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Profil de Jean TESTTest passé le : 10/05/2011

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Profil de Jean TESTTest passé le : 10/05/2011

Votre scoreQuotient : 16.4/20 Niveau : Utilisateur compétent

(Niveau avancé)

Une personne ayant un niveau d'anglais avancé,comprend les instructions et les textes détaillés, longset complexes, qu'ils soient ou non reliés à son domaine

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d'activité. Elle peut également saisir le sens implicitedes textes et regrouper les informations provenant dedifférentes sources pour répondre à des demandesprécises. Elle peut s'exprimer de façon courante,spontanée et structurée sans trop chercher ses motsdans les contextes sociaux et professionnels.

Ce niveau correspond au stade C1 Autonome du CadreEuropéen Commun de référence (CECR) pour leslangues: bonne maîtrise de la langue, compréhensiondans le détail d'énoncés complexes, expression avecassurance et précision sur des sujets variés.

Nb réponses correctes : 48

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Profil de Jean TESTTest passé le : 10/05/2011

Vos résultats détaillés par facteur

Compréhension écriteVotre score 9.0 1 10

Niveau L'analyse de vos réponses montre que votre niveau en Compréhensionécrite est élevé.


La partie compréhension écrite permet d’évaluer le niveau decompréhension d’un passage ou d’un texte écrit. C'est la capacité de

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percevoir et de comprendre les informations communiquées dans destextes écrits et de répondre aux questions relatives à ces textes.

Niveaux de compréhension écrite:

Supérieur (9/10):Un individu avec des capacités supérieures decompréhension écrite peut lire et comprendre des textes longs etcomplexes, même si ceux-ci sont en dehors de son domaine decompétences. Il est capable de lire des textes littéraires et sait localiserles informations spécifiques.

Au-dessus de la moyenne (7/8): Une personne ayant un niveau decompréhension écrite au-dessus de la moyenne est capable decomprendre des textes longs et complexes relavant de son domaine decompétences. Elle peut lire des textes variés, en adaptant son rythme etsa profondeur de lecture en fonction des objectifs.

Moyen (5/6): Un individu ayant un niveau de compréhension écritemoyen est capable de comprendre un texte dans sa globalité. Il peut liredes documents sur des sujets relavant de son domaine professionnel etexprimer aisément leurs compréhensions et les expliquer.

En-dessous de la moyenne (3/4): Un individu avec un niveau decompréhension écrite en-dessous de la moyenne peut comprendre destextes simples de la vie quotidienne. Il peut localiser une donnéespécifique dans le texte et isoler l'information requise. Il lui sera enrevanche difficile de comprendre des textes contenant des passageslittéraires.

À améliorer (1/2): Un individu dont le niveau de compréhension écritese situe dans la catégorie à améliorer peut comprendre un texte simplecontenant des mots et des expressions familières. Il lui sera par contredifficile de comprendre les figures de style. Une telle personne tirerabénéfice d’un support audio/visuel en complément au texte écrit.

GrammaireVotre score 7.6 1 10

Niveau L'analyse de vos réponses montre que votre niveau en Grammaire estau-dessus de la moyenne.


La grammaire est composée par l'ensemble des règles régissant lelangage. Une bonne connaissance de la grammaire augmente lescapacités de lecture, d'écriture et facilite grandement la communication.

Niveaux de grammaire:

Supérieur (9/10): Un individu avec un niveau supérieur de grammaire a une connaissanceavancée des structures de la langue. Il peut communiquer couramment,tant à l'écrit qu’à l'oral en utilisant les structures linguistiquesappropriées.

Au-dessus de la moyenne (7/8): Une personne avec un niveau au-dessus de la moyenne en grammaire connait les structures linguistiques.

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Il comprend aisément les informations textuelles et orales etcommunique efficacement en utilisant les structures de la langueanglaise de façon appropriée.

Moyen (5/6): Un individu qui a acquis un niveau moyen de grammaire aune compréhension adéquate des structures de la langue anglaise etpeut les employer de manière convenable durant ses communications.

En-dessous de la moyenne (3/4): Un individu avec un niveau en-dessous de la moyenne en grammaire aura de la difficulté à comprendredes phrases simples, y compris celles qui sont nécessaires pour évoluerdans son environnement professionnel.

À améliorer (1/2): Un individu dont le niveau de grammaire est àaméliorer ne possède pas les connaissances de base des structureslinguistiques. Son niveau de communication écrite et orale se situefortement en-dessous des standards professionnels.

