bukuprogram d a priyadi... · 2017. 1. 26. · sambutan dan pembukaan semnas bioteknologi iv2016...

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Page 1: BukuProgram D A Priyadi... · 2017. 1. 26. · Sambutan dan Pembukaan Semnas Bioteknologi IV2016 08.30- 08.35 (Caretaker Direktur Sekolah Pascasarjana - Prof. dr. Iwan Dwiprahasto,


Buku Programdan Abstrak

Page 2: BukuProgram D A Priyadi... · 2017. 1. 26. · Sambutan dan Pembukaan Semnas Bioteknologi IV2016 08.30- 08.35 (Caretaker Direktur Sekolah Pascasarjana - Prof. dr. Iwan Dwiprahasto,


St:kolah PUC.uMj.UUIUGM .......". •.. . . .


UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADAAuditorium Sekolah Pascasarjana UGM

Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2016

07.00 - 08.00 Re istrasi08.00 - 08.15 Pembukaan oleh MC08.15 - 08.25 Men an ikan La u Indonesia Ra08.25 - 08.30 La oran Ketua Pelaksana

Sambutan dan Pembukaan Semnas Bioteknologi IV 201608.30 - 08.35 (Caretaker Direktur Sekolah Pascasarjana - Prof. dr. Iwan Dwiprahasto, M. Med.

Sc., Ph.DPenandatanganan Kontrak antara The Research Institute of Green Science and Tech-

08.35 - 08.40 nology of Shizuoka University, Japan dengan Pusat Studi Bioteknologi, UniversitasCadiah Mada

08.40 - 08.50 Per ormance ArtSesi Pembicara Tamu I(Moderator: Prof. drh. Widya Asmara, S. V.,Ph.D.)

08.50 _ 10.20 1. Prof. Bernhard Grimm (Humboldt University Berlin, Germany)"Metabolism and application of chlorophyll, a beneficial green pigment"

2. Prof. Enoch Y. Park (Shizuoka University, Japan)"Potential a lication 0 virus-like articles on vaccine r aration"

10.20 _ 10.30· Penyerahan kenang-kenangan kepada pembicara tamu• Sesi foto bersama

10.30 - 10.45 Sesi Poster10.45 - 11.00 Co ee break

12.30-13.15 IshomaSesi Paralel IIKlaster Agro

13.15 - 15.30

15.30 -15.45 Co ee break15.45 - 16.15 Presentasi Cro Life

Sesi Pembicara Tamu II1615 -17 00 (Moderator: Prof. Dr. Ir. Siti Subandiyah, M.Agr.Sc)

. . 3. Prof. Koji Kageyama (Gifu University, Japan)"Advanced taxonom 0 lant atho enic oom cetes based on the molecular se uences"

17.00 - 17.05 Pen erahan kenan -kenan an ke ada embicara17.05 - 17.15 Pen umuman Pemakalah Poster dan Pemakalah Oral terbaik

• Penutupan17.15 - 17.30 P b·l S tifik t• en am 1 an er 1 1 a

11.00 -12.30

Sesi Paralel IKlaster Agro I. M. Saifur Rohman, M.Eng., Ph.D.

II. Dr. Tri Rini Nuringtyas, M.Sc,III. Dr. Ir. Jaka Widada

Klaster Kesehatan Dr. Rarastoeti Pratiwi, M.Sc.Klaster Lingkungan Dr. Ir. SartoKlaster Industri Dr. M. Nur Cah anto

I. M. Saifur Rohman, M.Eng., Ph.D.II. Dr. Tri Rini Nuringtyas, M.Se,III. Dr. Ir. Jaka Widada

Klaster Kesehatan Dr. Rarastoeti Pratiwi, M.5c.Klaster Industri Dr. M. Nur Cah anto


Page 3: BukuProgram D A Priyadi... · 2017. 1. 26. · Sambutan dan Pembukaan Semnas Bioteknologi IV2016 08.30- 08.35 (Caretaker Direktur Sekolah Pascasarjana - Prof. dr. Iwan Dwiprahasto,


