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August / September 2021 August / September 2021 1 1 BURWASH V I L L A G E M A G A Z I N E August / September 2021 St. Bartholomew’s £1.00

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August / September 2021August / September 2021 11


August / September 2021

St. Bartholomew’s


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August / September 2021August / September 2021 33

The deadline for Burwash Village Magazine October edition is Wednesday, 15th September.

Please ensure that all contributions are only emailed to [email protected] to ensure that we receive them.

All contributions may be edited slightly for clarity and accuracy.

Distribution: Sophie O’Connor. Tel.: 01435 882556.

If you wish to subscribe to the Magazine, please contact Vicky Patterson on 884135.

If you wish to advertise, please contact Martin Parrott on 01435 409126 or [email protected].

Published by St. Bartholomew Parochial Church Council.

Designed and produced by Ren Fitch www.intelligent-realities.com

Church News Page

St Bartholomew’s Who’s Who 4

Services 5

Registers 5

From the Churchwardens 6

Features and regulars

Burwash Hidden Garden 6

An Evening of Music at Last 7

Burwash Village Hall 12

Countryside Notes 18

What’s On 22

Wild About Burwash 33

Village Life Page

Burwash Parish Matters 8

Wadhurst Bowls Club 9

Patient Participation Group 10

Walks for Strollers 10

Playing Field Association 11

Raining Hay 13

Try Bowls this Summer 15

Neighbourhood Watch 16

Burwash and District Flower Arrangement Club 21

The Arts Society 21

Mayfield and District U3A 21

Seagulls Over Burwash 28

Scouts 30

Brownies and Guides 30

Clubs, Societies and Contacts 32


If you know of any activity or event in or around Burwash, which you feel we should be publicising, please get in touch with a member of the Editorial Group.

Caroline Huband 408916

Richard Harden 882556

Vicky Patterson 884135

Should you have any bright ideas for feature articles, please contact the Editor, Caroline Huband, by email at [email protected]

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St Bartholomew’s Church Who’s Who Tel Email

Rector Interregnum

Churchwardens Vicky Patterson 884135 [email protected]

Richard Harden 882556 [email protected]

Assistant Churchwarden David Dunham [email protected]

Treasurer Chris Woodburn 883196 [email protected]

Sacristan Linda Young 882748

Tower Captain (bell ringers) Nigel Jarvis 01580 819462 [email protected]

Planned Giving Secretary Sally Gomer 882793 [email protected]

Sunday Club Hilary Stewart 883261 [email protected]

Cherry Redhead 882016

Church Flower Guild Diana Workman 882528

Pew Sheet Shirley Viney 882497 [email protected]

Friends of St Bartholomews Chris Woodburn 883196 [email protected]

Village Magazine Editorial Group Vicky Patterson 884135 [email protected]

Richard Harden 882556 [email protected]

Caroline Huband 408916 [email protected]

Village Magazine Advertising Martin Parrott 01435 409126

Village Magazine Distribution Sophie O’Connor 01435 882556

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August / September 2021August / September 2021 55

Sunday 1 August 10.00 a.m. Parish Communion

Thursday 5 August 10.00 a.m. Holy Communion

Sunday 8 August 10.00 a.m. Matins

Thursday 12 August 10.00 a.m. Holy Communion

Sunday 15 August 10.00 a.m. Parish Communion

Thursday 19 August 10.00 a.m. Holy Communion

Sunday 22 August 10.00 a.m. Parish Communion

Thursday 26 August 10.00 a.m. Holy Communion

Sunday 29 August 10.00 a.m. Parish Communion

Thursday 2 September 10.00 a.m. Holy Communion

Sunday 5 September 10.00 a.m. Parish Communion

Thursday 9 September 10.00 a.m. Holy Communion

Sunday 12 September 10.00 a.m. Parish Communion

Thursday 16 September 10.00 a.m. Holy Communion

Sunday 19 September 10.00 a.m. Matins

Thursday 23 September 10.00 a.m. Holy Communion

Sunday 26 September 10.00 a.m. Parish Communion

Thursday 29 September 10.00 a.m. Holy Communion

servicesAugust and September 2021 Services at St Bartholomew’s Church

The church is open every day from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.  There are still some Covid restrictions even in Stage 4: please follow the notices outside the church.  Seating is not limited and booking is not required for services.  Singing is gradually being re-introduced, depending on the assessed risk.

Please keep an eye on our website for any changes during August and September: https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/4828/

Mass at Christ the King

Roman Catholic Church, BurwashMass 9 am Sunday

Mass  10 am Tuesday

Mass 10 am Friday

Please contact Father Brian Lowden for information on 01435 862191.

FROM THE REGISTERS3rd July Baptism of Rose Taylor

14th July Interment of Ashes of Margaret Godley.

16th July Interment of Ashes of Joe Manning.

27th July Interment of Ashes of Yvonne Knight.

31st July Marriage of Charlotte Vickery and Adam Booth.

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The new rules for Covid-19, from 19th July, are not really the total release and return to normality that we had all hoped for. However, we can say that it’s reasonable to start opening the church every day, so that’s what is happening. You can now come in for prayer, meditation or just to enjoy a peaceful look round.

Sunday Services will continue at 10 a.m. for the time being. Restricted seating should now be a thing of the past, but please continue to wear a face covering when you come in. Some precautions will still be needed and will be explained at the time. Thursday Communion has restarted.

Please bear in mind that there could still be further guidance or restrictions, so things could change at short notice.

It’s a joy to report that there are numerous weddings and baptisms lined up for this summer.

We hope you are enjoying the relaunched magazine. Please let us have your feedback and any articles you feel inspired to write.

Vicky Patterson [email protected] Richard Harden [email protected]


The weekend of 25th and 26th June was a very special occasion for our open garden event for the National Garden Scheme. Unable to open last year because of the pandemic, we opened across two days. Operating under prevailing Covid-19 guidelines and strict limits on garden capacities, our garden owners, ably assisted by a number of volunteers, ensured that the weekend really delivered for visitors and ourselves alike.

Online booking was a requirement: no doubt deterring the less tech savvy. However, we were helped by being featured in The Daily Telegraph (see right) on Saturday morning with a characterful description of our village and its gardens. In more normal times such coverage has a big impact on visitor headcount, subject of course to the weather on the day.

Saturday saw ideal garden visiting weather, but on Sunday the weather took a turn for the worse being overcast with rain showers. This impacted on our numbers; nevertheless 515 people attended and record income of nearly £3,700 was generated from garden admissions for the NGS charities, and over £1,175 for refreshments, which goes to the Family Support Work charity. 299 people booked online, but a further 216 turned up at the gate, paying by cash or card. Had we benefitted from two days of good weather I feel we would have seen over 600 visitors.

Group openings are always popular as the gardens tend to be smaller and more compact - attributes appreciated by so many visitors with similar sized gardens. The Burwash group opening is now one of the most popular in the county.

Thanks, as always, to the garden owners, who work tirelessly to ensure that the gardens look their best. Visitors do appreciate the variety in terms of style and size that we offer, and are always fulsome in their praise. A special vote of thanks this year is due to the group of volunteers who cheerfully manned our reception desk in Swan Meadow, and managed the car parking facilities. Rod Clifton from BPFA also gave generously of his time.

