bulletin 06/01/2013

I WAS meditating recently to find out from God what will be our theme for 2013. There were certain challenges I saw in 2012 that I was asking God to completely eradicate in the next. God answered and said, "All covenanted ministries (whether individual or church) will hit major storm in their 3rd year. If the ministry escapes that by grace, a greater storm will come against it in its 6th year. If the ministry equally escapes the double storm, it will then qualify for the blessings of the 7th year”. For us in Everlasting Father's Assembly, there were storms that we went through at three years. To the glory of God, we escape them all. Also at six years, thank God for all the astounding accomplishments that we have enjoyed, we also escaped double storms. Glory be to God! So I asked God, since we have escaped the sixth year, what is the blessing of the seventh year? He took me back to the creation of the world. He said, ‘What did the bible says I did on the seventh day’? And I said that You rested from Your labours. So, God said "2013 is your year of My rest". Note that it is the God's rest, not our kind of rest. The bible says that God does not sleep nor slumber (Ps. 121:4). So it's not a rest of sleep. Neither is it of folding of hands. It is a rest from excessive labours and entering into excessive favours. The seventh day was a time when God stopped creating on this earth, but switched to watching over what He has created. In 2013, God will help us to look after what He has created for us and through us. We will supervise and oversee machinery that will run itself. Every system that God has helped us to create will begin to work for us. Grace will supersede haste. There was a time when the Israelites were fighting Canaan, the Israelites were outnumbered. So God began to use constellations to fight for them (Judges 5:20). God will assign hosts of heaven to work for us in 2013 . By Pastor Samuel Obafaiye FOR INDIVIDUALS FOR NIGERIA: INTERNATIONAL: : 1. No matter the darkness around you, your star will shine brighter. 2. God says, He will speak peace to your storms 3. Certain individuals have been stagnated for sometimes, the reasons for your stagnation will become known, will be addressed and will be eliminated, therefore progress will follow. 4. In many senses of the word, this year will be of completeness. 1. The prayers of some of you minimized death of prominent Nigerians last year, don’t stop praying. 2. Before the middle of the year, many will say hope rising. 3. Learn from disasters of 2012 and take precaution soonest to avert bigger ones.. 1. The Lord says prominent world leaders need a lot prayers so as not to die in office. 2. Prominent Church leaders need prayers against planned scandals. 3. Weather conditions may get worse, much worst, unless prayers are intensified. 4. We should expect a major breakthrough in medicine this year. 5. Nations who pass unholy laws will have a taste of divine fury. By Pastor Enoch Adeboye (Gen. Overseer RCCG Worldwide) Workers’ Trg, Teens & Children Sunday School - 09:40am Adult Sunday School - 10:15 am Call To Worship - 11:00AM Wisdom Spot Praise & Worship Liberty Prayers Special Number Message Offering Announcements Tithes Closing Prayers & Benediction - 13:00pm Are you in need of Assistance or Support? Talk to Welfare Coordinator - Minister Adebisi Olobaniyi JANUARY 2013 THEME: GREAT PREAMBLE THE RCCG (EVERLASTING FATHER’S ASSEMBLY) 2013 PROPHECY. THEME: OUR YEAR OF GOD’S REST Isaiah 65: 21-24, Isaiah 14:1-4 THE RCCG (WORLDWIDE) 2013 PROPHECY THEME: YEAR OF SIGNS AND WONDERS FREE TRANSPORT TO CHURCH For details of bus stops please email [email protected] or call 07718079394 FROM THE PULPIT CONGREGATIONAL HYMN - By Pastor Samuel Obafaiye P REAMBLE is defined as a preliminary or preparatory statement which states the reason for the rest of the document; an introduction to a formal document that serve to explain its purpose; preface; or prelude. Many prospective students need to send such preamble of their proposed thesis before they are admitted into University. Others send such preamble for them to obtain scholarships for their Research Programme. It is only great preambles that gets chosen, especially when competition is keen. God told Abraham to leave his father's house, his land and kindred and proceed to a place He would show him, and that blessing will await him (Gen. 12:1-3). I don't see Abraham leaving home with many things, because of the uncertainty of the trip, and because blessing is promised at the destination. So, God needed to show him the preamble of the blessing promised to encourage him. This came as a surprised gift from who should have been an enemy - king Pharaoh of Egypt (Gen. 12:11- 16). Though Abraham was somehow in error to go to Egypt without asking God and also risking his wife's life. God had mercy on him and grant him great preamble of His promise. In this month of January, God will introduce His intended 2013 blessings to us. He will give us preparatory and preliminary touch of His greatness in Jesus name. He will make us to find favour with 'Pharaohs' of this land. The natural endowments of this land will come to us as gifts in Jesus name . By Pastor Samuel Obafaiye Things Will Get Better O NE of the biggest weapons the devil uses on Christians is discouragement. Regardless of your status in God or faith, the devil will try a fast one on you to see if it works. Surprisingly, on many occasions, discouragement does work on us as Christian. So Satan has known that it is a sure weapon. It worked on Prophet Elijah when Jezebel threatened him (1 Kings 19:1-4). David had been discouraged before (1 Sam 30:1-7). It was tried on Jesus as well (Mathew 26:36-41). It worked against the Apostles when Christ was arrested (Matthew 26:56) Paul the Apostle has found himself in that sort of situation before (2 Cor. 1:8-9). But for every one who is able to demonstrate endurance and take courage in the word of God, victory over the enemy is assured. May things get better for you in Jesus name. Our God is such that does things in increasing manner. God move things