VocabulaireVotre score 8.0 1 10

Niveau L'analyse de vos réponses montre que votre niveau en Vocabulaire estau-dessus de la moyenne.


Le vocabulaire est l’ensemble des mots appartenant à une languespécifique. Il se rapporte aux mots que l’on doit savoir afin decomprendre et communiquer correctement dans cette langue.

Niveaux de vocabulaire:

Supérieur (9/10): Un individu avec un niveau supérieur de vocabulaireest particulièrement éloquent, Il a une très bonne connaissance des motset peut les employer avec subtilité.

Au-dessus de la moyenne (7/8): Une personne avec un niveau devocabulaire au-dessus la moyenne a une bonne connaissance des motset de leur utilisation en anglais. Cette personne peut communiquerefficacement, aussi bien à l’écrit qu’à l’oral, en utilisant un vocabulairevarié et adapté aux différents contextes.

Moyen (5/6): Un individu avec un niveau de vocabulaire moyen utiliseles mots de façon adéquate Par contre, certaines subtilités d'utilisationpourraient lui échapper en dehors de la sphère quotidienne.

En-dessous de la moyenne (3/4): Un individu avec un niveau devocabulaire en-dessous de la moyenne connaît le sens des mots maisdispose d'un lexique assez faible et plutôt courant. Rapidement limité, unindividu de ce niveau éprouvera des difficultés dans des situationsnouvelles.

À améliorer (1/2): Un individu dont le vocabulaire se situe dans lacatégorie à améliorer manque fortement de vocabulaire et il lui estdifficile d'employer ou de comprendre les mots.

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Profil de Jean TESTTest passé le : 10/05/2011

Les Solutions détaillées par questionThis test is composed of 60 questions which you will have 40 minutes to complete. You willbe informed when the time limit is up.

The use of a dictionary or any other source of help is not permitted. However, you may usea pencil and paper.

SECTION 1 - Questions 1 to 10 - Reading Comprehension Read the passage carefully and answer the questions below.

Passage One:


Most employers state that they wish to hire ideal candidates for job openings. However, asurvey by an independent human resources institute reports contrary findings. The surveyreport states that most employers wish to avoid hiring the wrong individuals. Most of theemployers consulted in this study reported that selection methods were used more forexcluding unsuitable candidates rather than for finding suitable ones.

Conventional selection methods include interviews, resumes and reference checks.

Interviews were considered to be more reliable than either resumes or reference checks.But, interviewers' decisions are frequently influenced by their assessment of the writtenapplication. Additionally, recruiters interpret facts differently. For example, while onerecruiter could consider candidates who have frequently changed jobs as individuals withbroad interests and experience, another could regard such candidates as unreliable andinconsistent. Some employers place great emphasis on an impressive resume with notableacademic achievements, while in reality, there is not always a strong correlation betweeneducation and professional success. Similarly, references are of little use as they are rarelycritical.

According to the survey results, tests that assess personality and mental skills are helpfuland preferred by employers. However, the report also suggests that interviews could bemade more reliable by asking structured questions that focus on the requirements of thejob profile and organization.


1/ According to the passage, why are interviews unreliable?

A Because employers tend to forget candidates' responses.

B Because candidates frequently lie in interviews.

C Because interviewers are subjective in the assessment andinterpretation of candidates’ application and background

D Because language barriers may present communicationdifficulties.

Vous avez répondu C (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Compréhension écrite

Solution :

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The correct answer is C. The passage states that “recruiters interpret facts differently”(paragraph "Interviews were..."). Therefore, there is subjectivity in the interpretation ofcandidates’ skills and abilities. Only option C addresses this issue.

2/ According to the text, how could an employer ensure the reliability of interviews?

A By removing any biases you may have.

B By organizing and structuring the questions to better suit theneeds of the organization.

C By not reading the application and resume before theinterview to reduce subjectivity.

D By asking questions that are relevant to the candidate

Vous avez répondu B (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Compréhension écrite

Solution :The correct answer is B. The passage concludes by stating that “interviews could be mademore reliable by having structured questions that focus on the requirements of the jobprofile and organization.”

3/ According to the survey, most employers do which of the following?

A Apply extensive selection methods to hire able candidates.

B Select only the candidates who demonstrate the mostpotential.

C Remain very objective in their interview procedures.

D Eliminate unsuitable candidates to narrow down prospectiveemployees.

Vous avez répondu D (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Compréhension écrite

Solution :The correct answer is D. The concluding line of the first paragraph is: “Most of theemployers consulted in this study reported that selection methods were used more forexcluding unsuitable candidates rather than for finding suitable ones.”