I can now look forward to thinking about 2022! Gardening is growing in popularity and there must be plenty of beautiful gardens in the village waiting to be better known. It’s a myth that NGS standards are so high that few garden owners could ever contemplate opening to the public, even as part of a village group. Diversity and character are important but, above all, the owner should be passionate about their own space, and able to convey that enthusiasm to others. Do consider joining our group. I’m always happy to chat about the opportunity and the rewards enjoyed from taking part.

David Wright Assistant County Organiser, East Sussex NGS

01435 883149

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August / September 2021August / September 2021 77

An Evening of Music at last

The second of Jack’s Summer Concert Series, a concert of Baroque music for flute and harpsichord, took place in St Bartholomew’s Church on Saturday, 10th July at 7 p.m.  The flautist, Beth Stone, played a modern replica of a 17th Century flute, an instrument of wood with only one key, unlike the mechanical marvel that is the modern orchestral flute.  She was accompanied by Jack on a replica by Keith Hill of a harpsichord made in 1769 by a French-Belgian maker, P. J. Taskin.

The first piece was Bach’s Sonata for Flute in E major, dedicated to one of Frederick the Great’s court servants.   Frederick was himself a keen amateur flautist.  Although Bach wrote out all the notes he wanted the flute to play, he gave the accompanist only a figured bass, the bass notes of the accompaniment with numbers to indicate the harmonies expected. This filling-in was a basic skill of keyboard players in the 17th and 18th Centuries.  The first movement (Adagio ma non tanto) was elegantly rendered by the flute and discreetly accompanied.  The Allegro sparkled,

and the following Siciliano in the minor key kept up a good momentum.  The final movement (Allegro assai)  went at a cracking pace.

Jack gave us a spirited performance of Bach’s third French Suite, which contains the traditional dance forms of the suite, Allemande, Courante, Sarabande and Gigue.  It was customary to put other dances between the Sarabande and the Gigue, and in this case Bach put in three, two Minuets and a Trio.  I felt that the performance was sometimes a bit fast.  

The 18th Century Swedish composer, Johan Helmich Roman, nicknamed the Swedish Handel, wrote much instrumental music.  The Flute Sonata in G minor follows the typical pattern of alternating fast and slow movements. Since the work is not well-documented, it would have been nice to have more about the movements in the programme notes. However, the performance was excellent, and the accompanist found plenty of opportunities to add echoes of the flute part in the accompaniment.

Jack’s improvisation of a Passacaille on a ground of Louis Couperin was by turns robust, delicate, frenetic and jazzy. 

It seemed to move without a break into Les Barricades Mysterieuses of Louis’s nephew, Francois Couperin (le Grand).

Finally Bach’s B  minor Flute Sonata allowed the harpsichord some solo passages as well as accompaniment.  The Andante went at a good pace, with more echoes of the flute part in the accompaniment.   The Largo e Dolce, in triple time, had a slow flute melody accompanied by detached chords.  The Presto, ending in a gigue, brought the evening to a lively conclusion.

We look forward to Jack’s next concert in Etchingham on 31st July, when he will perform the six French Suites of J. S. Bach.

John B. Wordsworth

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Burwash Parish Matters


Congratulations to Eleanor Kirby-Green, who has recently been elected as a Councillor for East Sussex County Council.

As Councillors for the Rother District Council ward of Burwash and the Weald, both Eleanor and John Barnes attend our monthly Council meetings and we are grateful to them for the work they do on our behalf.

Lime Trees, Again!If you have adopted a Lime tree and are maintaining it in accordance with the scheme, we are very grateful to you for helping to keep our historic High Street looking cared for.

However, the Parish Council would like to take on responsibility for those Lime Trees which are not being looked after, by ensuring they are pruned up to a height of 2 metres, and underplanted with flowers, where possible.

They propose taking on this work from September. If you would like to comment on this, please contact the Parish Clerk at [email protected] or telephone: 07375 809 660.

Back to ‘Face to Face’ MeetingsThe Parish Council met face to face in July for the first time in over a year, with necessary safeguards of course. As a result of cases in the area, the Burwash Parish Council Office is currently closed due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Staff and councillors are working from home.

If you need to contact the Parish Council by phone the Clerk can be contacted on the following mobile number: 07375 809 660 or the Admin Officer on: 07943 848 430.

Council Meetings are also held in the Pavilion in Burwash Common. Working Parties will be deciding if they wish to continue using Zoom, or if they prefer to meet face to face.

Council meetings are open to the public and you can find out more about the dates, the venues and the agendas on the Burwash Parish website.

If you wish to attend a meeting, please make a booking through Emma, our parish clerk, on 07375 809660. You may need to have a lateral flow test before you attend and wear a mask, but Government guidance is changing all the time so check with Emma before attending. A number of parishioners have kept in touch over the last few months through the Zoom meetings and we are grateful for their continuing input.

Does you organisation need funds?Each year, the Council makes funds available to local groups who support the communities by organising sports and social events, as well as providing the money for resources which will benefit the parish. Last year, we gave £14,500 to 12 organisations and we are looking to make available a similar amount this year. If you enter ‘grants’ in the search box on the Burwash parish website, you will be taken to the pages which include the Grant Application Form.

We haven’t forgotten…..The 20 mph in the High Street request for match funding has been deferred by East Sussex County Council to October. We are waiting for ESCC to give us an estimate for the costs of the 20 mph along Vicarage Lane and Road. The Council has reserved £30,000 for this work.

The Phone box next to Oakley’s Garage is to be repaired and repainted. The Council are presently discussing where it should best be located and how it should be used. Thank you to those who have suggested possible uses including a seed bank, a community library and an information point for visitors.

Computer HelpAfter a long enforced break Computer Support opened on 21st July. We are open Mondays and Wednesdays from 10:00- 13:00 in the Parish Room.

We can help you with advice and guidance on what type of equipment, how to make the most of your PC, Tablet, Smartphone or other digital devices. We offer assistance with choosing a wide range of applications, managing your photographs, helping you to find the best offers on a range of services and goods and helping you trace your family tree.

If you need further information please contact the Parish Clerk – Emma on 07375 809 660 or e mail [email protected] or Keith Lloyd: [email protected] with the nature of the help you need.

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Our Parish Clerk has been working from home throughout the pandemic and we are grateful to her for keeping the Council running efficiently during this period.

The Parish Assembly will be on 22nd September. This is an opportunity for the many community groups in the Parish to get together and share knowledge of their activities with other parishioners.

Love Burwash Week will run from Monday 4th October.

There will be a lot more publicity for these events nearer the time but thought you might wish to put the dates in your diary, or on a post-it note on the ‘fridge door.

Don’t forget that you can keep up to date with Parish Council news on the website: burwashparish.org.uk. If you take a look at the website, you’ll see that it has gone through a transformation! We hope you will find it easier to navigate. There is still information to add, but all you need for keeping in touch with the Council is there and some of the gaps will be filled in over the next few weeks. Let us know what you think about it.

There is also the Burwash Facebook page, the weekly Burwash e-bulletin and, if you don’t have access to the Internet, or prefer your information in print, let us know and we will send you a copy of the latest ‘Matters’ and the most recent Council minutes through the post. Just give Emma a call on 07375 809660.

