building construction design...areas such as; leadingand inspiring people, living the...

October/November 2018 Appointments & News Building Products Interiors Exteriors 02 09 14 17 building construction design Image: Floating Homes Project © Vent-Axia

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October/November 2018

Appointments & NewsBuilding Products



Image: Floating Homes Project © Vent-Axia

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Important Smoke Control Notice Product and System Safety Guidance

buildings, or if you install AOVs and smoke control systems, take note of this important information from SE Controls.

Under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, the building owner or manager is responsible for ensuring the smoke ventilation system is compliant. Compliance doesn�t just

building which is safe for occupation.

If a contractor is used to install or maintain the smoke ventilation system, make sure they can provide evidence that the system is compliant, and therefore safe. Below are some key things to look out for.

EN 12101For a product to be placed on the market in the European Economic Area, it must be CE marked. Under the Construction Product Regulations, it must be CE marked to a particular standard, in the case of smoke ventilation it is to the EN 12101 suite of standards. A Declaration of Performance (DoP) can only be issued if these requirements have been met.

� EN 12101: Pt 2 � Natural Smoke and Heat Exhaust Ventilators (SHEV)� EN 12101: Pt 3 � Powered SHEVs

� EN 12101: Pt 8 � Smoke Control Dampers� EN 12101: Pt 9 provisional � Control Panels� EN 12101: Pt 10 � Power Supplies

safety can�t be guaranteed and a DoP can�t be issued.

BS7346-8 Code of PracticeBS7346-8 summarises the entire process from design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of the system.

Approved Document BApproved Document B (ADB) provides guidance on complying with the building regulations with regards to means of escape, travel distances, vent locations, free area calculations, access and

BS9999 and BS9991

residential buildings respectively.

SE Controls is a member of the Smoke Control Association. If you want to check that the

+44 (0)1543 [email protected] us on

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Appointments & News

Viessmann boilers awarded Best Buy status

Viessmann has secured a Which? Best Buy status for its six most popularVitodens gas boilers for the second year in succession. The annual surveyby Which? conducts robust research in order to “reveal the boiler brands you can trust.” Viessmann is also one of only two boiler brands toscore five stars for reliability, customer satisfaction, and engineers’ recommendations. In the overall brand assessment – based on reliability,customers’ scores, and the expert views of engineers – Viessmann scoredsecond place in the table. Which? reports that the survey again resulted in“a huge difference in overall score between the best boiler brands and theworst.” Graham Russell, Viessmann managing director, commented: “Weare delighted to receive this endorsement for the second year running. It isreassuring to hear from a respected independent source that our Which?Best Buy boilers are pleasing end-users. And it is especially satisfying toscore a top rating from heating engineers.”

CPD FOCUSThe latest CPD courses, seminarsand documents for architects

Reynaers has introduced itslatest RIBA-approved CPDthat looks at all aspects ofaluminium curtain walling.

The newest CPD touches onsome key areas for considera-tion when specifying theproduct and features types ofcurtain walling, designaesthetics, performance,standards and building regulations as well as anumber of eye-catching case studies.

The leading aluminiumsystems supplier has long beenproviding a programme ofhigh quality CPD material toarchitects and specifiers.

It has developed a number ofother presentations andseminars, independently certi-fied by RIBA. New Module 1focuses entirely on curtain

walling and the secondmodule, also approved byRIBA, covers sustainabilityand aluminium systems to aidarchitects and specifiersdevelop their knowledge andearn points. The material isexclusive to architects andspecifiers and is offered as a45-minute seminar across the UK.

Marketing manager atReynaers Rebecca Cope said: “We have invested in anumber of new CPD presentations, with more inthe pipeline that will be madeavailable online soon. If youare interested in finding outmore about what materials wemight be able to provide,email or call us and a memberof the team will be in touch.”

0121 421 [email protected]


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Appointments & News

SE Controls has become the firstcompany to be approved under the newSDI 19 certification scheme, which has

been developed by the Smoke ControlAssociation (SCA) in partnership with IFCCertification and has been introduced to helpraise standards across the industry.

Developed to ensure a suitable levelof competency is maintained in all aspectsof smoke control systems, the schemealso covers a contractor’s ability to provideappropriate levels of service and maintenancefollowing installation and commissioning, inline with a building’s type, size and use.

Such is the importance of the recentlyintroduced initiative that it is now mandatoryfor any SCA member involved in theinstallation of smoke control systemsto achieve the accreditation as a conditionof membership.

To become certified under the scheme,businesses must demonstrate their experiencein fire strategy verification together with thedesign, installation and commissioning ofsmoke control systems in accordance with therelevant standards and industry guidancedocuments, including Approved Document Band BS7346 Parts 4, 5, 7 and 8. SE Controlsis the first company to complete the IFC SDI19 certification process including detailedinternal office and external site audits.