4/ Among the following which were found to be the most favoured by recruiters?

A Resumes

B References

C Tests

D Interviews

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Vous avez répondu A (mauvaise réponse)

Facteur : Compréhension écrite

Solution :The correct answer is C. The last paragraph of the passage establishes that “tests thatassess personality and mental skills are helpful and preferred by employers.”

5/ What is the theme of this passage?

A The recruitment procedures followed by companies.

B The results of a human resources survey.

C The ideal way to recruit employees.

D Flaws in current recruitment procedures.

Vous avez répondu B (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Compréhension écrite

Solution :The correct answer is B. The opening statements of the passage introduce the theme of thepassage by stating that the survey was conducted by the human resources institute. Theremaining sections of the passage are the findings of the survey.

International Business Communication

As a result of globalization, business people are often required to communicate withpartners around the world. Hence, much time and money is invested in improvingknowledge of foreign languages. However, the ability to speak and understand a foreignlanguage is not always adequate. There are covert rules for business communicationwithin each culture that are not always obvious to foreign business people. If unaware ofthese rules, it is possible to “put your foot in your mouth” by making communicationmistakes that are likely to impair foreign business relations.

In western countries, business cards are often not paid much attention to whereas ineastern countries such as Japan, they are highly regarded and placed on the table prior toa business meeting. In the United Kingdom, business presentations are generally pepperedwith humour whereas in other countries, this may not be appropriate. In some countries,small talk and pleasant conversation prior to business meetings is greatly emphasized,contrary to the norm in other countries where no time is wasted on non-businessinterpersonal relations.

It is important to resist holding stereotypes about other cultures as such views are oftennarrow and can lead to bigotry. Our views and notions need to be adaptable and flexible.One should also be open to experiences so as to get the most out of interactions withinternational business allies.


6/ The passage is titled “International Business Communication” because it deals with:

A The standard communication procedures used in companies

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around the world.B The differences in communication patterns around the world

that affect business dealings.C Language difficulties in international companies.

D The differences between language and communicationpatterns in international businesses.

Vous avez répondu B (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Compréhension écrite

Solution :The correct answer is B. Throughout the paragraph, the author draws the reader’s attentionto the differences in communication patterns in business environments around the worldand urges the reader to better understand these communication patterns.

7/ The phrase “put your foot in your mouth” in the first paragraph means which of the


A Making communication mistakes with international businessallies.

B Taking the first step in business negotiations.

C Meddling in others business.

D Adhering strongly to what you want in the “game ofbusiness”.

Vous avez répondu A (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Compréhension écrite

Solution :The correct answer is A. In the passage, the phrase “put your foot in your mouth” isfollowed by the description of “making communication mistakes.” Only option A conveys thismeaning.

8/ According to the passage, which of the following is not a valid example of international

business communication?

A Formal parties

B Business meetings

C Interpersonal relations

D The use of business cards

Vous avez répondu A (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Compréhension écrite

Solution :The correct answer is A. The paragraph provides examples of the use of business cards inwestern and eastern countries, business presentations in the UK, and the emphasis on

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small talk (interpersonal relations) in some countries. Only the example of formal parties isnot provided and hence option A is the correct response.

9/ In the first paragraph, the word “covert” means which of the following?

A Hidden.

B Closed.

C Well-defined.

D Specific.

Vous avez répondu A (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Compréhension écrite

Solution :The correct answer is A. Covert” is a synonym for “hidden”.

10/ According to the passage, all of the following are important in preventing “bigotry”,


A being adaptable.

B being flexible.

C being open to experiences.

D being intolerant.

Vous avez répondu D (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Compréhension écrite

Solution :The correct answer is D. The author suggests that individuals need to be adaptable andflexible in their views, and open to experience. Stereotyping and holding narrow views aredeemed to lead to bigotry. These are forms of intolerance, and would therefore lead tobigotry. The correct answer is D.

Questions 11 to 35 - Grammar

These questions are based on regular Business English usage. Specific instructions aregiven for each question.

11/ Choose the statement below that can be formed correctly using the following words:

James/ want/ appear/ the exam.

A James wants to appear the exam.

B James wanted appear for the exam.

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C James wanted to appear for the exam.

D James is wanting to appear for the exam.

Vous avez répondu C (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Grammaire

Solution :The correct answer is C. Statement A would have been correct if there was a "for" between"appear" and "the." In statement B, the use of the word "to” is required before “appear" tomake it correct. Statement D is in the present continuous tense which is used only forcurrent actions. In statement C, the infinitive form of the verb "to appear" is correct. So thisis the correct answer.