from one glory unto a higher glory. He makes things shine brighter and brighter until rapture comes (Prov 4:18). But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. Right from the creation of the world, God made things in a progressive order. The world was without form or shape. God began with light to see things clearly, so He made Night and Day. Then God made the firmament to divide the waters up and down. Then God made earth and seas. He made trees, grass and herbs. He then makes the two great lights: sun and moon including the stars for signs and seasons. Then God made creatures in the air, land and water. Then God made man. Things took shape progressively with God. May things take shape for you in Jesus name. Also we would see that Jesus ministry began small and then progresses. First miracle was turning water to wine (John 2:1-11). Then healing of noble man's son (John 4:46). The man with 38 years impotent in Chapter 5:1-9. He fed 5,000 men with 5 bread and 2 fishes. Then He worked on water in Chapter 6. In Chapter 9, he opened the eyes of a man blind from birth. By Chapter 11, He was able to raise up Lazarus who had died for 4 days! What level are you operating now? Do you believe you can be more than this? Things will get better for you in Jesus name. In Chapter 1 of Haggai, God sent a message to Zerubbabel the Governor of Judah and Joshua the High Priest that the time has come for His temple to be built. That was on 01/06. God actually said He was angry with the people, because they were living in their own homes and left His own temple anyhow. God said the people were operating under a curse until they change. (Haggai 1:3-11). The Governor, the High Priest and the people did fear God and obeyed His word. So God promised to be with them. God also stirred up their spirit to do the work. They started on the 24/06. Barely three weeks, they complied! There are some of us here that do not care of what happens to the temple where we worship. They think as long as their own house is ok, that fine. Whenever money is rarely asked to be given for God’s work, they would start grumbling. Some will not give love offering, nor pay their tithes here. Yet they still enter into this temple. God says I should tell such people that they are joking with Him. ‘You are manufacturing my curse’, He says. He also says, ‘Consider your ways. Go up to the mountain and bring resources to build this house, and I will take pleasure in it, and I will be glorified’. When God is glorified in what you have done for Him, know that the glory will rub on you. However, in Haggai 2:1-9, the bible tells us that barely one month (21/07) after the work began, the people became discouraged. People were comparing it with the one Solomon built that was destroyed 50 years before. These were the people who were old enough to know the old temple and happened to be alive to see the rebuilding of the new one. They kept telling the young and new people working that if you see the old one, this one is useless. It not comparable, its rubbish! So the labourers became weak and weary. God however personally asked everyone who is working to be strong. They should not mind which temple is more glorious. That He is with them. They should remember His covenant that He made with them as far back as when they left Egypt. That His Spirit remains among them. They must not be afraid! I perceived that some old members have been speaking to newer ones that some years ago, this Church used to be this or that glorious, because they were opportune to be there then and possibly still hanging out with us today. God said you should tell them that things will get better! That they should watch and see! That they should stop telling you history and get working. Governor Zerubbabel and his people did not have the sort of gold that Solomon had in his time. The king of Tyre in Lebanon did not supply them with cedar trees. They could not import architects and builders like Solomon. God told them to go and cut tree from around them. We might not be in the Cinema that looks posh anymore. We might not be at the City Centre as we used to be. God still said, "Things will get better!” What God is asking is that you and I should go to places around us and fetch human and material resources. Then God said very soon He Himself will shake the Heaven, Seas, Earth and Dry lands. He will shake all nations and make nations desire to come and see the latter temple. He said the silver and the gold that Solomon used to decorate the former temple belongs to Him. So therefore, He will make the glory of the latter temple to be more glorious than the former one. On top of that greater glory, God said He will give peace. Like Us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/RCCGEFA Follow Us on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/RCCGEFALeeds Read our BLOG- http://www.rccgefaleedsblog.wordpress.com RCCG EFA LEEDS HOUSE FELLOWSHIP CENTRES LS1, LS2, LS7 & LS8 Flat 147, 20-20 House, Skinner lane LS7 1BE (Ajayi’s Residence) LS3, LS4, LS5, LS6, LS12, LS13 & LS16 15 – 17 Walter Street, Off Kirkstall Road, Leeds, LS4 2BB(Church Premises) LS10 & LS11 1 Murray View, Middleton, Leeds, LS10 4GD (Iduoze Residence) YORK ROAD 98 Cartwell Drive LS15 0PD. (The Adunmade’s residence) BRADFORD Flat 9, Thirkhill Court, Ripley Street, West Bowling, Bradford BD5 7TY O God, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come, Our shelter from the stormy blast, And our eternal home. Under the shadow of Thy throne Thy saints have dwelt secure; Sufficient is Thine arm alone, And our defence is sure. Before the hills in order stood, Or earth received her frame, From everlasting Thou art God, To endless years the same. A thousand ages in Thy sight Are like an evening gone; Short as the watch that ends the night Before the rising sun. Time, like an ever-rolling stream, Bears all its sons away; They fly forgotten, as a dream Dies at the opening day . O God, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come, Be Thou our guard while life shall last, And our eternal home O GOD, OUR HELP IN AGES PAST Continued on Page 5