SCA Chairman, David Mowatt, explained:“The independent review of buildingregulations and fire safety supports clear

cultural changes in the procurement, design,construction and maintenance of buildingsand building systems in order to deliver saferbuildings. Contractors should be responsiblefor the systems they install and end usersshould always look to use a capable, experienced contractor.”

IFC Director of Certification, IanWoodhouse, said: “Since the launch of thisscheme in June of 2018 we have alreadyreceived a number of applications andcompanies are currently progressing throughthe certification process. This is notonly encouraging, but also underlines the

importance that the industry assignsto raising competency standards andimproving the quality of companies involvedin installation activities. We’re proud to be akey part of this initiative in partnership withthe SCA.”

Will Perkins, Group Managing Director ofSE Controls, is delighted with the company’snew status and commented: “As a long-standing member of the SCA, we have alwaysmaintained high quality standards in allaspects of our business, as well as supportingthe SCA’s efforts to raise the standards acrossthe industry. This new scheme raises the barfor the smoke control industry and ensuresthat competence, credibility, quality and skill levels are not only improved, but recognised through the auditing and certification process.”

He added: “For over 35 years we havebeen at the forefront of our industry. Ourexpertise combined with our range of ‘TestedSolutions’ enables us to provide compliantproducts and solutions to the highest level,while also underlining our commitment andresponsibility for the reliability of our lifesafety systems. Helping to improve industrystandards has been a long-term commitmentfor us so it seems fitting that SE Controls hasbecome the first company to achieve IFC SDI19 and we hope many more will follow.”

01543 443060

Setting the Standard – SE Controls becomesthe �rst SCA IFC SDI 19 certi�ed company

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Appointments & News

The extensive refurbishment andupgrading of Wolverhampton’sMander Centre shopping mall has

included both Vecta wall lining systems and ‘Forma’ column casing solutions from Encasement as part of the £35 million project.

A key part of the plans was to improve theshopper experience at the Mander centre bycreating a double height full length glassatrium, which incorporates both ground floor and gallery shopping areas linked by afootbridge with escalator access.

The comprehensive revamp has alsoattracted a number of major retailers to thecentre with H&M being one of the first tomove into the new complex, whileDebenhams is one of the latest with its90,000 sq.ft department store.

To help create the high quality finishdemanded by the centre’s owners,Encasement’s Vecta interior wall lining systemwas used to clad the atrium and mallfootbridge, as well as the gallery ring beam bulkhead.

All of the panels were manufactured and

installed by Encasement and are finished inwhite to integrate with the interior designscheme which helps create the bright, openspace for retailers and shoppers.

In addition to the Vecta system,Encasement also manufactured, supplied andinstalled 34 Forma bespoke column casings,which use an elliptical contour design and arelocated around the perimeter of the groundfloor and gallery shopping area to concealstructural steelwork.

Each column casings stands 3000mm high,but the profile dimensions vary depending onthe size of the structural steelwork that needsto be concealed. All casings are manufacturedusing Alucobond® aluminium composite toprovide a durable and tough surface for hightraffic areas and is finished in silver grey to integrate with the colour scheme.

01733 266 889

Stylish casing solutions from Encasement

Bauder has become the first to achievethe Investors in People (‘IIP’) Platinumstandard, the most sought after status in

the National scheme, within the Constructionof Buildings category.The Platinum accreditation is the highest

accolade that can be achieved and is currentlyheld by only 1 per cent of IIP accreditedorganisations. There are currently just 78organisations accredited Nationally and only23 of these are located in the South of England(figures at September 2018).The accolade clearly demonstrates Bauder’s

commitment to its strong Culture and inherentstaff wellbeing, personal development andembedded leadership practices.Andrew Mackenzie, Managing Director,

said about the award: “This is a remarkableachievement for everybody in our Company,we are truly delighted. We never forget thatour continued success is reliant on our brilliantstaff and I am so proud of the team here andeverything they do. It is only right that the

Company strives to provide the best possibleculture and working environment forall employees and the Investors in Peopleaccreditation is a great way of seeing how weare doing and where we should focus to makeBauder an even better place to work.”Family-owned company Bauder, supply

flat roof and green roof systems within the construction industry, with a workforce ofover 160 employees located throughout theUK and Ireland. Bauder had been awardedGold IIP standard in the two previousassessments and has gained the top accoladessince 2012.IIP was launched in 1991 to raise

the performance of UK businesses relative tointernational competitors. The Investors inPeople framework defines what it takes tolead, support and manage people well forsustainable results. In September 2015,Investors in People launched the SixthGeneration Standard, to reflect the latest ofworkplace trends and robust practices

required to create outperforming teams.The Investors in People Framework is a

four stage performance model with nineperformance indicators which enable measure-ment and benchmarking across key businessareas such as; Leadingand inspiringpeople, Living the organisation’s values andbehaviours, Empowering and involvingpeople, Managing performance, Recognisingand rewarding high performance, Structuringwork, Building capability, Deliveringcontinuous improvement and Creatingsustainable success.