32 A-32 Potensi Metabolik Mikroorganisme Agustina Tangapo', "[urusan Biologi, Universitas SamC/'J yang Terkait dengan Akar Ubi Jalar Dea Indriani Astuti', Ratulangi, Manado 95115, IndonesiarrlC/'J (Ipomoea batatas) Pingkan AditiawatP* lSekolah Ilmu dan Teknologi Hayati (SITH),...0 Metabolic Potensial of Microorganisms ITB, Bandung 40132, Indonesia

~ Associated With Root of Sweet Potato(Ipomoeabatatas)

~33 A-33 Transfotmasi Gen Amorfa-4,ll-diena Elfahmp'%', Fani ISchool of Pharmacy, Bandung Institute

sintase dan Protein 19 Secara Transien Mutia CahyanP,2, of Technology, JI. Ganesha 10 Bandung,

~ dengan Syringe Infiltration pada Tati Kristianti', Sony Indonesia, 40132

t:: Tanaman Artemisia annua L. Serta Suhandono" 2 Biotechnology and Biosciences Research

'6" Pengaruhnya Terhadiip Kandungan Centre, Bandung Institute of Technology~ Artemisinin Sebagai Antimalaria 3 School of Life sciences and Technology,...

Transformation of Amorpha,4-11,diene Bandung Institute of Technology, JI.~:c synthase And Protein 19 Genes Ganesha 10 Bandung, Indonesia, 40132In Transiently Using Syringe Infiltration Into~ Artemisia annua L. Plant And Its Effect On

~Artemisinin Production As Antimalaria

-/ ---..\J A-34 Analisis Pohon Filogenetik pada Sapl Owl Ahmad Priyadi', 'Departemen Pemuliaan dan Reproduksi

Peranakan Angus Yudi Adinata", Tety Temak Fakultas Petemakan UniversitasPhylogenie Tree Analysis of Angus Grade Hartatik' Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta 66281, Indonesia

= Cattle 'Loka Penelitian Sapi Potong, Grati,

~Pasuruan 6714, Indonesia

*Corresponding author: [email protected]~ 35 A-35 Isolation and characterization Charlie Ester de 'Research Center for Biotechnology,II):;: endophytic diazotrophic bacteria from Fretesu',YektiAsih Universitas Gadjah Mada;;; sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Purwestri-', Donny 2Doctoral Student of Biotechnology Study... Moench) WidiantoIA Program, School of Graduate, Universitas"" GadjahMada~== 3Biochemistry Laboratory, Faculty of...I Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada~...I 4Department of Microbiology, Faculty of

~Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada

'Corresponding author: charlie.ester.d.fts

~mail. ugm.ac.id

36 A-36 Konstruksi Gen CYP71A VI pada Vektor Elfahmjl', Lely Sulfiani 1 Sekolah Farrnasi, Institut Teknologi0 pCAMBIA 1303 dan Transformasi ke Saula1, Tati Kristianti', Bandung...~

dalam Agrobacterium tumefaciens Sony Suhandono? 2 Sekolah Ilmu Teknologi Hayati, InstitutConstruction of CYP71AVI Gene Into Teknologi Bandung

pCAMBIA 1303 and Transformation To * Korespondensi:Agrobacterium tumefaciens Dr. Elfahmi, Sekolah Farmasi Institut

Teknologi Bandung081386475894; [email protected]

37 A-37 Identifikasi Molekuler Jamur Patogen Iinaniar Hikmah .)Sekolah Pascasarjana Program Studi


Penyebab Busuk Lunak Pada Porang Noorvltri·, Arif Bioteknologi, Universitas Gadjah Mada(Amorphophallus muelleri) Wlbowob and Sitl b) Program Studl Umu Hama dan Penyakit

Molecular Identification of Fungal Subandiyah" Tumbuhan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas

~ Pathogens causing Soft Rot of GadjahMada

:;: Amorp/l0pltallus muelleri;;; 38 A-38 Kualltas Bakteriologis Susu Sapi Kennis Rozana1, Dwi [urusan Bioteknologi Sekolah Ilmu... di Kabupaten Jember Berdasarkan Wahyuni2, Mochammad Teknologi Hayati Institut Teknologi"" Kandungan Bakteri Coliform IqbaP. Bandung~t:: (Escherichia coli) Jalan Ganesha No,10 Bandung

S The Bacteriological Quality of Milk's Email: [email protected],ac.id


Cow in Jember District Based on theContaining Coliform Bacteria (Escherichia


~39 A·39 Aktivitas Penghambatan Ekstrak Etanol K. Srie Marhaeni Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian UPN

