business idea

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Post on 27-May-2015




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  • 1. Enterprising spirit Self ocupation CreativityFACTORS WHICH ALLOW THE BIRTH OF A NEW BUSINESS IDEA Enterprising spirit Self ocupation Creativity

2. THINKING THROUGH THE IDEA Consulting technicians, professionals Workers and and enterprisers from thesector Consummers Press Bibliography Friends, family 3. ASSESSMENTOF THEASSESSMENTOF THEIDEAIDEAADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES 4. IDEAS IDEASSELECTCIONKNOWLEDGEIMPROVEMENTFIRSTASSESSMENTBBUUSSIINNEESSSS P PLLAANNCHOSENIDEAIDEASIDEAS IDEAS 5. IDEA + FAVOURABLE ASSESSMENT = BBUUSSIINNEESSSS P PLLAANN 6. BBUUSSIINNEESSSS P PLLAANNA document which develops a business idea into a business project 7. BBUUSSIINNEESS P PLLAANN- a guide for starting and developing a business- clear and attractive in order to get financial support 8. BBUUSSIINNEESSSS P PLLAANNIt must:- identify/describe/analize the opportunity that it offers- assess the technical, economic and financial v i a b i l i t y- develop the processes, strategies for a business opportunity tobecome a business project 9. PRESENTATIONMARKET STUDYPRODUCTION, SERVICES, SUPPLIESCOMUNICATIONPRODUCT MARKETINGSITUATIONHUMAN RESOURCESPROJECT VIABILITYSCHEDULEBBUUSSIINNEESSSS P PLLAANN 10. EExxeeccuuttiivvee ssuummmmaarryyIn order to get a potential investor to read the business plan, animpeccable presentation card, the executive summary, is essential.Otherwise, the effort invested in making the plan becomes useless, simplybecause nobody will ever read it. 11. EExxeeccuuttiivvee ssuummmmaarryyA good executive summary synthesizes the most important aspectsof a business plan and it should be:- Objective- Well stuctured- Clear and easy to understand- Brief, 2 pages- Atracttive- Effective /convincing 12. take a chance