
^^BULLETIN Korea. (Sonday). ^ ■ P p J ^ 'T h e eommanlBta to- ^HILiM tw o poln^ ^ «Sj oW«*^ for supervising I^JrtttlsUce.' ' ______W T Y e K A rm i AreRe( nfsAN,Korea, (Sunday),Dec.S' i]c<dtieir terniB for policing a •ycotatcd risk” in hope of an e illied delegate told the reds it CTper^ion, and. m ust be acc jtll) have nothing further to Jf (oamunist radio a t --------- a,, itard in Tokyo, call- x T ' i Jluiedplnn "a little step I I ^ *{ prevloua Droposala” •! ijlMOsuaunlsts aUU "con* tkjlarttolerftte” any lnt«r- , la Nortli Korean affilra. u I nTerence to alllKl ln> yitoit *ny red buUdup or — to NorUi Korea durtnj ^ t<KL ,ykt) States la iberaj prlMncr>«chftnga gary f ini «n«l to Bwap further m t,. tuai OD all prlMner# not , 0 Uu rtcords excbanged loat but WC ireplw new cillIM proposal ffl a MBOTUlon a n d th e p r ia - I r Bl fdl on Uio table at sub- IH Ksslans opening a t 11 Ju n pin. MST Baturday) aan)an. aisUlM risk In the new al- STU (tendonmcBi ot four wA< aBleguardawblchUieUJi. :d bid Inilsted on retaining COmn la umbUce. A fifth woa Mr. Bfeguirtls abandoned were nO iea . tteemUon anywhere In ward l tetnjatruee; relenUon of ‘'B u ' lUudi behind enemy lines bbold a cumber of them): Bai( k ripnvblng authority for d e n t 8 a. Kd ^led-rcd InspecUon th e fa M to travel anywhere In j.ecom» m n . the alUes offered to nWldlng of a limited num - Wh Korean airfields. . aly nrcguoTd which Uia al- n a»llKl down la a aound ^ defenu poslUon during an , t . . irriaalplaaAiked S*® 5® t e , U» «Ulea asked Uxe JL Sl£E^ ttM n U atrllelda uM pi a tztte to elvm an.use'rai^ OblcaBp mlai all main road and raU ^o"«rl; swjbwt, Korea to ncutnU ' baoTtn_____________________h M ^ ________________ man pli 1 Declared n . •, dlffemi .3.favorite °s," lnl952Raee S aKOIDN, Dec. » W — A cor R. lUe lejiitor described Oen- eongres: whwer aa. an "overwhelm- “aoclallj lor President today, wpubuan congressman de- It woi ftgent Truman eould win for an I lOB If Uie elecUon wore and woi »• roll ded “ aoent. Senator Douglaa. mada ft ^Hnnpotters “a great many” Magn ^■P,5^P«ty would hop tha a netwc and ciat ballota for through tbe general becomes dlagnos ^■ W lean presldenUal nom- what-yc |^^lkiliTarciri(f^ m R B ttB i^ o v e r U Ui# over- T oll ^■ 5 ^ la ot tha great masa "t , people." said Doug- T h 1 ^ V jlu b te n traveling around ■Xh? Ne ^■PjjUjUon Mr. Truman could B «« The I irom Repreaenta- acciden ■ ■ w o r d . Michigan Repub- day wci ' ^ fmWtat Hurt rfueed « K 3 . u\ 5S,",«''“'t '”' “ ■ «” hTMtS,.? up by a helned commiUea have V f tn b'lt he ed uia^ U..I .t ES 'SS ■.7~~ ---------- ^ AuUior] Uninjured Train H 'n IliJ . * ~ deoth i in Storm Cl IhB shcrlft ^ lp ? i|S s ir ^<«Utilo. tnen are favorln raocht I®* i f - j 1^ ew B ^ ~7" B , I ___ I A Regional Ncv Official Cltr tni Ccuntj K»wtp«p»r 'erms ei listice ^ jducedtss the natl BC. 80 (/P )—^The allies sharp- Thoug lg a Korean truce Saturday docs pro an early armistice. The c; Is it was the final offer on cr rencti accepted without change, pcrature a* to propose,'* ho said._______ But tl J.S. FUers Gri During 14 I ERDING, Germany, Dec. 29 (/P)—Fo ates ?120,000, told newsmen today th ry for 14 days beforo being turned c They eaid they wero never jnistreate t were “interrogated and interrogate [ruman Sets uj Health Com WASHINGTON, Dcc, 29 Presld ommlssion on the health needs of the Mr. Truman, who has been pluggln{ ilsory health insurance plan withou ted in a statement that he had aske ird with ideas of their own. "Bust auch counter-propoflals have n( said, adding: *'! have therefore, < nt’s commission on the health needs i e facts and to present ita ----------- commendations for safe- /4 T>, irdlng-and improving Uia heaim ^ X>1 tha nation. ‘Slnca we need the advice of all A „ iwpblnts, the commiaalon contains X j UL lh professional and lay membera. ^ Inquiry Slated T_ 'It wU] make a searching Inquiry JJ o tba facta and give ua the bene- _ , of obJecUT® and construcU»e Tiuovca mpiSvU3r. p»ul a Magtiuaon. kleago orttaopedlo aurgeon who Chief I rmerly waa chief medical director ham aald the veterans administration. He »«no a been'* crIUc both of tha T ^- . in plan and of "do nothinglsm." oreawj OiatedFremVA ® o p opei Wogniison was ousted from his "o t maci L post laat January aa a result of 10*» " - a •fercncea wlUj administrator Carl •ay over hospital admlnlatraUon. taken. Tl rije BdmlnlatmUon heaJth Insur- * doxen ca plan. Bometlmea known ea the boxes ot ing plan after Its chlet advocaU. Benhaa deral Security AdmlnUtrator Os- money bc r R. Bwlng, has got nowhere In “>0 propr ngrtaa where critics assailed it as in Jhe pa >claU*ed medicine." Inanraaee Provided moved fr< tt would provide health Insurance recovered • an estimated 133.000,000 people *en towar d would’ bo financed out of pay- fi«no c-'t* II deducUona aimllar to thoM now last aprin Ida for aoclal security benetlts. ,,Tho bu Slagnuson proposed Instead that “me art network of cllnlca bo established breaking rough local InlUaUve to provide ignosUc examlnaUona oh a pay- „ Tho u»l lat-you-can afford bosla. tlirough _______________ aaie open 'oil Rises Slowly “S I il First Hours of New Year Holiday Maurice^' By Tbe Aatodated Preaa aacked b» rha nation’s toll of deatha dua to At Mu cldenta in the long New Year holl- through y week-end rose alowly SaUtrday. door. A lc Safety oftlclala beUeved Uiat re- waa brok ced automobile apeeda. neeesaltat- broken ol by many snow-packed highway*, from tha Iped to hold down toifflc deaUia. - An Associated Press'aurvey show- Uiat 47 persons died In U^flo X U U t cldents. eight perished In flrea, d aeven deatha wera due to mis- jocr Uaneous mishaps. Tha total for e flrat 24 houra was 61 £ { rha NaUonal Safety councU estl- ated that 360 persona may die In J,**"® itflc accldenta during tba hoilday _ rlod aUrUng at fl pm . local Uma « Iday to midnight Tueaday. How- tr, to til. mwai. west ouaanda .of paaaenger automobllea . III were marooned In heavy anow ' Itta and traffic waa Uilnned out snow on roada and clly streets. jUiorJUea aaid UiU helped to keep * “i" e deaUi toll down. Chicago, for example, reported no atflo fatallUes in-aeven daya-Uia Dgest period without a .^tla lalh Blnce-tbe police department . arted a new ayatem of recorda. , ~ firms. Ml frowmg Support Claimed for Dam B0T6B, Dec. 26 Orowlng sup- company irt for a high dam at Hella canyon Wlnnei xa reported by O. H. R. Taylor, waa a dai irreapondlng accrctary of the Ida- Terry Su >-Oregon HelU Canyon aasoclation. rived at •Tomial endorsement of Uie bu- hoapltai i au of reclamaUon project ex- ' 'eued by memberships In the aa* iClaUon a n d by written pledRsi —WAbH. ■voring tho dam haa exceeded ait Ave«Ba aiectaUons." Taylor aald. Ho aald the support has come rose 2/10 om as far west aa PorUand and week cn satUe and aa far east aa Idaho reached alia. Taylor aald many of l^^p^8 average, ivorlng the dam are farmers and year ago fflchera. pre-Kore mal Newspaper ServinR f i _____________________ ^ E le c tric Po^ F or First A tom ic IDAHO FALLS, Dec. 29 (VP)—Elec pumps and provide lights—has been the national reactor testing station Though tho system employed can docs provide a useful tool fot^ carryin: The experiments took place Dcc. 21 cr reactor. The heat energy was the pcrature high enough to generate ate But the AEC cautioned that tho po Grilled by Ru .4 Days of Con (/P)—Four American fliers, whose lib today they were held and questioned b turned over to Hungarian authorl'tiei listreated physically and were never errogated and Interrogated” during tl ------------------------------------------ confint s up New uf B^m iommission rm tin —President Truman created a ested in Is of the nation” today. "any fi plugging for a national com- without succoss since 194B, on whi’ lad asked others to come for- i have not been forthcoming,” a ^ ur refore, established tho Presl- »>«■t>«« 1 needs of tho nation to study U^s'for ' In comi 4 Bmglaiies Aie Probed S In This Area Thieves %-orklng In a professional 'Hiey manner entered high achotjU at paymen Uurtaugh and Pller, the Hansen the we Br,'irteb3 >and.U,'W.Moore’a-ware, flown t house. Hansen, early Saturday, tak- (he Au teg a total of about <125 in caah. partmei Chief Deputy Sheriff J. H. Ben- dered t ham aald he was quite certain the Clevelai sama thievea entered all four build- by mljl Ings. eve.'Tii Greatest dooiaga was at the Bport to Hunj Shop operated by James Kopp. Four CapL alot machines, one each of Uia S-, Shawnt 10-, 25- and fiO-cent type, were dia- flight, manUed and nn esUmated <100 was the mo taken. Tho thieves also took about tumble< a dozen pairs ot gloves and three as he i boxes of cigars. Ws adv Benham aald tha alofmachlna he begi money boxes hnd been removed by At tl the proprietor, but there was money other in tbo pay tubes. He aald the tubea "h n J. and other working parts were re- T/Sgt moved from the machines and wera cre recovered a half mllo north of Han- aen toward tbe Hansen bridge. The oper“!5 aame establishment was burglarized , “ «"d lu t .prlnii. ■■ . The building was entered aome- ^o™“tl time afUr midnight Ptlday by breaking the padlock off the front fr;, ~ door. The thieves entered the warehouae _ through a window but found the V safe open ond empty. They aearchcd X v tho building. A window in the. agriculture shop U of the Filer high school waa broken J-f by tho thieves who uaed tools to ■nujy spring a window and entered tbo principal’s office. According to Bupt. U Maurice Welsh, tho room was ran- Ti,,-t«o aacked but noUilng was stolen. At Murtaugh. entry was gained J?,® through an unlocked boiler room door.' A lock on the principal's office tiq. q waa broken and the safe dial waa broken oft. Less Uian $25 waa taken ^ from tha sale, olllccrs aaid. ^ay 30 Policy, Laundry Service Donated Wj«!"v For ‘First Baby’ S^ro*^ Three weeks of laundry scrvlce and a <500 fire Insurance policy wera *’ added Saturday to Uie array of ^alU gifts awaiting the winner of thQ .'''“f®; Tlmes-News flrat baby conUst. “““ The laundry aervlce wlll be pro- vlded the baby by the AutomaUo Belf-Servlco laundry and will In- clude drying of cloUies. aat- A three-year’Insurance policy la beUig donjited by Mra. 0. A. Robin- aon and her associate, Prank Peidt- man. ’rh e policy wUl cover the baby's gifts and personal effects o( the parents. 1 > _ Two additional Rifts'or the moUi- rili er also were given by Twin Falla rirms. Matson's beauty salon Is con- ^ trlbutlng a shampoo, finger wave ^ and manicure for the mother and a vase to hold her bouqueU wlU bo OOO given by the Diamond hardware status i company. pltal p Winner of the atork race laat year apeclal was a daughter bom to Mr. and Mrs. couniy Terry Sullivan, Twin Palls. She ar- The rived a t tha Maglo Valloy Memorial over o| hospiui at 13:ia aon. Jan. t. by a la ----------------------------- Uon Fl PRICE INDEX RISES 31G4 ll —WASHINGTON,-Dee^aS-yp) — jerrj Average wholesale pricea aa 'meas- man o ured by Uia bureau ot labor aUllaUcs onnoui rose 2/10 of one per cent during tho urday. week ended Dec. 25. ’th e index canvas reached 177.4 per cent ot the 1020 mlvloi average. Thla la about the aame aa a a decb year ago and 13.1 per cent above tho The pre-Korean «vcrage. the coi X ^ N FA TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, SUNDj P o w er P rod •st T im e ic ‘B reedei ;yp)—Electric power—more than 100 has been produced for the first time : station near here, jyed can never generate large amoui t carrying out experimental studies, ;e Dcc. 21 and 22. Tremendous heat' ' was then removed from the reactor: lerato steam to drive a turbine, lat tho power phase of the station's e: ---------------------------------------------- and Russians s Confinement -| whose liberation cost the United ^™r :st!oncd by the Russians in Hun- paru .uthorlties. • ’ uio^ re never bccuscd of being spies, venti during their 39 days of solitary ” confinement. The news conference waa ^i,oi delayed nearly four hours un- to di Ul Samuel Klaua, a atate depart- bo e ment legal and Intelligence expert, clear . completed a 3i»-m lle flight from Tli I Washington and sanctioned It. the SItUng at Uio tablo with Uie men. men' Klaua said he was extremely Inter- n ested In the airmen's stories because It "any future acUon by the' United who States against Hungary or anybody epoc , else responsible. I assume, depcnda thosi on what these boys have to say." been f- Pta.Lo«.W.T SS ■nje four men loat tbelr way on -fl a rouUno flight from this American gue& 1. air base to Belgrade, Yugoslavia, on the ,, Nov. 10 and their 0-47 transport thar J waa forced down by Soviet flghtera the in communlat Hungary. They were tried before a Hun- -c garian military court Dec. 23 and steai convicted on a chargo of inten- foot Uonally vlolaUng the Hungarian been border. They vrere fined <30,000 that apiece and told tbey would be lm- cam prlaoned 80 days if the fines wera rout a not. paid. H< ^ Flats Fald over al ’Itey were freed yeaterday, atter InlU at payment of tho llnea, regarded In wl^ m Uie weat as nuwom. They were TI et flown to Erdto8.-alter tbey reached ator t- (be Austrian border. The atate do- orM partment almoat almiiltaneoualy or- tnst n- dered the Hungarian consulates ia will le Cleveland and New York City closed afte 1- by mijlnlght Monday. New Year’s pun eve.-vnd baimed'Amerieaa travel tbe irt to Hungary. niat ur CapL IHva H. Henderson. 33, mor Shawnee, Okla., commander ot the cont J- flight, appeared to have suffered trlbi aa the most from his experience. He ator ut fumbled with a typewritten sheet said ee as he gave tbe formal aceoimt ot his adventure. H£s lips trembled as O, no he began to speak. (^4 Qv At the Uble with him were tba cy other free men—Co-PUot Capt. 1 a John J. Swift, 34. Olens Falls, N. Y , J J. T/Sgt Jess Dutr. Spokane, Waah, ra the crew chief, and Sgt. James A Elam, Klngsland, /Olo, the radio ,5 operajijr. .d Henderson said the Russians ccn- rr stantly tried to extract mlllUry In- " .. formaUon from them. Henderson L,„ was cauUoned by* an airforce officer / not U) elaborate oa.Uiat phase of Uielr InterrogaUon._________ i Youth Hurt in d en Bui-ley Crash BURLEY, Dec. 20—Lester Worth- Inglon. 12-year-oid son ot Mr. and 2,^ Mrs. Rex W. WorUilngton, route 3, °* Burley, sUll was unconscious In Cot- “ .j. . tage hosplUI here Saturday night following en accident at 4:15 pjn. Hospital attendants reported the boy received a possible head frae- ture in the accident on U. S. high- way 30 south ot bere. They said ho gi is In "fair" condlUon. the The boy was riding a bicycle and soui swerved Into the right side of a car pro] driven by dlla Jonea Wake. Afton, y, Wyo. Wake waa passing Uie boy at ,j the time and was forced into the L,„ ¥ borrow pit afler the mishap. The I;,,, L ear was damaged sllghUy but Wake wasn't hurt. Wake was en route to ^ M alu to visit his broUier, Robert Ug Wake. ^ ' BUte Patrolman Marvin Bnyder . “ and Cassia County Deputy Sheriff yg LePage I^ytoa InvesUgated. "■ WARDEN NAMED nar ,, BALT LAKE CITY, Dec. 39 MV- H Marcell Oraham, Midvale poUee elln o . chief, tonlgbt was named new word- or en of the Utah sUte prison. wai of. ---------------------- i ------------------------------ ::— Board to Decide o Gooding Voters bo OOODINO. Dec. 30 — F u tu re Uk nre sUtus ot the OoodlnK Memorial bos- hai plUl probably wlU be decided at a vot •ar apeclal meeting of the Qoodlng vob [rs. couniy commbslonera Thursday. pro ir- The proposal tbat the county take i ■ial over operation of the hospital won qoc by a large majority In a special elec- 04 Uon Fridny. The unofficial vote was for 3,104 In favor and GOO opposed. m.,1 Jerry P. Rcntrow, Wcndell. chair- os- man of the county commlaslonera, n Lies announced the special meeUng Bat- thn the urday. He aald the votes will be ina dex canvassed at that Ume and the com- 7 020 mivlonera "probably would” make gio, s a a decision. the The »pec!al vote was odvlsory as the conuoiasloners hesitated to I r //// ^ SUNDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1951 oduced I by A rco ler’ P lant m 100 kilowatts used to operate st time through atomic energy at 1 amounts of electrical power,' it I tudles, AEC officials said. moi IS heat was generated by a breed- i reactor by a liquid metal at a tem- H. le. I tlon's experiments Is “Incidental” — — and Is being carried out to •p' get information on the hand- H ling of liciuld metals ivt high temperatures under radioactive t condlUons. The tests were supervised by laboratory Director Walter H. Zlnn and H. V. Uchtenberger, laboratory r . projcct engineer. , cd . Dr. Zlnn emphaslred Uiat no com- n- parisons should be mado of tbo cost ory of producing electric power from gf 1 tho reactor wlUi power from con- x •a» ventionai aourcca. , ' ry Cost Not Factor top Cost waa not an essential factor 1 In the experiments, ho aald. and the t whole thing wea In no way Intended '■ in- to determine it electric power could nrn Tt- bo economically obUlned from nu- ----- srt, clear sources. ~ om Thera waa no wild celebraUon at fl tho AEO ataUon when tbe experi- ^ en. mental breeder reactor spawned its ^ «r- electric power. I use The 31-year-old Uchtenberger. t«d who pulled the switch In this jdy epochal teat, said, "it was one of nds those things for which you bave been preparing for months . and . years and you expect It to come through. , on "^Vhen I turned the swJlch. I » n guess I was more Interested In how on the circuit breakers would funcUon ort than i was In tho significance of Uie test. Biwy All Day im- ‘-or courae, you have to work up Old steam for the test,” lhe young, six- ” i‘ en- foot engineer said, "and wo had lan been busy all day checking this and ,000 tbat and getting prepared. When it lm- came, it seemed like Jost another ere routine." li He said thnt "after the test was her over and wa knew that It was an Joa rter InlUal success, we were eoncemed nor in WlUl Uie bugs In the thtog." off rere The power generaUon phase 0! Uv hed atomlo energy .Is lncUBnM kiSc de- breeder reactor teats at the Arco poa or- tastaOUtlon. Though teat operaUons and I ia will be resumed early next year dep oed afUr further adjustments, principal deU ar's purpose of tbe breeder reactor is eas xvel tbe conversion ot non-flsslonable 1 material Into fissionable auvterial lnt4 33, more rapidly than nuclear fuel is otb the consumed. This process would con- awl tribute to expansion of tho current He atomlo weapons program, officials .» _________________ - li ' “ Solons Agi-ee S Inquiries Due For Spotlight £■ WASHINGTON, Deo. 39 Ifl—Two vit senators who often differ agreed to- I-,- day tbat InvesUgaUons of govern- I ment agencies wlll hold the apoUlght Bvi at the next session of congress nui opening Jan. 8. plj "We must conUnue theae inveaU- a e I Rations,” Senator Douglas, Dn Ul., ent told reporters. dai ,-r BcandaU Exposed )11 "Moat of theae facU have been dug up by congressional commit^ on tees,’* he said in reference to m at- Hri tern involving IrregulariUes In tho J •• govemmenfa tax collecUon system, nu ;~r The minola Democrat hss sup- iai ‘sh® ported much ot tho "fair deal” un- pjn- der Prcaidelit TTuman although i ^ sharply differing wlUi Uio W hite h House on some matters. igh- Will Renew Probes 1 he Senator Kem. Republican from Pf tho Prealdent's home sUte of Mis- and sourl. said "current congressional J” , car probes wlll bo pursued wlUi vigor." ", J®"; In addlUon. Kem forecast new In- noi ♦h« vesUgaUona of the JuaUce, agrlcul- clc ture and defense deparUnents, Uie So alien property cuatodlan's ottlce, the <iei ^ security exchange commission, and t^l U f, tha federal housing and general services admlnlstraUons. -p -der Douglas said two major legislative JK Eriff Issues betore tbe new session wUl be -r rearming of the United Btates and f Its allies and "how w /^ o u ld fl- , nance the rearming." ' Ke rated next "what we can do to hu jUee ellmlnato aome of the ImproprleUea to ard- or corrupUon—whatever word you jrc want to uae—from tho government.'’ ' — ::------------------------------------------------------- bn de on Hospital as ters OK Transfer u re Uke over the hoaplUl. although U-. th hoa- had authority to do so, without the ov< at a vote. The commlsaloners felt the ' ding voters ahould hava a voice in the ftx proposal. ur take The vole tally by precincts was won aooding. 1,707 for, W against; Bliss, tbi slec- 04 tor, 13 against; Hagerman. 338 « for. 31 against: Wendell, 70 for, 518 agalnat; West Point, 12 for. 63 nil ogainst: TutUe, 73 foj;, 11 ngalnst. Renfrew hnd no comment other Bat- thnn announcing tbe speclAl meet- ‘ *>e ing for n u t Thursday. > The two oUier county corbmU- laxo sloners, howover. viewed the voto as Cl a RaUafnctory expression of tho Aj y ” opinion of county residents. Mem- f* a to ICeeiiae^ .a fu a a. C*l>u Ik tO Nine Irrigated Idaho Coun Health 1 ^ Spendi 2 Unwa . it BOISE, Dcc. 29 (/P)—The BtoU money on ncw programs and ser iCd- The criticism was leveled by A( Bni- H. Fred Baldridge, acting admin It wns heard by a three-man b tai” ---------------------------------------------- i Full Federal I Be Asked ( Chamber of Commerce director ;om- to seek full federal participation' cost ory here as the plan most closclj trom of the proposed structure. Word was received Wednesday I top priority for an armory and thi ictor cd and likely will remain availabi ri^d Under the plan for 100 per cei :ouid army would administer a larger nu- ------------------------------ ^ ----------- tl( peri- Ci’ash Injui’es S T F Woman ^ rger. ■■■ TT U lllcU l) ui Two Childi-en ^ A Twin Palls wpman and her two ^ ' chUdrcn sustained cuU and brulaes . >, T In a shattering colUaion at a rural ” Intersection a mile aouth of Curry .Hnn ahortly atter 2 pai. Satimlay. None '“'S was injured aerloualy. ■® Mra. June Denny, S3. 250 Elm “ atreet, was the injured woman driv- „ L. er ol a 1060 PlymouUi sedan which ? M .- collided WlUl a 1037 PlymouUi sedan “ ^ driven by Harrison Waddell. 70, P' , ^ routo 3. Twto Falla. The eldely ^ gn It waa not injured. . Jther ChUdren Injtired [: Injured besides Mrs. Denny were „ was her son. Jimmy, 8, and daoghter. tli a an Joan, 11. The Denny car, headed ui imed north prior to the coUlslon. broke oft a telephone pole and vent ^ « of Umusb % two-strand wire fence, is ksomnjr^nir a coupla of feoos ^ Arco posts. Damage to the front, laft aide U Uons and top was estimated by a sheriff* year deputy at <600. Damage to tba Wad- ^ iclpal dell car, which had been beaded tz or is east, was eatlmated ,at (390. lable There were no stop signs at tbe n. terial totersecUon. Neither driver saw the lel is other, they told the otflcer. Drireil«s Can n A 1050 Buick rolled off the ramp juais Browning Auto company. 303 Second avenue north, at 0:15 pjn. 1 Friday and struck a 1049 Ford J fc parked ta front of the garage. Offl- ■> ' cers reported the Buick was not in gear and Uie brakes weren’t set. IA Edward T. Johnson, Kimberly, re^ ported to city police tbat be was _ driving a IMS Ford truck owned by >h{- tbe city whieh colUded with a Union i-U l Paclflo train on Uia Minidoka ave- nue west crossing at 8:10 ajn. Sat- P -Two urday. ® d to- Damage SetUed . vem- Leonard Jacob reported for Mrs. *' illRht Evelyn Frederick. 437 SevenUi ave- Y gress nue east, that ahe was driving a 1050 ^ Plymouth coupe which coUlded w ith . /eaU- a car driven by Earl Bates, 303 Bev- d , IU., enth avenua cast, Saturday. He aatd damage waa setUed betweea the par- Ues. P H. C. aettcrU 160 Buchanan sU^et. reported backing from tha curbing “ Ut* oa Mala avenue eaat lato a car “i “ fJ- driven by Mra. Ray Burgeaa, Wes- a I the ener auto courts. Tho mishap took place about I:30 pm. Friday. Dam- g sup- age selUed between tho parUea. a nn- Aate Damaged 8 ;on*h The right side of a car owned by p H. D. Dukes, Filer, was damaged by 1 an auto driven by Rupert MorrlU, route 3, Kimberly, shorUy after 4 from P-*”- r^Way. PoUce report MorriU a was driving from a parking apace n »n Uia 100 block on Second street q north when tho mlahop occurred, h Vem SUmer, 400 Locust street d ^ **;* north, teld oftlcera his car and a rlcul- pickup truck driven by Batty Skin- ^ • H'e ner were involved In a small accl- c 6, the dent JVldny afternoon. No other de- li ' *uid tails were given. o neral p i.ti,. Reds Repulse U.N. S Push to Take Hill f “ *'■ SEOUL, Korea, (Sunday), Dec. 30 W—Communist Intantry Baturday « do to hurled back three allied altempU i •leUes to regain a bill on the western I you fronL lent." The reds took Uie hlU Friday and -------- bnlUed nearly all day Saturday * through sub-sero weather to hold v a ' the ground. i ^ In Uie lato aftemoon Uie reds i » themselves atUcked but failed to t '6 F United NnUona line. After allied troops withdrew from i Igh U -the hUl. allied warplanes roared ^ It the overhead and pounded the reds. c t the Tempemtures on the western n the front dipped to /Ire belov zero Sat- e urday. .It was even colder on tha c s was eastern and central fronta, where \ Blisa, the thermometer registered as low c J, 338 « W below. 1 ir, 518 There w'as no report of any slg- >r, S3 nitlclant acUon trom the center or 1 [lut. eastem end of tho batUellne. . t other ----------------------------- « meet- CIIVRailLL BOARDS SHIP SOUTHAMPTON. Eng, Sunday, I mmU- I^ec. 30 <AV~Prlme Mtalster Winston 1 ote as ChurchUl and Foreign Secretary ( f the Anthony Eden boarded the Queen t Mem- Mary early today for their voyBge 1 BE _ Drive New Yea 1 M remembe drink, d( W L traffic a 0 Counties W ef Asilt BnrMO o« Clrralitlsa j U*ocUtad Tr«M and Unlttd Trw* 1 U nit Hi iing Mon ranted S( le state health department was accuse and services which the counties don't id by Ada county Commissioner Maurii I administrative director of tho Ada- j-man board named by Gov. Len Jordt aj ral Help to | ed on Armory» directors have decided unanimously “ :ipation' in construction of an arm- t closely following desired services "p nesday that this city has been given and that funds already appropriat- availablo until June 30,1954. I per ccnt uso of federal funds, the . larger armory for uso by tbe na- ^ tlonal guard and reserve com- ponents of all branches of the to » armed forces. Under a plan ” calUng for 35 per eent lUte partlcl- n pnUon. the naUonal guard would jj, admlniater the armory for iU sole j, uae.' AYI Ohamber directors Uited these reasons for their decision to seek ■Ttwo federal parUclpaUon: », 1. There are no sUte funda avail- “ niF^ able for parUclpaUon now and Ukely h, won't be by June 30, 19S4. No^ 3. Idaho taxpayers presenUy are supporting tbe defenae effort which «, g j_ Includes the naUonwld# armory con- ^ StrucUon program as part of the na- . which security program. Therefore, j, 5cdan I*^^® taxpayers ahould not be ex- «. , ?? pected to pay a«oin through sUto h tax chanaels. 3. The armory ahouJd be geared to serve the greatest number of mill- _ ____ tary units by being avaUable to re- 5 serve componente as well as the na- . «h5«- Uonal guard. This Is not posslbls ^ ‘“ Onl m ia th. lUt, puOdpaUipto S onuu 4. masmucbasthsnalionlshead- ° went ed toward onlversal mlfitary train- ® im e, log; the program ahould not be h a^- « strunffby«rocUn»lnadeqtiat«'itri». 1 «id tadllUes. If an aimory Is Z built here. It should be. bulU wiUi * 5*^^ anUclpatlon of tmlversal ,m U it^ ^ “MCd training, wlUi faculties ade<tuate Z . .. and avaUable for all Ma^a VaUey ^ ^ 2ne n returning to tnacUva sUtus .. after training. 5. Buslaessmea aad chamber members bave underwrittea pur- ramp (CnUaatl *■ Pkft s. C*l«aa (} < ’13 Jordan Urges gi“‘° SEC Hearing ■ UX OnWWSale; ^0- BOISE. Dec. 3® WJ-A hearing to « ^ Sat- permit "orderly and open publle * consideration", ot American Power t and Light company's to . seU lU toterest in Washington . 1 ave- W ater Power company wm nr*ed a 1050 today by Qov. Len Jordan, d w ith ^ telegram to tbe SEO, Jordan 3 Sev- declared tbat Idaho's governmental [e aa'd agencies **wiU exert their tn«T<»rnifn le p a r - efforts to see tbat this remit is not pen^tted to occur." street. Proposal TJoaeeepUble urblng He said American's proposal was a car “unduly complex, wholly unaccept- i Wes- able and completely latelerable." , p took The govemor foUowed up his tele- ^ Dam- gram wlUi a caU to Harry McDon- , larUes. aid. SEO chairman, asking It the , SEO had conaldered what etfect the , ned by proposed sals would have on north ‘ ged by Idaho power users. rforrUl, SEC Meets ifter 4 The SEO met later la Uio day but : UorrlU no conclusions were reached. Com- . apace missloner Donald C. Cook aald tbe : alreet question of whether to bold publlo . rred. hearings was one of the mala potots street discussed. and a "To summarily close the case Skin- without further opportunity for tbe 1 accl- customers of Washington company ler de- ta Idaho to know wbat is going on or what the future etfect of this proposal will be would appear un- N thinkable ta view of,the large sums of Qioney tovolved both as fees for U J ll participants and profits for securi- t l l i l Ues owners," the governor said. Dec. 30 ----------------------------- tempts 26 Reported Dead In Atlantic Storm ny and LONDON. Dec. 39 Wl — Furious sterms.- whipped up by hurricane 0 hold winds roaring across the AUanUc, ^ lashed Europe's westem coasU to- e reds night and 20 persons wero reported Ued to dead or missing. Rough water raged from Spato to w from Scandtoavla. The AUanUo was one roared vast boUIng cauldron, from tbe Bay ed*. of Biscay to Britain, western 6lxty-foot waves pounded over the w Sat- coast of aouthem England. Hun- on tha dreds of smaU boats lying at anchor where were swamped. Even tbe giant as low Queen Mary llm ^ toto port 73 hours late. , :iy slg- Most of the frequent radio ^nn nter or from ships ta distress came from tbe e. . area off Land's end, tbe southeast- ern comer ot England, OIP A dlspateh from Spain aald U lunday, Spanish fishermen have been-lost Vlnston ta tbe last three-days. Teo stonn cretary deaths developed In Ireland, where Queen the hurricane winds struek most voyage fiercely,. and anoUier wm reported BE CAREFl Drive carefuUy . over il New Year’s holiday weck-«x remember— If yon’re gc drink, don’t drive. Help traffic accidents. Clrralitlsa j PRICE 8 C lit H it foi M oney o ed Servic ipartment was accused today of spendii :h the counties don't want. Commissioner Maurice E. Adkins, Meri director of tho Ada-Elmoro county he id by Gov. Len Jordan to investlffate c --------------------------- against tho departm I __ .J . board, headed by re IP to Wedneaday afternoon. •M -m Baldridge also said < . riT llirV n e n t exercises too m over local healto uniti ■Idl'd unanininuRlv eounty eoDunissIonen ** ■lucu u« miuuojjr trend." iction of an arm- Adklna said f desired services "preaaurcd" to approj money for health servli Ity has been given S A ^ c S [ready approprlat- New Aides Ne» ne 30, 1954. When the sUte depi [ederal fun^, the jr uso by tbe na- secretary must and reserve com- "When our county tui ,U branches of the tot Ujls. we’re not getth Under > pkn p«ceiit,tatep«Ucl- "it would UM tbo tiui InTotTSoS^SSIS s «m oi7 for lU eolo Kool«* ulud, l^oto™ ll.t« lh.» irucipauon. mental bealth an I no sUte funda avail- S IpaUon now and Ukely aUonwlds annonr con- sute Uuou* .ft. ory ahould be geared I as the n i ^ U head- Iveraal miatary train- im ahoiU® not be haift- Ig lo macuva stants •a p>n L c*icaa () enclosed With the unl ' he said, th a t a dortCT* TT ing to take over his ]ol n Urges XT control over the unit, JblC drinSt ;;mmlntstrator w jn^TSale fT TTX rtdge aad Jack Post, » u 39 WJ-A hearing to ot tha Maglo Valley irly and open public "more or less" wrota a ot American Power ter a meeting of coc ompany's to (CnUaaW ru« a< trest ta Washington ' ;.!S'!ar Drastic A< un to tho SEO, Jordan i Idaho's governmental f-A I exert Uielr maximum U rS c Q iO Uiat Uils result is not _ _ S ^io .,^1,1. Soviet S Qpletely tatolerable." SK sldered what etfect the ^,^0 imnlshable to d . would have on north , 1“ this cona aheUier te hold pubUo iT too 5 ^ ^ 'd n U ? one of Uie mata potats loruy close Uie case Woo. Umt It w u Invei know wbat Is going on -j*, soaslblr be a h future effect of, UUs S S d * ^ ^ ot e J view of,tho large sums -The is rolved bbUi as fees for and profits for securi- i«i ,►v«, Uie governor said, other ^ a t w i^ dlUi Coplon and Alg orted Dead ^mS lantic Storm wo3d*#uffer a^sever Dec. 39 W l-Furious confident^ jped up by hurricane lg across the AUanUc, boviet goi ?e's westem coasU to- _ _ ^ wero reported C O U pk ^Sfonl In Auto i cnuldron. from Uie Bay ELKO. Dec. 39 WV Britaln. August Wahl, Twta J waves pounded over the ported In aatlafactorj ithem England. Hun- day from injuries ^ U boats lyl^ at anchor automobUe acddent y ped. Even Uie giant cers aaid Uielr car sk ' Umtied toto port 73 highway «0 wesief O . dowa a steep emb^ tie frequent radio calls One other persbn't I distress came from tbe Retabold,- d a i ^ t n .e l Id's end. Uie 6o\iUieast- Edwta RetnboM. UQ )t England. boapltallsed' oreralgb tl from Spata said 10 leased today; .T*D-ati lermen have been-lost were xmhiut, three-days. Ten stom The attending ^ loped In Ireland, where Wahl received a iracj ne winds struck most Urs. W ahl a fnotur I anoUier wm reportad kaea. Ha «ald-a»tihi i/^«^ frfilBht«p a i riHUMlVv-................

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Page 1: · ^^BULLETIN Korea. (Sonday). ^ P p J ^ 'T h e eom m anlBta to-^ H I L i M t w o p o ln ^

^^BULLETINKorea. (Sonday).

^ ■ P p J ^ ' T h e e o m m a n lB ta to -

^ H I L i M t w o p o l n ^ ^« S j oW«* for supervising

I ^ J r t t t ls U c e . ''______•

W T Y e

K A r m i A re R e (nfsAN,Korea, (Sunday),D ec.S ' i]c<d tieir terniB fo r policing a •ycotatcd risk” in hope o f an e illied delegate told th e re d s it CTper ion, and. m ust be acc jtll) have nothing fu r th e r to

Jf (oamunist radio a t ---------a,, ita rd in Tokyo, call- x T ' i Jluiedplnn "a little s tep I I^ *{ prevloua Droposala” • !ijlMOsuaunlsts aUU "con* tkjlarttolerftte” any lnt«r- , la Nortli K orean affilra . u I nTerence to alllKl ln> yitoit *ny red buUdup or

— to NorUi K orea d u r tn j ^ t<KL ,ykt) S ta tesla iberaj prlM ncr>«chftnga g a r y f in i « n « l to Bwap fu rth e r m t, . tuai OD all prlMner# n o t ,0 Uu rtcords excbanged loat b u t WC

ireplw new cillIM proposal f f l a MBOTUlon a n d the pria- I r Bl f d l on Uio table a t sub- IH Ksslans opening a t 11 Ju n pin. M ST Baturday) aan)an.aisUlM risk In th e new a l-STU (tendonm cBi ot fou r w A <a B leguardaw blchU ieU Ji.:d bid Inilsted on re ta in ing C O m n la umbUce. A fifth woa M r .

Bfeguirtls abandoned were n O ie a .tteemUon anywhere In w a r d l

te tn ja tru e e ; relenUon of ‘'B u ' lUudi behind enemy lines bbold a cum ber of th e m ): Bai(k ripnvblng authority for d e n t 8a. Kd ^ le d -rc d InspecUon t h e f aM to travel anywhere In j.ecom »

m n . the alUes offered to nWldlng of a lim ited num - W h Korean airfields. .aly nrcguoTd which Uia a l- n a»llKl down la a aound ^■ defenu poslUon during a n ,t . .irriaalplaaAiked S*® 5®

t e , U» «Ulea asked Uxe J LSl£Et tM n U atrllelda u M p ia tztte to e lv m a n .u s e 'ra i^ OblcaBp mlai all main road and raU ^ o " « r l ; swjbwt, Korea to ncutnU ' baoTtn_____________________h M ^ ________________ m a n pli

1 Declaredn . • , d lf fem i.3.favorite °s," lnl952Raee SaKOIDN, Dec. » W — A c o r R.lUe lejiitor described O en - eongres:whwer aa. an "overwhelm - “aoclallj

lor P resident today,wpubuan congressman de - I t woif tg e n t T rum an eould w in fo r anI lOB If Uie elecUon w ore a n d woi»• ro ll ded“ aoent. Senator Douglaa. m ada ft

^ H n n p o t te r s “a g rea t m any” M agn^ ■ P ,5 ^ P « t y would hop th a a netwc

and c ia t ballota fo r throughtbe general becomes dlagnos

^ ■ W l e a n presldenUal nom - w hat-yc

| ^ ^ l k i l i T a r c i r i ( f ^ m i« R B t t B i ^ o v e r U Ui# over- T o l l ^ ■ 5 ^ l a ot th a g rea t masa " t ,

people." said Doug- T h 1 ^ V j l u b t e n traveling around

■X h? Ne^■ PjjU jU on Mr. Trum an could B

« « T he Iirom Repreaenta- acciden

■ ■ w o r d . Michigan R epub- d a y wci

' ^ fmW tat H u rt rfueed «

■ K 3 . u\ 5 S ," ,« ' '“ ' t ' ” ' “ ■ « ”■ hTMtS,.? up by a helnedcommiUea have V

■ f t n b 'l t h e ed uia^

U ..I . t ES'SS

■ . 7 ~ ~ ---------- ^ AuUior]

UninjuredTrainH ' n I l i J . * ~ deo th i

in Storm

ClIhB sh c rlft ^

l p ? i | S si r^ < « U t i l o . tnen are favorlnraocht

I®* i f - j — 1^ew B ^

~7" B , I___I A Regional Ncv

Official Cltr tniCcuntj K»wtp«p»r

'e r m s e i l i s t i c e ^ jd u c e d ts s

the natlBC. 80 (/P)— ^The allies sharp- Thoug lg a Korean truce Saturday docs pro an early arm istice. The c; Is it was th e final o ffer on cr rencti

accepted w ithout change, pcrature a* to propose,'* ho said._______ B ut tl

J.S. FUers Gri During 14 I

ERDING, Germany, Dec. 29 (/P)— Fo ates ?120,000, told newsmen today th ry fo r 14 days beforo being turned c They eaid they wero never jnistreate t were “in terrogated and interrogate

[ruman Sets uj Health Com

WASHINGTON, Dcc, 29 Presld ommlssion on th e health needs of the Mr. Trum an, who has been pluggln{ ilsory health insurance plan withou ted in a s ta tem en t th a t he had aske ird w ith ideas of th e ir own."B ust auch counter-propoflals have n(

said, adding: *'! have therefore, < n t’s commission on the health needs ie fac ts and to present ita -----------commendations fo r safe- /4 T > , ird ln g -an d im proving Uia heaim ^ X > 1 tha nation .‘Slnca we need th e advice of all A „ iwpblnts, th e commiaalon contains X j UL lh professional and lay membera. ^

Inquiry Slated T _'I t wU] m ake a search ing Inquiry J J o tba facta a n d give ua th e bene- _ ,

o f obJecUT® a n d construcU»e Tiuovca

m p iS v U 3 r . p » u l a Magtiuaon.kleago orttaopedlo aurgeon who C hief Irmerly waa ch ief m edical director ham aaldth e veterans adm inistration. He »«no

a b e e n '* crIUc b o th of tha T ^ - .in p la n a n d of "do nothinglsm ." o re a w j

O ia te d F re m V A ® o p opeiWogniison w as ousted from his " o t m aciL post laa t Ja n u a ry aa a resu lt of 10*» " - a •fercncea wlUj adm in istra to r Carl•ay over hosp ital admlnlatraUon. taken . T lrije BdmlnlatmUon heaJth Insur- * doxenca p lan . Bometlmea known ea the boxes o tin g p lan a f te r Its ch let advocaU. B enhaaderal Security Adm lnU trator Os- money bcr R . Bwlng, h a s go t nowhere In “ >0 prop rngrtaa w here critics assailed i t as in J h e pa >claU*ed medicine."

Inanraaee Provided moved fr<tt would provide h e a lth Insurance recovered• an estim ated 133.000,000 people *en toward would’ bo financed ou t of pay- fi«no c-'t*II deducUona aim llar to thoM now la st aprin Ida for aoclal security benetlts. , ,T h o bu Slagnuson proposed Instead th a t “ m e a rt netw ork of cllnlca bo established breaking rough local InlUaUve to provide ignosUc examlnaUona oh a pay- „ T ho u»l lat-you-can a ffo rd bosla. tlirough

_______________ aaie open

'oil Rises Slowly “S I il First Hours of New Year Holiday M aurice^'

By T be A atodated Preaa aacked b» rh a na tion ’s toll of deatha dua to A t Mu cldenta in th e long New Year holl- through y w eek-end rose alowly SaUtrday. door. A lc Safety oftlclala beUeved Uiat re- waa brok ced autom obile apeeda. neeesaltat- broken ol by m any snow -packed highway*, from th a

Iped to hold down to ifflc deaUia. -An A ssociated Press'aurvey show-

U iat 47 persons died In U ^ flo X U U t cldents. e igh t perished In flrea, d aeven deatha wera due to mis- j o c r Uaneous m ishaps. T ha total for e f lra t 24 houra w as 61 £ {r h a N aU onal Safety councU estl- ated th a t 360 persona m ay die In J,**"® itf lc accldenta during tb a hoilday _rlod aU rU ng a t fl p m . local Uma «Iday to m idn igh t Tueaday. How- tr , to t i l . m w a i. west ouaanda .of paaaenger automobllea .III were m arooned In heavy anow ' Itta a n d traffic waa Uilnned out■ snow on roada a n d c lly streets. jUiorJUea aaid UiU helped to keep * “ i " e deaUi to ll down.Chicago, fo r example, reported no atflo fatallU es in-aeven daya-U ia Dgest period w ithout a . ^ t l a lalh B lnce-tbe police departm ent .a rted a new ayatem of recorda. ,

~ ‘ firms. Ml

frowmg Support Claimed for Dam

B0T6B, Dec. 26 Orowlng sup- company ir t fo r a h ig h dam a t Hella canyon W lnnei xa reported by O . H . R . Taylor, waa a dai irreapondlng accrctary of the Ida- T erry Su >-Oregon HelU Canyon aasoclation. rived a t •T om ial endorsem ent o f Uie bu- hoap ltai i au of reclam aU on project ex- ' •'eued by m em berships In the aa* iClaUon a n d by w ritten pledRsi —WAbH. ■voring tho dam haa exceeded ait Ave«Ba aiectaUons." T aylor aald.Ho aald th e suppo rt has come rose 2/10 om a s f a r w est aa PorUand and week cn satUe and aa f a r east aa Idaho reached alia. T ay lor aald m any of l^^p^8 average, ivorlng th e dam are farm ers and year ago fflchera. pre-Kore

mal N ewspaper ServinR f

i _____________________ ^

E l e c t r i c P o ^

F o r F i r s t

A t o m i cIDAHO FA L L S, Dec. 29 (VP)—Elec

pumps and provide lights— has been the national reacto r tes tin g station

Though th o system employed can docs provide a useful tool fot carryin:

The experim ents took place Dcc. 21 cr reactor. The hea t energy was the pcrature h igh enough to generate ate

B ut the AEC cautioned th a t tho po

Grilled by Ru .4 Days of Con(/P)—Four A m erican fliers, whose lib today they w e re held and questioned b turned over to H ungarian authorl'tiei listreated physically and w ere never errogated an d In terrogated” during tl ------------------------------------------ confint

s up New uf B^m

iommission r m t i n

—President Trum an created a ested in Is of the nation” today. • "any fi plugging fo r a national com- w ithout succoss since 194B, on w hi’

lad asked o th ers to come for-

i have not been forthcom ing,” a ^ u r refore, established tho P resl- »>«■ t>«« 1 needs of th o nation to study U ^s'fo r

' In comi

4 Bmglaiies Aie Probed S In This Area

T hieves %-orklng In a p rofessional 'H ieym anner en tered h ig h achotjU a t paymenU u rtau g h a n d P ller, th e H ansen the weB r,'i r te b 3 > and .U ,'W .M oore’a-w are , flow n thouse. H ansen , early Saturday , ta k - (he A uteg a to ta l of ab o u t <125 in caah. partm ei

C hief D eputy Sheriff J . H. B en- dered tham aald h e was quite certa in th e Clevelaisama thievea en tered a ll fo u r build- by mljlIngs. • eve.'T ii

G reatest dooiaga was a t th e Bport to HunjShop opera ted by Jam es K opp. Fou r CapLalot m achines, one each o f Uia S-, Shaw nt10-, 25- and fiO-cent type, w ere d ia- flight,manU ed and n n esUm ated <100 was the motaken . T ho thieves also took abou t tumble<a dozen p a irs o t gloves a n d th ree as h e iboxes o f c igars. Ws adv

B enham aald th a a lo fm a c h ln a he begimoney boxes hnd been rem oved by A t t lth e p rop rie to r, bu t th e re w as money otherin tb o pay tubes. H e aald th e tubea " h n J .and o th e r w orking p a rts were re - T /S g tmoved from th e m achines and wera cre recovered a h a l f mllo n o r th of H an-aen tow ard tb e H ansen bridge. T h e oper“ !5aame estab lishm en t was burglarized , “ «"d l u t .p rln ii. ■■ .

T h e bu ild ing w as en tered aome- ^o™ “ tl tim e a fU r m idn igh t P t ld ay bybreaking th e padlock off th e fro n t f r ; , ~ door.

T h e thieves en tered the w arehouae _th rough a w indow but found th e Vsafe open o n d em pty . T hey aearchcd X v tho building.

A window in th e . agricu ltu re shop Uof th e F iler h ig h school w aa broken J - fby tho th ieves w ho uaed tools to ■nujy spring a window and en tered tboprincipal’s o ffice. A ccording to Bupt. UM aurice W elsh , th o room was ra n - Ti,,-t«o aacked b u t noU ilng was stolen.

A t M urtaugh . e n try w as gained J?,® th rough an unlocked bo iler roomdoor.' A lock o n th e principal's office tiq. q waa broken a n d th e sa fe d ial waabroken oft. L ess U ian $25 waa taken ^from th a sale, olllccrs aaid. ^ a y 30

Policy, Laundry Service Donated W j«!"v

For ‘First Baby’ Sro*T h ree w eeks of laund ry scrvlce

and a <500 f ire Insurance policy wera *’ added S a tu rd ay to Uie a rray of ^ a lU gifts aw a iting th e w inner of thQ . ' ' '“ f®; T lmes-News flra t baby conU st. “ “ “

T h e la und ry aervlce w lll be pro- vlded th e b aby by th e AutomaUo Belf-Servlco la u n d ry a n d will In­clude drying o f cloUies. a a t -

A th ree -y ea r’ In surance policy la beUig donjited by M ra. 0 . A. Robin- aon and h e r associate, P r a n k P e id t- ■ m an. ’rh e policy wUl cover the ’ baby's gifts a n d pe rsona l effects o( th e paren ts. 1 > _

T w o a dd itiona l R ifts 'o r th e moUi- r i l i er also were given by Tw in Falla rirms. M atson 's beau ty sa lon Is con- ^ tr lbu tlng a sham poo, f inger wave ^ and m anicure for th e m o th e r a n d a vase to ho ld h e r bouqueU wlU bo OOO given by th e D iam ond hardw are s ta tus i company. plta l p

W inner o f th e a to rk rac e laat year apeclal w as a d a u g h te r b o m to M r. and Mrs. couniy T erry Su llivan , T w in Palls . She a r- The rived a t th a M aglo Valloy Memorial over o| h o sp iu i a t 13 :ia aon . J a n . t . by a la

----------------------------- Uon FlP R IC E IND EX RISE S 31G4 ll

— W A S H IN G T O N ,-D ee^aS -y p ) — je r r j Average w holesale pricea aa 'm eas- m an o ured by Uia b u rea u o t labo r aUllaUcs onnoui rose 2/10 of one p e r cen t during tho urday. week ended Dec. 25. ’t h e index canvas reached 177.4 p e r cen t o t the 1020 m lvloi average. T h la la abou t th e aame aa a a decb year ago and 13.1 pe r cen t above tho The p re-K orean «vcrage. the coi

X ^ N F A


P o w e r P r o d

• s t T i m e

i c ‘B r e e d e i;yp)—Electric power— more th an 100 has been produced fo r the f i r s t time : station near here, jyed can never g en era te large amoui t carrying out experim ental studies, ;e Dcc. 21 and 22. Trem endous h e a t ' ' was then removed from th e re a c to r: lerato steam to drive a turbine, lat tho power phase o f the s tation 's e: ---------------------------------------------- and

Russians s Confinement -|whose liberation cost th e United ^™ r :st!oncd by th e Russians in Hun- paru .uthorlties. • ’ uio^re never bccuscd o f being spies, venti during th e ir 39 days of solitary

” confinement.The news conference waa ^ i,o i

delayed nearly fo u r hours un- to di Ul Samuel Klaua, a a ta te d e p a r t- bo e m ent legal and Intelligence expert, clear

. completed a 3 i» - m l l e f ligh t from Tli I W ashington and sa nctioned It. the

SItUng a t Uio tablo w ith Uie m en . men' K laua said h e was extrem ely In ter-

n ested In th e airm en 's sto ries because I t "any fu ture acUon by the ' U nited who S tates again st H ungary or anybody epoc

, else responsible. I assum e, depcnda thosi on w hat these boys h av e to say." been

f- P t a . L o « . W . T S S■nje fou r men loat tb e lr w ay on -fl

a rouUno f lig h t from th is A m erican gue&1. a ir base to Belgrade, Y ugoslavia, on the , , Nov. 10 and th e ir 0 -47 tr an sp o rt th a r J waa forced down by Soviet f lgh tera the

in com m unlat H ungary.T hey were tried before a H un- - c

garian m ilita ry c o u rt Dec. 23 a n d steaiconvicted on a chargo of in te n - footUonally vlolaUng th e H ungarian beenborder. T hey vrere f ined <30,000 th a tapiece and told tb e y would be lm - camprlaoned 80 days if th e f ines w era ro u t

a not. pa id . H<^ F la ts F a ld overa l ’I t e y w ere freed yeaterday, a t te r InlUa t paym ent o f tho lln e a , regarded In w l^m Uie weat a s nuw om . T hey w ere TIe t flow n to Erd to8.-a lter tbey reached a to rt - (be A ustrian border. T h e a ta te do- orM

pa rtm en t alm oat a lm iiltaneoualy o r- tn s tn- dered the H u n g arian consu lates ia willle Cleveland a n d New Y ork C ity closed a fte1- by m ijln lgh t M onday. New Y ear’s pun

eve.-vnd b a im ed 'A m erie aa trave l tbeirt to H ungary . n ia tur CapL IH va H . H enderson. 33, m or

Shaw nee, Okla., com m ander o t the contJ - flight, appeared to have suffered trlbiaa the m ost from h is experience. He ator u t fumbled w ith a typew ritten sheet said ee as h e gave tb e fo rm al aceoim t ot

his adventure. H£s lip s trem bled as O ,no he began to speak. (^ 4 Qv A t th e U b le w ith h im w ere tbacy other free m en—Co-PU ot C apt. 1a John J . Sw ift, 34. O lens Falls, N . Y , J J . T /S g t Jess D utr. Spokane, W aah , ra the crew chief, and Sgt. Jam es A

E lam, K lngsland, /O lo, th e radio ,5 operajijr..d H enderson said th e R uss ians ccn- rr

s tan tly tr ied to e x tra c t m lllU ry In- " . . form aUon from th e m . H enderson L,„ was cauU oned by* a n a ir fo rc e officer /

no t U) e laborate o a .U ia t p hase ofUielr In terrogaUon._________

i Youth Hurt in d en Bui-ley Crash“ BURLEY, Dec. 20—L ester W orth -

Inglon. 12-year-oid son o t M r. and2, Mrs. Rex W . W orU ilngton, rou te 3,°* Burley, sUll w as unconscious In Cot- “ .j.