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The service Bulletin for 06/01/2013


Page 1: Bulletin 06/01/2013

I WAS meditating recently to find out from God what will be our theme for 2013. There were certain challenges I saw in 2012 that I was asking God to completely eradicate in the next.

God answered and said, "All covenanted ministries (whether individual or church) will hit major storm in their 3rd year. If the ministry escapes that by grace, a greater storm will come against it in its 6th year. If the ministry equally escapes the double storm, it will then qualify for the blessings of the 7th year”.For us in Everlasting Father's Assembly, there were storms that we went through at three years. To the glory of God, we escape them all. Also at six years, thank God for all the astounding accomplishments that we have enjoyed, we also escaped double storms. Glory be to God! So I asked God, since we have escaped the sixth year, what is the blessing of the seventh year? He took me back to the creation of the world. He said, ‘What did the bible says I did on the seventh day’? And I said that You rested from Your labours.So, God said "2013 is your year of My rest". Note that it is the God's rest, not our kind of rest. The bible says that God does not sleep nor slumber (Ps. 121:4). So it's not a rest of sleep. Neither is it of folding of hands. It is a rest from excessive labours and entering into excessive favours.The seventh day was a time when God stopped creating on this earth, but switched to watching over what He has created. In 2013, God will help us to look after what He has created for us and through us. We will supervise and oversee machinery that will run itself. Every system that God has helped us to create will begin to work for us. Grace will supersede haste.There was a time when the Israelites were fighting Canaan, the Israelites were outnumbered. So God began to use constellations to fight for them (Judges 5:20). God will assign hosts of heaven to work for us in 2013 .