12/ Focus on the use of the articles: "a, an, the" in the given statements and select one of

the four options.

I. If we interfere with a nature, we must expect consequences. II. If we interfere with the nature, we must expect consequences.

A Only sentence I is correct

B Only sentence II is correct

C Both are correct

D None is correct

Vous avez répondu D (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Grammaire

Solution :Correct answer is D. Sentence I is wrong because the use of the article "a" indicates aspecific nature. Nature should be refered to in general terms in this context. Statement II isalso wrong because the use of "the" before the word nature makes reference to a specificnature. The correct sentence would have been "If we interfere with nature...". Since bothstatements are wrong, the correct answer is option D (None is correct).

13/ In which of these sentences is the use of the apostrophe correct?

A My cousin's school is close by.

B He'd got a headache.

C There’s many pens!

D All of the above.

Vous avez répondu D (mauvaise réponse)

Facteur : Grammaire

Solution :Correct answer is A. In statement A the apostrophe indicates possession and its positioninforms us that the school the cousin goes to is nearby. Statement B uses the apostropheas a substitute for the auxiliary "had". This does no conjugate well with got and is therefore

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incorrect for the context of this sentence. In statement C, the apostrophe replaces “is” butpens being plural, it should be “are”.

14/ Look at the following verbs and choose the one that’s different from the others.

A Went

B Started

C Got

D Flew

Vous avez répondu B (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Grammaire

Solution :The correct answer is B. "Start" is a regular verb while the others are irregular verbs.

15/ Pick the correct sentence:

A Look up the notice board for informations.

B Look up all notice boards for informations.

C Look the notices boards for information.

D Look up the notice board for information.

Vous avez répondu D (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Grammaire

Solution :The correct answer is D.Statements A and B are incorrect because the plural of"information" is also "information," with no “s”. Statement C is also incorrect. Although"notice board" is composed of two words" "notice" and "board," its plural is "notice boards"and not "notices boards." Only statement D is correct because it uses the correct pluralforms of "notice board" and "information."

16/ "It will rain today." The use of 'will' in this sentence indicates:

A a decision

B a prediction

C a fact

D a standard

Vous avez répondu C (mauvaise réponse)

Facteur : Grammaire

Solution :The correct answer is B. A prediction (option B), refers to something that will or might

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happen in the future. "Will", as it is used in the statement above, does not indicate adecision (option A), a fact (option C), or a standard (option D).

17/ I don't usually eat three meals a day, but I _____ used to it.

A am getting

B have got

C got

D am

Vous avez répondu A (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Grammaire

Solution :The correct answer is A. Option A indicates that this person usually doesn’t eat three mealsa day but due to current circumstances he is getting used to it. Option B implies that theperson is speaking about something that he is accustomed to, which doesn’t match with thefirst part of the sentence. Option C, “got” is incorrect. Statement D would be consideredaccurate if "am" had been followed with "now"-I don’t usually eat three meals a day, but Iam now used to it.

18/ Complete the sentence:

Research in the workplace indicates that people work for many reasons ___________ .

A money beside

B money besides

C over money

D besides money

Vous avez répondu D (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Grammaire

Solution :The correct answer is D. "Beside" means “near” or “next to”, whereas “besides” means “inaddition to” or “other than”. Using “besides” in this way adds weight to something that hasalready been said or written. We often use it when we are arguing a point. This statementputs forward the argument that money is not the sole reason for working. So the correctword to use here is "besides." In order to be grammatically correct, "besides" has to beplaced before the object (money). Only option D satisfies this criterion, so it’s the correctchoice.

19/ Fill in the blank:

I regret _____ Mary about the wedding.

A telling

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B to tell

C saying

D to say

Vous avez répondu A (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Grammaire

Solution :The correct answer is A. “Say” is generally used without an object. “Tell” is used when thereis a person involved, in this case “Mary”. Hence, both options C and D are incorrect. “Totell” is used in the future sense. Thus, if there was a “will” between “I” and “regret” in thesentence, option B would have been correct. Therefore, the only correct response is optionA (telling).

20/ Which of the following statements is incorrectly phrased?

A We have many days to go.

B We have a lot of time.

C We don’t have much time.

D We have plenty time.

Vous avez répondu D (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Grammaire

Solution :The correct answer D. "Much", "many" and "a lot of" indicate a large quantity of something."Much" is used with uncountable nouns, "many" is used with plural countable nouns and "alot of" is used with uncountable and countable nouns. "Plenty" is always used with "of", thesentence D is incorrect, it should be "plenty of time".