Rumput Laut Caulerp« sp, Terhadap Julyasih dan Arika "Veteran" [awa Timur0 Jamur Aspergilllls flavlls pada Bili Purnawati Email: [email protected]...!3 JagungC/'J Inhibition Activity of Extract Ethanol

Caulerpa sp. Seaweeds to Aspergillus fIavuson Mayze


Page 4: BukuProgram D A Priyadi... · 2017. 1. 26. · Sambutan dan Pembukaan Semnas Bioteknologi IV2016 08.30- 08.35 (Caretaker Direktur Sekolah Pascasarjana - Prof. dr. Iwan Dwiprahasto,


••••••••mStudlS>i>' ••••• kn etc '" ••••••••• UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADASekol.h Pucuarjl.ft& UGM •••••••••...,."' .

Panitia Seminar Nasional Bioteknologi IV

"Bioteknologi, Perubahan, dan Masa Depan"

29 Oktober 2016

Penasehat:1. Prof. Ir. Suryo Purwono, MA.Sc., Ph.D2. Prof. Drh. Widya Asmara, SU., Ph.D3. Prof. Ir. Irfan D. Prijambada, M. Eng., Ph.D4. Prof. Dr. Ir. Siti Subandiyah, M.Agr.Sc.5. Ir. Donny Widianto, Ph.D6. Ora. Rarastoeti Pratiwi, M.Sc., Ph.D

Ketua Pelaksana: Dr. Ir. Chusnul Hanim, M.5i.

Bendahara : Joko Budisantoso

Kesekretariatan :1. Chahyaning Ardhiani, S.P.2. Ida Ayu Preharsini Kusuma, S.Si.3. Bernadia Branitarnahisi, S.5i.4. Ikhsan Fauzi Wiryawan, S.Si.

Seksi Ilmiah :1. Dr. Yekti Asih Purwestri, S.Si., M.Si.2. Dr. Tri Rini Nuringtyas, M.Sc.3. Dr. M. Saifur Rohman4. Puput Putri Nurbasari, S.P.5. Ari Surya Sukarno, S.Pt. M. Biotech6. Demas Bayu Handika, S.Pi.7. Laurensia Maria Yulian D.O., S.Pt.8. Firasti Agung N. S., S.Farm.,Apt.

Seksi Acara:1. Annisa Nazera Fauzia, S.5i.2. Dini Astika Sari, S.5i. M. Biotech3. Venny Kurnia Andika, S.Si.4. M. Fahmy Avicenna, S.Pt.5. Joni Kristanto, S.Farm.,Apt.6. Ifhan Dwinhoven, S.Pi.7. Paryono, S.E., M.P.A.

Seksi Publikasi dan Dokumentasi :1. Nasrullah Harino, S.5i.2. Masreza Parahadi, S.Pd.3. Santosa Pradana Putra S. N., S.5i.4. Stefani Santi Widhiastuti, S.Farm.,Apt.5. Angga Dwi Prasetyo, S.Pd.

Seksi Konsumsi :1. Arsiyah2. Tri Purwanti3. Siti Rochani, S.E.


Page 5: BukuProgram D A Priyadi... · 2017. 1. 26. · Sambutan dan Pembukaan Semnas Bioteknologi IV2016 08.30- 08.35 (Caretaker Direktur Sekolah Pascasarjana - Prof. dr. Iwan Dwiprahasto,


Auditorium Sekolah Pesccserjcnc UGM YogyakartaJI. Tekniko Utoro, Pogung, Siemon, Yogyokorto, 55281

Page 6: BukuProgram D A Priyadi... · 2017. 1. 26. · Sambutan dan Pembukaan Semnas Bioteknologi IV2016 08.30- 08.35 (Caretaker Direktur Sekolah Pascasarjana - Prof. dr. Iwan Dwiprahasto,


Sekolah Pucuarjana UGM ••••••••••• ......,..