By Pastor Samuel Obafaiye




:1. No matter the darkness around you, your star will shine brighter.2. God says, He will speak peace to your storms

3. Certain individuals have been stagnated for sometimes, the reasons for your stagnation will become known, will be addressed and will be

eliminated, therefore progress will follow.4. In many senses of the word, this year will be of completeness.

1. The prayers of some of you minimized death of prominent Nigerians last year, don’t stop praying.2. Before the middle of the year, many will say hope rising.3. Learn from disasters of 2012 and take precaution soonest to avert bigger ones..

1. The Lord says prominent world leaders need a lot prayers so as not to die in office.2. Prominent Church leaders need prayers against planned scandals.3. Weather conditions may get worse, much worst, unless prayers are intensified.4. We should expect a major breakthrough in medicine this year.5. Nations who pass unholy laws will have a taste of divine fury. By Pastor Enoch Adeboye (Gen. Overseer RCCG Worldwide)

Workers’ Trg, Teens & Children Sunday School - 09:40amAdult Sunday School - 10:15 am

Call To Worship - 11:00AMWisdom SpotPraise & WorshipLiberty PrayersSpecial NumberMessageOfferingAnnouncementsTithesClosing Prayers & Benediction - 13:00pm

Are you in need of Assistance or Support?Talk to Welfare Coordinator - Minister Adebisi Olobaniyi





For details of bus stops please email

[email protected] call




- By Pastor Samuel Obafaiye PREAMBLE is defined as a preliminary or preparatory statement which states the reason for the rest of the document; an introduction to a formal document that serve to explain its purpose; preface; or prelude.

Many prospective students need to send such preamble of their proposed thesis before they are admitted into University. Others send such preamble for them to obtain scholarships for their Research Programme. It is only great preambles that gets chosen, especially when competition is keen.God told Abraham to leave his father's house, his land and kindred and proceed to a place He would show him, and that blessing will await him (Gen. 12:1-3). I don't see Abraham leaving home with many things, because of the uncertainty of the trip, and because blessing is promised at the destination.So, God needed to show him the preamble of the blessing promised to encourage him. This came as a surprised gift from who should have been an enemy - king Pharaoh of Egypt (Gen. 12:11-16). Though Abraham was somehow in error to go to Egypt without asking God and also risking his wife's life. God had mercy on him and grant him great preamble of His promise.In this month of January, God will introduce His intended 2013 blessings to us. He will give us preparatory and preliminary touch of His greatness in Jesus name. He will make us to find favour with 'Pharaohs' of this land. The natural endowments of this land will come to us as gifts in Jesus n a m e . By Pastor Samuel Obafaiye

Things Will Get Better

ONE of the biggest weapons the devil uses on Christians is discouragement. Regardless of your status in God or faith, the devil will try a fast one on you to see if it works. Surprisingly, on many occasions, discouragement does work on us as Christian. So Satan has known that