Cllr. Brian Newman

Wadhurst Bowls Club

July proved to be a very busy month. Although several of our games were cancelled due to the weather others fell by the wayside when either the opposition or ourselves were unable to field a full team. Most likely this is linked to Covid - not because of illness, but because we were all taking the sudden opportunity of being able to go on holiday!

Wadhurst have one of the best greens in Sussex and we were privileged to host several prestigious games at the start of July, including the Sussex County Vice-Patrons Match, The Sussex County Two Woods Competition and the inter-county Billingham League match – unfortunately all in the space of just four manic days!

Wadhurst bowlers have performed well in their respective County Competitions and I hope to be able to report next month on some ultimate success. I don’t want to give name-checks now just in case it proves unlucky.

Mid-month we hosted a taster session for 18 Burwash Walking Footballers and their wives. We know they enjoyed themselves as they drank quite a lot and we ran out of Prosecco. We hope to turn that enthusiasm into new members before they sober up….

Although the Horam League was cancelled for this year the Tunbridge Wells League is going ahead and Wadhurst have three teams battling for supremacy. It would be great if we could walk off with the trophy and officially hold both titles at the same time – something no club has ever done before.

Next month will be equally busy as apart from our usual inter-club games we have our Mixed-Triples Open Tournament on Sunday, 15th with 24 teams competing for £300 prize money. Our club Triples Competition on Saturday, 21st and our Club Finals over the weekend of 28/29th. Why not pop over and have a look?

If you would like to give bowls a go, either as individuals or as a group of friends, contact the Honorary Secretary, Tracy, on 01892 785689 who will make arrangements.

Wadhurst – your local bowls club

More info at www.wadhurstbc.com

Laurence Worton

The Iron CurtainOn Nevski Bridge a Russian stood

Chewing his beard for lack of food

Said he, ‘It’s tough this stu� to eat

But a darn sight better than shredded wheat!’


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The NHS app is the route to access a Vaccine Passport, following your second Covid vaccination. A paper version is also available by calling 119. The NHS App is separate from the NHS Covid-19 App, which is used for contact tracing. Your Vaccine Passport will only show when you have had both doses.

The Covid Vaccination Clinic at Etchingham has now closed permanently, but the Clinic at Ticehurst remains open, administering both Astra Zeneca and Pfizer vaccines. They are open on different days each week – not 7 days a week. Many Burwash/Etchingham residents are, or have been, volunteers at both sites.

There are plans afoot for booster Covid vaccinations in the Autumn, but we have no details at present. Just watch out for more information, which we will pass on as soon as we have it.

Friends of Burwash Surgery Drivers For many years FoBS has had a team of volunteers who, when requested by the Surgery, drive patients to medical appointments. This service almost came to a stop from March 2020 as hospital appointments disappeared.

The good news is that hospital appointments are now up and running again. However, the number of volunteer drivers has reduced considerably due to various changes in their circumstances. As a result, this village service is going to be severely reduced unless we can find more volunteers. When we have a good number of drivers each volunteer may have only one trip a month. It’s the old adage, the more the merrier. Petrol costs can be claimed.


Our next walk will meet at the Bear Car Park on Wednesday, 4th August at 9.00 a.m.

If you want to learn more about the Parish footpaths and local area, come and join our Strollers Group.

Walks are around four to five miles long, and strolled at a leisurely pace, taking from two and a half to three hours to complete, with lots of talking and rests.

If you do come along, could you please supply me with your contact details.

We will also meet in the Bear Car Park on Wednesday, 1st September at 9.00 a.m.

I look forward to seeing you.

Ijon Jenner 01435 882045, [email protected]



Locations of our defibrillators:

• Burwash: - outside the Burwash Village Hall, to the left

of the entrance. - Corner of Burwash Park, Fontridge Lane.

• Burwash Common: outside the Burwash Common Pavilion to the left of the front door.  

• Etchingham: - in the telephone box on Market Square, next to the School. - at the station on the wall outside the Bistro’s gate. - on the wall at the Post Office.

If you would like more information from a couple of the team, you can call Claudette on 01435 883043 or David on 01435 883615. You can register with Pat Lewis via [email protected] or 01435 883239 or 07967 000126.

The results for Fairfield Surgery in the National GP Survey can be found via http://www.gp-patient.co.uk/report?practicecode=G81052. In most areas Fairfield scores better than both local and national averages. Congratulations to the team!

Claudette Neville, PPG Secretary 01435 883 043 [email protected]

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This month (July 2021) is the 300th draw that I have supervised i.e., my 25th Anniversary of Draws!!

I would like to say a huge thank you to Kevin Bray and Rod Clifton, who help me along the way.

Also, a big thank you to those who have helped to deliver the “we need you” leaflets from door to door recently. This has been a great success with an increase in members to 306 for this Anniversary Draw (the highest number of members since March 2014, also 306).

To other residents of Burwash and the surrounding area, as residents we own the field known as Swan Meadow which also means we have to raise all the money to upkeep the building and the grounds, including the children’s play park, so we do need your contributions. If you would like to join, please send me an email on [email protected] or give me a call on 01435 882526 or 07917 164578 (if no reply please leave your name and contact number: I will call you back!).

The membership is £1 A MONTH, payable £12 in advance. You can call in to The Bear or Blacksmiths Tea Rooms for an application form and hand it back to them, or take it to Londis (the Village Store) as they collect our renewals and have done so for many years, so thank you to all the above for your continued support.

Finally, thank you for the support of the Burwash CIC and Burwash Parish Council.

Steve Bennett

July 100 Plus Club Draw ResultsDrawn at The Bear Motel by the landlady’s daughter, Miss Jessica Wilson. There were 306 numbers entered in the Draw, the best since 2014.

Congratulations to the winners!1st Ball Number103 Annie Seymour £65

2nd Ball Number 162 Rosemary Mercer £45

3rd Ball Number 13 Dave Hedges £25

Become a member and support the playing field and help the BPFA Management Committee run this great community place for our village. £12 per year for 36 chances to win a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd prize has to be worth it.

Pavilion Bookings Contact Rod Clifton for more information about availability of the Sports Pavilion. Please contact him on 01435 883656 or [email protected].

BPFA Committee [email protected]


(Reg. Charity No. 305191) Swan Meadow, Ham Lane, Burwash

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Burwash Village Hall has been at the centre of village life during peace and war since its opening on 4th December 1907. The members of the Hall Management Committee (all volunteers) plan on it becoming the centre of village life again as soon as possible!

Now that government plans for the legal shackles on Covid-19 restrictions to be removed, we look forward to several of our User groups resuming their meetings in the Hall from September. We shall all still need to take sensible precautions: we shall continue with the current recommendations of allowing only half the Hall capacity, the wearing of masks, good ventilation, hand sanitisers and keeping a list of visitors to any event for Track and Trace purposes.