01473 257671

Bauder achieves prominent Investors in People Platinum accreditation

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Appointments & News

Newton Waterproofing’s 170thanniversary celebrations got going in style in June, as the historic

company hosted over 70 contractors,architects, engineers and specifiers aboard the‘William B’ Thames cruiser. Guests weretreated to a rivers-eye view of some of the iconic London buildings that Newton has waterproofed and damp proofed over the years.

Times Local Business AwardsRather fittingly, on the same night Newtonalso received the Family Business of the YearAward at the Times Local Business Awards,in recognition of the initiative and talentconsistently displayed by Newton.

Property Care Association BestPractice AwardsMore celebrations were in order two dayslater as Newton also won the SustainabilityAward at the Property Care Association BestPractice Awards. Newton were recognised fortheir industry-leading Membrane RecyclingService, which is unique not just within

property care, but within the constructionindustry as a whole.

Kent Excellence in BusinessAwardsFinally, Newton won two more prizes at theprestigious Kent Excellent in Business Awards(KEiBAs). The team were ecstatic to receivethe Commitment to the Environment andMedium Business of the Year Awards, whichrecognised the significant steps being takenby the company to improve its environmentalcredentials, and the product range, service

levels and family culture within the companyas a whole.“All of the Newton family are proud to be

part of this hardworking and fun-lovingteam, and these awards are a wonderfulrecognition of the contributions that everysingle team member has made towards ourachievements over the years. I think the original John Newton would have approved.”said Warren Muschialli, Managing Director.

01732 [email protected]

Award-Winning Newton celebrates 170 Years

BBA Certified Damp Proofing from NewtonThanks to its new BBA certified damp proofing range, Newton Waterproofing Systems, one of the oldestindependent UK damp proofing suppliers, can now provide a comprehensive solution for rising damp.

To prevent rising damp from occurring in new builds, a physical damp proof course (DPC), such as the BBAcertified Newton 809-DPC, is installed. However, in remedial rising damp situations the best method is to useNewton 804-DPC, a high strength and BBA certified damp proofing cream, to convert an existing mortarcourse into a new DPC. Newton 808-RA is then used as a render additive to prevent the passage of residualmoisture and hygroscopic salts from the masonry to the new internal surface.

Collectively, the Newtonite Damp Proofing System can be combined to provide a BBA certified solution to allforms of damp, from rising damp to penetrating damp, residual hygroscopic damp and condensation.

01732 806 963

Clean air strategy is a breath of fresh airVortice Limited has always been committedto educating its customers about the importance of ventilation and is nowthrilled to get behind DEFRA’s new cleanair strategy consultation. This new draftoutlines very simply that ‘Air pollution isthe top environmental risk to humanhealth in the UK, and the fourth greatest

threat to public health after cancer’. The draft clearly shows theconnection between suitable, correct ventilation and good indoor airquality which maintains the health and wellbeing of the occupants.

01283 492949

Fireproof balcony flooring

Neaco’s latest range of fireproof balconyflooring systems provides an exceptionalcombination of safety and durability.All systems are manufactured fromaluminium which is A1 Fire Rated andfully compliant with Class 0 of ApprovedDocument B ‘Fire Safety.’ The aluminium

is also corrosive-free, with a design life up to 120 years, providing mainte-nance-free use and far greater longevity in comparison to wood-baseddecking solutions. Each option provides efficient drainage which avoidsthe need for cumbersome soffits, hoppers and drainpipes. The deckingsurfaces are specially engineered for exceptional slip resistance.

[email protected]

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Building Products

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Firing imaginations for over 37 years

W O O D B U R N I N G | G A S M U LT I - F U E L | E L E C T R I C

w w w . s t o v a x . c o m

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Bona Certified Contractors, TimberedFlooring, used Bona products for the installation and finishing of a

20mm engineered, dark fumed oak parquet floor at London's new urban hotel, Assembly London.Bona D501 primer was applied to the

