, recognition)


  • 7/21/2019 BUSS1001 Exam Notes


    BUSS1001 Understanding Business

    De!ision +adence does not ensure erformance


    :ea'ers)i* Mo'els an' Be)a"io,r

    !ain reasons )$y good emloyees @uit unhappy with management, limited

    advancement follo)ed 'y no recognition and inadeuate salary/bene#ts

    :ea'ers)i* rocess of e2ercising inuence over eole so t$at organisational goals

    are ac$ievedo Leaders must communicate vision, establish corporate values, promote ethics,

    embrace change, stress accountability/responsibilityo &on!ern 8or *ro',!tion ensures t$at )or# gets done

    o &on!ern 8or *eo*le s$o) su'ordinates trust4resect4care mindfulness and

    emloyee erformance



    Country clu'

    attention to needs of

    people, comfortable,

    friendly work


    .eam management

    work is accomplished

    by committed people,


    !iddle of t$e road




    maintaining morale

    while getting work


    minimum eort to get

    work done

    Aut$ority comliance

    eciency in

    operations, human

    elements interfere

    &on!ern 8or *ro',!tion

    Po)er tyes

  • 7/21/2019 BUSS1001 Exam Notes


    BUSS1001 Understanding Business

    o :egiti+ate comes from osition in t$e $ierarc$y

    o Re3ar' a'ility to re)ard4)it$$old re)ards

    o &oer!i"e a'ility to unis$

    o E;*ert secial #no)ledge or s#ills

    o Re8erent emanates from su'ordinates4co

  • 7/21/2019 BUSS1001 Exam Notes


    BUSS1001 Understanding Business

    =ndividualism Collectivism

    Australia and

  • 7/21/2019 BUSS1001 Exam Notes


    BUSS1001 Understanding Business

    3recise laws, need written rules

    ewer volunteers

    :ong9s)ort5ter+ orientation


  • 7/21/2019 BUSS1001 Exam Notes


    BUSS1001 Understanding Business

    Business eole4 $eld resonsi'le for actions in t$eir 'usiness

    &SR .&or*orate So!ial Res*onsibilit$/ Et)i!s 'usiness term for communicating

    a'out $o) t$e 'usiness 'e$aves

    T)e Ten (rin!i*les o8 t)e UN Global &o+*a!t

    o ,+an rig)ts 'usinesses s$ould suort4resect and ma#e sure t$e are in

    comlianceo :abo,r eliminate forced4c$ild la'our, discrimination

    o En"iron+ent encourage develoment of environmentally friendly tec$nology

    o Anti5!orr,*tion e2tortion4'ri'ery


    *./=CS S=!ULA.=O( **C=S*

    Magnit,'eof conse@uences