. tage hosplU I here S a tu rd ay n igh t following e n acc iden t a t 4:15 p jn .

H ospital a tten d a n ts reported the boy received a possible head frae- tu re in th e acc iden t on U. S . h igh­way 30 sou th o t b e re . T hey sa id ho gi is In " fa ir" condlU on. the

T h e boy w as r id in g a bicycle and soui swerved In to the r ig h t side o f a c a r pro] driven by d l l a Jo nea W ake. A fton, y, Wyo. W ake waa passing Uie boy a t

, j th e tim e a n d w as forced in to th e L,„ ¥ borrow p it a fle r th e m ishap. T h e I;,,, L e a r w as dam aged sllghU y b u t W ake

w asn 't h u r t. W ake w as en rou te to ^ M a lu to v is it h is broUier, R obert

Ug Wake.^ ' B U te P a tro lm an M arvin Bnyder . “

and C assia County D eputy S heriff yg LePage I^ y to a InvesU gated.

"■ WARDEN NAMED n ar , , BALT LA KE C IT Y , Dec. 39 M V - H

M arcell O raham , M idvale poUee elln o . chief, ton lgb t was n a m ed new w ord- or

en of th e U tah s U te prison. wai o f .---------------------- i------------------------------ ::—

Board to Decide o ™ Gooding Votersbo OOODINO. Dec. 30 — F u t u r e U k

nre sU tus o t th e OoodlnK M em orial bos- h a iplU l probably wlU b e decided a t a vo t

•ar apeclal m eeting o f th e Q oodlng vob[rs. couniy com m bslonera T hu rsday . proi r - T he proposal tb a t th e county take i■ial over operation of th e hosp ital w on qoc

by a large m a jo rity In a special e lec- 04Uon Fridny. The uno fficia l vote was for3,104 In favor and GOO opposed. m.,1

— Je rry P. R cntrow , W cndell. chair-os- m an of th e county commlaslonera, nLies announced th e specia l meeUng B at- thnthe urday. H e aald th e votes will be inadex canvassed a t th a t U me and th e com - 7020 m ivlonera "probably would” m ake gio, s a a decision.the T he »pec!al vote w as odvlsory as

the conuoiasloners he sita ted to

I r / / / / ^


o d u c e d I b y A r c o

l e r ’ P l a n tm 100 kilowatts used to operate st tim e through atomic energy a t

1 amounts of electrical power,' i t I tudles, AEC officials said. moiIS hea t was generated by a breed- i reactor by a liquid m etal a t a tem - H. le . Itlon 's experiments Is “Incidental” — — and Is being carried out to • p '

get information on th e hand- H ling of liciuld m etals ivt high tem peratures u n d e r radioactive

t condlUons.

T he tests were supervised by laboratory Director W alte r H. Z lnn and H . V. U chtenberger, laboratory r

. p ro jcc t engineer. ,c d . Dr. Z lnn emphaslred U ia t no com - ‘ n - parisons should be mado of tbo cost o r y

■ of producing electric power from g f 1 tho reactor wlUi power from con- x

•a» ventionai aourcca. , 'r y Cost N ot F a c to r t o p

Cost waa no t an essential fac to r 1 In th e experiments, ho aald. and th e t whole th ing wea In no w ay Intended '■

in - to determ ine it electric power could n r nTt- bo economically obU lned from n u - -----srt, c lear sources. ~om T hera waa no wild celebraUon a t fl

tho AEO ataUon w hen tb e experi- ^ en. m en tal breeder reactor spawned its ^ « r - electric power. Iuse The 31 - y e a r- o ld U chtenberger. • t«d who pulled th e sw itch In th is jdy epochal teat, said, " i t w as one of nds those things for w hich you bave

been preparing for m onths . a n d . years a n d you expect I t to come through . ,

on "^Vhen I turned th e swJlch. I » n guess I was more In terested In how on th e circu it breakers w ould funcUon

o r t th a n i was In tho significance of Uie test.

Biwy All D ay im- ‘-or courae, you have to w ork up Old steam fo r the test,” lh e young, six - ” i‘ e n - foot engineer said, " an d wo had la n been busy all day checking th is and ,000 tb a t and getting prepared . W hen it lm - came, i t seemed like Jo s t a n o th e r e re rou tine ." li

H e said th n t "a f te r th e te s t w as h e r over and wa knew th a t I t w as a n Joa

rter InlUal success, we were eoncem ed nor in WlUl Uie bugs In th e th tog ." off

rere T he power generaUon phase 0! U v hed atom lo energy .Is ln c U B n M kiSc d e - b reeder reactor teats a t th e A rco poa o r- tastaOUtlon. Though te a t operaUons and I ia will be resumed early nex t y e a r dep oed a fU r fu rther adjustm ents, p rinc ipal deU a r's purpose of tbe b reeder reacto r is eas xvel tb e conversion o t non-flsslonable 1

m a teria l Into fissionable auvteria l lnt4 33, m ore rapidly th a n nuclear fu e l is otb the consumed. This process would con- aw l tribu te to expansion of tho c u rre n t • He atomlo weapons program , officia ls .»

_________________ - li' “ Solons Agi-ee S

Inquiries DueFor Spotlight £■

WASHINGTON, Deo. 39 Ifl—T w o vit ” senators who often d iffer agreed to -I - , - day tb a t InvesUgaUons of govern - I

m en t agencies wlll ho ld th e apoU lght Bvia t th e next session of congress nuiopening Jan . 8. p lj

"We m ust conUnue theae inveaU - a e

I Rations,” Senator Douglas, Dn U l., ent

told reporters. dai , - r BcandaU Exposed ) 1 1 "M oat of theae facU have been

dug u p by congressional com m it^ ontees,’* h e said in reference to m a t - Hri tern involving IrregulariUes In th o

J •• govem m enfa ta x collecUon system , nu; ~ r T h e minola D em ocrat h ss su p - iai‘sh® ported much o t tho " fa ir deal” u n - ”p jn- der Prcaidelit TTuman a lth o u g h i

^ sharp ly differing wlUi Uio W h ite h H ouse on some m atters.

igh- Will Renew Probes n»1 he S ena tor Kem. Republican from P f

tho Prealdent's home sU te of M is-and sourl. said "curren t congressional J” ,c a r probes wlll bo pursued wlUi v igor." " ,

J®"; In addlUon. Kem forecast new In - noi♦h« vesUgaUona of the JuaUce, a g rlc u l- clc

tu re and defense deparU nents, Uie S oalien property cuatodlan 's ottlce, th e <iei

^ security exchange commission, a n d t^l U f, th a federal housing and genera l

services admlnlstraUons. - p-der Douglas said two m ajo r legislative JKEriff Issues betore tbe new session wUl be -r

rearm ing of th e U nited B tates a n d fIts a llies and "how w / ^ o u l d f l- , nance th e rearm ing." '

K e ra ted nex t "w hat we can d o to hujUee ellm lnato aome of th e ImproprleUea toa rd - or corrupUon—w hatever w ord you jrc

w an t to uae—from tho governm ent.'’ '— ::------------------------------------------------------- bn

de on Hospital as ters OK Transferu r e U ke over the hoaplU l. although U-. th hoa- had authority to do so, w ithout th e ov< a t a vote. T he commlsaloners fe lt th e ' d ing voters ahould hava a voice in th e ftx

proposal. u rtake T he vole ta lly by precincts was w on aooding . 1,707 for, W against; B liss, tbi slec- 04 tor, 13 against; H agerm an. 338 «

for. 31 against: W endell, 70 fo r, 518 agalnat; W est Point, 12 fo r. 63 nil ogainst: TutUe, 73 foj;, 11 ngalnst.

Renfrew hnd no com m ent o the r Bat- thnn announcing tb e speclAl m eet- ‘ *>e ing for n u t T hursday. >

T he two oUier county corbmU- laxo sloners, howover. viewed the vo to as Cl

a RaUafnctory expression o f tho Aj y ” opinion of county residents. M em - f*a to ICeeiiae^ . a f u a a. C*l>u Ik tO

Nine Irrigated Idaho Coun

H e a l t h 1 S p e n d i

2 U n w a. i t BOISE, Dcc. 29 (/P)—The BtoU

money on ncw programs and ser iCd- The criticism was leveled by A( Bni- H. F red Baldridge, acting admin

I t wns heard by a three-m an b tai” ----------------------------------------------

i Full Federal I Be Asked (

Chamber of Commerce director ;om- to seek full federal participation' cost ory here as the plan most closclj trom of the proposed structure.

Word was received Wednesday I top priority fo r an arm ory and thi

ictor cd and likely will remain availabi ri^d Under the plan fo r 100 per cei :ouid arm y would administer a larger nu- ------------------------------ ----------- tl(

peri- Ci’ash Injui’es S T F Woman ^rger. ■■■ • TT U l l l c U l ) u i

Two Childi-en ^A T w in Palls wpman a n d h e r tw o ^

' chUdrcn sustained cuU a n d brulaes . >, T In a sha ttering colUaion a t a ru ra l ”

Intersection a mile aouth of Curry .Hnn ahortly a tte r 2 p a i. Satim lay . None ' “ 'S was in ju red aerloualy.■® “ Mra. Ju n e Denny, S3. 250 E lm “

atreet, w as the injured w oman d riv - „ L. e r ol a 1060 PlymouUi sedan w hich ?

M .- collided WlUl a 1037 PlymouUi sedan “ ^ driven by Harrison W addell. 70, P '

, ^ routo 3. Twto Falla. T h e e ld e ly ^ gn I t waa no t injured. .J th e r ChUdren Injtired [:

In ju red besides Mrs. D enny w ere „ w as h e r son. Jim my, 8, a n d daoghter. tli

a a n Joan , 11. The Denny car, headed ui im ed n o r th p rio r to the coUlslon. broke

o f t a telephone pole and v e n t ^ « of U m u sb % tw o-strand wire fence, is t i . t o k s o m n j r ^ n i r a coupla o f feoos ^ A rco posts. D amage to the fron t, la ft aide U U ons a n d to p was estimated by a sheriff* ye a r deputy a t <600. Dam age to tb a W ad- ^

iclpal dell car, w hich had been beaded tz o r is east, w as eatlm ated ,a t (390. la b le T here were no stop signs a t tb e n. te ria l totersecUon. N either driver saw th e lel is o ther, they to ld th e otflcer.

D rire il« s C a n nA 1050 B uick rolled off th e ram p

ju a is Brow ning Auto company. 303Second avenue north, a t 0:15 p jn . 1 F rid ay and struck a 1049 Fo rd J

fc pa rked ta fron t o f the garage. O ffl- ■>' cers reported th e Buick was n o t in

gear a n d Uie brakes w eren’t set.I A E dw ard T. Johnson, K imberly, re^

ported to c ity police tb a t b e was _ driving a IMS Ford truck owned by > h { - tb e c ity whieh colUded w ith a Union i - U l Paclflo train on Uia M inidoka ave­

nue w est crossing a t 8:10 a jn . S a t- P -T w o urday. ®d to - Dam age SetUed .v e m - L eonard Jacob reported for M rs. *' illRht Evelyn Frederick. 437 SevenUi ave- Y g ress nue east, th a t ahe was driving a 1050 ^

Plym outh coupe which coUlded w ith . /eaU - a car d riven by Earl Bates, 303 Bev- d , IU., en th avenua cast, Saturday. H e aatd

dam age waa setUed betw eea th e p a r- Ues. P

H. C . a e ttc rU 160 Buchanan sU^et. reported backing from tha curbing

“ Ut* o a M ala avenue eaat la to a c a r “i “ f J - d riven by Mra. Ray Burgeaa, W es- a I th e ener au to courts. T ho m ishap took

place about I:30 p m . Friday . D am - g su p - age selUed between tho parUea. a n n - A ate Damaged 8

;on*h T h e rig h t side of a c a r owned by p H . D . Dukes, F iler, w as damaged by 1 an au to driven by R upert MorrlU, route 3, Kimberly, shorUy a fte r 4

from P-*” - r^W ay. PoUce report MorriU a was driving from a park ing apace n »n Uia 100 block on Second s tre e t q no rth w hen th o mlahop occurred, h

V em SU m er, 400 Locust s tre e t d ^ **;* no rth , teld oftlcera h is c a r and a rlcu l- pickup truck driven by B atty Sk in - ^ • H 'e n e r were involved In a small accl- c 6, th e d e n t JVldny afternoon. No o ther d e - li ' *uid ta ils were given. on e ra l ■ p

i.ti,. Reds Repulse U.N. S Push to Take Hill f

“ *'■ SEOUL, K orea, (Sunday), Dec. 30 W—C om m unist In tan try B aturday «

d o to hu rled back th ree allied altem pU i •leUes to rega in a bill on th e w estern I you fronLle n t." T h e reds took Uie hlU Friday and-------- bnlUed nearly all day S a tu rday *

th rough sub-sero w eather to ho ld v a ' t h e ground. i^ I n Uie lato aftem oon Uie red s i » themselves atU cked b u t failed to t ' 6 F U nited NnUona line.

■ A fter allied troops w ithdrew from i Igh U -th e hUl. allied w arplanes roared I t th e overhead and pounded the reds. c t th e T em pem tures on th e w estern n th e fro n t dipped to /I re belov zero S a t- e

u rday . .I t was even colder on th a c s w as e aste rn and central fronta, w here \ Blisa, th e therm om eter registered as low c

J, 338 « W below. 1ir, 518 T here w'as no report o f any slg- >r, S3 n itlc la n t acUon trom th e center or 1 [ lu t. e as te m end of tho batUellne. . to th e r ----------------------------- «

m eet- C IIV R a ilL L BOARDS SH IPSOUTHAMPTON. E n g , Sunday, I

mmU- I^ec. 30 <AV~Prlme M talster W inston 1 o te as ChurchUl and Foreign Secretary ( f th e A nthony Eden boarded th e Queen t M em - M ary early today for th e ir voyBge 1

BE_ Drive

New Yea1 M remembe

drink, d(W L t r a f f i c a

0 Counties

W ef Asilt BnrMO o« Clrralitlsa jU*ocUtad Tr«M and Unlttd Trw*

1 U n i t H i i i n g M o n r a n t e d S(le s ta te hea lth departm ent was accuse and services which the counties don't id by Ada county Commissioner Maurii I adm inistrative director of tho Ada- j-man board named by Gov. Len Jordt — a j

ral Help to | ed on Armory»directors have decided unanimously “ :ipation' in construction of an arm- t closely following desired services "p

nesday th a t th is city has been given ■ and th a t funds already appropriat- availablo un til June 30,1954.I p e r c c n t u s o o f f e d e r a l f u n d s , t h e . l a r g e r a r m o r y f o r u s o b y t b e n a - ^

t lo n a l g u a r d a n d r e s e rv e c o m ­p o n e n t s o f a l l b r a n c h e s o f t h e to

» a r m e d f o r c e s . U n d e r a p la n ” calUng fo r 35 per e en t lU te partlcl-

n pnUon. th e naUonal guard would jj, adm lniater th e arm ory for iU sole j , uae.'

A Y I O ham ber directors Uited these reasons for the ir decision to seek

■T two federa l parUclpaUon: »,1. T h ere are no sU te funda avail- “

n iF ^ able fo r parUclpaUon now and Ukely h, won't be by June 3 0 ,19S4. „

N o ^ 3. Id a h o taxpayers presenUy are supporting tb e defenae effort w hich «,

g j _ Includes th e naUonwld# armory con- ^ StrucUon program a s p a rt of th e n a - .

which security program . Therefore, j ,5cdan I*^^® taxpayers ahould no t be ex- «. , ? ? pected to pay a«oin through sU to h

tax ch an aels. “3. T h e arm ory ahouJd be geared

to se rve th e grea tes t number of m ill- _____ ta ry u n its by being avaUable to re - 5

serve componente a s well as th e n a - . « h5« - U onal guard . T h is Is n o t posslbls ^ ‘“ O nl m i a t h . lU t , p u O d p a U i p t o S o n u u 4. m a s m u c b a s th s n a l io n ls h e a d - ° w en t ed tow ard onlversal mlfitary tr a in - ®

i m e , log; th e program ahould n o t be h a ^ - « s tru n ffb y « ro cU n » ln a d eq tia t« 'it ri» . 1

« i d tad llU es . I f a n a im ory Is Z built h e re . I t should be. bulU wiUi *

5*^ anU clpatlon of tmlversal ,m U i t ^ ^ “ M Cd tra in ing , wlUi faculties ade<tuate Z . .. and avaUable fo r a ll M a^a VaUey ^

^ 2nen return ing to tnacUva sU tu s .. a fte r tra in ing . ‘

5. B uslaessm ea aad c h a m b e r m em bers bave underw rittea p u r-

ram p (C nU aatl *■ P k ft s. C*l«aa (} <

’13 Jordan Urges gi“‘° SEC Hearing ■ UX O nW W Sale;^ 0 - B O ISE . Dec. 3® W J-A hearing to « S a t- p e rm it "orderly and open publle *

consideration", o t American Pow er t and L ig h t company's to

. seU lU to te rest in W ashington . 1 ave- W ate r Power com pany wm nr*ed a 1050 today by Qov. L en Jordan, d w ith ^ telegram to tbe SEO, Jo rd an 3 Sev- declared tb a t Id ah o 's governmental [e aa 'd agencies **wiU e x er t th e ir tn«T<»rnifn le p a r- e ffo rts to see t b a t this rem it is n o t

p e n ^ t t e d to occur." s tree t. Proposal TJoaeeepUbleurb lng H e sa id A merican's proposal was a c a r “un d u ly complex, wholly unaccept- i W es- able a n d completely latelerable." ,

p took T h e govem or foUowed up h is te le- D am - gram wlUi a caU to H arry M cDon- ,

larUes. aid. SEO chairm an , asking I t th e , SEO h a d conaldered w hat etfect th e ,

ned by proposed sa ls w ould have on n o r th ‘ ged by Id ah o power users. rforrUl, SEC Meetsifter 4 T h e SEO m et la te r la Uio day b u t : UorrlU no conclusions were reached. Com - .

apace m issloner D onald C. Cook aald tbe : a lre e t question of w hether to bold publlo .

rred . h earings was one of the m ala potots s tre e t discussed.

and a "T o sum m arily close th e case Skin - w ith o u t fu rther opportunity fo r tbe

1 accl- custom ers of W ashington company ler d e - ta Id ah o to know w bat is going on

or w h a t th e fu tu re etfect o f this proposal will be would appear un-

N th inkab le ta view of,the large sum s • of Qioney tovolved both as fees for U J l l p a rtic ip a n ts and profits fo r securi- t l l i l Ues ow ners," th e governor said.

Dec. 30 -----------------------------

tem pts 26 Reported Dead In Atlantic Storm

ny and LONDON. Dec. 39 Wl — Furious sterms.- whipped up by hu rricane

0 ho ld w inds roaring across th e AUanUc,^ la shed E urope's westem coasU to -

e red s n ig h t a n d 20 persons wero reported Ued to de ad o r missing.

R ough w ater raged from Spa to to w from Scandtoavla . T h e AUanUo w as one roared v a s t boUIng cauldron, from tb e Bay

ed*. of Biscay to Brita in , western 6 lx ty -fo o t waves pounded over the w S a t - c oast o f aou them England. H un- on th a d reds of smaU boats lying a t anchor w here w ere swam ped. Even tbe g ian t

as low Q ueen M ary l l m ^ toto p o r t 73 h o u rs la te . ,

:iy slg - M ost o f the frequent radio ^ n n nter or fro m sh ip s ta distress came from tbe e. . a re a o ff Land's end, tb e southeast­

e rn c o m e r o t England,O IP A d lspa teh from Spain aald U lunday, S p a n ish fisherm en have b een -lo st Vlnston ta tb e la s t th ree-days. Teo s to n n c re ta ry d e a th s developed In Ireland, w here Q ueen th e hu rrican e winds struek m ost voyage fierce ly ,. and anoUier w m repo rted

B E C A R E F lD rive carefuU y . over i l

New Year’s holiday weck-«x rem em ber— If yon’re gc drink, don’t d rive. Help traffic accidents.

Clrralitlsa j P R I C E 8 C

l i t H i t f o i M o n e y o

ed S e r v icipartment was accused today o f spendii :h the counties don 't want. Commissioner Maurice E. A dkins, Meri director of tho Ada-Elmoro county he id by Gov. Len Jordan to investlffate c--------------------------- a g a in s t t h o dep a rtmI__ . J . board , h e a d e d b y r e

IP toW edneaday afternoon .

• M - m Baldridge also sa id <. r i T l l i r V n e n t exercises too m

over local h e a lto u n iti ■Idl'd u n a n in in u R lv eounty eoDunissIonen ** ■lucu u « m iuuojjr tren d ."i c t i o n of a n a r m - Adklna sa id f d e s i r e d s e rv i c e s "preaaurcd" to appro j

money fo r h e a lth servli

Ity has been given S A ^ c S ‘ [ r e a d y a p p r o p r l a t - N ew Aides N e»n e 30, 1954. W hen th e sU te depi[ e d e ra l fu n ^ , t h ej r uso by tbe na- secretary must and reserve com- "When our county tui

,U branches of th e tot Ujls. we’re not getth Under > p k n ”

p « c e i i t , t a t e p « U c l - " i t would UM tbo tiuiIn T o tT S o S ^ S S ISs « m o i7 for lU eolo K o o l« * u lu d ,

l^oto™ l l . t « l h . »

irucipauon . m en tal b e a lth a nI no sU te funda avail- SIpaUon now and Ukely

aUonwlds annonr con- s u t e

U u o u * . f t .

ory ahould be geared

I a s th e n i ^ U head - Iveraal m ia ta ry tra in - im ahoiU® n o t be haift-

Ig lo macuva s tan ts

•a p > n L c*icaa () enclosed W ith th e u n l' h e said, t h a t a dortCT*

T T in g to ta k e over h is ]oln UrgesX T • control o v e r th e u n it,J b l C d r i n S t ;;m m ln tstra to r w

jn^T SalefT T T X rtdge a a d J a c k Post, »u 39 W J-A hearing to o t tha M aglo Valley irly and open public "more o r less" wrota a

o t American Pow er te r a m eeting of coc om pany's to (CnUaaW r u « a<tres t ta W ashington '

;.!S'!ar Drastic A<un to tho SEO, Jo rd ani Id ah o 's governmental f - AI e x e r t Uielr maximum U r S c Q i OU ia t Uils resu lt is n o t _ “ _

S ^ i o . , ^ 1,1. Soviet SQpletely tatolerable."

S Ksldered w hat etfect th e ^ , ^ 0 im nlshab le t o d . w ould have on n o r th ,

1“ th is cona

aheUier te hold pubUo i T too 5 ^ ^ ' d n U ? one of Uie m ata po tats

loruy close Uie case

Woo. U m t I t w u Invei know w bat Is going on - j * , so a s lb lr be a h

fu tu re effect of, UUs S S d * ^ ^ o t e J

view of,tho large sum s -T he isrolved bbUi as fees forand profits fo r securi- i « i ,► v « ,Uie governor sa id , o ther ^ a t w i ^

dlUi C oplon and Alg

orted Dead mSlantic Storm w o3d*#uffer a^severDec. 39 W l - F u r io u s c o n f id e n t^ jped up by hu rricanelg across th e AUanUc, boviet goi?e's westem coasU to - _ _ ^

wero reported C O U p k

^ S f o n l I n Auto icnuldron. from Uie Bay ELKO. Dec. 39 WV B rita ln . August W ah l, T w ta J

waves pounded over the ported In aatlafac torj i th e m England. H un- day f ro m in juries ^ U boats l y l ^ a t anchor automobUe a c d d e n t y ped. Even Uie g ian t cers aaid U ielr c a r sk ' Umtied toto p o r t 73 highw ay «0 w e s ie f O

. dowa a s te ep e m b ^tie frequent radio calls One o th e r p e rsb n 't I distress came from tbe Retabold,- d a i ^ t n . e l Id's end. Uie 6o\iUieast- Edwta RetnboM . U Q )t England. boap ltallsed ' o rera lgbtl from Spata sa id 10 leased today ; .T*D-ati le rm en have b e en -lo s t were xm hiu t, th ree-days. Ten s t o m T he a tten d in g ^ loped In Ireland, w here W ahl received a irac j ne winds struck m ost U rs . W a h l a fn o tu r I anoUier w m repo rtad kaea. H a « a ld -a» tih ii/^« frfilBht«p a i riHUMlVv-................

Page 2: · ^^BULLETIN Korea. (Sonday). ^ P p J ^ 'T h e eom m anlBta to-^ H I L i M t w o p o ln ^

i Expert TellsI Of Rainbows l [ Dui’ingNighHi : B r J . HUGH PRUETT111 ' A tifononer. Extcnilon DiTlrionMf '!■ OrtroQ B lfh e r EdtiMtton SjritenLit ! "I retd ft new* iKtn recently rHi , ftrdlnir » r»lnbow seen at nightI' li I Atutralls. I t vfta news U> me thli) >' this VM newi,W’ l z havs ie«n »II;J t u r n a ln i l , righ t here InH I VaklmR valIe7.“^ K n ( |k J J f Hu y (AJ3i{.)■ M T h a c o r r e f p o n d '^ B y - ^ / ^ Hn n ent'4 d M C T lD tlo n ^^ ^ ;> *H ill I j tliat o{ aII ll lunar rainbow.

th e Interior a t a t e s . ^ H I ^ ^ ^ H I l I' a close o b n e r v t r ^ B O n ^ ^ ^ H jfl'J of the n igh t u :l bas a chance ofII U welnj such,once " *l l tn In about 90 S'eart, aecordlns to E U H w . J . Humphreys. In cowtal arei R 1 th e chances are belter. In part* ' HHl Hawaii w here ralnaiorms are f r

yi qucnt. bo th solor and lunar roll bow# are much more common.

Many believe the colored rini I »cBneUmea eoen around the moon a. ; rainbows. These arc merely corom ' o r halos assodated with thin cloui

In stormless sklea. nalnbowa are n Ues of rainstorm s and are neen : \h o opposite p s r t of tbe sky fro th e mMo.

N o ln BHjnlrement*For d istinct n ight rainbows tl

m oon m ust bo nearly full nnd n very high, since the llghl of the fi moon 1* ortJj-about 1/ 80M 00 th a t ' funU sht. I t Is enslly retiUied thi a ll Its possible luminosity U neede B u t favorable to n ight rainbows th e fac t th a t the sky l.i far darki • n d bowa can be seen whleh cou no t be detected a t all In dayllRht.

F o r early evening rainbow produi 'I Uon. raindrops m ust be falling we J| of the observer In order th a t refram 'W tlon and reflection can properly r fl tu m the dispersed hir

P lnally, th e a ir from th e moon’s A recUon to th s location of the rali

11 bow formaUon WUat be unusual ■r clear.ij Baw Only OneB T he present w riter viewed hla on T.' lu n a r rainbow almost exactly

’]J years ago. T he evening was atom ; I iw ept—hlgh wind and driving ral )V M om entarily th e ra in ceased at l l th e big moon tore a narrow ren t I th e eastem clouds. Immediately I iride ribbon of eplendor and pe

recUon curved acroas th e west. The ends of the varl-colored a

i touched th e horizon I n 'th e soutl w est and northwesL I t round*

I gracefully upw ard across denIII black clouds and reached Its cii

m lnatlon In a str ip of c lear ek H lg h e and over nearly aU th e re

, o f the aky there hung a heavy eu 1 U ln of atorm.

« T h e stree ts and houses and lawi 1 wero flooded w ith m oonllghu Tl I . tolK fuU orb, near th e eastem hoi 1' 1 son and poised In an xmuaually cle 111 p a tc h of sky—the bluest bl IlU imaginable—waa sending lla ta I C 'Under th e overhead blackness a:I n ■ projecting th s gorgeous aro o n . t I lf acreen of falling raindrops In t { '' w e s t So unusual and thrilling wII th s K sse , one alm ost felt ho w • J In another world.[I W ind-driven scud soon raC' ' * Kcross th e blue In the east. Ang

ioloudi engulfed the moon and bio tod ou t th e rapidly fading bo T h a fury of the storm was resume b u t th s fascinating picture can nev be forgotten.

ImprovingSHOSHONE, Dec. M - M ani

BelU f. who received a fractur neck In a fall two weeks ago. is r ported to be Improving slowly th e Ooodlng hospital. His le ft 1 atUl la paralyzed. T he extent of I Jury to h is spinal cord sUll Is u ksow n.

The elderly m an fell w ben a t b le collapsed while b s was repal

Iln s il celUnff In th s Idaho O ran Supply building.

The Hospital i l r L-----------------------------------------------

VlslUng hours a t Mngle Vail U em orlal hospital are from 7 tosmd 7 to 8 p.m. _____

AD^nXTED B lsabe th Johns. Mrs. Elvln 1^<

M rj. w . C. Haney. Mrs. Henry 81 BeU. M rs. ElliabeUi Commo; M rs. June Denny, Mrs. W lllli H urele, Ju a n ita Olson. Mrs. C Howell. Mrs. Tcx Boude, Mrs. Pr B ltchle and Mrs. Pau l Nickel.

III T w in ra i l s : Pauline Kello«g. Hi i l l U ster; M rs. William Bosworlh a I I H ennan Johnson. Buhl; Boy Ito H O lenns Perry; Jam es Kopp. Hti

I sen . and Mrs. Nancy ConnaughU ! Eden.■ D I s ^ ^ s s to)■ Juan tla .O laon . ^U«. Robert 8<

enson and son. Mrs. n a y Young a daughter. D anny York and Kenh« Dunken, aU Tft'ln PulLi; n . Crocker. Jerom e: Ocraldlne Ph

F llps, K imberly; A lbert VogoU, Bu: I I> e King and Mr*. Mark Boye* a U . daughter, a ll H ansen, and Mrs. I

BurgoM^e and daughter, Pllcr.

WeatherTwin Falls and v ic in ity -In tem i

te n t *now er ta in . High ye iten 45, low 33; a l 5 p jn . 39. Darome

I *3.72. PreclplUtlon .11.

>!*«. Mln. T.

I'D»n»tr ___ _ 41 jn

, ” il J4

Phovolsroctl» llo_____________ 11

S ^ t' _________ ** « 'jj «*n i'tkntitto l5 6!3 o« m « ''_ ....r . '" zz zz zz r.i5 «

I B B W HI I c c . ANDERSON’SH \ Twin FalU—QoodJng-DnM


l a K e e p t h e W h ite F l a gor S a f e ty F l y in g

W 3

gtt- Irlrion IIIiyitem In s .

Ight in I r " ^le th a t II

I //DID 31 d ays w tth o u t a

tra llic death in our M agic VaUcy.

Taxpayer League In Lincoln Seeks Member Increase

to Dr. SHOSHONE, Dec. JJ-M en ib ers 1 areas. fomied U ncoln o t -Taxpsytrn ftswclaUon are sollclUng re fr?'* jd tuuona l membership Uila week r ra m - , ra tin g p la n of 11 a. person.

^ Tho p lin to eoUect dues w as ex- ' plained a t » recent meeting o f the

o rg an lu t lo n . Money collected will be .o ro n u applied to eipenvies of the o rgan l- ciouas ^ n d Ihsi only paid mem-

7 * bers will b e allowed to voto a t fu- tu ro « . U i i |n '

y irom j_ j^ ^ t t, Sho.Mione. chairm an of tho orianlxaUon, named th re e In- vesUgaUnff conm lttees th is week,

ws the Include R. W . Orove, C. M.nd no t W ilson. Bhoshone; E. J . K irkpatrick,

full Dlotrleh. a n ? Paul B ancroft, Nortli th a t of Shoshone, who will make a 's tudy d th a t of comparative valuations in town needed. country. Mott. P . C. W entw orth. x)WB Is E. E . M cNet, K eith Jackson and da rke r D ea n O uthrle. Bhoshone: Ed Stubbs, I could H arry P r io r u id Rusiell Pom U. light. Richfield, and H orold O ooch and iroduc- P loyd aooa. northw est Bhoshone. will IB w est p resent th e problem to the county refroc* eom m lulonert. iriy re- Mott, w. 7, sU m pson, M rs. Ar- to h im . tm u- M artin snd Jo h n Slutznegger in's dl« wlil study the 1053 budget fo r pos- s r a in , s lb le liv ings of c oun ty costa, usually T h e commlltee findings a n d re­

p o r ts vlU be Riade a t the n e x t or- gan lra tlonal m eetlns scheduled for

its only ? courthouse.

■“™° Paul Seeks Bids For Sewer Work

stely a PATH* Dec. JO—T h e Pau! villageid per- boa rd h as Utued calls for bids on‘St. Jo n . S fo r 13.US fee t of tru n k s andred aro la torali f o r u n ita ry sewers alongsou th - th e streets and alleys w ith in Uie

ounded village lim its.dense B ldi a ro asked fo r the lay ing of

ta cul- vitrified tU e or concrete pipe rang- a r sky. i n ; f ion 8 Inches to IB Inches, man* h e rest holes, m d other appu rtenances. De-vy cur- U lled description of tho wor)c and

requlremonts.ipeclficaU ons, Inslruc-I law ns Uon of bidders n n d othcr contract lU Tho documenU covering th# w ork, can n ho rl- be secured from th e village clerk, ly c lear E lm er ro txer.t blue T h* w ork irlll be paid f o r withta rays loeal Improvement 10-year bonds a t» s and five per c e n t In terest. T h e villageon, Uie reserved th e right to reject any orIn the a li bids.

ng was T he b ids will be opened n t 1:30he was p.m . Jin . 0.

Cassia Educators ? “ i: Schedule MeetingMumed, b u t il e Y . Dec. 29—Cassia counly n never dftaaroom teachers and school ad ­

m in istrato rs *111 m e et a t 7:30 p.m. Thursday In ths Burley high school.

Pollow lns the prelim inary a a th e r- Init of t«achert a n d odm lnlstm tors, th e tvo group] will separate fo r In*

actured dlvlduil meetings, aecordlng to >. Is re- Donnld Mntthews, prlnclpnl o f Dee­p ly a t lo high school le tt leg M atthews pointed out thLn Is a i of In- departure from previous nrronge-

*• t*®* m ents o f principals ond teachers . meeting o n sejiarate dates. j

n a ta . I

ar.n,. Magic Valley ___ ' Funerals' • P1LER<—Puneral aervlces fo r Ray-

I m ond M. Duerlg will be conducted Valley « t 3:30 p m Monday at th e Whlto » to 4 m ortusry by members ot th e Elks

lodRe. In term ent will be m ade in T w in Fnlls cemelery.

S v ^ h u 'TWIN PA L L S-Puneral ser%-lcesmmon< fo f Nf*- M axlne Johnson willw m iarn be held n t 1:30 p.m . Wednesday Inrs Old 'Vhlte mortuar>- chapel, wllh•s’ Pred J^'chsrd DoVllllera official-■ki>i nil It'S* Durifil nlll be ronde in Sunset« Hoi- ^^emerlal p a r t______ ,rih and HAILEY - ru n e r a l services forly 1 ^ , Oeorge Dftvlri Campbell will be heldM .l, * '‘ t 2 p. m . Monday a t the Mnjoniclugnion. temple, Burlil will bc made In the

Hallcy cemeter)'.

:r t Sor- H A IL E Y -Funerai mass fo r Flor-ung an d enclo ElRuextbil will be celebratedCenhelh atJO:JOa.m .M ondny a t St. Charles'

R D. CothoUe church he re by th e Rev. e P h il- Pother T . A. K ecron. Rosnry willa, B uhl: be recited a i a p.m . Sundny a t theoyes and McOoldrlck funcn»l homc. In ter. ■Irs. Bob m en t will be m ade In th c Hallcy


TWIN PA LLS-Punernl nen'lccs fo r 0*en Wsddell will be held nt 2 p.m. Mondjy o t tho W hlto mor-

« e rm » . Chnpcl U lh Lhe Rev. E . Uslleciieroay offjdating. in tc rm on t will beiromewr ^ i d e In 6 u n « i Memorial pnrk.

.. T .„ KIM BERLY -Servlces for Jeromem . jf tc . Loyjj jpf JJII Mondiy o l the W hite mortuary J : chapel wlUi the Rev.- Vernon Toy. jn o« Ktmberlj'. offlclaUng. nsj^lsted «• by Uie Rev. A]t>crt B. P a rre tt, Twlr U Falls. S urlo t ulll be made In Sun- i ; 'j* s e t Memorial pnrk.

i : i H ^ T i H g

»« m i-r

^ MAGIQ c n

» I d a h o S o l o n ^ A re O p p o s in g

I k e ’s B acke i■WASHINOTON. Dec. 39 (Special

—B oth Id ah o OOP senalora appei firm ly ag a in s t elecUng o pro-Elser how er senato r os t h r leader of the p a r ty in th e upper cham ber.

W hen th e new congrew convene O O P senate members m u st elector o t their ow n as m inority leader 1 succeed th e late S ena to r W herr R ., Nebr., w ho died la s t m onth. T l

io u t a "N o. 2- m a n under W herry wi M aalc Senator. Saltonstall. R ,'M ass ., wh

Is being pu.ihed for th e top spo t i pro-Ikc forces.

Sen, H en ry Dworshak, R., Idt n - i i o “ y* agalnat SaltonsU. g u c "bceauie h e 's too easy-going. He's

m c-too m an for the Democrats." C C t i s W hile W elker says no th ing specli

Ica lly about SaltonsU li, he’s sollc “e a s e ’y behind th e candidacy of Senate M«nh/*r» Bridges, R.. N. H-. w ho Is reportec n fm in iu ly uncom m itted to a n y president! toulm na heWcvcd pro-Taft.,,71 _. "S W elker declares. “I ‘m firmly con . nerion . m ltted to Bridges becouse he Is m w M ex f®** “"y Pre^'dentlal a sp lm nt a t

Iff o f tha ’ '■hen I t appears wise In 181rrt win hn ^nve a neu tra l m inority leadt

“ rnan l- th a t poslUon. A se n ate mlnoril Id mem- could have o trem endous lrto a t fu" fo r a cnndldnte. In fae

h e could w ork as a cnndldate’.-i flo( arm n n 'of n injiaser. T h is we c a n 't have."

in . D w m h ttk s a y s he 'll suppo ^ B rldR ts fo r the p o s t "If he Is

- w ' candlrfBte." T he New Englander-n rv'nniripk' con tly wroto o Icltcr to Dworshn f t N orui w 't h wliom h e served on the senai

a 'Ktudv npp roprlatlons committee In 1041 t«wn •‘fl* <nd(c«tlr7ff lha t h e would tal

r-ntwQrth th c Job on ly If assured of suppo) tson ond

I S Mrs. Johnson, 26, Claimed by Deatl

M rs. R u th Maxine Johnson. 2 M rs. A r- d ie d of a prolonged Illness Saturde utznegger m om lng a t th e hom e of h e r slstei . fo r pos. In-Iaw , M rs. Ray W right, 81 sta . F o u r th avenue west,

a n d re - M rs. Johnson was bom Oct. 2 n e x t o r- 103S, a t Gooding a n d had reside

duled for h e re 15 yenrs. She had a tuhde srthouse. T w in Fails grade schools and his - ■ nchool and was a m em ber of tlJ n T w in F a lls '; Women’s Oolf »ss(

elation.She l.< survived b y -h e r huiban

IT U r i i E ldon Johnson; h e r mother. Mi u l village H ftttlo Prew eit. T w in Palls; or ' bids on daughter. L inda Lee Johnson. Ta’i u n k s and PaU s; ono broUier, R obert Nelso ers along T w in Falla: o half-broU ier, Lulhi I th ln Uie Jones, T w in Palls, a n d two slstei

T helm a D eCorla, A rco. and Beh lay ing of Lewis, T w in Palls.Ipe rang- ru n e ra l services w ill be conduct! hes. m an- n t 1:30 p .m . Wedne.vlay a t tl nces . De- W lilte m ortuary chapei by the Re wor)c and R ichard DeVllllers. In term ent wl I, Inslruc- bo made In Sunset M em orial par ' contract, ------------------------------

Member of Board for wllh Named a t Sessioi

MURTAUOH. Dec. 2 9 -B o b Breec«r « * new *>oai

^ m em ber o t th e Form Bureau mee 1 nt. T 'lo *” 6 T hursday night. Leon Plcke a nv i . ju of lhe M urtaugh un it, cot

duc ted th e meeting.Mrs. B e th Jacobs. T«'ln Pall

] O r S discussed th e offlee se t-u p and men . bersh lp dues. A m otion was passi

P T i r i f l '’ t o Increase memberahlp dues fro JIO to »15 heglnnlnK Feb. l . IDS

la counly E arj w n t t s and D avid O . Moy> :hool nd- w ere elected as delegaies from Mu: 7:30 p.m. ta u fih to th e county. Members we; j h school, to ld lha t M rs. O ertrude W. JohJ y B ather- a o n , ’iM'ln Polls, h o s been elecli i ls tm to rs , p residen t o f tho Associated Womi te fo r In - o f the county. Announcement a t rd lng to w n s made o f a dairy meeting to 1 ,l o f Dec- h e ld In Januo ry o t th e Murtaug

h ig h tchool. W endell Stukkl w thl.n Is a b e the guest speaker, n rronge- Farm llobllUy Insurance was e: teachers p la ined to th e group. At the ne:

1 regu la r m eeting, J a n . 24, a film ( ,| I ■ Irrigation w ill be show n.

Elmore Man Dies ------ At Local Hospita

■WililBm E . Ebbert. 78. MounU u H om e died n t 3;4S a .m . Saturday :• t M agic V alley Memorial hospital. 1ir® ,.. I,? "■»» 1875, In Clnclnnam nde in .^.^3 ^ resident i

I d n h o Falls. ser\-lce! '» survived by one son. Wl

,nM n wll! B. EbbcK . Van Nuys, Callf. Inp.irtiiv In auocln ted In business n t Moui nM tt'iih ta in Home with Mr.i. Be.vile Forg 5 of'flclat. T h e W hite m ortuary Is sendli In sun^i*L th e body Sundny to Idnho Falls fi

funera l services and burial.

\riVA Necessary Steel !d” n°31 Promised Schoo

WASHINGTON. Dcc. 29 (Specla fo r Flor- —'The c lly of Pocalello Is as.iun

•elebrated th® »tcci required to construct U rhiiri»,«' Mametlft elem entary school, the 0

't h e Rev o ' »erm nn Welker, I 3snry wlli onnounced todny.ny n l the ■'"x»it 1"0 ton.i o t steel hnve be<

In te r . '‘PPfovcd by the U. S . oflice of edi Ve Hallcy <‘'t lo n . h is otrice reported, allhous

a request fo r coppcr was dlsalloweTlie tcdcrn l agency wlli make.sui

I nen'lccj Ro^tlons to the clly on methods ' e held n t sub itltu tlnR alum inum for copp h lto m or. con.^tnictlon of th o building. U . E . U slle W “ l'oan's office snld.

P"'” ' Paul Grange Has " .f Christmas Part;m ortuary PAUL. Dcc. 20- T l i c Paul Oran; n o n Tay- h e ld a g if t exchange party Wedne

Bs.tlsted d a y eventnz. r e l t . Twin A C hristm as proRrom was pr e In Sun- sen ted by th c lecturer. Mrs. Kel'

Brown. Q ueatlciis on C hristm as we




T w in FaUsising flrt

1 ^ T h a executive boord of W asl n P K P f * to n PT A will m eet o t 1:30

W ednesdoy In th e school audltoi

oW rl^w pew H olidoy V o c tio n0 p r o - ^ n - Mf- “ " ‘I M rs. L. T . Orubb ader of the ir vacoUonIng In S on Pronclsco M ibcn th e ^ l ld o y seoson.

V lilU nf Mothrx li! W nnda W nrdlow, En, ,? 1 * 1 ^ Collf., 1s spending the holidays

Yl h e r m other, M rs. H o ra Joh:

’ IiBprovlBt1 top spo t by Volley hospital attend <. T, r j S o turday reported Mr. and

sk. R ’ Ida., WllUam Peters , who w ere inJ It SaltonsU li W ednesday In a n automobile ; gomg. H es a H ansen , ore "Im prov jm ocrats. g o th w cre repo rted in “critica l ' th ing specif- <iiuon following th e m ishap.I, h e s solid* .y of s e n a to r G oing to Sehool Is re i» rie d - q w o C hris C. Pearhellerpresidential c w o Clifford J . HoUi, boUi 'pro-Toft. m u j , will d e p o rt the f irs t olfirmly com- year fo r the Presidio of San I

u e he Is no t clsco, Callf., w here they will alsplm nt a t a a six-week adm in istra tive ccwise In 1882 c w o PearheU er Is a m em ber 0lority leader th ird ba ttalion 's headquarterslate minority headquorters compnny ond >rmendous In- R oth Is o m em ber of the regimtc. In fact, headquortera a n d headquartersdidnte’s floor pany. 116th orm orcd cavalry, II 't have." na tio n al guard, e'll support I '

:nglander-re- Korean VeteransL S F S Are Offered Ne;

Type of Policithe OOP, ■A new type of low -cost goi____ m en t life Insurance Is avallab

n /» eligible K oreon cam paign vettf l . Z n . w ithout physical examination,

.* cordlnK to A rnold Helwege, co)r I I P i l f h representaUve in charge of the

* office o f the ve terans adm lnlJohnson, 20, tlon.ess Saturday j t jg ^ non-convertible flvC'>f. • ‘““ f : level prem ium th a t m ay be renw rlght, 013 every five yenrs n t th e ra te fo)

th e n .a tta in e d oge. Policy ami r*WB0 from ll.M O to *10.000

had resided o th e r govem m ent life Irtsuramlad ntUnded force n t the Ume of appUcaUorDls nnd high A pplication m u st be madember of the days n fler releose or separ

Oolf osso- jro ia active service. T he polli n o t converUble lo oUter fom

ic r huiband. govem m ent life Insurance, d o tnother. Mrs. dividends, doea no t have

Palls; one loan value, cn.ih su rrender vali>hnson. Ta'ln extended Insurance value.)bert Nelson. , Helwege sold I t m erely pro lUier, L uther ju o Insurance coverage while 1 two slsUrs, m lum s are being paid for theI, and Belva year period. F u r th e r InformaU

avoiloble a t th e veterans odnbe conducted traU on office. 340 Moln avenue«lay a t the ......................................^

Weather Milder — T In Eastern U.S 0 3 r d ' Associated F re ts^ • The naUon's eostem two I

m ilder w eother Saturday. « there were w idespread rainy ar

-UOD B re e ^ T em perature rises of from 10 . new ooaro degrees b rought thaw ing weath

m uch o f Uis m idw est snow belt. ^ ^ J . cold eosed even In M aine a fte r J Ign un it, con- reported a nlghtU m e low <> Pnii. dcgrccs bclow scro. iw in ra ils , ^

n't"®*! Inword from th e coa; Jw n o rthern U tah, sou thern Idaho

S. w , no rm w esiem M ontana. T herefd o . M o S ; ' i ru L Z V i T . S h t . n . . on ™ n

tem peratures tu rned «now in m any Chicago side at

52 Ihlo o heavy m ush which fui « ham pered traffic . I t was 39 dci

Stukkl w“m

Lighting Contesi Winner Select

' n i o a HAOERMAN. Dcc. 20 -r / i c o C hristm aa hom e lightlnR co

A Q M l f i l l E m erson Pugmlre. U S p i l a l Judges wcre M r. ond Mra. Ite. M ountain Brown ond Rosalyn Rocky. '. Saturday In announced th e ir decision Thui

hospital. H e nisht.The Pugm lre hom e was dccoi resident of ^

n . w n fron t door, ligh ted eversreens, ?v, "M erry Chrlstma.v e J 'a ? M o u n “

S " ^ ^ r l . w a s mnho Falls forurlal. asked by the lec tu re r and ansv------- by the G rangers. T h e Chris

tree w as tr im m ed ' and ChrisH c c l carols sung,r t 1 1 Refreahm enis were served byO C n O O l Brown. .Mr.i. Albtn Brown29 (Special) Mrs. K enneth W alker.

,0 Is assured [ I ~:on5trucl Uie . »ihool, the o f . J .

jtllcc^Df ^ U - ted. allhough

111 m ake.sug. l J j i i 7 v ? 5 1 l r 4 l A P PI methods of 4 /I for coppcr building, the

! H a s T h e Follow ing

i P a rty W I L L IPaul O range T T ■ ■ ■ I * Iarty W ednes- » j •

M o n d ay'. Mrs. K eith r \ B / ^nristmasw ere P c C « J


H E R R E T T 'S

lAL . J “ E P H■ M A T I

f 11- ^ R . ' L

l i i l J i S T E R L I N I

M A R I O N T A N !

I. T W I N F /i

t im e s -n b w s , '

Falls News in BriefMetUng restpeoed

of W ashing- Thero will be no K nu ll Ot a t 1:30 p jn . me^Ung this 'w eek . The n e x t t ol auditorium , ing Is scheduled for J a n . 16.

. BirthC. O rubb a re A son wos bom to Mr. andtonclsco d u r- Poul Nickel. T w in Folia, PridiI. Magle Valley Memorial hospiu

Serrlnc In K orea Ilow, Eaclno, James 8 . Miracle, T w in Polholidays wlUi serving In K oreon woters oboanora Johnson, USS Comstock,, a landing ship

• H e entered nnvy servlee Auj 1050.

a l a tten d a n ts Home en FurloughMr. and M rs. 'Bgl. Jam es E. Russell, son 0:w ere in ju ied and Mrs. A. P . Russell, is speiomoblle oecI- th e holidays w ith h is parentsI "Im proving.” to reporting to F t. Blley. K ow"critical" con- officer candidate school, m«Ishop. service corps. ______

Bedim s From School sarheller a n d CspL Joseph C. Ryan of 1 h, both T w in quariers. llO lh arm ored cO' ! f irs t of th e Idaho naUonal guard, h a s reli of San P ra n - to TR-ln Falls from F t. Knox, sy will a tten d where he completed a three-D a tlv o course, associate advance course a t th nember of th e m ortd school.iquarters ond ---------1- nnd CW O Offices to CIom h e regim ental Offices of th e Tw in Polls Iquarters com - recruiter, ve terans ' adm lnlsln :avalry, Idaho selecUye servlee board and 1

security will be closed Monday-------- • Tuesday for th e New Y ear’s

doy- "Tl'e offices will remoln B r a l l S ‘li'y n®*t so turday .

H N p W Man Jailed AgainrT V . . H^rry W. Dickey, released PP n l l ^ * I P f i «»enioon wJU) the stlpuloUonI he leove the clly, was a rre su'-cost govern- elty officers a t 0:30 p.m. Prides available to ^ gecond charge of drunkennesalgn veterans the second charge he wna arramlnatlon, oc- in police court, pleoded guiltyiwege, contnct was 'fined 120. Unoble to pajle of the locnl fine, he wns com m itted to this odm in lstra . jnii for 13 daya.

.Iblo flve-yeor Morrloge Licenses»y be renewed Marriage licenses w ere IssueCe ra le for th e day and Saturdoy to M arvin Ijlley am ounts nold and Olaro Pae Cole. boUt > >10.000 less Pall,; K enneth L. SchmidgallI Irtsurance In caro l June Bcvercombe, bo th IippUcaUon. ton; Roland O . Jacky. Jerom ebe made 120 vivlan Leota Collls. Tw in :or separation prank H. Ripper. Buhl, a n d PaT he policy U Huddleston. F iler; Odeli S . Jh e r form s of Burley, and M ary J . W lnU r ince, does n o t Twin Falls; Oeroid Lee Callen,no t have any erson, and P a tric ia Lee Boyd, inder value o r Paii,, ^nd Jo.seph R ichard V.ilue. Murtaugh, and Patric io Raeerely provides ton, Twin w hile pre» ------------------------------, for the five- • ,More Receipts o:rans odm lnis- „ 1 t •r ^ n u e cast. yUlC SCalS LlSliI / I a v * Receipts from Oie sale of t[ i U c r culosls Chrlstm aa seals In

^ I T Cl county are grnduolly c<rn U • In *0 Mrs. J . O . Pum phrey, C'ed Pre«s chairman.^ recelpla are from■n two ih ira s collccUons In th c vlllngSaturday, ond , 307,3 „3 compared; J230.10 collcclcd In th e vlllagi

from 10 to JO year. No reports have been re< Irom BUW, K ta b .rly , H » n ..

mow belU The a fte r H oui- j.i„_ pum phrey reports coUc<Ime low of 21 Jn Tv.-In Falls are Incomplcu

receipts In th e c ity so f a r to ta l ;de ra in areat*’®, to Meanwhile. Mrs. Doris Stx;rn W aho ano coumy .,upcrintcndcnt of sc1. T here were reports I00.Q7 tum ed In fronesaee and \ Ir- Moroa school distric t. She U ri

Ing receipts from various scon no rthern dally.

!rn New E ng- ,

. tu m e d deep 0 side streets sh lch fu rther .as 39 degrees grees prcd ic t- jT i

-------- .A j w r


2 0 - T h e |S I ' .n tlng contest ®Pugmlre

,rt Mn. Unvrf The b a t Job of faee-UfUo

:lon Thursday

was decorated Inus over th e■erffreens, a n d i 1 ■ ■ -:hrlstmn.i" In k i l l I 1 / ^re top of tho f f T l l l H l V '

DELIVERYr s s s TUESDAYnd Christm as

Y oung 's D o ir

^ J l Your Twin PalU* Jcw c len' wish to o ffer sincere thani

. . *hd appreclaUon for yourp ^ A P P W P»tronago in the p ast, and' tV • ■ extend best wishes fo r yoi

a w i n g T w i n F a l l s ' J e w e l e r s

.L BE CLOSED lay and Tuesday3 E C . 3 1 a n d J A N . 1

3 R 0 N E T J E W E L E R S .........

E T T 'S M F G . J E W E L E R S

S E P H S O N & L L O Y D

V \ A T r ^ S J E W E L R Y

R . ' L R O B E R T S

R L I N G J E W E L R Y C O .

T A N N E R . & J A C K S H R I V E R

’I N F A L L S J E W E L E R S


T"; Full Federal Help WillB

Sought He(PfMM f*f* 00»> •

chase of an armory site, nc Mr. and U rs . eluded In the oppropriaUon

alia, Friday o l feeJ lhe structure should be lol hospital. na ture adequate to saUsfy o g'

community program.6. In event of 0 notional

Tw in Polls. Is armory facilities would be te rs aboard the duelve to the civil defense pre ding sh ip dock-, j t would n o t be logleal to bu rnrlce Aug. 16, inadequate m i l i t a r y Instal

without including boUi clvUIa mlUlory needs.

7. An adequate iln io ture. p leil, son of Mr. 3- equipped to serve a ll m ell, is spending units, would offer more Indl s paren ts prior attraction th a n can be indue Iley, K o n s, for « series of smaller facUIUes e chool, medical fo r various military ' compo

' and would tend to ellmlnnta ' ful dupllcaUon of facUlUw.