Analisis Pohon Filogenetik pada Sapi Peranakan Angus

Phylogenie Tree Analysis of Angus Grade Cattle

Dwi Ahmad Priyadie, Yudi Adinata", Tety Hartatik"aDepartemen Pemuliaan dan Reproduksi Ternak Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta

66281, IndonesiabLokaPenelitian Sapi Potong, Grati, Pasuruan 6714, Indonesia

*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Studi terkait kemurnian ternak sapi di Indonesia perlu dilakukan guna mengetahui nilai kekerabatan danmemprediksi nenek moyang, agar usaha pemuliaan ternak dapat dilakukan secara tepat. Hal tersebut dapat dilakukandengan menggunakan studi.kekerabatan berdasar gen Cytochrome b yang diwariskan secara maternal. Penelitian inimenggunakan sampel sebanyak 15 ekor sapi Peranakan Angus yang berasal dari Sragen, Jawa Tengah, yang telahdibudidayakan sejak tahun 1980-an. Materi pembanding berupa 50 data sekuen referensi gen Cytochrome b dariberbagai sapi dan negara (GenBank). Pembuatan pohon filogenetik menggunakan program Mega 6 dengan metodeMaximum Likelihood (1000nilai Bootstrap, parameter Kimura-Nei) dengan pembanding 8 sekuen gen Cytochromeb individu out-group (GenBank). Hasil yang didapatkan ialah sapi Peranakan Angus yang disampel terbagi dalam2 cabang moyang, yaitu cabang yang memuat Banteng (Bosjavanicus) dan cabang Sapi Domestik (Bos indicus danBos taurus), dengan mayoritas sampel (n= 13) berada pada cabang Banteng. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa sebagianbesar sapi Indonesia masa kini, baik persilangan maupun lokal memiliki moyang maternal yang berasal dari Bantengdan sebagian kecil memiliki kedekatan moyang dengan Bos indicus atau Bos taurus. Kuat praduga bahwa moyangasli (endemik) sapi Indonesia dan sekitarnya ialah sapi dari spesies Bos javanicus, Bos sauveli, Bos gaurus, dan Bosfrontalis.

Kata kunci: sapi peranakan Angus, pohon filogenetik, cytochrome b, pohon maximum likelihood, sapi lokal Indonesia,Banteng


Studies about Indonesian cattle genetic purity should be encourage to determine the value of blood relationshipand ancestors prediction, so the effort to improve livestock quality could be done correctly. This can be done by studiesbased on Cytochrome b gene that is inherited maternally. The samples are 15Angus Grade cattles from Sragen, CentralJava, which have been reared since 1980s. The comparative datas were 50 Cytochrome b gene reference sequencesfrom various breeds and countries (GenBank). The phylogenetic tree arranged by Mega 6 software with MaximumLikelihood method (Bootstrap values 1000,Kimura-Nei parameter) used 8 out-group Cytochrome b genes sequencecomparators (GenBank). The results obtained that the Angus grade cattle had 2 branches ancestors, that branchbelongs to Banteng (Bos javanicus) and branch belong to Domestic Cattle (Bos indicus; Bos taurus), with majorityof the sample (n=13) were at the Banteng branch. The result indicates that most of Indonesian cattle presently, bothcrosses and local, had Banteng maternal ancestor and a small portion had close ancestor with Bos indicus or Bostaurus. Strong presumption that ancestors of native (endemic) cattle in Indonesia and the surrounding regions arespecies of Bos javanicus, Bos sauveli, Bos gaurus, and Bos frontalis.

Keywords: Angus grade cattle, the phylogenetic tree, cytochrome b, maximum likelihood tree, Indonesian localcattle, Banteng


Page 7: BukuProgram D A Priyadi... · 2017. 1. 26. · Sambutan dan Pembukaan Semnas Bioteknologi IV2016 08.30- 08.35 (Caretaker Direktur Sekolah Pascasarjana - Prof. dr. Iwan Dwiprahasto,


Phylogenic Tree Analysis of Angus Grade Cattle

Dwi Ahmad Priyadi1, Yudi Adinata

2, Tety Hartatik


1 Department of Breeding and Animal Reproduction Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas

Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta 66281, Indonesia,

2 Loka Penelitian Sapi Potong, Grati, Pasuruan 6714, Indonesia

Corresponding author: [email protected]