it is a sure weapon.It worked on Prophet Elijah when Jezebel threatened him (1 Kings 19:1-4). David had been discouraged before (1 Sam 30:1-7). It was tried on Jesus as well (Mathew 26:36-41). It worked against the Apostles when Christ was arrested (Matthew 26:56) Paul the Apostle has found himself in that sort of situation before (2 Cor. 1:8-9).But for every one who is able to demonstrate endurance and take courage in the word of God, victory over the enemy is assured. May things get better for you in Jesus name.Our God is such that does things in increasing manner. God move things from one glory unto a higher glory. He makes things shine brighter and brighter until rapture comes (Prov 4:18). But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.Right from the creation of the world, God made things in a progressive order. The world was without form or shape. God began with light to see things clearly, so He made Night and Day. Then God made the firmament to divide the waters up and down. Then God made earth and seas. He made trees, grass and herbs. He then makes the two great lights: sun and moon including the stars for signs and seasons. Then God made creatures in the air, land and water. Then God made man.Things took shape progressively with God. May things take shape for you in Jesus name.Also we would see that Jesus ministry began small and then progresses. First miracle was turning water to wine (John 2:1-11). Then healing of noble man's son (John 4:46). The man with 38 years impotent in Chapter 5:1-9. He fed 5,000 men with 5 bread and 2 fishes. Then He worked on water in Chapter 6. In Chapter 9, he opened the eyes of a man blind from birth. By Chapter 11, He was able to raise up Lazarus who had died for 4 days! What level are you operating now? Do you believe you can be more than this? Things will get better for you in Jesus name.In Chapter 1 of Haggai, God sent a message to Zerubbabel the Governor of Judah and Joshua the High Priest that the time has come for His temple to be built. That was on 01/06. God actually said He was angry with the people, because they were living in their own homes and left His own temple anyhow. God said the people were operating under a curse until they change. (Haggai 1:3-11). The Governor, the High Priest and the people did fear God and obeyed His word. So God promised to be with them. God also stirred up their spirit to do the work. They started on the 24/06. Barely three weeks, they complied!There are some of us here that do not care of what happens to the temple where we worship. They think as long as their own house is ok, that fine. Whenever money is rarely asked to be given for God’s work, they would start grumbling. Some will not give love offering, nor pay their tithes here. Yet they still enter into this temple. God says I should tell such people that they are joking with Him. ‘You are manufacturing my curse’, He says. He also says, ‘Consider your ways. Go up to the mountain and bring resources to build this house, and I will take pleasure in it, and I will be glorified’. When God is glorified in what you have done for Him, know that the glory will rub on you.However, in Haggai 2:1-9, the bible tells us that barely one month (21/07) after the work began, the people became discouraged. People were comparing it with the one Solomon built that was destroyed 50 years before. These were the people who were old enough to know the old temple and happened to be alive to see the rebuilding of the new one. They kept telling the young and new people working that if you see the old one, this one is useless. It not comparable, its rubbish! So the labourers became weak and weary. God however personally asked everyone who is working to be strong. They should not mind which temple is more glorious. That He is with them. They should remember His covenant that He made with them as far back as when they left Egypt. That His Spirit remains among them. They must not be afraid!I perceived that some old members have been speaking to newer ones that some years ago, this Church used to be this or that glorious, because they were opportune to be there then and possibly still hanging out with us today. God said you should tell them that things will get better! That they should watch and see! That they should stop telling you history and get working.Governor Zerubbabel and his people did not have the sort of gold that Solomon had in his time. The king of Tyre in Lebanon did not supply them with cedar trees. They could not import architects and builders like Solomon. God told them to go and cut tree from around them.We might not be in the Cinema that looks posh anymore. We might not be at the City Centre as we used to be. God still said, "Things will get better!” What God is asking is that you and I should go to places around us and fetch human and material resources.Then God said very soon He Himself will shake the Heaven, Seas, Earth and Dry lands. He will shake all nations and make nations desire to come and see the latter temple.He said the silver and the gold that Solomon used to decorate the former temple belongs to Him. So therefore, He will make the glory of the latter temple to be more glorious than the former one. On top of that greater glory, God said He will give peace.