1 ■ The chomber plans to 1ly a n of head- various agencies and officials nored cavalry, details of its views, includlns J. h a s relum ed Len B. Jordan . Brig.-Oen Jo r t . Knox. K y , -Walsh, sta te naUonal guard a three-m onU i ta n t general; the departm ent urse a t the a r- feme, Idaho's congressional d

Uon. the bureau of th e budgi • the national guard bureau.

adm lnls tra tio'n College StudentPresent Servi

I rem oln open College students hom e fo »y. holiday vocoUon wlli preser

Sunday m om lng service o t the Falls P lrs t Presbyterian c

released Priday Theme of th e program la itlpuloUon th o t Change." as a r re su d by Presiding will be Doris S l p.m. Priday on Emery Petersen *111 give the m nkenness. O n cation. T h e children's sermo I was arraigned be given by PatU Skinner a t ded guilty and responsive reading by R ae : Jle to pay the Snlbbury; scripture reading, ted to the clly Dalgh. and general p rayer. I

ley Bond. Palrlc la Fllnn wlU

A U lk on th e Uieme will be fere Issued P ri- by the Rev. Donald B. Blacl M arvin L. A r- o th e r studcnta who helped p l

:ole, boUt Tw in service aro Edllh Oillespie. ichm idgall and aniesple a n d Oordon Pigge. be. bo th H a « l - —

Why Not RaSdeli S . Block. , f tJ. W lnU rholer. r« e Callen, Kog- X U .1 I V O Y » • > e Boyd. Ts,-lnUchard Wllcox. you ever asked yourscI d a R ae Den- question? I f you did, d id yoi

o ready answer? I t no t, It wa----------- ly because you were n o t lnt<i r » + o e \ t In raising turkeys or d id noti p l S 0 1 Uielr posslblllUes. I f you hi

Is Listed im«Mted™ln ^ Islng turkeys,

eab " m ^ ^ 'f n S r s ^ 'w i V a v e i h S u ^ u l ' unSuall} c o S raising of Uie tmnhi-M countv need be, we have good turkey mphrey. county morkel, a n d If rre from Filer ** finance for- you. A th c vlllnttc to- one-sUip program for ,

lomnared w ^h y o “ “ r e InUresUd. And th e village la st shouldn’t you be? Orowcrti a e L n r M ^ U .- Plocks of 800, l.Mp y. H ansen or o r larger, a ro profitable, and

lleve there nre many produc io n s collections Magic Volley who should be ; Incomplete bu l turkeys. V ^y t come in ar I fo r to ta l about >t over w iu r 'u s ; lel us expla

plan, and we think you will Doris Stxadley We believe th n t certain an n t of school: Magic Valley are Ideally 1, d In from Uie cllmnUc condlUons are flm . She Is recelv- growers thero con mako good irarious schools raising turkeys.

_____ — . Magic Valley NeiS E S More Turkeys

We have th e poults — h righ t here In our Twin Falls 1

y y S i . . c S ery. We aro here, ready tc you out. so why nol come In and tolk It over? Wo th ink t

I Y f »l*ow you w here money can be. In rolslng turkeys, and surd '

will InU rest you. Think ll ov COME IN SOONI

b Swift Hatcherifaee.U fU ot I» ; Twin FoUs - Phone 181 iperity ._______ GoodlDs • Fhone 68


y $ H CJew e len cere thanks 'or your p ast, and ' ea fo r your ess tn 10S3

s l e r * ALL SHOI 0 tolay •S ty le She

• C asuals• Flats • !

iS Nationally A dvert• Grace Wa• D o l m o d e s '

• R o c k e t t e s

^ R e d G o o s e


m g ■■ , ■

frai ■'I' Seeno . ,A J C p um phrey recoverlni

. T T toothpicks and hairpin from <r r l P , 1 * 0 Uon box for anU-tuberculosli

eontribuUona . . . Conalderabli oo*> - e r on highway 30 between■ site, n o t In- po lls and Pller . . . G irl's 1 opriaUon, aod parked In cenU r of eldewall hould be of a r e a r w heel a ttached to Ilgh kUsfy a general w ith heavy ehaln . . . H arry

h a n p t t l ln s apples . . . Vo naUonal crisis, “cowboy” riding on rear fen' ould be eon- bicycle . . . 10 broken glasi :fense program, park ing m eU r hoods In one sal to bulld an , , , M other Jerking young ( r y Installation jc d coat o u t of puddle o f ws Ul civilian and fro n t of E lks building . . . 8gi

liam K ing musing over chan uoture. proper- w inning f irs t baby contest e a ll m llltory M ra. H ugh Boone taking- sl< nore Individual ^ onlm al hospital . . . V be Induded In hoisting narrow sk irt above icUIUes erected jq jgnp flooded gu tU r . , . y ■ components, stand ing In slush alIm lnata w asU - po in ts eaa l . . . Parked ca

_ IMO* on . . . Dri■''5,. V*. ^ 1 ° . ^ r ig h t lane looking somewhat off of the „ h e n Jerom e county car

le « l*ne • • • couple .II guard a d ju - , _ 1- w ..v g . . t of car onof ovcnue . . . Severol resldeni

Lhl Blng Ice o u t of gu tU r to fa-d rainage . . . And overheard:

sureau. almpllfled th e truck llcenso, , now only one m a a understar

idents r rrrrTTi—n __ Child Releaseeoervices d e c l o . Dec. 2> -B ruce Dhomo for the ton . U -m onth-o ld son of \ li p resen t Uie D arrlijg ton . was released frc

u r lo n “ d ™ W M W ured“ 5 ‘th!;.am im^^^^

R E A P - n M E s -t iz w a w A mI's serm on will d n n e r and the

I I I le will be givenB. B lackstone. t

tielped p lan the \3Illesple. Jo n e t

t Raise CKjys? ' ^cd yourself thla

I n o t in u re a u d I t I V I I Q Ir d id no t know it you hod the

S . r a . K as well a::ey buslness'fo r .poult.1. wc help t o D n: of Uie birds If p i5d turkey feedi, __ ____, a n d If needed. ■ A ^ H i- you. A eom- I M X ^ Iram for you, If ^ Ied. And whyIrowcm arc do- rIOO. i,oop. 3,000, O T o u r,ble, and we be-ly producers In ' ' ' i ■

in"'..';*? Storewide Ifus explain our

you will like It. ir ta ln areas In

ako good money ^

;y Needsrkeys. *Ills — hatched rin Falls ha tch -

W ATCH T'0 Uilnk wc can ,ley can bc made ^o r N e w o n d Evem d surely th a t b e h e re e a i link It ovcr . . .

I t ' “ M A ''hone 66-R

E n g e le n ^WOMEN'S & CHI

O E ^There is still time t able Footwear dui iiiventory shoe cU good range of si group . . . but Hui

HOES RE-GROUP to Save You EreShoes

u a lss * Sport-5 * Infant-s 1idvertised Brandse W a l k e r s

l o d e s - Y a n i g a n s

: e t t e s

G o o s e

S e e n ».. | HealthO. Pum phrey recovering twoiplcks and hairpin from collec- f -k _box for anU-tuberculosls fund r k V 9IbuUona . . . Considerable w at- J n highway 30 between Tw in

and Pller . . . O lrl's bicycle •loner* a t Qifn,ed In cenU r of sidewalk w ith resolution uitZwheel a ttached to ligh t post tlon.heavy ehaln . . ■ H arry Shee- Most of iho hpe illng apples . . . Y outhful county commu

boy” riding on rear fende r of O ov; Len Jordle . . . 10 broken glasses on »re opposed toIng m eU r hoods in one block u tra tlon . HendiM other Jerking young girl In Ret'’ the admlr

:oat o u t of puddle o f w ater in PeUrson, fit; of E lks building . . . Sgt.' W ll- H endrix w u 1K ing musing over chances o f ed by the bosi

in g f irs t baby contest . . . Retired DistrictB ugh Boone taking- sick c a t "o lse , Is Uie ch

Jilmol hospital . . . W om an *>ers are WayIng narrow sk irt above knees President of thi:ap flooded gu lU r . , . H itch - County Clerksr stand ing In slush a t Five I^r. Allreits eas t . . . Parked car. 3T - President of t^. w ith light on . . . D river In UAoclsllon; lane looking som ew hat e ta r t- „ . ^ t thc ouuevhen Jerom o county c a r Jum ps ^“r as i k:treen ligh t to tu m rig h t from “®*n a sutemilane . . . Young couple c linch- funds."in back seot of car on M atn . ^ t a Olenns,ue . . . Several residents dig- commission

Ice o u t of gu tU r to facilltato crlllclwdn a g e . . . And overheard: 'T h e y tlon and suggeillfled th e truck license law— operau -only one m a a understands It." deparUne

Child Released CommitSCLO, Dec. 29—Bruce D arring- RICHFIELD

U -m onth-o ld son of W illiam PTA executive•lijgton. was released from th e T hursday everAge hospital. Buriey. Bruce oppolnt a cotInjured in the .automobile wreck new officers allov. 39 tn which his m other and Mrs. Benia; were killed. nam ed chalrn

----------------------------- Bose ond Mr.D TIM ES-NgW S WANT ADS, members.



Monday, Deas well os New Year

to p repare for th

LAST 4 D/of our g re a t anni

Storewide InVehtory '

to se t up * o f eo rly ;


WATCH TUESDAY'Sfo r New ond Even G rea te r V alues <

be here ea r ly W ed n esd ay Mc

^ • ^ iH A Y I F A I I


2re is still time to SAVE on Go e Footwear during Van Eng entory shoe clean-up! Ther )d range of sizes and style lup . . . but Hurry!

E-GROUPED, RE-f You Even Morel


* In fan ts \ SLIPl

9 9 ^

Page 3: · ^^BULLETIN Korea. (Sonday). ^ P p J ^ 'T h e eom m anlBta to-^ H I L i M t w o p o ln ^

J p n t u r e o f >»-;ipim] Plan t,[

MemorUl hoa -w Uon. I '. ^ V .

J ^ S ^ n e r t o n PUBmlre. ■u th o u g h 4 ? r f

stf.*^Lii]a of doubt t h a t k vo * 5 ^ people nre In U - l ^

operaUnE th e

O .* ^ B * ro H J SW«1«. g H ■ *"*5^ turnout Wld e x - B ] H

tba t the speciiU more of a p r o . ■

iJ^cecuB lsalonera before V definite com* H |

J« lha Dropos&l*? ; ooKlUii:^ rih<hospital board, sa id '0 ^ ‘S l e d to tile c l t l -i nSdW wun^y *“*’ 1 ^ 1county h o sp ita l ■ ■ ^ " ' ^ ( T . f i v e per cent

be a definite ex -

l “S)S "tn« t th e com m ls- i T ^ l c a t e d before th e I^ U ii l Uiey approve^ i ^ r l t y o f the eounty

S j ^ b u p l t a l board sec- - ^ H j» u '‘slod th a t th o B H

..rf Ibe people 1° ^ e c oun ty B Qin reU ln lng a h o s - B H

^ n U t r e of th e ir frlenda ■ m

___________ Need— , r« i • » dtUver,Facing ftial .-«■ )r C h e c k C o u n t>M Bfftf. charged w ith ^" p j tbtck ^ t h o u t fu n d a ( J q w i l o l « i bound over to d ls - ^ (oU ovlne * ' brief p r e - A ■•£ f ^ i l n j before JuiU ce o t A r t L n , 0 . P iuaphrty S o tu r- p i . (Blai. He w u re tu m ed to V / l l Bt; }tQ in Ueu of 1 1 ^ Appol

merco (( Utl hc trins ProiecutlnK comlns . iax o . Uoyd called tw o p , s m l t . AomI IUU. « h o allesed ly den t, al tb, tbeet and R ichard A . d irector dtr d*ucu»e. *rao d e fe n d - T he c

a tfpmented by couaool. Holmes, u viueues a n d did n o l „ n c e . 1 f.Kh'it tb« two s ta te w it- n t c s ai

h a m ,' IiStftdoKenM occurred.Z>ec. toxatlor

tlon an■-------------- ---------- H o o p s .;

[ G u a r d P a y Eugene

[otals Reported!ei of Uie two naUonol guard iSHrnH^ la Twin FaU* were paid *“ *nl^H jtr attending 4fl two-hour An^Blfl* IPM, aocordltffcto rec- f “ 16, loai headquarters of th ecmorfd cavalry regiment, “i“ «'0«i»l g^ard.

Saatil A d j u t a n t L a rryUtl uM tilts does n o t I n . . . . . .

jq (or nstlonal guard cm > H lQ * | erlherfgulor arm y In struc-toitd here, n o r does I t In - |<’na r Iot peetonnel wttlfe a t - * ^I inn; tervlce schools In a O ne ir i t s ^ In tho .ilautfd Uils year'a pay ro ll th e UOIuUonal guard com panies Idaho itrn M eiceedlng 1130,000. by a lo________________ U llon’s

1 • i ^ a te rs coiirking Fmesp)Uee eoUceted »51 In bondsud Sjlurday from pe rsons *ment,t puklnj VlolaUons. qua rte r I f» orertlme park ing w erebr CUude Sanders. M arilyn , ‘IW.Pullman. R oberl O lson , th e fls;ia , Henry Schwob. Jr., I .. R , by nn 1t, Rosemary Standley, J a m e s i " ? ? ’ ' Ik. B. C. McMullln, M . R.4 U u Rector, E arl W o o d - _____

Rol Baer, Clarence D udley, - p T T"d, John BkaKRs, D onaid B . * *a t . Twin Palls Realty a n d BURIw ampiny, J . W hite, D ic k County Rice. Leonard B em t, M ra. tlon wl

Uade, E V. M cIntyre, J o h n a t UieJ;t*C. Wlldman. B etty D u n n , educatl^InBhjun, Jo h n M ellvllle, dlscttssla* Dfynier, a . H . S m ith ,- I* Mrs.

MibIc Centcr Inc., T . J . g ram cl^W. u . McDaniel, H. W ella, ty PTA*fa^n. B. D. Taylor. O. L . Bram o

be^eatiJ Btnil# Cliff and A . I..

*^P» and Claude S a n d e rs PIL Ew ior improper p a rk in g fi. J . N

o ^ t a n d s wero posted by R orcnc jw m tcpherson ond P a t holiday

S u s S o 2

l a

Blm - M U SIC -

M a in Avenue

^Kf'glCCMBGK SO. 19E1

B u h l N e e d '

T T ~

Needy fo m U ^ of Bnhl bad added reason to elivery of boke* of f»o<i. clothing U id (oyt 1 sy-C-Ctta welfare committee M onday a fte rr T Jaycee*. Looding np (he tm ek prepara tory e, le ft ta rigbt. M n. Dill Anderwin. DUI An

bmmittee Heads Sped ire Appointed by Po

Chamber Official InsuranceAppointment of Chamber of Com- a n s who :rc8 committee chairmen for tho m lllU ry j n lng year was announced by Jocic th e Korct fim lth, the chamber’s new presl- wege, vcii nt, a t a meellng of lla board of ccr, anno ■ectors Friday noon. To bcrhe new chairm en Include Ray J. hnve been limes, civic offalrs:. P . L. Law - lce on o r ice, legUlaUve: Vem E. Hulbert, m ust hnv les a n d traffic; Pred M. Ingra- oblllty fo; m,. Industrial; Charles Sleber, would be cation: Robert R. Oeer, conven- Policies n a n d tourist promoUon; W. R . *10,000. \ ops. highway. th e specifsterling C. Larson, educational; flco w lthl gene I . Hammond. naUonal of- .the VA f irs: L . Jam es Koulnlk. member- service cc Ip; KenneUi G . Self, wholesale m allon jt d dlslrlbullve; J . D, McCollum, c a i VA o rlcuituro and reclamaUon; John . . - Angerbauer, r e u l l dlvUlon.

Contact directors wlll be sp - i / i V U l Inted later. The chamber oper- m _ _ , a under a system of having each X W ( •ector responsible for Uie opera- in a n d success of each comtnlUee.__________________ Rrnnlcd

[igh Rating Won « ! For Local Guard

Dne of tho h ighest raUngs given _ . , , v p , Uie annual armory InspecUon of

e n o th armored cavalry regim ent, *. _ , aho BoUonal guord, wos received

a locnl company, the th ird bat-lion’s headquarters and headquar- / h o scrs company. S tep h en 3 r h e InspecUon reports Indicate a ifo rn la rc ling of excellent was reeelved by m un ily p ly one oilier company In Uie reg- lent, th e second battalion’s head- Reno. J . a rtc rs and headquarters company b a n d s n lPocatello. --------------

The annual armory Inspection for _ _ e fiscal year 10S3 was conducted ^ H a n InspecUon team for the sixth f t Mjk

my. Presidio o t San Francisco, ^ ■ ■

----------------------------- T hroag

PTA Slates Meet ZTZ.BURLEY, Dec. 20 — T he Cawla c - , .)unty Parent-Teacher’s assocla-m wlll m eet a t a pm . W ednesday, eeroni e

th e Burley high school. ’’P a ren t o th e n . tlueatlon” will be the subject fo r afaio to

Mrs. R uth Ella Maughan, pro- am chairm an for Uio Cassia coun- ■” “*PTA councll, rcporta Uiat a pro- oUier .eoi

am on "paren t delinquency" wlll I featured.

Y IsI t IN G PA R EN TS ■ KnA ~ <PILER, Dec. 29 - Mr. ’and Mrs.J . Nicholson and dauBhter, Nlkl, orcnce, Ore., are spending the B B B j illdays w llh h is parents, Mr. and f U w f f rs. T . S . Nicholson, Flier. 6 . J. cholson Is a Plorenc# attom ey.

. For Your Old k Living Room I Su ite —On ' A New One

S t y l e s a n d C o l o r s

L O W E S T P R I C E S f l l

I N T H E C I T Y ! |

)riS to d0 bttslneti wtth* | y j | l


e n u e E a s t • • 1 ^ 7

e e d y H e lp e d by Ja j

■easoB to eelebrate C hrlslm as after H enry 1m d toy t by m em bers of the Duhl Iho projlay afternoon . T hey were helped reportec«para to ry to delivering the parcels thanked:, Dill A nderson, M ra. Robert Erb, photo-e

Special Type of Vehi Policy Available Sno

A spcclal type o f government life ] U {insurnnce now Is available to veter- -I’l la n s w ho were disabled In ocllve T hreem llllary service since the s ta r t o f removalth e K orcnn cnm palgn, Arnold Hel- cldcnt.i 1 wege, vc lcrans adm lnlstraUon offl-ccr. announced SalUrdny. »

To bc eligible, ve ternai m ust Jhnve been released from actlvc serv- ‘‘i ; „ lce on o r a fte r A pril 25, 1051, and m ust have a service-connected dls-nblllty fo r which VA compensation „would be payable. damaget

Policies may range from $1,000 to R- *10,000. V eterans m u st apply for th e speclnl Insurance a t tlie VA o f- avenue i flco w ith in one year from tho daUs sUiiek I th e VA finds th e ir disability to be dlsW ct ■ service connectcd. AddlUonal infor- tor. dan maUon m ay be ob tained a l the lo- of th o ci cai VA otflce, Helwege said. by officc

------------------- ---- he h i t t

Divorces Granted reported

Two County Men SlK’Tft’o T w in Falls counly m en were

Brnnlcd divorces In dU W ct court damaolrPriday on grounds of cxUcme * cruelty .

B. W . D enlon wns divorced from I J 5 Connie D enton. Safety Harbor, Pla.TTiey w ero m arried in 1C20 In Tcn- SHOSnessee. Property and alimony rights Y ear’s <Iwero s e ttle d prior to the court ac- R iver Ctlon. E a r l W alker wns Denton’s a l- New Yctom ey. • Y ear’s e

’Tho sccond decree was granted * * 4 4 *!S tep h en Poor from Ewrls Poor, Cai- ♦Ifornlft resident. No children or com- Jm unlty property waa Involved. Tho 7 /Poora w ere m arried M arch 15 a t tReno. J . W. Tnylor was the hus- • . s C l tband’s n ttom ey . J /O /

CANCER?!T hroagb onr ow a research d ls- % ,

eoverles mt lha S p c o n ChlroproeUe JS an ita rium and llospilal, Denver, ♦ y 0 “Colo, w e are relieving many can- 4 |> _ jeeroni coodiUons »nd prereoUng to th e n . D o n o t deapalrl We may be Table t o he lp yon. W rite for 72 4 ^page* o f TesUm onlal Proof of re - + o p e t •ulU In caneer and hundreds o t {o ther .condlU ons. adv. 2

r.ANTCRauNT vineiHi^ lYHrHoxr atHjAHin CASVCL____________ TKAKKLm



-ICVlLLt r«UL OLD ‘ udY 0

^ a iv ts t MOCAOt CHItlOl^ t

RrX. Roberts1 1 7 Shoshone S t N.


y J a y c e e s , Ja y -C E tl

H enry Pape, M rs. H enry Pope and Vem the projec t w ere M rs. W ayne Rlfo and M n reported local m erchonU w ere m ost tt thanked J a c k B rennan , Red Cross c h a lra s photo-engravlDg)

Vehicles Moving ! Snc)w Involved in - Minor Accidents “J '® T hree vehicles engaged In snow in jo

removal w ere Involved In m inor ac- •m, ■ cldent.1 In T w in Fnlls F riday . will t

A t UMO n. in ., a c ity Ford trucic two , driven by Edw nrd Johnson , K im - leave

berly. was load ing snow on Second -------j s lre e t n o r th nnd struck a parked

Oldsmobile sedan owned by F orrest stcelc. T he hood of tho c a r was damaged allghUy.

0 K. K. B a rrin g to n reported his ,(• 1047 H udson was parked on Second

avenue sou th a t 10:U a . m . a n d was <! sUiiek by a T w in P a lls highway e dlsW ct tru ck driven by R . 8 . Proc-

lor. dam aging th e le ft re a r fender of th c car. T h e driver w as contacted by officers n n d aald h e d id n o t know hc h i t Uie c ar.

Le.itcr B eckw ith. 383 Polk street., reported h e w as driving a cater­pillar U ac to r th rough th e alley be-

1 hind the postofflce a t 0:40 a. m . and s truck th e door o f a tm c k owned

® by th o M nglc C ity Fuel eompany,^ dam aging th e door slightly .

J Date CorrectedSHOSHONE, DCC. 39 — T h e NCff

a Y ear’s dance sponsored by th o Wood . lUver C cn tc r G range will be held . New Year’s n ig h t . 'J n n . 1. n o t New

Y ear’a eve a s previously reported.

' i rairSHOE REPAIR I> 1 ^ I

t We Aro Equipped to t X dye your ihoe* to mAlch * t your form oli. t

+ Radio RONDEVOO Bldff. ♦^ i No S ta ir s To O llmb X

X O ur O w n F ro n t D oor X ’• 1 O pea 9:00 A .M . to 6:00 P .l tt . t

I P le n ty o f P o rU n c |

-O N SPECML ORDERIs o n e of th e te y o u rToWi.t p a tte rn ? Than here Is an op­p o rtun ity to (Itl in your own • e t , o r give • friend to m e m uch-w anted pieces.T h es e beloved Towlc pet-

___■ te rn s a re available for sum*I m erdelivflfy .

■ ■ ■ ■ O rder before February IS th .

• tHJAHItt O'OSLCANS 010 TKAKKLm________________ tllWtOaT

S°aS croRt.A.

U«1IY OSURT CHAStC> LAOr :HI110I lank CIANA marv

srts JewelerT w in Falls


Il-E ttes

Al__ ^ f ¥ "Ister

I ^ P B B j L , . show^ i ^ H | | | B g D n parrl

abou she '

Ilesh' ' ' r r ' s t n i c

Robe' ' ' bayo

■ trigs

^ Inlng

IBd Vem C raner. O lb e rt a id in g w ith 9 and Mrs. Lee Beager. T b e com m lttce

m e it generous Ib M ntrlbuU ng and I chainnan, (or Ms cooperation . (Staff

Draft CallDUHL, Dcc. 39—?>(rs. F rank

[ Hlavaty, c lerk of th e d r a f t board, reports th a t two m en w ill bc sen t

'O to Boise fo r phy.Mcal examlnnU ons ' and two wlll be sen t fo r InducUon ow In January.‘c- 1116 m en reporting fo r physlcaLi .

will go to Boise Jnn . 17 while the f ick two reporting for InducU on will tn- leave Jan . 39.nd --------------------------------------------------------------:edest

i / O7 . ' V

Ilod 'ny,

„ P L A ^Md.eldlew


‘ E B


I It*t theI P lijrtex Girdle*-■ g ird les a t th e ir re( I sensational a t .these ni

F o r n o o lher girdlesM yon sueh ■ com bination ofI o f control'WitU-conH at any price a re faslilB lalez^w ithout aI com pletely inv tiib le und

H Save noif-■ onee-in-a-lifetim e Invsill

H C o m e tm , m m t l e o m p o

I --------------------------- 1-----------------

201 Main Ave. EastrI


Girl, 20, Shot in , I “Bayonet Use” £ I Demonstration ^

A serviceman on ChrisUnaa leave G e •- In Tw in FalLi accldenU lly s h o t hla Mr

..I sister In the h a n d a n d thigh w hile Ro u showing how bayonet thrustA and — '• n parries are m ade, using a n "u n - a loaded" 32 caliber rifle for th e dem - K omilraUon.M T he gunshot victim Ju o n lt* Ol- n sen, 30, US W ashlngtorhcU eeU Bhe □ waa U ken to M agic Valley hoap lta l 51 about 1 p.m. Friday shorUy a fte r S she was wounded. Hospital a t te n d - g an ts said th e bu lle t-p ie rc ed th e M fleshy p sr t o f Uie le ft h a n d and B struck her le ft th igh . They re p o r t S h e r condlUon a s "fine." a J Police said th e sh o t vas t i r e d by

R obert Olsen w hile dem onstrating bayonet techniques for mziother b rother. Melvin Olsen. The serv ice­m an told police h s thought th e r i ­fle was empty w hen ho pu lled 4 h e trigger. - .

Given T re a tm e n t'DECLO. Dec. 39—Prank L ynch

ts In Cottage hospital, Burley, receiv­ing medical trea lm en t.

New Y e a r 't Eva I^ O t l C

9 P .M . — Lcgloa H o ll


Sponsored b y tho B uh l


^ Y T E X


It*t the 6rst sale in history o f ](t G irdles-w orld 'a largest-eeUing U: th e ir regular prices—absolutely U ■t .these never-before sale pricea! A

r g irdles at ony price have given | jrsmnation of (1imnest>with>freedom, w — •with-comfort. No o th e r girdlesa re fashioned o f figure^leeking ]} I mu

vithout a seam> atitch o r bone— MtShlib le under everything you ownt If

ave noif—while you can—In th la / | ****ne lnvsiib leP lay tex G ird le sale! (I «m

« 0 B p 0 M o r p h o m e i V O W f


East V M 9 ! | | f T

~1 Firemen DineA n an n u al holiday d in n e r fo r ^

► tb o u t 60 tlvemen and wives was fteW ^ Friday n igh t a t the fire departm m t. D inner w as provided and served by '

►n m em bers o f th e Plrem en’a a-ixU- : , lory.

------ ' I n charge of the dinner w ere Mr*.ieove George Thom as, auxlUary president; t hla Mrs. C llnton E arl and M rs. KenneUi vhlle Royer.


11 INCOME TOCip lU l

Jk” Y O U R S P A R E !

3 "Dollars^'inS W . h . v . l h .

BUSINESSTo su it your tin

w h H o m e S t u d ;Kelv-

D a y C o u r s e s


W E D N E S D A Y ,

the cost ia sm all...y o u tho rest of yo'ur life. Tl business ladder have h

. You, too, can reach th e


BUSINESSA Goad Position I t

/F o r t h

T im e in

A ]


► U C E D !

Ck C. Aaderaoa’a U n re r ie D e p t , T a

\ mT S S S

I| | | r s m w M u 4.M «.«*

^ M r r w n M n B sm aw

j j l M R t m t SM tM


i! IT a t Anderson’s

ien Dineholiday d in n e r fo r Is ylaltlng i t l a U w I n Q

n and irfves was he ld 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 11 n > 11the fire d e p artm m t. .

ivlded and served by p ,he Firem en’s a-ixU- B J

the dinner w ere M rs. WMaa ao^I, auxlUary president; a n n n *„ . , n a M . . . K . m , . t h " " g ? ;


illars*' in your poci e have the

BUSINESS COURSETo su it your tim e and needI

H o m e S t u d y C o u r s e s

ly C o u r s e s N i g h t C o u i


W E D N E S D A Y , J A N U A R Y 2

coat is sm a ll...y o u will reap tho bene rest of yo'ur life. Those a t th e top of

iness ladder have had business t ra in 1, too, can reach th e top.


USINESS COLLEGGood Position Is Waiting for Toi

F o r t i e F i r s t

T im e i n H is to ry



E D !

I Beg. 4.95 to

6 - 5

Playtex W hite Mas! P lay tex Fab-Lined (

P laytex Pink-Ice Gii P laytex U vipff G ird

'soa’a U n re r lo D e p t , T ir tn J a l l i ; B a U « c Qo.

ttmm M ml^ R ina'IU U S:

■s I H I m t t i

SM aw 4S* MS — —.

IM S.M 4J* SM -------

4H ' «.M OM US

________ P g H ^I IH II ■■'•RW WI— Q C O J

---------------------------:------------------- ------------- QomdMt* «fAW n MM

’ -----------

erson’s i

p h o n e ::

Y yAgg

Page 4: · ^^BULLETIN Korea. (Sonday). ^ P p J ^ 'T h e eom m anlBta to-^ H I L i M t w o p o ln ^

I■ ~ A MaMlUittai at r«k <1, » » , W ^■ tB IMl aad Ik* Twta ralli «<■ PvklhM 4^Ir «Bd Sds4«» at IM Bm■ fWIh Uak*. b» tk* -ntD*.>l*wi pgbikh H t n u m aa a*md alaaa mall MatUr A|>■ j u nct l» TwU ralla. Uak*. «»<«r tk*

B tm scm FnoN r a i 1 ; BT CAMIEU—PATABLl IK .-{ I Bt Ik* x a tk -----------------------------—I: ‘ gA-:ua:' ■t ' i» »>« -; !, I BT HAfL-rATABLK tN A'III; I WICMa Uak* u < Dk* C««ii(r. Ht^*4*l4|;. Br tha a o a tk ____| j s —||i j | «r Uak*ln il hM --------- V■ | By tk* raarB|D All Botlna nanlr«d br Uw or br critrH II h ^ k tlo B ta Iw rut>llih«4 w«*klr. willI Dl tt«T»<*rh»B* *f liita pag«f portnaiit to gI I* NATIONAL BCPRritNT>t(, • WEST-nOLUOAT CO-{|i,| n i Markat SItmI. San Fraai

I 'II PUBLIC HEALTH DEVE oj A dm lnlstraU on o f th e publl

In Id ah o la com m anding a ta t ' Along tw o d iffe re n t lines.I T ho s to te h e a lth dep a rtm e

f dergolng som ew hat o f a n exh H ga tlon , follow ing num ero u s c { «U la n o t w ell with’ th e ce t-u

m ln ls tra tlv e director, L. J . PiT h e Investigation Is be ing n

m a n board appo in ted by Gc R e tired D iatrlc t Ju d g e C. F . K m a n . T he o th e r tw o m em b T a lb o tt o f Lapwai. p re s id e n t i lo c la tlo n of C oun ty Comi Clerics, and Or. A ired M. Pi

I p re s id e n t o f th e Id ah o S ta te I tton.

T h e g rea te s t d em and fo r s fa t lo n cam e from th e A da c sloners a n d th e com m lsslone;

I co im ties Id M agic V alley, th

i d s m be ing th a t th e s ta te d n o t coopera ting sa tis fac to rily ties.

M eantim e, G overno r Jo rd a know n th a t h e p lan s to th ro ence a s ch ie f executive o f 1 p roposa l aalclng t h a t th e fede

hj r e tu m pub llc h e a lth a n d pi p ro g ram s to s ta te co n tro l en i

t The fact th a t the federal g In everything else. Is trying tc m ore firmly into s tate affairs

! ! tb e reasons th e Id a h o s ta te n e n t is now b e ing In v e s tig a t

A ccord ing to G o v em o r J o r of Id a h o a re p ay ing o u t $11

*, y e a r In fed e ra l taxes , a b o u t 1 Incom e ta x . A pprox im ate ly $ ta m e d to th e s ta te In fedi

I h e a l th a n d w elfa re purposes, g ra n ts , th e u su a l " s tr in g s” a n ■which th e g o v em m en t co n tln a n d m ore controL

iH I t ’s G ovem or J o rd a n 's cor l j l th e fed e ra l g o v em m en t woulI I eom e ta x by 10 p e r c e n t so Iff abso rb th a t ta x a tio n incom

be ab le to f in an ce i ts own pT b e go v em o r goes even fu:

In. a rg u in g t h a t th e fedei sh o u ld r e tu m ad m in is tra tio n a n d pub llc ass is tan ce p ro g ra i en tire ly .

•T he states could operate more efficiently without fed« he says, "because federal mat cnlt in too much overhead b federal government."

O ne of th e ch ie f com plain h a v e been d em an d in g a n lnv(

i s ta te health departm ent Is t: participation results in top a a d unnecessary personnel.

I t w ill be a rgued , o f course h e a l th d e p a r tm e n t is n o t ovei p ersonnel, b u t everyone know w ith w hich th e governm en now adays Is Inclined to beeo

i[h m onstrosity .k Numerous recent breakdo' II creased cost of federal gove: l l tlcally all its branches and fl H of employes being added to i H rolls are acccptcd facts whli IU fleet added waste and inef IQ program on which the goven n Its "strings."

H As G ovem or Jo rd a n h a s hi H b e too m uch overhead in o H _ d e p a rtm e n t because of i ts w N m e n t w ith th e federa l goverr |R T h a t would be a n im p o rt H "c la rificd d u rin g th e p re sen t : H ea lth , like religion, is n a t

I a p o in t th a t i t is seldom assot c lsm . B u t t h a t does n o t me; t ra t lo n of pub lic h e a lth a n d ] d e p a rtm e n ts can n o t becom e fu l a h d in effic ien t.

Too o ften th e a d m ln ls tra t p a r tm e n ts h id e th e ir own a: h in d th e p o p u la r belief thai In th e n am e o f pub lic h e a l t t c ion a n d critic ism .

B u t these a d m in is tra to rs a n d in th is d ay a n d age we

W m an y a d m in is tra to rs a ll up ||{ line, to th e h ig h e s t b ra c k e t

: govem m ent, a re b e ing revei '=■ unre liab le , b u t o u tr ig h t croo


In any eveht, th e re h a s be« d s m of ou r s ta te h e a lth dej th o rough-go ing investlga tlo r

^! E ith e r th e reaisons fo r c [;! su b s ta n tia te d a n d th e ne< [fl m ad e , o r th e d e p a rtm e n t w ill I bUl or hea lth , i O ne o r tho o th e r Is necesso f people’s confidence in th e c

I O u r noses, says a doctoi I m o re po in ted . All th e m ore I tb e m o u t oX o th e r peop le 's


________ t u c k e :

W HW ^ IdalM V V ± X .W SMOBd Biw« » •» . Twtt WASHINOTON-2r‘ A»Hfi‘^ . T 7 t tk* »*., and■ tk* **< *f Hank I, III). F r u k E . MoKlni■ Ih9 be*t »n»wer : 1b" » ? ? dtahc»


«rd*r of «oart of *ooip*t»Btr. win t . publlihH 111 tht Bar Tack«r ,“ to 1 ^ «0.|fll. Idak* Cod*. ^ ^ICNTATIVBS - a "cleanup c h i

3VEL0PMENTSju b l io h e a l t h s e rv i c e r a B N z iE i> -Jn ia ta te w id e a t t e n t i o n off » well

headed by Pran)r t m e n t i t s e l f Is u n - I f f, e x h a u s t i v e i n v e s t l - World w>US c o m p la i n ts t h a t then had w ar cc; e t- u p u n d c r i t s a d - ^J . P e t e r s o n . ° i M o f ^ h e nn g m a d e b y a t h r e e - »hnre.i each of E 7 G o v . L e n J o r d a n . r . K o e t e h U Chair-le m b e rs a r e W a y n e of frenrled llnance n t o f t h e s t a t e Ab- incidentally , thiC o m m iss io n e rs a n d E m pi«-£

or such, an Investl'-d a c o u n ty c o m m ls - j,#d #oW to m c k il o n e r s f r o m s e v e r a l than a year bcf<r, t h e i r c h i e f c r i t l - money to make t e d e p a r t m e n t w a s) r l ly w i t h t h e c o u n - itockhoidera. laciu

Bmplra T ractor st• In support o t tl:

o r d a n h a s m a d e i tth r o w a l l h i s I n f l u - a few m ontha lat«o f I d a h o b e h in d a or operation eroeif e d e r a l g o v e r n m e n t ?? « !d p u b l lc a s s i s t a n c e u ,e ceedUon m ayI e n t i r e ly . ed suits against M ra l g o v e m m e n t . lik eI g t o e n t r e n c h I t s e l f the ou tstand lns s tf a i r s , m a y b e o n e o f got, o r ont a t e h e a l t h d e p a r t - __ . „iM t d d QOeSTION—Wc . ig a te a .J o r d a n , t h e p e o p le man, was so kind I

t $197 ,000 ,000 e v e r y course, was then n ju t h a lf o f which u,ly »10.000,000 U rc- S"C 5S ™ tJL ""

f e d e r a l g r a n t s f o r A nother quesUoise s . A n d w i th t h e s e ruptcy court now” a r e a t t a c h e d , w i th f l™ ’ in t l n u e s t o g e t m o r e

bureau. I t Involvuc o n te n t i o n t h a t If ^ ^

t s o t h e s t a t e c o u d had to p a y aiC om e, I d a h o w o u ld M r.’Truman’s taxer a p r o g r a m s . tha Jargest share,

0 fu rth e r than th a t X ' t u n W r S f e d e ra l g o v e m m e n t pisy, they paid onl; t lo n o f p u b l ic h e a l t h or pay ins about s: jg r a m s t o t h e s t a t e s coughed up only i

VIOLATION—Tn t « t h e s e p r o g r a m s b« sub ject to invef e d e r a l a s s i s ta n c e ,” Had Em pire T ra m atchlns funds re-

.d belns lost in th .Oohen, of course

• Uon. B u t McKlnne .latata of those whoI n v e s t ig a t i o n o f t h e months belore. aIs t h a t g o v e m m e n t not a nonentity ,t o p - h e a v y p a y ro l l s As euch, they i

.-1 known—th a t tho*. • w arran t such a m«> u rse . t h a t t h e s t a t e Cohen's scheme io v e r - b u r d e n e d w i th beavy losses

mows th a t anything s im r o - i r notim e n t is c o n n e c te d or politics ab e c o m e a s p r a w l i n g sort of la*ity w ji

and ’Treasury Sec

iM ow n. on the In- “’t o K ' S J - i!g o v e rn m e n t tn p r a e - ties, accordlns tond t h e v a s t n u m b e r s are no t stupid,

t o t h e f e d e r a l p a y - _ _ _ _w h ic h c a n o n ly r e - V I E W Sin e f f ic ie n c y in a n y p o n

D v e m m e n t i s p u l l i n g a. delightful ahave heard in a I

• aboul N orm an V.a s h in t e d , t h e r e m a yin o u r s t a t e h e a l t h there i 8-4 hours it s w o rk in g a r r a n g e - couraeeous and dii) v e m m e n t . eommunlly. ralliedp o r t a n t p o in t t o b e ‘’"'"’’ h t machinpjlent investigation. r f L ' S X ' p *n a t u r a l l y e x a l te d to mt . Pord was pi

a s s o c i a te d w i th c r l t i - erously Riven him; m e a n t h e a d m ln ls - of, w)ie i n d p u b l ic a s s U ta n c eo m e c a r e le s s , w a s t e - B eraed like there

do with A hole inJ t r a to r s In t h e s e d c - As th e readers (vn shortcomings be- S " ? th a t anything done

e a l th I s a b o v e s u s p l - » door and ven til Is n typical bit o f j

ors are only hum an “l ' “ ™we are llndlng th a t S v “ " 'S S 5 . ;

1 up and down tbo iC k e ts o f o u r f e d e r a l ---------r e v e a le d n o t o n ly a s « toc ro o k e d I n s o m e i n - Swarthmore cc

ford. 10 to 7, In i o ther score la t Swarthmore nose<

s b e e n s o m u c h c r i t l - T h b game mi1 d e p a r t m e n t t h a t a ta t l o n I s p r o p e r ly in fooUstU u le n ts of

*on ILs respect loio r c r i t ic i s m w ill b e conduct,, plsycr c

necessary changes , will be given a clean

th e Judges report:e s s a r y t o r e s t o r e t b e decided when sc h e department.--------------------- . ic te r scoring boo c to r , a r e b e c o m in gnore reason to keep Sf Sile'i business. uter.-

: k e r ’ s n a t i o n a l

HIRLIGIGINOTON—Mao7 pnm U neat Dem ocrats on

cspltol hm begin to w onder whether McKinney, Ind ianapo lis business man, Is a iuw er H a ^ S . T rum an could give them

prayerful need fo r a pollU dan whose ethical -I'joiaAV a U sd a rd s a re beyond reproach.

M cKinney hlmseU haa ta ld tha( th s D em ocratlo na tional chairm an

> ahould bo n ik e Caesar's wife—above [ « '> :} suiplclon." ’They begin to ask

w heiher h e U a n authority on SV T vp ancient or m odem politics and jT Y ‘> morals. I n fact, th e sam e <iuestlon 23lbSK ^ several In-

v e itlga tlng bodies now showing In- te re it tn how h e cleaned up |M,OCIO on a tl,000 Investment.

M cKinney Insists th a t It was just an ’'o rd in ary buslaesa InvesUnent,"

rack«T BUCh a s h e trequenUy makes. So m an w ho proposed him to Mr. T tum an as

nup chairm an’* -P ra n k M cHale, veteran politician. But fu rth e r study of tb a t almost deal b aa raised several em barrassing ques-

Olste w as a co-investor w ith the Democrats' erallsslQU).

EIEI>— e Sm plre T ta c to r eompany, which ’ so w ell to M cK inney a n d McHale was by P ra n k Cohen, a m an of questUinable in. His moral s ta n d a rd s were severely casU- ' P re tld en t T n im a n when be headed the World w ar n w atchdog com mittee. Cohen [] w ar contracta under Invc-itlRatlon. I t 'I s I th a t th e two Hoosler boys did n o t know splsode.0. Cohen sold M cKinney a n d McHnle 1J300 ach of Empire T rac to r’s common stock a t , share. Less th a n a year la ter, Cohen want«d of his firm s to acquire 100 p er cen t control •0 T rso to r. Bo, ho staged a deal th a t smacks ed linance.itally, th e Cohen firm ta k in g , over eontrol Empire-South A m erlean Industries. Almost

me and postwar sales o l goods to th e Latln- I countries havo been /Inanced dJrecUy or I by th e Dnlted 'e ta te s govem m ent

-T o sw ing this deal, Cohen paid 176 a share back th e sam e Empire T rac to r stock be to M cKinney a n d McHale for only 11 less

year before. Cohen apparently found the to m ake these purchases In the UU of rractor.•In words, he bought out Empire T raclor lers. Including th e two Hoosler Investors, with Tractor stockholders' own money, port of th is conclusion, the bankruptcy eourt idlcates th a t th is cash represented Empire : principal assets. Por It w en t bankrupt only anths la te r because It could no t pay old bills lion expenses. So fa r th e creditors have re- lly 83 c en ts on th e dollar, gh iaw and e th ics do n o t always parallel, Itors m ay obtain more tf they win threatcn- agalnst M cKinney and McHale on th e ground ly helped to "loot" Empire T ractor. T hat easury w as tapped for $750,OOP to buy back jindlng stock, a n d the two Hoosler poIlUclans 000, or one-fifth for th e ir 3,000 shores.

riON—W orried D em ocrats ngw sisk why Co- kse wartim e deaUngs .were censured by T ru- » so kind to the two In d ian a boys. McHale, of as then a veteran party whcelhorse, and Me- was h is buddy. B u t the.-Jnttcr then was not I have a n y influence or hlgh-ballot-box friends ington.T question n a y suggest Itself to tho bank- }urt now reviewing tho transaction , to future onal commlltces, possibly to Judge Thomas P. and g ran d juries. I t m ay y e t arouse the In­th e renovated a n d reform ed In ternal revenue :t Involves this posslbl'lty:

}~-Had Empire T rae to r distributed th is r&O.- vldends, Cohen,.M cKinney a n d McHale would 1 to p ay severely h igh taxes on th is income— nan’s taxes. Tho governm ent would have taken s t share, ns It does from taxpayers who don'l 9 password.,der tho Cohen to McHale to M cKinney triple f paid only 3S p e r cen t in cap ita l galrts. Instead I about SSO.OOO o r moro la norm al taxes, they up only $17,000.

.TION—There Is an o th er possibility th a t may ; t to investigation.sp ire T rac to r distribu ted $700,000 In dividends p irtng o f f creditors, a n d th e n fled Into bank- ( mlt!ht have been charged Immediately with of the bankrup tcy laws, as t t m ay be yet. of course. Is th o c en tral figure In the sliua-

. M cKinney and McHale were Em pire Trnctor lera w hen they ro ted to use th a t firm 's cash tiemselvea $78 fo r securlUes w orth only t l 10 before. A 1,000-shareholder In sueh a firm la inenllty.;h, they must hn v e known—o r should have th a l th e firm 's s ta tu s and prospects did not such a m arkup. T hey should have known Uiat scheme would lead stra lg h t-fb bankruptcy,

.vy lossM to creditors.

ID—If n o t, they a re too nlupld to be In busl- polltlcs, occordlng to party critics. I t Is this laxity w hich led A ttom ey G eneral M cOrath osury Secretary Bnyder to iknow nothing ol •sonnel’s Irrlgulorltles and chmlnalUles. th hav0*msde good In both business and poll- srdlng to W ashington’s prevailing code. They stupid.

S W S O F O T H E R SDSE FO R BOLE IN THE GROUND Ightful a sequel to a n ear traRCdy a s any we »rd In a long tim e U th o ono from Hermlslon orman V. Ford a n d th e hole In th e ground, d will b e remembered as th e m an who was ly a cave-ln In h la backyard well. Hc stayed

houra before h is neighbors and h h son. by us and dllUient action , got him out. The whole Ity.r&llled ta h is old nnd wlth*lhem the people m achines for m oving enrth . By dlcRlnn n

nter around th e well, they mannRcd finally h e Imprisoned m on.>rd was properly grnteful for the help so gen- tlven him In his h o u r of trouble, but It worried t of, w)ien hs looked a t tho big hole In his a t the e ffo rt of so m any people ahould have 1 oho rc.iull of rem oving him from the well, like there ought to be something a m an could A hole In the ground.readers of tho news columns know. Mr. Ford

tio problem. He h a s decided to make a root the c rater. I t c a n be done rea l easy, ho thinks, ng up th e Bides a b it. and putting on a roof, md ventilators. M r. Pord ’s soluUon, we th b k , :al bit o f Am erican ingenuity, and we'll haiard s tha t v h e n he gets hl!i cellar full of potatoes lips and such like, no one of hLi. neighbors wiu BO w ithout for lack o f cash to buy his oft-a

PorUand Oregonian.

« to <J FO R “C n A I l A ^ ^thmore college d efeated its a rch rival, nnver- to 7, In their a n n u a l football game. But nn-

core In the sam e game was m uch cioner: nore nosed out Its rival 45 to 43 tn character, game marked th e f irst collegiate use oi :er scorlnR." Two Independent obseri'ers sat stands. They w eren 't too In terested in Uie talents of either team . They scored each side

•espeet fo r auUiority. will to compete, bench ,. player conduct, fnn conduct, m ental poUe, s, perfecUon of play, physical fitness, and nee. ,teams rated (“excellent’' lo charac ter, one of zes reported. iB u t tho m argin of victory was

when several H averford p a rtisan s "got ■ lerous a fte r one of tho ofOclab' rulings." Lirse, nobody seriously Is suggesting th a t char- onng be msde a n official p a r t o t the game,

stunt does call attenU on ' to qualities of the 'hleh h av e perhaps become too obscured by pbasii solely o n w ln n l^ .—D es Moines neg-

N A L I ' ■IG Pot Qi ~ S h o ts .^glva them

lose ethicaliproach. <I ta ld th a t ANEKT CE IU N O S1 e h a lm a n p ^ t shoU :r t f ^ b o v e H urray lo r "Judge." Ho ha* «» ‘f. te r tlxed up Just rig h t w b ea h e i thority on u ,e only good thUjg abou t snov)UUcs and th a t i f t coming down whll# erele miesUon im ng else la going up.soveral n - j ^ j ^ t wondering If b e tn

shouldn't g t t together a n d w ritup MflWO to th# O PS or th e dep«

m en t of agriculture to see U. w e. J . ? : ««t a floor pul under tnow , a fl

ivestm en^ a t high a s Uib celling on beof.makes, s o example

I t teema tba bureaucraU eanL » JCBl about everything theso dayah a t almost ^ ceUing oq b uckw heat..n m o S f u - to Iste tt high poweredDem ocraU r jcU v u from W aahlngton the

- no difference between m ale and

SSSn.™ . . .6rely casU- EV ERTBO D yS B A PFTleaded Uie p o t shoU ;Me. Cohen in answer to K alntuck, Fa lrfltlon. I t Is th e Republicans have Ike, Bob, I

n o l know Hope.T hank Ood we don 't h av e Ha:

;Hn!e 1,000 o ienn , Joo and Swope,n stock a t EprohJien wanted ' (Jerom ien t control • • •na t smacks FAYS TO ADVERTISE!

F o t Shots:ver conuol My dog will wade In th e yies. Almost when tum ed out, belly-deep In snth e L atin- B u t sha pays no a ttenU on to tt

dJrccUy o r ca ts I t untJl she eomes Uulde is n t I hand h e r a snowball a n d tell

It Is good. Then ehe eata It v176 a share relish.

stock be w # all like to be to ld . I 've only $1 less eluded. Show us w b at you've ifound the <n, j t up m cellophane a n d makho UU of T ,„ t ty w ith a bin red bow. W

T V -.- ., youro T raclorsstors.wlUi (Twin Falls

jp tey court ' NO GRAFT«d Empire D ear Mr. Pou:ikrupt only Mr. K alntuck of Fairfield iay old bills havo hopo with h is T rum an , Ts havo re- ior ond Swope.

W e would rather have M orse i /6 parallel, T a f t and get along w ithout I threaten- g r a f tth e ground i . m . 'n n E D S O lctor. T h a t , (Hm elton)> buy back • •

poliuclans W ILL TllE WORM TURNT u-es. D ear Shooter:

T h is Is something l*vo been thli k why Co- lng over for a long Ume. T ho r :d by T ru - year would be an Ideal tim e McHale, of everyone to s ta r t exercising rig e, and M c- th a t havo belonged to them oil ;n was not friends I 'm thinking nbout th e action

public offlclnls from th o Presld tho bank- r ig h t down to th e sm allest elec

1, to future publle official In th e sm allest to Thomas P. T hey’re nil our employes — wi Jse the In- paying them to do a Job fo r u a . : la l revenue yeara now they’ve l:een ‘twist

j things around and te lling ua w to do. I t’s high tim e we p u t a n i

th is T M .. to th a t so r t of thing.Hale would Maybe tf we’d m ake a ll th e pul Is income— employea renllie they 're Ju s t piii hovo taken employe.i, nothing m ore, th I who don'l wouldn't bo no m nny cnscs of gc

end w hat have you. nney triple W henever a public employe bUi Iru . Instead pu.ihlng you around w ithou t Ju taxes, they fieaUon. Just ask h im , "W ho p

you, buddy?”A. Bm

r th . t f a m o iIs i » s i l i n en “ • ■ She had to h iberna tei n t o ^ ^ « «

■ OENTXOIAN IN TIT _____________ rO lIB T ll BO W

Ire Trnctor _ _ t » ^ffey Xtdsf ^1 a firm la

lould have:U did not H ere's tlIcnown Uiat N entest Dcsankruptcy, You E ver Sa'

be In busl- —J t l . t h h 12 p e n c il s i l

Sold S tom ped $ 1W ith Y our ^ 1

a and poll- N om e, J u s t ...................... “code. They D on't lose your pencils. H ave yo

name on them.Your tenchers will p raise yo

j g g your pals wlll w nnt to know whe

ND Ju s l p r in t your nam e a n d addr<BS anv «n Clearly In tho order b lan k bcl(

, and m all today.:he ™ound” ORDER BLANKn who waa J . H ill, Box 70 - T S v in F n l

Ho Btnyri Here’s $i.oo. Please p u t m y nnrhis son. by on a dozen pcnclls and sh ip Uie. The whole postage paid to— •I tho peopio

dlQFlnn a A d d re s s______________________Red finally

elp so gen-

i i ( m m \m an could

V. Mr. Ford SALinke a root X W v U’.hoU iInks. C a l e n d a r

we^th'bk:ve'll hazard " SPACE DAIL'

V alley's fai1 auction , and for the da le tinUjr n u Cft-n J i,u n |s will appear In tho TIm«

News. Check Uielr a d t fo r locatl and aU s e c m a tr Inform ation.