Abstract: Studies about Indonesian cattle genetic purity should be encourage to determine the

value of blood relationship and ancestors prediction, so the effort to improve livestock quality

could be done correctly. This can be done by studies based on Cytochrome b gene that is only

inherited maternally. The samples are 15 Angus Grade cattles from Sragen, Central Java, which

have been reared since 1980s. The comparative datas were 54 Cytochrome b gene reference

sequences from various breeds and countries (GenBank). The phylogenetic tree arranged by

Mega 6 software with maximum likelihood method (Bootstrap values 1000, Tamura-Nei

parameter) used 8 out-group Cytochrome b genes sequence comparators (GenBank). The

results obtained that the Angus grade cattle had 2 branches ancestors, that branch belongs to

Banteng (Bos javanicus) and branch belong to Domestic Cattle (Bos indicus; Bos taurus), with

majority of the sample (n=13) were at the Banteng branch. The result indicates that most of

Indonesian cattle presently, both crosses and local, had Banteng maternal ancestor and a small

portion had close ancestor with Bos indicus or Bos taurus. Strong presumption that ancestors of

native cattle in Indonesia and the surrounding regions are species of Bos javanicus, Bos sauveli,

Bos grunniens and Bos frontalis.

Keywords: Angus grade cattle, Banteng, cytochrome b, maximum likelihood tree, Indonesian

cattle, the phylogenetic tree


Studies related to the phylogenetic relationship and predictions ancestors of livestock is needed to

support the conservation efforts of a livestock breed as well as the development of cattle breeding.

One technique that developed to determine the degree of organism kinship is the genetic material

comparison technique, with the understanding that there are evolution rate and specialization rate of

a population, phylogenetic tree based on genetic material can reconstruct kinship, and maximum

likelihood method appropriately used in a scientific context by this time (Aprilanto and Sembiring,

2016). Genetic material in an eukaryotic organism divided into genetic material in the nucleus

(nuclear DNA) and genetic material in the mitochondria (mtDNA), studies on mtDNA is frequently

used to determine the rate of evolution, migration of population and relationship of organism (Karp,

2010), because mitochondria are inherited only from maternal lines (Griffith et al., 2005).

Cytochrome b (Cyt b) gene is mtDNA that frequently used for determine the genetic relationship in

cattle (Kikkawa et al., 2005; Mohamed et al., 2005; Hartatik et al., 2015). Angus grade cattles were

Page 8: BukuProgram D A Priyadi... · 2017. 1. 26. · Sambutan dan Pembukaan Semnas Bioteknologi IV2016 08.30- 08.35 (Caretaker Direktur Sekolah Pascasarjana - Prof. dr. Iwan Dwiprahasto,


the result of crossbreeding between Indonesian local cattle in Sragen region of East Java with

Angus cattle since the 1980s, this is similar to the development of Brangus cattle with the final

results of blood composition was 5/8 Angus and 3/8 Brahman (Neser et al., 2012). Cattles that exist

today can not be denied were from the domestication of wild cattle, during the domestication

process the genetic selection rate will occur towards the desired trait for human (Diamond, 2002).

The materials of this study were Cyt b gene of 15 Angus grade cattle, with comparator datas were

54 sequences (GenBank) Cyt b gene from various countries and various cattle breeds.

Material and Method

Sample collection and DNA isolation

Genome DNA obtained from the whole blood of 15 Angus grade cattle reared in Sragen regency,

Central Java province. Blood sampling using vacuum tubes containing K3EDTA (BD vacuntainer).

Isolation of DNA performed using Extaction Kit (Genetic Science) in the Laboratory of Genetics

and Animal Breeding Faculty of Animal Science UGM. The quality of the isolation product

determined using gel electrophoresis (1%), the thick and clearly DNA bands was the prefered result

(Lee et al., 2012). Fifty-four GenBank sequence comparison of various countries (Cambodia,

America, China, India, Germany, France, New Zealand, Sri-Lanka, and some unmentioned

countries) and the various cattle breeds (Bos javanicus; Bos taurus: Angus, Angus -X, Minnan,

Bohai Black, Heinan, Jiaxian, Leizhou, Xuanhan, Luxi, Yanbian, Qinchuan, Mengu; Bos indicus:

Ongole, Zwerg Zebu, Leiqiong, Sri-lanka native, and some unmentioned breeds) collected from

NCBI sites (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov).

