business report


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Post on 18-Jul-2015




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(BUS 30104)






1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY_____________________PAGE 3

2. OBJECTIVES_______________________________PAGE 4

3. TARGET MARKETS_________________________PAGE 5

4. COMPETITION ANALYSIS___________________PAGE 6

5. PRODUCT & PACKAGING___________________PAGE 7

6. PRICING___________________________________









Marayo is non-profit booth at a charity drive, started by a group of five people which is Ray Tan,

Joyce Wee, Ong Jia Min, Ong Euxuan and Ricco Soh. We all had one goal, which is to raise fund

for a charity organization. The business took place over a time of five days in the course of a

charity drive event at Taylor's University Lakeside Campus.

For our April intake, we had our charity drive on the month of January 2015. During that month,

the campus was quiet because most of the students were on their semester break, which is why the

campus was pretty quiet and empty. So our lecturer gave us the opportunity to go out and sell our

product off campus. This was also another great opportunity for us to sell our products not only to

the students of Taylors but also to the other people and students of other universities.

This charity event is our last and final assignment of the Introduction to Business module for

Foundation in Natural and Built Environments (FNBE) course. 100% of the earned profit we

earned from the booth are required to be donated to a chosen charity organization, we have chosen

Lovely Disabled Home. Marayo sold a variety of product such as fruit cups, lemonades,

bruschettas of different toppings and grilled chicken wings.

Marayo was managed by five students (named above). Our group leader was Ray Tan, accountant

was Jia Min and product managers were Ricco Soh, Ong Euxuan and Joyce Wee. We earned a

total of RM3,000. Marayo was located in Taylor’s University, but the products were also sold off

campus. All the profit we earned was proceeded to be donated to our selected charity organiza t ion

which is the Lovely Disable Home ( LDH ).


2.1 Chosen Charity Organization

Marayo has decided to help and give a hand to the "Lovely Disabled Home", and donate 100% of

the profit we earned to this charity organization, which happens to be located at No 78, Jalan SS2/6,

47300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor. This is a home for the disabled people who seek care and place to


The reason we chose this place is because, Marayo personally feel that the Lovely Disabled Home

needed the donation, as well as support for all these poor disabled people. They need a wide array

of equipment to help them and they are certainly not cheap, so we have decided to donate all the

profit we earned throughout the charity drive to the disabled.

2.2 Target Donation Amount

We have also set a to-be achieved target, and were expected to hit the said target within five days,

which is RM 2,500, which we believe should be enough to provide the best help to the

organization. Thankfully, we have hit, and also exceeded the goal that we have set.


3.1 Customers Background

We mainly target students, lecturers and visitors of Taylor’s University as our booth will be spend

most of the time of the week in Taylor’s University itself, but we also target students from other

university as we are allowed to sell off campus.

We target customers of all cultural background. Being pork and beef free, our products are safe to

be eaten. We target university students as our main customers, so we have set the price for our

product to as affordable as possible. We also target people who enjoy eating, we sell our food

during breakfast and lunch hours.

3.2 Customers’ Wants and Needs, and Spending Power

1. Grilled Wings

Customers want quality homemade juicy grilled chicken that are served fresh.

The grilled wings would make a great meal, and an average of RM10 per meal would be considered low amongst the student of Taylor’s University.

(Each chicken wing costs RM5)

2. Bruschetta

Customers want an affordable light breakfast or snacks that are fresh, and comes right out

of the oven. They also wish them to be easy to eat on the go.

RM3 per bruschetta is a relatively small amount in a university student’s expense for

quality product and meanwhile serve charity financially.

(Each bruschetta costs RM3)

3. Lemonade

Customers want themselves some refreshing drinks during hot days. Many customers

desire to be helping out in this charity event but do not want to buy heavy food.

RM3 is an affordable amount for Taylor’s students when it comes to charity.

(Each cup of lemonade costs RM3)

4. Fruit Cups

Customers require to replenish every day need of fibre and vitamins from fresh fruits. They

serve charity financially, and are good for health. Customers wish to be having fruit slices that are light in weight so that it would also be easy to eat on the go.