• JANUARY 7c L ? r - “ • H olllbauih

^V harL X -' - Advertl.emetit, J a n . 4-5 ’te use of C' AuctJoneei

■ S ''.? S . ' j a n -U X S y s 'd each side M n . Minnie Svayzepete, bench AdvertUement, J a n . 6ental poUe, llopklna Si H armon, AucUoneeilUiess, ond

;ter, one of ATTENTION FA ltalEK S:

•ullnes " con tac t the TImse-News Flirm; th a t char- ^."1?’ the RamelUes of tha completely at)bscure<l b? tolnes Reg-


-------- HOW T H IN G S

^ PEGLEFliOMDON — "And thla," ta ld

H B | V W lltoughby WallabUe, OBE, MP., Plddlehlnton, Dorta.. “U ono of

m m o tt 'InteresU n' exhibits I n 'whole ballT thow. Baby aboet, w by O harle t t h e a H a a a M i

<OS tecond. Z dare tayymi have nothing

3e h a a w in- m th a itatea to b e n h e t a y t c o m p a r e w I U i '% ; ; ^ ^ n M o u t m ow la this . Pity , raU itr, j n H m ^vhlla every- isn’t lt? 't

* ^ e ll , one btUy If b e and I iquld ge tt you 60

an d w rite a t ^ d w edo , lord," th e d e p art- ta ld Oeorge Spel- ee I t. we can vln. American.DOW, a floor don’t know where o n beef, fo r y o u EngUahmen ««iibn*liFM i

g e t your craiy r a u c an do Idtaa about tba U nlU d SU tss." e te daya ex- s i r Willoughby W allabio wsa o k w h e a tA c - <jucting Mr. Spelvln on a tour pow ered d l- W indsor catUe. ’They bad pau [ton there a before » glass cate.

you have never been celUnga are ^3 n n r 'O b , raUjerl" Blr WlUoughby a

*T houtandt of tlmea, marble a A P P T Hyde Park comer—"

"O h. I d o a t m ean th e Eng k , Palrfleld , Hyde park.” Mr. Spelvln ta ld . :e, Bob, E art m ean our Hyde Pa rk , up the R

ton . You talk abou t baby ah h av e H arry, su tlaU ca prov# th a t In the flJ

year 1048 they sold 19«30 gross E p roh t original P . D. Roosevelt baby s t

(Jerom e) »nd' tho figure has been gc f x io ir . steadUy up ever since. All a i( i i s b i graphed, too. I noUeo these C ha

. . . tho two baby s h o a a re n 't a i grsphed .-

on t ? i t ” r^ d e i m d Willoughby said. "Io M t t u “ e r |w '‘W ,* baby au tograph his c ;aU It wIUi you I am pu^ lag your leg?” Mr. Spelvln askei

“You English certain ly have

bow. 'W hat -Q o„t?" s ir W illoughby said.rn« th a t an American espresslon?-I “ m ust remember to tell my palsrln Falls) to

American chap,’ I -shall say, ‘and said we BrlUsh h a d some ej

ilrfleld can awd'ny expressions and then um an, T ay - aald: T l certainly gives me

g catl'; M orse nnd i *'1* means you forbis on the pr ?;lthout th e al imless you w ant to molderato

parUsbord,” Mr. Spelvln sold. IREDSON th a t case you gllify th e omltrada elton) 1C comes ou t even."

“Hawi” Sir Willoughby excloli TURNT Jovially. “I ssy, you ra th e r d id i

me th e g o a tr been th in k - “Hokey-doke, duke," ta ld Oe( le. T ho new Spelvln, American, nl tim e lo r "B ut aboul those autograp rising rights bnby shoes," Sir W illoughby i hem a ll tho sisted, "who autographed them:

•'Oh, I don't know,’’ Mr. Spe le nctlon of sold. " I t Is probably a trade ae<10 President But I t ts a wonderful p ltch .’ H llest elected park. Postcards, peonuU , penna lallest town, rare old stamps fresh every < yes — we’re outographed pictures and letter » fo r US. For resd where a guy Invented ft t en -twisUng chine th a t turns o u t 10,000 Ro< ng US whnt vclt autographs an hour. Rooms p u t a n end transients. Couples m ust have

least ona suitcase. Locks of h11 th e public Locks of Fala’s h a ir. Birds’ n t

Ju s t public G re at man's birds'-egg collectlOre, there T hey say there hasn ’t been a so se s o f g raft bird hatched w ithin 30 miles sl

spring 1D40. Kids g rab Uie m iploye Bt-trts ■th o u t JusU- J— — ■•Who pnys


LINEbc m aU for


H ere's Uie eatest Deul ,E ver Bawl

1 VaB . , . y o u r ^ _

md oddress ■ •lan k below ._ _ S f

Z ™ , MEN'Si m y nnmesh ip Uiem • BOSTONIANS


-------------- Over 100 Pair Ox:Imported Grain on Reg. Prico $11 .95

CII T in s:E DAILY 41lley's farm


“ «h Red, Brown, Black FThe finest se lec tio r

uct^oneer C hiidren 's Shoes. A8 Quolity. V alues to 5

a n . 6.ucUoneeera

i , BEilelely a twill Kavo Inoney. I B l M a i n A v c n u e



ER’S a n g l :hla," ta ld S ir |»whU# U»# e « n _ ^ »tm w ^ \ OBE, MP., fo r $60 for an u

lb l“ " l ^ S e to ’s i o S a t p m o w ’te w .B e s t i V ih f f" , w o m In th e cam lval racket y anoet. w orn Willoughby Wai

asked, *'wha operaU t th la i mercaT”

■ b H B S 'O b , corporatlou . I lu e tt ," BpelvUi tald . ''T txpayeri tu | th# ahrtne bu t the grinds are TaU. Uke Coney liland. You S#t T O R ’ U ttooed on your am $6. O et b l l plctur# co you r <

H ^ l s l o f COUTM, I d o n t va iK f f V n g H crIUclte your q u tin t folkways, ■ f R A i k S B isn’t a ll th s t a UtU# on tb# ti

side?’’ S ir WlUoughby WaUable iibm h PwUf -Could be, lord," Mr. Spelvln 1 s u te s . - “B ut Ulla Joint needs new

AU over Ujo world everybody ?n a T i T ^ f hearing about W indsor c

had p a u s Snad p ausea ^ ^ y , , ,there. No pottcard t. Now, foj *tance, whero U Uie queen tM i

teivm sa ia. „q i,_ j j j j g say her m ajesty Uoughby sa id , th e nrivate apartm ents—Just th marble a rc h indicating "Just there" w ith t e EngUah "You mean she Is In th l i b

ilvln said . " I lng a ll th is tlmo we aro here?" up the H u d - "WeU, of course." Sir WUlou baby ahoea. tald . " I t U the ir home, on# of

In the fiscal homes.”)«30 gross o f ,* i r . Spelvln slumped down I t baby sboes d le p p lu th chair.

been going "'O h, I tay. please," S ir WlUc :e. AU a u to - by begged In a horrified tone. " theae C harles is V ictoria's chair. You m ustn ' a ren ’t a u to - Mr. Spelvln arose weakly.

T are nulling ‘'Now Usten. highness,” he yy said "H ow earnestly, "If you are ever goli »Dh his own ball your country out o f debt »pn nis own

I 1 am p u sh - this was Hydo park aad th e olc slvln asked. beard there was two customei n tv havo s o t the museum th e w t J d be down IS They g e t apleUag Uio regular rouU noJw l « . m ey ^ ^abor day grind. Thohby said. - I s and th rees m ount up in tho

k iM to ^ m aa since Bam um . Didn’t Oh iVi® ■•nrt h i th® second havo any blrds'-n

No autographed sUmps? Coi you go Into producUon on '

S m th a »hoes? Couldn’t Uie queer Ives m e th e th e J*h.. nr^r, Hosn’t sho got a Ultvlslon prog

BroUier w hat Elliott would do m o ld e ra to ^ o vic toria's choir!"'In » ld . " In -J ^ ^ u l d iom ltrada a n d ^g,,, g j , Willoughby ta ld . "Oi

,K„ tlie quesUon. Quite. You see,i have no such trsdlUons. Por

Ither d id give ^ p , e was Charles Uio I then Charles th e second, then C

aald o e o rg e tj,g third. You havo no th ln i th a t have you?”

autographed - T h a t U Just tho hell o f It,loughby p e r - _____________________________hed them ?"' Mr. Spelvln X - Xk trade a e c re t i p ltch ,’ H ydelU , pennants, O ftl every day . x .and leHcrs. 1'cnted ft m a - Kirby Co, o f M oglc Volr t . r ; o ; " a t o N.Wiust have a t SALES and SERVIOE

’ mra.” ' i S ; £ - ‘■‘■•a. !Kg collecUon. N IO H T CALLS

0“ mil5 S ; lb Uie n c s U '


S S . . - S I I

. . .S p e c ia l G roup


Pair O xfo rds 3rain o n d C alf $11 .9 5 to $17 .9 5



Black P o te n t ' ' ' ^ A & se lec tion o f Shoes. A ll First alues to $ 7 .9 5


ex:k sivcnue W est “r/ie Fru

H O _______________________

F R 0 M E e a d y h a d Roosevelt Uio on<tho two and I t la no dead

7 * ^ ^ ^ e you seen th is?" S ir, loughby asked. ’T h is U to#1 w ^ U p to O barlM tb# tecond wore

rob lna nest, behtadad. I daresayha v en 't any th ing ^ # th a t now

•W. s e s t gn n a „ „ ? Com# now—have you?"_ .. w. Mr. Spelvln shook h is h e u

hby W ollable „ em # d * UtUe tad . " ■, th la com- ^ e p e - said Q eort# Bp I r a t t , " Mr. certain ly booUilyer# tupport *here. ___________________nnds are pri- J , » • .

Castleford Lists Trips and Jaui

w a ^ b ir i J f ld vUIUng to e tr dam

s t r i s s ' T ’» » ^ . s r i 2 5 - o . a r «NOW for 1 ^ Mr. a n d M n . Pred R lngert a wueen today?" are TU lttng In a n d n # a r Loim a le t tr Ij In gelei, Oallf,

t o m " Mr. a n d M rs. W alU r Ree»e1" w ith t get- re tu m ed bom e trom vlsiUng

Uves In Pennsylvania.In th is buUd- Mr. a n d M n . J . B . Yarbroug:n he re? ’' daugbter, a n d M r. and U fa.,lr WUloughby ne th O lbb, PocaUUo, ar# gue 9, on# of the ir Alvtn B a m e s and Bow ard B

>d down in a LEGAL ADVERTISEMlEh

a ir w u i ju jh .td tone. "T h at o r tw in fa lls , st a t e o p i m m ustn 't— I" e s t a t e or meda b. iXNp, peci ,gaily . NoUo« U hmby s l t r f br tbt

esa,” h e said ever going to

; o f debt, you crank. W hy If id th e old custom ers In

, be down here uUne. Just Uka 'Ind. T h e twos > In th e long ,

n-eatest pitch- didn’t O harlet' blrds'-nesU ? ^ 9IPS? Couldn't lon on thosethe queen Jusl ^gh tho Joint? ^slon program ? •would do wtth

JSoSt"” A LiltingYou eee, you

!?im t^ '^ fira t, N g w Y o f i rId, Uien C h a r - '0 no th ing Uke

eU of It, your

V I M a y t h e s i n g i i

~ j ■ h o u r s e n d th e :

/ g l a d n e s s r e s o u

gle Valley ^ h e a d f o r y o u Qagemeat

g l e n (r . . - . I . . . c





X o Red, Brown, B lack, <in b o th H igh o nd loi Excellent Styles. V alues to $ 1 2 .9 5



^ A Suede a nd Elk Leath

Block, Brown a n d R<

R egular ^ 4 .9 5 Valui

0 returns please

S SHle Friendly Shoe StoreT

? ^ ° R « ^ e ' l t * t o o T n e * M S A&V n/o and I t la no dead clnch , ^n ' t ge t tbo th reo . People are * t

fo you seen to ls?" S tr WU-ly asked. ’T h is U to# ta*# X SO b a r ltt tb# t#cond w ore when e ,L J2“ '^«« .LS behtadad. I daresay you su»u.*^'t any th ing Uko th a t now hav# rJlJ,.*'"! I " “ ‘ c i’Jom# n o w -h a v e you?" JTIJSpelvln shook h is bead . H# ot

1 I UtU# tad . - ■ o.ud n lJSb* }]said Q eort# Bpelvln, gOHts

ia o . * ^ 0 cerUJnly booUd one S g - -

i t l e f o r d l i s t s J j

M p s a n d J a u n t s ■ ' j S s S 'TLEFO RD , Dec. 3 0 -M r. and IiiT iS l" !:.,‘V ‘ WUUam Connor, PuUerton, «i ih, a re vUIUng to e lr daughter, v,

lm Mlracl#, a n d famUy. ‘tU of M r. and M rs. Roy Hyd# Th. su t. jpU y are Mra. Hyd#’t parents, •w' « »u bidi. n d B to . O . A . Housley and S;. S t. H#lens. O r#, Dm. h. iTa n d Mr*. E a r l Conrad and “ r = = ^ =

id M n . Pred R lngert a n d sons D O N 'T T t g ^ g In a n d n e a r Loa A n- ^ TK

a n d 'w rfc W alU r R eete hav#ed hom e trom visiUng rela - Let TbiIn P ennty lvan la . k A m u .a n d M n . J . B . Y arbrough and M O t t r e ite r , a n d M r. and U fa . K en- R a Ku !a ib b , PocaUUo, ar# guests ofB a m e s and Bow ard Bam es. GOOD


E ?RODATE COURT or COUMTT rhoi rw is FALLS, STATE OP IDAHO. Soulh Pa: E or MEOA b. LONO, P E C E A 6 E D ____________- U hmby s l t r f bT Um aa<«r. 1 ^ — B B

' ^ " ' - r u J t J ^ S S S S S S S B K D

A Lilting New Year

May the singing bells of the ml• hour send their melody of Nev

gladness resounding through th ahead fo r you. A joyous New

GLEN G. JENKI. ; . Chevrolet'. . .


)Ef j


BUY SEVERAL PAIRS NOWANDSAVEI ^Red, Brown, Block, Green, in both High ond low Heels. ^ 0 Excellent Styles.Values to $12.95




Suede and Elk'Leathers.Block, Brown and Red.R egular ^ 4 .9 5 V alues.


SHOEoe Storif' , - ^

Page 5: · ^^BULLETIN Korea. (Sonday). ^ P p J ^ 'T h e eom m anlBta to-^ H I L i M t w o p o ln ^

K ^ a p F o r m e d ■ W ^L bcal M e e t ■

l K T * * ^ 1;iis '« diocesan coun- i " flS iT nuna .

I to o r v u i^ o lhersC»moUo fniduftM*

9» * ? i S ^ ^ 'frIday nlBht »reI« “ ld e n t; H

v l« prw M en : H

“. - S ■^ J ^ S U p le to n .T h e B T o u p

h u oblecUves | ^ | “ S u o . . n i i ; . " r g « t o u » n . .^ I n tb e o a U o n :

UKl eneouragfl am ong ^ “J S r t l i e l p l r l t of charity In ‘S S iie k b y eD p h a aU ln g e p lr - , „ '.*fid i S l values and oppor- I CRrcUtae tii» PwfeMlon ^“ S u e t, encouraga and a d - ’ & llu » l .p r o re M lo n n l« n d iS V S w e and »oclal contactJi gJJjK n u n a In tho d loceo ot

an agency t r o u g h J L o L S ibUc nurse* wlll be able^ IDd aet cooperatively ta /- •j^ d a m m o n Interest to th e ir ^

^ M ’aprograin tbrouRh w hich X nanes m ay dedleato a po r- d u d l ?*“ ■ ^ voluntary d UM sick poor. snd( " ,_________________the T

ito Are Slated " i ; for J. L. Dallas 1?'!

nifiBBLT. Dcc. 28 — P unera l W* P ' S T ^ be held a t 11 *. m . H e M t t the W hite m ortunry P*".*** S^iwln Palls, for Jerom e Loula **** « iM . itUrcd Kimberly farm cK K ^r- "p .iiii died a t 8 ,p . m . T hur#- J®''o ‘ d ttibom eof adauB hter. M rs. j'*™ ' tttm n c ls .In O ffd e n . He h a d ;|2 ,0 tor a iho rt time.n ib o m O c t 0,1677, In K ansa* * *« .S n i t school teacher and m iner „ ecolng to Idaho. H e waa « h l ^ iti OeU 9. 1800, in C arthnse. «™‘» ' .fflbuntjlded in th e K im berly '■ T ffay im areaaslncecom lng to « aminy jearn bbo. Ho was a ■ 4troM he Kimberly M ethodist

Ha his dttURhter In Oscden. iKiTlved by his widow and oneAhlM /* '« B«T. Vemon Taylor, K im - ®r. wUl oftlclate nt th e services ‘ " P "

twisted by the Rev. A lbertvnM, Twin Falls. Burial will « Bide in the Sunset Memorial■ _________________ m ight

ri Craig Paid Last Honor Here Eatfil «erv!cea for Carl Cra lg Copeeodueted Saturday afternoon *'*'■»• -

te Twin Palis m ortuary c h ^ l *d toBUhcp N. w . A rrington offlcl- BOw,

r. H er e openln* prayer was given by «ve 1Arrlnslon and the obituary by

op ATxlnRton. J . E. A llrw wixs lu n ili tpeiker. Mrs. Belty Armga and

cairlitlne Romney. accom pa- "R br Mrs. Jny Merrill, were so- *

I J. W. lUehlns gave th e bene-

Olbfsrerj were Harold NeUson.*T cnia. L. C. Crnlg. Pnrreld m. Wlllls CtftlB and Edwin

cduding services were held In Itt Memorial p trk . Bishop A r- . tea dedicated Uie grave.

iward McAvoy Paid Last HonorUimiA N . Dec. 20 — Puneral im fer Edward MiAvoy, form er I tesldeni, were held a t th f W bl church Thursday. ^tswrmen wa# given by tho R e r.7 Sttrbuek. WendeU. Gingers > Mrt. Florence Sandy, M rs.• Woods. Charlotte Townsend oilfler Valentine, accom panied

wrt» CotikUn. Tha prelude a n d _____ilie vere played by Doris C onk-

•am er* were Earl PU h, O lenn Ted Hell. O . '8 . Bmlth. Rex

1*1 and Den Durfee. stanent was made In the H a s- a cemetery.

Grange to M ee tJILEY. Dec. 20 - T ha C lare- a Orange will hold lla annual ^ al I pjn. New Y ear’s day f t OranRe hall.f t Irene Reynolds, sccretjvry. iM group will transact business

^tltct new officers.

Iresolution P

w™ l0 let 1952 usher in a ’ n S , " S t n r l

“ ' “ r i l y' '™ '-avlne th e

J tauninM P ta Ihat „ive»aO rani* "MJ your home. I ■]

y 5 r ,, 7 . . ' * 0 call upon

L*i»«y-Taber Co. S *

30, 1851

Pastor Leaving Ex- B

b e l l :Blaine C Campbe morning

He wa or Mr. e m arried H e had In th is I

H e Ml fo r eight I n hl.t Muldooi w arden tAken p tb e Qu< here , f e ra l yet

Besldt by a dl Tancros th ree Hailey:

• E R IIN O E. CALKINB . . . w h o bas accepted a Seventh-

day A dvenUit ehurch parto ra te a t Reno. N ev , and will leave with hJi , _ ram lly aboat Toetday. Be baa ^te r r e d la Twin FalU and tho M bI h M agio Valley d iit ric t Usa p a rt be mad th ree and one .half year* and under <1 spurred foundl&c of tbe &U(lo funeral Valley Jun ior academy. th n t rei

A Kr A * of dona

L o ca l P a s to r Man G oes to R e n o Or

T o N e x t P o s tE ld e r Erllng E . Calkins, pastor o f L"*'i*'*

he Tw in Fnlla Seventh-day Adven- .1st church , prenched h is farewell erm on to the Rfaglc Valley dJstrJct *it services Balurdny morning, His ub jec t wn.'i.-Tho Love of God for Us People,"H e a n d his wife have acetpted a “ *» <*«1

Kistorate In Reno. Nev.. where they ?111 move abou t the f lm t o f th e i« a Vlk 'ear. A fter they served the Pocn- Pranelsi eilo d is tric t two years. Uiey moved V lndu< lere th ree and one-half years ago shone, t * w rv o the M agic Valley distric t, fo r l l j : n»ey have two sm all son t, Teddy .nd S tephen. Pa»* b T h o Mnglc V alley Jun ior academy, machlni

vhich was dedlenied' Saturday a f t - accordlr im oon, was b u ilt through hts e ffo rt md th e d istrict'* cooperation. B e- are coming to Idnho five and one- l l U l l la lf yeara ago. Elder Calkins waa r tradua ted Irom Emmanuel M la- U T lonary college. Berrien Springs, kllch.. and- engaged in evangelistic md pastoral w ork In Wisconsin. ^ S h e s

I n h is farewell serm on ha urged Improvi lla congTegatlon to be faithful ta ^ \ ceeplng Ood's commandmcnU. for lesua tough " If y o u ‘love ma keep ny com m andm ents." He iirRCd th e ^ n e longrcRatlon,to be faithful and tru e were gl 10 th n t he igh t o r depUi nor anyth ing “ *''**'• n ig h t no t be ab le to separata chem rom th a love o t Ood. Bradley

___________________ 8 now '

Estate AwardedCom munity p ro p erty of tha la te

Mra. Alice GIosgQw has been aw ard- m r ^Id to h e r husband, William A. 01a«- | / #{OW. Buhl. D #

H er c.itole Included an Interest .in B ffrive lo ts In Buhl, farm land sou th - f gKCHt of Duhl, crops and household IS #■[un iltu re . '■ f fl • *

Revival Scheduled SHANSEN. Dec. 20—T h e Rev. K . ^

IU O ldham Announces a series of i K ^ revival mecUngs will be held a t thoixscm b}/ of Ooii c h u reh from Dec. S t p ^10 Uirough Jan . 13. The Rcv. C. A. g ySTKiBeebe, Nam pa, Is Uie speaker. | S ^


3 0

Movlns Phone m I s t o r a g e ‘ 3 5 4 | |

^ j — W ith a -

Dorothy GrayCELLOCE

HORM ONE C: ; Reg. <522 Sal

, % For younger-looking' Cellagen Homone

Etch ounc« tonUio ' Infismition*] Uoib c

Mtrogenle honoane*.


Reg.H 22 Sal■" M R eg .» 2 ^ Sal

Exlrs'ridi emollient < | p f ,; Etnllc, effcctivB luhri

S t o p itl

l^PERRINE PHPerrine Hotel C


E x -S h e r if f f o r B la in e P a sse s = ”

BELLEVtJE. Dec. M - PonnarBlalna County Sheriff O eo n e D avid .yenCampbell. 67. d W early Prtday » , jm orning a t th e HaUey hosplU l. H ,

He waa bo rn Ju ly ,21. ie8<. th a eon n ,»nof Mr. and M rs. Nell Campbell, and -rvai m arried Oeorgle Daker Ju ly 3. 1007.H e had rea lded m ost o f his Ufetlma „ B din th is a rea . S S ?

H e served aa B laine county sheriff . ^ . 1]fo r e ight yeara p rio r to W orld w ar IL « c UI n hU youth h e had farm ed near t»rM uldoon. H e also w as a game nualw arden for aeveral year* and had n eai ta k en p a rt In the development ofth e Queen* E xtension m ln u n e a r T!i«hhere . He h a d been reU red for sev- 7 ^ ^era l years because of poor health , toda

Besides h is widow h a is survived _____by a daugh ter. Mr*. R u th Myers. .T ancrois. A laaka, and h e r two to n s; V r „ 4thre# bfo ther* , t>an Campbell. J N S iHailey: Jo h n CampbeU. C ha tta - ,,sooga, T enn .. a n d S tew art Campbell, IPorU and, O re . A son preceded him •*In death aevera l yeara ago. HAI

Funeral services wlll be held a t sever*2 p. m. M onday a t Uie Hailey M a- P rldajsonic hall w ith member* of M asonic abal slodge No.^10 In charge. B urial will Hebe mada in lh a Hailey cem eU ry gftiu*,under dlrecU on of Uie McOoldrick u ia Ufuneral hom e. T he widow requests riejj cth n t remembrAnces be In the fo rm 30 jsof donaUona to the Sh rine hospital. ^ ’n* t

Man Delays Plea On Money Charge 5^^

J . R u u e ll Lewis. Lewiston, took guera' • th e sU tu to ry tim e In JusUce court n - u e ' Saturday m o m in g beforo de term in- , . ta g w hether h e desired a prellm l- r o j . n a ry hearing on a charge of ob to tn- sund i I lng money u nder falsa pretenses, home , Bond wn.1 s e t a t U.500 and h a waa bralei j rctum ed to th e county Jail. Chari

Lewis waa arrested by Boise police r ^v. : Priday and re tu m e d h e re by a aher- will b

I Iff’s deputy. H e Is aUeged to have --------, represented him self a s a n agen t for , th a Viking Specialty company. San . Pranclsco. O et. 18, when he alleged- I ly Induced C harles J . H ansen, Sho- , shone, to m ake ou t a check to Lewis . fo r tl.829.f LewU cashed th a check in Tw in

Palls bu t d id no t deliver vending , machlnea w h ich H ansen purchaaed,. according to th o com plaint.I ---------- ■

: Honor Shared on : Impromptu Talks! Dr. O lcrui Voyle* and Robert

Hughes sh a re d honora fo r th e m ost I Im provem ent in Im promptu talks I a t a m eeting of Uie L D. Perrine . Toastm asters club T hu rsday n igh t , a t the T u rf club, g The m ost Improved form al tolka B were given by Ver Cox and Oeorga J Bever. T he besl tolk aw ard was , won by R o b e rt W arberg. T hurm an

Bradley wo* toastm aster, R ichard Snow was general crlUc and Lou T horsen wo* U ble topics chairm an.

Dale S toyner, club president, wn* ta charge of th e meeting,

: f r m r ^ ^I t l f THE W AVt

1 for ButlnaM or P loy ..« t» jT O

; L

• £ 9 0An<y« nMd mi frM of

taig*.. M »; t r lar Ikam jmr t d

3 DIPARTURIS B g Al'i 'm g ^OAHY w l.h

THE FRIENDLY BUS l lN E 'P e r r i n s H o f e i . P h o n s 2 2 4 0

ray CreamsLLOGENDNE CREAM '522 Sale *250^r-l^ U ng ik ln use

u ] Unit* o f tu tu n jhonoaoe*. 4^ J u

P E C I A L: I N M D C T I I R E J

122 S a le * 1 2|2S Sale»l»2 Iemollient cream for V *ctive lubrication. ' ' "

te d tim e o n l j l J U p rl^p b u w ,

Siop in Tomorrow

PHARM ACYS o t M C o r n e r

’ I ~300 | 4. _ plan* for th e a n n u a l meeting * 9 of the Cham ber of Commerce

havo been com pleted. .All mera-M r ber* ora Invited to a tte n d lha «

event which U acheduled a t 1 p. ^ m . Jan . « a t tb a T u rf club.

H oward W. M offa t, aecrctory- «outo n m tnager. ta ld Uie f lra t 300 res- rlec

enratlons will be hand led on a taflr*t-come. flr*t-*erve boals. Be- cullyond th a t num ber, m eal aervlce 1cannot be promUed. T icketa are Ooi

rUf arallabla trom any c h a m b tr dl- PM■ rector o r a t Uie cham ber offlee. wl*'***■ Principal speaker for th o a n - f a r“no nu*i meeUng wUl be A dam B. 185

Bennlon. S a lt L ake C ity , vice *erpresident of th e D tah Pow er and unl

“ • f L igh t company. HI* topic wlll be conAmerica’* num ber one sa les Job pUi

a I ‘“c

Si Native of Spain S S Passes at Hailey SS

HAILEY, Dec. 29—An lltaess o t ?in‘ a t several m onths proved fa to l early

tlia- Friday moming to P lorenclo Elgues- mlc abal a t the H ailey hoapltol. ^will H a wa* boro M ay 10, 1B8X. ta R e- del

ga ltla; Vltcaya, S pa ta . a n d cam e to ^ei rick u ie United S tates ta 1810. H a m ar-

rled Dorothy seag raves Poulaon Nov, ^hi orm ao, io « , In P o rtland a n d became , Ital- a naturalized citizen M ay 38, 1018. u ,i

Besides hi* widow h e 1* *urvlved thi by Uirea step-chlldren. W an d a . Dor- o thy and Charle* Poulson, a ll HaUey; five children by a provIouA m a rrk g e . M arla. -Nlcasla a n d P lorenclo E l- ' ' guezabal. aU V lacaya; N icholas E l-

ook guezabal, Venezuela, a n d J u a n Jose _ lu rt Eiguezabal. C asablanca. Morooc6. lln - and jix grandchUdren. ./ - 1 I nil* Rosary will be rec ited a t 0 pi m . { ><n- Sunday a t tho M cOoldrick funeral I ^as. home and funeral m ass wlll be cele- { was braled a t 10:30 a . m . M onday a t S t. 2

Charlea Catholic c hu rch by the S '•Ica Rev. Father T . A. H ecrnn. B urial t »er- will be made In th e H a l le r cemetery. L .mve ------------------------------------------------------------for



ksbertnostalkarln e «Ight /

alka (orge

'ia rdLou



j | F a r o u n d lon i

. th e n ew I

I h ea r te ll U's a




i T h e lu

■ il




~ 4 5 0 C assia F a rm e rcc I n l 9 5 1 A g r i c u^e BURLEV, Dec. 38 -S oU and w a- sali „ te r conservaUon p r a c t i c e * to to .

* trengthen Uie foundaU on o t C assia be ry. county's agriculture have been c a r- cor u . rled ou t on tpproxlm atoly 4i0 farm s the

t ta the counly im der th e 19M a ^ r l- I 5e- cultural conservaUon program . pet Ice This figure, a*e6M lng to R a lp h Uci ire Oorringe. chairm an of tb e c oun ty cor d l. PMA comnslllee. U a n estlm ato e<]i ee. based on ' report* received fro m wh in- farm era on pracUces carried o u l ta glv B. IBJl under th e agricultural c o n - oul

lea *erf*Uon program. F a n n e rs h a v e he n d unUl Monday in w hich ta re p o r t 1 be coniervaUon pracUce* a n d m ake a p . d ll

job plicaUon for asslsU nco under th a r i t 1851 program. dei

I Oorrlnge wld ‘'conservation.*' as lln used in connecUon w ith the a g r l- gn cultu ral conservation program , is more th a n Just ''saving th e <011** for tome fu ture Ume. l l la using th »

6 j aoll ta produce w h at 1* needed naw . a n d -a t the u m e Ume assuring c o n - .

f . , r f Unued abundant producUon from ' ” 1^ these same acres ta th e fu tu r* f f

The challenge U> every farm er-U ^ to produce v h a t I* needed ta m eet detense requirement*, h® said. T h e ,

>® W agricultural conservaUon proirram Is . . . ■nar- <jeslgned ta help farm ers m eet th a t “ , Nov. challenge. In addlUon, th e program _

i t designed to help farm er* keep up ,8*8. the producUvlty of th e ir farm * ao

th t t conUnually lncrea*ed fu tu re 'Z. " 0^* needs may be met.Iley ; "To bo forewarned U to be fo re - 7

arm ed" applies as well to the con - iL servntlon ot the naU on's soli as I t does to nsUonal defense. O orrlnge ~

Xficd, ”. -.1 GUARANTEED _P<m. R A D I O S E R V I C E ^

-fiAVr n r . .R c . z. cele- nnd MOTOROLA RADin* —


iieiy **'•'" *’*“ "* *” *

I I{ \ >

Y oung fe lla , m y biggest/!'^

regret i s that I ca n 't s ta y K

d long em iig h t'see M

new 1952 P ly m o u th . J t f

i t ’s a J im -D a n d y . j a K p

( ^

\ ’’

i l952 P[yn



in n e r s T a k e P a r t 1 [ r ic u ltu i’e P ro g ra mI w a- said. H e urgas fanner* to look ahead * la to see w hal m aterials and help may :a ssla be needed to carry ou t agricultural Ji I c a r- conservation program pracUce* ta f t rorm s the m onths ahead. lr a ^ r l- He suggests th n t farmers w ho ex- U

peel ta cnrry ou l dlrt-movlng p rac - gi flalph Ueea 't o make arrangement* w ith *c oun ty contractors w ith tha necessary ni Im ato e<julpment well In advance of Ume fro m when th e work Is to start. T hU wUl fi

lUl ta give contractors a chance to w ork *l co n - o u t Ume-savlng operaUng schedules. B h a v e he ta ld . U

report For greater eftlcleney In b o n - U ce a p . d ltag o t phosphate and other m a te , h r th a rials th e chairm an suggests th a t o r . t<

ders be placed well ahead of th e I." os Ume. T h e same suggestion applies to r a g r l- graos and legume seed. lr

n . is ---------------------------- U

rSi Invited to Speak ;1 naw WASHINGTON, Dec. 28 (Special) *' ; c o n - _ s e n . H erm an Welker. R.. Ida., haa

from accepted an Inv lto tlon 'to address ^ tha Los Angeles county B ar asao- n®r i* ClaUon in February. It waa a n -

nounced today.T h e Idahoan pracUced In Lo* A n-

> seles from 1039 to IBU and wa* a m em ber of Uie assoclaUon. ogram — —

4 L A M E B A C K tutur. _ C O R R E C T IO N

fo re - -7 1* p l e a s a n t and painless.! con - Ii. Bachnches mny be aR.iocIat*d

as I t w llh rheumntlsm, nrthrlU s,rrlnga ~ lumbago, atomnch tn d kidney

i disorders. If you have tried evcryOilng else. Try A djust-

, _ T mcnt*. Relief Is often ob-' ^ -1 tnlned a fte r l i n t treatm ent.

_ 130 Main North - Phone 23205 1 B R , ALMA HARDIN


[ g C B a j r t e r i ^ r w :

4l\ . J r J m


' j y

I f ^ - m

m ^m k in d

I new beaut

E V l

lymouth wili i i N n H V * ” " * * *

yoiir dealei

t Yule Tree Blaze. Chairman Urges j

Stock Donations jp m ay O eorge Bever, chairm an o t th a - Utural Jaycee'* an n u al Christm as tre« bon*:e* ta ftre iw d.w iener roost, again is ask­

ing C hrtslm a* tree dealer* ta take 10 ex- their- leftover atock to the play- p rac - ground behind th e jun io r high w ith Bchool w hera th e even t is acheduled

essary n e x t Saturday , r tim e CollecUon o t Christm as tree t U wUl t n m th e resldenU al district* wiU

w ork s ta r t a f te r th e f irs t o t th s year, ‘dules, Bever ask* householder* to place

th e ir discarded ChrisUnas tree* on b a n - Uia p a rk in g strip* ta tro n t a t the ir

m a te - house*. Boy Scout* will carry them la t o r . to c o m ets fo r piekup.Tf th e B aver aald th e c ity parka and r tc - llie* to reaU on departm en i plan* to aaslst

in p lck tag up th e Uee* and taking th em to the playground. Jaycees

1 _ will provlda th o wiener*, buna and I l k o th e r trim m ing* for th a yearly jociai) _______________________________

n ^Vf In The Albumniess. and ProaporouB Now Yiiftt*d era who gnve us their patririus, serve you and your friends e Idney,w ed r o s e ANN WILLIAMS

Portra it* and Color

T h e A l b u m■j ^ r 2 3 1 S h o s h o n s S t N o rth

J r Y o a b e tc h a ,P o p t M

h a s w m e Sine

th a n th e w h iske rs on yer cl

I t ’s got a n ew k in d o f s!

k in d o f a n ew k in d o f sto

beauty a n d n ew lots-of-other-i

E v eryb o d y ought to see i t l

NiUbe a t

ler’s Friday,

ree Blaze. DeMoiayto m ^ U r p s k Donationsirer, chairm an o t th a — — 1a l ChrisUna* tre« bon* ' ,er roast, again is ask-s tree dealer* ta taka• atock to the play-nd th e Junior highth e event is acheduled M \^ W \of Chrlatm as tree t W 'r i f W W *ildenUal district* will / ^ >h e first o t the year, j j M m ' e c T l Ihouseholder* to place V V **Hi Chrlsunas U«ea on fftT H |lUlp* ta tro n t o t the ir "ScouU wUl carry them . ^r pietaip. % F n e n d X y L o a i the c ity park* and r tc -rtm en t plan* to aaslst R f l l i a n c e C. Uia ttee* and taking n o i i o n c o V

playground. Jaycees C O r p .the wieners, buna and O PPO SITE T IM Etag* tor th a yearly PHONE 25

^ SEASON Greetinj

^ Wo In The Album Studios w ish all d ProaporouB New Year, and th an k out

gnve us their patronage In lJ?51-r-h u and your friends even b e tte r in 195J NN WILLIAMS BOB WILUAMSrtrolt* and Color Com mercial. W »

a n d ScenJo P h o t«

A l b u m S t u doshons St. North "PA

/ ' ■

betcha, P o p i M y P ly m o u th

h a s m ore f in e new fe a tu r e s ,

k iskers on yer c h in l

I n ew k in d o f sta rt, a n ew

n ew k in d o f stop. J

ew lots-of-other-thinffs. m

ought to see i t l J g J B

e a t

Friday lan.^


Page 6: · ^^BULLETIN Korea. (Sonday). ^ P p J ^ 'T h e eom m anlBta to-^ H I L i M t w o p o ln ^

| [ " p

■ D w o rsh a k P lei j i R e ac tio n T ovC i t ■ Editor, Time»-New»:] f} " ' I hkve Ju it r«»<l w ith proioui

I j l ' InUrest Uia td lU rU l In the Timei <1- i Nawa of Dec. Ifl commenting up-I l r t, U)8 rem trlu m u ls recently InIK' I. speech by M»rrln«r 8 . Ecelei, I h;Mffiij pUnned to hew th a t addreaa. b• l« i becmise of Inclement w esther:n l 1 eould nol board the plane o t TwH i p»llj U u t n igh t tn d wki compelliM l I to drive to 8» lt L ike City.■ l j I am In compleU accord wliO B your reaction to Uib Ecclea spcein i l when Uie la tte r u id th n t T a(t o]■ peari to be m e ouUUndlng cand D l|l I (laU (or the RepubUc&n nomlnulK ™ I for the pretldenoy. I ws» eautioi i ' l . during the p u t w eelu when I w, ^ In Idaho to refre ln (rom makli ■ i t any publle itsU m en t concernli■ Senator T a(t u I did no t want■ to appear th a t I was endeavorlt■ to sell him to tho lupubllcar H llo«'ever. 1 woa pleaded co (Ind IB I my traveU throughout the sU U Uiat Uie Ohio aenator U extreme B l popular and It Is (Inally recognln Id i his nom ination would provide t u l l ■ unusual opportunity for Uie Ame Bli lean people to make a declnl' M j . cholc# betweeo Idsologte* In ger ■ ] em m ent,

I M o th e r P ro te siI In S ix R upeiI I K litor. TJmej'N ewj;I I We pareoU are le tU ng tired <

I being Uie (au lt o f 13 chlldrj

brought Into probaU court-for In m oral conduct. O ut o( the 13. s have been ie n t to the Industrl jchooL I am ft parent to one of U children. I know w hat goea on 1 my home.

1 know m y child and th e hon town. We. the parenU. loved thi child. We keep U iat child w an proper cloUiej and proper food. : xhe g e u sick we do a ll we csiXL V try to U acb them th s r ig h t road i Uke.

B u t w hen th a t child goes to tt R upert schools ther# U Just roo;

1)1 L to get l a W hen they g e t ou t < i ] achool they come to town. W hat S! th e f irs t thing they see? A pool hs II , ‘ and then ano ther and before thi II 1 get down one sU eet they paas thri II II pool halla and one place whe:II n adulU are drinking beer, b u t whi 4 do they have (Or the child? NoU i j Ingl Because It takes money.] | J Everyone of these 13 chlldn 1 loves to roller skaU. Do Uiej- ska

I In Rupert? Not They go to Burle | f ‘[< Because R upert Isn't lnu res t«d : If’ , recreaUon for Uie children. The: i > [ la no place bu t the s tr e e tIII I T he boys can own cara. T he glr H'K can 't. The boy takes th e girl (i lij: ! a ride. T hen the m a tU r la ou t i

control o( the parenU . Lou H , 1 Dgpaln takes the credit (or w hal U I being done. B u t he Isn 't qualKli K\ II for the Job o t probation od lcer. TI I IL people know th a t or they wouldiI IT sign the peUUon to g e t him (In R| II I t Isn 't a disgrace to oust som Dl R body we don 't w ant In o((lce. Ii jt : sU ad Of him U klng these chlldn J/ , and helping therii In the ir oii U,' home town h e U kes them awi

' from the ir parenU. I know m y chi fi haa go t everything a t SU AnUioi '< f th a t ahe doesn't have In he r ov f I liome town.

1} Mr. Dspain la going to clean t III the town. B u t X know this. I H d idn 't clean ou t Uie r ig h t ones.I I he se o t every child aw ay th a t 1 R thought he should, we wouldr

ihave any children le(t.

W e, the parents, know w hat v wpre told and w hat ou r child wi lold behind closedX doors. Yoi vapera haven 't eald inyU jl;ig abo' c u r conccm in tho M atufT O r wh ve d id to h e ln k h ^ l u a U o n . Tl credit b u m j o K r t o Louis Dspal B u t I aay he should be diamlue T he children ve re told to u l l U


I W a r l.I O F I1,1 C O M P L E T E W| | |D • Backed By Over 35 Vcaril i n • fair and reasonabli n • SATISFACTORY SERVIm OUK VANS OPERAn m A H O . C A L I F )

W N E V A D A . O R Iip" W A S H I N G T O N

ijlj I T \d iiF a


7:30 p.mC D E C H o h , N or K C C w h i . t i o i

> j| R i n g i n t h e N c

H A g a la N ew Y e a r ' il l | ' f o r y o u o t th

I RHYTHM II 3 4 0 Secoi

■ n i

Public Forileased W ith Idaho W a rd Senator T aft

I hare-been disturbed oomewhat ro(ound th a t Uiey w ant the party to win a t Times* a ll coiU and thus are In favor of th e g upon nomlnaUon of G eneral Elsenhow er / In a by commenu of a few RepubUcanaI, I had becauie they think he c an bo su ie !sa. bu t of victory. These people overlook.lher I the (act lh a t the general has beenit Tw in a v lu l part o( th e new deal a n d(npelled fair deal admlnlstraUons and u n ­

doubtedly they do n o t d raw dlsttoc-d WlUl Uons between Uie kind of govern-speech m ent we havo had In th U country

a ft a p - for the p u t decade or tw o and th acandl- kind o( adminlstraUon whleh la

Inatlon Imperative If we are to preserveauUoua coniUtutlonal government.I I was I t Is apparent th a t In the e aa t making th e ro 'U a concentraU d effort to cernlnn sm ear and weaken S enator T aft aa want I t a pountlal prealdenUal candidate, avorlng However, I feel confiden t tha t R o - blicans. publican leaders throughout th o find in country wUl resist these efforU I sU U and not be Influenced a a were th e tremely delegaUs to th e Republican conven- ORnlzed Uon In 1S40. I am very happy to Ide an note your aggressive position c o n - Amer- cernlng Senator T a f t becauae I a m

5eclfllve sure Uint you will grcntly Influence n gov- public thinking In aouthem Idaho . ________ liaH B Y C, DWORSHAK

ests Action Taken pert Juvenile Cases

tru th . They told the tniU i, a n d Ired of they were U ken nwny (rom pa renU hlldren th a t were told to cooperau w ith 'or lm - Uie snld o((icer.13. six W hat's th a t going to do to th e lu strla l child? A(Ur all our he lp and con - o f th e c ers « a nere told we w ere no t th eon In proper parent to keep ou r ch ild .

B u t when our child comes hom e.I homa th e n what?d th a t T here w u a m eeting Tueaday warm , n igh t In the auditor's offlee. Clvlo

ood. I f organizations, churches. PTAs a n dan. W e achoola were called In. B u t the p a r -road to e n u involved were left ou t. W hy?

I think Judge W all be tU r f ireto th e M r. Dspain because thera will be a n

t room elecUon day. I f we c a n 't get r id ou t o f of Louis Dspain, w e will ge t r id of W h afs them boUi. We parenU m ay n o t bewl ha ll the ones to raise our children b u t -e they we are old enough to vote.s th ree MRS. ORLA COFFMAN

w here (Rupert)t w h at -----------------------------------------------------

M othe/P lays A Canyonside ]

T here Editor, Tlmes-News:Are we losing* .for o u r children,

le girls the finest th ing we could leave to;lrl (o r them, a good, old*(aahIoned A m er-out of lean herlUge of freedom and equal-

Louls lly? I t win be through weaknesswhal Is th a t comes w ith complacency nndualKled the ever-increasing narrowness ofe r.T h e ' m in i and thinking th a t go w ithrouldn't tliem.” I t cast Its shadow over C an -

* 7®’ yonaldo where the wrIUr Is a re s -hiM n.n W«nt Uxpaj-er and m other of alr nwn *n school. I t darkenedI away Christmas (or mnny o( child A man and his wl(e atfff two ch ll-n thony dren were x;inimoncd In to probateer own court to show cause why the ch il­

dren slioulcl n o l bc taken from lh ecnn up home, and, more Imiwrinni.nls. h e have good reason to believe, fromies. I f tho school and community,h a t h e . i f anj'thing could be m ore sham e-’ouldn't Iul than, tho vile and vicious com ­

plaint. then I t Is In the fact, estnb-h a t wc Ushed In Uie hcnrlnif o t which onlylid was wIinesstSTOr Uie projocullon tc s-

Y our Uded. lha t na one, c om plslnanu; about or others, had gone to th e parcnt.i) rw h a t and Uid Uiem of their ehlldren'an . T h e transKresslons. ICgoIng hQme a (t« rDspain. achool with the ir schoolmates la a■missed, tranidresilon.;ell th e 1( having alx small children to

v f i c F l

i^roS . IO F F E R S A I





I Falls Phone 2J,6 |



m . 't i l 1 a .m ., N o iso M a k e rs ,,» t lc i , H o rn t

N o w Y e a r !

a a r 'i E v e ,p a r ty3 t th e — ^

I ROLLER RINKSecond Avenuo Eott

arumiho She Appeals for T a f t All Mothers to lomewhat - Send Objeetionito win a t EdIWr, Tlmes-News:vor of th e T h li U an appeal to all a o U ie rsenhow er young m o th e n . old mothera. grandpubllcana mothers, and a ll women of th is na1 be aure tlon. regardlesa of race, creed e

overlook joior. jjo ih e rs o( sons who havhas been been killed In Korea and who a tdeal a n a there yet and those about to be aerand u n - ujerg u , , n e ar future and tn

v d l s t l ^ - who a re on Uielr way not govern- to tije a laughter grounds of KoreiI country o r . as th e pollUdana pollUly la;

I f IS >» m erely « U on , wha preserve ^ ^ojIho oaiit to go there against their will? Whu

.ffo r t to op *r <i4fL ^ to look, forw ard lo. boyi from 18 t andldate 2fl? And w h at will happen to oi ’S . t ^ « “ nUy when aU our manpower w ul U?e exhausud?e e ffo ru W ashington, the father of oi were th e country, once aald If America aU j 1 conven- a t home and m inds h er own bus. happy to ness and looka o u t a fU r tha welfai ;lon c o n - of her people, ahe will be Uie great uaa I a m est nation on earth . Bul c o d h a \ Influence mercy on h e r If she ever tangles 1 m Idaho , the affalra-of oUier nations. ISHAK They say th o pen Is mlghUi-------------th an the aword. So, moUiers. pic

up your pea a n d bombard W aahlni p n ton, D. c .. w ith such a s tream <

(lam ing le tte rs lh a t I t will m ako a our c o rru p t. politicians a lt u p c

o G p Q the ir h ln d 'leg s and take noUce. a a o y i s You d o n 't allow your houae ( uUi, a n d get fUthy d irly . W hen you aee d u fl p a re n u collecUng,-you arm yourself w ith a u w ith broom and m op and get to houaj

cleaning. W ell, our national hoir ,0 to th o needs a cleanup Job. And you ca and eo n - do It. T hey aay tha hand thc » not th o rocka th e cradle rulea Uje worli u r ch ild . W ake up. m others, and forw ai es hom e, m arch. O et th e ball rolling—nc

ju s t one le tU r. but a itre am c Tueaday them and keep them flowing.

:e. Clvlo L et loose your llghUilng awor TAS a n d (pen) and le t them know'you m ea the p a r - business. O ur boys' lives a re t t

t. W hy? m ost precloua th ing on earth . Ai itU r f ire we Just going to s it back a n d h vlll be a n Uiem keep U klng Uielr lives In val t get r id or are we going to fight?[et rid o f I t U gomg lo be up to the wome ay n o t b e of th is g reat naUon to preserve Idren b u t fo r posterity a n d make It Uie greai

e s t naUon once more.?7MAN MRS. NELLIE HOREJS

(Twin Falls)

y s A c t i o n A g a in s t id e D i s t r i c t ’s F a m il]

feed and clo the asd therefore n(children, being able to do I t qulU u w ell tleave to betU r-tlxed people w ith only on

!d A m er- two or th ree ; If a mother being 1nd equal- and unable to keep her house tw eakness well u a few others, are term e;ncy n n d transgressions and subject to pro;wness of ecutlon, n o t to mention persecuUoigo w ith then Ood have mercy on cu r c h i

dren an d thelm .rer C a n - T hla la w here we, the other Carts a r e s - yonslde resldenU , camo In. W e atier of a shamefully guilty. Wo. We shouldarkened never have le t this thing happeI. hero and we could have prevenUdtwo c h ll- eu lly . T rue, we did not present oi1 probate protcsU, no t to the court because Uithe c h ll- defense h ad no counsel and did nifrcm l h e know they could call ua to tesUftnnt. ^ We presented them to the Juds!ve. from gracious enoufth to mei

w llh us Informally a fU r the heaie sham e.ous com - Here, too. we esUbllshed th e facct, estnb- -------------------------------------------------- -nich only tlon te s -p la lnanU B T i l l J I l l l ' l l T l l i r J i Bs paren tsjh lldren 'a . . . . BY . . . .

IV A K u ia L Y tM

lldren to

5 “U good' he lp makes good aerrto<S we've got Ul*

» We'll Jump a t the chance to prov S our service Is th e best In town.

I I. & L . SERVICEI ■<“5 5 l ‘ i T r S ! f \ K imberly f i f O t w Q

____ g { l i [ B 1 Road H K J I


« Football's ihriH-pa

The O rangt/ E O BOttOIA TECH ,

T u o id a y , J o n . 1 , a t

5 S k5 0 ycifc#//fl. d / o l U

IK I K V1450 ON >

TIMES-NEWS.' w ith h im , t h l t th e peraon*

b ro u g h t the com plain t and si q u e n t e ou rt acUon could no t d id n o t represen t th e Canyoi com m unity, achool. PTA or

" ' th in g else except them selvei, ■

f o r ” *We^ could'*’ have prevented. _ t h l n t i y going a lltUe- ou t ol

r s l O to knock on a nelghbor|s. . by know ing him , h is wife and :

^ P t l O n R Hy* v e were big enough, we<

wlUi th c d lfdcu iues lh a t comeall ffiotheri, beuiig poor and sick and hav inhera. g ran d - utU e ones to care for.I of th la n a . w e could hava prevented 1s, creed or seeing to l l th a t we, t^ e parI who hava were noUfled dlrecUy and Innd who a re d la tely of e rror on p a r t o f chllj t to be aen t in achool. o r en ro u te to andire and tn e K hool.r way now T h ere are several cjuesUonJ>* of K orea, w ould like anawered by the gpoliuly lay , , h o b rought UiU action. 1. '

th e o th e r studenU In ou r aiacUon, w h at given th e m enU l tesU describeca th e boya th e hearing? 3. I f n o t. whyr will? W h a t these tw o th e only onea plcker boys have receive them ? 9. I f these pa:I (rom 18 to were believed to be aa u n d t asppen to o u r c laim ed In th e com plaint, whynanpower Is only two of the alx children ma

for rem oval from th e ir home, ':her o f our two being of achool age?merlca a U y i I f th e people U> .whose homeir own busl. ch ild ren eame d id no t w an t t• tha w eU are th a t la th e ir business. B u t I t s4 the g re a t, s tra n g e In a farm ing commiit o o d have w here. In m ost Instances, evertr tanglea In a tray dogs nnd caU are takotlona. and fed unUl som ething can beIs m lghU er them . Aro ou r neigh

loUiers. pick ch ild ren less Uian these?rcl W M hinff- could they no t have told tho a sU ta m o(> «nU th a t the ir ch ild ren-w ere

m ako aU welcome?I s ll u p on W e do n o t (juesUon a ny-pe rce noUce. to say who m ay or maylr h o ^ to e n u r h la private dom ain, bu tyou aee d u s t yonslde is a public achool, arsel( WlUl a • ' ' t * tcachers andIt to house- *nuHt seo to 11 th a t th e a u th o rltional hom e ^ew U not m isused to rcsirlcmd you c an l^ n o d U .

hand th a t ^ t m u sl be kep t open to «UiB w orld ohlW >n the com m unity. T he -

nd forw ard P « P 'e (InanclaUy well-:rolllnff—n o t *n'“ t be conten t to mingle

» treu n of With th o child o( iho poorestiowtog lowliest, whose need Is grenU stinlna ^ r d *^"*t ih lnga hoveH L ^ a n '• !» continue to come.VM W h o t o( democraUc Ideals ane a r t^ A re “* « ''t Uiem? Are

»ck »nd le t ® erely aomething to U lk aboulin va in * ‘ y ” ^^>ey canno t 11'uves in vam ^^^110 schools.

, o , . w om -n w here? And why th e loss of I

It '^“ l " 0^ A merica to Uie “fiIt Uie g rea t-

h o r e j s k . PASCialU) <Boute 3. Jerem

nsf Burley Kiwanian Discuss’52 Pla

f l m l l y BURLEY. Dcc. 2& -A I Uie Bif K lw anls club meeUng Wedne

rtereforo n o t , i th e NaUonal hoU l. E. R . B le u w ell aa p a s t p residen t of th e club amn only one, vlalonal lle u unan t-govem or foiMr being ill com lnc year. ouUlned waya oler house aa creaalntc club m em bership In 10are term ed h o nlso ndvlscd m em bers onect to p r a - Im portnnee o( sponsoring vopersecution, club nctlvliles. A m ons those a:

sn oiur ch ll- ipa ted by the locol (troup duriniI year Is n spring tra in in g con(er

I other C an - w hich D laucr aald h e hopesIn. W e a re bo he ld in Burley.We ahould T h o club will m eet .Wedne

ling happen nlKht (o r "ladles n ig h t" n t theprevenU d II Uonal hotel. A program will bep resen t ou r s e n u d nnd there will be InsUlIi

; because th e o( oKlcers.and d id n o t ---------------------------------------------- -IS to tesUfy.> the Judge |l \Igh to m eet ‘ir the he a r- | | | ^ ,

th e fact,

A - THE :


play-by^lar '> .:ood aerrloe, by KARRV WISHER /

M A R V U N D ”

t o t b i h e s s e e f i i fW I ^ P Pr«Mot*d frr Ciiiittt ; ' i f

NEW YEAR'S DAY 12:35 P.M. ^

^ KLIX t f

t thrill-padcod c la u ic i

w g e B o w l G am tA TECH VM B A Y tO K

>on. 1, ot 11:45 A.M. ^ A <1 rour ta o r on f/i« ^ f l

. dial 1 4 5 0 ^ ^ V . ^ -

A c ti im f er sro m ’

tmMTAiioN ue iustveir c u tw io


BWS, TW IN FALLS. IDAHOperaon* who r " "

- r - r T w i n F a l l se Canyonalda


fevenUd tn u »xdc :Malatl ilBUrmla. 'CBS le -o u t of o u r •WNOAr ilghbor;s door,rt(e and fam - Jioo jimt a-oa ilUgh, we could *101 j8k» Boi n«>rnr - a>a i■e m igh t he lp b« it«»iMr ».oo cla t come w ith jo iu juiI^ 'b m r«vi. » to:oo*nd having alx nioo Ntw< loiao i

m os BiDf c ra b r u i u t;vo.t«l 11 b7 '!.S ,?a •t^ e p a re n u , u iM *pi» o PUrtimii* *

I trc S S iis:to and from ‘Ot.iiMt si«r» j :m •

4:K tNkk C&rur aiM •(luesUona we «!m • sw r 'th J 'ii’u.i. •!” •by the group J>00 ‘ W.lUr WlaeStll SilO •lon. 1. Wera a t!jo •n ou r achoot ano lU rtrr SiOO •J described In •■'w ‘ n r t- Pt»r»«n siao •o t. why w et« JiK 1nea picked to lOiHS •theae p a re n u m ondat io.j j c: u n d t as w u c ,, , }}i5S.Inl, why w ere s ih iioiir-t ro iiL uioo tlldren m arked 2'®“ N«wip hom ., u . « . ’ i!! J S ■le? lilO Uahe N*wi a;IO i>se homes th e ’>ieiir«oad N*wt t : o tv,s„ra.". iSMMsSs,...! ;;;;

B u t It seems » u i 'C h ti Hunu« a;o«‘ g com m unityices, even th e joiJS ioi” •are taken In m o o 'J k Ii Oerch shov ii:o o 's c a n be dono J | '}? f i ‘ S Ii r neighbor'sthese? And IIiOO Dlnatr D«ll rtoundup l i l l l t

to ld the p a r- } |‘” ' ’ ‘J" Iren -w ere n o l ‘!loS a - .? n shilp iloo >UIO :U dln Kair

I o r may n o l aiiotwud mu iiirkok sioo • a ln , bu t C nn- s.oo K-L-i.x-irii. M .». 4ido • ehool, a good ---------------------------------------------

s authority o( H o n o r S t u d e n tU> restric t lU SHOSHONE. Dec. 39 -P(c.