Amplification of DNA by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method

Primer arranged based on full-genome mitochondrial cattle (GenBank accession No:

AF492350.1) with targeting Cyt b gene, in order to obtain primer; forward (5'-AAA AAC CAT CAT


amplify 464 bp DNA fragments. Polymerase Chain Reaction performed in a total reaction of 30 µl,

containing 0.75 µl of DNA, 1.5 µl of both forward and reverse primer, 15 µl PCR Kit (KAPA

BIOSYSTEMS), and 11.25 µl aquabidest (Otsuka). The reactions were performed using a thermal

cycle (PEQLAB Primus 25 advanced) with a predenaturation temperature at 95°C for 2 minutes,

followed with 35 cycle of reaction; denaturation at 95°C for 36 seconds, annealing at a temperature

of 51°C for 73 seconds, extension at 72°C for 84 seconds, and a final extension at 72°C for 3

minutes. The quality of the PCR product was determined using gel electrophoresis (2%), the thick

and clearly DNA bands was the prefered result (Lee et al., 2012).

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Sequencing and phylogenetic tree analysis

The 30 µl/samples of PCR product and 20 µl of primer sent to the PT. Genetics Science for

sequenced. A total of 69 sequences of Cyt b (15 Angus grade cattle, and 54 GenBank sequence),

aligned using Bioedit program (version 7.2.5) and grouped by the similarity of nucleotides.

Phylogenetic tree (Maximum likelihood; bootstrap value 1000; Tamura-Nei parameters) was

conducted using the program Mega 6 to reconstruction the phylogeny between samples by adding

sequences of out group Cyt b (Bos gaurus (Gaur; domestication Mitun), Bos frontalis (Mitun), Bos

sauveli (Kuprey), Bos grunniens (Yak), Bison bonasus, Bison priscus, Ovis aries and Capra hircus)

as a comparison.

Result and Discussion

The alignment results of 69 Cyt b gene sequences showed similarity genotype, so it can be

classified into 9 type. Type 1 consists of Angus grade cattle (n = 13) and Bos javanicus (n = 1),

Type 2 consists of Angus grade cattle (n = 2), Bos taurus (n = 11), and Bos indicus (n = 15), Type 4

to 6 consists of Bos taurus (n= 1; 1; 1; 20; respectively), and Type 7 to 9 consists of Bos indicus (n

= 1; 1; 2; respectively).

Analysis of the common ancestry using maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree method obtained

the results as shown in Figure 1. Genotype Type 2 to 9 are on the same branch, while Type 1 on the

separate branches. Angus grade cattle which were in the Type 1 (n = 13) had a maternal parent

derived from Banteng cattle (Bos javanicus; EF693797.1) this is similar to the previous research in

Madura and Java cattle (Hartatik et al., 2015). While the Angus grade cattle which were in the Type 2

(n = 2) had a close relationship with the Type 3, 4, 5, 8 and 9 that consists of Bos taurus and Bos

indicus. This statement is supported by the previous research results, which states that the majority of

Indonesian cattle had Banteng mtDNA, and only a small portion had Bos indicus mtDNA (Mohamad

et al., 2009).

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Figure 1. The phylogenetic tree reconstruction using 8 out-group sequence comparison

Type 1 genotip were in the same branch with Bos gaurus, Bos frontalis, Bos sauveli, Bos

grunniens, Bison priscus and Bison bonasus. Genetic distance based on mtDNA showed the genus

Bos (Gaur, Banteng, Kuprey) have the same parent (2.6 million years ago), and split the pedigree in

a short time (between 2.6 to 2.3 million years ago), then they are possible became the ancestry of

present cattle in the Asia (Hassanin and Ropiquet, 2004). The proximity of genus Bos and Bison,

also shown by the discovery of similarities in mtDNA haplotip of Bison (40% of the population),

crosses among them can produce fertile offspring (Ward et al., 1999).

The calculation of genetic distance in 9 genotype and 8 out-group sequence shows the range

value between 0.192 to 0.000 (Table 1). The highest genetic distance shown between Capra hircus

with Type 1 and Bos javanicus. The smallest genetic distance and identical demonstrated between

Type 1 with Bos javanicus. Type 2 had the smallest genetic distances with type 3, 4, 5, 8, and 9, by

the value of 0.03, which consists of Bos taurus and Bos indicus. Among the genus Bos, the highest

distance was shown betwen Type 7 with Bos grunniens by the value of 0.129. While among 9 type

of genotype, Type 7 shows the highest genetic distance compared to Type 1 (0.126) as well as

compared to other types that were in a same phylogenetic tree branch (0,041).