The groups who regularly use the Hall have been contacted with a view to recommencing their use of the Hall in September. The responses have been favourable, with the following plans: Quilters to return on Monday mornings, Monday Painters on Monday afternoons, Not So Young to return once a month on Thursday afternoon. Short Mat Bowls have to wait for advice from their Federation. The Flower Arrangers have already made bookings: we wish their Chairman, Jean Plummer, a speedy recovery to full health. The Horticultural Society has already used the Hall for a successful talk in July, coping well with Covid-19 rules, and has made further bookings. The Jane Coleman School of Dance and Burwash Musical Theatre have been using the Hall for some time, also successfully.

The Snooker group are using their room, but not yet for matches – at the time of writing anyway.

The Whist group will be returning: further details will follow asap.

Regrettably, Burwash Ladies Group (BLG) and Circuit Training have decided not to return which means there are some vacancies in the bookings’ diary. Please contact us if you may be interested or already have plans for starting up a new group, or would like more information about any of the User groups.

You will have noticed that the beautiful new Oriel windows have now been painted and have had their plastic covering removed. The new front doors are also in place, plus a new coir mat in the outdoor porch.

I have heard this week that we have been granted £4,500 by Burwash Parish Council towards the replacement of 3 external doors. We are very grateful for councillors’ support for completing this project of replacing all external doors and windows.

A start has been made on tidying up the outside spaces to the Hall, which will culminate in the hedges being trimmed in early autumn.

We are grateful to David Hopkins for keeping the premises clean and tidy during these difficult months, to comply with the anti-pandemic regime. We are also, as always, very grateful for your support for our Village Hall.

Shirley Viney [email protected]

01435 882497

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August / September 2021August / September 2021 1313

Group When? Contact

Burwash Amateur Pantomime Society (BAPS)

By arrangement, November to February David Cowell

Burwash Flower Club By arrangement Jean Plummer

Burwash Horticultural Society Guest speakers on occasional Thursday afternoons Richard Maude-Roxby

Burwash Musical Theatre Saturday morningsJonny and Sandra Ball: [email protected] website: burwashmusicaltheatre.com

Burwash Quilters Mondays from 10 a.m. Janette Strong: [email protected]

Burwash Short Mat Bowls Each Monday from 6.30 p.m. Matches on arranged Thursdays Mary Taylor

Burwash Snooker Club Snooker room available to members by arrangement Ron Allen: [email protected]

Monday Painters Monday afternoons from 1 p.m. Anne Everall, Colin Harwood

Not So Young Club Third Thursday of the month, from 2.15 p.m. Isabel Salmond

Whist Club First Thursday of the month, from 7 p.m. Mary Taylor, Shirley Viney: [email protected]

Jane Coleman School of Dancing (young people and adults)

Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons

Katie Dahlstedt: [email protected] Rachel Elliott: [email protected]



Mobile phone reception in my house on the High Street is terrible, so I have to get as close to the bay window as possible (the house on the front cover: chosen long before I was the Editor).

On Sunday, 18th July, my son rang me. As I thrust myself up against the window to try to hear him, I scanned the empty High Street. Not a soul in sight as it was so hot. Anyone with sense was either in a garden with a cold beer or paddling on a beach, so I looked upwards. I could not believe my eyes! Large lumps of hay were raining down from very high up ……higher than soaring swallows or house martins. As well as the lumps, strands of hay were floating down all over the

High Street, sticking to my windows, the plant pots …..hay everywhere. This was a localised “rain”, in a 20 metre band, lasting a few minutes, with the sky clear further along the road.

The hay must have been picked up off fields some considerable distance away and lifted up on the thermals, to then be “rained” down on the ridge (A265), where my house is at the highest point of the “Hill” coming north from the Brightling Needle. Farming friends assure me that sometimes hay just vanishes from the field in this way. Raining Hay! First time I have witnessed this amazing “rain”.

Caroline Huband

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Tel: 01580 860264 | Mob: 07590 033151Email: [email protected]

*Tax Returns for Individuals, Partnerships and Companies

Book Keeping and Accounts Preparation for all businesses

Capital Gains Tax Calculations

VAT Returns and Payroll


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August / September 2021August / September 2021 1515

Try Bowls This Summer

The sport of bowls takes a minute to learn but a lifetime to master – why not give it a try?

Wadhurst Bowls Club are offering four free taster sessions.

Bowls is a sport for all, where everyone is welcome and where there is very little difference between men/women/boys/girls/young or old. In fact, it is the perfect sport to combine time as a family with some healthy competition.

Bowls is a great way to relax, make new friends and feel part of the community.

Wadhurst Bowls are offering individuals or groups four free taster session with this page. All you need to bring with you are a pair or trainers and a sense of fun.

Why not get together with some friends and come along?

Sessions will usually take place on a Monday afternoon/evening but subject to availability may be arranged at other times.

It’s free – what have you got to lose!

To book your session contact

Laurence on 01435 884331 or 07714 935915


Wadhurst – your local Bowls ClubWadhurst Lawn Bowls Club, Washwell Lane, Wadhurst, TN5 6LN

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Burwash, Burwash Common, Burwash Weald and the Surrounding Areas

Recent Local IncidentsI have been made aware of two recent incidents where security lights have been tampered with, possibly in preparation for crimes to be committed under the cover of darkness.

This is not a new phenomenon. I have seen sensors broken, sprayed with paint or taped over, but loosening the light bulb was probably the favourite, so that they appeared in order.

All security measures need regular checking, but please keep an extra eye on any security lights.

ScamsI am told that one of the latest scams involves Covid-19 Vaccination Passports, either selling them to you, or requesting your bank details to identify you. IT’S A SCAM!

THEY ARE FREE: via the NHS App (not the NHS Covid-19 App). Download the NHS App, register your details and once you have had your 2 vaccinations there will be 2 pages of Passports – one for attending events and one for overseas travel. They will have a QR code.

Some countries require this in paper form. You can download a PDF version from the app via your email account and print it.

You can also request a paper version by calling 119 (it is also called a Covid-19 Post Vaccination Letter).

Moans and GroansI have been asked to include concerns over vehicle speeds and parking locally.

At the moment less traffic due to Covid-19 means faster traffic, especially on the main A265 through our villages, so please be extra careful, especially when crossing roads.

Bad parking during the day may also be linked to Covid: more people working from home means more parked vehicles. Please think of others when parking.

The Highway Code says do not park facing against the traffic flow.

Do not stop or park opposite or within 10 metres (32 feet) of a junction, except in an authorised parking space.

If you have a subject for Moans and Groans, please email me: [email protected]

Emergencies and Other ReportsIf something happens where you genuinely feel immediate action is necessary by Ambulance, Fire & Rescue, Police or Coastguard call 999 or 112 and give as much detail as possible. The person you speak to is trained and has a set of questions to ask. They will then decide the appropriate response from the information given.

For non-urgent matters you can contact Sussex Police by email at [email protected] or phone the non-emergency number 101 (101 calls cost a flat 15p rate from landlines or mobiles) also online at www.sussex.police.uk

Stay safeSteve Mintram

JUSTICE VERSEThe rain it raineth every day

Upon the just and unjust fella,But more upon the just because



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Countryside Notes

Well, it has been nice weather for ducks! As you enter Burwash from the South coming up School Hill several signs have appeared: “Caution - Ducks Crossing.” I am yet to capture the ducks crossing, but I did witness a very noisy altercation between the moorhens, nesting on a floating nest on the pond, and the resident mallards. To my surprise the moorhens came out on top and the ducks had to “stay away”. The moorhen chicks are very cute! All the residents are afforded a degree of protection by the huge willow, which screens them from obvious predators. I also have it on good authority that Mary is feeding them twice a day.