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Follow Us on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/RCCGEFALeeds

Read our BLOG- http://www.rccgefaleedsblog.wordpress.com


LS1, LS2, LS7 & LS8Flat 147, 20-20 House, Skinner lane LS7 1BE (Ajayi’s Residence)

LS3, LS4, LS5, LS6, LS12, LS13 & LS1615 – 17 Walter Street, Off Kirkstall Road, Leeds, LS4 2BB(Church Premises)

LS10 & LS11 1 Murray View, Middleton, Leeds, LS10 4GD (Iduoze Residence)

YORK ROAD 98 Cartwell Drive LS15 0PD.(The Adunmade’s residence)

BRADFORDFlat 9, Thirkhill Court, Ripley Street,West Bowling, Bradford BD5 7TY

O God, our help in ages past,Our hope for years to come,Our shelter from the stormy blast,And our eternal home.

Under the shadow of Thy throneThy saints have dwelt secure;Sufficient is Thine arm alone,And our defence is sure.

Before the hills in order stood,Or earth received her frame,From everlasting Thou art God,To endless years the same.

A thousand ages in Thy sightAre like an evening gone;Short as the watch that ends the nightBefore the rising sun.

Time, like an ever-rolling stream,Bears all its sons away;They fly forgotten, as a dreamDies at the opening day.O God, our help in ages past,Our hope for years to come,Be Thou our guard while life shall last,And our eternal home


Continued on Page 5

Page 2: Bulletin 06/01/2013

Pastors Samuel & AnthoniaOBAFAIYESUNDAYS:



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websites: http://www.rccg-leeds.org; http://www.rccgleeds.org.uk

THE LAND OF MERCY, 15-17 WALTER STREET, by Machine Mart, Off Kirkstall Road, LEEDS. LS4 2BB





If you are willing to serve within the Church in any capacity or you know how to play any musical instrument, please see the Pastor.

You are welcome in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We really appreciate your presence. May the Lord visit and bless you.

Please note that MARRIAGE COUNSELLING is available for those in courtships; as well as for those that have the leading to initiate a lifelong relationship. Ask the Pastor for guidance.

Please drop in the PRAYER BOX in the reception or email to [email protected].





DIGGING DEEP - 6:30pm - 8:30PM

INVITATION TO BANQUET (2nd & 4th Sat) 3:00PMDRAMA MEETING - 5PMCHOIR MEETING - 4.30PM (Every Saturday)SINGLES’ MEETING (1st & 3rd Sat.) - 3PM

Celebration of Life Service: 1st Sunday of the monthAnointing Service:- Last Sundays of the month

Holy Communion:- Last Wednesday of the monthWomen Fellowship - 3rd Saturday - 1.00PM

Men Fellowship - Last Friday - Bimonthly - 6.30PM

FIRST Friday of the month (10PM - 1AM)




Everlasting Everlasting Father’s AssemblyFather’s Assembly


6th JANUARY 2013



- By Pastor (Mrs) Anthonia Obafaiye

I Bring You Good Tidings of Great Joy

BRETHREN Please can you turn to your neighbour and say to him or her ‘Neighbour the Lord God Almighty brings you Good tidings of great joy today in Jesus name.