The fruit cups includes dragon fruit, honeydew, orange and watermelon, and is considered

highly affordable for charity.

(Each fruit cup is priced at RM5)

Generally, our targeted customers are staffs and students of Taylor’s University. We also sell our

products off campus to students and staffs of other universities. They tend to understand the

hardship we are going through and support us by buying our products as charity.


4.1 Sonia’s Stall

Products: Mashed potatoes, Sushi, Fried rice and Drinks


- They sell off campus during weekends.

- They do not spend much time preparing the food upon order.

- Their stall is located right beside ours, and the smell of their mash potato gravy is good and can

be detected from a distance.


- Their stall doesn’t seek enough attention

- Stalls opens at late morning, missing the breakfast crowd.

Why do customers buy from them?

Their products are simple yet filling and sold at a very reasonable price considering it as a charity

drive. Also, they are easy to eat on the go.

4.2 Thien Hee’s Stall

Products: Lunch Boxes


- They sell filling meals of different choices

- They publicize sponsors very well during sales.

- Their make frequent rounds around campus.


- Their sales are only active during lunch hour.

- Cost of product are higher, making it harder to obtain high profit

Why do customers buy from them?

Customers can serve charity and have a nice box of lunch at the same time. Customers who are

out her to eat lunch during lunch hours prefer to buy food that are rather filling, instead of just



5.1 Products

(a). Bruschettas

Bruschetta is originally made with toasted Italian bread drenched in olive oil and served typically

with garlic or tomatoes. But we came out with our own recipes which has three different toppings:

(a) Nutella spread with banana slices (b) Chicken ham and grilled cheese

(c) Egg Mayonnaise

We sell bruschettas that are served freshly out of the oven. When customers order it, we make

them directly on the spot. The fillings on the toasted bread is quite balance. Besides that, all the

ingredients that are involved are healthy and full of nutrients such as eggs, banana, chicken ham

and cheese.

(b). Grilled Chicken Wings

Grilled chicken wings were bought from the morning market that is located somewhere around

SS15. We also marinated the chicken wings with special sauce that has soy sauce, pepper and

sugar. The special thing about this product is the marinated sauce, it’s nice to smell and nice to eat.

People get attracted by it’s look and the stickiness and the juiciness of the chicken wings.

(c). Lemonade

The lemonade we are selling are made with lemon juice. 1 cup of lemon juice + 4 cups of water

makes a jar of lemonade! Moreover, sliced lemons are also placed inside the drinks. When the

costumers ordered it only we do it on the spot for them so it’s fizzy and cold to drink especia lly

when the weather is hot.

(d). Fruit Cups

The fruit cups that we are selling consist of four type of fruits which are watermelons, oranges,

melons and dragon fruits. We picked this four type of fruits to go together because the colour

combination is good and also it taste well together. These four type of fruits consist of high vitamin

A and vitamin C which is very healthy.

4.2 Packaging

(a) Bruschetta

The packaging for bruschettas is simple and very convenient. It’s a sandwich box that are

made from plastic. The costumers get to check if it’s the product they want because it’s


(b) Grilled chicken wings

Long satay sticks were used to hold the grilled chicken wings and it’s kept in a brown paper

bag. The reason why we used a sticks to hold the chicken is because it’s more convenient

for the costumers to eat it without dirtying their hands.

(c) Lemonade and Fruit cups

Lemonade and fruit cups are both kept in plastic cups along with their lids. The plastic lid

prevents lemonade and fruits from falling out and it’s easier for customers to hold it since

it’s a cup-shaped.


6.1 Products’ Unit Selling Price

- Bruschetta: RM 3.00 per unit - Grilled Chicken Wings: RM 5.00 per unit

- Lemonade: RM 3.00 per unit - Fruit Cups: RM 5.00 per unit

6.2 Products’ Unit Cost Price - Bruschetta: RM 1.00 per unit

- Grilled Chicken Wings: RM 2.00 per unit - Lemonade: RM 1.00 per unit - Fruit Cups: RM 2.50 per unit

6.3 Strategies

There are a few strategies used when we faced difficulties selling the products:

We walked around the campus with trays of our products, asking people around the rest area of the campus if they were interested in buying our products.

