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BUREAUCRATIC AUTHORITARIANISM AND THE MILITARY Collier, D., Ed. (1979). The New Authoritarianism in Latin America, Princeton University Press. Constable, P. and A. Valenzuela (1991). A nation of enemies: Chile under Pinochet. New York, Norton. Huggins, M. (2000). "Legacies of authoritarianism: Brazilian torturers' and murderers' reformulation of memory." Latin American Perspectives 27(2): 57-78. Huggins, M. K. (1998). Political policing : the United States and Latin America. Durham, N.C., Duke University Press. Huneeus, C. (2000). " Technocrats and Politicians in an Authoritarian Regime. the 'Odeplan Boys' and the 'Gremialists' In Pinochet's Chile." Journal of Latin American Studies 32(2). Linz, J. and A. Stepan, Eds. (1978). The breakdown of democratic regimes. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins. Malloy, J., Ed. (1977). Authoritarianism and Corporatism in Latin America, Pittsburgh University Press. O'Donnell, G. (1977). Corporatism and the question of the State. Authoritarianism and Corporatism in Latin America. J. Malloy. Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh University Press. O'Donnell, G. (1978). "State and Alliances in Argentina." Journal of Development Studies 15(1). O'Donnell, G. (1978). "Reflections on the Patterns of Change in the Bureaucratic Authoritarian state." Latin American Research Review XIII(1). O'Donnell, G. (1988). Bureaucratic Authoritarianism: Argentina, 1966-1973. Berkeley, University of California Press. Schmitter, P. (1974). "Still the century of corporatism?" Review of Politics 36(1). Silva, E. (1996). The State and Capital in Chile: business elites, technocrats and market economics. Boulder, Westview Skidmore, T. (1988). The Politics of Military Rule in Brazil, Oxford University Press, New York. Stepan, A. (1978). The State and Society: Peru in Comparative Perspective. Princeton, Princeton University Press. Stepan, A. (1987). Rethinking Military Politics, Princeton University Press.

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