O. Simpson ranked as honor pen to every dent when h e compleUd track .y. T he child cle m echanics course a l Ft. 1 lUy well-dxed Ky. Ho Is a aon of M r. and Mi mingle here f . SUmpson, Shoshone.

I poorest and „ ■ ,I BrenUst and

NEW YEAR'SIdeals and all ___ . _ _ ____ _

D A N C l' l ^ M ^ d f b S NEW YEAR'S EVEr ™ e * K ® M o n d o y , D ec;. 3 1 s this? H a t l— H o rn s — BoU oor

‘^O'ne a n d bring the Rani 3. Jerome) ^

mians RA DIO ! Plans R OND EV OM the Burley g W ednesdayE. R B lauer, ---------------------------c lub and d l- ■' =

■emor for the

lh” ” " • u ." ' mbers on theorlng vorlous i _ _

those a n tic- I D oorS Opup during the a.


I j

I ^

JU S T W H A T TK f j f FO R A H A P P '

f A n e y e f u l . . . a n

. ,ss2sssssssSSimI DIAL I 1310

s s

i m e '

i 4


' A N ]

wllh PAOaSRA UWRCNCC • BOBsc u tn tt»r by 310 SILVERS t HAI

U l l SEA'

■7 “

AHO__________ '________

'a l l s R a d io S c h e d u leKVMV KTFI AM

S) (1450 KttOCYCLES) (1310 KlLO-98.7

. u » . t•'im ’vcbh Ha«> TlOO aWorld K*«*B-M Btllwl TunDl* ''>>> xWotdi Htn 1a i« Th. Ll.lnt WorJ ’ V?.**t.oo Chtlitlin DrotS.rhiMd SrtO llUdlo^ru^ljU

l i i ! S ! i s i T L 'v s ; "!;Si

■Is i!S KK'.-; k:SiU Drtm* of M»Jleln* P-i"- „iS i'A'ix'rr™. SI S:;i5"p?~'1-M •oJf k « D.iTu »:■« fii*-ilOO *Jft£k fi«Dny iCrltlc nt L«rs !m ‘aS J .- rASdr 1 -M L . - , .

s!ao •iK.'l?'f'o7‘Yo" «'=» iil lr 9h*-mt. OiOO n.blrd *;«{1 ,‘i f o';,,

, ! S

ll;30 •SundJT E«« S«TfBtdt e 'j j S” *’'* . , ,

..m. MONDAT MONDATt «IOO 'COS Nivi Koundu? a.m.

a;lo Altrtq CiMk Club <iOO Ztro HourT:00 N o... W«.lli.r S.4J H.«l« V.II.T7iIS Alirn Clock Club -1:00 U uilol noun<

x>k 7|IS 'N<«a ot Amtdck TilS Hrtilifut N«1l ;00 *AfU»>t Ood/rtr TiJO WK»pid«»

ro tr 10:00 Wmrtn oi'oo iRtrlkt It ItlcllOlSO 'Itomiiiic* of H, Trent 0:30 l'<noii>Ul|r Ti1:00 *llti Slaltr Vi4i iDavo □•rrow

D miO *Yuur( Ur. ililont |0:00 Clubi:iOO KVUV Noon Cdlllon IDlia Tlck«r Ti m Tp,tn. IC:90 Ateordlns ts

jp l i l l l NovibMU a U»ktt« llilSxDob tad IU13:90 'N on O rtkt. U:>0 xC*orx« Hlcki1:09 Komriraktrt li:19 F*rm Journkl

lUrmonlfo 12:«S Nivin K*«i[.D. l l l l *I.lnkI<U*r'> Ptrtr I lOO iRkillo Drami

J:«6 Mu»l9 .1. Lm SiH KlloerrJ. KUr1:00 ‘ Wlnntr Ttk« All «iOO nWtlcom* Tn 4lD0 *AII<» Jackion. N«w« 4:30 iI,or«nio Jogi

• i i H o n f SUmpson Is a g raduate o. u u c i i i / »hone h igh school a n d atlen i

39—F(c. John Unlverslly of Idaho prior toas honor stu* Ing lhe arm y on J a n . 20. 101

jU d track vehl- i—


I C E MONDAYt'S EVE n M M G W . J 9 f P

W . " ' W l h e G r e a tW coruso

i c5 IU,“ 9 lEClHIMlORa M A RIO A t4N



Doors Opgn Today a t 12 :45 j

^ L A Y l t ^ T O M m m O X

“ iOiPtiEX TRA !



' E A R ' S D A Y A T I P . M .

-w T ”i t 4 4 ' * t c u c u t


. . . a n e a r f u l . . . a n a r m i

sia r rin j


ANN m il l e r»ci-BOICIIOSB<M..i.,i.,inECH«ILiyElS '■VERS t HAL KANttR » dlnelcil tn A MES v. KCRH

Get Tickets Now I \ /‘or Our New

Year's Eve Show ^^E A T S T jlc^ax included

r " ; ^ Trips, Jaunts ft Shoshone Rek

r AikM TMkK aHOSHONE, Dec. 3 0 -M[ A M - F M Mrs. Nick H aight a n d tILO-98.7 MEO.) Sandpoint, visited I rle n d i 1

ihone Thursday.auNOAT n u th Barrow, H arm on, 00,M K .« . A4<>nd«» vu iung Mr. and Mra. A rt 1otda Uon u > t Br N orth Shoshone.*rn.i U»ht J*red Long, aon of M rs, Aiit or lock. Is apendlng h is hoUdJlOi iiiihiiibu lough w llh his m other.»rch Tlm« jjlfl JJTJ. J im HaiUllli Pri*. N*»» VlslUng a t Bartlesville, Okla.n«ric. unit.d Ed HanssQ, itu d e n i a t 08 iMriB lUmou g ,n , U tah, U visiting hU j.ihn Monro. Mr. and Mrs. Ed H ansen.,ud p r« . N .-i Mr. and Mrs, Ployd Oalleiitri « children, S a lt L*ke C ity , are'vid Mr. a n d M n. Lawrence OUHne fO u rT iiB * Pfc. Dais Eden, BheppaW« ,r!i.n*K r»» Tex.. l l vUlUng hla p a r e n u , :« « t for ISM Mra. Oeorge Eden.klcodi o( Muil« ... ..........................s Sho» .

p l ; i r 7 , ’ ' » ^ l y W?l,“ v“.ll.T A r t ■Ic.l noundu»■kfut N.w. o p .d a

It nich•oii.Uir Tlir* M

ordlns ts li>KorJ )b .ad Ror

n i.v .

S ■ v i «

S S s i ; PIEHRE HONTEUXJ ” ** CNacttr

a d u ate of Sho- FrtltcllW D(ti.n d a ttended the „

p rior to enU r- • • • ''n . 20. lOSl. SrmphonyNo.3i».l.l . I<h«t

SirmphoRl* lipain.U . . . Ttl* 0«mnaH«n #f rauHi W«l

a M j i M M A f l r » e ^ lukltci H r«iiWo iM*

^ ^ j jk K


F / /B L Y T H I M • M


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tO R R O W I h l i i

IUSf f P f l P hVS




_------- Tomorrow N ight A t 11:


W A Y /'


n n nIGH ^ ^lACKEN W Q 2 I

m i l ^ ^

I NowNew &lShow » ~ .nW il



■ips, Jaunts for wS, bhoshone Related306H 0N E, Dec. 3 0 -M r. and In 8an i . Nick H aight a n d ch ild ren , Thelm*dpolnt, VUlted W e n d i In Bho. ‘“ " n Mn, le Thursday. , Mr. and Mruth Barrow, H arm on, O kla ., is Sail Lakein g Mr. and Mra. A rt T adlock. " ____ _Ul Shoshone.•ed Long, aon of M rs, A rt T ad - , la apendlng h is holiday lu r- an,i!^r ;h Wllh Ws moUier. 5 ?“ " ' !ho<»,r . and M ri. J im H anaen are # , I .,**X ' Jng a t Bartlesville, Okla. ’1 Hansen, s tuden i a t OSAO, Lo- diftv r;L-. ”, U tah, is visiting hU p a re n u , and Mrs. Ed H ansen . ^

X. and Mrs, Ployd O allegof and r ■ dren, S a lt L*ke C ity , are vUlUng I I • J V a n d M n. Lawrence OUKord. - l a l .

tc. Dale Eden, Sheppard Pleld; ■.. la VlslUng hla pa ren U , M d . Oeorge Eden.



PIERRE HOHTEUX f l l Fnitclfn S ja f i t t j Orcftiitri

OW.mO».nwr. . . , W*W !rm phonrN o.3i(t.n .Sihumonn Srmphoitl* lipain.U . . . U U ni> P«tnnall«n »f l<au»> Wiltz •! J ^ ^ S \

th« Jr'iihii tekodv Mmh . .

I HJJiOtt.« . « « « 1 SULLIVAISuni! KTFIOMM.UraO.IIM

^ coons


.B iiutt uuoM>ono mua.j.u auici.uu.ini um


PLA N NOW TO ATTEND CNEW YEAR'S EVE M ID NIG H T SHOWING Tomorrow N lgbt A t 11:30 P . M. Begular Pt

n n i i i s iIN TSE 9

umesCRAIG-wm cur MADISON""

V-r—▼ tstfi! Huuoa. i a u r o « «

Page 7: · ^^BULLETIN Korea. (Sonday). ^ P p J ^ 'T h e eom m anlBta to-^ H I L i M t w o p o ln ^

E v a n E n g ^^trotharatHc

M rtlen . More th in 60 guj Wendell. Ooodln*.

i u » ^ / MlM VM Sn ielon receive !!» • * ^ w ith » *W M , W < ^ ^ D o a ) e r chose »

while ro su .WM die*

T tf ^ S S r t moUf t a d U l* .^ 7 % r o w n m k e d

g « ^ j , ^ a u r e d th e Uft

u d u n - W . H. Butlc* > ^ M ^ D d hour. Mrs. s f < t a ^ U rs. lU lp h E.7 % ^ the dining room ^ i ^ ^ ^ o w e U and M n .

■*°°ZMjen in d he r fiance, t f J ° S d M n. JM k 6 h a u -

pi«” •

LutoUct. I IBSl g r id u aU

(» ^ o t Idaho > t M h . S d % l l h Kapp.;^Alphft

She re tum ed SaU Ore.. w h e n ahe U

the roresc service.£ , u msjoring In buslnese

of O r^ p n . sugene.

„pFire Girls ,------onsor A nnual ( hristmas FetesiTirtfiU were fea lurcd d u r- m eei TuiV « « k by members of « t for J: f ^ to t Blue B W group#.

EawBs! The SI *tn otm bers o f the K a- a t a p.m isd (heir guard ian , M rs. CatherlniflUf, vere hosUsseii a t a ment.i, a t dUncr party . Pamllies ofT nre guesu. A gift ex- SHOS«ni&ild followinff the dln« lng fort2M flrli p n se n U d glfU to MIA offlBfdUn aad pw en ts . M rs. p jn . tods in tu b of h e r Camp Fireltd Ascensl

OueUwald church tnin U Csmp FJre Olrls com* w lih MrsSrtiuau gIfU fo r the ir p a r- an streeti lUo ven t caroling. T hey assist.Mil I t a Christm as partyb u i of M n . R . W. C ar- RegulaiIba fbli received gifts from Legion aittU n,)irs.T honiasPeavey. pxn. WeimnWr and from the U P room. AlI eteb represeoUUve, M rs. tu res ofbk bands ar

lock rttd nembers o f the Lucky HANSEHd tlielr Christm as p a rty po#tponc<ft. HieT w rapped glfta for Wednetd;onts before going U th e held a t :I toffee Ih o p for dessert Mrs. TonLlCn. BIU R eed , leader of meeting i

Oak U a f - r - .cak U sf Blue B ird group | W lf

Ibe county fa rm lo sing p, ri present gifts. T he lead* q I .Boy Van B u re a and M rs. T in n ri I Flekerlng. accompanied ^

• • • •

Entertainn cf the "Payne's K ids” th e ceren bnlSng team en terta ined «t b br

Bion and th e ir husbands ^ i , , lay dinner a t th e home of ! f l ’ nn,Ri>r.w«i.r. A onm i- S S se v u tealurcid. .rhp hI,-ere Mr. and « » • S pen- f„^,ionc“ se. ipoiuors, a n d Mr. and bodice t f King. Ur. and Mrs. F rank «r. and Mrs. L ynn SU w art Jnl, a i Urs, H arold Hoover. oranije b , *1^Jb Has PartyDcilsn Paclfle Booster club-L ake Cll

C ^ lm a a p a rty In th e -,,room v, hill ll was reported S o tu r--cnllf., w n i l were sung by .Mrs.-th e U. s Pesvejr’s Cam p P ire group-tlnue h< itfmn was fea tured .-----------

---------— --------- :--------- -ployed a)Qrian M artin

Pattern Cou| Hol(f J* Elna I

i x ^ A » o f Mr. aM f >4 W U ugh. aiW V. Huds.

A -■ j V formed «^ 1 Cleve Eg' \ \ / / X . the r

1 W f / k A ' couple's^ v r r ~ ~ \ n n AtiencU \ \ C - ^ ; i \ DorothyW s - W 'v / / ■ \ FollowlnV -J I ' A th e new:\ J ‘ v y \ \ \V ^ \\ \ » I l / y x X v y *


• 1 ^ t ’sl l l i . W bom thi

I JrV I .m to mei]7 n \ \H \ fo r the 1I l l 'A vv For thai

■ I 'A 1 have, fo■ ' I • \ A < «( 1 % '/ 'T i o u » e n

1 1 children[ ' ; I > \ ploy In* i . ' j I th s t til■ '■! i . l-f* ' \ »'’*'='• 0

\ . \ A ally I t

f. •! th e soc

Yo 1 ’n m y thU en

'E .S r ;«aa " w «JM rles to Child

<ilW8 IJ. bro”fld?;

39.ineii.‘“ '' fill. Th

siio . Box 67in mother

P'»lnly A chll,

K . ^ BKlMBElt 81), 1851

jlen Tells P°nc holiday Tea bvto W ade Sheasley, Lowell. Ore., The nei

e home of he r paren ts. Mr. and M onday i 10 guesta. Including re ild e n ts of Tw in Fal ding. Buhl. F^ler and K im berly a rea i t , ecelved g uesu w earing a powder here.

* llr * * Square <will hold- dance American according C arl Smlt C entral atlon.

One hu a rea , Incli; HUi c ity , ihone. planned bi

A - aaslsted byro n I

Dal^ ^ K e :3 w > ceremonies

UclpiUng ' berly ; Bll M a cW ln u

Square, w ill be fea lnum)l.'ixi( planned b’ wlll be dancing wi

RU Tll VAN ENGELEN(S U ff engraving) Memben

club n lng 111 «

C alendar S Jm,.'"I Barlows u

rlmrose Rebekah lodge wlll no l *” <* M” ':t Tue.iday n igh t, a mecU ng Is M ” - JJ“ yifor Jan . 16. M rs. DufJ

If. tl, M rs. Robehe S U r Social club w in m eet . 'f*'®3 p. m . W ednesday w ith Mrs. na ls . nolnherlne Po tter, i^ex A rm s a p a r t- P*®iLi, lng will h

w j|> V 3 o'clock IHO SHONE-A leadersh ip m cel- tr a . Suppj

for the Shoshone liD S ward p . ^ until\ officer! w in be h e ld a t 7:30 Th« dai- today a t th e LDS c h ap e l. * ''ent.

« ¥ ¥icenslon guild of th e Episcopal _ , _ rch meets a t 2:30 p jn . T hu rsday1 Mrs. W . O . Swim, « 0 B uchan - t ‘'«»street. Mrs. B. L. R o b e ru wlll New Yeai4t, dance fror

« 41 Music foregular m eeting of th e A m erican n ‘*hed bylon auxiliary will be he ld a t 8 f ^ d .lurp. W ednesday In th e auxilia ry featured,m. Alton Young wlU show plc- M*"- a of h is European tr ip . H uj-ds are InvlU d. Mr- «nd N

41 41 « M ra. RobelANSEa^—T h e L aU w ah club haa JJ«*th CiIponcd its January m eetin g to “ " ° " t Ldnetday. T h e session will be Nobeme1 a t 3:30 p. m . a t th o hom e of pwvlded 1

win Falls M on, ■Buriey Girl Wed Couf

DRLEY. r>ec. 3 0 -C a rle e n H aag, A riighter o f Mr. and Mrs. E ric H aag, / \ i ni Stunuel L. Buhler. T w in Polls, Mr. ande united In m a n lase W ednesday ed theirnln* a t the fomlly hom e w ith S a turdayIRC Henry W. T ucker perform ing th e ir hocercmony. north .

■he bride's a tU n d an t w as h e r sis- Attendl:Julia A nn H aag, and th e best Craig. B(

n was W ayne R a thbun . Ca«Ue- Poealello,j. Palla. the'he bride wore 0 .-mtln gown, th e couplihloncd w llh a full sk ir t , fitted Mr. oniIce. trim m ed wlUi need pearls neera, wiI wllh long U pered sleeves. H er Slockvllle1 wns held by a Ju lie t cap of Iow a andnge blossoms and aho carried a to F iler 1»Re of w hile ch ry san them um s to RogersI red roses. t l i 103S. t•he couple le ft on a t r ip to Snll lived In 1ce Clly. a fte r which tlie bride- years Inom wlll re tu rn to L ong Beach, retired 1Ilf., where h e Is sta tio n ed w llh grandchll■ U. S, navy. T he bride will con-uc her work a t Uie te lephone n —, w here she han been cm - r Q l l yed an ope ra to r for th e p aat five ' a Chriiirs. d ren will

¥ ¥ ¥ o f the L

buple U nited in SSiVf™ Home C erem ony:ina Boren, Tw in Falla, da u g h U r A film,Mr. and Mre. J . R. Squires, M ur- ol, will lIgh, and T ed Lewli, son o f M n . T . San t* wlHudson, wera m arried C h rls tm ai tend ing t1 In an Inform al cerem ony p e r- lor th e ir•mtd a t th e H udson hom e. B ishop own cupa !ve Egbert read the m arrlo g e vows the presence of m em bers of the

iple's famlllea and close friends. • > “\tlend lng th e couple w ere M rs. Mra.rothy SU pp and Dewey H udson, charge o)(lowing a wedding t r ip to Boise, the meeiJ newlyweds a re a l hom e In T w in a t the hlU. O roup s:^wls a ttended Tw in P a lls high refreshm '100I and th e U niversity o f Idaho hostess, 1Afojcow. bom .

Care of Your C______________ By ANGELO PAT

Let's face II. W hen eh lld ren a re Ing a fam their pa ren ta pledge th e ir lives self>iacr

their grow th and developm ent Becaujr the nex t 30 years, m aybe beyond, ino ti aaiir tha t ip a n of time, like I t or no t. f e n . Foe chUdren m uat be th o f i r s t con- th e n ar<m In any plan the p a re n U m ay ing th a, for t h ; fu ture o r th e p resen t, aee hla :The presence of ch ild ren In th e heftier «lUte m eans change i lh th e houie Nothing:elf. T here m u sl be room fo r th e see herlldren to live In, to sleep, re s t and In grace, ay In and lh a t usually m eana Fa the r c a t the adulU have to give u p his llttliace, o r m ake room fo r them , usu- womanhiy I t lom e sacrifice of preference ou t of aieven needs.- And v

Their presence m akes changes In up and te toclal h a b it of th e pnrenU u i hono:ctssary. LltUo children m u st sleep warm glng h o u n and th a t m e an s there of the fa•n be few p a rtlc i, few l a u h o u n . will seenr tho pa ren ts . I f they a re young seem dirlls entalla some change In th e ir dren wlij-s. some sacrlflco o f pleasure, women :me ad ju stm en t to .w orking h o u n . childrenChildren cost money. T hey have them.■ be fed and clothed, given medical tl id den tal care, educaU d for use- ^ ,h jn fs ilness. given auch experiences aa■oaden th e ir m inds, e n large the ir they lor opo of Jiving a n d f it th e m for th e op ^ ^ aoe Ihelr pa ren ta hope io -«e-+Ji«a- apaut w ll. T ho t m eona leas m oney \for the (h^'y , irenla to spend, even to aiive. %Children a re a a tra ln ^n the ilnds of th e ir paren ts. B e ing bound ^■> in th e ir chlldren 'a llve i every fnture Into life c rea te s onxiety. ope. fear, a n d keeps f a th e r and th« other on edge for m a n y » session, mj, t . .

child fa ilu re hurU th e m more *ian It dcM the ch ild , h is pain r/n Timo lUKi tb em s u n lu U e rln g . Rear* m<* x « t


Dances Planned New Y ear's Eve H | By Area Groups

T he new year will be welcomed U ondiy evening by restden ls o f rw ln Falla and the surrounding irea i t several events scheduled

Square dancers from M agic VaJley *.'111 hold 'a New Year's eve square janca a i 6:30 o’clock M onday in th e Amarlcan Legion hall in Tw in FaJli, icoordlng to an announcem ent by :;arl Sm ith, pre.ildent.of th e S outh ::entral Idaho Square Danoe a ito c i-

O ne hundred couple.n trom th a irea . Including M alu . Duhl. H ailey. | | | ^ H illll City. Bolte. Ooodlng and Bho- ' ihone. wlll attend the event being i \ ))anned by Mrs. Bob Daley, Jerom o. | uslsted by Ronnie Stew art and M y- •on Bllas, Ooodlng. ‘

Dob Daley wlll be the m asier o f ; • leremonles. Among the callers p a r- .? iclpatlng will be M ix M offltt, K im - j t leriy; Bill Cleveland. Buhl, and ^ ac W lnw ri. Twin FalU.

Square, round and m ixer dancea d ll be featured during th e evening. nUrail.'islon events a ie b e i n g danned by several clubs. B reak fast ■ a vill be aerved a t m idn igh t and J 0 lancing will continue u n til 3 a jn . ^

Countrr Club , , ,Members of the Blue Lakes C oun- T

j y club wlll gather M onday eve- ling 111 th e clubhouse fo r th e Now irear's eve party planned by M r. m d Mrs. Bert Barlow. Assisting th e Barlows w ith arrangem enu aro M r. , u . ° ^ tn d Mrs, Hugh Phillips, Mr. a n d 'Mrs. Raymond Schw arts. Mr. and Mra. Dufjy Reed, Jr., and Mr. a n d ?,* . i Mr.i. Robert Reese, «

T he club WUl fum U h balloons. hats, nolnemakers and confetU fo r the fMiJvUlM and miisic fo r d a n c - ,lng Wlll be furnlthed from ■# u n ti l t i o I o'clock by Wayne Skeem'a orches- Jl: . 1 . . , ira . Supper will be served from 11 p jn . until 1 a.m:

T he dance wlll be a aemJ-form aJ j f - j j ' f j

Elka Lodga HeTwin Falls and out-of-tow n Elka RlCHl

and the ir p a ru e rs will c e ltb ra te chapU r.New Year's eve a t a sem l-fo rm al inltlatloidance from JO o'clock u n til 3 o'c lock. Mr. andMusic for the event wlll be fu r> didaU i.nlshed by Arlon B u tU n 's o rchestra knd Oeiand .lurprise decoraUons wlll be worthyfeatured. for Mr.

Mr. and Mr*. Olenn W . SImm ona Mrs. Elrare general chairmen. asslsU d by ductressMr. and Mra, James H enry, Mr. a n d M cInU s Mra. Robert Warberg, Mr. and M rs. VIsltoiK eith Cutler and Mr. and M rs. M60I11,H erberl Larsen. chapU r

N obeinakers and confe tti will b t Mr. aprovided by the club, SImmOns a n - mem bernouneed. He also added th a t th e m itlce. U ble space h u been e idarged In New 1order to accommodau m em bers w ho are M rshave no l msde reservations. Mr. Sch

* * * Harold

Couple Observes S r | Anniversary Day

Mr. and Mrs, T. C, Craig ce le b ra t- Jed the ir BOtli wedding a n n lv en a ry Sa tu rday wllh a family pnrty a t th e ir home, 480 Locust avenue _ no rlh . R j c .

A ttending were their aons. La V lrd Craig, Berger: M aynard T . C ra ls , KAi PocaUllo, and Fred Craig, T w in - .Palla. th e ir families, and friends o f BLISi th e couple. mony, I

Mr. ond Mra. Craig. Id ah o p lo - Mr. ant neers, were married In J603 In became Slockvllle, Nebr. She waa bom In Famswc Iow a a n d he In Nebraaka. They cam e B. W. 1 to F lier In lOOa and moved In j g i l T he 1 to Rogerson, where they resided u n - the In Ul I03S. Since tha t tim e they h a v e BoUe, lived In Twin Falla, except fo r fo u r the ir hc years in Jerome county, Craig la a retired farm er. They have fo u r grandchildren, r O l l

Party Sclneduled ^ 0*A C hristm as party fo r th e ir c h ll- Declo.

d ren will be held today by m em ber* and acof the L etter Carriera’ a ssociation daugbunnd th e auxiliary. The even t wlll b e Oolo., tihe ld from S to 7 p in . a t th e hom e ver.of Mr. a n d Mrs. Vernon Sm ith , 010 T he <Blue L akes boulevard. daU fa

A film , “Dickens Christm as C a r - Mlsaol," will be shown and a visit f ro m muslo <S a n U will be featured. Those a t - la engaU ndlng a re requested U bring g lfU will resfor th e ir ehlldren. cookies and th e ir Missown cups and saucers. In Dec

* * ¥ relative

Readers Guild n,„.M n . Ralph Banning was tn r V U f

charge of the Chrlstmaa program a t the m eellng of the Reodera guild a t the home of Mra. Jack A rnold. RXJPI Oroup singing wns fea lured a n d n e r a t refreshm enta were served by th e marked hostess, assisted by Mra. Jock C la l- Christn bom . versary

I weddln

.ir Children ' S- 0 P A T R I ________________________

lng a family means aelf-dlsclpllne, aelf-iacrlflce. Then w hy do It?

Because ll Is the moat rew ardintr. ri.,i<rht most aatlsfylng experience life o f- fe n . F o r every trying experience, th e n a re many Joys. T h ere Is n o th - — lng th a t so delights a fa th e r a s to h lee his Mn growing h igher, w ider, heftier w ith every rliln g of the aun . ^ Nothing 10 uplift! a m o th e r aa to H. see h e r child, boy or girl, grow ing M atror in grace. Intelligence a h d u iefu lnesa . I t was Fa the r geta more Joy o u t o f seeing; Ofllc his little girl blossoming o u t In to chosen womanhood than he will ever g e t musser ou t of any other experience. mon, v

And w hen the tw enty y e a n , a re Schodc up and the ie children go ou t to U k e The. an honorable place In life, w h at a w arm glow of pride flUa th e h e a rU H of the fa th e r and m other. T he houae ALB: will seem empty. a«4ot of the lig h t Emmet seem dimmed, bu t In tim e the c h ll- couple! dren will return, ab le m en a n d day e< women now. ready to do for .th e ir Neyma children as their pa renU d id fo r = = them.

And then comei th e apan of y e o n ! when faUicr and tho the r are free once more .to take u p th e w ork they longed U do in th e ir y ou th . or to ____ S

10 they can repeat th e ir experiences ^ w ith a finer wisdom if no grcikter /3 \ Joy. • y

. A tMK] dlipMlUon u w«u u feed hMlth It •riKtKl br « ehlM'i MUni h»MU and th< (eoda h* mU. Dr. Partl'a beskUt Ha.KS. •T..JII.C CSIldrtn," .IndudM M .r- - MUnr. wroni ditt. tnd ••ninar tood. Ta obuln m. toflr » t«nu In tein lo him.

“■ IL -

■ Engagements Ar

' ' ' X '/

' IJO AKN GROVRB (BUff engraving) (All

* * A *

I JoA nn Groves, Co D. Scott to Wed E

Mr, and Mrs, Harold J . Oroves Theannounce the engagement of th e ir John

‘ daughU r, Jo Ann, to Dick Scott, Johnson of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard C. nouni

: Scolt, Mrs.: Ko d e fln iu date has been set fo r No: the wedding. ding.> Ml.M Grove.n Is a senior s tuden i T lii : of T w in Falls high Kchool, H er den t^ fiance Is a jg}j graduate of Tw in Wink, Falls h igh school and is aisocU ted high I; in business w itli h is fa the r a t Scott's^ ReJrigeraUon. ^ L ,

S cott plana U be lervlng with th e ^ 1 1V. S. navy a t San Dlego, Calif,, in 1

■ the near future. r* ¥ ¥ K U

* Initiation Service meml:

Held in Richfield &a RICHFIELD, Dec. 39 — Richfielde ChapUr. O rder of E asU m S U ;, he ld ^ T h 'i Initiation Thursday evening w ith Ch” *

M r. and M n . K enneth Rose a i c an - <1- didaU s. .M n . Benjamin H aubrlch r a and O eorge R. Schw aner acU d a t ^ S 8 worthy m atron and w orthy pa tron *®n, I

fer Mr. and Mra, NewUn Crawford,a Mrs. E lm er Sw atm in acU d a i con - p j y ductress in the absence of M n . J . S.d M cInU sh. I«. VIslwrs w ere Mr. and M n . Joe II. M60111, members of B utU , M ont.. vr>

ChapUr No. 39. A daugle Mr. and Mrs. Prank W pe were Eden,- members of the refreshm ent com - Mr. t e m ittee. were n New officers elected th is m on th Dlegc0 ore M rs. Haubrlch, worthy m a tron : perfo

Mr. Schwaner, worthy pa tron ; M rs. a e o r Harold M axam, assoclaU m atron : mane Clarence Lemmon, assoclaU pa tron : of ih Mrs. J . S. McIntosh, condustresi; T h Mrs. Ed Schlaler. asaoclaU conduc- pinic

^ treas: M n . Clarence U m m on , aec- ^owe reU ry, a n d R. J . Lemmon, treasurer. j5>sc» D oU of InsUllaUon haa no l t>een

V aet- tend)C ¥ * ¥ hoetJ

J Bliss Serviceman “5 M arries in Boise SS

if BLISS. Dec. 3»—In a form al cere­mony, M ildred Phelps, daughter o f r

, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Phelpa. Parm o, r R became th e bride of WO Clayton C. M r n Farnsw orth , aon of M r. and M n . by n e B. W. Farnsw orth. Bliss. hosK1 T he ceremony was perform ed In of U I- the Im m anuel L utheran church, club, ■e BoUe, T h e newlywed* will m ake chan ir the ir hom e a t P t. 8111. O kla. werea •* ¥ ¥ T h

“■ Former Resident K urt

Announces PlansDEOLO, Dec. 39-A . W . Hosmer.

I- Declo. announces the engagementrt and approaching m arriage of hla T» n d a u g h u r. Sybil Hosmer, Denver, L ea f w Oolo., to W alU r 0 . SU ar. also D en- O hrl le ver. L ea fLO T he couple haa set J a n . 19 as th e ped

daU fo r a D enver wedding. counf- Mlsa Hosmer U prom inent In keU IQ muslo elrc le i in Denver and S tea r er, t - la engaged In business. T b e couple re frt u will re ilde tn Denver. Mil r M iss Hosmer spent th e holldaya pletc

In Declo vUltlng h e r fa the r and Mod relatives.

« « «

h , Rupert Residents DJ

?5 C elebrate Events “Sd . RO TERT. Dee. 3»—A fam ily d in - Mr. Id n e r a t th e R ay EnnU hom e Tuesday I^ m fte m arked no l only Uie celebraUon of “thy d- C hristm as, h u t the b irthday annl-

versary of M rs. ErmU a n d the sUver Mr. w edding anniversary of M r. and M n . Mou Clyde O reen, Twin Falls.

A ttending th e event sbesldes the honored guesU were M r. and Mrs, W llllam Ennls, Rupert; Mr, and

_ Mrs. F red EnnU and children. O ary FJ „ and K aren , Minidoka: M n . Oeorge Roy

Spldell a n d children, Michael, eve Rickey and Susan: R ay Ennla, poat

'ff* daughter Shlrley and son Donald, M 'I- aod D onna SU plemon. cent

* * * was

;« Elect Officers 1BURLEY. Dec. 2 » -M r. and Mrs, '

t«; 8- H . K unau en terU lned the P a s t nnff M atrons club a t a ChrU tm as pa rty , glrlaM. It was reporU d here S a turday . , th r tng; O fllcers for the coming year w ere wltl:ito chosen. T hey are M n . E leanor R os- men;et m ussen. president; Dorothy Sal* g ift

mon, vice president, and Schodde. aecreUry*ireasurer, ' IIce T he group wlll meet Ja n . 17. «p. Y ^ c ,

-t« HOLD BUFFET SU PPER prlnise ALBION, Dec. } » -M r. and M n . a C:h t E m m ett CrysU l enterU lned aeven ctiaiII- couples a t a buffet supper Wednes* Cly< nd day evening. Mr. and Mrs. V . E . rece e lr Neym an won high prUe for canasta, luck for


* P LEASAN V t f o i a a ^ * 7:15 A

* QU

S SALVA''V a ' W V d a y.1™“ a S tre«t N onh

c, I ^ ^ _______




:s A nnounced ' Pa:

I H I R S 3 HI O ardtI group

^ ciu»-



I They

om gi■ " V ■ ' ' '^ \ HnmiI 'I ' willI ' i

CONNIB PFOST (Album photo—aU ff engraflm )

* * * * of li

Connie Pfost Is J Engaged to Wed;s T h e be tro thal ol Connie Pfost to x hlr John F . W inkle, son o t Mr, and Mra. oona,t, Jo h n O . W inkle. Filer, haa. been an - jn,f^Z. nouneed by h e r parents, Mr. and w iIc

Mrs. Cecil A. P fost. Twin Falls,j r No d a u has been ael fo r the wed- 1 1

ding. M lIt, T h e brlde-elect U a senior *lu- _e r den t a t Twin P a lb high achool. p In W inkle, a 1B48 g raduaU ..o r Filer;d high school. Is engaged in farming. I ■'* ¥ ¥ ¥ -,« C hrfstm as P a r t / M rT

“ H eld by NelsonsK IM BERLY . Dcc. 29 — Mr. and „ %

M n . R a lph Nelson were hotU to V _„. m em ben of Uie D elU Sigm a Sun-

dday school ^ lass of the Mlmberly S ” ', M ethodU t chureh T h u n d ay eve-

Id ■ ThJd T h e hom e wa.i decorated with -

Chrlstm aa arrangem enta of candles * ^J . and fgreenery. Oam ea were pliyed ^ , ■h and refre ihm enU were served.i t A g if t w ai preaented lo Mrs. Nel- “ *■,y i ' t h . o t o S

a Eden Girl'W eds 3C Earl F. Mouton iT“,t.. EDEN. Dec. 30 — J^onna Bruce, c la r

d a u g h U ro fM r. and M n , D an Bruce, e n f r® Eden, and E arl P, Mouton, son of t w Ii

Mr. and M n . E arl Mouton, Jerome, poca were m arried thU m onlh In Ban

th Dlego, ’Calif. T he ceremony was perform ed by th # R t. R ev .M sur. Oeorge Sm ith, navy lieu tenant com- m ander in th e N orth Catholic chapel ,

n : of th e S a n Dlego naval base. ? f ‘“T h e bride chose a gray lu lt wllh

c - p ink a n d groy accessories. Her “ 5 ” c* flowera were p ink orchlda and yellow

U eu t. and Mrs. V. .A. Kane o t- 7 ^ ?tended Uie couple and also were qhost.s a l a w edd^g dinner following jq .th e ceremony. N _ j

T h e bridegroom U atU ndlng yeo- — m an school a t th e (San Dlego navalw tra in in g center. .•e- * (

10, ^otiuck DinnerC. M rs. H eber Loughmiller, astlaUd rt,,.: n . by M rs, W illiam Ixiughmlller. was ^7^

hosless du ring th e week lo membera In of th e Salm on T rac t Homemakers „ :h . club. A poUuck d inner, -gift ex- •ke change and secret alaUr exchange

wero fea tured.T h o w h lu e lephan t was reeelved r : ! '

by Mr.v C harlie Boss. Mra, Beryle “ 'iP K unkel wlll be ho,itess io the club Ja n . 18,IS ¥ ¥ ¥

s Girls Meethla T w o B luebird groups, t t e Oak ■er. L ea f a n d th o T ulip units,, hold Ul- O hrlatm aa m eetings last weeli O ak > ,

L ea f m em bera completed and W rap- ' lhe ped glfU a n d they also visited th e

c oun ty farm to deliver food baa- " In keU a n d alng carols. T heir lead-

ear er, M n . Roy V an Buren, terved g pie refre shm en ts . o-y.

M em bers of th e T ulip group com* ^ »ya p le ted th e ir ChrU tm as gifts. Jo a n md M odeen served refreshmenU.

Fam ily Event “3 D IE T R IC H . Dec. M - Mr. a n d __:, M rs. J . W. L am beth were hosts toI S a fam ily Bothering. Ouesla includedin- M r. a n d M n . R. L. Peterson, Bob Iny L am beth , Doris L am beth and Dor*

of o thy Lucas, o il Boise; Mr. ond Mrs.n l- O ordon L am beth, LaO rande, Ore.; ver M r. a n d Mrs. L. N. Johnston, lr*. M oun ta in Home, and Victor A n­

drew s, Gooding,the ¥ ¥ ¥

B uffet Supperory F IL E R . Dec. 30 — Mr. and Mrs. rse Roy R e ichert enterU lned Christmas oel. eve w ith a bu ffe t supper for P ller nla. p o a u l employes and the ir families, aid, M in ia tu re crystal ChrUtmns trees

cenU red th e q u a rte t Uble.i, Pinochle w as played following supper.

¥ ¥ ¥

H onor Teaclier’a s t F IL E R , Dec. 28 ~ T he Oleanerrty . girls* Sunday School class honored

th r t r tfcacher, Mrs. Homer Schnell,'ere w ith « pa rly laa t week. E n terU ln-As* m e n t fea tu red cindym aking and a>al* g if t exehange.eve ¥ ¥ ¥

Potluck DinnerCASTLEFORD. Dec. 39—The LDS

p rim a ry U ac h en and officers held •In . a ChrU tm aa .party and gift ex- ven c tiange a t this Loweil Allred home, ies* Clyde A llred and Ia Dawn Allred

E . received prizes a t games and a pot* s ta . luck d in n e r w as served,


y a n d ----------------- —PEASANT SU R R O U ffD IN C S

7:15 A . M . to 6:15 P. Af.* Q U A LIF IE D SU PERVISIO N


I N erlh ^ Phone MSS-W

Past P residents p I Of G arden Club I To Be HonoredI Pant p rex ldenu of the Tw in Fnlls K'■ O arden club wlll be honored a t tho Mri■ group's annual birthday luncheon a t of :■ 1:16 p m . W ednesday a t the T u rf tha■ club. whl■ Amons th e leaders of the■ club plann ing to attenci are Mrs. » .■ J . S . FeldhUfen, Mrs. H, H. Payne. : '■ Mra, John D. F latt , M rs, T . W.■ Hleks and Mr.-> H, P. L aird . ^■ AUo fea tured wlll be Installation 1,■ of olflcers fo r the eomlng year, ,I T hey are M rs. Leonard Albee. p retl- 1 | d en i; Mrs, T hom as Speedy, vice

' p retlden t; M rs, K enneth Hodder.’ I recording se c r ita ry ; M rs. W arren j D aigh. corresponding aecretary, and ^ M rs. I. C. K uykendall, treasurer. f Outgoing pre.ildent U M rs. Eugene

Hnmmond. ^Mra, Hodder Is chairm an nf th o )•.

luncheon and m lstreta of ceremonlea ' wlll be M rt. O . H . Self. A musical

, a program U being planned knd M ta. y ■ E. O . Hager, K imberly, poe t laureate

nt Idaho and mem ber of lhe T w in ■) Palls G arden club, wlll read lom o

of h e r poeiry.R eservations for the event may be

m ade by contac ilng Mra. K uyken* r , dau, telephone 0281-Rll, or Mrs.

iH Hodder. telephone 3876-R, by M on- day n ight.

• to T h e club nlno has announced th e ; 'tra. (loiiaUon of a book to the publlc a n - lib rary In memory o t Mrs, George and Wlley, a club member.,ed * * *

M urtaugh Fetes Feature Dinners For Famiiy U nits :

MURTAUOH. Dcc. 3 » -M r. and Mrs, Olerm Briggs were hosU a t a fam ily d i n n e r ChrlsUnns day.

•1C Among th e guests were Mr. and Mra. C het Besslre. 'Twin PalU; H ar- ry Beiaire. MlssouU, M ont.; Mra. A nna Irw in , Tw in FaUa; Mr. a n d : , M n . Jack KrelUow. W aUa W alla, N W aah.. and K enneth B rlggi, B o i- U U n, Mass.

T he W esley PoulUn fam ily held A H „ a fam ily d in n e r a t the hom e of M r. I,

and Mra. W lllU m Clawson. OuesU L Included M r. and M n . LewU Dur* fee, O oodlng: Mr. a n d M n . Ted PoulWn and children and M rs. _ Francla H orejs nnd children. Tw in F a iu . and Beverly Pou lU n who Ja hom e from th e navy.

A fam ily p a rty wea held ChrU t- SM m aa n igh t by th e A. L. E gbert fam* n i ■’ '* lly a t lhe hom e of M r. and Mra. ex ■uce, Clarence E gbert. Among those p res- hi uee, e n t were M r. and M n . A. L. Egbert, gt 1 of T w in Falls, and Jam ea Egbert, wl Jme, Pocoiello. ty6an « ¥ ¥ Sl

iT«" H onored »RICH FIE L D , Dec. 39—Carol An-

gela Lem mon celebraU d her J«lh b irthday arm iversary W ednesday

* evening w ith a party fo r her class- ,i,‘ „ m ales. G am es and dancing were

fea tured w ith M n . C larence L em ­m on and d a u g h u r E llzabeth 'aaslst- h( ting w ith aervlng of refreshm enU . k

O ut-of-tow n guesta included M n . m Joe McOUl a n d Charies McOlll. A la- wi medo. .Calif,, and M ary Ida Lem - pi m on. ISC s tu d e n t from PocaUllo. fa

»val it tf. gl

C onducts Classr ACEQUIA. Dec. 29 — An uphol-

, . sU rlng cloaa fo r adulls is being con-d u c u d every M onday evening In t th e grade school building. I t wasannounced h e re Salurday . j,.

•‘“ ” Mlsa S hea r, R upert home eco* h**■ nomles teacher, is th e InstrucW r. #

A dult sewing classes alao are being «,i„ . conducU d T hursday evenings In th e u •r*ip R upert school home economics j,■ c7ab— , , ,

C ontest HeldOASTLEFORD, Dec. 39 — A ho t-

0 , 1, m aking conteat waa fea turdd a t th e _ ChrUUnoa p a rty and g if t exchange

5^*2 of the L D S Relief aoclety. M n . ® C. a Skeem aa hosteia. aaiiated by * M n . Jo h n B ingham ond M n . Roy *


B H O S H O N E . Dec. 39-LorT7 ' Schw ager. 8 -year-old aon o f Mr.

t ^ n Mra. E dw ard Schwager.- anU r- U lned a g roup of frlend i on hU \ birthday anniversary. T he gueiU g were trea te d to d inne r a t th e t Schw ager hom e, followed by a the* t

a n d __________________________ !U to luded

Bob ^I^or*Mrs.

A n- ^

i ^treesochle

eaner nCWlored \ '

U ln - V — 0nd a > W

1 h ti

i r 1 f o nLDS ____ 1 Iheld J ^ L y

dome. U f ■Mired f1 po t- m

)// B ^ \ iW f p

Richard Irwin 5d In Des MoiPnlls Married S a tu rday afU rnoon were JoA

tha Mrs, LesUr H, Mugge, Dea Moloes. Ia.. n a t of Mr. and Mra. Carl D . Irw ln, Klmbei r u r f tha ceremony In th e Dea Molnea Centt

w h lu floral background. T he aUIei werth e * * * * . *ni

Mrs. . . . - ro,i

W . ^ ~ . lm

Illon 1, ; fit:year. , \ y -i VO'resl- J . • * 81?vice - M r t ? . • . , K l

Ider, ^ j} . toirren ' • enan d J

urer. ' wageno • ; ca

; ' • ■ ' » . ' bll' th o *•.•, . : . ',1 ofo n l e a ................ / -islcol ■ ■ - i lm

■' Jt,rea te . 1 KiT w in •' ”»y>» «'k e n - ^ , DlM rs. j V , m

| - 1 m

I Z' ' i ' ' fe ' In

Dur* MBS. RICHARD O . IRW IN Ted (S taff engrav ing) uMrs.

T w in ^

■” Hansen Party •hrU t- HANSEN. Dec. 39 — T h a Royal * fam* Nelghbon O hrUUnai p a rty and gift Mra. exchange waa held a t th e W oodman ri

p res- haU. Prizea were given fpr cont«st ^ gberl, sam ei. All m em ben b r o u ^ t trea U ^ gbert, which wlll be presenU d to O ie'coun-

ty farm . M rs. M ax D urk acted as g SanU . Jl

HoaUaaes were Mra. P ra n k M e- 7 Donald. M n . B lanche O ate, M n . a

I A _. Jack M atheney and M n . Oerold UCh ^ ,

esday ¥ ¥ *

Visitor HonoredLem - FILER, Dec. 39—A c an a sU party,laslst- honoring Mrs. Lols Blakeslee, Hayea, ^nU. Kans.. was given P rldoy evening by *I M n . Mrs. P. E. Albln. Prleoa for games, A la- w ent u Mrs. M lnnlo O rm and M rs. jLem - Fred K napp. E ach gueat received aUo. favor and Mrn. Blakealee received a

g ift Irom th e hosU ss.;s * ♦ . ■iph.1- Buffet Supper; con- HANSEN, Dec. 39—M r. and M n .

tn Tom SU elam lth and M r. and M n .I was -wolt«r Bowman en terta ined a t a

buffe t supper a t > t h e SU elamlth home In honor of M ra. Fred K arl

•ucwr. nnd Dewey SU elam lth. D etroit.Kans.. form er resldenU of Klm ber-

in th e Jy. Some 30 rela tives from Burley, jomlcs Jerome, K imberly, T w in PalU, Buhl

and Boise were p resen t.¥ ¥ ¥

f , B irthday Fete^ /L ; U N n v , 13ec. 29 — M n . MorUn

e n u rta ln e d w ith a party bon - o rin f Uie fou rth b irth d a y annlver- n r y ef h e r daughter, .LouU e. T he

, event was held a t th e %iome of the”' honored guest'a grandm other, Mra.

L . E. Crane.

tis. WBC Club*Meets•n U r- UNITY, Dec. 29—M em ben o t the on hU WBC club a n d th e ir husbanda gueiU gathered a t th e hom e of Mr. and

,t th e M n . V. E. W alker fo r a poUuck a the* tupper and gomes. T h e occaalon

was W alker'a b irthday annlveraory.

A Ncw Year is here . . . and witl

. new opportunities fo r m aking ot

— our town— ourselves, be lte r t

before. O ur wieh— th al '5 2 m

fond mem ories fo r the years 1


fd Irwin Marriei Des Moines Cht

-day ofU rnoon were JoA nn Mugge, d a u fh tw , ( Mugge, Dea Moloes. Ia.. and Richard O ardner 1. Corl D . Irw in, Kimberly. D r. Alvln M orrU [1 th e Dea Molnea C anttol P re tbyU rlan ehurol kground. T he oUIea were marked w ith ea th ad

X JL and w hite taU n ribbon, . . . < ro,^ea decorated th e f u n

■ | | h T he bride'a gown wo)'■ . Imported ChaaUJly Uc«. 4 3 j V ' w ith a deep yoke of Uli

; fitted, bodice waa appUq V yoke In a icolloped deaU

J T • ‘ styled w ith long, f itte d al, Kalloped lace a k lrt woa

.7 to a lUpper la t ln borde:• ‘ entra in.

H er flngerUp re ll o f 1 •woa held by a ChantU lf cop Ulmmed w tth cluater

' . bloasomi. 'T he b rid al b. . ) ■ ' .'i of w h lu orchldi.

' - A T he bride'a a tu n d o n ti0 T Jng whlU Uee and aattn

•I ,•!•• • ' ' Jng A m erieaa beau ty ;I . K aren Fox, m aid o f :

•' Mory Ellen Buckley, Nlct Mro, R obert F'e'l

V v j K l c S n V ; Cunningham wat Mugge, Woi

Brown a n d R obert ' ushers.

jF . - M For h e r da ughU r'a *wi » Mugge chose a U al tH drca.^ wllh navy bluo

, IL- Mrs. Irw ln w ore a g <U ■ faille gown w ith tu rq iT K sorles.. 1 S ' . A recepUon fo r 360 gui* - K In the H oul Oommodort M» ' Pollowlng a w edding 1

S - K , ' Uielr home n e a r Klmbeii l T he bride a tu n d o d th-C- K n of Colorodo a t B oulder1 - . . . i '< V n <^^ l’*ted w ith Alph

‘'^ B n M degnom, •■ th e Unlveralty o f Coli

S i V - t 'i i lH member o t A cocla-frateM r s l a i ¥ ¥ ¥

v S f: i l a Former Resit Feted a t S

•V ••• t.- KINO HILL, Dec. 29 -' «:•■■■•* ’• ' bluo ahower honoring

. - Parry, BoUe, w u h e l' evening a t the Nick Bob

HARD O . IRW IN M rt. P a rry U % form a! engrav ing) realdent.-------------------------------- The living room wa

■>. , w ith pink and blue rlbben ra r tv

L , w ith 29 — T h a ^ y a J <njB evening waa • ; UUnaa p a rty and g ift c a n u u and pinochle, held ^ th e W oodiw n received by M n . H elen ere given fpr conU st yranjc p»rry, M n . C U yt m b e n b rought trea U M n . SUve Parry . iresenU d to the coun- ou t-o t-tow n gueaU

M ax D urk acted as a u v e P ony and M ra,' i ^ „ ~ k im . bo th O lenna P e r u

w e Mra. p ra n k M e- Tayjor, w eU er, a n d M n B lanche O ate, M n . <jer»on, SeotUe. W aah.

y and M n . Oerold M n . Bud O ren ie r. O „ „ aasiatod the hoeteaa.¥ ¥ tf. it n,

r H onored Cards Plc29—A c an a sU party . oAREY. Dec. 39—A T

Lols Blakealee. Royes, gresslve card porUes hen P rldoy evening by thU week.Oln. P rieea for games hosU were M r. a n d 1a in n lo O rm and M rs. Brown. M r and M n Dsach g u e s t recelvecl a j , , . M n . Joo Ruah,1. Blakealee reeelved a m m. Joe DleUtJe. Ea.lostesa. n rent waa concluded ’

¥ • served by th e hoatea* 0

:t Supper ^-u-u* */* lec. 3 9 - M r. and M n . Children Sth and M r. and M n . m il n e r , Dee. 39 —>an en terta ined a t a p*jty . sponsored by th' * V “ 0 W SP c lu b . ;3r o f M ra. Fred K ar l m unlty chUdren waa

SU elam lth. D etroit. Milner HelghU chapelreslden ta o f lO m lx r- pjoplo a tU nded. TTie 1

re la U w from Buriey, recluU ons and SanU^erly . T w in ^ U , BuW out ireaU and preaen!:o p resen t. jf it n

Cafa - Film She day re te filer Dec. 39 —c. 29 — M n . M arU n prlce. Mra. EUia Coal ned w ith a party b o n - h . M. P e te n wero In < r th b lrthdoy annlver- MeUiodUt , fellowahlp laugh ter, LouUe. T h e week. * A fUm. *Th( Id a t tho tio m e of the” s u ry ," waa ahown by t'a grandm other, M ra. uve of the W hiU mori

¥ ¥ d

Dinner Sc-lub M eets mtx^ ie r . doc. 3 » - ;c. 29—M em ben of tb e W arren McLoy e n taa n d th e ir husbanda fam ily dinner fo r Mr*the hom e of Mr. and coot, Seattle , W aah.: :W alker fo r a poUuck John D. Brow n. Twigomes. T h e occaalon Mr. and Mra. D ary l Mb irthday annlveraary. Kimberly.

is here . . . and with il come

litiee for making our nation

-ourselves, belter than ever

wieh— lhal '52 will leave

ies for the years to cornel



Page 8: · ^^BULLETIN Korea. (Sonday). ^ P p J ^ 'T h e eom m anlBta to-^ H I L i M t w o p o ln ^

I E a s te r n I U p s e t VI SAN FRANCISCO, De M and Princeton’s Dick Ka: Jijl ' lB-14 trium ph over the ' ilf ii •' crowd of more than 60,00' f i r ’' te r in the Eaat-W est flc }} proceedo of which ro to j,j! S h r i n e ’* hospital lo r cri jl'jf children.K i ' Tho C u t KOred » fid d s«SK 1 the first period, t touchdown 1 f lli ' seeoQd. snd i«Aln In the third m i j W est counted In the third H fourth.m The field wm muddy snd slliH b u t tho coUcBlsns from the n TlM (Ide of the con tinen t c<xn H th rllllns perform sricei from stH i finish to outplsjr t h d r besvlt In !) Tsls m ost of the wsy. r Jsnow lcr, kicking » 3J-ysraI 'r I Bcal. pu t th e E ast inta * lead w i wss never rellnqui.ihed. T h e )fljl WtttaB fuUback s u r from the111 w elt w ss th e workhorse, W srlrI I ysrSsse w hea needed.Hf Jolting Jsnowle* also seore<I I th ird period touchdown. He I voted the game-# oiitatandlngI e r by pres* box «porU writer*I wUl receive the WUliam M. i l m an award.