21/ Fill in the blank:

It was a relief that after months of dry weather, we had ___ rain last night.

A a little

B a few

C few

D little

Vous avez répondu A (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Grammaire

Solution :The correct answer is A. "Few" and "a few" are used for countable nouns. They cannot beused here since “rain” is an uncountable noun. While "little" and "a little" are both used foruncountable nouns, “little” is used in the negative sense whereas “a little” is used in thepositive sense. In this sentence, the word "relief" suggests a positive connotation. Therefore

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A is the correct option.

22/ Select the right preposition to fill in the blank:

Select your favourite holiday destination ______ the cities given.

A of

B from

C to

D in

Vous avez répondu B (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Grammaire

Solution :The correct answer B. "From" is used as a preposition when a choice is to be made from anumber of options. In the statement, a person is asked to make a selection from a numberof options, so the correct answer is "from".

23/ Fill in the blank:

When more than one answer is required, they may be given ___ any order.

A into

B in

C by

D of

Vous avez répondu B (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Grammaire

Solution :The correct answer is B. "Into" is used to express direction as in "She walked into thecrowd". "By" means besides. e.g., "She walked by the canal". "Of" would be incorrect here.Therefore, options A, C, and D are incorrect. "In" (option B), is the correct preposition to usein this sentence.

24/ Fill in the blank:

There is an example ___ the beginning of the passage.

A On

B To

C By

D At

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Vous avez répondu D (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Grammaire

Solution :The correct answer is D. “At” is the most appropriate preposition to use in this context todescribe where the example is placed in the passage. “At is generally used when referringto “the beginning” and “the end”.

25/ Choose the correct word to fill in the blank.

I'm terribly sorry but I ____ what you just said and was wondering if you could repeat it.

A wasn't listen to

B wasn't hearing

C didn't hear

D didn't hearing

Vous avez répondu C (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Grammaire

Solution :The correct answer is C.“Hear” means receiving sound through the ears, whereas “listen”means paying attention to a particular sound. In the statement above the person asks thespeaker to repeat what was said as the person was not able to “hear” the words. Option Ais incorrect because “wasn’t” should be followed by the present participle, “listening”.Because the statement is in the present tense (and is current because it includes the word“now”), the phrase in the blank also needs to be in the present tense. Thus, option B isruled out as it is in the past tense (wasn’t). Option D is grammatically incorrect. Therefore,option C, “didn’t hear” is the correct answer.

26/ In which sentence is the placement of the adverb ‘sometimes’ incorrect?

A My children watch sometimes a football match on television.

B My children sometimes watch a football match on television.

C My children watch a football match on television sometimes.

D All of the above.

Vous avez répondu B (mauvaise réponse)

Facteur : Grammaire

Solution :The correct answer is A. Adverbs can be placed before the verb or at the end of thesentence. They cannot be placed after a verb especially when they are adverbs offrequency, such as depicting the number of times. In option A "sometimes" (an adverb) isplaced after "watch" (a verb) and so it is incorrect.

27/ Complete the sentence:

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They love English weather, ___

A don’t they?

B aren’t they?

C didn’t they?

D do they?

Vous avez répondu A (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Grammaire

Solution :The correct answer is A. "Aren't they" is incorrect because "to love the weather" is an actionor a feeling, not a state of being. "Didn't they" is incorrect because if the first part of thesentence is in the present tense, the question tag must also be in present. "Do they" isincorrect because if the first part of a sentence is positive than the question tag must be innegative. It also has to use the first auxiliary. If there is no auxiliary, use do, does or did.

28/ Complete the sentence:

I feel really bad about my mistake. It was one that I ___ .

A mustn't make

B had not to make

C ought not to have made

D ought not to be making

Vous avez répondu C (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Grammaire

Solution :The correct answer is C. "Ought to" is used to give advice beforehand or with hindsight. Thenegative form of it is "ought not to". With "ought to" one cannot use the -ing form, so answerD is incorrect.

29/ Choose the correct phrase to fill in the blank:

The Managing Director is supposed ___ Australia next year.

A visit

B to be visiting

C visiting

D to have visited

Vous avez répondu B (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Grammaire

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Solution :The correct answer is B. "To be visiting" (option B) is correct as it suggests an action that islikely to take place in the future.

30/ Fill in the blank:

She can drive well, she _____ driving for fifteen years.