I kept ducks for a Summer when I lived in Streat (while their owner, a Dutch friend, was working away). They were hard work. They never wanted to go to bed and I would be chasing them around the long-grass lawn until it was dark (fortunately they were white) before I could finally herd them into the old pigsty to keep them safe from the foxes. They were also amazingly messy.

However, there is something soothing about watching ducks paddling away on a pond and most of us were taken to “feed the ducks” as children, when the adults had either run out of inspiration, money for more exciting things, or both. My grandmother had this down to a fine art and would take us to every park in the East End of London, with water, to feed the ducks: we had to walk there and we were also encouraged to make “duck balls” out of stale bread and old cheese, before we set off, which kept us amused for even longer. As a treat, we could go by Tube to St James Park, where we had competitions to see who could spot the most breeds and, if we managed to concentrate and write them all down, we were allowed huge ice creams afterwards. I took all my children there over the years, but they never wanted ice creams: it was tea, sandwiches and cakes at the very least but they all knew their duck breeds.

On one occasion we were river fishing in the wilds of Suffolk near Easton when my uncle decided to have one last cast out, with a bread bait, before the sun went down and we had to hurry home. The pheasants were already roosting in the willow trees nearby. My Uncle caught a duck on the wing with his ball of bread bait, firmly stuck to his hook. We all arrived home very late, with a large mallard for Sunday lunch so my grandmother forgave us.

My grandfather spent hours in the blackcurrant fields with fishing lines, baited with brandy soaked sultanas, set up between the rows of blackcurrant bushes, where the pheasants would go morning and evening to eat all the over ripe berries, which had fallen off. According to the old locals, this was the way to bag pheasants, but I often wondered if they just claimed this to see if my grandfather would actually try it. I always had visions of them laughing about

this in the pub. We never caught any in this manner but my grandfather always had a pheasant or two hanging in

the barn which he would deliberately clip on the road as he drove round the lanes delivering eggs. (I have drifted

off into Suffolk because I am enveloped by the smell

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August / September 2021August / September 2021 1919

of sweet Blythburgh Suffolk free-range pork cooking in the kitchen, while it rains once more. Jarvis the Butchers are thus to blame for my jump into another county, but I’m very grateful that they sell it.)

From the banal to the rare: the weather has also suited orchids. Fortunately more varieties have been spotted in this area this year. Can anyone tell me what the white one is, found on the edge of a hay meadow about two miles south of Burwash Church? It looks like a marsh orchid to me, but I’m no Sussex expert on orchids and you can get hybrids.

A very rare orchid has appeared on top of the Nomura Bank building in the City of London in its 11th-floor roof garden. There are 15 flowers growing there. This is the only known

colony in the UK. The garden designer believes seeds have either been blown in on winds from the

Sahara, or else the seeds were in the soil used to set up the garden. The last time the orchids, known as Serapias parviflora, were spotted in the UK was in Cornwall in 2009.

They are typically found in the Mediterranean basin and the Atlantic coast of France, Spain and Portugal. The plants grow to about 30cm and typically have between three and 12 tiny flowers, which are usually orange.

Likewise, the largest flock of colourful bee-eaters ever to be seen in Norfolk was spotted at a retail park near Great Yarmouth last month.

So perhaps, we will see more “exotics” in East Sussex with climate change and freak weather, but it would be nice if we could truly cherish what we have already.

Caroline Huband

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August / September 2021August / September 2021 2121


I am delighted to say that we will be holding our first demonstration since November 2019 on Monday, 13th September at 2.15 p.m. in Burwash Village Hall. Our demonstrator will be Mrs Helen Hare, working to the title ‘Flowers with Friends’. Non-members are very welcome (the entrance fee is £5.00 including tea) with the chance to take a display home afterwards. An extra incentive is that Brenda Woolley made us a celebratory cake for our Diamond Anniversary and Marion Tibbs has kindly iced it.  We will be cutting this cake after the demonstration so that we can all enjoy it together.

When I look back to my reports from December 2019 to February 2020, they are so positive with no realisation of what was ahead. In December I wished you all a ‘Healthy and Peaceful’ 2020 – well that didn’t work!

However, here is some more good news: we have rebooked Michael Bowyer for 14th July 2022 to celebrate our postponed Diamond (PLUS ONE) Anniversary Celebration. See you all on the 13th September. In the meantime, enjoy this summer (rain at time of writing!) weather.

Claudette Neville, Secretary, 01435 883 043 [email protected]

Over the past year members have followed the monthly Zoom Lectures. The Arts Society now takes a break during July and August, but will recommence in September with a full list of speakers. We have some interesting talks planned which include: “The Story of Blue in Art”, “The Architecture, History and Heritage of British Canals” and “An intimate portrait of Chopin in Words and Music”. Further details of our programme and art initiatives, as well as arrangements going forward, will be added to our website: www.theartssocietywealden.org.uk 

Our monthly events provide a welcoming chance to hear expert lecturers. We arrange special interest days and visits that offer enjoyable opportunities to experience our artistic heritage. Our Young Arts Grants support the Arts within the local community and enable students to engage in artistic experience and practice. For more information about the Arts Society or, if you wish to attend or apply for membership, please email: [email protected]

New members are very welcome. Our current annual Membership fee is £45 per year. Guests are welcome at lectures (providing restrictions are not in force at the Hall).

Our next meeting is on Tuesday, 14th September. The talk is: “Packing Up the Nation: Saving London’s Museums and Galleries in the Second World War”.

Priscilla Rawlins


Our June meeting, held at the Memorial Hall with Covid-19 security in place, was well received by the members in attendance, so the July meeting will take place under the same conditions.

The June talk entitled ‘Criminal Investigation’ was given by Steve Roberts, a retired Metropolitan Police detective. The talk was based upon his 30 years of experience with the Force, including his postings to New Scotland Yard’s Homicide Squad, Flying Squad and the Kidnap and Special Investigations Unit. Sometimes known as ‘The Cockney Detective’ his humorous delivery touched on the Hatton Garden Heist and the £250 million diamond raid in the Millennium Dome.

One of the interesting facts was the formation of the Flying Squad in 1919. At that time detectives were driven in horse-drawn wagons to combat the increase in serious crime after the First World War. Today, the Flying Squad uses much faster means of travel in investigating multi-million pound armed robberies.

Steve’s talk gave an humorous insight into the workings of the Metropolitan Police Force.

There will be no meeting in August, but on the 16th September we shall hold our Annual General Meeting, followed by a Cream Tea.

Colin Izzard 872601

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What’s ONJulySaturday, 31st Concert No. 3 at 7 p.m. at St. Nicholas, Etchingham. French

Suites, J.S. Bach.

AUGUSTMondays Try Bowls at Wadhurst.

Wednesday, 4th Walks for Strollers, 9 a.m. Meet at Bear Car Park.

Saturday, 14th Farmers’ & Makers’ Market at King John’s Nursery, 9.30 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.