0orow and two-Ume AU-Aff K azm aler a llem nied In a throw ing and calchlnit com^Jn such a s has seldom been cqi in the 37 gomes th a t have r more than $1,000,000 for th e t

* * A fl^ b o ro w h it h is receiver eluding Knemaler, fo r telUng (

8 th e East strategy nwlUhed

pitching to Princeton's gridiron —and K aim nler ptts.ied the ball tsa m m a u s ' handa.

I t was K azm aler who whlppei j[ ball to Dorow for th e E ast's sc)| period tOTchdown.

T he Michigan Stnto ace ma b rillian t catch of the 20>yard t In to the end zone dCJiplte th e :

II i tic efforts of two W estern del J J] cr*.I I n th e final period. K a a

ij c tln ed 43 yards on a paw from‘ ow In a drive th a t s ta rted fronI I S s s t 's seven. The scoring bid

•topped w hen the W est reco'II I th e ball on downs on Its 30- II line.If Held scoreless, fo r the f i n t1{ th e W estem en took the third: riod kickoff and drove 74 yard

a touchdown. F rank O lfford,I halfback, waa th e powerhouse.I w en t over from the one-yard litI v n th only a few m inutes to i

tb s final period, sw ift lltUe C I Lippquui of Texas A and M, 1j th n u g h the line and raced S3 :I fo r th a second touchdown foi i W est. 'I ' California’s tw o - tta e All-Am

I' I fu a rd , Les R ich ter, m ade both r ; ■ versions to bring h is team to w

a single po in t of a tie.II Loyola’s D on R losterm an, oi jl th e best passers in th e cou d quarterbacked th e W est m ost 0

1*1 game. - H o proved h is w orth.

conoect«d 'with recelven for gains. H is 37-yard toas to H owton. Rlco end. p u l th e bal ya rd from th e goat line to si Olfford'5 seore.

I a the fourth quarter, Hc m ade' a sensational catch

Ij I K losterntsn good for 36 yart / p u t th# baU on th e E ast’s 38.

T he W est was halted when 5 , H a m m o n d . W isconsin defe i) { halfback, Intercepted an o th er ] ; 1 te rm an throw .

1’Ib e W est was out-played In of th e eloseneas of th e seore. dng to wtng used by th e E as t pi too m uch for th o W eal's T m atlon.

T h t trio o t Jftnowltx, Doiow Kazm aler carved th e ir achieve In th a m ud o t K ezar stadlui draffistlo fsshion.

I Yandals Face

™Big Test in Seattle Gamei

By T he AwociaUd Press *rhree Idaho colleges begin

J ference basketbaU play, th is eo \ week-end w ith th e U n lvenit i Idaho V andals meeUng th e V

Ilngton H aikles In a two-gnme i w hich could brighten or dousi .Id a h o team 's hopes of a n o r division championship.

Idaho S tate college beglni . Ilocky M ountain conference

w ilh a Friday-Saturday s e against M ontana S tate coUcf Boreman und'CoUege of Idoho c Its Northwe.^l confcrence *i w ith a twin bill agolnst WlUoi a t CaldweU Priday and Saturtl

m the only other Qem a ta u leglate gnmc.i, Northwest Nau coUege en tertains SentUe F university o t Nampa Friday Saturday.' A double defeat lo ttie Hi

' would Jual about w hiff ou l Idcham pionship hopc.i. T he Va aro pre-season fovortUa to cha: Huskies to th e crown.

I I . .A tw in trlumph-Ovcr-W a»hlil l would give Idaho o flying ntn I I 'the confercncc chaac. In the

lllu two seosons, early se.ison ! IllU have killed the Vandala' title 1 INJI before they eould g e t roUlngI I I high gear.'HI9 A sp lit w ith Uie Huaklea oiH |a springy W osiiliigton court Is H I best m ost die-hard Vandal fun i l l expecUng. T h is would give the ■D dais the home court advantage I I th a two team s m eet again la H I th e season a t Moscow.

11 ISC Cagers Rate High on Defense

. ; I NEW YORK, Dec. 2ft (flV; Idaho s u t e college Bengals. 1y. tello, have lost five of th e ir

' n six games of the season, bu t;W are s ix th In tta m defenw ai‘IU nation’s sm aller coUege qil l l l The Bengals have held theUn i to' 201 p o ls u or a n average olf f l per game. W illiams, a school iri f l England, Is first In team ' de! ■ WlUl a yield o t only 41J pe r jM Top team on offensa is co lb jH a Vpr E ngland eohool, w ith a:H , e ra & of SC points per. ijame.■ aUld university Is tb lrd .w ith


n G rid iro n ' W e s t’s S ta r, Dec. 29 (/P>—Ohio SUite’s Vic Jano Kazmaier blended their talen ts todi

the W est in thc annual Shrine char ;0,000 , s a t through a thrill-a>minute e: it series,

“ — Seals StarM goal In

S ”ss Give CowliId slippery, Prospective players fo r t

the sun- eyed next week and again li iiT iS S S Scoi.' iryout cam p., M it*.leavler rl- Coait league club, has adv

Benners HurlsI th e mld> n v i • n r r * tearing off Rebcls tO WlU:,S J Over Yankees’’’I# MONTaOMERY, Ala.. Dcc. 20

M. u o u - b rillian t posslng of F red BII n '" - Bouthem M ethodU t i

brought th e G ray a ll- sU n from“ hind In the second ha lf today fo

!, •m ii . iw 20-14 victory ovcr n Blue sqi which could do m ile against

Jw ’Texan'* a ir thrusts,th e hoapl. ^ ^ o , paced tho 81

In eleven to Its upset w in ovcr No thla season, w as nearly

i h L whole offensive show for th e O n although i t was lit tle Jim B ort

« h«M LouljJans Siate. who threw th o w e bail into touchdown pass, a seven-ya:

u , . e r to Chester Freem an, ano ther L .lin n rf bM k. In the final tw o minutes. I ts secona n u t Benners enrlneered th e dr

HI 3- ™,:'s f.n defend- ^ ^ ic h iw.TTn.iiM- th e baU downfleld.

Iowa's g rea t fullback. B ill R 7 r o m ^ B chardt. paced a f ln l ha lf a ttack

r Blues, scoring a touchdown from 1'r r ^ o v ^ r s one, and heading an a rray of bto<

0" Rom e Str<^ low, from W bconsln.f i n t h a lf changed quictw rrf T« when Benners took over th e Oi

f « S % R n feur of five throw s to getH b of the 81 yards necessary for a see

T l? ;* . B arton’tM k It the laa t foot,r t o a a l n Blrehlow p u t th o Blues backI ib o t^ n S th e lead on th e second play of 1

M final period. Bobble Albert. Buid M « r d S ” yards w llh a p u n ti f J the Gray 12. s treh low m ade It" the way on the nex t play.II Amerirj. Then IJcnners w en t back to wcbo th w n t ‘ n'l. to w llh ln __________________

1 country. Basketball Seoreilost of th e _____________« r th . Ho ,I fo r nice , ' / “ v njfk ^ 5 - 'S to Bill AbltdMB 48e ball one Ilnhtim U. DonntvlU. STto se t up J l’ uil'ilic?* SS

r, Howton iW irs:. a*•tch from « "•« ’' <»• ^VidlT'ciikV.

yards to a . jj.ho is (i«o ovtrdmn)I 39. Wuhlnilon 71. Ohio SuU il When Jim Vs. O r« 'n*R uu

defensive , Moni«R» au t# « . lU ium Wuhim Iher K los. e:.

I’rnn SIM* S:. Tilt 40Jd In spite K ^X k r « . ‘hyu”?** ”Mre. T he C.llforni. »*, Wl.coMln 4ts * K ? a k ; v - u . .I s T -fo r- Catnill ««, Columlili Si (exrtiixf)

Kioriiln «:corel« 47 _ .>OTOW andlilcvcment nunou i3. u c i.a »t tadlum In Ulehli.n .'It.l. S?, D.rUnoulh II

lltvlft 79, r«ra Sl TCU tl. Vandnbilt 4»

— Isdlaoi 47, NolM D«tB. l illoir Crct 71. Atlton» 8UU <T«tr

C® ■■MitMgi'nM, VtriiliiU llQAlon S6| Duckntll 64

ties ,Souih.m Cllfcrnl. *0. Nirr <(

Press Cotortds C*. N>hriuk> M>egln' co n . 'ils coming su u ii. A iktm u <b ven lty of.he W aah- bki.hcm. ci'ir is. Oki.hom* a >t.d amo series ss.

’ s e r i e s uo«ii». s u i . u . i;>.ura w .ihim

:e season Uuh (i. Su'jm rvh'i <]

.......sta te COl> Hotr Croi ;p. imion l«N atarsne «'• J"’'"'* «?- D*»wn_60

le Pacific rSSiu'. sorlday and K>n>u Kuu m , Okuhono <«

TnUIo A. W..h!n.lon t ^ I* le Huskies itUl Idaho 's Cl«r«n 10e V andals « ''•. O ..M th f

/a ih ln sto n -Aik*-'.?, t l . "iwiJr i» '■u nfnrl In "ronilii* H. Kan Ir*nci»<o M‘ t i . . p .‘"t sr;!:™';;.....ion losses .'lkti!t*i> s u u « . l-rlntelon 4«title hopes • I 'V ' “ • <?wi. .A.suing Into iMiirv. iigo^r i i V

TCU ts, T « u A «n.l H IV ^lea on lhe c<.mpi«n »7r t is Uie II. ccs\‘II funs are Kim w :i . Mi»ouri s»

Reward Offered t Find Elk Killers

LOOAN, U tah, Dee. 20 L ft-A )l i e ward iiai been otfered In an a lien

to tlnd out who slaughtered set n S 6 ‘h canyon Christm as d

_ A tmall he rd of elk was sh o t doTho n Ihorl dlstonce from U. 8 . hlg

als. Poca- wnj. 70, aboul-l»^nlle!.-««sr^It-CoBl <3ame W arden M organ Jen ;

ou t they eald the m eat was U ken from eatnong elk bu t th a t th e o the r six were 3

^go quints, to rot. He sa id the anim als averajth e ir foes *bout 4J0 poimds each.

>ge of 48J5 . Rusaell Knowles, p resident o f Iool in New Logan W ildlife federation, r.alrtIJ' defense consen'ailve estim ate ot ihe mipe r game, tb a t u spoiled Is »1J 00." ^ Ib y ,a l» o Tha federation a n d indlvldullh an av- posted a IlOO rew ard for Infonrgame. S e . tlan leading to the arre.M a n d ccwith soa.- VlcUon c t thosa rtspom ible.

•n G r e a ts cars 1 5 -1 4/Ic Janow icz, MichiRan S ta te's Al Do mts today to Rive the E ast a spectac ne ch a rity football classic. A capa tiinute encounter. I t waa th e 27th enci

tart Move to >wboys Players•rs fo r th e Magic Valloy Cowboys wil again in early February a t San Franc

s, Mickey Shader, farm director for has advised William Wiseman, presit--------------- of th c Cowboys.,r The Seals will hold a trjl U T l S camp Dec. 29-31 a t Phoo _ _ _ Arl*., and ano ther a t Beals’ itaiXX7-1V1 in San Francisco Feb. 6, S a n l TT J J L l cisco h a s advised the Cowbo)

have th e ir new player-managi X r e x t^ a th e F ebruary camp.

W isem an said as yei the Coa r s . . ^ have n o t decided upon a man

Ti.« M embers of th e club’s board 0 h /jJu f . - rec tors sUli a re sifting appllca

' recom m endations a « co;Cobb, a ll-tim e baseball

^ “ ^ ‘ , , .5 m orta l, who is helping Magic V S a rn s r* th e California residence.

“ Pick P ilo t SoonI tho SM U T he Cowboys hope to name a I ovcr N otro in a few weeks.I nearly th e W isem an also reports he is z ir th e G rays, tIaUng w ith Nick M ariana, bus Jim B orton . m anager of th e O reat Falls : rew th o w in - trJes, fo r six players. Among seven-yard- m en involved is John Angelone,

another LSU e ran Inflelder, who managed nlnutes. Eieclrtcs In 1050. O lher player ed th e drtvo th e lis t Include Lee W inter, cat<

Jo h n Jurkovlc, veteran lettha; th ree O ro7 h u rler; Bucky O reen, another

> a fte r B en - hander; Corl Ashford, Inflelder. ul, b u t ench Joo Cannon, inflelder. g w hich go t AnoUier deal Is hanging fire

AusUn. Tex., of th e double A T t, BIU R e i- league on the con tract o t Mi If a ttac k fo r Bockman, who h i t J12 In lOK wn from th o o r e a t Fails. Bockman also colh •ay of block- 28 doubles. 10 triples. 12 homer lollle S lre h - wolks and accounted for 00

, , ba tU d In.S^ lh-’ a 'S y H .o o o p r t » / i ,» , ja lt H e com - AusUn U asking »1W> tor Bw s'to get 78 controct. W iseman Is ItV for a score. Aualln to come down 01

asking price, polnUng out Bockues bock In h®t produce too weU last sc% y of th o in double A ball.Ibert, B uck- T he Cowboy president alao rei :h a p u n t to ed sales for box seals are mcm ade It a ll a h ead rapidly. Approximately 3(

ny. cen t of th e 315 box seats a t Jslack to work, pa rk hove been sold. Box seat 1more to u ch - era a re required to purchase a t

30 general admission tickets 1- lh a box se a t Is Isaued.

W isem an announced the Cow scores have o ttered th e ’poslUon of ho a ry president o f th e club to C

- who has aided in Uie organlraUc hMl th e new Pioneer league orgat s U oa

Jake LaMotta oiirlimn) May Get Bid

To Meet MaxiD E rrR O rr. Dec. 30 (/iv-Foi

* middlew eight chomplon Jake:t M olta, who won his UUe in a

tro lt ring, m ay re tu rn to the W "• C ity nex t m onth for anolher

bout — tills one with llght-he■ T»ch IS w eight clinmplon Joey Mnxlm.

NIcic Londes, D etroit promote siouih iz tho Intem aU onal Boxing club,

c losed-today th a t negoUatlons u under I w ay for a UUe scraps u u <T«tnp«) Jon . 23.9 La NfottA, who lost hla mli

weight UUe to Sugar Ray Robl ,, In Chlcogo la st February-, waat l ported to be "agreeable" to the■ st posed 16-rounder w ith Maxim.

Londes reported h c intenslfle< 1 efforts fo r th e La M oiu-M iNttl (4 m eeting a fte r becoming convlNoiOi C*rolin« th a t nCBoUoUons for n Maxim-)

ry M atthew s title figh t were < „ nite ly otf.i « ' M atthew s and h is manager. .omt A and M hove bccn unoble to con

term s w llh the IBC for a champ th««l sh ip bout with Maxim In New •:

Feb. 23.(• Londes snld he fell the talluc

close th e M atthews bout.m ade ra WiihinfioB La M olta-M axlm meeUng a "na

fll." He sold, however, th a t Ma m oker-Al WelU, New York, sllll no l given up on ills hopes ot gel the M axlin-M aithew s dote

Co^ci! 4» ronged.I",,, I t Londes took occasion'to voiceI personal teeUngs th a t MattUes

n o t m uch of a fighter and thn ( t M olta would be a belter challei

nH t-« I* He cieciored " Jack Hurley (1*• thew 's m anager) knows th n t 1‘ * thews Is n o t the guy Hurley

been m aking ou t to the public.‘ U d isn 't m uch of a fighter.'’

New Licenses A'r ''"j- Needed by Idaho ’.p"" Sportsmen Jan. ]

BO ISE. Dec. 29 (/D—Idaho sp t II c c .s r t» " ’'h the ir 1052 Us

and hunU ng Ucenses a tler Jo ----- th e s la te tlsh and gome deparU

ired to Tills Is the f irs t U m t th a t flsl a r a h un ting licenses have beenI v r S on a calendar year basis. The20 re - legislature se t the licensing pi1 an a tte m p t on th a l ba.ils ra th e r than Ihe 1Itered seven 1-M arch 31 basis which had bcciristm as day . effec t a numi>er of years.IS sh o t doa-n T he 1B52 Ucense fees will beU. S . h igh - changed from la.« yesr. Resl j s f n r t a R a ie ^ ls rn n K ~ a n ir hun ting licetucsgan Jensen cost %2 each or a combined Uc^n from one for »3.six were le f t N on;residen t big game Uceisls averaged a re w p lus t3S fo r addlUonil

cles. N on-resident bird license li;ldent o f th e a n d non-residen t fishing iieetiulon, r.alrt "a A five-day tou ris t fishing pe>t lhe m e at can be obtained for $3.

T he gome departm en i advisedindividuals th e only seasons now open

ror In form a- w hlteflsh In some w alen . irou:.M a n d con - a few stream s open th s yenr ir tUble. a n d cottontaU rabbits.

QuartJHie's A l D orow a spec tacu la r

A capac ity l i27 th encoun- ' ^ 0

t oj^ e rsvboys w ill be f ■■lan F ranc isco r.'ec tor fo r th e % ..m an. p re s id en t

hold a try o u c t 'P hoenix , L | | H

t Beals’ itad lumSan F ra n - f ' >

Ae Cowboys to.yer-manager a t . ‘

the Cowboys P - v 'pon a m anager, p:b's board of di- |> lng appllcaUona ins are comingmo baseball lm - Boring through a line ol ng M aaic Valley een ter. New Y ork unlvenlt;raldence B ililn r. left. 1

r e a r r ig h t NYU won B7-7

I to name a pilot

a rlana, business S t a n f o r d•eat FaUs Elec- _____•T3. Among th s A f ' J

A r e r J o wUier p layen onWinter, catcher; By I:ran Ictthandcd N E W Y O R K , Dec. !"v C h r is tia n a n d B ay lo r nii , m il,W tr. « „ a f o o ib j ] , I

tiiging fire w iui a r e so close t h a t th c quodouble A Texas f a c t o t Marley . , w -v ' « '«”.£X;s Aggies Defes, 12 hom en, 03 w ^ *a 1 _“ Vandals 52-'u » o i . r i ! « k . InLastGam(;emon Is tryingTie down on lla OKLAHOMA crry , Dec. 2lg ou t Bockman ragged-looklng Oklahoma AweU lost season baaketbaU team , using tree

to s tay In th e gam e, dcfeatetlent alao report- 1*"® ton igh t to taka ts a r t m f f i P l“« «« the IfiUj annual aU«lm ate ly 3Cii2 ; b« k e tb aU tournam ent,seats a t Jaycee T h e Agglea. who won U. Box seat hold- la s t year, mode 25 of 33'Urchase a t least tosses a fte r they hnd troublin ticketa when Ung th e baU and shooting ti1. court,ed the Cowboys In th e tlrs t h a lf A and ^BlUon of honor- 18 of 22 free throws,e club to Cobb. T he Aggies got o tt to a sic1 organlraUon of aa W aho Jumped Inlo o 0sague organlza- wlUi five m inutes gone In t

period and led 16-13 going 1— — sccond period w hile Idaho ;*• . . ' field goal to tie th e acore 17-

r l O l i a . 1 '“ '* chonged Iiands tour tli foro A and. M pulled ohco'

1 > » 1 a l the hnlf,J j l C l T ho Wyoming Cowboys

o u t a meUiodlcal 04-48 victo

Maximi S o n ^ k S * ^ ^ c d ° ln ^ ^ n ‘"Jp.^ci w"n‘‘S v « W

UUe in a l > ! ’H iu rsd iiy - to s i o heorlbrcnk•n to the M otor ovcrUme gome t<ir anolher UUe ®” , ^ 85.foot shth light-heavy- the nets.■yMnxim. «olt promoter for Tuu« fe n utiM.haoxlng club, dls- ‘ : 1 ' ,legoUotlons are whii.iA. f e s ilS^ , 7 ^

3st hla m iddle- CuuTu* e * 0 * Srifuon s .r Roy Boblnson r 7 7 s iuihfr csniory. waa re- c«nnnn * 0 1 1 ‘ble" to the p ro - AmirM f 1 0 lUyn'n <1th Maxim. K»tuh gB intensified h is toui. S4 » h toui., M olu.M axlm 7!}*';* — ... .....2® 1“ <* Inlng convinced — o m i' n M axlm-Har- * . ,Ight were defl- okiihom'.®*** * *"1.i“ o” ‘

A nnd M f( ft pf Utlhtr fmanager. Jack

lable to come to si«<kion f o o i Doiiinitrr t'o r a champion- Miiier r 0 0 : Mriion (m In New York / S i S Krulfr' e

Dar^ry fl I 4 S MorrUnn r,l Uie failure to « « J ! *boul.m ade th e n.niirkk • « n i \vhh. /

:eUng a "n atu r- Koorm g : s t r>nmk,. r:r. th a t M atch- «• : ; f i ' ’'''*"* * York. sUli had itn.Vk * n n gHopes of getUng iiirk* a n i 1:ws dote a r-, s' J! .2 JI

lon’ to voice h is ou!hom« A” ndS” L .? ;‘' u na t M atthews la . - - - l» lo 1

; S i “:E Kentucky Upselows th o t M at- NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 20 I;vy Hurley had Tom LIUis Upped In aUie public. The 1" th e last five seconds tonfighter.'’ S t . Louis a 61-60 victo_______ K entucky In th e Sugar bo'

. . k e tball tournom ent champlises Are K entucky w ent Into th^ , , m in u te WlUl a 60-57 lead. TI n n h n ^ “ t ParUnglon 1l u a i i u Jn ^ to ^ 5 3.5,T a n 1 tucky, the naU on's No. 1i i a i U i te n m .J o s l th e ball a fle r I

)—Idaho sports- ton 's _goal, a n d LIUls, swarmlr 1052 llshlng K entuckians, Jumped In:s a tle r Jon. 1, u n d e r Uie K entucky goalm e deparUnent w inn ing two points,

S l i ! I Dirty Trickl ih h»rt “ dny, to mnlee Uie i:

iV m lii K. .m against SUintori

name cardboard box wUl b« itl lf f i o n .1 SM? t* " " .

rd llcen« ls*So ”

m h S ' ^ r l i f t “W h“l 'u , e y 'u do wllh. M • * d o n 't know.'* h e snld. -b u i 1en l advised th a t P“ * the'fan.-s wlil see Rayaow open ‘“ “ " I sprinkling IIM ie n , trout In ^ ‘ft_on Uie Rosa bowl t u r f ' th s yenr iroundis. ..I . ......... -

___________ TnmS;NEWi■ N E W S ,. ■ n ' T O f a l l s , I D A H q

uarterback Sneak

V ^ ' 1

a line of Holy C ro u players U Borfs Nacha unlvenlty . duTing a game In New York. Ha\: lng. left, and Bob McLamon. r ig h t, and Gene won Bl-ia. (NEA telephoto)

)rd, Tennessee !owl Favorites

By HAROLD CLAA8SEN, Dec. 29 (/P)— Stanford, Tennessee, aylor ruled today as shaky favorites in ootball bowl games. A ctually the mat the quartet of games could be called t<

------------------- Hero is th c story a t a p• v ' r ' - Rose bowl— Stanford ( J d C a i seems to hnve Just enough

nnd passing power lo edge C O / I O <8*1-0) a t te r five yeara ot

victories. G am e sUirls n t <MST) nnd wlll be televl:

iame. A , . . SuRor bowl—TcnncMce 1

TY, Dec. 29 A ti,c imUon'.% num ber one leiahomo A and M n .Mlglii nod over Mnrylnndsing tree Uirows the la m b e r threo power,i, d tlealed Idnho s u r l s » 12:45 p.m. M ST 1I to take, th ird be broadcast by ABC. Innual aU-coUcge crowd 85.000.lent. Cotton bowl—Kentucky) won the UUe hn.^ been th e nUghl favor5 o t 33 charily with six p layera suffering»d trouble hand- Infection It now looks Ukimooting trem the ChrlsUan (0-0-4). Kickoff

(MST) before 16,000. wll

A and M made *’” "aii8*e'bowl—L arry labcll, . . cnouRli to Up th c scales foi

rt to n slow SU rt over .undefeaUidInto o 0-3 lend T ec h -^(10-1-0) n tn o o n (MS'none In Uie first q BS broadcasting, and a c12 going into Uie 05.000 expected,e Idaho made a jn Uie fo u r other moreacore 17-17, T he known bowl gntnea. Clcm.ion1 tour times be- 15 favored ovcr Miami <7-llcd ohcod 28-25 the G ator bowi; Arkniua;

.(lO-O-l) hns nn edge overCowboys ground <7-2-1) In th e T angerine bos4-48 victoo’ over a s Tech (7-0-3) looks morevln the consolo- ^ul thnn College o t Pnclfic

in the Sun bowl and DnytoniiilA li^ .Im tu tn - MwuM ilo»n H oujlon (S-B-S ■1 over Wvomlnirearibre.ik n T 77- tJic com m ittee of 10

10 gunning ngnlnal

= '" » t__ la st thc na tio n will see oniliAiKt JJ lati'.c i.'iSkVc.i*tiu le It Jlt T tto ot llie gmnes I : 0 5 nsptcl.'j. T lie Rose bowl a l Pt

‘ t l l granil-dodUy of them all 0Itloa r 2 a 4 the biggest, w lll be televisedtic. f i n n ally for th e flr.1t«»r e 10 s : ^ prom a fooibnll viewpointllihtf c “ ' I 0 ‘ gor bowl n l New Orlcn(\s clncinio.h * : 4 ; spot. Never before have the'Wu K n o t number one nnd Uiree tean»luh‘ « i 0 1 Uhbenten, m e t in bowl bntU

----------think th is T ennessee leanToui» !« i» S3 AH-Amerlen H nnk Lnurleelli I * !« I l>ncktleld, is one of the grcnt- ________ bu t .Mnrylnnd wlll no l com

i” o*’' ’*’*/i°fi*pf On tlie eve of battle, mosi>ih#r f S O S conches except S tanford’s

» ? ? J opUmlsUc Chuck Tnylor wi i n o f gloom, Tnylor, ti'ho predic

;riion t : s 4 lories nil Aca.son for his tenrulfr' e ’ - wn.1 111 good slin;orrUnn r “ « tlia i hls tenm would go 1;:clni..h * : 5 :: game- expecting to win. Ra‘hhi* / 7 S n Illhiol.'.. w atchcd h li tenm wornk» r A n n cxclnlmed I t wns "plUfujnkini r n : I lutely pitiful.''

Burley Bobcats S'-l. „",S‘-S Beat Blackfoot

For Initial WinU D S e t - nURLEY. Dcc. 20 - Ther u , -in m illed In the la.U h;

iM d ta n'R>‘t to defeat Uie

r “,7 iMH tlie end of the t i n t a?'SisI No 1 ranV?rt . * l th 10Lv£SH"“'inined In the nir »lso won tlie JuniorIcTgoal tor th J ' • “ J* Blackfoot.,y “ . The vnrMly vietory avenge_______________ fent received by Burley In

I c»nler in th e year a t Blackf*K nur>r'^'’'^*Ve f*%fJli*kf'^'’ ° ^

Dee; 20 « v - K.T.u'm.kf o iUlnol.1 joil n r- V',';"” ’’ ■' " « hhi.Ike Uie Illinois , [ 1a t home in the ‘ n i n ni.I.V’t SUintord. ci/L’7 -7 * - ’ ["•‘•l.yit via American « ? i j|*,nku*ice Leck. presl- ju „ .- i n t'ni.i.r.lub of ChlcnKo. }{„!/" " ^am nn Mild Uie rhurVh " n r» be ritiwerrd i i <1n , qunrtered n l _ . n 77 n l _ .lotel In nearby , i ■

ifd • 'buU sun? tT aM S A lttllV E« e lU y lu S i „ P "0 K N 1 X , A rir, Dec. 2{

Inkling llllnols f ^ tb a U team s of Uvo U n llowl tu rf Tues- ^ v~“to -m e e t- ln th e Salnd bowl______________ __1‘" " 1 -a r r iv ed In ]

' today.

a sH ffi Bruin R

Oakley ]Spurting from behii

tie all the way Friday straight loss for tho . part of the game to sc a baske t-fo r-basket

r with neither team hol6 : - ^ , advant age a t any timi

OUur acUon Friday w ford whip FUer 43-3S a t ^

. erman down Dietrich SS-3L trleh and H eybum tu m edI ' uu rlng BonnevlUe Bees1 . y . '^ K V a Ruperu In a game playe m day night a t Aberdeen,. A ' . I nipped Kimberly SO-SS.

Oien Besslre, on ui transfer trom M urtaugh.

■ l the bendi In th e tourth q■ K ' lead a Twin FaUs fas t bi

overcame a slx-polnt Bui Besslre u n k three baskets and combined w llh team m

irfs N achaapklD . Truscott and Bob Nielsen :otk. Ua\y Cross th e tate Bruin rally, and Gene M ann, Burley. smelUng an ups<

Into a 13-4 lead a t th e ei-------------------------- l i n t quarter and held a T.

■ ■ gin a t Uie h a lf. The Bobci _ _ _ talned Uieir slx-polnt iK r ^ r * BOing Into th e final q u a r t

DIek Burton, Burley cen t scoring with 10 polnta. Ni tops for Tw in Fnila w ith

l , f - “ S Cross, outstanding Tw in Iter, le tt the game on pers< ShorUy a tle r the th in

in e s s e e , T e x a s p-nn., *ophomores i'o r i t c s in T u e s - to roU ahead undefeated bt h e m a tc h i n g s l"* Burley’s Junl^or v o n irn ltp fl +nQBiiTici Q iry Blmmons led the B rc a l le d t o s s u p s . ,^1

ry a t a glance: Bobby Lydum w iui 12.t a n f o r d ( 9 -0 -1 ) oakley and Aberdeen trs t enough runn ing kel for basket from th cr lo edge lUlnols minute of ploy. The vlsl

yeara o t Big 10 one-point lends n t the ensUirls a t 3 p.m. n rs t ttiree q un rU n , w ltlbe televised and ahead by a single point as

, Expected crowd, ended. Aberdeen was ahenc the end ot Uie flrsl quartei

nncMce (10-0-0), 26 n t the half, ier one leom , gets Dee Oorrlnge led O akle;M nrylnnd (0-0-0), polnti, foUowed clo.iely by .:o power. Gam e and Roger Poulton w ithm. M ST and will Aberdeen dcfcnted Oakley

ABC. Expected the Junior vnrslty game.CaaUeford, bouncing bac

Kentucky (7-0-4) defeat a t Uio hands of T> gh t favorite, bu i Junior vnrslty T hundny , s tsuffering a virus fury nl Filer. T h e Wolves 1looks Uke Texaa to a scant tw o polnla eac Kickoff a t noon t i n t and fourUi quartera

6,000. WlUl NBC tween. Uio W ildcats could ogalnst the tn ller Wolves,

a rry labell may be ca.iUeford led 0-3 a t th scales fo r Bnylor Uie tlrsl trnm e nnd 20-1

defenuid G eorgia hnlf. Jim Colhern topped Cnoon (MST), WlUl w ith IB polnta. W illiamson. and a crowd of for Filer w ith nine.

Filer won th c Junior von•her moro widely 34. 23. Blais led Filer w ith!. Cicm.ion (7-0-2) TcsnniiUelllek wos h igh toMiami (7-0-3) in ford with nine.

A rkniuas Stn te Heybum Jumped Into a ;^dg(: over Stetson quorter lead and using 1igerlne bowl; T ex - la a t break, coasted in foi5oks more power- win over BonnevlUe. A t iot Pnclfic <0-0-4) In Uie Uilrd fram e, Heybu;Id Dnyton <8-0-1) 20-polnt advantage. Reseton (5-0-5) In Uie 0 good deal o f acllon.

Durfee led HeybumIttee of 10 college poitiLi, toUowed by H elnerI agalnat aU post- « ,Ia with 15 each. Burle^nms. the Ja n . I mores defeated H eyburn■ery well be Uie varsily • 20-20 In th e p rIU see on such a Rome.

HaRcrmon-made I t twones have unusual over DleUlch wlUi a 55-35^ w l a t Pnsodena, germon also w on in a fhem all ond sUU tween Uie squads U st wees televised no tion - german.“ P'®- , The P ira tes were pacejviewpoint the S u . fancy\p lay o f BarlogI wl3rlcn(\s claima top jo points. R oot wns highhave the noUon'a jlc h with 10. Hagerm an lec

Uiree tenms. botli th e hnlt.bowl bntUe. Some rssee team , w ith / \ i • r i i • *

OIjmPK Ski A1 not concede an Hold FlfSt Me!tnnford” ^oi^ , 5 ; At Resort TodTnylor were full Sin< VALLEY, Dec. 2i

*'ho predicted vie- spot of Intem aU onal compor his team , said on tap Sunday and Mondagood Bhnpe nnd U. S. 1052 Olympic crosa

ould go Into the and clos-ilc combined ski t9 win. Rny Eliot The Olympic skiers wUlIII tenm work ou t Canadian and four Norwi vns "plUtul, abso . exhlbUlon and informal

eventa. The opposition a ll' -1----------- nil .iludehla a t W nshlngl

•beats ‘"'’to"'Informal meel beg exhibition Jump

. I V i U U l on Monday n in e U. S. Olyi1 Y I / i m th e co lltgtaI Trin informal cross country rat20 — T he nuripv the value of th e pliyslcnlthe ln.1t hn lf hero Amerlenns have been."S'ih-'tS;Budffe's chn rsp t H use, MIU :IV one-M in t m Sr 01“' ' W®» «»d Olsv Lie, a: the tlrs t and secI ®'‘“ * studenta.

m t to B inckfool, J n Gafden Debllie Junior voralty ^EW YORK. Dec. 20Blackfoot. j>»7 1.' sUU out. on GU T u r>ry avenged a d e . 1*'R’® "rookie o t the year'’ : Jurley in a game Unbeaten o i l won declsl'o t Blackfoot. Vie Cardell. H arlferd. Cc

LACKFooT s t n l^ h t a t Madison Square Ciji.rkfooi I t tl f t hla New York nnd televlsii

f l e a ®“ t he wns fa r from nMni. I 1 ( tinlshed worlunnn In 1

fl j J stra lgh l victory, j

;; pHBlBBIS S 2 ® ® T,youR FARM L

. T«ul. 1 T; si

.......S t • IS -U » i.w i IMM.------ « « » * - » 8 E E -

™ 2D w - J. E WHIT3 a ? to n ™ h M m rt " “ tes mndaiad bowl clasaio U7 Main E as t - Pbo« Ived In Pboenlx


S EI R a l l y E d g e s

y D e f e a t s A b em behind in the closing m inutes, th e ' F riday night to defeat the B urley Bol or tho Burley quintet. Oakley also h Tie to score a thrilling 46-46 victory 01 -basket affair * * * 12am holding an t w in f alls <i . n u a t my tim e . SSJiS*.r iday saw C uU e- }{»rrkk r a o i rrnttB«iiJ-38 a t ^ l e r . H ag . ck» j e t 1 < Ourun «rich 68-35 a t Die- J \ | *n tu m e d back the hkmi 1 e 1 wiUoale Bees 6S.&7 a t 0 i j cur)cme p layed T h u n - \ • «x rdecn . Aberdeen iiorty 1 e 1 D4ii<7 39-38.

on unhera lded iirtaugh. cam e off touu u '* > Touutourth qu a rte r U) t-i>> i’'*!!* 1

Is ta a t b reok Uiot --------------11" in t OAKLgr » . ADKKOEIe baskets In a row 0 , 1._ , , ,,b team m ates Dick cf.rk f f * { s o w r "b N ielsen to poce I'oul wn t 1 1 2 Andmon•I'y- , *7 ? 1 » .*; an upse t, surged n . n 0 i s J o t * ,ot Uie end o t Uie Woodhowi 0 « 0 n Rotkheld a 33-18 m ar- * * J Sm e B obcats m ain . criuhfi.M 0 _o__o D«rt;-polnt adv an u g e . Tout* 11 1 i t t» u uml quarter. IIirley c en te r, led nU --------------**olnta. N ielsen was cabtleford « . r i u»ila w ith 14. Bud c.iti.rorei fc n r t KntrI Tw in F a lls cen- McCor 1 S 0 KlmmtrlliI on persona l fouls ■ • ■ S?m"he th ird period E s ’miih 0 0 «

Cothtrn t * 0 Unrlln;iomorea continued fJ,®'S"Vl ? « i Sk'??•eteated by detent- Qui»i«r ' i o s m.7«lor vara lty 40-28. t« . , 1 1 4 Schurlwd the B ru in year- n»»»«'hoH 1 0 j^ n u , foUowed by Ti i t n Tau u ^

irdeen trad e d bas- -------- •*’rom th(! opening APERorEN m . k im d eiThe v u ito ra held Ab.rJ«n /« ft pflKlmUrlrIt lhe e n d of the Sovtt. r : 4 4 c . r t r te n , w ith Oakley ® 5 li*';™*"point a s th e gome w” ,h c 1 J * T tu ' 'i ' ' ‘VOS a h ea d 17-18 a t Hurt t > 0 sUndwn Ks t q u a rte r nnd 31- ‘ J ^

sd O akley w ith 15 nrim n. o « TlKi'Juh.V o,«ly by Jo n Clark w ..u , ^ 0 0 on w ith 13 ench. to u i. u ' t i j n Tauu d O akley 43-24 In KlmWrlr ^’ game. Abtrd««n .......... ... ..........— 10

^s"of* ’ l n ^ F r i U ' „ I , Di»rmmdny, atruck WlUl V *’Wolves held Flier Kmmm f 2 s jA ik u f

o ln ts ench In Uie ‘ , * * « ra - iii .quarte rs . In be- g ‘ ® * 2~j‘ «

ats could do UtUe n«r>r 0 a $ n EdwanWolves. B*ll I 1 Mlmin

D-3 n t th e end o t lohruionnnd 20-13 n t the p EiiiTAtopped CnsUeford _ , ------------

llliam son was high ^ouU :i is : TouuKilfUmt Mor«!

jiilor varsity gsme « • »ller w ith 13 polnu. iiEYBURff 11, b o n n e v iS h igh to r Cnalle- f , fi,pr uonn.viii,

p « f» . f 7 1 4 a.,d>ita Into a 20-10 tlrs t > T I J «*«“"I using a splrlUd u .« .i . '«” « a 'sd. vusd In fo r a 65-57 Aml«i»on f i t s llfmm«rlUe. A t one point ‘ « * o -* " •e, H eyburn held a T r« r 0 « 0 nu Jkof.rge. Reserves saw VnnLuwrm 0 0 0 lUmtnHon. « » sy * ; '" * * 'leybum w ith IB , , , 1 « c 0 * ly H elner and Us- K«ich*r a o e :h. Burley sopho- 77 7 ;H eyburn's Junior e prelim inary iionn»iii* _____ m

f i mS w"i„* C G r i d e r , O l d s t i1 In a gam e ix - '

“ Attend-Meetii" i i i S “ O 'S E . m e . M m - M

BccretAty or the I d .h o In t h l th Io r D It t. ^ „ u o n .'™ " O M ., J m m . , « ill l , . v . \

fo r Chicago to represen t“ J - J ^ two naUonal meeUngs.i k l A c e s Th®y wiU a tte n d Uio. , FederaUon footbaU rules

i f M p p T m eellng Jon . 4 nnd 6 a:I t v ju atUind a meeUng ol(■ tlonal assoclaUon of S U tC l O Q a y BecreUrtes Jan . 3.

Dec. 30 (jF>-A . ____________ :____nal cornpeUtlon Is KEYTlOI'ira nO N OBEDnlc c ^ ^ “ counUy ^ ^ W YORK, Dec. 20ned ski teorns Reynolds, double n o -h lt tilers WUl m e et one « * ” 1“ cham pionlUr Norw egians In Y ankees, today was nam

I n f S l ® m in S New Yslllon a tlile te s nre te r o f the BasebaU Wrl( W ashington S ta te claUon of America.

meel begins Sun- j rlon Jum ping. AndU. e . O lym pic ski- .

unUy race to te stpliyslcnl train ing W

ave been subject- a*o a l S u n Valley . 4 C R O C l i mlh.

TrSii" clSlZ Wednesdo, Mils Hegovbld,sv Lie, a ll Norwe- iidenla.

i n s Bout I T A G I

on decisively from A rm enia iferd. Conn., lastSquare O arden in ccaai c ik ia id television debuL b tM I - H N A lfrom a polished, FRENCHY Rt

in in h is 27Ui MonU-eal. C anadaPRINCE 0M>

^ = ^ ^ = = 1 ^ Persia

’ARM LOANS SPECIAI^ ^ RALPH ALEXAIT m y U X f O f Dayton. O hio —

LIPSCO<i«>i.iif M—- ~ Indianapolis

k / U I T C Admission: R lniVMI I t T ickets on Sclates a a d Term s

• P b o n e 347 Sponsored I

E d g e s B u r l e y

l a t s A b e r d e e n kl o s i n g m in u t e s , t h e T w in F a l l s B r u in s f e f e a t th^B B u r l e y B o b c a t e 4 1 -3 8 in B url i n te t . O a k le y a l s o h a d t o c o m e f ro m b l lin g 4 M 6 v i c t o ^ o v e r t o u g h A berdeen

TWIN FALLS 41, DUBLET H 'W T C ly ^M-l?* WhC»rrkk f 0 0 1 FrnttB«lir » « e s _

E;.-. i i l S ; !l|Mayi s . i l i S S " s ; , i p

S S i l l K ! ! ! f o r l‘ ! J ! 'o w A o

Church e e i ^ e poteib

S ir 'suri»r 1« XI 11 J l Iowa emb

OA «Lir II. l u B D n i i , i t o ' i J t S ™

r.‘r , s.‘:2r. ™»u.r,iDul wn t 1 1 2 Andmon f l l * Head Coael

* I M JL**'*; * * » 4 sUU has 4•r I * 0 I s Jmtm % i l l'oodhMui e e 0 R Rotk 1 0 1 in ndir tu u m S t \ I t

i — —— — — _ An imot,Touu 11 I I t Touu 17 n 15 man, Wasll v ! ir ' '- .z = z — z:\l 11 U IJ

* with IowaCABTLEFORD « . FILER IS Spoknne. V

(iturDrei f c d p tK n tr f> n cr todoy thntcCor 1 s e Kimm.rliB, s I s Ski's futtin " rn " 0 0 i W?m."riu«n 1 1 J dlscusst.Sffliiii 0 0 0 N1.IMB O i l councU me.

" .S ” ! ! J s s i " . h w smllh , I 0 aShilrf* . S i s Oreeh uicUr I 0 » M«r« 0 e 1 bers of Ui«..lhoit 0 1 schurl.f J 4 i staff comff” " 'h " l‘ i i i _______H .PM , 1,0Touit ' I t I t 17 Touu 10 a IS from Denv

----------------- ; \ l JJ 1; Asked w^---------- ” shevski, aU

APERDEEN sa. KIMDEBUY SI ment."bfrJ«n U ft pflKlmUrljr / , / t pt Evnshevs:ndmon I 0 s i-Iu icn f J S ‘ reached to« ir7 • s a J 0 1 0 s dentood U)U l'' ' ' I fl 5I?“ 7 * 1 4 1 mnn.« v « I 0 a k " . " * { 0 J The Iow<

iiMk 0 1 ilucKoWru 0 o 1 Special met|/»T‘‘ n S * * * isaued a'tw , 0 0 J r * " ’’" * ‘ * Iowa's cust---------- ----------- trac t ot th

Toui. U II Jdi Touu l i u :s advance otb ? r d .« --------------------- iJ la l l « "The »t*

I I —— * the event InACERUAN II, DiKTRtcn I I to make c

ff fl pl Dioirich t t tt pf coachIng al•tiosi I s t s C in .u f 2 1 4 aa a com;' i i « r / J J s r J U ii i ' , I 1 I P o«lW U ^

r " “ l i n j D o d |

j j j F o r iTouU :i IS : Touu j t » r t . ^


by th e new•inJr f 7 1 1 luTiSn I 1 a cepUncc t ■ «•*€ o s fl : o Youni s 1 0 lyn Dodgei •colt t 4 a SDavU B S 2 patcd tod;

• 1 ? s o tT " * '. 0 fl 0 p*t0 0 : Judr 0 0 J the open >

m Lu— j j s ; J > m ent for I• Ilty " o o e WmUr"i»nl 7 1 1 NeWCOmljnrni.™ fl » 0 A Yovin« 1 0 0 U ry servliIlr's., J S Sn e w J J _______la y and spTnuu 171120 Touii 22 I t IS ers by tu nn-bu rn -----------------------20 >1 41 «s examined[>nnKiii*-------L----------- 10 21 te^ II m onth and

------------------------------ be tum ed i

J r i d e r , O l d s t o

V t t e n d M e e t i n g sBOISB. Dec. 30 W ^-Ed P . G rider, ond Dodgei

:cre tary o l the Id ah o In terscho lo s- service thli c AcUvlUes assoclaUon, and W . V. Fallen, sIk lids, Jerom e, wlU leave W ednesdny tered tho i i r Chicago to rep resen t Id ah o :. t Newcomt vo naUonal meeUngs. a serious i T hey will a tte n d tho NaUonal

'edemUon footbaU ru les com m ittee le d g e r ofi leellng Jon . 4 nnd 6 a n d O rld er a lunnlng fi 'JU otUind a meeUng o f the N a - they made onal assoclaUon of S U to AthleU c It in i t r dt ecretarles Jan . 3. certaim

____________ - of N e a w i

: E '^ L D S nO N OB ED a M d S y !* '5<EW YORK, Dec. 20 tfl—Allle "B ut Uncle

:eynnlds, double n o -h lt r ig h th a n d - the end Ir of th e world cham pion New Y ork to be a ve’onkees, today was nam ed p la y er good for 1f Uie year by th e New Y ork c h a p - leU people:r o f the BasebaU W rltor# A sso- prominentlaUon of A m e ric n .________________ illsm."

f w s s w j( t f R adio RONDEV

W ednesdoy, Jan . 2 - M A I N E V E N !

T A G T E A M MD a l e H a d d o c k

W a ^ e , M ichigan U C '

Mike l azorign ^SEM I-FINAL

FRENCHY ROY ?Monu-enl, Cannda — V8



Dayton. O hio — VS JACK LIPSCOMB

IndianapoIlJ • * ;

Admission: R ingside *1J».

T ic k e t ! o n a l , a t Spon«or,il by VFW—M f *

Page 9: · ^^BULLETIN Korea. (Sonday). ^ P p J ^ 'T h e eom m anlBta to-^ H I L i M t w o p o ln ^

l l

r a i v s ^ l I, , a s ^ s f f - I

S t l i ® “ '“* -"» S i 'L w„“.!

®“* £ & ““ ‘■41

S b d i n g h o u s e - M ._______.

rrtw oerr 'N' f o r t v e s a d VJ s m s 16 iW ASsED i V e \ ajH T w y?e , m is t a w f i f tJO R /lV lE U ffy 'roO M B / m — r l c o m R i ^ E o T W c n ^ f je i

iW4AK« T w e^ Jw y w e. CBj)T5 — D IO v e o o cJ COMPCTB h o w M l3C H )^> -

( 3

E T S U K E ^ H A T

Hej, Slfll. , . Scrooge is hero I"


W N A LD d u c k

^ 'O U T

•o lu tlon of Vb»%9raty'» Puetl#

DOWH I At bool

c « l , tSJ-:,-..,^ mm lm oodU tIanMt. c. u i tu k t i ts JbS S ! ^<0 1 1 1 2 prlBtlDf

_____________ ^ “V S '* "“

fv> _____ IS- Or*M‘*rVbfi% ^ 5i p

}«. min«t B ^ K sit. r«inti« (uia. ^ g B c

■ ii-d a .ir« -{/ SIDI_ _ __ __ l c try llo I! I ■ I ._

* » ; 89fl'l*l™ute»«t \

1 55- — i r S C r *^ p ^ ^ sifji?** '—_ ^ *Bal4nt cavltti

_ 1 I I_________ S; JiMuh'mona• / X - X 9 , ^ ^

"m a j o r h o o p l e

S A D , J A 6 0 M / VJE’Ll. f iP L l f ^ I^B WHOLE BUNDie F lF T V - FIFTV — * 7 3 ,5 0 A P )SC B / '- “ X HAVE NO CHAWGE—> NEITHER HA.Ve y p U , 5 0 7^ .-■I W e'L l. T 0 5 5 F o ; j \ C ^ S O C C M T f i / ^ A

' \ Y<?u TA’K e ^ ’r ' V ( FOR (TUMMllOG ^VJ U E E R R A K JO y


- n '|wn.L-yuM.|..„

| r a [ E

“I hi Waldo



IE’S T*lCKy...)(NVHATA\«ES A U . O^V L

'OUT OUR WAY ' ^ ^ ^ ^ T v Z ^ " S j s T * " ^ B * " 6 0 0 D "^ M ^ ^ .C T A R T I W D U n D T A IW T E

L O O K R Z ^ X X J- 1 P R O M T• AN-wH«rADi(rTy/ w e s r t. n n @ LOOKIW TB*MP.' ( BEOTIM, M g u p _ e u g p u e L w e ’r e f

mT H g w p g ic rv m k a T


u sM"I told the fdrl you had o cold—sl

day aovcral o thers had phoned In th hom e!”


S ' ? i M »y

J ?

“I have no intention of looking a t 1 Waldo I A fter all, why should you wi

[5t a n 5 v i t^ K 6 , ‘ .a m m y . . . t u aaiN K T O L t ? ^ A D VICE...I,TOO , 6U A U '■> ANDY f l INTO UV PS O B L E M .. .>IM OUT O F ^ RE&T TILL I O E T TOr SHALL O F IT / J,

j H f i i

. y V i

UL Clfljy L O N O ^ / S o VVWATP'\| r ” ” ”" " ” SME ASVCEO y /S H E 'S B410 U iJU ESTIO NS, f T 'A 9 < V t3 U 1 ^ ^ ■ n o N S , j ^ u b s t io n s .M


By WTLUAMS^ e o O D <SO£H.* IT V

A IW T E N O U S H i » S ^ g w » g 8 r . PR O M TH' T IM E W -V & JK c V * w e <SrT H O M E T IL L lS Q 8 ? L 'T - t n B E O T iM E -M o .

W E ’R E PAYIN’ F E R t S I S M Kl ^ r r i N ^ ^ ^ P


^ C

Ti 8 T a A

m S ^ t 1 ^ 1 I s a ^ H ' n £ / ^ ’ »


— v n "

'Ml ?AU [■' s^ J , o

\c> L^ I


T. H. ato. u. ■■ MT. m t ?eoHi. mirrimMmCT.MC. I t j

i cold—she said i t ’s such a bad Y tied in the aam e excuse to s tay


1 1

i^mT k T ■ D

'n ~akintr a t th e m a tte r reasonably, ^Id you win all tho argum ents?” ^

_________________ y;MY. ..T U A N K ^ POB V O U R fl 0 0 . 6UALL P U T MV TEETW?IB L E M ...A N D WON'T f j O E T TO TW E K E B N E L


N— ---------------------------------------- 1 E


• S H E KNEW' ,1/?V li r/ the ANSWERS A


. 0


3 fVlC/’WHEKB [ w rf* » ~ CAKKYINia

VA R t NOU i - f TO «K O W L. UBB' T A J C N ® ,^ WLLBK CBNTEB

SB » r m e t j y *ceN fTtRvi-' \t> in cf i X '- •CBNTBRVILUB; BLT

c ■

Cl e u T M nen.v n o y H t o d o u s i t 0

tfMUMLSR M H o /n e u o ff r e w M j




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m m m m | Ha^ocrkSMOQ:w^>»\> vftasci s'euKA cmV HOnClO

r ^ f f i ST ^ B l'h ! iVG ..... II I ■' ~'„ r Be c a re fu l n o t t o ) T T v^ks, S I oi€Tcte, U nde W a i t ! I'm bi^!

, O ^ J l l t a k e




d Y r- -y i ^ „ . RI^HT HEICB 19 WMEKS }

L THE H6TO SHOOTS THB ■**• ----- ------------- BANPfT ANPB O L A ...P [Jft...^

1 1

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. u M m ii i l r T ^- G


c iP L e e A C o e s N Y M w l^ t iE / ) ^ M€KJTOPI5TOpCF’r W jm O R A^ C usei£6SeAgwu>Jg-,

r l



.1 W K S ^ /i v o u KNOW,AU£Y ^ i S H H i HA/EYOUALLe^L

,LE ^ k


CBM rEK V I.' UNDOUBrrePLY B 0 5 5 7 HI



H O M li T m - M v T T c iUK* CW»'SnAKt, C W tO tt- 9*^\C0Vh«ll ‘ v 'w ? 9 « o HE«s. '

T h a t^ h e a v y ^ tu f f 1 1 Thanks, Skeezix. fia* 5 ^ , 3 ^

, I'm bushed . ^ . ^mme th a t . ' ;< V

, ^ 5 V E N P ,1 i« r ^ P i r ’ fwwcN.oBwJSJ


i W / w H « cr» TWB y p a o a ^ B C / ©o t alA T l^ * w rrw TH B r ROLL O N A TH ^B C* 0 * 5 7 H £ '# A S' n - ' Pta«lA V A »UrtWT* A * ' A 'PyVVW ift A * TH AT PIL E O ACKKA B B IT y • P L A T B » .y —

ftykiMftiiir'ii / r r rO T to c to P ia ^ w t ib jf c S n I WB KMOW w u su kbM S .f tU T M C M rjT O l^ AMD th a t KE^ HAD I ftOUT THB bVI A N C b I PA M IT TO A COHFl : OOT T«i5 TIP I p iB w w ir o w mim r o t w0 (VlP CU5T0M9 MEU.Un WEOWTOETHMTHANAMD TO MATCH EURV t m ^ ^ m ------m mW 9 UAD6 « 0

. II c t^ .>2k(«uQfs\:c< vd-%. 11 M\.Mt\\ ^ M > 6 w m COViXCt\C

? y V » « S tt \ 0 9 O OO c - 0 U « ' t W l^ „ ,J ^ 6 - [ur-u^ 'J rU J r AMO " BC— 1 / r -

Wkf N Xl / ; K ^ r K #

t V 1 H f ^ y S. - T W k ft- > T r — ^UMTOKUSVtN:

"stu ff) I w on 'tl |(Why cWrrt I J«ep-my 3- 3 0 7 arq u e , \ big mouth s h u t? .