We did a wide array of promotions. For instance, you get cheaper if you buy a complete set of bruschetta of all three different toppings.

We did a few samples to display it in front of the stalls. We did this to allow people to see the real product: how it looks like, if it’s too big or too small for their liking.

We also set up another small stalls at other universities such as Sunway University and also Inti

University to sell more of our products. Also we gave out a small portions of our foods as samples for the customers to taste.


7.1 Marketing Message

My main marketing message is to earn profits so that we can help the disabled in the Lovely

Disabled Home. We sought for donations and also sponsorship from everywhere because we

wanted to try our very best to help the unfortunate to get what they need. The organization that we

are donating the profit and donations to is a disabled home organization. This organization is a

non-profit disabled center with the vision of providing a place to care for physical disabilit ies,

mental retardation and spastic children. They provide the handicapped friends a hindrance free

workplace and help them to get a healthy life style. But it required more helps especially moneys

and foods from the people outside the world like us. Thus, we’re doing this charity to help them

to achieve what they, our handicapped friends need.

7.2 Promotion Tools

There are a few tools that we used to promote our products such as posters, Facebook webpage

and also create an Instagram account to post beautiful and well-designed photos. The reason why

we choose Facebook and Instagram as our main social media tool is because people of all age

range are using all kind of social medias, especially Facebook.

Our facebook page has our member’s pictures and also all our products so that when people want

to know more about our products or stalls, they can just look up to facebook and search for our


We also designed our own poster for our stalls.


8.1 Sponsorship Targets

We have approached quite a number of individuals and corporate entities for sponsorship.

Family Members and Other Individuals

Sponsorship requests were both accepted and rejected by our own extended family members. A

few of them pitched in for donation but some refused to.

We also collected donations by passersby on the streets who wanted to contribute for the cause.

Contacted individuals:

-MC Tan: RM 300.00 (cash)

- Ong You Wai: RM450.00 (cheque)

- Donation collected on the streets: (rough amount) RM200.00 (cash)

Corporate Entities

We also approached quite a number of businesses to have our ingredients sponsored via phone

calls as well as e-mails. We mainly only contact sellers or suppliers of the needed ingredients.We

approached fruit companies, bakeries and grocers. But sadly, we were rejected by all of them.

Contacted companies:

- Asiafruits (Fruits)

- MBG Fruitshop (Fruits)

- Seng Chew Hup Kee (Fruits)

- Centrofresh (Fruits)

- Bee’s (Bread)

- LMC Bakery (Bread)

10.2 Approach Method

We sent out sponsorship letters, e-mails and contacted the above companies but we got no replies

from most of them. Some we approached them in person in stores but we were politely rejected.

We proceeded by approaching financially generous individuals who are interested in donating and

sponsoring for a cause. We briefly explained the objectives of this charity drive and the

organization we are to sponsor to them to give them a clearer idea of the project.

We also approached passersby on the streets and around campus with a donation box. We asked

for their kind contribution and thanked them for contributing to the cause.


9.1 Distribution of Product

After stocking up our ingredients they are chilled in an icebox and transported around in the cars

of our fellow group members Tan Wing Hoe and Ong Jia Min.

Our products are mainly fresh food that are usually sold directly out of the oven, or freshly sliced

and served cold. Our products may rot or harden or turn sour overtime. We refused to undergo any

delivery process, we only sell our products to our customers face-to-face in Taylor’s Univers ity,

Taylor’s College Subang Jaya, Sunway University and Inti University.

We have a booth set up in Taylor’s University, and our products are being transported in cars of

our members to be sold in other campuses or on the streets. We only sell our products in Taylor’s

University on the first three days of the charity drive (the 18th to the 20th). We split into groups,

some stayed by the booth while others walked around the campus with our products on food trays.

9.2 Distribution Time

Our products are being sold face-to-face (either by the booth, or on trays). We mainly serve snacks

that are easy to grab and eat on the go, so it certainly did not take long to have our products

transported to our customers.