Saturday, 14th Open Garden at Swife Lane, Broad Oak, 2.30-5.00 p.m.

Saturday, 14th Concert No. 4 at 7 p.m. at St. Nicholas, Etchingham.

Sunday, 15th Patronal Festival at 6.30 p.m. at St. Nicholas, Etchingham.

Monday, 30th Ploughmans’ Lunches, Churches Together at Le Marche, Union Church Hall, Heathfield.

Monday 30th Picnic on Swan Meadow from 12.00 midday.

SEPTEMBERWednesday, 1st Walks for Strollers, 9 a.m. Meet at Bear Car Park.

Sunday, 5th United Evening Service, Cross-in-Hand Methodist Church at 6.30 p.m.

Saturday, 11th Farmers’ & Makers’ Market at King John’s Nursery, 9.30 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.

11th-19th High Weald Walking Festival. Contact Wild About Burwash for more details.

Mondays Try Bowls at Wadhurst.

Monday, 13th Burwash Flower Arrangement Club: Demonstration by Helen Hare, ‘Flowers with Friends’.

Tuesday, 14th The Arts Society Wealden Heathfield restarts its programme for the year. First Meeting: “Packing Up the Nation: Saving London’s Museums & Galleries in the Second World War”.

Wednesday, 15th Deadline for Articles and Adverts for Burwash Village Magazine October Edition.

Thursday, 16th Mayfield & District U3A, Annual General Meeting at 2 p.m.

Wednesday, 22nd Parish Assembly.

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August / September 2021August / September 2021 2525

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Do you have fond memories of being a Brownie or Guide, enjoying the friendship and participating in camps or singing around the camp fire?

If so, have you thought of joining the Trefoil Guild - Guiding for Adults?

A Guild calendar might include theatre trips, barbecues, speakers, keep fit, visits to places of interest, wining and dining, to name but a few.

We learn new skills and improve existing ones. We meet with other Trefoil members and provide extra adult help/support for local Girlguiding UK Activities.

The local Guild is at Robertsbridge but we have several members from Burwash and transport can be arranged. We are a small and very friendly goup, extending a warm welcome to new members.

If you are interested, please contact Jackie Ashdown on 01435 882196 for further information.

Jackie Ashdown

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Seagulls Over Burwash

It’s Coming Home! But Not Just Yet…….The great thing about football World Cups and European Championships is that they unify the whole nation behind the England team. People who would normally not follow football get swept up in the media hype and the general hysteria of the competition. Such was the case with the recent Euro 2020 international championship. As the England team progressed through the group stages to the knock-out rounds, the enthusiasm of the population gathered momentum. When England conquered their 55 year hoodoo by beating Germany in a major competition the press went overboard and even those most ambivalent towards football couldn’t help but be a little pleased. The dominant display and 4-0 victory against Ukraine in the quarter finals fuelled the belief of the supporters that, this time, football really was coming home. With Italy already through to the final, a tense semi-final against an excellent Denmark side ended in a 2-1 England victory after extra time. England in a final for the first time since the ’66 World Cup. And we all know what happened then!

The build-up to the Euro 2020 Final entailed wall-to-wall press, radio and TV coverage. Pundits came crawling out of the woodwork to give their opinions on the team, the tactics and the likely result, whether they be informed opinions or otherwise. Former school teachers of the players had their moments in the sun by telling reporters how great their former charges were as kids and how they could see their potential at the age of four and a half. Even the Queen got involved and wrote to Gareth Southgate expressing her best wishes. As kick-off approached, the country was gripped with anticipation. An incredible 31 million people tuned in to watch the game on television, many of whom were watching their first football match since, well, 1966 probably.

The final could not have started better. Within two minutes, England’s first attack, a sweeping move from their own half, resulted in Luke Shaw half volleying a shot past the Italian ‘keeper. The country went berserk with joy!

Eventually, the dreaded scenario of penalties came to pass. For those of us old enough to recall Stuart Pearce, Chris Waddle, Gareth Southgate, Paul Ince and David Batty, the thought of a penalty shoot-out filled us with nothing but foreboding and the knot of anxiety developed into a cannon ball of dread weighing heavily in the abdomen. Despite England ‘keeper Jordan Pickford saving two of the Italians’ first five efforts, the inevitable happened and three England players failed to score. Silent stares of disbelief filled the Wheel Inn and, I expect, most pubs, clubs and sitting rooms throughout the country. Another gallant loss. Another ‘so close but so far’. Another English assault on an international football trophy that ended in the agonisingly cruel arena of a penalty shootout. Another three more names added to the

aforementioned list of infamous ‘penalty missers’.

And to those who, until the culmination of Euro 2020, had not experienced the ecstatic highs and gut-wrenching lows of football I would like to say one thing….. now you know how Brighton and Hove Albion supporters feel every week of the season! If you liked that unique blend of pleasure and pain, come and join us at the Amex stadium!

Now that the Euro’s are over, the crazy business of the football transfer market has taken centre stage. Manchester United have bought 21 year old Jaden Sancho from German club Borussia Dortmund for a mere £73 million. I’m sure Jaden’s agent had to work really hard for his 10%! Brighton’s England defender Ben White has been valued by the club at a rumoured £50 million with Arsenal amongst those keen to snap him up. Similarly eye-watering values have been put on Albion players Yves Bissouma, Tarik Lamptey as well as captain, Lewis Dunk. Whilst the sale of any of these players would be a financial boost for the club, it would be a loss in football terms. However, there are a number of very promising youngsters on the fringe of the first team who will have the opportunity to step up and prove themselves as Premier League players, if more experienced players move on. Brighton have an established pathway that allows talented young players to progress from the Academy and the Under 23s to the first team, much as was the case with Dunk, White and, more recently, Jakub Moder. Indeed, talented young players are attracted to the Club for that very reason. Tarik Lamptey chose Brighton over Chelsea because he knew his chances of breaking into the Chelsea first team were slim, whereas at Brighton, young players are trusted and played. This attitude bodes well for the future of the club from both a financial perspective and for success on the pitch.

With liberal use of the term ‘at the time of writing’ and acknowledging that, by the time you read this, Boris and Sajid may have changed their minds, it looks like the 2021-2022 football will start on 14th August in front of full stadia. For the first time since March 2020, capacity crowds will watch English club football and I for one can’t wait. And it appears I am not the only one. Even though the match capacity details have not been confirmed, the Seagulls Over Burwash coaches that run to the home games are full. Over 100 supporters will be heading off from the Heathfield and Burwash area to the Amex Stadium once a fortnight to see Graham Potter’s side play the like of Manchester City, Liverpool and Arsenal as well as, of course, the not so glamorous Crystal Palace. Like every season, hopes and expectations will be high and, like every England campaign, there will be some fantastic results as well as dreadful disappointments. But that is all part of football and why we love it.

Simon Forster

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August / September 2021August / September 2021 2929

• Removal and Storage Specialists

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Youth SectionYouth Section


Helpers and Leaders: we are always looking for helpers to join us in our thriving sections of Beavers, Cubs & Scouts.

In September we will need your skills, even if it could be only for one evening a month. Without you we cannot manage!

You do not have to have any Scouting (or Guiding) experience, just a willingness to get stuck in helping the young people in our community get out and about doing fun things, being part of a team and building a set of skills for life. Contact Bernadette Spencer via [email protected] for more information.

 Keith Lloyd – President and Chair

Well what a month! We’ve managed to achieve exactly what we wanted to since my last missive.

The Brownies, who are currently a joint Burwash and Etchingham Group, have not only managed several meetings in person, but we’ve also gained some new members as well! We have taken part in an unofficial challenge and earned a ‘Parks and Recreation’ Badge, having spent time in both Etchingham and Burwash village playing fields. Our last planned meeting was meant to have been a tribute to the Olympics but sadly, some of our members needed to isolate, so back to Zoom we went! However, as the plans are already made for an Olympics evening, that can still go ahead. It will only be a tribute though: we’re not going to be doing the actual events, just smaller representations of some of the games that take place (and some not very sensible ones, of course!). We also had a teddy bears picnic which earned the girls a very lovely Teddy Badge as well – and in the rain. Still, umbrellas are very useful, and it is only water…..

We’ve now had our last Guide meeting for this term. Several of our guides are changing school and there’s always plenty of other things for them to do in their last few weeks at primary school, so we have stopped. However, we have managed to meet in person, and have managed to complete another one of the unofficial challenges – this time all about bubbles! We painted with bubble wrap, made some huge bubbles with bubble mix, and even experimented with

bottles of coke and sweets to see some huge explosions (safely, of course). At our last evening, the guides successfully lit fires in colanders, and cooked chocolate and marshmallow bananas. All of the Guides made their promises as well, so it has been a very busy, exciting term!

We still have spaces in our new linked groups for any more girls who may want to join us. You’ll still need to choose an individual unit, but we’re planning to continue combined meetings for the time being. The on-line joining system, which parents need to use to register their daughter, or even to register yourself as a volunteer, if you would be interested in joining the leadership teams, is at www.girlguiding.org.uk/joinus

We also have a local Trefoil Guild for supporters of Guiding, who meet monthly for their own events, but support us at other times as well. Contact Jackie Ashdown on 882196 for more information.

Hopefully, with the planned easing of restrictions, we will be able to take part in some fundraising events as we do need to swell our coffers, having not managed to carry out any fundraising for nearly 15 months now, so hopefully we will be able to start planning these from September. We will, of course, share details of our plans and hope to see everyone (safely) soon.

Stay safe and well everyone.

Beverley Boakes

1st Burwash Brownies and Guides

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It has been a strange start to the summer so far with a return of the mud. The gardens and meadows seem a bit out of sync, with some plants developing really late and others having extended seasons. Let’s hope that the weather improves as summer continues and nature can return to its usual way of doing things. 

As many of us know there are some wonderful walks in and around Burwash. Mary Clarke is compiling a list of local walks that focus on the beauty of the parish and they will point out ancient woodlands and plants and wildlife that can be spotted en-route. If you have any suggestions of walks and environmental items of interest on local walks, please contact her on [email protected]. If you want to look a little further afield for your walks, the High Weald Walking Festival is on 11-19 September and their list of walks will go live on their website from 9th August. The Ramblers have been trying to recover some of the lost footpaths across the UK as apparently 49,000 miles of footpaths could be lost forever. Some of the paths the Ramblers have found are around Burwash. If you know of any other lost paths, you can report it on the Don’t Lose Your Way website run by the Ramblers www.dontloseyourway.ramblers.org.uk  

We have been working with the Parish Council to ensure that footpaths in the parish are kept in good

repair. One footpath

which has generated a large number of complaints is that which crosses the SSSI (Site of Specific Scientific Interest) from Willingford Lane south of the Dudwell towards Burwash. The owners of the field put up a fence to enclose the footpath but did not leave it wide enough for people to pass each other comfortably (particularly in Covid times). Initially the top of the fence had barbed wire along it and several people reported injuries and ripped clothing. The complaints were passed on to Natural England and East Sussex, resulting in the owners removing the barbed wire in the last few weeks. We are still working to get the path widened as it does not meet the minimum width criteria for footpaths. We hope this will change as the path is over 200m long and so close to the hedgerow, that it is overgrown in summer and a mudbath in winter. It is also set at a dangerous slant now which was not the case before the enclosure. If you have any information about this path or know of any other paths that have problems in Burwash, please let us know.  

As we mentioned last month we are taking a break from events over the summer, but we hope to be back with a range of events for the early autumn. We are looking into some guided walks and visits as well as talks from local

environmentalists. We hope to be able to give you more details in the next issue of The Burwash Village Magazine.

Wild About Burwash Team

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clubs, societies and other Contacts

clubs, societies and other Contacts BURWASH VILLAGE MAGAZINE BURWASH VILLAGE MAGAZINE 3232

Sport and fitness-related

Burwash Cricket Club: Village club playing on Sundays.

Contact: Paul Morgan-Jones on 882832 or [email protected].

Burwash Lawn Tennis Club: With two courts in Swan Meadow, the club encourages people of all ages to play tennis.

Contact: Sue Findlater on 01580 880628 or [email protected].

Burwash over 50’s Walking Football Group: Meet every Tuesday evening for a kick-around.  Age is no barrier as we currently range from 51-78 years of age.  

Contact: Steve Mintram 882444 for more information.

Burwash Playing Field Association: Dedicated to managing and preserving Swan Meadow.

Contact: Kevin Bray, Hon. Treasurer, on 864628. To book the Sports Pavilion, contact the Booking Secretary, Rod Clifton, on 883656.

Burwash Sports Pavilion: For bookings contact Rod Clifton on 883656.

Burwash Short Mat Bowls Club: Practice session for the Wealden League in Burwash Village Hall every Monday from 6.30 p.m.

Contact: Mary Taylor on 882107.

Burwash Snooker Club: Plays in Burwash Village Hall. New members welcome.

Contact: Mike Hill on 07518 914391 or Ron Allen on 09760 094334.

Kipling County Carriage Driving Group: Carriage driving for the disabled.

Contact: [email protected].

Seagulls over BurwashBurwash Brighton & Hove Albion supporters club.

Contact: Simon Forster on [email protected].

Walks for Strollers: Gentle walks through the countryside. Meet at 9 a.m.in the Bear Car Park on 1st Wednesday of the month.

Contact: Ijon Jenner on 882045.

For young people

Burwash CEP SchoolWith an Outstanding OFSTED rating, the head teacher is Debbie Gilbert.

Contact: 882440.

Burwash CEP School Parents, Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA): Organise social and fund-raising events to support the school.

Contact: Lindsay McFarlane on [email protected]

Burwash Guides and Brownies: Meet in the Burwash Common guide hut.

Contact: Beverley Boakes on 883473.

Explorers, Scouts, Cubs and Beavers: Meet at the scout hut, Bear Car Park.

Contact: Cliff Wilson on 882126.

Musical Theatre: Musical theatre classes from 4 -19 years, Saturdays in Burwash Village Hall.

Contact: Jonny or Sandra Ball on 882946 or [email protected]

St Bartholomew’s Sunday Club and Pathfinders: Friendly group meeting in the Rectory on 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month from 9.45 – 11 a.m. Sunday Club for children aged 3 – 9. Pathfinders for Year 6 upwards.

Contact: Hilary Stewart on 883261 or [email protected].

Broad Oak Preschool: Nurturing environment for children aged 2-5. Open Monday to Thursday 08.30 - 14.30 Friday 08.30 - 12.00.

Contact: 01435 864326 or email [email protected]

St Bartholomew’s Tuesday Drop-In: Meet in church every Tuesday in term-time from 8.30 a.m. for children to have a snack on their way to school. Mums/Dads/Carers and pre-school children come in afterwards for coffee and a chat.

Drop in or contact: Joanne Brown on 01435 830869

St Phillips Parent and Toddler Group:Meet every Thursday 10 – 12 p.m. in the Burwash Common Pavilion.

Contact: Anne Everall on 883247.

Local clubs, societies and other useful contacts

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clubs, societies and other Contacts

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Support Groups and

local government

British Red Cross:British Red Cross Local Services (Red Cross Week, first aid group equipment and wheelchair loans).

Contact: 0800 0280 831.

Royal British Legion: The active Burwash Branch supports the Legion in supporting ex-Servicemen.

Contact: Charles Merchant on 882360, Frank Sanderson on 882345 or Fred Marshall on 884298.

Neighbourhood Watch: Contact: Steve Mintram on 882444.

Admiral Nurses: Helping to support and co-ordinate care for people with dementia and their carers.

Contact: Ruth Tomkins on 01580 200743.

Burwash Parish Council: Meeting on 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m.

Contact: Emma Neil [email protected].

Rother District Council: Town Hall, Bexhill on Sea, TN39 3JX. Contact: 01323 787000.

East Sussex County Council: County Hall, St Anne’s Crescent, Lewes. Contact: 0345 6080190.

Sussex Police (non-urgent): Contact: [email protected], or call 101 (101 calls cost 15p from landlines or mobiles) or online at www.sussex.police.uk/contactus.

Village Life

Bateman’s: Rudyard Kipling’s home, run by the National Trust, with a full programme of events and activities throughout the year.

Contact: 882302 or www.nationaltrust.org.uk/batemans for more details.

Burwash Amateur Pantomime Society (BAPS): Annual production involving all ages!

Contact: David Cowell on 883615 or Jane Lloyd on 883264.

Burwash Bonfire Society: Fundraising and organising the Bonfire Night firework display.

Contact: Natalie Crabtree at [email protected].

Burwash Common Pavilion: For bookings contact: Alison Hayes on 882650 or [email protected].

Burwash Common After Eight Club: Meets monthly, open to all ladies for talks, outings, theatre and dining.

Contact: Jan McCartney on 882117.

Burwash Community Fund: Contact: Rod Clifton on 883656 or Halina Keep on 882183 or email [email protected].

Burwash Defectives:Murder Mystery Evenings, fund-raising events for your own cause. For details and to book a date.

Contact: Del Smith Tel 07543 665532 or email [email protected]

Burwash Duplicate Bridge Club:A friendly club which meets on Friday afternoons at the Parish Room of Christ the King Catholic Church (opposite Burwash Village Hall). Guests always welcome.

Contact: Jo O’Donnell on 883654.

Burwash: Save Our Fields: Set up to oppose inappropriate development of new houses in Burwash Parish in the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).

[email protected]

Wild About Burwash:Community group focusing on the protection and appreciation of the natural environment of the Parish.

Contact: [email protected]

Burwash Village Hall: For bookings contact: Peter Angove on 883288 or [email protected].

Fairfield Surgery: Open Mon-Fri 8.30 – 6.30 p.m. (Phone 111 when surgery closed.)

Contact: 882306 (fax 882064).

Friends of Burwash Surgery: Help less mobile people travel to appointments and collect medication from the Surgery. They also and deliver them to Etchingham Post Office for patients to collect.

Contact: Chairman, Frank Smith, on 01580 819326 or Secretary, Sue Mumford, on 01580 819415. Requests for transport or delivery of prescriptions should be made via the Surgery on 882306.

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clubs, societies


Local clubs, societies and other useful contacts

Patients of Fairfield Surgery Participation Group: Involving patients and staff to consider and improve conditions in the Practice from a patient’s perspective.

Contact: Claudette Neville on 883043 or [email protected].

The Barnsley Foundation: A trust with limited funds to assist the education of local young people.

Contact: Joanne Brown on 830869.

For Our Senior Citizens

Age UK: Home from hospital visiting service and a friendly Lunch Club every fourth Monday of the month at the Bear Inn, Burwash.

Contact: Jean Plummer on 883483.

Music & Movement Exercises for the over 60s: Every Wednesday 10 - 11 a.m. in the Burwash Sports Hall.

Contact: Isabel Salmond on 882452.

Not So Young Club: Social events and guest speakers, 3rd Thursday each month in Burwash Village Hall at 2.15 p.m.

Contact: Isabel Salmond on 882452.

Burwash Housing Association: For the Elderly, providing homes for over 60s in our community.

Contact: Claudette Neville on 883043 or [email protected].

Mayfield and District University of the 3rd Age (U3A): With a full programme of activities and speakers.

Contact: Mary Brentnall on 01435 872289 or email [email protected].


Burwash Horticultural Society: Thriving branch of the society.

Contact: Richard Maude-Roxby on 882243.

Burwash Flower Arranging Club: A programme of demonstrations, craft clubs and outings.

Contact: Claudette Neville on 883043 or [email protected].

Burwash Monday Painters: Meet to paint on Monday afternoons in Burwash village hall (Oct to Apr) and at various outdoor locations May - Sept. All ages and abilities welcome.

Contact: Anne Everall on 883247 or Jenny Pettman, email: [email protected]

Burwash Quilters: For all those with an interest in quilting, meet Monday mornings in the Burwash village hall.

Contact: Julie Lewis on 01580 200280.

Heathfield & District History Society: Meetings are held in the Ian Price Room, Heathfield Community Centre, Sheepsetting Lane. Visitors are welcome. Meetings are held on the third Thursday of the month and start at 7.30pm.

Contact: Peter Thompson, Chairman, on 01435 882856 or Secretary, Joy Charlesworth, on 01435 873551.

Heathfield and District Philatelic Society:Meets at the Heathfield Community Centre, Sheepsetting Lane, Heathfield TN21 OXG on 3rd Tuesday of the month from September to April.

Contact: Bob Ely on 01292 852659 or [email protected].

Jane Coleman School of Dancing: Dance classes for young people. In Burwash Village Hall. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons.

Contact: Katie Dahlstedt on 01580 200961 or [email protected]

or Rachel Elliott on 01580 714442, [email protected]

The Arts Society Wealden Heathfield: Meets at 2.15 p.m. on second Tuesday of the month at Heathfield Community Centre, Sheepsetting Lane, Heathfield TN21 OXG for talks. Visitors welcome.

Contact: Membership Secretary on 01435 408635 for further details.

Burwash Pottery:Pottery classes for all levels. Small classes with lots of individual tuition and support, concentrating on hand-building and decoration techniques. Also perfect creative parties for both adults and children.

Contact: Mary Clarke on [email protected] or 07786 422870

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