' ^ r J ^ K S S ! ^ — ' 5 ^ " " ^


i " '■ ■

3 ^ 5 7 1 fLA,'SV BO PW O W 1 O UM SESi E A ^m M M SO D ta^^A ^ T C H s x ;^ mTHEUaCAMrcUOpy.'1 / 4TA — igoepooo>MOGa«,^ *

I a m c o m m a '^ P R B S lM M r ?> B & ^ H B E A P W T R l O T ^ '^ ^ l W s ^

? AND WHAT P I N I A ^ A ^ ^ 4 ^WAY o o o l d I < ( / V SO rV E-TO A N / S _ ^ l /

L .J B p j je s iD ^ T /fA .

S iO ^ O O C J fv rm fiO N rrE H P w F ll^SBTUFF U S O K A T D IN N y ix ^ ~ ^ VtDUHNE M X JG O T A W /V E H -G O S H .

G H ECnC D E 1 0 F E E D J l W O t ^ r r P K i O U T fT /^ ■. IM P

I - S m t

i paoewfic/S O T A pTwiSvTrv*ROLL O N A T H I lB e - > WBJ5E TVUKT

Pta«lA V A » STU PlO TWI*n & A * TH AT PIL E O P y W T I* ^WOtT

I WB KUON WHSU KE OOT THS H E R O M ^ n r )CH AMDTKATKE^HADNOCHAMCatO I m i l B l PA M IT TO A COHFEOeRATSl TU . C 0 9f wirow MIM ro TW gewea, amsS I toIiU» WEOOVTOETHMTmTUUimRBMMTKV' RV ■ ■ » > - i - ^ r i n ' ' ' ' ^ i A i

■ y»i». 1 \T t

:c < v i V ||w T O R > « c» s‘.A > 4 'o » l u K n x coviXctw» w v .’w ^ n . ^ 1

» ooo c- ou*' WWliWCLV * / l ^ —n=r-T^ r«eov^ 1 VQ

Why cW rt I keff-miAlil Mil rest, U< \ b l g rnouth ^ P ' J I lg ^ .W H * U

V * i / MINUTE

jjpiH O vTl r |oPB4AMo’ p ^


<NMA '^ P R B S lM M r ?

~ “^ 1 'O U T ^ ^T T A t^ /v E H - .G O a H .' ABOUJTION.mA Ej HATA / DOC,THArwtU. TEMPCXUKYONS ■ E M tn jL l BEA PRO BLBI ANVWPW.-. G FEED J l V W > rrnT K A i ii i i j u b M

Page 10: · ^^BULLETIN Korea. (Sonday). ^ P p J ^ 'T h e eom m anlBta to-^ H I L i M t w o p o ln ^

11 M a r k eI ' ' * * * *

I StocksI f m a r k e t s a t a g l a n c e

IJ- lloB<l*-~Si«Mlr; « h ir i« nin»«.|j ' Colton—E u7i 7**r>«B<l ••lllnf.jil WhMt^WMk: Kof«»n n.w..ji Coro—WMki <ub offtflBj*

I XEW YORK. Dte. i t OP)—n u t wM •U ' tUMlr ton« aboul th* aloek markil .to^aiI d«pll« Um crtM cuinnu ot XMr-«n<l■ mil op to •round ■ ^wlnt »l Un fl b<aL (Od o lm oC that mo<h w«r« nol t ’t-I M « t. -* r. htid do-n,!| la • (netlonti mm*. ......... .r Volum* <am« te ao MllmaM balf nilllioii

' I Jild »m»* nil..s ; . 'S f f i . . '“ :r .'K , " " s : . " - x i :’T i f t ' b i l W u . . . n . i ^ . • . . "S S S i . i . I K f c . S

■.“r - S . M ’iu ., , c . . „ . iMotor*. Coodr^^. Domla* Alrrrafl. K.n. nacett Coppw.Xou Pont and Paramounly —

NBW TORK STOCKfl N ew YORK. B«. :» in ~ L u t *al;»,.

A1IM Btn «9 Krt<(« >"S

Am Car * Tdr « Conl P .t M i

i s T * T IMji N « ciTh““ mIJAm Tobacco ei% Nal D.Irr ««Sl ; r * 1 U J? i?N Y ?;,’nVa. “

il'iOaUi Iroa T f i Ohla OII HHDandlx ( IS Patiric Gaa 14-s a . . " - ! i ^ k : : .m . . a

flsS".-.. It Ols?'" ii|g r . - . 'o K !!u lB -? .5 V SrS.i S’ SirJ-i. ifCom So IlH Ro. Va< l< ^S n ^ » o n i i n S^errJ''” * I « |ConUlnar . *T St Oil Cal toUCon Oil 0*1 St OII N J 74<Com Pn>d TO Kluclthak.r >l>4Crati* ITK Hun lUr Oil ION

] C nrl^ Wrlcbt «K Hun Uln IDS

S ir ' ii?U Eaalman ( < Tran. Am.rI] rila^RR 7^ Unk.n‘^Ca''rb“{ rir^tona T in R Union Oil J l rilntkoU MU Union PacKlo SOOUII rniahaurTr 4K Un Alrlinn Sl>iI K S i ■;!;n G«n Hot 1% XI a Rubbn■ Glllatl* OS U B Bmtlt fl H Coodrkb OS W altr^n «H H Goodraar 9 . Warntr Ilroa 4% H G tN ornR vc 0 W .l Auto «*;: n Gt Waat Bat Wm I Union 1*;

B f M ' « ; ! £ “ ' i l ip iBt Harv SK Whlu Mot


I Cunkar Ulll UU Trani Lua5 3 . ° a . ; .

ff Stock AveragesI CtMpttt hr Tka Aaao<Ut*4 FrM*I Indof. rail. Ulll. Block.} Kat ebann _ A.l D.J p .i unch) Satorday ___ ae.t M.S M.9 »a,41 Pnvlooa i t r — t( .i ««.s ti.o »n,4I Waak u o ___ 19.1 S i i S0.7 07.9I Moath a n _ >aJ <11 iO.3 07.1

■ Yaar ato ___ 11,1 6M 4(.« *11.:■ IHI hlsb___ 40.1 12.1 Sl.O 10I.S■ lU l low _ _ ig.» 11.1 41.1 ts o

I Potatoes-OnionsI IDAHO FALLS■ IDAHO FALLB. Baa. 1» («-(rSM N )— [I OrraHnta nedaraUl aod.rata «lr« In. I n l r r s dfnand (ood; markat allghllr Jl atronfar.1 a»l« fob aaah track) RuimU aackMl »«r3 avt, 1 Inch minimum alt* A 100 Ib. lackaI OS 1 waibad l.lM .M i Idabo ilandard.I WMb«i 4.1M40] US 1 «aih«l I DallT*r«d talia iklpplns point btila andI Sr !VJW.evi.';TS.”M■ u s 1 waihtd 1.2M.U: Idaho aUndardt■ waahad 4JM 40; US S waihnl l.]S.l.i]. N Prico lo irowan: Dulk p«r o t . at I (Ttnrm rallara accardlns lA alta and aualltr r t ta ba wubad US I US 1 l.CO-l.a.

H Twin Falls Livestock Prices

T h « foUowlBK Tw la PftOs livestock p r l c a tr e provided b ; th e Twla F a lls Llvettoek Commission com­pan y hM8d on the results of the last weeUjr auction ta le.S teers _______________«33.0O.$34.BOB ulls ------------------------ ta2.M-$36,00

T a t C o w -------------------|22!00-t2Si0V e a l e n -----------------------$ a n n en and cutters — |l3 ,00-»n.MlA njbs ........................... ... . W 7J0 topEwes ----- ^n n n jopB 0« » ----- ... >18.78 top

T here m ay be over 1,000,000.000 s ta r systems In existence, some o< th em b lreer th a n the M ilk / Way system w ith lta m any billion suns.

Twin Fal]LtVESTOCKChcOca buUh.™. 180.110 Iba.______ IH.OO

<Two dtalrra auolad)

IKt iigis-t.”’'’""------Sowa undar 40S I ^

<Om daalar quoIkIInocB. 17*. to Iba.---- «i« 00Ho*a. IIO- ;0 lb*. «■« ■"iS: ISl?; fc ' il!.!

J Hoc., o*« i : t ib«. — «i« 0 i Row., J00450 Iba.______________ tu , oI Ilaalj o?7.» .Hw. _

Htaei (70 Iba. dxk) — — IIOJMIJO

Boft wl.«»t. par buib.l • - ■ | i «.(Uarl.7 and oata markat nuctoatM wiih

S S ." S 'u i ’ a:;- !•'"ououiloni lUtad b«1»»|i .narlty. 100 Iba. - ________ ^ _ 1_M.S0Oau. f>tr 100 lha - '■’ ♦.I..

(On* daalar «uoi>dlDEASS

cJS* .North*” « “■ i ____________

(Tbra* doJcis quoiad)

- " '_________'

B j faqb tbh

:e t s a n d F i * * ♦ ♦


OGDEN. Dae. » W>-mBDA)-llof. !'CE xss;r.'• Tburadar. bulehm about In braekat with '

I .it wMk-. elo»i <lo.lni lop Ihl. w*.kII.73; bulk ehole* IM.UO Ik. barrowa and (Ilia ll.IO.ID.OOi aarlr In'waak f*w cholca ' IIJ.4S0 Ib. aow. H.:S.ti.OO. but at elo.. , 14.0040I hulk eholea 4M.M0 lla. Il.OO* : 14.00; ndd IOI Ib. ala>. II.SO: .mail Iota , chulca i : i Ib. fttdtr pl<i It.OO.

_ _ J Catll* talabla non.; for waak Tit; hulk ; ^ of ^off*rln*i ^arrlitd Mon dar: »trT lllll* ;

M Vo’'ndI?l' ."lrin»° ir*bli'h?r'7"ii‘auVhUr"d tas „ „ ra and htlf.r. tearca, >owa maklnv up

, bulk of auppir I f*w tlatiihlar h.lf.ra‘B* ilrontiaUufhUr cowa atronc toM hliharj

■>1 «'•- eull.r eow. aa mueh aa I.OO hlfh.r In In. :..arair ,u n e « : bull. .In d r to ilron*; atoekarmillion hjrtrr. IS.SMO./l *eomm»Te*.l «.«fl.lMO| 1

, Ulllllr 12.00-14.00: ma.llum to «o~l il«ek.r"®_i. " • * l*.*M4-M. Includlnf I loadi 7M-04* i•« Iba. ::.«0.]4.t0; caW« aaltbl* non.: for *ra In -ig]. {«« t n i m and .I.UKhtar •Mka

. _ to .tronr: ehole. ttalara l(.00-17.t0: com.> Baan „,rclal and cood l>.00*lt.00: commarclal rk alauihi.r c»l»t* W.CO.JJ.flO: faw ] Cham. „oek calrta 14.10: mtdlum ;

, K.00.14.00: eommon li.Oa-K.H; plain ..anaral j^iry trpt. downward to :0.00. i. K.n. ahatp ..1.bla non*: for wttk 70},mount (Iiu ihur and faadcn alxiJl .laadr: :

f*w Inw crada .laushtar o ta altadr: EOod 1• nd ehole* tS-10« lb. local Inick In alaufh- .Ur lamb* :4.iO-2t.OO: ftw OS Ih. cull |

il.t .l.uchltr awt« t.DO: Iota cood ti.BIIb. f.*dln» lamb. It.oa fliL )

I7 't SAN rRANgSCO«1>; AAN FRANCIHCO. l>te. 19 <J —(USDA) !47^; -H o . , .alabla non.; fof -« k 100; conitt% parad with.eloaa of latl wttk butchtra :t-M |tOl, bifhar; edd htad aowa .U .dr: Ial* lUppIr .t iC bulrhan nialnlr. cholca »».310 lb>. at |4R>1 It.l«: odd haul eholea io .i It.OO: *arlr; ! “ c i s . ilt>i parad wllh cloa* of laat wtek price, arnund Jt i S iUadr on mta(«r auppir o ttttti whieh .I4S eomprI<*d malftlr rannrr and eutur rowa; {14- bulk od.l ha.d cvllara to Sl.OO;4U frw hMd utllllr btaf Irpa eowt up to J l .U ;

U U around t load* of iood and eholea t ln r .m s from adlaeml ftedlst otfarKl Thuradar,I t bul thaa* withdrawn from mark.l dua Int l narrow damand; c.lvca .alabt* nona; for4:>; wetk 20; no taUbll.had Ir.d .; ftw h..dt'.'U oIf«r*d war. common and mtdlum alockJl>! " s ’h'Iip a.lahla nona: for wttk damand ,I l 2 narrow and Irada waaki marktt wlll b*l lU "pm lo Ir.d* Mondar, bul clcvad Tutadar.tfl Naw Yaar'a dar. ,M«? PORTLAND ,124, PORTI.AND. Dar. 2« 147—IU.SDA1— .MU >Io«a aalabla non.: for -tck T»: market74< M.7} hliher; cholca 160.111 Ibt. 20.7t. ,14 >4 21.00; hta>ltr and IlchUr wtlfhU unavtn V201, at cholc* llD-tlO !b; aowi |IDS .laadr to .Ironc a l It.10.l7.00> IlihUrt t _ w.IihU to I7.t0; toed and cholca tt-IOO IioU 'xainl*M?ab*a**!>«: for waek m : mar- {MU kat unavan: cow. atroni to 10 hlfh.r: j10% auara and helftn moallr .laadr bul no<IS full iMl available hnlldar period and IrrM'4 road* factora In ihorl ratalpU; ftw load*

lOOU cood alaera 11.00-7t: latUr fur ].}]» Iba.:14>i no chnlca arallabla; commtrelal llmlwd i t *t m; Ulilltr ll.OO-ll.OQ: faw tood <

halfar* IWO; uinitr bulla 21.0C-27.M7 !7 ^ cooim.rel.I and food 3t.00-10.00: odd <• H lO: market alrnncVeholea^aaltn'aT^O. ■4% tl.OO: commrrel.l and iood ll.«0-11.00| •«S eull and utllllr fla ; Sharp .alabla nona: for «a*k UO; mar* >

k«l hardir Ualad: acatltttd .alta alaadr>i; bul .mall auppir moallr fttd.rai odd coed 'm .lauihler lamba n.eo.211.00: iood and chnic* ^OU quoltd tn 21.90; madlum and cood (radar* *

41<4 lt.OO.27.00; cood l i t Ib, r t.rilo i. 24.00: ^t7>. cood l^^lb . 2-rMr.oIda 14,00; odd cood j

DENVER, Dae.**Jl* W -(U5DAi-CatlI* ;

Ib.. U.10 hlihtr; aoma Undtr I.IOO Ibt.'* H-79 up; altar* 1,100 Ibt. up .leaJr to '

_____ SJ hlahtr; htiftr. 2S-40 hlfhtr; cewa 21 ..eijtlnc^^aboul 1.00 hkh.r: »ea1er* ‘

g chMcaV*d*’".learaVl.Mts».S?^cholca*rnni*r '

— J isiHs S iprima 1.900.1.420 ll«. 11.00-10: low cotti

Block. cMca f ^ h'tlfar* 't0.S0-li.00:^1oad*7niaunch attrac . U> hlfh cholc.* MO-l.OM Iba. 14.21.»a.4 91.00: commtrti.l to low iood 27.00J0.00;on.4 utllllr cow. :0.00.12.II01 hlili utllltr and ,OM n 5 ” *'«.M.IB.80:‘'^omV.??U*” l ” '‘ch*lc‘i 'tll.2 v*al*ra and eal>n U.OO-11.00. <

10I.S Shaap comparad lait wrtk-a eloaa alauih*tS.O lar lamU itaadr lo 2S hlfh.r: InaUnet* ,— , to up: bIc welihla ahowlri UtUa or no *

Improremtnl; mtafer aur.plr .http .leadr: (|g u S ’?.Ki*7i>d'”‘to r'ri5?‘ioo 'o” ii>!

wooltd .l.ushUr lamba 90.10; cholca and <prim* 10«.II2 lb». throushoul wtrk 2» i0. 1M.2S; cood and cholca 109 lb.. 21.00; eom. tparabla trada naUrta laritlr ‘

4N)— faw 10.00; tood and cholc* moallr tood.. In. alauthlar awta 1I.S0.J<.00; cull and utllltr 1 llfhllr laritlr t .90.11.00: faw ai*<I alauihlar

bueki 10.00-11.00; food ami chnlca (*«)tr •k1 lamha :7.U.29.tO: moallr lt.OO.». (aacka Hot. compartd laat wttk't cloa* bulchar. ]

idard. moallr .leadr; MWi alaadr lo 21 or mor* «W .ll. hlfh.r; w*«k‘» Ion 10.40 p.ld W«lnt*dar ‘ la and br tmall klllan for choir. No. 1 and -S

s a t"„ 's ■idard. I7.7&.19.40; bulk mw* mtdlum le cholca 1I J .l l . 100.190 Iba. Il.oo-ie.ooi llmllad eholet tIt. at lltht wtlchU K.&O and batur: clotinclUalltr aale. chole* .200.JJ1 lb.' bulfham IT.7S- ,0.2U l''2‘ : '•<* ’«>• mlaad •M.lllr I7.tO.Ul ‘______mflium to chole* 100.4M lb. **w« 14.00- ______ ______________ ,OMAHA

OMAHA. Dae. 5» I/tV-fUSDAI-lloc* 1IQ • :u :i ir r u r w ’.;':*^w!i'i‘J;‘' . i v * i r s ' ‘i ielolne limit 17.U aparlntln moti cholca ____ No. I Io 1 barrowt and ilUa up te ItOStock i « !b^‘iV io iii!7» 'u ti.'’'“'‘* '* 1

:s ;-4

.“ S ; f e ; !' !

B6.00 In Jlchl fupplr W.1.00 hlthtr; bulla 10 , J32i0 hlfhar: a ttltn tUadr: wttk'* topa prima

>33.00 choice lo primt hrifcri 31.00: (ew com- I»n.M mtrclal eow, 2M0.- tood bull. I».00; e-U ^ Jop Ulhl *toi‘k*?Ia.ri lO.tlT bi?lk ctalJa* ID top lo» prima fad .tttra 32.21-».t0; cood le I‘ “ p ! nnnnn lO.M-Sl.OO; cannm and cutura00.000 u .sw ».00: mtdlum to choka alockar and fne of fa«ler iltar* mmilr 2t.00.10.00. ,

“*• bllher; awea ilroni; faadtr lamba tcarc*:I 1

'alls Markets ‘

. ! 'S Alfalfa, clean No, » crad. >H ZI»4c-ll« Iim Im IThr** dtal.ra «uol*d) J.IIS.OO POTATOES ,

J - ‘ -------------------------ll.M.4.00 *.tlt.OO U. S. No. 2 .... ........................... «:,IH.?.2Sd«rJ?i 7uorS) • - ’W.M 1


i’.! ! ' . ; ^ = z = ! ! ; ■O-llllO Auilra Whlit. t Ita. and e r* r____ n . AWIJO Cojorad .p«M . __________________21c y

0 Colof«d~^«rt.~ _ "" 0j j : . 4 Lethom cock* __________________ « s0-:l (0 ISwlfl aid priealM -OO DUTTERFAT

.ift! s r a i r= = = = .s“ -1.S (0“* Quolad); dallr rI fram Tha foITowIni prltM waT*i«cpI1ad hr lha \Idiho Kff Produetr* of Twfn FalU for i ^12.90 P"d^No^si (D«r. 17.22, Inelual..): » “ ■ Larsa A .. ~ . "• .1. ^_«.7s ~ i I »:m Mfllum B ____________________ Zlnic- « . ‘0 S.’"*" A ------------------------------------ 9«e a-M .Il Trida --------------------------------------- -00.«,25 ---------- -----------------------'TS-1.00 Esri In trada'.llitiel ------------ I0c-4S< ’

lUra* dtalara quetadj J

F i n a n c e* * * *

;k G rainCHICAGO, Dae. 2» &T>—A train markrt

It daellna Urokar. aiuibslad lh* aallinc to a nun .1,^ . l lh bar nf faetiira. aapaclair lha naw* lha hi” WMk Natlona had mada an.ImpoTlan

s"h;s '■raaII*Ul. oi1a’’l4 .2H llwar.'^Mrnh**!?;^

H : rra 1>* le 1 canu lowar. Mar I-OIK-

i”',aklnc*'« CASH GRAINr halfara CHICAGO. Dte. 20 (47-No whaal..0 hllherj ^Corn Ne. 4 jrallow I J2i4 ll .H V |N o.I_: atock*r Oala No. I axlr* baary whlu 1.01.•laushtar Uarirr mallinc M0.I.71 nominal t faad.00.2t.00i 1.2&.I.40 nominal.1 ilnckar Klald i»*d par cwL nominal: rtd elo»erll 7ft0.04( I1.00.K.OO: limelhr ».tO.|O.M.ilauthtar FUTURES TAOLKft ataadr CHICAGO. Dae. 2* UP)-i . S ! w » ~ .

Mar M » 2,I»H 2.87^ M ««.r-Jlxa; =i: jj; is:; i-“g7.1 =-‘ " ‘

t ataadr: Mar .021* I.MS 1.00 I.OO':idr: BO^ May ,9212 I.02C l.MU I.OOSn alauth. J „ i, , . „ g ,.»«'* t.w ijodd'8<.|B “'S 'at. ■'*

Mar .95*; .Oltl .»l«i .OHIMar .Ot>, . n ' t .SIS ,9H*

-(USDM I t i i j .Mrf iS?'*- It?;;Itra 2t.M Mar 2.0t>4 2.09 2.01^ 2.07‘*lbJ'” al a i l ' '*

2.961 2,M-i; 2.90U" “ '" “" j Mar iA iSf 2l««% -it"•d which Ju lr 2.M 2.119'i 2.H4U l.MW ' t a ” oo-to j l lw l j-----------------^ -------

?r.“£ Butter and EggsrJw'h/^d '----------------------------------------------------<m alock flAN FRANCIBCO

damand rRANCISCO. Db:, 29 (Ul’)—Hut-will b* n 'o o ^ * **■' * ®-

iln'i'irdVl.ln"46*47^ *K tta l Crada A larr** tO.tO^: madlum

U.SDAl- A 8 t.» l4 : amall A ___________

nualllr of alauihur lamba Imnrovad: 2 » onaven lo,,,, p,| loo.ios Ib. wooltd"’'11 *k. lamU ll.7 t ; bulk tood to prima und.r ?. « IM uUlllr.a »o.;og 211,00.11.00; load tood U lb.

_ faatlor Itmba 20.00: load c ^ l<7 lb. mlif<l 29.00; f 00.1 and cholea

bul no tarm braadinc a-aa lt-00.t i " ‘loadI CHICAGO32» Ibi.: CHICAGO. Dac. 2> (in-(USDA)-IIo(tImlled I t ••■“hla 1,000; toUl t.OOO (aaUmaladl I com-aw tood ParaO watk a to moat offarlnn andad lha.00.27.607 ■‘'• '" J ln .une« eff moraiMW.odd 7^>-2t lowar: al lb* cloa* mo.1 ehole*rT w a tk buUhar. I70-210 Ib.. 210.270r* 94 00. Iba. It40.17.7t; 2IO-IIO lb*. 11.00401

10- mar* ‘ha. I1,H.U,10.a alaadr CatUt aalabl* 200 (aatlmatadl t remt>ar*doitd rood *aak afo cholc* titan and yaarllnti tO.I.OOnd c h ^ hlthar; two loada hlch prima l,02t Ib.1 (aadtn .l*«ra Il.OO: cow* around 1.00 or morar. 24.00: hlcb*r; vaairr* *taadr te I.OO hlcher:

l l .s s : utlllU' and commercial .laan 27.00; commtTtlal eow* 3<.oO.:iA4; ulllllr eo-«

)-C attIa 2l.7t-14.00: e.nnara and cuIUn lO.OO. <1 auppir <^Oat eommarelal to prim* aaaltra 29.00- '^m'Tuu Bh«*p iklabla 100 (tallmaladl: comparvd ileadr lo w**k am . lauthltr lamta calnad around r : cow. for •rark; cloalnr lop lUO anvealen <holca lo prima Ot lb. wootd Iambi cloae.1 a>er.f* ^ ****

K-'S Shoshone Citizens i f j l Travel, Entertainoo-io.M; SHOSHONE. Dec. 20—Jnck SuUl-Ind euu v a n . T ravU nir Xorce biuie, CaUf..I cholc* vlAlted M r. and Mrs. Lee Sullivan

thlB vite\c.M r, a n d Mrs. J . M. Henderson.

I. or no Pocatello, visited Mr. and Mrs. How-> .iea<ir: urd Adlclns th is week.M> 'o” ib■olc. ami daughters, Eugene, Ore.. spen t Uieek lOio- holidays valtlng Mr, and Mrs. Dcl-M-M°so. aeh rlR and Mrs. P reda Floyd.Hr tood M r. and M rs. Jack H enry are visit-Id titmtr Init a t Nam pa.!a ”iSd.^ - Dftrrell D onat. Camp Roberts,lo. CnUf., Is spendlns a furlough wllhbuichan hlfl paren ta, Mr, and Mr*. Henry ^InaadaTI and P fc . and M rt, Jam es Meservy, Ft.It it.21; T ow niend. Wash., a re vlslUnR ihelrle choice Paren ts . M r. and Mrs. John P latsI eholet a n d Mr. a n d Mrs. Horace Meservy.‘ M r. and Mrs. L. A. Bnrry spentI7m 1<u i holidays tn Pocatello...'14,00- M r. a n d Mrs, W. E, Orosse are

vUlUns In Columbus, O.V irginia Sm ith, a s tuden t a t the

11-iioc> U nivertlly o l Idaho, Is vLiltlnR her ~!t*‘ paren ts, M r. and Mrs, D. Sidney

it cholca Sm ith ,

Dietrich Residents Report on Events

I'tVrrada D IE T R IC H , Dcc. 30—Mr. and Mrs. tr : cow. Melvin M yers. ChalUs, have been bulla 10 vlalU nj M r. and Mrs. D. C. Casper,

M n , A da K ulhanek. Snll Lake It 111.11; C ity , U visiting h e r daughter, Mrs. *• Leland Larson.

choica M r. and Mr*. George Oleveland bole* to a n d fam ily, CaldtveU, have been vis*

IUng hU p a ren ts . Mr. and Mrs. Will imerelaV CleveUnd.

cutura M r. and Mrs. Donald Bolton and ckar and fam ily, Sacram cnto, CaUf., and Bill >i.ushirr Bolton, Spokane, are visiting Mr. >1. I.OO and Mrs. W . E. Bolton.‘ •'*"** V ella Clegg. BYtJ student. Is vis. “ ) tUnft her pa ren ts , Mr. and Mrs. At­

ton Clegg.

Agent NamedJo nuoi*. BU nLEY . Dec, 29—T he new home

dem onstration agen t for Cnssla _»<c-t9. county Is expected lo arrive In S u r­

ley Jnn. 3 , O lenn Bodily, couniy 1111.4 00 ‘ Rent, announced Friday,!2i M arjorie E llsworth Ollleiple, i:.74.j.oo « h o win sha re th# county agent's

office, will replace Mrs. Arlis Per- llc who resigned from th e position

------ ” * two m onths ago. M its Gillespie Is_ _ _ i ic a g rad u a te of Brlghnm Young unl--------ij« verslty. S h e a ttended th e Unlvenlty-------of Idnho tw o years and has taught

(« n l R icks college.

- Club Meets------ - BURLEY, Dec. 2»—T h e Soropti­

m is t club h eld IL1 noon lunchcon *4 hr tha W edneiday a t the E iis dining room., ■* Following regular business Irarusc*

___:_«7c tlona, members dlscusaed th e aunrd .------ Ji« lng prlies lo the best- decortied------ { : ' hom es In;__Insc Judging wUI be done th is week------ 9je a n d lh# announcem ent o f winner*-------1.« ^ tnn'de during th e coming

«oc-4i< week. T ha group wiU m eet ngiln J a a . a.


• ' a a a g i cI T b e 03rd w edding annlversar:

observed Sunday w llh a family train markrt inness CUt down a ttendance bu t k w d tod« valley's eldest pn traud par. stono la s t m o n th w hen h e obse:

f irs t aaw M agic V alley before i ' ^ "ih” J "M aglo" had been applied, an.ImpoTlani V iewing It In 1682 f p m ft cove:1 i™c» ntfo. w igon train , h e rem arked ; >wer. March couldn 't gtve th ls counlry to h own-. Mtrtb IVavellng on to Pendleton,

M « otl** ^re<8hted over th e 'ar. Ja n u ai BlUO m oun ta in s, r ... ,II «aau ptr fo r th e O regon

S h o rt Line ra il - way w hich was' f V ^ ‘ J

> whtal u n der construc- i « ’ , ■ .tiV iN o. f. Uon. _ _whuTToT m u T e somlnali'faad and pulling on ly

one w agon, or a t » rtd eiuyer B rabb

tells of seelnB o the r fre igh ters

, who h a d to p u tLow Clota on , Ga*ri« DrabbS7 ; s.iii^ one wagon to p u ll I t up th e Cobbi }‘ |f ;-}‘ }j hill sou lh of Pendleton. T hey had 47U 2i47l2 rest o f Ihelr tra in a t 1

bottom of the h ill , to re tu m for »o<4 iM»i “ wagon a t a Ume. a fte r reach *0 }:m?5 th e top w ith th e f irs t one. Th M 1.I6S was no curving rond to m ake 1 9i<i o!v 'Th®» is lout w ent s tra igh t up th e ridge.JJV .M T h e family nearly was flooded 1 ” ■ •*’ •» th a t w inter. T ho railroad 1 < t^ 2.07 dam ned M eecham 'creek to bulk02 2.02K grade and w hen heavy rain s t

snows swelled th e creek, much *9»; 2.90U P endle ton wna u nder water.S7»; 2.a; F o u r years before the Brnbhs ca " tu iMW Indinn iTt 2.'77i7 rlslnff In Pendleton, and th e sC<- ow ners still kep t th e ir rifles loaC

J - a n d handy, “Ju s t In case." Dnil^&fSTS “ ***• Ind lnns on th e UmaU

0 0 reservaU on seem ed friendly -a— — * B rabb lauRlis nb o u t one fam ily « I sported n liorxe-drawn hearse, co:

(Ui’)-iiut- p le tc w ith silver trapplns, for '■ fam ily ccnvcynncc.:t- crada A th e spring of 1883 Brab

fa th e r purchased a bond of hor; >M: madlum w hIch they herded back to K ans__________ B rabb rccnII.i t h n t In Wyoming

big buck sheep stam peded the hor a n d for awhile I t looked as Uiou

prima und” a ll th e horscs w ould be losL Tl: I1.M; uuiiir finally were ablo to head them 1 iiTib miiKt conUnue th e ir Journey.>.1 and eholea Also In W yoming th e group cai a>aa lt-00. upoH a loU bridge a l Rock rlv

O ne mem ber of th e group, who h 'SDAi-iiota an telope , dcelded 1n a i^ i t Vomt to pay th e do llar fee. H is hunU n andad Uia kn ife was Still In his be tt and 1 'mM[*ehStc* bloody clothes gave He to h is dlst 1.00: 210.270 alUon.

W hen asked fo r h is loll, th e m sna rled , "Let m o acrow or I ’U ,

"■ " you r bloody h e a r t o u ti”III rorn^rjJ N o one Offered to slop him , I na V ir i lli bridge keepera asked .00 iw'mora m em ber of the horse herders If I I.M hlcher! m a n With the bloody knife was QU

■ «B hter.*i!SS 27.00I "W ell, he m ig h t ligh t If he vUlllllr eo-« co rnered l" the h e rd e r replied.

liS S . T h e Brabbs aettled a t Cour* Orove. K ans.. a n d la te r a t W«

11: eomparvd kecney w here M r. and Mrs. Brsin i i i o ’“S m arried In 1888. T heir flIambi cloae.1 house w as a sod house and thraea itoo. f irs t chlW, M rs. B eule GHmo

__ Buhl, waa born In ll. T hey bva fram e house shortly afier»-n

Z 6 n S fram e house stlU wna standi, . on Ih e lr la s t v is it to K ansas.

= » r r f t i n A fter living several years In Ok 'h om a. Brabb-a yen for the w

Jack SuUl- cau g h t up w ith h im again. Reponse. Calif., h a d como back nbout th e beautll:e Sullivan ferUle Boise valley, then under lr

gatlon. T he T W IN PALLS tnMendenon, also h a d w aler. a n d In 1013 BmMrs. How- moved h is - fam ily to T w in Fa

A fter farm ing no rtheast o f TvPloyd and couple of years. BrasDpnt UlB purchased the fn rm now ownedMr* n r i son-ln-law . E arl Allen. Brn

eda Flovd “ y* ‘I” *' ‘V arn vuit-1 covcred wogon p a rty saw In ’as viy aro vu ii w here tho fa rm Is located,. B «w *a A lthough h is ctilldren ihounL ,.S f ™iJl’ Uiey wero leaving civilisation, mcougn Wltn Jng to th o country from T»-ln Fa:ir*. H enry they soon found p lenty of actlvl

_ T here were U tcrary group meetlreservy. F t. in the school house and churilUng the ir services. Supplies eamo by waglohn P la ts fre igh t from O gden. Balt Lakee Meservy. Pendleton. T here were sometlrxnrry spen t six tenm s on a train .>. Brabb, who stlU owns a ran3rosse are south of Buhl, takes an active 1

terest In U. He sp e n t a p a rt of Ien t a t the birthday week In cnrlng for his wlLilting her who waa III w ith ftu.D. Sidney statc.i th a t the wlnl

they were In T w in Fnlls Uie lowi_ tem pera ture wns 11 degrees beliI J and lh a t during th e following wll A n t a te r Uie m ercury dropped to, only, and 7 degrees below on auece.viliV P n T Q nlRhls. H e also cnn recall the pr!IV v s i i r o wagon tra in paid fo r flour wh r. and Mrs. they camo upon a grist mlU ne have been Albion in •82, H is fam ily has learn C. Casper, no t to quesUon h is memory. Usun Sa lt Lake *t proves lo be b c tU r th a n theirs ih ter, Mrs. T he B rabbs have seven chlldn

Oleveland ............... ......................................n


Illlng Mr. ‘ '"'hinc.

i'i," S' " " '" rS s S ir '' '"i Mrs. A f- ANGLE Jb CHANNEL IRON_ RACKS

, Wa alia bar SCRAP IRON

HARRY KOPPEL home rh«n* 2IIW m 2nd Aia. BaaUiir Cnssla — _________________le In S u r-, county

s There's StilT h = r. l; . 1,11 u m . t« W .C. ,

’oung un l- S w ifts Chicks and recel'University discount per 100 chicks fromlas U ught e n t price Ust. BUT YOU M_ NOW I C heck your yeiL da le , call, w rite o r eomo In aiLa you r o rd e r— buc don 't waite Soroptl- . NOW. T ake advantage of (_luncheon o rd e r d is c o u n t- S a v e Moms 'iraM s?.' money next fnll hy gith e n u n rd . h igh , enrly-season egg prices

decortied ^ • r tttl. .ct S w ift s Hi

c S ; T . I . F .,U . H . h .I M M .ln >“



in lversary of Mr. and M rs. George S rabb ' 1 fam ily d inne r In BUHL. The snow storm 1 ance bu t the event was a no ther milestone In 1 oldest pioneers. B rabb celebrated an o th er m

he observed his «aih M pthrt.y a n n li»fr«arT. before tho ■ ■ ■—

i f ”; . 34 grandchildren and 37 gn, M erandchUdren. M embera of

la r k r t you jam uv a re scattered from Idahc U7 to h im . Maine a n d Texas now.Idleton. h e a a .

Postal officials c a n 't give names Involved, bu t they eouli

deny Uils llt lle ditiy.: Seems a s If a TW IN FALLS t

‘ H a . was talking w ith h la boss InChlci ’ , w •* T he conversation apparenU y wor

around to th e record BU -lnch sn * V . ' K S > ’ full here M onday a n d w h at a bti

. lng Ure chain s c an be.The C hicagoan w asn 't Impri

WlUl 9 ii Inches of snow a t T F a lls -a f te r aU h is c ity has 47 Inches—b u t even lim ited ava bllity of Ure chains, now th

iri« Drabb Something else again, th e Cabbage “^cu get m e some chains and 1 They had to ’« «•" Chlcagoaitrain a t th e You *=Btum for It. even If Uio alrm aU posUge c « - reaching “ « « to jie a rly »15. one. T here a * *

0 m ake th e Tribute to 4-H club leaders In I le. T he tra il coin county was paid recently (le. Fred Kehf. county extension ag ■ flooded ou t Kohl sa id th e success o t the < llrond had program In th o county is depene : to build a enUrely upon th e leaders wl ’ rain s and lactlutncss a n d perseverance h k, m uch of Gorged clubs from th e wide nuw iter. of penonaU tles w ith .which t 3rnbhs came have had to deal;___Ind ian up - A. B. Scott, D IETRICH, starlet

d th e storo « club leade r Jn IMO a n d sUH ;Ifles loaded leader. M n . Scott has h a d six yiase," Brabb experience as a leader a n d assistie UmaUlIa lender. T h is is 18 years of leadenlendly -and In one fam ily,fam ily th n t Mr. and M rt. D ean B a r nlearse, com- NORTH SHOSHONE, have 15 c«;ilns, for a hined years of leadership, It

Barney haa been a leader of a g183 Brabb's club for e igh t years a n d he r husbid of horses has been a leader fo r seven ye

to K ansas. M n- Ja ck Edw ards. D lelrleh,Wyoming a been leading clubs since 1d the horses Mrs. D albert lle lken h as been1 as Uiough assistant fo r the la st four ye 1 losL T hey Howard P itm an , a b o DleU-lch, id them off year was awarded a silver pin [)cy. five years of leadership. Mrs. 1 group cam e ron Johnson. SHOSHONE, hai Rock river, five-year record nnd Ben Haob) ip, who had and Ray Briggs, bo th RICH PIE decided n o t have two years each a s leaden ^Is hunU ng livestock clubs.e tt and h is Mrt. M anning Fe tU t organUei0 h is dlspo* clothing club In N orth Shosh

this year a fte r two years of le ill, Uie m an ership In JEROM E,

or r i l c u l OUier " fi rs t year" leaders elude Mrs. L eonard Bond and B

.p him , b u t Fred Kohl, boUi Shoahofw; Oei era asked a Frew, D ie trich , a n d W lllr t Bel rders If th e son, R ichfield. M rs. WllUam 1 fe was Quite Kay. Richfield, o rganised a club

Richfield th is fall fo r 10-year*oV ; If ho was Kohl also pays tribu te to . ■plied. Junior leaders who spend conslda t Counell able thne a n d e ffo rt w ith c r a t W au. members and th e ir p rojects. Ami Mrs. Brabb those he c ited were L ary and Joi T heir llrs t Barney and B oberU Bancroft.) and the ir North Shoshone, a n d Pbltip I ie Gilmore, w ardt a n d M a rrln Pilm an, b T hey b u ilt DleUlch.

afterw ard. ------------------------------

Releasedm i n O kla- FILER. Dec. 20 — Claude Bror the west president of tho Tu-ln Falls 1Jn . Reporta a m e , and Percy L. Lawrence, coite Deautlful. gelor, aUendcd a sacm m en t meet1 uniler Irrl- of Uie LDS church In Filer and

Cnll as counselor ^ t 7 . -^ohn C. Barlow, b ranch preside

» i? E. John Peterson was sustained ntThil ^*«t counselor and D aniel W. Dn

v ^ - n ^ b y • “■■'‘" ‘ned «®cond counse Ilen. Brabb ------------------------------

Christmas Postal 'ritomht Record ReporteV vlnFa 'ils” SHOanONE, Dcc. 2& -The Sl of acUvlty. ohone poslofflce handled more m

ip meetings “ ntl parcels th is C hristm as seajm d church th a n Insl year, a iw ood W erry, poI by wagon master, snld Priday. ill Lake or Normal Id le r and cnrd cnncei

sometimes Uons nre 000 a day during a nli hour dny, h c anld, b u t during 1

ns a ranch ChrlsUnns ho lidays Uie f i g uI active in . reached 0,000 a day. T ota l cancelp a rt of his Uons In Uie period were 28,000

for his wife, compared w ith 23,000 la s l yenr.r ir.. ‘‘‘'" P collections do no t U

mL 1 Into consiaerntlon th e cnneellnUio r on Pn«el P

S ^ n c win^ business. A record of Uic numberJ t i onTv fl »»I successiveII the price ••• The ".Morro Cnslle" burned flour when N®" Jersey const Sept. 8. 1C

I mlU near o f »ves, has learned ory. Usuallya n theirs. aCA SHU S 1 F O R D E A D a n d


PHONE COLLECT— “Sio» Goodins -17 - Kupert E6

Twin Falls 314 “ *■

'"°J‘ I D A H O H I D E e T A i i o w C O .

stiU T hii^r” ^o ploce your order 1ind receive a Jl.OO — - ’cks from ou r pres-YOU MUST ACT J-

- Inst year's order y -iCT **'ome In and give us ■m 't w a f t - D o T t Xtnge of th a t early ive Money Now—Inll by Retting the gg prices,

s Hatcheries» Gooding. Id .h o

Phene 56-R


Violinist Plays al Shoshone Chui

" SHOaHONE, Dec. 2»-M r» . 1■ j r d Adkins w u guest a rtis t >i • ■ Christm as eve m idnight m ass t e Brahb w as Peter's Catholic church. M rs. iw storm a n d Wns played Uie violin and wai estone In th # companled by NaonU B i w . anoUier m ile- Mass was conducted by th e ilvCTsarr H a Fa the r T . O. Halpln. C hildren uversary. participated In Uie procession . — . Ines Lequerlca, Susan Boss, i d 37 g rea t- Anchustegue. LecreUa Soloaga,

.S <>1 Soloaga. Caren Jeffries, rom Idaho to jjf f rie s , Audry Haga, Ju a n ita 1

R ichard Murua, J a n e t B a te n'f th« Mary Ann W hitehead.

AlUir boys wero Louis Mall they c o u ld n t E iorrleu, L arty ^ w■ wATT«i t«i.T5 Charles Oneida. Michael Schw « Davi d Onelda. Phlllp and D MDUy worked DrrurUa. LaVera Bernard a n d

.M d i r . c .d t o Joe Pagosga. Nsoml Ineas wai

Mi't impresed eompanlst. now a t Tw in ■

League Conveneinow th a t’s b u RLEY. Dec. 30—Burley c

te r of the Idaho W riters league lalns and a ir- for a covered dish dinner and Chicagoan. exchange Wednesday eventni

i th Uio boss, the home of Mrs. J , E. Myers. posUgo does T i,e chapter ouUlned the proi

for the coming year and s e t J a as the date for the nex t m eetlr

cadcrs In L ln . uie home of Mrt. Verna B la l I recently by lenslon agent.13 o t the club —

w a n t a d r a teverance have . ,, ">**ad «« Coat.p.i.«rd» wide num ber j ~ ?! J " .which they i d a i ._______________i« par •

(A mlBlmum ef I© word, la ra«a:H , SUrted ns i" •"» ‘ i***'''*-* “ >•'nnd sUH b a r o r _ t » ^ it. ..a a d six yearsa n d assistan t ------ -?----------- |— ,-,j—|— j-of lendenhlp ------\l------

have 16 com- llih^tub^m uil tecomptBr rour orlershlp, M rs. OeADLINCS (*r Claatllled onlrider of a g irls' Mondtr'a A d.-t p. m. Salunl.rI he r husband Tueadin tbrouch Frid*r»

« v .n y t . n ,D lelrleh, has ra ir r* Ilia rlcht to

since 1040, end r*jtcl anr ctatiKM adv*rtlihas been h e r “H'i“<> «"»<>♦' ; four years.Dieu-lch. thUlllver pin fo r «>«r» .boaH b* r * p « ^ Immjdl

Sen lU obrieb RICHPIEI.D, a s leaders o f —

i organised a i h Shoshone ears of

leaders in -m d and B ln . ■ ■ -hofw: O erald V . 1 ^WUIrt BeWn.W iniam M e. l l heed a club in I H10-year-olds. —, W lIbute to . th e ^ X ? / snd consider*

>Jects. Amongry and Jo a aa ^ ,0 ' ~ »Bancroft, a ll C***''' .

Philip E d - '’ iUnan, boUi v..,

: d ' = = = =

lr“^ i i T ^ 3 I f y o u 'r e d r i v i n s cvrence, coun- w o r n t i r e s . . .n e n t meeting

How Lono Befo,Ch president. V / M I Dsustained as I U U K

llei W. Davls _ - _id counselor. LUCK H

ostal D E r* iiported I V t V i>—The Sho - N o w w i t h S a f e , I5d more m aliJtm as season w / \W erry, post- V J ' i. r t c .„ c . i i , - Iirlng a nine* m t during the

;S c V „ ‘c S ! • W I N T E R T R I

S " • MUD & SNOI do no t take cnneellnUons I-

pnrcel post «, . j u m b . r o r n C o sU

SO LITTLEBept. 8. 1034, to a p p ly s u r e - f o o te d P e r[;___________ m a C a p w in te r t r e n d s 'o

m u d a n d s n o w t r e n d : I M M Y o u c a n h a rd ly a f f o r d t ! t a k e f u r t h e r c h a n c o s o:F J H th e h a z a rd s o f w in t c

d r iv in g .I a n d5S Consult Our FC tS L e t th e m a d v is e y o uE C T — s h o u ld h a v e to b e a t f


W c Pay Top Pric

H«sf ^v,

IlECAPPIl " A t »ho S ig n o f


m g , ' _____________

'C h C la s s i f ie9 —M ra. How-

arU st a t th o SPECIAL NOTICES

.111 . I - . . . . '" ‘’-J- Vlllait Cl**»,r.

Tna.« ~ Sfi^NCEK CUKSETICilt Mn.“ “ •u .. B .V . . ? a - .................... ...C hildren w ho uaVE CILANOCD apanmint la 1 -ocesslon w ere .hup. C. r . Walter, l i t ltd A\ Boss, J a n e t _______________________S o l . . . ; . , U n -

le ffries, Jo a n loit.w.Ju a n ita H aga. oANCE orebeau* aa.llabk, nsr n e t B a te and muileltB*. Pboaa om .n i. Willa

PaVrlM. Real. I. Twin FallfcM U M . ,

>rry B w e e t , aarolca. Naw maltrtue. mada lo ael Schw ager, in Soulh I’atlr. (Ihona 102011.

and D anny to c o n ta c t AUoheiic* Anon iK d u w j t r -

W*dnMdar al lilO-p. n . al 11■cted by M rs. A.anua Nenb________________[neas was a e - —

MAGIC VALLRY — INVALID IIOMBivenes duiiIeV: idaho•Burley c h ap - :rs league m e t '

>■S. M yers. I am acetpllni • Ilnltad numbai1 Uie p rog ram be,1nnlnc and BUPII, nd s e t Ja n . 23x t m eeting a t cali. at « i polk bt.rma B lakeley. o n PllONE 2oe:.w

RATES TRAVEL— RESORTS■ ■ «onll WANTtDi 4 ptuanc'rt to Lot A

word via Han Kranel.,-<.. l»hont SPOII. D_ 4 a par word SKKVICKUAN Iravln* DtcrmWr a_ l . par word Korl Kno.. K.i.luckr. wanu rlJ.r;rd. I. r«ialrad ablt of .Iri.ln,. Ilhona |01._ Kllrr.

bl. balow. CHIROPRACTORSUll 0 U. JOIIN.SOn. I l l Third A■ J O I _ tI.SO , Earn. Tel«phen» Ht.

i'!o ' I " V m ~ ^ u ‘|’ K‘ h " ’ ph* ’ Jlft*

b ^ r S b e a u t y s h o p s

llltd onlri ” >i **il°''"Fridar'ii*” COMI-I.tTK modtrn twaiitr atrrKSt"*^ara wa^w. | ” m up!' Ar*lJtle"*naaol‘^a rlchi to adll COlll'LCTt; bciulr tcrvlc* br .d<-d advertlilnc. •tudanu al

l o s t a n d f o u n dba mada tar UlUTi Woman', sold wtich wllh dli iBaartlen. on back. lUjttrd. I'hona Hoon. 43


riving on ijmooth,

J Before

JRlUck Runs Out?

CAPSafe, Dependable

tuC^apdR TREADS or .. SNOW Treads

ited Per- I.roads or 1 4 *f i I ^ M

trends. g T i 3 [ifford toancos on ®

winlcr T S A V E

Our Recapping Engineers/ise you a s to the type of tread you . 0 beat su it the kind of roads you aro Irive, highways, side ronds or slick

lUCK RETREADS NOV 1Cp Prices for Good Used Tiros

W b G i>c r S r a aGroen Stam ps

i V |Mobilgos^*,^

tECAPPING DEPARTMENT Sign o f th a Flying Rod H o n o "2 SOUTH r itO N E IJfl

l a s s i f i e d j ^ KSPECIAL NOTICES ■“ i.i

AND apbolaurr elMBtBc. Pboa. ' ~*j

«*,. I i m tad a.*.iM *u t n J a l

CILANOCD apanmint la barber ■ood'e. r . Walter, l i t Ird A»*nu, " ” !!

w « s iI , , neai. I. Twin r . l l t . ^ ^ jU T c M r E ^fALU) Bitur«aa faetorjr will mak. HO Oi.l>.-old m.Ilraaa Ilka aaw. Opodtr ALL AllOlnHT^

ra. Naw mMlre*>e* mada lo ordtr r.illnv H. ^.Ulh Pa».^hnn.7020It._________CONTACT Alcohelica Anonrmoui Worta No. 0. wrlla P. O. Boi 4t. T w|b 2 » ij . ‘“ ' ' “lead., or atUad wwUr ma*tjan aa.rr ----------------------

" • ■*_______________________ ;

MAGIC VALLKY A,*'l'" *“ INVALID IIOMB U.Jdh.St .o r i ' '.T DUIU,EY, IDAHO ftd or cVtJn _____________________ -J^hnnt 0»>V,?^

: _ H E IP W A N 'DELMAlt CAIILBTON, D. M.acctpllnf a limited number of il'

nine and pupil, for«llon In mr boma. » eul_CALI. AT « l POLK 5T. _ !"«1 ««. r .i ir ,.

A l i llACTI V t yruT o n PllONE 20e:.w . j . c»ru.V.Vj

TRAVEL— RESORTS ^EDI « Anc.ii HELP W aiUn Kraneltfo. I»hcnt SPOII. Duhl. . r r r , -----CKUAN Irnvln* DarrmWr II Jot IfKnon. Ktnluckr. wanu rMira cap. i,>nor .Irl.ln,. I'ho’nt 101. Kllrr. n " ,‘i


A g . . . . « | . U, WEN---- --------------------------------------- DOKS IJUOO lo :


l.t,-rt: mod.rn iK.utr atrrlc* bl B*« «rrl operaurt. Haehln.laat and cob] Hotel Bat. lln. a. n.OO up. ArlUile H.aalr Saloa. Sun llr. la m

^“ ^ l Sd-Vrlin. "HulifoVVl?I work Irt*. M.chlntl*ti tnd cold »■ tl.OO. ileaulr Aru Actdtmr.

LOST AND FOUND HELP VWoman'. soliTwtlch wllh dlamontl MALE .

Kk. Il.wtrd, I'hona HOOn. 4 « 4m — -------- — ■;. well. MAN ANU WIKKs— central hnui.wor

— and reliable. 1 I Tlme».Newt.

g a ip " i* s5 ^

H b


ty ^ o 'aioM._ uncii

G ^ U DbAL Ior aiperlence. 11,001

}'OIICKl> to lellj n.w tqulsntnl. I'hoa. 2105. I«M

batlerr' broiler 1 bulldlnc. he.1. worth of .larUns (iufflclenl for tl acliler. mtchtnl

t S040. I will (lm•A bujinru U ttlf


r open In LlneoleOld lln* (11 Tf

a horn* ani! farm :ids rr *■. Operat* rour ow

oon p.rchtcU,-------- Haln riptrltnr*

ful. Se* J. IL Cl

t 2 H i Z

s a v e —

ng Engineers Inqulrii tlypo ot tread you NbWBEE

id of roads you aro)ide ronds or slick _ — —

READS' NOW 5 5 ^ ^ ^*‘i^ !l^^ T o lIi_g i y o u IIKHTI JlooB '

lood Used Tiros

I Stompi

i l E f f l fURNISHED

|^biig«L^ -<s“tsrsk ‘-va.'fiaSa

g Rod H o n o " _ » r d .y g J ^PHONE IJOS

_ _ _ _ ^ _ _ _ 5 U N D A Y ^

Page 11: · ^^BULLETIN Korea. (Sonday). ^ P p J ^ 'T h e eom m anlBta to-^ H I L i M t w o p o ln ^

ao. M 51 '

L _ =


h o u s e s ~ r ^SS^TSTTlh. on 8 . ; ^ . t” r.« lp

l^ud'el»ru> Inv-J

; ^ ^ 7 , " i , g : ; ! i ' ‘g t ; , r S j S c s r a i s

« 5 |‘ H.trb»n. Phon«^O Il.^ C»II Vm m t o h o u s e sI '^ S r C S T m u iS T T I k S .

! = . . . . 1.. I -

■Ur.**C*U UiV n R.

s g E S s S i i i r ^ -- Ill J»|| B tT^___________

!“ *' StiJl ii",;;'S . T o R K tN T

II (IDAHO lot «i

n-DRIVE. I n ain m t POINTS s e n v ic s . dinlni

raoKE u o t linlih

jfro TO RENT, LEASE u ’

a) ACK>;s, (ull )>n« mulpmenc t»ch«»l l>n trfettiK*. Uoi je-H. TltBM-

IM, litVt tipyUnc*. rtCcrincM. F .

m oney T O l . O A T r ~ — r

1 HA»ft I!0UCtX)AN8

U.UI. Auortnr. Soclrtjr. U . . . Wh.ll •Urt t b«m«. nol ft morlstf.. in bslubU « « i t •boui cur

0, N. T E im 7 DISTRICT llANACEIt a n<aln UM*. Thon* le i Hlitln

-I flr'Pli — — , • ■ , . ’" i ;

1 ^ 0 FIN A N C E CO. 1 LOANS g

C>a»l(t< fletDclns mftIm i i i vi riftllur. (Id «uuitnnb!l»tCBICK EttATT, t la n s c e r ~ iM rkwr Dmk A Tnut Oldt-

riioa* >»« • I _____ _

ITomes f o r s a l e•!IM: ;.bMroom. iioHtr, tcbooU. a Attiiu« Kurlh.

lw.?‘‘lih 'r7oaM'.mT ^»M .tii hou,, .ml lol lUoo.oo. I'r.ct: ■lj:"-..*;,!"" '*‘'“ "'"'**•

fronuge, I4,«S0. (I..

nci uia by own«T« • UrM roomt, ______6CW.W. will'io w*Il c»n>«Un». _ _ _

‘l™** *tck«r. Ute* loU •Il f«netil.