A could

B is able to

C is used to

D has been

Vous avez répondu D (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Grammaire

Solution :The correct answer is D. This question examines the use of the present perfect continuoustense – which describes an action that began in the past, continued for a length of time, andstill holds true now. When did she begin driving? Fifteen years ago. Does she still drivenow? Yes. Will she continue to drive in the future? Probably we aren’t sure. In such asituation "has been" is the correct choice.

31/ Fill in the blank:

"I'm a person ___ technical knowledge of computers would impress anyone."

A who

B which

C whom

D whose

Vous avez répondu C (mauvaise réponse)

Facteur : Grammaire

Solution :The correct answer is D. The sentence needs to be completed using a possessive pronounfor the subject “person”. “Who” is a question word and a relative pronoun and therefore isnot the right choice. “Which” is always used with inanimate objects. “Who’s” is anabbreviation of “who is”, and is often confused with “whose”. But only “whose” is apossessive pronoun for the subject. Therefore, only option D is correct.

32/ Fill in the blank:

When the police arrived, the criminals _____ escaped.

A were already

B already

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C had already

D have already

Vous avez répondu C (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Grammaire

Solution :The correct answer is C. This item tests the knowledge of the past perfect tense. The pastperfect is the past of the past. When two actions take place in the past, we use the pastperfect for the action that happened first and the simple past for the action that happenedlater. Option A is incorrect since the time phrase "already" cannot be used with the simplepast tense "were". Option B is incorrect since "already" cannot be used without a verb in thepast perfect tense. Option D is in the present perfect which cannot be used in the samesentence with a simple past tense form. Option C is correct as it suggests that the criminalsescaped first and then the police arrived. Time phrases like when, after, before, by andalready are normally used with the past perfect.

33/ Fill in the blank:

If I _____ enough money, I would have bought a car.

A would have

B had had

C had have

D have

Vous avez répondu C (mauvaise réponse)

Facteur : Grammaire

Solution :The correct answer is B. Option A cannot be used since "would" indicates a hypotheticalsituation and cannot be used in the same clause as "if". Option C is incorrect since “hadhave” does not exist. Option D would have been correct if the second part of the sentenceused "will," such as, "If I have enough money, I will buy a car."

34/ Fill in the blank:

We are looking for the lady _____ handbag was stolen yesterday.

A of whom

B which

C whose

D from whom

Vous avez répondu D (mauvaise réponse)

Facteur : Grammaire

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Solution :The correct answer is C. This item tests the use of relative pronouns. Since we areattempting to show possession, "whose" (option C) should be used. “Options A and D, “ofwhom” and “from whom” are both incorrect. And option B, "which", is used for things andnot for people.

35/ Fill in the blank:

We've reduced the price _____ sell more.

A for to

B for

C to

D so to

Vous avez répondu C (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Grammaire

Solution :The correct answer is C. This question examines knowledge of the cause-and-effectrelationship. The statement seeks to answer the following question: "Why have we reducedour prices?" Answer: "To sell more". Options A, B, and D do not work with this sentence.

Questions 36 to 60 - Vocabulary

These questions are based on regular Business English usage. Specific instructions aregiven for each question.

36/ Choose the correct form of the word ‘energy’ to complete the sentence:

Jill is an extremely ____ child.

A energize

B energetic

C energizing

D energetical

Vous avez répondu B (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Vocabulaire

Solution :The correct answer is B. A word before a noun and describing it is an adjective. "Energetic"is the adjectival form of energy. "Energize" (option A) is a verb and will not fit in thesentence. "Energizing" (option C) cannot be used for a person and "energetical" (option D)does not exist in English.

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37/ Choose the correct use of the word 'scale.'A I stepped on the bathroom scale hoping for a change in my

weightB The two mountaineers will scale the peak this winter.

C Hope you will be able to rate this test on a scale of 1 to 10.

D All of the above.

Vous avez répondu D (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Vocabulaire

Solution :The correct answer is D. "Scale" has different usages depending on the context. All theabove uses of scale (A, B and C) are appropriate. Hence option D is the correct answer.

38/ Complete the sentence with the most appropriate word:

When people reach 60, they generally plan to _______.

A retire

B resign

C rescind

D recede

Vous avez répondu A (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Vocabulaire

Solution :The correct answer is A. “Retire” specifically means to give up employment when onereaches a certain age, usually 60 or 65. One can “resign” (option B) at any age in life. So,bearing in mind the context of the sentence, option A is correct. “Rescind” (option C) meansto cancel and “recede” (option D) means to withdraw; both these options are incorrect.