NC024818.1|Bos gaurus

AB542186.1|Bos frontalis

AY689189.1|Bos sauveli

EF693797.1|Bos javanicus

Type 1

KX232522.1|Bos grunniens

KR350472.1|Bison priscus

HQ223450.1|Bison bonasus

Type 6

Type 9

Type 7

Type 8

Type 2

Type 5

Type 4

Type 3

KP981378.1|Ovis aries

D84201.1|Capra hircus

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Table 1. The genetic distance of each population based on Cyt b gene sequences Pop CH OA BB BP BS BGn BG BF BJ T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8


OA 0,121

BB 0,174 0,153

BP 0,167 0,156 0,073

BS 0,186 0,153 0,064 0,058

BGn 0,181 0,164 0,085 0,027 0,064

BG 0,181 0,156 0,070 0,047 0,032 0,065

BF 0,185 0,160 0,073 0,050 0,035 0,068 0,003

BJ 0,192 0,153 0,089 0,065 0,050 0,083 0,047 0,050

T1 0,192 0,153 0,089 0,065 0,050 0,083 0,047 0,050 0,000

T2 0,157 0,168 0,073 0,070 0,083 0,095 0,079 0,082 0,092 0,092

T3 0,160 0,171 0,076 0,073 0,085 0,098 0,082 0,085 0,095 0,095 0,003

T4 0,160 0,171 0,076 0,073 0,085 0,098 0,082 0,085 0,095 0,095 0,003 0,005

T5 0,160 0,172 0,076 0,073 0,085 0,098 0,082 0,085 0,095 0,095 0,003 0,005 0,005

T6 0,157 0,175 0,073 0,064 0,076 0,089 0,073 0,076 0,086 0,086 0,011 0,013 0,013 0,013

T7 0,190 0,202 0,106 0,103 0,116 0,129 0,116 0,126 0,126 0,126 0,030 0,032 0,032 0,032 0,041

T8 0,157 0,168 0,076 0,073 0,085 0,098 0,082 0,085 0,095 0,095 0,003 0,005 0,005 0,005 0,013 0,027

T9 0,160 0,164 0,070 0,067 0,082 0,092 0,076 0,079 0,089 0,089 0,003 0,005 0,005 0,005 0,013 0,032 0,005

Explanation; Pop: Population, CH: C. hircus, OA: O. aries, BB: Bison bonasus, BP: Bison priscus, BS: Bos sauveli,

BGn: Bos grunniens, BG: Bos gaurus, BF: Bos frontalis, BJ: Bos javanicus, T1: type 1, T2: type 2, T3: type 3, T4: type

4, T5: type 5, T6: type 6, T7: type 7, T8: type 8, T9: type 9. The datas analyzed using the program Mega 6 with Kimura

2-parameter models

Type 2 genotype cattle have a highly possiblility to have Bos indicus maternal ancestor, because

mtDNA taurine yet discovered in Indonesian cattle. So it could be interpreted that cattle with

Taurine phenotype appearance was the result of decline from male (bull or cement) introduction

(Mohamad et al., 2009). As comparative case, in Indonesian cattle, common mismatch between the

Cyt b (Bos javanicus) gene and Sex-determining Region Y (SRY) (Bos indicus) occure in 87.7% of

population of cattle with Zebu fenotype appearance, the case were also reported in Nepal, 16.7% of

population of cattle with Zebu fenotype appearance cattle had mtDNA Bos gruinense and SRY gene

Bos indicus. (Kikkawa et al., 2005). Cyt b gene Bos javanicus is also common in Indonesian

Brahman cattle (Hartatik et al., 2016).


Most of the Angus grade cattle that have long been reared in Sragen, Central Java has

similarities Cyt b gene with Banteng (Bos javanicus), and a small portion has Bos indicus. The

reconstruction of phylogenetic tree showed Angus grade cattle split into two branches, namely

Banteng branch, and Domestic cattle branch.


This research was supported by Loka Penelitian Sapi Potong Grati. Thank to Retno Setyawati for

isolating the DNA.


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