S , ! K s ; 'S v i 'S '~ J - »ork»hcp. rhon*:— a :


?*■«• « Prr.(*nt .lr« L Ill.tOC.*• nSTHANDER ” loU ^ Chopin Agency

P*!®"" l l l t .n hnn^ I ii&,— ----- M AlSi®®)* konifc b*n}vood I ,g . '

„ 'V. 0. SMITH J!!ZPhoa. l i t --------


J'"* '"•'I''" r.rm- ■ S S H i S S

*"■ Phon, t t u

'**" I’hom

! ome s p e c ia l s —

*• I® . ’ Vm*I

*sthur t . Wa t s o n f,;**

' t ; " " " i i “ ‘•- '• - e r .M im o , Jm B

'* i r,“ «<U«o j..T *,"7' loe.llon. 10 A

^ ''' OWK buff,f, Moit

4 \ " ”‘ K ”» A ™ c y

I I •—

T ^ s l i

HOMES FOR SALE j ___ MY OWNERr-WVIl built Mwlroom houi* , . — .wood (loon, (IrtpUe*. cartfr, (tieloaad bick r*rd. tlait loutkm. Imm*4l«u potMulon. Mr». C. W. Wllion. « * P«Uiv. ilu«h.ti.n. Phnni »» .n . Low M

CLEVER; I roonu. /Irtp l^ t. p ic lu fwindow. CIOM lo <chooU. Du<m«nt Ut plac plarroom, ilok.r. f.netd btek yard.I t: ,000, lUtr Utmt.

COOD rtnUl ln«om«l 1 dwiUlnci.*orn»r lol. Clixa lo. II,MO down. .

CEOIL O. jb N E aUpttairt Dank A Treal Thon* SCH

----- ---- for:

CAN YOU AFKORO TQ RENTT ,“ lloma Owntrahlp Ii Damoermc>r." lUnt racelpU art worUi Ic p<r >>Ut9. u n you *r(ord thur Surt lh« n a ^ y««r br Invaallns In rour futura. U.MO down will buy m lorrly mw |.b*<lrMm homa./Drand nrw. ntvtr occu;iJad> fullr ,farp«t»"!. tull bu*m*nl. oil furnae*. Jlan* allichrd sacati, MiltS fool lol. l‘ar balanc* Ilk* r«nL All lnt*r«l yog pay It dfilutllbl* from your Incom* t*x. —Call ut now for ileUlU. ------------


rhon* SUI or OSI.JI «m ln i* t J' CJitck “ Qiartd 1

"I 1«I.HAPPY NEW YEAR h io s r

fromJOHN c . BISH O P Jono^


TTina bor* hav* aum* wonil*r(u1 valua* _In homra. All kln>l> anil a im . Brantf p ^ .new brlrk : ami 3 h*<lrouRit. Older ,hnmn ai hiw a t liOO down. Ther will ' >ul* 'a N*w Y»?r'?*^olui?^*t<» »U*iIhrlr oUlc* In 1682. L _ ^TVVIhf FALLS REALTY ---------

Si INSURANCE I----- --ns Main Ava. Etat Thon* I tU CI

— J (

COOK’S ADDITIONN«w t.r«nni hnm* on Ursa laRilaeapnllot vtlUi North v|*w, Kadlant hrat Inall roonu. IlgaulltuI earp*!*.! llvlncroom, eomblnallon family lUInz anddlnln* room wllh (Itrplaef, pin* pandlinlih ami larta plclur* window fae-Ins Souih IMIU. Two b*tlrooma withlare* b«l|l.ln wardrob* clo.aU. hui*ha» llntn «n<) tU r t t t ipar*. Kllrbesla a comblnaUon' u( conv*nl*nc* and ,„hi,heauly wl.h InU of eupboar.l apac.•Servle* and laumlry room with aulo- t—M« ! malic wuhtr an<l pantry ilnras*. AU Uch«J doubi* (ariKe. Prlca tlS.OOO. ^


HANDY TO, E V E H rrH IN GWhether U b* achouli. church, or your gh,Hwork, you ar* near ll. Dut ihal'a nol all. Thir* ar* J b«droomt, a knotty i_ - j5 ; pin* nimpua ruim. alokcr furnace.Ow!!?r WWD*«Bd*mM >->'-0Call ImnrdlatelylniitlnelU* J.b*ln>ent eoiUi*. wiLh toi"’w*'ur f S ”* MW hSm* Ind ^


4U Main South Phone 18«« ^I l- 'S l

__________________________________ bueFARMS FOR SALE : -Jo h .

»0 ACiili tlock ranen. apmkl*r^rliat*<i. j_joh> I'hon. 0»7.n;. J«rom^______IT______ j^an


All food heavy aoll. S>A ml1*« from :-Ca>« Jerom*. New modern horn*. *itr* sood Barn, all walera from on* headsal*. I—SUl I'ractleallr fr«« ol noiloua w*«U>. , , , |«:.00D. rt caih. balanc* Utmt.

RAY MANN n t North Llneola Jerom*. Iilaha

I l-M an

GOOD FARM BUYIto Act«, on n»e.i Msfrwey. 7*rie«l

alonlym.OOC. T.rm.

ARTHUR T. WATSONSii'w.r. .all jm' ;’’""’ Klniber

^ LJVI10 ACIIEH. IJ.COO down. 1400 year. ^KW TT,

loUl ptl<* 110,000. II,;a. Ii:0 ACnS.H, locale<l at Hurtaush. Good IIOLSTE

hom*. ,pud cellar, oo hlshway. Phon*ll&.OOO. Cood term*. | ,;ooD

M ACItiLq al MurUush. Cood home.111,000 down. ISt.OOO. UAIIIY

' “Sood'iJrm;. ■*. DAY’S REAL ESTATE '

a:lI?BU BAN CE fHom*.n« Offk* :« 6 I .oull,

" —I — -J l.jog Wl■ J»C po;

' “S 6 c ? ’i " K a “ £ ■ '

"ifjLow down paymenl, balanc* IS yMr*.

SNOW FUKF. bis "Farm and alock ranch. S.SOO fMt *1eva. „ , , s . lion. 400 acm . S molern homat, awlm- Klmbeimlns pool and hom*» h*al«t by «rt«(an ----------waler, r• now (r*< ranch.l.lOO Defied acre*, llanch wlnUr* *00 Norlhal head. r r t . iprlw water. Call ua for of iaro many deulli on Ihli unlqu* ranch. I.


I'hon* 1141 or J411.W .en iln r. nioffvl


Two Strout CatalogsItANCIIE.'*. Jlofflw. Country llualnew**.s a . " K ‘"co}'. _______KRKI)'We.lern *dltlon nLUK, i:Kh.r ______SlallKl rnKKl 5av* Ihrough STROUT. s:0 8. W. tlh Ava-. Portland 4. Or*ton.


10 Acrta. sood d**p aoll, located *att nf Twin ralla, Thli la a prita l« *er^Call ut for d*ull*d InformalloD. 11,000

Loeat*d on Elm Str**l. Allrsell'* < room modern home, Tull flnl»h*d baiemfoC, Near ehurch.Modern } bedroom hom*. locat«d o« r**«ldint *tr**t for r«nl.

o m Z E N 'S AOENOY ----------i

*1 .

- FARM IM PLEM ENTS H' i ~ —I Hydraulic Equipm ent iTwTii‘ Pealtiv* control, hrdraullc Uaelor lIfU WANTI

Low coal hydraulle manur* loader*. l i t S

ALLEN SCH IFFLER Ut plac* toulh of r « l Offk*. Filer “ fU'li

_ —

TRUCK B E o a r r m iCrain. b**l and tioek comblBatlos

ferubl* Cellar Touio W ubit NealTolato Pliers :o TON

Portabl* Sorter* U e<CoB»*Tor 0*lu or Cbalu uiOT.

Trailer lllube* • T o o ^ C*l*tal n*palr Work


401 lad A>nua Soalb ------------------------------------------------------ 6 0


FARM EQUIPMENT ^CJiack (Mt fiit «Bj s « four «fil*r **'1 1*,,! Placed for *,»ipm*at you wfll »*ed for



P.Bl o :u JI Durley Each. Idabo

1 CLEARANCE SALE I ' “jX ;On Uaed T raetora

nnd Equipm ent T l i . JANUARY 6th a k c “


T ractorsI—*4t Wndrl >'»rgu»on wllh atep.up

I—'4« Mi-1fl l-N fortl tractor. oompleU

1--S0 Jlod.1 TD.:0 r.rsu.on. liko MW^--------- ----------------------I im

‘” ^*wc»«l*'r.m?‘’A.l'’.'h"M A . lTlOO MISlt—».N Knnl-Kcrsui'm ......... ..........14*8

MoJrl l< Kafmall. A-l TUXEIahape ................................__.i;SO N»l«

1--45 ModrI John Dxr* 'I I '_____l« 5l - y .;0 y.rmall In A-l ahap*. l-tnTj

Used Equipm ent phaci

All Equipment Priccd lli-:k Dollora1—Spud planter. S.row IntcmaUonal dalle<»—John D*«re eulti.aloft fosriiJ-K -U b«n cuUlvator* ^ '"a

Kereuion culll»al.)r* JiV?.'I—-Sl Model Inl«matlunal W* lumkl* iMIKUl

bus OB rubber f.’” *John Dm. hane-in plowa *u“ ^

J—Johj)^ Dnr» dr»p.ll1la»* bar wllli IJ^o ehnir

I—lO.fool ferllllxer apreadcr. Uke ncw amll:Caa* bay baler*. '4H and ’IO mudcla "

I—Suilonary bell taw1—Laal mixicl Cuihman aco<il»r fllanl I—R»ar.«nd manur* Ua.ler. (For,I

or Ketsutonl. clothll-Manur* loader for llesular or 30 W*

1—'21 Model John Deere mower. No. E.A real buy /

1—'El Model Kersuion aide rake


Kliab*rly Road Phon* IC «-^

LIVESTOCK & POULTRY ^NKW llAMPblllltK pulleta. layln* t.l ' i .

II.7S. Phim. OtliaJt,______________ _HOLSTEIN milk cow. ready to frcahcn. n ,,

Phon* Murtaugh._______________ “ holet COOD wean.r plsi. S‘i mllei aouth of t i i a s i Klml»rlr, Phon. noiU Kenneth Urie. ^1 Abi DAIRY iprlnscr helfen. Ilol^elna and

2 VACCINATED lloUleIn heifer*. >'r»thon January ^Iral. Ouernaay*. frethen ijjo

rCEDER PIGS. Sowa lo farrow *oon.Som* f*t host. Phon* 147*113, Klmbcriy. ,I aoulh. eaat of Han*rn. UAYT

i^jog Wl'liTE>-ACK wc.lern cw* lamba «l Stc pound. I.;00 aolld mouth lUmbuitl NEW •wc*. welih 120 poumlt. lo lamb March an r 1,(. Dlattfac. 6ucta ttK.OO v<f h«<». ftvo“ Hollon LIvnlnck. Iloi 101. Phon* Stti. »n),

«>YEAH re«leUr*d~~»*r*tnrr1 bull. Pu«blo* USKUDomino bre«.llnr--by Louli Whltmor*. md

' Pom*ror. Wath, IS bis rrsliUrtd ll*r»- Sbanford weaner brlfrr calve*. On* or earlnad v. l!'-bls teslilet*.! lUrelord weaner bull ,, ,KVrnreVlr nienn wimneV, *“ *' *

■■ ■■‘1 Lart t t REGISTERED lIERErORD

cowa. r*sliUred lleralord built, all as**. SULIUNorltatlda Hereford Raneh. 4*4 w « i wllhot Jaromt. PhoBa 03i;-U;. y»n

niuffelew Artificial Inaemlnatlon Sere- Ic*. Ilolileln. Gi>*rntey. J*tirr and Mllklns Shotlho^ Phon* SSI. Jerom*.

M. D. EACKEIt -------OJS7-J4 • • CJ

— I rinnr*.------- — • Ci


F or DEAD and U SELESS %‘y‘j

ANIMALS t i looodi'B.” ! ? ^ ' ‘=^“ •■ ^ 0 » M r

Twin ralU tl« KrH IIDAHO H ID E • M


-------SIEBTirTLARTS-------OHDEK Urrlanrf. Ut yaar and e*rUfl*d —!!l2i

MUts *M « u l/. S4T& X>4l* ^ ut

T IM E S -N E W S . T W I N

__ HAY, GRAIN & FEED FU__ IJAI.KD hay for aal*. Phon* 1^4. n ier. COHn _____________ - -Jiil.vou llA t.i;.-) airaw. I touth. 1 *Mt.^^rt COO

U WANTKU: >**dlns sr»ln*. UM*mood'»,a n Shnahone WeaU______ _______ >-OB

KEKD srlndlai. Monnaaan MllllD( Sarrlca. ^l-hnn. nui-U or 04»4>1*.____________ "

„ UAUlU VALLEY UlUIni dareic^ Kla* heflT. Call raatdeoc* ilf.J.

>'t:KU srlndlBS and molatJH aUlns. Lu'*— Mllllns Co. Phon* lt»W .___________ ”,i--- UALKU *lraw. Will deliver. Thon* tal

oacl.m mnrninta nr »venlns».______ caJH UUBIIELS corn. M.M pef hundr*d- J l "

Homer Canlfall. Wendell. I'hon. m « . ilAYJ JIaIni or low . Cas fMd en place.

Neal Paatoor. m amilb Holliil.r en 9t.20 TON a*cond cultlns baled hay. No w*»dt.

>i north. >; eaal. Ous Houa*.

100 TON baled hay: 14 ton balad ttraw| HS.lOO-pound wire tied bal*., m north

A' l ti*ON’'‘*L“» ‘a'nd farm er Slaam „ srals roUins atrvic* al your ranch or (ccd let. Pbona 2T9(-W or wtiu J . D. >----

— GOOD THINGS~Tq~ e a t (—___ I JtKSII rsrt. faney (ryan. i'eultry Supply.■~1 Pbnn. ISM.______________________

NUMUEIt I rwl polatee*. 1 all* from

„ KICH CUEHN8EY freah raaeh .s s t." Mwentan Dairy. Phon. flUOlU,_______

JONATHAN or lloma apple* Co*rtt*B'a Orch.r.1. m i Addlaon Avenae Eatt.

APP1.L3. SI.OO and up, poUlov. wlpuy Koil* Nook. 201} Addl.iOB AeiBua

PAT CEKSE. all>* or dmaed. I>allv*rl«.Mrt. W. u Snyder. S auulb. 1 *aalJerom*. I'hon* OlH-Jt_____________

IIOMK IIEAUTY applea by buabel or truek. **”load. Irvln llodanaub Orchardi. 2 north. ----X Wfat of W*»t Plv* PolnU, j----

TUIIKtYS (or lh* holldaya. Oven drvaaed.He aure of ih* bol. Ilull'a Turkeya. T> Phon. Utt-M. llCft.W. Viler 717.JIO. hr

POTATOES. Kua>*ta. H*d Trluniphi.___ Onlont. alao cull poUto«. Idaho "" __ (irow*r»^ AtaoclaUon. ISO Wall SUeal.

“ 1 JONATHANS, doubla red Dcllcloua. rtd Itomaa and Slymaiu at malerat* price*.Hflns ccntalnen, Spaclal lot of aUndard Delleloua al ll.SQ ner buabel. Kenyon Creena. S mllea aoulhweel ot Twin Falla.

PETSAKC llEmWE^lED ^Uachtbund pup*.

VlNliEK uraa Parak**la Perfect p*U for ----ftmlly or ahut-lni. SU Ird Avanu*Nnrlh. Phon. 113S,________________

BABY CHICKS I”.SPKCIAI. early order prlcn unUl January Pot

:0. AaaorlrrI heavin Includlns Croaiea. |]U’f, Hamrthlrr*. Whll* R«Vi. Atutra- u TWlllle*. LeKhorn^ 17e. ToaUs* «stn . ^

iK Ccrrn atampa sTv*n. I.11eratur* fre^ ni Hatr. Hl.Crad* Hatchery. I2>lh aeaann).


TwinTalli. ^ViANTED: Pal colore-l Ushoro Aana. top ;

00 price*. Ilcrtia'a Poultry Farm. Phone


TUXEDO, all. 3t. sood eondlllon. Inuuir*50 Nelton.IllcVt Cre.m -Sution_________

MONARCH, elcclrle ranse. lars* *11*. nn.tO. HI.rr.Caln, Twin Fall..

I-UH .SALK: One.wh.el lusstte trailer.Call )i||.M or .eo 4»8 Norlh Eln. SM

PRACTICALLY new brick lined ooal elr< Tculallns heaur. Only S10.00. -04 North —

rn Ulh Avrnuf. Huhl. ^

dtlle*e?y. Tw’ln 'r . l l t “SBrp<Benl“ Coo-

POST.H—I'ermancnl PenU Iw u and TrcnlKl Kmtirri, All tfae« fence poeU. corral pmlt, llsht polaa. PeliU Po*t and Trcallns Co.. Tuttle. Phon* :q>1, lUs*r>

,1a MIKDUOOM' home, hoi waMr 'heal, flr»-!'•'*nU^^Av 'nue ro !t00.*0* ^ UU**m^e" * •ulomohllc. automatic waaher. | ; 00.00: I.aunilry Iraya t:S.«0: sa'dcn Iraclor

11, IJ^W ; bench aaw ^nd^JoinUr.chnimo dln.ll« a«i HS.OO : baby b*i anti _ amtlrwa SIO.OO. Phon. IH».W.

SURPLUS ' Inimkelj, itcel colt, tcnla. Urpt. toi. r ” thncf, ralncoalt. parkaa, overahoee.

rd l.ickrrt. mltcellaneoui aurplua wool T?clothlns. -u

30 W* alao handl* many lumt. tucb atFOAM RUDER




H A R R Y K O P P E L CO. i»y I rhon* Stl-W l l i Jnd A»*. SouUi

FURNITURE & APPLIANCES ”COUD Thor waaher* IlS.lli. tS.00 down. tj

5— ll.St w*«k. Wllion.UaUa.__________ *“OII. HEATERS, all make* and all**. Ycur

'— cholc. m.OO. Hltar-Caln.__________TRASH llurnen. eicellent rendlUon. Th*

Ilar»ln R.m. S2. Main Bouth.

Ill'll EASY a|'ln.^ry waaher. new suaranle*.*"*" lUO. M * Y Electric. Phena 184.—r r FURNACE, aloktr and controla. nt*Hy **erly: ’'«~'..«1?^00- l«^S KImberIg Hoa.I,

MAYTAG wrlnsar waahar, Ilk* naw. y,— I I120.S0. M A Y Eleclrlc. Phona 184, C(iuill NEW ANU ua*d (leclrl* raai** Make Ba fi.rch an offer l.lnuld Gai an* ABpllanre r«iMcJ. TIVO ull alQvca. one 5.rooM_0uo-Th«rm.JHtl. K iih ^Un. Ona S-roum ATSm. I'bona

■blM USKiT S ^ iN U maehln**. ~RKondlllon*d ^ lor*. ,na suarant»«I. AAA Bawlns UaeblB* l*r»- Sbop. acroit from Sear*.

ELECTUOLU.X vacuuBi~clcanar. laU mod- ouU altachmenla and pow«r polUher.

----- S *11 G'KEt'N iiumpt on tiM4 furnliara.Larsctl alock In lown. Tana*. W« trad*. Hayea Furniture Eichanr^ K

**. SOLID OAK'br*ak(aat *«. etn t**l 10 n t with *ilentlon*. Nors* rafrlsaralor. IS

ye*t* old. v trr r*aaonabla. 442 l)1u« ____ Uke* B«ul*y*rd.



liiSlu-a- C ^ e-TyT rh. l l~ 4«T 5 a i;- A-;*.' E <C


• CO^fMEBCtAL PRINTING 5J g uaatlir prlnUns *U klB«L 7lm *^eir*. g

• FLOOn SANDING Tp. A. Hen^r. Kre* e.^m.U»._ Pb, t»4.M.

FrH I'lritii » , snd Av*. No. Ph. ^ “• A fA TTnesS RENOVATING j j ;MATTRESSES r*novaUd. Cvtrtoa MnU C t f . Factory. Phon. 8I.W. -J-

___ • AfONFY TO LOAN ^E~JonarTor"TomarTndT3n»r~I5oo5~I. a

ilfiJd Rank * TrM.i llallillns. Phnn* SOU. _ pMl. 6«* »• fer i m BBd uti> loast. 4% i s u m l ^

T W I N F A L L S , ID A H O

F U R N IT U R E & A PP L IA N C E SHer. COMUINATION co*|.*l*cUle mn|*rilt.SO.

HUer.c«ln. Twin KalU.____________~T^ COOD ua*d otl baaun aay rM*«Bablt *(• ca

f*r *ooald*r«d. U«sld Oat and Applk 77^«««_»S(>e Klmberlr IU.d. »»«

k'ORCEU TO SCLLi Mual tatrldi* w*lnut ]i^ » n T h o V ^r^^ n “s '^ ? 'd : l ; !^ * & ^ ’"

^'.bwaebar. Pbo«* J |

WMTINOHOUS^ ” n m*l"'"’DlnlM B»m___ ael. S°chalrt. Ubit and "^fftl. Doublt "hon* tub D*xt*r wuhlns machine. -«ad mla- ___ *tllan«,u» artkle*. IJS4 Heyburn a . f Voiilr*d- nu* >*tu^ I--------- ---- fo. t!: T W IN FALLS BEWINO «


PTTi N ew and Used Machines 0>orth ji.rta and Repali*_ _ Tortabl* and Coniol* Cablnatil *am m Main Av*. Eaart • , Pbeat ]lt-J

^ I U S E D I ___ ■ S E W I N G M A C H IN E Sfrom___ I n very romI condltloa


T w V ery Kcnsonably PrlccdA t Your

* ~ i S E A R S S T O R E

^ ' '

I w . Two Bond platform rocker* I chrom*0. .el; Ubl* Umpa: occ.ilor.l tt;:: chain: refrlitralort! .electric hralcri:

mlrrvr; chreu ot drawer*: oil hcatrr; ite*l. rang*, and oth*r iUmt.

Thet* Hema May Da 5**n Al

fd'ap W a r b e r g ’s W a r e h o u s e1S» 4lh A.enui Soutli

___ —Jio Phon. Calla. fleaa*- ,

S P E C IA L SER VICES___ CESSPOOL *nd tepllc Unk clMnlni. Free

Inip.etloo. IL Hakea, DahL Pben*___ o;n^a,lu.ry POULTUY drettlns. I’oullry Supply. Pbone»■«. IStS. Twin Fall., Idaho.________ ^

MAmcKSSES renovated. Evertoa Uat* trrt* Pseuirt. i: t 3»anul Ariaat Senth, I—” !?• Phon* 61-W,_____________________ ___----- ' SEPTIC (ank and craapool ela*Bles, Ualo- r —

rooUr a*wtr aervl(». fL & Jontt. ItT _ Wett Filer. Phon* MTfcJ.__________

?Iij?* ‘1 4 " C R U S H E D G R A V E L___ ^ 0rlrrwtn Ikt.E • ParklBS LouuEi* • Any Olher Araat—^ BUY NOW-DEFORE apRINO ■HIAW “

Pbon* t l i

R A D IO & M U S IC ,g___ SACRIp-ICE Schiller parlor Stand piano.I elr« Fin. condition. Phunt IIML Jerom*.'iorth ~


I and Caaranl*«S. R*eqndltIoD*d

: r P I A N O S

• E«*y Term! • F r~ Dellrart

« ” r C L A U D E B R O W NM U S I C & F U R N I T U R E | „

Z Z A U T O S FO R SALE u1»«7 CllEVllOLKT~A.roa*dan. eicellent

condition. int.OO. Phone IIO-J. lluhl. j,

B E A N I N V E S T I G A T O R -

'> You can be aura ot • aoundjVnTutecl Car H E Ilt Ouaran. lord cara with a Sg/M (uaran- Ue on ptru and labor. Cood l^ k a btckrd by tound Irani* porullon la your atiurance of alrpcndtbl* and happy molorlns.You'll find a wldt aelecllon .JIERE. and on Urma lo pleuel i

10(7 STUDEIIAKER Champion 4-3ooraedan. Radio, hraler. ererdrle*. L -

'I** new palnl. B*w aaat , —cover* ...— I ■■■..,.—.1841 ^

. . . t»4» FORD Cuilom 4-door aedan. Radio.C c5 heaUr. overdrive, very chan.Jowa. igjB ui;sOTO 4-loor Cualom aedan.___ HaJio. healer. automaUc irana-Your ml.lion, very clean Ihreujheut.-Tir* I»50 MERCURY Club coupe. Ov*Tdrl»*.hrater, tVlrU. apoUlsbl. 2-toB*snr.___ IKS SIKKCU«V ■4-Joor eed*". fladla.■me*. healer, new Ilrt*. new teal cover*.r r r i 1847 FORD V-« PSek-up. 4.*P««d Uan»-1. mlaaion. very W* h«v* eome’Jl Mertury Club coupe*.

Company and peraonal demonalralor*. ke Ba fully euulpped, vtry low mllease. at«___ real aavlnt*.

ot olher cheap ear* Prlc«) t»“ • tull «|1. and all make, and body tlylea.

Coro. In and look lh.m over.>cblB* Open Sunday* and Evealnst

iiTh«: D O U G L A S -S E L F

MOTOR CO.trad*.___ Ml Main Avt. Eatl Phont IHt.WJ‘ }2 Our prwalia la your talltfteUonl

illu* I I



• P L u m iN C & N E A rm cn r " Ho»* >-.a...MBS a.^ 111 . Co |-boB* ISS.

____ • f lE Fntc iE flA rtO N s e b v ic e» HUer.C«in ABPllanc». PBane :4IS.

II____ Bafrls*rau(*. watban. raBsa*. «lok*^ Xew.. Shomway Appllaaea Repair. Pk K IW ____ .>r tfll-R._____________________________ : • r y p in v n tT E n s

dala. r*nUlt *nd tervle* Pboat M. Sb*t> I».H1. wood Typewrllet E«, OppoalU P. 0,

» VACUUM c i: ea w e h s :____ Uoovir Salaa and Servle*. Pbon* S7S0,

MaU C. C. Anderton Company. Twla Fallt,------- • VENETIAN BUNDS___________

“P * - • \VATEI\ SOFTENERSlUraal ^ L

ICES AUTOS FOR SALEIH.SO. 1»4« FORD Club e«up«.^CIean. Tak. oMer » ilTet. c " l sw stw .'^ ' * avetig* mal er ^

l»4t CADILLAC «3 B«lan. Ilk* B*w. Low r — mll**s*. Privet, parly. ISIt er Oes

it47 CHEVIl()LET A*ro*«Saii. iudij. hetUr, tood eondlllon, SSU.OO. T*nn*. Phone 1852.H. « t/i > m,

IMO CHKVROLKT 4-Joor. lik* n*w. Low lnl*( KlMlIln* 2-door. Eseellent tondiUoB*

l ^ l l . eonaldar trade. Call 24S4-W.

' *'** 'SI.' HydramtUc. henlA. baek.up Ushta!' wlnleHted. A-1. l2.tSd er tntde a t ^ k

— 1 for 'l l Jeep RUIIon Wason. S eylloder.rtOT^r.ble eoiKJUloB. rJ)«o« MhW.

O N L y O N E \V E E K L E F T

IIW S - L - A - S - H - E - D

------ P - R - I - C - E - S

J B iff R e d u c t io n


liln k o U s A n O f f e r

W il l D c a l W t i h Y o u

• N O W *It the Ume to buy • COOD USED CAR

C l^pA PI

C o m e I nlook thets e>*r.

i t " : 4 0 C A R Sl« <b«ae (ren . J il l models,

I 19Sft.enod*l*YOU CAN DUr


All eur peat-war model* carry • ' sood warraniy suaranlM. All ear* a n wIb-

____ I Urlted wllb sBU-frMt. at

------- B A R N A R D 'S"G ood w i i r

Fbea* C a r L ot ■TSSr, Ptona lOIJ _____ , K o t le rr«l*rIekton’* Drlee-U

J]]_____________________ __________

ncis. — ■ 'I*• S t a r t T h c------- 1 N E W Y E A REL R IG H T

In O ne o i These OOOD UBED CAR3

lis t DESOTO Cutlom «-door (adan. HAW lUdlo. h*at<r. baek-up ItshU. Only

I.OOO actual mil**. Thla baautlfolc*r ll only ............. ..... ....... IHIS

-------- SHK down, sm .so * month.------- inaurane. -Ineludad._____ USO CrfRVSLER Wfndtor d-door**dsB.Tnniol Uadlo. hrmtn. aaal cover*, back-upImm* Hsht.. nvw lire*. tl.OOO mllw.1222- CelllAS price »2S«t. Our

I rlrd^w ^'M giso '* monST **Inaurane. Ineludad.

I t i t CHEVROL.ET Stylellne Delai* 4- dear a*dan. Radio. h*aUr. baek-up JishU, iPoUlsht. 22,000 Ulle*, c.lJ/nr p ric. tll iS . Our t4 (l d0wn.~iet!8ri*»0Bibr Inturtnc. Included,

m i OLDSMODILE t l ’ Club **dan. ean tlret. besutiful Ilcht sr**ii flnlth.

Celllns p r lc 11700. OurT-, S4(S down. 180,10 a monlh.E ]P47 ro n o v-8 super Ceiui* 1-dcor.____ lUdle. heaur. teat covert.

Bood tiren ........................-...tOIS- - MIS .Inwn. S<«,SO a month.

I t i l DODGE 4-door. ileaUr. eeatSllPdow iil'l^iio^'^ 'onth.” '” **

lt41 DUICK 4-loor Spe^al.^^^IUdlo,

R ,„ L ou of OlherCood Ue*d Cara

1 From 'Which te Choo*«REHEUDERs

2 w * siv* 8 A 11 G»*n BtaOM

AT"i A S H W O R T H M O TO R CO.Indoor

,1941 - .. ~ ■ 1.udio. W o u ld y o u d r iv o

a f e w m i l e s T o s a v e $ 1 0 0

«“• I P Y O O WOULDdrin. com e OD overt-ioB. a n d see

C ur E xce llen t stock ]jdl4 o f ClCAD c&rs*’*” ■ L i b e r a l t r a d e - i n

a l lo w a n c o B

•upe*. OMAO TERM Sator*. itjo CHEVROLET 2-doot. Royal Ma*.•. « ter WhlU aldewall tlr*fc

JM« 70HD d-door. Jladlo. hesUr,« *® everdrle..ilylea.

1(49 RUICK 4-door Dynanow. Sadlo,healer.

1949 DODGE 4-door Coroset. Kadla. beater, fluid driv*.

t» lt CHEVBCI.ET 4-deer. H*«Ur.**al

II9.W 1*11 CIIEVItOLrr SUtloB Wacoa. Radio anil b*at.r.1947 MERCORY 4-doer. Radto aad

I U tT KAISEH 4Hleer. Radio ai>4 h*aUr, 194T CHEVROLET t-doer. ftadlo and

h**ler.}t4t NASH. O.erdrlv*. radio and

b««ler.1948* OLDSMODILE Sedaatlt.. Dtdio,

■ ■ I btaUr. Mat covert._____ l8JlCIIRY5l.C».4-<Ioor. Badlo aadAva E. b.aler.

_____ l l i e OUlCK 4-door. Radio and h*aUr.'«* ««*• »4> HUDSON t-door.^E___ 191# OLDSMOBILE 4-loor ' I t , - Ra­il____ die. h*al*r. aydraatic, aunahad*.

2980 RUICIv fluper l-door. Radio, b**l> alokar*. *r and dynaflow.

I t l t JEEP, 4-wb**1 drlffc............ It40 CHEVROLBT-pkVup. -----------------, Sb*f 1(49 CHEVROLET «-lok .......

' 194t INTERNATIONAL V lo n l»l« FORD «.lo».

’ N O R T H S I D E . A U T O C O .

------- ^ Fben* ISS J*ram*. IdahoOptn Dally and Bundaya

-----J5y> Ev*nlnta by AppolnUnent


____________AUTOS FOR SALE

_____ S north e,t W «l Flv* PolnU._______



inditloB*C A L L O W A Y 4 M c M A I N ’S

' M i •vllnder. <S7 MAIN EABT

«*.W . THONE tlJW

p p m ' i I IT W I N F A L L S

JJ E Q U I P M E N T C O .


11(1 STUDEDAKER Champion 4-loar •adaa with overdrlv. and ellma- tlier. New **al cover* ____tll91

1917 CHEVROLCT Club coum withsood a’rtd prto*d worth S ,* ”***

U IM! PONTIAO * (WanatU. Two-ton*palnl. radio, haatn aad aaat cover*. CImb Inald.and o u t -------------------------- | i »

1941 STUDEDAKER Champion 4-door.3 CAR Overdrive, radio ellraatlier _t>U

1941 MERCURY aedan. Radio and b e a te r________________ SlllS

lt(( RTUDCOAKER Cenmander aedtn.Ovardrlv* aad c llm a tlttr___IIUTruck Lan. and 4lh Ava. W.

T*l*phoa* lt49


* * “" tuo CHEVROLET dtlux. a^lso. Hk* B*w. 11.000 mlla* «i»*t

U tt rACKAOD Clab aadan. HaaUr.Ilnltb Uki n'ew*’_ _ ! ! ! ! Z i l l t t

1919 PA.CKAKD 4-doo. **d.,u naaUr. radio, ovirdrlr*. aaal eovar*.

»I« »*w flnUb -------------------_ |t«0______ I t l l PACEARD 4-leor a«Ua. H*aUr,’ r radio. av*nfrtr*. aoa rUn— rubbw lik. aew__________ |1 |H

I IMI rORD «Bdof aedaa. Ceedt«n,portatloa ------------------- -

l t u rORO m toa track, cood rubber, e ^ b la a l^ a body. lon« whwlUy^

lU l NTW DI»moBi‘T ] tea tbtuU asd cab. U O zlI doala.

S C H W A R T Z A U T O C O ..* o ;r ; rh o a * « i ,lauUful I I '- tS 4 » — - I .


-*:?fu'"p t h i s W E A T H E RW ARRANTS a ;

G o o d , W a r m C a r !

io>* 4> S top I n A nd See9aek-up

G O R E M O T O R ’S

*»!*n. ^ 0 ° ^ S e le c t io n s —

l-dcor. j , „ CHEVROLET Me.tIIa* Sp*clal 4- foix Air conditioned heaUr. new

~ ' r ' tlrn . apoilnt InaU. and out. Ex-! eeat “ * mlleaf*......... ........... tl49t

19M FORD D*ltu* 4-<t«>r. U*aUr.^ y A v a " » j » x - i i s r a . ; ; ; ;

tUf fXIRD Ctialom Club Coupe. Ba. dio. heaur. n*w a**! eov*rt. new UrM and new batUry. A bMuly for --------------------------------Iitgs

19ts CHEVItOI.ET TlaM la. 4-door. 0- , lUdlo. h « u r . a t r a sood U m t

Tana and look* ____ IUM1911 aiEVROLET X-door. HmUT, o -

trx ffiMd Unt. tblnr bleek flnleb. clean Inald*. Ran* ilk* a topJSU

1912 STUDEBAKER Champloa D*]axa 4-joor. Air coBdltlon*r. coed Ur**.

— I coed palali mna n t r s sood-IlM— . . 19(0 rLY U O irm 4-<Soor. Radio, h*aU

LookVVnd^^M ffn. .,^ ? !* U im

G O R E M O T O R C O .MS Uala ATran. Eaat



“QUALITY” .---------OK---------

USED CARSw m M oke Y o u r

_ W inter D riv in gM ore Pleiksant A nd

Less E xpensive!Ur.aaal

C H E V R O L E T'SO SUUon WasoB «’"««

1 h*aur, '41 4-loar Sed!n , S POS'41 4-door M a n a 4gt

dio and

rf F O R D•so 2 - l« r Sedan ^ 1 _ _ I I 4 9 8

n»il«. ...........................*•41 But1 ''e.a oTup. ___________ t S9»

Uo aadP L Y M 0 U T 5 L

: i s i : ^ s s j b : s z = = = r ! s i

lo, beau • ■ • .B U I C K■*T 4-Joor Sadan _________',____IIIM

_______-St 4-<l«J 5«lla _____Zl» I ts

■(»4-teo■4t S-Pm CoSm _____________t Mt

G L E N G . J E N l i l N S M dabe S A L E S a n d S E R V I C Ea OMAO TERMS CASHIt Phone* 707-701. SIS Ualn Avanu* W*at


---------------------------------1 a O t o s f o r

^ J H WHAT YO0 eOM ON* o r n

! A-l Ue«l Can w d

S FO R S A L E ‘“ ' S i S r . l ' . Ma soudi low nilaas*. On* 1941 NASH Fordo* ____

I IK t rORO Hopes Dalu*

J E E D C A B S ,„ o S v ^ L C T ^

,VB THB CA SH c m v ^ L ^1940 rLTMOUTn 4-doar

A Y * M c M A IN ’S


N.W Bolor— t l49 CUEVROLET---------------------------------- l t( t CnSVROLET H-to

I l l t l FORO pWrap. H-U I N F A L L S “ « CHEVROLET ^ .te[ P M E N T C O . I t l t FORD m-tea


DUBU IDAIAKER Champion 4-loor -»_______________1 ^ ovtrdrlv. and ollma- t

ILBT Club coun. with I 1s i u D E B . «

0 * *«itn*tu. Two-ton* ^ _ adlo, h*am aad ***t A ClMB Inald. .-------------------------- I i t l AAKER Champion 4-door.e. radio ellraatlier —IIU J ]lY aedan. Radio «d

AKEA Cenmander aadta.• aad c llm a tlttr___IIUm. and 4lh Ava. W. B E T T E R ,•lephoa* I t t t

I ll4 t FORD Vt Cattoa______________________ only It.OOO aUa* _--------— • I l l i l UERCOnr Toera ID3 REDUCED •"iJ S . 'lS S g ' " " K S S M j a

c. new ------------— HIM 1141 CHEVROLET Hm.D 4-looe **da,u HaaUr. «*>..H rl r t aaal earar«.^^^_^ i t 4( ^SOTO^ ^ t

h . newndor aedaa. Coedlatlon -------------------1»0 10(0 pLYMOtmi |.doe!« tea track. ,ood rubber. ^Llea body. lon« wbMlbaae.0 , ------------------------1791 t w i n F . ^

i i i f f f i M O T O R'ni* ^lendly Bod. •

R T Z A U T O C O .* . rh o a * « l , '

i ^ T ^ R i r n O L U l A Y B A

^RRA N TS a ; ,. W a r m C a r l iiuw driv*. apb,i.u

_ , . ‘SO NASH SUUamaaIp I n A nd S e e ba*t«. aad b*« sa

;E M O T O R ’S ‘41 oldsm^ ilb ^J « t oWr « .0«« aO

1 S e le c t i o n s —

M**dowhrook 4^oor. AIr> ^ ^ t a » .* * ^ " *nad heaur. fluid drive. ^

■" 5 s s . “ ! 5 . ! ! SOLET M*.tlla* Sp*ctal 4-r condilloned heaUr, n*w . _ __ . .Ollnt InaU. and ouU Ex- 47 NASH Ambataader mileas*__________ tU t t dio. h**Ur asd ov«D*lu* 4-deor. U*aUr,

*. new Ur**. b*w t*at ‘4* NASH *400' 4-door.looka and run* Ilk* a r«ondiUon*d (note

-....... .......... »»»» V«y eltaa.

2 ? ‘Z e ® “*'’t ^ ■« ■«?d batUry. A U uly B.*ci*ale.Uj

OLET n a M la . 4-door. *« ?ORD DalnM h « u r , a t r a sood U r« t h « u r . A-l eoadltloi'* “ * * '41 DODOB « tea pleiOLET X-Soor. Hm Ut, a - atock rack, haa baI Un*. tb ln r bleek flnlab. «basle*Uy.aM*. Ran* ilk* a topJSUBAKER Champion D*]axa ***,lr conditioner. «eed Ur**. JehaU Bvd. *%• IInll mna n t r s ■ood.tlUUTJI 4-Soor. Radio, h*at» W IL L a‘nd '1?« f f n . --------- U m U S E D C A R

3 M O T O R C O .Mala ATran. Eaat I i ...

PLYMOOrn - . ■ -y' T R J4C i t t - « ^

I TRAILER HOMES) To lom«^frleoda alkd ai

I E O F O U R { ? i r ‘*Uu‘lM“ “a‘n4 ‘‘j .Tmller Salaa)

UALITY” .— O K -----------

ED CARS -----------------BEFORE B

!M Expenaivol ^nd See

3 E V B 0L E T TRUCK S _________ . . .» And SEE

OunrnnUS : ; — ' ' t ™ *> •<“


IU SSBSd'S ? .«laa __________ II498 1949 ClIEVROLET l-<!edan - -- a g4s IS41 CHEVROLKT J -edan _____________ t 345 10(0 CURVSLER 6«li

Coup. ___________ t S9»____ PTOKU

L T O O U T ^ l ! ! > S S f f iS ? S


^12 —- - Vlll Ul? .«lan ---------------- ----- I I ts IMI CHEVROLET »

, N A S H , ^

^ la ^ --- ---------- — t Ttt 1MB r a u a u w Tr.

N G . JB N lJiN S TRUiSklSS and SERV ICE 4 SER^ERMS CASH t t l tad Ava, Sooth.701. SIS Ualn Avanu* W*at


Page 12: · ^^BULLETIN Korea. (Sonday). ^ P p J ^ 'T h e eom m anlBta to-^ H I L i M t w o p o ln ^


Driver L

B n m a L. S iM t, Goodlnr. Ie*i mile* no rth of Bohl e « Iy T h n n •d ft >pr»Ioed back In th e Ie»P t (fltaff phot»-ciiin>Tini)________

Bureau Tests Potential Site For New Dai

j AMERICAN FALLS. Dec. X Oore-drllUns Js under way a t pot«

‘ tla l dam sites In a s tre tch o f Sna [ river n e a r E asle Rock. B to 10 mi:

<lownstreun from American dam , to nscertAln the feasibility construcUne a do tn th e re to p i Tide pumping power and pon re renu ta for trrlsatlon o f lO.C

f aexea on the M ichaud fla ts , Pram i H art, (llstrlct planning enslne

a n n o u n c e d 't^ a y .I D rilling w is begun on Sept. '

H A tter as days of work, th s dloino: ■ drUl r ig was moved to K ntherl0 creok in eastem Oregon b u t i t w H n tu m e d to th e Eagle &1 abou t ft week ago.

H l l i e w ork is being undertaken] | obtain eQ glceertr« da ta fo r a pt

III poeed projec t p lanning repo rt w hljjl w in cover the engtoeerlng a n d ec1| Doinlo feasibility of developing t i, . M ichaud flats bench. T h e d«

III would generato power fo r pum pl{ -water from Bnake river to th o mh land a rea and provide th e po«t revenues th a t will be neceuaryII he lp tho prospective w ater users

III repay th e cost of bringing the wa! II to tbe land .p P lans for th e drilling progn

I gional office officials of th e bure in Bolso and dlrectora of th e Ame

^ J ^ u M o n ’ic r e a t e :

StaYou’I meml inven to go

S e e T uI for 0U We’re running thiI have a chance to iI on Wednesdoy meI save sensationally

I Footwear fI T o Pre




'ii-:____1_ >'

■ Leaps to Safety Be:

|H H |k

r. leaped to sa fe ty w hen h it ta r w ent ou t of rh n n d a y m e ra ln r . The ear plunged down » esp from th e vehicle. In v e it lfi tln g officials

. can PalJa re je rro lr district, wlU:t g th e irrigfttlon leaders voicing enthu­

siasm over the program.• . T h e bureau already h as complet*i t e Jlr illlng one hole to a dep th ol

138 fee t a n d contemplates complet* V Ihg a second w ithin the nex t m onth| 3 H ] O riginal surveys of the Snake lr

th is a rea were mnde by th e bureai g o f reclnm atlon In 1007 and 1018.

t ^ U n - ^ Q dirigible “Akron’r Snake ^ a s w recked AprU 21, 1033, In -i10 ^ I M thundera torm w ith a loss o f 73 livesrt Pnlls ----------------------------------------------------,Ulty o fto p ro - m B

= « o t . IS.:lamond itherine

i t was ck site


Dd eco- lng th e

lumping -<!■•«

f 'S o Z J U T A H -ID A H O -C A L I IjiSt to SWUed, Efficient, C artfn l M ot

~ FORDI bureau ■ m A merl- r - ■■ ■ ------------------


| i ^' arts Wedmrou’ll find tru ly sensational values ir nember of the family. We w ant to cli nventory so we’ve priced our shoes fr<0 go regardless of originul price.

u e s d a / s T inOur Big Clearan

r th is announcement so tha t our oul1 tp share in th is g rea t value event • r morning. Don’t pass up th is u n u lally on

' for Men, WomePrepare fo r T h is Evenl

ED MONDAY,11 As Tues., New

^ u d d oFootwear for fhe E~ r

y Before Crash

n t ou t of conlrol o a th o C lear Ukes crade fl' !d down a lOO.foot em bankm en t. S to u t receh g officials described th e c a r a« a ‘ lo fa l wreck

™ »Su“ Visits ReportedD IETR IC H , Dcc. » —J a ck W(

« complet- and B e r t Lcwln, ecrvlcemen w dep th of have been vU ltlng in D lelrlch, h i

I complet- re tum ed to th e ir Son D iego base :x t m onth, Mr. a n d M rs. Luis Jau regu l n Snake In children, Pocatcllo . hsve been via

h e bureau j n j hU p a ren ts . M r. a n d Mrs. J< Id 1018. Jnuregul.—• John T hom as, a t tu d e n t a t (e “A kron" tJnlveralty o f Idaho , Is vUlUng : 1033, I n -a parenta. M r. a n d M rs. Rus: of 73 lives. Tliomtis.


>—c a l i f .—NEVADA—OREGONrefo l Movers. Facklng, M oving, Storage a t

Low CoiL

^1^ Transfer & StorageCo.

I ^

of fine


inesday!/alues in footw ear fo r every int to clear our stocks beforo shoes from, every departm ent •ice.

f i m e s - N e w sarance Adour out^f-tow n patrons •will

5 event when th e sto re opens liis u n u s u a l opportunity to

3inen & ChildrenEyent W e'll be

^Y; DEC. 31ew Year's Day

^ ---------? ---------

S o n 6he Entire Family’’ 1 ^

tijJE ^ n e w s .

I- I A S Y O Ifir U EOV n . BonLiNG

(Pastor, First Chnrch of 0< ‘ Did y"u ever hear a stat<

like the following? -Having i thing ym do not need, and ne someth'.ng you do not hove."

One moming a pastor starte to visit those of his congres who had forsaken the assembling of . them selves to - gether. They had missed p r a y e r meeting. Sunday M B y B school and wpr- ship. S o m e o f thetn w en &lck. some were aged. and some w e r e ^ m ^ W weak. All must b e ^ H . - ■ visited. As t h e K ' pastor su rted to roll out his car he saw A flat tire oa one of thi wheels. He took off the flaPm

HI Crade five IStout recelv- |

I T E A R - s E

o r t e d I—Jack Ward ■vlcemen who ■Jletrlch, have Diego base.Jauregul and ____________________vo been visit- ■ ■ V V W P H I P Wn d Mrs. Jose

udent thes VlslUng his . , „Mrs. Russell W om en • Bettor____________D r c t i o i .......................................

all new style;

GS n M Bottor D ro tte t

most all slzci

W o m o n 'i W oolGobordino C oaN ..........

■ g g y sizes 13 to a<

SGON■“ ! W o m e n '. W ool ‘

& \ Flooce C oot«.......... ^I t^ lg h t. . new co:

Co.W ool Z Ip -O ur ‘ G abard in« C oo tf....... ^

outstanding vali

odd pieces

^ v . o oW o m en 's I M illin e ry .......... I

all reduced


I ^ W o m o n 's Chonlllo

several colon

2 3 O ntyW o m o n 'i B lou iei

' A n d Skirt*


■ T T K R H T

ns ’ .Silver M oon f f C o tton P r in t* _____ %


'o N eed le 'n T h re a d IB roodclo th t . .........

I r e n ^F om ou i R ondo I P c rc a lc * ...... ..............%

I N ew C o lo r.. /Sororify R oyons.......^

y ^

Prin ted ^ __________ A r t T ic k in g ____ m



O U R MBSriSTl---------------------" 'W h S tA r e Y o u r f i e e ionLINO and put on the tpore. He nei rch of Ood) ««ved a ttat on a front wh«

j. and needing ^ ^■ . _ . . engine started, but there ^ tor started out )o)oct in It and the oU gauge » congregation (<, funcUon.

Kow the morning was goni some of the pastor's dignity aj As he rubbed his perspiring head hs reaUzed that he had thing he did not need, and c something he did not have.

A prcacher might preach a using this incident as a bos his ronarks. But to stretch

f l P B l B l prtaching over a week might r ^ - . It -weak preaching. So here ,I ' :■ '■• ’B Su **Young men and women ofte *” ■ tha t they are in posiesslon ofne of the rear thing they do not need. Beca

the flat tire U theirs they have to pay the

4. 0 0

8 Only . . Mori Boocon Robes

tew styles sizes

6. 0 0

90 O n ly . . Me: Polo Shirts ....

: all sizes sizes

A l . O O 5 Only)l # 1 M on 's BottoriN ..........■ S port C oats ....

13 to ao nc;

A X . O O 3 Only>1 M on s Corduro_____ i f c W S port C oo ti .... new colors sizes

M on 's Flannel its.......P a ja m a s ..................................................idlng valuel sis

5 0 ' 1®® M c n - .B o « e , ^ W I Folt H ats ........

1 pieces sav

1. 0 0 A - O O

^ A no ther Group ^ M on'* T ic * ......


4. 0 0 ®

B ettor T ie * ......

ral colors

M o m ' W hite Hondkorchiof*


M en 's AII-Woq T o p c o a ts ...........


6 9 ' . B ettor Quolity' * M on 's Topcooh


- 4 9 ' , .M en 's All-Woo Townclod Sutis


M en 's Vt W ool Shirts and Drav

.......o y yd.

- IT OnlyM on 's Heovy

" T Q C W ool Shirts ....

... M M y d.



S T E R s e e s I Iar Needa?"------------ - —re. He next ob- and keep up th# - r e p a l r s .3 front wheel U »ay be a "craze." an empi toe starter but- fesslon. a bad associate, or

dead battery becoming haWt. Any of thi Tie battery was ture to cost you something. I ont. Then the wUi coniume your tlmo an« ■ there was a your energy. None are neeo oU gauge faUed are detrlmenUl.

Young men and women oft was gone and they greaUy need somethlr dignity as well, do not possest. Became they

perspiring fore- have It they are left tow# it he had tome- rear. The thing tha t you ne ed, and needed be an' education, an Ideal,

3t have. Spirit baptism, or a life com

r n i u ’ S S .S L S '. 'S I "S'a stretch this ^ u tek might make The pastor menUoned ab< 00 here J t is rid of his “old rip" and got

jort dIscoSse. Improved, guaranteed mochl •omen often find Since this Is the Ume « session of some- when many persons make leed. Because It Uons and endeavor to correi A pay the 'ta * “ behavior, why not do soc

" M• Twin F

m M M M ■J I .O O

y . . M en '* £ K 1 8 Onn R obe* ...... ........... “ J r . Bo

sizes > - m • I

f . 5 0 2 0 Or1 y . .M e n '« I P lald

sizes s ' , m . 1

IV ® 5 0 0 .C o o n ................. I * # F l" ” "

new color*

'c o , d o , o / ' fl-®" mCoot* .......................W ■

sizes 38. 40, UG irll 'D r« it(

20 0

sizes c. d

A noth

4. 9 8 = ' ' " '

save her*

8 Onl) W inte

er GroupT ie * ....................... ^ W

.... ,.,.75' G",r

1. 0 0

J i i . f 3' Winte!

All-W ool 0 5 ’****a ts .................. i H f e # Sm ort

. . v t r « l .U t e O i 'l ’ ’

Quolity 3 5 ’**** S i ' '" 'Topcoat* . . . . W f e # Snow !

4ust -a few

^ 1 ^ . 0 0 Hoode,M„„. 33only 6 of these

56 Pr.

2, 0 0 A nklel

ea .

G irls ' 1

'U ' -V**S h ir ts .....................

— ------------------ 1 abou t i t yourself? I f you h i, f ' T V of the needless UUngs trad l i l o r dum p them . I f you do n

th e needful Uilngs go afte; - Have w h a t you need and ne<

^‘’“B i i r i ie k first h is klngd. d S e « x ^ ^ righteousness, and ai:ly ot these a r e ............... ................. : .................anethlng. a t h e r M • • • » l * * ♦ » » • • • # • • • tim e and d ra in I are needed. AU |

romen often fin d t som ettlng they I

lu ie they do n o t f H Ileft tow ard tho J IMmit you need m ay $ n Ideal, a Holy ♦. life com panion. I y A n aure to gain you * | I fhem a re benefl- ^ j g g .


IS m ake resolu- ^ TW IN FA IL S, PHONE 4 to correct th e ir *

do som ething » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » « - {

s i i ^in Falls Store

I S O nly ^ 5 * ^J r . Boy* T Shirt*............

2. 0 0

sizes 10 to IS


4 4

,sizes 3 to IS

G i r l l ' B o tto rD r t f i t e s ................................. . ^

broken sizes


A . 0 0A n o th e r G ro u p G i r l l ' D r o s s e s ....................

wonderful buys

^ O n ly G irls '

broken sizes

Exeoptlona! V alues G irls' C o o t* _______ I M

J u s t 3 ( G irls 'W in ter C o a t s ........... I V

1. 0 0

i V i 8 8G ir l i ' 2 -P Ie c o #Snow S u i t* ..........................m

H ooded Styles Girl*' Snow S u it* ............

5 6 P r , G M .- i n * A nklet* ..........................I V

G irls 'L oee-T rimRoyon P a n t i e s ...............


__________________ S n U D A T ^

ut i t yourseUT I f you have aoy th in ^ the needles* things tr a d e th em (M att ’i dump them . I f you do n o t have •** *1

needful things go a f te r them . fe^whal you need and need w h at Mu r t ^ O B

But seek f i n t h is kingdom and Khoo?" n J i5 ? m m « iu .n a^ u ia IUI l h . . .

' ™ e




In fa n ts '............S n o w S u iH _____________________

i # | . 0 0^ Boys' M atching

............. ^ Snow Sot* .............0 to IS

1 to IS

C hen illeSpreod* ............. ...

extra nlc(

2. 0 0 _

PlolH cI . t e i L ound ty B og ........

several i

A.OO............. ^ Sm all S ize:ul buys Shog R u g * ...........

m m1 sizes

M en'* Heovy W o rk S h o e * ------

« J % . 0 0 < 0 G auge Goymo< I D N y lo n * ...................

------- ■ W pjrtect q

y o o

7'® ® C h ild ren '* FeltH o u ie Slipper* —

Q . 8 S 1

............ Big GroupH o u te D re iie i

all tic

1 0 'Several Stylei R ubber Footwear..

25'4 W om en’! T iitW O■ G o w n ./P o |o i» " -k -