39/ Complete the sentence with the most appropriate word:

During the chorus, the soprano and tenor sang a romantic ___.

A duel

B duet

C dual

D dole

Vous avez répondu B (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Vocabulaire

Solution :The correct answer is B. A “duel”, (option A) is a fight. “Dual” (option C) implies two. “Dole”

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(option D) means to allot or give. Therefore, “duet” (option B), which means a musical pieceinvolving two voices or instruments, is the correct answer.

40/ Which of the following best describes the word “merge” ?

A Make better

B Make smaller

C Restrict

D Unite

Vous avez répondu D (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Vocabulaire

Solution :The correct answer is D. The meaning of merge is to "come together" or "unite."

41/ "The previous history of this place was something that we were not aware of."

Which word can be removed from the above sentence without affecting its meaning?

A this

B not

C previous

D of

Vous avez répondu D (mauvaise réponse)

Facteur : Vocabulaire

Solution :The correct answer is C. The word "history" always implies something related to the past.The word "previous" also means past. Using the word "previous" with "history" here isredundant. So, the word "previous" (option C) may be removed.

42/ Exposure to high levels of noise may cause hearing loss. This is a particular problem

in congested urban areas.

The word “congested” may be replaced with:

A Compact

B Polluted

C Crowded

D Rushed

Vous avez répondu C (bonne réponse)

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Facteur : Vocabulaire

Solution :The correct answer is C. A synonym for congested is crowded.

43/ Choose the verb that means “to cause; to bring about; to set in motion; to influence”

A Introduce

B Induct

C Induce

D Imply

Vous avez répondu B (mauvaise réponse)

Facteur : Vocabulaire

Solution :The correct answer is C. “Induce" is a synonym for "cause". So this is the correct answer.

44/ Read the following statements and choose the correct answer

1. I am taking a Japanese language course at the moment 2. During the course of the lecture, the orator had a short theatrical presentation. 3. I am going to have fish for my main course

In which sentence, does the word “course” suggest the duration of an activity?

A Sentence 1

B Sentence 2

C Sentence 3

D None of the above

Vous avez répondu B (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Vocabulaire

Solution :The correct answer is option B (sentence 2). In the first sentence, “course” is used to depicta class or lesson. In sentence three, “course” is used to depict a section of a meal. Only insentence two is “course” used to depict duration.

45/ Fill in the blank using the most appropriate word:

The employee ______ meets every Wednesday.

A counsel

B council

C consul

D console

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Vous avez répondu A (mauvaise réponse)

Facteur : Vocabulaire

Solution :The correct answer is B. We can tell from the context of the sentence that an employeegroup meets weekly. Therefore, the word we need to fill in the blank should be descriptiveof a group. Among the four choices, only option B “council” satisfies this criterion. A“council” is a group of people gathered for a specific purpose. “Counsel” (option A), is averb meaning to advise or guide. A “consul” (option C), is a manager or representative.“Console” (option D), means to comfort.

46/ What is the collective noun used for a group of playing cards?

A A stack

B A bundle

C A bunch

D A deck

Vous avez répondu D (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Vocabulaire

Solution :The correct answer is D. The collective noun for playing cards is either "deck" or "pack."

47/ Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word:

I want you to tell me the ____ truth.

A all

B exact

C real

D whole

Vous avez répondu D (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Vocabulaire

Solution :The correct answer is D. This is an example of an idiom. Idioms are words, phrases, orexpressions that cannot be taken literally. It is an established language structure thatgenerally has no particular explanation. “Whole truth” is an idiom. “Whole” is used for truthbecause there can be half-truths also.

48/ Which of the following words denotes "a book for recording appointments, tasks to be


A Planner

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B Calendar

C Journal

D Log book

Vous avez répondu A (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Vocabulaire

Solution :The correct answer is A. A calendar (option B) is not necessarily a book. While a journal(option C) is generally a book, it is used to record personal data and not appointmentsand/or tasks to be done. A log book (option D) is specifically used to record recurrentinformation post facto so as to keep a check on the data. A planner (option A) is a book thata person uses for planning, that is to record appointments, task lists, etc.

49/ What is the correct term for describing a person who works on behalf of someone


A A replacement

B An employee

C A representative

D An employer

Vous avez répondu B (mauvaise réponse)

Facteur : Vocabulaire

Solution :The correct answer is C. A "replacement" (option A), is generally used to denote theprocess of substituting. An "employee" (option B), is a person who works under anemployment contract. An "employer" (option D), is someone who hires and supervisesothers. A "representative" (option C), is a person who works on behalf of someone else.

