building scalable network applications with netty (as presented on nljug jfall 2013)

Building scalable network applications with Netty Jaap ter Woerds @jaaptw XMS pin: EBDDFF9A

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The presentation I gave on creating server application with Netty, including an example of how it is used to power XMS the mobile messaging platform of eBuddy. Example code is on github: More information on eBuddy: and


Page 1: Building scalable network applications with Netty (as presented on NLJUG JFall 2013)

Building scalable network applications with Netty

Jaap ter Woerds@jaaptw


Page 2: Building scalable network applications with Netty (as presented on NLJUG JFall 2013)

The trouble with synchronous IO

Page 3: Building scalable network applications with Netty (as presented on NLJUG JFall 2013)

The trouble with synchronous IO

Page 4: Building scalable network applications with Netty (as presented on NLJUG JFall 2013)

The trouble with synchronous IO

Page 5: Building scalable network applications with Netty (as presented on NLJUG JFall 2013)

Creating your custom server

Page 6: Building scalable network applications with Netty (as presented on NLJUG JFall 2013)

Creating your custom server

Page 7: Building scalable network applications with Netty (as presented on NLJUG JFall 2013)


Unified, asynchronous programming model. All IO operations return immediately.

Page 8: Building scalable network applications with Netty (as presented on NLJUG JFall 2013)


Channel channel ChannelFutureListener() { @Override public void operationComplete(ChannelFuture future) throws Exception { if(future.isSuccess()){ // Business as usual } else{ // Handle failure } }});

Page 9: Building scalable network applications with Netty (as presented on NLJUG JFall 2013)


Networking application framework with a modular architecture and quite some ready reusable


Page 10: Building scalable network applications with Netty (as presented on NLJUG JFall 2013)

When should I care about this?

Custom servers / networking applications / proxies

High concurrency

Page 11: Building scalable network applications with Netty (as presented on NLJUG JFall 2013)

Netty concepts

Page 12: Building scalable network applications with Netty (as presented on NLJUG JFall 2013)

Netty concepts

ByteBuf random accessable sequence of bytes

Abstraction over plain byte arrays and NIO buffers

Page 13: Building scalable network applications with Netty (as presented on NLJUG JFall 2013)

Netty concepts

ByteBuf Use: encoding and decoding data

ByteBuf b = .b.writeInt(3).writeBoolean(true);

Page 14: Building scalable network applications with Netty (as presented on NLJUG JFall 2013)

Netty concepts

Channel Link ('connection') to a resource that provides IO operations like read /


Page 15: Building scalable network applications with Netty (as presented on NLJUG JFall 2013)

Netty concepts

ChannelChannel c = ..;


Page 16: Building scalable network applications with Netty (as presented on NLJUG JFall 2013)

Netty concepts

ChannelHandler IO event listener,handles outbound and / or inbound events.

Page 17: Building scalable network applications with Netty (as presented on NLJUG JFall 2013)

Netty concepts

ChannelInboundHandler Defines listener methods for incoming IO events

Page 18: Building scalable network applications with Netty (as presented on NLJUG JFall 2013)

Netty concepts


channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx)channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg)

channelReadComplete(ChannelHandlerContext ctx)channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx)


Page 19: Building scalable network applications with Netty (as presented on NLJUG JFall 2013)

Netty concepts

ChannelOutboundHandler Defines listener methods for outgoing IO events

Page 20: Building scalable network applications with Netty (as presented on NLJUG JFall 2013)

Netty concepts


write(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg, ChannelPromise..)flush(ChannelHandlerContext ctx)

Page 21: Building scalable network applications with Netty (as presented on NLJUG JFall 2013)

Netty concepts

ChannelPipelineA List of ChannelHandlers that process incoming and outgoing events

in a specific order

Page 22: Building scalable network applications with Netty (as presented on NLJUG JFall 2013)

Netty concepts

ChannelInitializerConfigures the pipeline for a Channel. In fact, a special case of

ChannelInboundHandler which creates the handlers for a channel whenerver a new channel is registered.

Page 23: Building scalable network applications with Netty (as presented on NLJUG JFall 2013)

Netty concepts

ChannelInitializerConfigures the pipeline for a Channel. In fact, a special case of

ChannelInboundHandler which creates the handlers for a channel whenerver a new channel is registered.

Page 24: Building scalable network applications with Netty (as presented on NLJUG JFall 2013)

Netty concepts

ChannelInitializer @Override public void initChannel(SocketChannel ch) throws Exception { ChannelPipeline pipeline = ch.pipeline(); // Decoders pipeline.addLast("frameDecoder", new LineBasedFrameDecoder(MAX_LENGTH)); pipeline.addLast("stringDecoder", STRING_DECODER); pipeline.addLast("moderatorHandler", moderatorHandler); pipeline.addLast("chatServerHandler", chatServerHandler); // Encoder pipeline.addLast("stringEncoder", STRING_ENCODER); }

Page 25: Building scalable network applications with Netty (as presented on NLJUG JFall 2013)

Netty concepts


EventLoopGroup bossGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup();EventLoopGroup workerGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup();ServerBootstrap b = new ServerBootstrap();, workerGroup) .channel(NioServerSocketChannel.class) .option(ChannelOption.SO_BACKLOG, BACKLOG) .handler(new LoggingHandler(LogLevel.INFO)) .childHandler(channelInitializer);ChannelFuture f = b.bind(port).sync();;

Page 26: Building scalable network applications with Netty (as presented on NLJUG JFall 2013)

Netty architecture

Chain of responsibilityIncoming data flow through the ChannelPipeline

- Framing ByteBuf- Decode frames

- Decode frames in DTOs/POJOs

Page 27: Building scalable network applications with Netty (as presented on NLJUG JFall 2013)

Netty architecture

Page 28: Building scalable network applications with Netty (as presented on NLJUG JFall 2013)

Netty components

Out of the box support for:Streaming compression Zlib

SSL stream encryptionHTTP


Page 29: Building scalable network applications with Netty (as presented on NLJUG JFall 2013)

XMS server protocol layer

Page 30: Building scalable network applications with Netty (as presented on NLJUG JFall 2013)

Example SSE / CORS

Page 31: Building scalable network applications with Netty (as presented on NLJUG JFall 2013)

Example SSE / CORS

In the last handler we deal with normal POJO and handle an incoming request without actually caring about the connection layer!

@Overridepublic void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) { IncomingMessagePojo m = (IncomingMessagePojo) msg; handle(m);// Login / Send a text message/ Handle create group}

Page 32: Building scalable network applications with Netty (as presented on NLJUG JFall 2013)

Example SSE / CORS

Page 33: Building scalable network applications with Netty (as presented on NLJUG JFall 2013)

Thank you!

Example code:

Further reading:
