burqa ban_ what it means for the west

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  • 8/9/2019 Burqa Ban_ What It Means for the West


    Burqa ban: What it means for the West

    Submitted by admin2  on 17 August 2010 - 8:48pm

    By M. Zajam

    (http://www.twocircles.net/Columnists/m_zajam.html) ,


    Thanks to France, Burqa is now a familiar word for every one although

    a majority of them may hold negative view about it. The French

    President, Mr. Sarkozy thundered in the parliament’s ceremonial

    Versailles home, “In our country we cannot accept that women be

    prisoners behind a screen, cut off from all social life, deprived of all

    identity,”. France's lower house of parliament passed a ban with 335 to1, on any veils that cover the face - including the burqa. It is different

    matter that only few hundred women in France wear Burqa that cover

    their faces and bodies.

    These statements reflects Mr. Sarkozy concern for women but France

    own record of violence against women points to dismal state. In 2008,

    157 women were killed by their husbands or partners in France. In

    2007, this figure was 166 with 410 000 women declared they had

    suffered domestic violence from their partner.

    When West is raising flag against Burqa labeling it as oppressive and

    against women's freedom, is it really due to their concern for women?





  • 8/9/2019 Burqa Ban_ What It Means for the West


    Discrimination and harassment of women is world wide phenomenon.

    Inspite of all development, women are still subjected to physical

    violence and discrimination. In July 2010, the United Nations General

    Assembly created UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender

    Equality and the Empowerment of Women after years of negotiation.

    UN highlighted the fact that gender inequalities remain deeply

    entrenched in every society. Women in all parts of the world suffer

    violence and discrimination, and are under-represented in decision-

    making processes.

    Worldwide, as per UN figure, among women aged between 15 and 44,

    acts of violence cause more death and disability than cancer, malaria,

    traffic accidents and war combined. Western countries are not far

    behind in violence against women. Domestic violence alone cost

    approximately US$1.16 billion in Canada and US$5.8 billion in the

    United States. In Australia, violence against women and children costs

    an estimated US$11.38 billion per year. In the United Kingdom of 

    Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the study examined the cost

    categories of justice, health care, social services, housing, legal, lost

    output and pain and suffering and estimated the resulting cost of 

    domestic violence to be 23 Billion pounds sterling (£) per year or £440

    per person.

    In the United States, 83 per cent of girls aged 12 to 16 experienced

    some form of sexual harassment in public schools. One incident of 

    domestic violence is reported to the police every minute in UK. Every

    2 minutes, someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted; there were

    248,300 victims of rape, attempted rape, or sexual assault, in 2007.

    Women in West not only subjected to violence at home but even

    discriminated in daily life.


    The report by the Centre for Economic Performance (CEP) says Women

    could earn less than men for the next 150 years owing to

    discrimination and ineffective government policies. Thirty years after

    equality laws began to reduce the disparity between male and female

    pay. In USA, women working 41 to 44 hours per week earn 84.6% of 

    what men working similar hours earn; women working more than 60

    hours per week earn only 78.3% of what men in the same time

    category earn. Women have to work longer to receive the promotions

    that provide access to higher pay. For example, among school

    principals, women have an average of 3 years longer as teachers thanmen do.

  • 8/9/2019 Burqa Ban_ What It Means for the West


    As per UN figure, women receive 90% in Australia, 79% in Belgium,

    83% in France, 76% in Germany, 82% in UK and 142% in Qatar, as apercentage of men's wages in manufacturing industry.

    Disparity in the salary is not the only issue at the workplace but

    harassment is also widespread in Western countries. Between 40 and

    50 per cent of women in European Union countries experience

    unwanted sexual advancements, physical contact or other forms of 

    sexual harassment at their workplace. In USA, 12,696 sexual

    harassment grievances filed with the U.S. Equal Employment

    Opportunity Commission (EEOC) in 2009.

    Struggle for women voting rights and participate in government and

    law making began in 19th century and still continuing. In westernhemisphere Switzerland gave women the right to vote in 1971 and

    Liechtenstein as late at 1984. Canada gave women the right to stand in

    election only in 1960.


    In India too, atrocities on the women is widespread. As per figure

    available total of 23,883 dowry deaths have been registered during

    2006-08. Nearly 150 to 200 women are killed every year in India after

    being tagged as 'witches'. According to a recent report by the United

    Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) up to 50 million girls and women are

    missing from India’s population as a result of Infanticide.

    UN rough estimates suggest that between 700,000 to 2 million women

  • 8/9/2019 Burqa Ban_ What It Means for the West


    are trafficked across international borders annually. Adding domestic

    trafficking would bring the total much higher, to perhaps 4 million

    persons per year." The most common form of human trafficking (79%)

    is sexual exploitation. In several European Union Member States,

    prostitution has become increasingly dominated by foreign women. In

    many areas within the European Union the number of migrant

    prostitutes is higher than the number of local prostitutes. The

    trafficking of women for sexual exploitation is an international,

    organized, criminal phenomenon that has grave consequences for the

    safety, welfare and human rights of its victims.

    World is still far away from Ideal place for women. Women daily

    ordeal has become a social norms. But strikingly, a flogging incident of 

    a girl in somewhere in Pakistan, hogs limelight for days in small and

    big media. No one can justify any atrocities on any one by any one.

    Attack on women irrespective of caste, color, religion of women and

    location of incident, should be condemned and reported.


    Intolerance is on the rise all over the world and west has fair share.

    Burqa Ban, Minarat Ban, attack on immigrants and denial of right of place of worship are indication of that. Recently in UK, there was

    public backlash against a plan by a shopping center to install few

    Indian-style toilets, which is popular among South Asians. It shows

    level of intolerance west has achieved. Recent survey done by Gallup

    in USA showed that nearly two-thirds of Americans say they have little

    or no knowledge of Islam. Still, a majority dislike Islam. In another

    survey, done in 2008 by Gallup, to judge the Muslim opinion on various

    issues showed that most Muslims -- including radicals -- admire the

    West for its democracy, freedoms and technological prowess. It also

    showed that about 93 percent of the world's 1.3 billion Muslims are

    moderates and only seven percent are politically radicals. On

    terrorism, 93% of the Muslim worldwide condemned the 9/11 attack on


    Belgium's lower house of parliament has voted for a law that would

    ban women from wearing the full Islamic face veil in public. As per

    BBC, Only around 30 women wear this kind of veil in Belgium, out of a

    Muslim population of around half a million. A recent survey in UK

    suggested 67% of Britons want burqa ban. The Netherlands seek to

    propose a country-wide ban as well. The Austrian far-right Alliance for

    the Future of Austria party intends to introduce a bill to parliament

    calling for a burqa ban. A majority of the Danish population says it

    would support a burqa ban. Italy's Equality Minister Mara Carfagna,

    former showgirl and topless model, is considering four draft bills on

    burqa bans. In Spain, the city of Barcelona has announced a ban on

  • 8/9/2019 Burqa Ban_ What It Means for the West


    full Islamic face-veils in some public spaces such as municipal offices,

    public markets and libraries.

    It is ironic that while Burqa ban is being proposed in Europe,

    prostitution is not illegal in most of the Europe. In Barcelona, Spain

    public nudity is a recognized right but Burqa is banned. In Cap d'Agde,

    France the world's capital of nudism, you can bank, shop and dine

    naked. In USA, Oregon, public nudity is legal and protected as free

    speech, as long as there is not the "intent to arouse." It's perfectly

    legal to swim naked, or to sunbathe topless or in the nude inScandinavia. All the countries in Europe have clothing-optional beaches

    or nude beaches.

    Inspite of all hue and cry over Burqa, Burqa is getting popular in

    unexpected quarter. A small group of ultra-orthodox Jews in the town

    of Beit Shemesh chose to don the burqa in a bid to protect their

    modesty. Since then, the habit has spread to five other Israeli towns.

    Ultra-Orthodox women are required to dress conservatively and keep

    their heads covered with a scarf, hat or wig when in public. But some

    insisted that only by covering their faces and wearing multiple layers

    of clothes to hide the shape of their bodies can they really be chaste.

    It is also worth mentioning that dress worn by religious people of various faiths like Christian nuns, Hindu sadhvi, Muslim, Sikhs and

    orthodox Jews look very similar and modest in nature.

  • 8/9/2019 Burqa Ban_ What It Means for the West


    Western media always raise doubt about status of women in Islam and

    Muslim countries. But in their zeal to project Islam in negative light

    they fail to present facts. It was Islam which gave women greater and

    legal rights than women in pre-Islamic Arabia and medieval Europe.

    Professor William Montgomery Watt, a leading Scottish scholar

    described Prophet Mohammed as "a figure who testified on behalf of 

    women’s rights" appreciating his effort in upliftment of women. Even in

    modern times, we have seen more women head of states in Muslim

    world than in western world, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia, Turkey

    and Kyrgyzstan named few. It is difficult to comprehend that Muslim

    with so much of hatred against women as projected in media will

    choose a women to rule and represent them. Even though there is

    some debate in Muslim society whether a women can rule the country.

    Attack on Burqa has nothing to do with concern for women but on the

    contrary it is combination of bias against women, immigrants and

    Islam. Values the West is proud of are under attack from intolerants.

    But can the West allow few to dictate terms and attack what it has

    stood for centuries? Intolerant societies only lead to path of downfall.

    If the West does not tackle this problem soon, it could be beginning of 

    end of their rise.

    Other articles by M. Zajam(http://twocircles.net/Columnists/m_zajam.html)

    Photos: s_sultana06 and drawn-together-by-modesty.com


    Burqa Ban is "IN-FACT" Burqa Marketing ?Permalink  Submitted by An Indian (not veri fied) on 18 August

    2010 - 1:29am

    Nicolas Sarkozy has BANNED Burqa, conveniently ignoring his own

    girl-friend OR French First-lady Carla Bruni - once a "topless"

    model, had affairs with tens of famous personalities, before

    "landing in lap" of French President.

    As mentioned in the article, politicians (especially Europeans) are

    wasting TIME, ENERGY, and TAXPAYER money in discussing and

    passing Burqa Ban - in gross DISREGARD of their OWN country's

    LAWS, CUSTOMS and PRACTICES. A FANTASTIC religion Islam is,where a LAW is PASSED for a couple of dozen OR couple of 


  • 8/9/2019 Burqa Ban_ What It Means for the West


    hundred women !!!

    Whoever may have launched the attacks on W.T.C. in New York,

    and at Pentagon Building in U.S.A. hijacking commercial airliners.

    Administration and media tried to blame religion - Islam. However

    Islamic Centers in U.S.A. and Europe were flooded with phone-

    calls from GENERAL PUBLIC who wanted to know, what type of 

    religion is Islam - which preaches to "SACRIFICE" life, whilst other

    religions preach "FEARING" to give-up life.

    U.S.A. was engaged with U.S.S.R. in a cold-war for over five

    decades. Ultimately it succeeded in disintegrating the country using

    Michail Gorbachev. I have yet to see a person who is


    Gorbachev. When U.S.S.R. disintegrated, tens of Muslim Nations

    cropped who inherited oil, nuclear arsenal, minerals, and are

    culture-rich Muslim nations.

    It reminds me of a famous saying: MAN PROPOSES, GOD


    The Creator is "Master of Planners", and He understands the minds

    of His creation, better than man.

    Lastly, Burqa Ban is in-fact creating "awareness" among those

    women, who voluntarily gave-up OR forgot their religious

    requirement i.e. to wear clothes protecting ones "modesty". We

    now see more Muslim women in India wearing Burqa, than before.

    An Indian

    this is the highlyPermalink  Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 18 August

    2010 - 2:46am

    this is the highly appreciative, informative article. i am very much

    thankful to the writer Mr. M. Zajam

    Burqa and the Status of WomenPermalink  Submitted by Ghulam Mohiyuddin (not verified) on 18

    August 2010 - 2:58am

    Atrocities against women and degradation of women are worldwide


  • 8/9/2019 Burqa Ban_ What It Means for the West


    phenomenona. To mention them in order to taunt those who attack

    the burqa is disingenuous. If some people see the burqa as a

    symbol of subservience of women we have to accept that as their

    honest opinion even if some of us disagree with them. Attempts to

    question the motives of those who condemn the burqa is not going

    to win us any points. Many of them are strong advocates of 

    women's rights and speak up against abuse of women in general

    as well as against the burqa.

    Individual Countries prerogativePermalink  Submitted by satwa gunam (not verified) o n 19

    August 2010 - 7:39pm


    I donot understand when this is not made a big issue in gcc, it

    is being made in india.

    It is very clear that every countries have their own madness

    and anybody who wants to live their has to adhere or move


    Gcc does not give citizenship to any other religious following

    other than islam. You have to comply the rules of the country

    however it could be.

    So the west is following the same and it is the choice of the

    muslims there to be in that country or not.

    Wrong comment - without truth !!!Permalink  Submitted by An Indian (not veri fied) on 19

    August 2010 - 10:40pm

    "satwa gunam" on 19 August 2010 - 7:39pm. under title:

    Individual Countries prerogative.


    GCC countries DO NOT GIVE CITIZENSHIP even to Muslims

    from other countries. You are ABSOLUTELY WRONG in your

    comment. Check with anyone, including Embassy offices in

    India i.r.o. GCC countries policies.



  • 8/9/2019 Burqa Ban_ What It Means for the West


    People from East and European countries go to GCC for

    "employment" - NOT FOR "living" or "settling" in those

    countries. Overseas contract workers DO NOT pay TAX in

    those countries - at-least NOT to my knowledge.


    GCC countries are KINGDOMS, whilst European countries

    are DEMOCRACIES. You are comparing "apples" with


    Please correct your comment OR feeble "knowledge", as I

    "lived and worked" in one of the GCC country, and am

    commenting based on my PERSONAL experience. Thank


    An Indian

    Burkha Ban.

    Permalink  Submitted by Y. R. Palia (not verified) on 18 August2010 - 10:46am

    Dear Friends,

    My late father had encouraged us and advised us to respect all

    religion and to go out and experience different cultures. As such, I

    have walked barefoot from Thirupathy steps to Thirumala, he had

    taken us to visit the darga at Chickamangalur Baba Budangiri. The

    list is long.

    We have ever since respected the procedures whenever we visited

    any shrine according to the ways of the people who run it.

    Years later, my father was no more, but we followed his

    teachings. We welcomed people home and made them comfortable.

    During a couple of such occasions, the guest who were not used to

    our ways, made me feel like a stranger in my own house. It was

    one of the most annoying experiences. I used to get so annoyed

    but stoically ensured that my guests were comfortable. This lasted

    for some time and then, it started reflecting on my health, my

    blood pressure would mount and I had to do something. I had to

    make them understand that they are free to enjoy the hospitality

    but have to respect our ways and that they can not take

    advantage of my goodness and make me feel like strangers in my

    own home.

    We Asians must understand that we are going to the west to live

    a better life and when we go there, they have been good to us tolet us live our lives as we wish but without making them


  • 8/9/2019 Burqa Ban_ What It Means for the West


    uncomfortable with our ways. It is our duty to respect the

    goodness that they have shown to us and make sure that we do

    not make them feel uncomfortable in their own country.

    The west has been tolerating us for long. As long as our numbers

    were small it was not a problem, but when our numbers started

    growing and we started demanding our ways in their society as

    our rights, then we are making them uncomfortable in their own

    country. I think our leaders should educate our people and state

    that we have to respect their ways. In any case, our children who

    are growing up there are mingling with their children and are

    comfortable in their society, we should at least for their sake

    accept their way of life.

    I am a Parsi, we are the smallest minority, probably in the world.

    We were reduced to this by the invasion of Arabs in our ancestral

    land and by forcible conversion into Islam. A handful of our

    ancestors migrated to Gujarat in India as refugees only to escape

    from forcible conversion. The Hindu king in Sanjan refused at first

    to let us stay, but when our wise priest made them understand

    that we will not in any way interfere with their way of life but

    only sweeten their society by our presence, they accepted us and

    gave us shelter. We have experienced their hospitality but nevermade them feel uncomfortable. The history of Parsis in India

    should be an example for any emigrant where ever they go as


    BurkaPermalink  Submitted by Anonymous (not veri fied) on 18

    August 2010 - 11:03pm

    Thank you, Mr. Y. R. Palia. You understand the situation


    Regards from Germany!

    West has become very intolrentPermalink  Submitted by Jyoti (not verified) on 18 August 2010 -


    Writer has been successful in pointing out that Western society in

    recent times have become very intolrente. All this could be due tothe fact that natives are pushed to second grade in all aspects of 

    life in their country.


  • 8/9/2019 Burqa Ban_ What It Means for the West


    Their frustation is very visible in their attack on imigrants, even

    the oposition to arranged marriage.

    Creator's WISDOM of Modest WOMEN ClothingPermalink  Submitted by An Indian (not veri fied) on 18 August

    2010 - 5:14pm

    Creator hid VALUABLE MINERALS under earth's crust or underwater

    deep inside sea and oceans. Gold, diamond, pearls and other

    precious minerals are difficult to find - hence valuable.

    Similarly, a women's chastity, modesty, and beauty is VALUABLE,

    which needs to be hidden - rather than displaying in public,


    If, those who voted in favour of "Burqa Ban" know Creator's

    Wisdom - setting aside religion, they would have VOTED "against"

    the ban.

    An Indian

    Insecurity is high in Western countriesPermalink  Submitted by Ravi (not verified) on 19 August 2010 -


    When u r low on self confidense, insecurity gets very high. West

    is afraid of:

    Immigrants. They want to steal our jobs, go on welfare, have

    babies, and talk behind our backs in Spanish.

    Muslims. They want to fly airplanes into our homes.

    Foreigners. All the poor ones want to come to America (see

    above), and all the rich ones want the U.S. Navy to protect them.

    Gays. They want to destroy our families by getting married.

    Women. They want to be the boss at work and they want us to

    change the diapers at home.

    Everyone on the Coasts, except San Diego and the Old

    Confederacy. They look down their noses at regular folk in the


  • 8/9/2019 Burqa Ban_ What It Means for the West



    The Federal Reserve. They stick it to the little guy.

    Union workers. They don't do anything, but want a job for life.

    Government employees. They don't do anything, but want a fat


    The unemployed. They don't do anything, but want a benefit check.

    Baby boomers. They want to retire.

    Liberals. They want government to take over everything, especially

    our guns. And our money.

    Environmentalists. They want to take away our cars.

    Doctors. They want to kill grandma, but only if the government

    pays them to do it.

    Lawyers. They want to sue everyone, especially small businesses.

    Dentists. They want to fluoridate the water.

    Teachers. They want to brainwash our children.

    Burqa ban in France and it´s effect in GermanyPermalink  Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 19 August

    2010 - 8:19pm

    As Gandhiji said "no culture can survive if it attempts to be


    I realised that the number of Arab tourists in Germany increased.

    Most of them come with family and Burqa clad woman and

    children. Normal tourist spents around 190Euro while staying in

    Munich, Germany where as an Arab tourist spends between 500-

    1000 Euro. So due to Burqa ban in France Arabs prefer to come to

    Germany. Any way in Germany Mosques are having one day open

    "Tag der offene Tuer" open for public where people of other

    cultures can come and ask Muslims to know about more about

    Islam. Newly RTL II TV will start news telling about "Iftar" time

    during Ramadan months. There are around 4 million Muslims living

    in Germany most of them from Turkey. Liberal Muslims should

    come up and do online work to promote good for for all humanpersons of this world. If Muslims can educated liberal people and

    girls then only this society can progress


  • 8/9/2019 Burqa Ban_ What It Means for the West


    BurkhaPermalink  Submitted by Bharat (not verified) on 19 August 2010 -


    In your story about the Burkha ban in France, you have a picture

    that shows an orthodox Jewish woman in a head scarf, Christian

    nuns in their habits and a Muslim in a hijaab.

    The fallacy of this picture which purports to draw equivalence

    between clothes worn by people of other religions and the burkha:

    1. The Jewish dress is hardly comparable to a burkha.

    2. The Christian women wear a habit are NUNs. NOT ordinary

    women. Even then, the habit is still nowhere as restricting as a

    Burkha is because it covers the face.

    3. Though this story is about defending the burkha, EVEN THE


    seems even you are loathe to show the true problem with thisdemeaning costume.

    Logic baffles mePermalink  Submitted by CJ (not verified) on 19 August 2010 -


    So you are comparing nuns who enter a religious convent to every

    day muslims? Why not show a picture of an every day jew,

    christian and muslim, then moderates, then conservatives? Or areyou trying to skew the debate. If you are going to cite sexual

    harassment in the west, define the term first. I think that if you

    do that, then harassment rates are higher in the muslim world. I

    have two daughters and have never tried to circumcise them. Now

    that's harassment. The sooner that the muslim world creates a

    culture which values women as equals (full equals and not

    property as they do with the valuable jewel analogy) the sooner

    they will join the rest of the world in the 21st century. Read up on

    Bacon. All men (and women) are created equal. Choice without

    penalty is choice! Tell me that a daughter in the middle east has

    the ability to come home and say to her father, "dad, I want to

    stop wearing the Burqua, nasdiq, hijab, etc." I bet he'llsay,"Honey, while i don't agree with your decision, you are an


  • 8/9/2019 Burqa Ban_ What It Means for the West


    individual who has the right to live your life as you choose. I will

    always love an honour you". Yea, fat chance of that happening.

    Burqa in ContextPermalink  Submitted by Ghulam Mohiyuddin (not verified) on 20

    August 2010 - 12:36am

    We have to ameliorate Muslim backwardness in areas of 

    education, science, arts, professions, business, political

    sophistication and gender equality. The burqa issue should be seen

    in the larger context of general Muslim upliftment. History of ill-

    treatment of women is common to all societies including Muslim

    societies but to use it as an argument to defend the burqa is like

    cutting off your nose to spite your face.

    By title and affect - Germany winsPermalink  Submitted by An Observer (not verified) on 20 August

    2010 - 4:30am

    Going by title of article, and considering PROPONENTS and

    OPPONENTS of Burqa Ban - France, Belgium, and those European

    countries who are PROPONENTS are LOSERS, and those countries

    that are OPPOSING or ARE NEUTRAL not to "hype issue" are


    Germany is one such European nation, that is sensible for NOT

    STOKING "emotions".

    A recent discussion "cropped" in U.S.A. w.r.t. building an IslamicCenter near GROUND-ZERO on a private property in New York.

    Emotional speakers are unaware about LEGAL and CONSEQUENTIAL

    results of hyping such a dispute / debate. Let's see what

    transpires !

    The day humans engage in IMPLYING WISDOM in ANY DISCUSSION

     / DEBATE - truth, justice, and sanity prev ails .

    An Indian


  • 8/9/2019 Burqa Ban_ What It Means for the West


    West has problem at hand, tackle it and do notblame othersPermalink  Submitted by Abdul (not veri fied) on 20 August 2010 -


    West is still living in state of denial in term of growing intolerance

    in society.

    Can any explain if these burqa clad women started wearing Burqa

    in last one year? If they have been wearing burqa all along thenwhy hue cry over it now. It is clear sign of intorent society.

    Rightly pointed out by writer, in UK people are opposing even

    Indian style toilet. Tommorrow they will ask do not eat chapati, do

    not wear sari, where it will stop? They are going to new low.

    West need to reialise that there is growing problem of intolrenace

    and find remedy before it is too late.

    signs of intolerancePermalink  Submitted by jackob (not verified) on 20 August 2010 -




    West action pointing towards insecurity andintolrencePermalink  Submitted by james (not verified) on 25 August 2010 -


    I think, West is very high on insecurity. They actions are signs of 


    Pastor says armed militia to protect church during Quran-burning




    This need to mention that not a single Bible was burned in whole

    Arab world or Afgahnistan where millions killed in allied bombing.

    writer has right pointed out,


  • 8/9/2019 Burqa Ban_ What It Means for the West


    Recent survey done by Gallup in USA showed that nearly two-

    thirds of Americans say they have little or no knowledge of Islam.

    Still, a majority dislike Islam. In another survey, done in 2008 by

    Gallup, to judge the Muslim opinion on various issues showed that

    most Muslims -- including radicals -- admire the West for its

    democracy, freedoms and technological prowess. It also showed

    that about 93 percent of the world's 1.3 billion Muslims are

    moderates and only seven percent are politically radicals. On

    terrorism, 93% of the Muslim worldwide condemned the 9/11

    attack on USA.

    Banning the veil (BURQA) in FrancePermalink  Submitted by kot (not verified) on 15 April 2011 -


    Islam is a respecful religion in the world. Woman is a

    'respectable', 'honourable' and 'precious' gift by the GOD (That's

    Only One). As precious things are protected, Islam protect the

    'woman' by all aspects. Veil (burqa) is also a part of protectionand honour for women in Islam. Banning the "veil" (burqa) in

    france is totally unfair and injustice because it is voilation of basic

    human rights.When it is said that rights for every cumminity are

    reserved, then why "Muslims" are being punished mentaly by

    banning their bisic rights in 'West"? When 'catholic Nuns,'orthodox

     jews and'chir isti an Nuns' wear the veil , they are not banned or

    discouraged, then why only Muslims are treated injustice. Is it not

    unfair and a shame on "motto of rights for all"? Islam respects

    are religions and 'Non Muslim Communities' in its surroundings

    (area). I recommend that 'banning the veil' should be banned.

    BurkhaPermalink  Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 17 April

    2011 - 12:12am

    Sorry guys, but I don't buy your rhetoric. The burkha hides the

    face. How can one be attracted to a ghost-like image? Answer,

    you cannot and you don't need to either because some other

    interested party has thankfully removed the onerous task of having

    to decide upon a (1) life-long partner. The same partner that,

    well, even a very good Islamic friend of mine shows anti-westtendencies when engaged in conversation. Behind closed doors who


  • 8/9/2019 Burqa Ban_ What It Means for the West


    knows? I listen but I can only comment when I know it wont sour

    our friendship. Abuse takes many forms. I have to conclude that

    the Islamic nature of my very good friend has other concealed

    behaviour patterns. Another very good Islamic friend of mine has

    never introduced me to his wife. I'm very friendly with his son.

    They are all lovely people. The lad goes "on holiday" to Pakistan.

    To go clubbing? Sorry guys, no cigar. We have a lovely but

    decaying country here. If you are that keen on populating it both

    directly and indirectly, please make a little more effort to

    integrate and leave the burkha on the plane. I'm not anti-Islamnor am I anti-immigration. I am anti-religion though....I uphold

    your right to believe (note the word "believe") but I just wish that

    there was no religion at all, a position in which I am far from

    alone. You'll get no grief from me brothers and sisters, but please

    try to integrate. Don't be like those "British" ex-pats living in

    enclaves in Spain and France etc. Send them a positive message

    and assimilate the culture of wherever you choose to end up and

    I'll be happy to call you all friends. Does that make me racist? I

    really do hope not.

    I have seen several articlesPermalink  Submitted by Julie (not verified) on 24 May 2012 -


    I have seen several articles that seem to use as an argument to

    women covering up the fact of violence against women. I do not

    understand the logic of this argument. If it is the man's fault for

    having sexual thoughts, which is clearly against the 10

    commandments, then it is the fault of the man, not the woman.

    The man should be made to cover up his eyes. Do not make the

    woman suffer because of the man's sins. It is the man who should

    never look upon a woman. Let the man suffer, not the woman. If 

    he should see a woman and not avert his gaze, he may acquire

    unclean thoughts. This is the man's fault. He should then be made

    to wear horse blinders, those things they put on horses so that

    they have to look straight ahead. Another thing that can be done

    is that men could be castrated. Then there will never be any

    problems. Of course I am just joking. But my point is it is not the

    woman's fault. Let the man suffer for his sin, not the women. In

    the USA it is known very well that some men - a lot of men- are

    attracted to young boys, young girls, and men. So you see, the

    problem is with man, not with woman. As to pertain to theargument that violence is committed against women because they

    induce it through their sexuality, this is nonsense. It is not


  • 8/9/2019 Burqa Ban_ What It Means for the West



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    sexuality that makes a man look down on a woman, it is

    disrespect, dishonor, meanness, and a belief that woman is less

    than a man. That has nothing to do with sexuality. It has to do

    with the beliefs of a man that he holds a woman to be less than

    himself. Once again, this is the sin of man. It has nothing to do

    with the sexuality of a woman. Sexuality does not cause a man to

    disrespect a woman. Disrespect causes a man to disrespect. If a

    man wants to mistreat a woman, then he will do it, if that is what

    he intends on doing. No matter how she is dressed. That is

    because the sin is within the man's mind. Being badly treated isnot a result of a woman's sexuality. It is the result of hate.


  • 8/9/2019 Burqa Ban_ What It Means for the West


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