bullying - humpty dumpty

Bullying Bullying The story of Humpty Dumpty

Upload: anca-dobarleanu

Post on 29-Dec-2015




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Humpty Dumpty story




The story of Humpty Dumpty

Humpty was a very happy egg, nothing could ever get him down!

Everywhere he went, he smiled, said hello and asked everyone how they were feeling today! He was such a jolly, friendly egg!

One day, Humpty climbed onto his favourite wall. This wall was the best perch for this egg because he could see the beautiful land in front of him. Humpty could see all of his friends having fun in the city and this made Humpty very glad.

Suddenly, Humpty started to feel very uncomfortable. Something was bothering him. He tried to ignore it but it was getting worse and poor Humpty felt very upset. Another egg, called Fry decided that he would call Humpty horrible names. He mocked Humpty and laughed at him. He was a bad egg!

Just then, with a great big BANG, Humpty was pushed to the floor by the bad egg, Fry. Humpty fell from the wall and cracked his shell on the ground.

Humpty was a very sad egg. He felt very picked on and couldn’t understand why he had been targeted by this bad egg. Many people stopped to see if Humpty was okay but it seemed that they couldn’t make Humpty better again.

Let’s talk about Humpty

Was Humpty a nice egg or a bad egg?

What nice things did he do?

Did he do anything bad?

Why do you think the bad egg picked on him?

How do you think he felt after he had been pushed?

Do you think he should have told someone?

Why do you think this?

Let’s talk about the Bad egg, FryWas Fry a nice person or a bad person?

What nice things did he do?

Did he do anything bad?

Why do you think he picked on Humpty, What different reasons can you think of?

How do you think he felt after pushing Humpty off the wall?

Do you think he would do this again?

Why do you think this?