To produce the crispiest bread we often offer to toast the bruschettas before selling them to our

customers. It usually takes only two minutes. We try not to take up our customers’ waiting time

most of the time.

9.3 Customers

Since we managed to use minimal time to distribute the food to our customers we tend to get more

attention from university students who wanted to buy grab-and-go food that allows them to eat

more conveniently in class or on the go.

We take a short amount of time to get ready, that allows us to handle a lot of customers at a time

without messing up the orders.


10.1 Environmentally Friendly Products

‘Green’ had been a trending word for the past few years and green measures had been adapted into

businesses as part of their contribution towards the environment. As part of it, we implied several

green measures in our 5-day charity drive.

First of all, our menus and stall decorations are all made using left over boards from our

architectural studios. The original colors of the boards are maintained with information written on

it clearly and precisely. Extra boards are used to make simple stands for the menus to save space.

Besides, our products are all prepared by ourselves except the bread which we got from a bakery.

This enables us to minimize the carbon footprint left as they are not made in bulk from a machine

in a factory.

10.2 Carbon Footprint Reduction

Additionally, to reduce our carbon footprint, we use polystyrene ice boxes to keep our food

materials fresh. We decided not to use freezers as it produces a lot of greenhouse gases

(chlorofluorocarbon ‘CFC’).

10.3 Waste Management

On top of that, we divide our wastes. Generally, our wastes can be categorized into 2 groups which

are food waste (fruit peel) and plastics (packaging and disposable gloves). Therefore, to simplify

the recycling process at the end of the day, our wastes are separated into 2 different bags: food

waste and plastics. All wastes are disposed into their respective bins which are located not more

than 30 feet from our stall.


Human resource planning management is a function in organization and as companies reorganize

to gain competitive edge, human resources plays a key role in helping companies deal with a

fast-changing competitive environment and the greater demand for quality employees.

Project Manager: Tan Wing Hoe

Finance Accountant: Ong Jia Min

Sales Executive: Ricco Soh Zheng Wei

Marketing Executive: Joyce Wee Yi Qin

Product Manager: Ong Eu Xuan

Position Task

Project Manager Plan




Work as a team

Finance Accountant Provides financial information to management and analysing accounting

data; preparing reports.

Cash and receipts.

Communicate with charity organization

Sales Executive Responsible for the maximization of

sales for our products

Reach towards the customer directly.

Marketing Executive Developing marketing campaigns to promote a product, service or idea.

Varied role that includes planning, advertising, public relations, event


Product Manager Packaging

Product development, distribution,

sponsorship and research.

Investigates, selects, and drives the

development of products for an organization.



End of the charity drive, we had achieve our goal. As our chicken wings are the best seller of all

our products, and we earn a net profit of RM2000 and RM1000 as donation, and total RM3000.

For our loss in this charity drive is that we actually drop our food on the floor, so that we could

not sell our foods to the costumers. Moreover, another loss during this charity is actually our

sponsorship of ingredients, which we get all rejected by the bakery.

Chicken Wings Bruschetta Lemonade Fruitcups

Original Price Rm2.00 Rm1.00 Rm1.00 Rm2.00

Units 390 240 150 100

Rev Rm780 Rm240 Rm150 Rm200

Total Rm1370

Rm3620 – Rm1370 = RM2250

Chicken Wings Bruschetta Lemonade Fruitcups

Selling Price Rm5.00 Rm3.00 Rm3.00 Rm5.00

Units 390 240 150 100

Rev Rm1950 Rm720 Rm450 Rm500

Total Rm 3620




Chicken Wings RM1950

Bruschetta RM750

Lemonade RM300

Fruitcups RM500___


Less: Cost of goods sold

Chicken Wings RM780

Bruschetta RM250

Lemonade RM100

Fruitcups RM200__


Gross Profit RM2250

Add: Donation and Sponsorship RM1000

Adjusted Gross Profit RM3250

Less: Operation Expenses

Typhoid Vaccination Injection RM250

Total Operating Expenses RM250

Net Profit RM3000