The Bible says in the Book of Luke 1:45 ‘And blessed is she that believed for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord’.Read Joel 2: 21- 27Brethren our Father is not a man that he should lie, if He says it then He will do it and if He has spoken it He will make it good in our lives in Jesus name.The month of December 2012 has been declared a month of Latter Rains by God Almighty through his Prophet as inspired by the Holy Spirit.Our main Bible Passage will be taken from the book of Luke 2: 10-20My prayer for someone here this morning is that you will hear a new that will cause you to glorify and praise God in Jesus Mighty Name.I also declare in the name of Jesus that if your enemies have decreed that you will not hear that news then they will hear a sound from heaven and it will not be good for them in Jesus name.I have heard of a woman that decreed that a certain family will never hear the cry of a baby in their habitations because she was a wicked woman. But the Lord intervened on their behalf when the spirit of the Lord revealed the source of their problem. Have you not heard people say over their dead body, this will not happen before their very eyes.Our Father in the Lord The General Overseer of this Great Mission of God Pastor EA Adeboye said one of his spiritual sons came to tell him that the current Vice Chancellor of the University he was lecturing had said over his dead body will he become the V.C after him and our Father in The Lord told him that the V.C had made the job very easy because he had decreed his own obituary with his own mouth. Brethren we must be very careful what we say with our mouth, the mouth has brought life unto people and it has also brought death to some, I pray that we will always choose life as the Bible has advised we do.We Thank God for His mercies because when Jehovah says Yes no man can say No, when He opens a door no man can shut it. Brethren except the Lord did not say it, but if He did say it will surely come to pass the Bible says in the book of Habakkuk 2:3 ‘For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie, though it tarry, wait for it, because it will surely come, it will not tarry.I declare that before the end of this year someone here will hear good tidings of great joy either through the post, the phone or by word of mouth in the Mighty name of Jesus.Brethren up till now (I mean from the time of Father Abraham up till the Book of Luke 2: 10-20) the Israelites had been experiencing the former rain, and I want to believe that the latter rain is always better than the former rain, I mean literally speaking if you are a farmer or you did a bit of agriculture you will understand what I mean (The former rain is needed for the seed to germinate it comes moderately but the latter rain is needed if the seed will bear fruit and bear it in abundance). The birth of our Lord Jesus Christ was like the Latter Rains Israel had been waiting for as announced to the Sheppard’s in Lk. 2: 10-20.If you read further down in the book of Lk. 2:25-38 you will find an old man (Simeon) and an old woman (Anna) that the Bible made us to understand that the Lord kept until they saw the manifestation of all the Lord had promised He was going to do and to them it was good tidings of great joy to have seen the salvation of the Lord (The Salvation of the whole world). The Bible says in the book of 1 Cor. 2:9 ‘But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have it entered the heart of man, the things which god hath prepared for them that love him. A new thing that has never been seen heard or perceived before. That is what the Lord is going to do for someone here this morning, if you believe it let your Amen sound like thunder. The Bible says in the book of Proverbs 10:22 ‘The Blessings of the Lord, it maketh rich and he added no sorrow with it. Jesus is the only true joy Giver, whatever situation you might find yourself He is the great Deliverer, the great Healer, the great Provider, the Restorer, the Help of the help-less, The Prince of Peace, ever so Faithful God, the Man of War, the great Adjucator, the righteous and true Judge, the Husband to the widows, The Father of the father-less. He can deliver you and restore you as well and fill your heart with Joy and cause you to sing a new song in the season of joy, peace and hope. May the Lord do this for you and more in Jesus Mighty name.Excerpts of a sermon delivered by Pastor (Mrs) Anthonia Obafaiye at RCCG Everlasting Father’s Arena, York on December 30 th , 2012.

Our Year2013


Of Rest

GreatGreatPreamblePreambleWe collectively want to congratulate our brothers and sisters on their birthday celebrations, which occurred last month. .Some of them are: Sister Adedoyin Adegbite; Sister Nzoamaka Offia; Brother Adewale Samuel, Mum Adedoja Bakare; Brother Ejike Ogbunugafor; Brother O’Brien Alaribe; Sister Anika Ajayi; Sister Oseigbowa

Imonikhe; Sister Precious Njobuenwu; Sister Adesope Babade; Brother Richard Oseme; Miss Samantha Obafaiye; Miss Isabella Iduoze; Master Emmanuel Osunde and Master Erioluwa Akinfenwa..May God be gracious to you all; bless you and make His face to shine upon you all in Jesus name.

May God shake the Universe for Everlasting Father's Assembly. May God make nations to desire to come and worship in this temple. May God make silver and gold readily available to us. May the glory of God upon this temple be greater than before in Jesus name.One big promise that God make to us is that He will give peace with the coming latter glory. Note that the glory will come through a 'shaking'. May the shaking commence now in Jesus name!

Things Will Get Better - Pastor Samuel ObafaiyeContinued from Page 2

Isaiah 65: 21-24, Isaiah 14:1-4