50/ Study both statements carefully and select the correct option.

1. He laid the newspaper on the table. 2. She often lies down after lunch.

A Only statement 1 is correct.

B Only statement 2 is correct.

C Both the statements 1 and 2 are correct.

D Neither statement is correct.

Vous avez répondu C (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Vocabulaire

Solution :The correct answer is C. Lay ("to put, place, or prepare") and lie ("to recline or be situated")are very close in meaning. The difference is that "lay" is a transitive verb and takes a direct

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object. Lay and its principal parts (laid, laying) are correctly used in the following example:The table was laid for four. "Lie" is an intransitive verb and cannot take an object. Lie and itsprincipal parts (lies, lied, lying) are correctly used in the following example: I was lying inbed when he called.

51/ Choose the word that could have a negative implication:

A Cunning

B Bright

C Smart

D Level-headed

Vous avez répondu A (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Vocabulaire

Solution :The correct answer is A. Only cunning has a negative implication.

52/ Which of the following words is not a synonym for “rival”?

A Contractor

B Challenger

C Opponent

D Competitor

Vous avez répondu A (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Vocabulaire

Solution :The correct answer is A. A contractor is someone who agrees to furnish materials orperform services.

53/ Choose the most appropriate word to fill in the blank:

Take care that your love for him doesn't ________ your judgment.

A erase

B cloud

C darken

D override

Vous avez répondu D (mauvaise réponse)

Facteur : Vocabulaire

Solution :

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The correct answer is B. To "cloud" means to "obscure" or to "impair."

54/ Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word:

Some employers frequently _________ their employees in order to keep themmotivated.

A praise

B prays

C preys

D prize

Vous avez répondu A (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Vocabulaire

Solution :The correct answer is A. “Praise” means to express approval or admiration. “Prays” (optionB) means to offer prayers. To ”prey” (option C) means to “hunt”. “Prize” (option D) meansan award. The correct choice is A (praise).

55/ Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word:

The car is not ___, it is slow.

A fast

B unhurried

C speed

D hasty

Vous avez répondu A (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Vocabulaire

Solution :The correct answer is A. This question tests one’s knowledge of antonyms (opposites). Theword in the blank should mean the opposite of “slow”. Fast is the antonym of slow andhence is the correct answer.

56/ Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word:

A collection of documents is usually called __________

A A bundle

B A bunch

C A collection

D A file

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Vous avez répondu D (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Vocabulaire

Solution :The correct answer is D. This is an item assessing one’s knowledge of collective nouns. Acollective noun is a word that is used to describe a collection/group of nouns(things/people). The correct collective noun for documents is “file”.

57/ Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word:

Every year many small companies get ________ up by multinationals.

A crushed

B swallowed

C digested

D drowned

Vous avez répondu B (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Vocabulaire

Solution :The correct answer is B. Options C, “digested” and D, “drowned” cannot be used with "up"."Crushed" (option A), is inappropriate. The correct answer is option B “swallowed”, becausesmaller companies can be taken over by bigger ones, in another words swallowed up.

58/ Complete the sentence using the most appropriate word:

A farmer had two sons neither of whom was very _____ and both of whom liked toavoid work at all costs.

A industrialised

B industrialist

C industrious

D industrial

Vous avez répondu C (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Vocabulaire

Solution :The correct answer is C. The statement provides a clue regarding the answer in stating thatboth sons “avoided work”. Of the four options, “industrious” (meaning hard-working andsincere), is the only one that’s appropriate for the statement. An industrialist (option B) is aperson who manages an industry. Industrialised (option A) means having a lot of industries.Industrial (option D) refers to a product or process of an industry.

59/ Fill in the blank:

I often ______ money from my parents.

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A impart

B cash

C lend

D borrow

Vous avez répondu D (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Vocabulaire

Solution :The correct answer is D. Neither option A “impart” nor option B “cash” is correct becausethey don’t fit the sentence context. Temporarily giving things or money to someone is"lending" (option C) and it is always followed by "to" and not "from. Someone who takesthings or money from another on loan is a borrower and the verb is "to borrow". This isalways followed by "from". So, option D is correct.

60/ Complete the sentence:

If you need to check your sink I recommend hiring a ____ plumber.

A knowing

B literate

C trained

D careful

Vous avez répondu C (bonne réponse)

Facteur : Vocabulaire

Solution :The correct answer is C. A plumber is a professional who deals with everything connectedwith the supply of water. To be a professional, one needs to undergo training. Therefore,the appropriate word to fill the blank is “trained”.

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