WBP plywood subfloor, and then the parquetblocks were stuck down using Bona R848silane adhesive. The pre-wirebrushed blockswere then finished with Bona Craft Oil 2K(Frost) and buffed back again to achieve awhite limed effect in the grain – which alsotook away some of the darkness of the fumedoak. Two coats of Bona Traffic HD (silk matt)lacquer – Bona's most durable polyurethanefinish – was then applied to provide the hardwearing surface required in the busy bar area.The fast curing time of both Bona CraftOil 2K and Bona Traffic HD enabledthe Timbered team to work within atight timetable. Timbered Flooring's Laurence Warburton

said, “We also provided a maintenancespecification to the client which includedregular cleaning with Bona Cleaner and an

annual rebuffing and resealing with TrafficHD. Following a maintenance regime like thismeans the floor will always look good and theexpense and downtime caused by sanding itback to bare wood will be avoided.”Bona Craft Oil 2K is available in a range of

11 standard colours as well as custom shadeswhich can be mixed on request. Already ahard wearing finishing treatment when usedon its own, the oil can also be overcoated withany version of Bona Traffic to provide

ultimate durability – a useful option for busypublic areas like Assembly London's rooftopbar space.Opened in May 2018, Assembly London is

located in the centre of the city's thrivingWest-End. Fun, sophisticated and playful, thehotel gives everything that matters for a greatnight's sleep!

01908 525

Bona �nishes speci�ed at new London hotel

Building Products; Interiors

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ALeading sawmiller and timber processor,James Jones & Sons Ltd, specified EGGER Protect for durable, non-slip

structural flooring at its new secondary process-ing and treatment facility at Hangingshaw, near Lockerbie.The 20,000 square metre building is the size

of three football pitches, and the centrepiece ofa recently completed £17 million developmentdesigned to increase the company’s productionof fencing products. These include incised poststhat have grown rapidly in popularity sinceJames Jones launched them in 2013. “This is a less-common application of EGGER

Protect which is usually used in housebuilding,”said Alan White, Director of Sales for EGGERBuilding Products. “A market-leading structuralflooring panel, Protect is made from our P5flooring-grade chipboard with a durable, anti-slip, moisture-resistant surface layer. “This surface layer is applied to both the top

and underside of the board, resulting in aproduct that offers protection from moisturepenetration, not just during construction but forthe life of the floor.Specifying EGGER Protect for this application

also brings Health & Safety benefits, with the

textured surface offering market-leading anti-slip characteristics as well as being hard-wearing and robust. When used withEGGER D4 Joint and Joist Adhesive as part of theEGGER Advanced Flooring System it also carriesa unique lifetime guarantee.James Jones technical manager, Tobbe

Sandberg, added: “The 18 acre Hangingshawdevelopment is a strategic investment for the company. This new facility is designed toenhance our position as of the UK’s biggestsuppliers of sawn timber products includingcarcassing, fencing, pallet wood and heavy sections.“The secondary processing facility is central

to the production and storage of our fencingproducts and we were looking for a structuralflooring board that not only had the technicalproperties we needed but an appearance thatenhanced the look of our showpiece building.“We have installed EGGER Protect flooring

on all of the high-level walkways and accessplatforms around the advanced productionmachines. It is durable, easy to install and keepclean and is not slippery even with moisture or sawdust on it. And, importantly, it also looks good!”

0845 602 4444

James Jones picks EGGER Protect for latest processing plant

We all await the inevitable changes to legislation and good practice, following Dame Judith Hackitt’s

independent review of risk critical buildingproducts such as fire doors and fire door assemblies and how this will shape futureproduct specification. Understandably anticipation has resulted in

concern amongst specifiers and stake holders as they try to evaluate their current practicesand identify potential weaknesses. After all the specification of fire doors is a very seriousmatter and as we all know can have far reachingconsequences if wrong decisions are made. It islittle wonder therefore, that for specifiers usingVicaima products, any feeling of anxiety andapprehension regarding past, current and futureuse of fire doors is not an issue; providing ofcourse that they have been correctly installed. In addition to doors, Vicaima also

manufacture a range of door kit solutions viaour Easi-Fit and Portaro brands. These productsinclude a full scope of performance characteristics for current and future industryspecifications, namely:• Fire Tested to BS 476 Part 22 and BS EN 1634-1:2014

• Secure by Design approved products

• Acoustic performance, both inherent andadditional as required

• FD30 to FD90 rated, with fire and smokesolutions

• Durability with DD171 and EN 1192 severeduty rating

• Mobility provision via glazing and dimen-sional flexibility

• Environmentally sound (all products are FSCCertified)

• Long life with a 10 Year GuaranteeAs specialist fire door manufacturers Vicaima

go beyond simple compliance to provideultimate peace of mind. Vicaima uses fully solidcores and a traditional stile and rail perimeter toenable reliable fixing of ironmongery. After allsometimes it is what you cannot see that makesthe difference. One of the recommendations outlined within

the Independent Review, is the need for thirdparty accreditation. Here Vicaima adhere to notone but two nationally recognised bodies toverify the performance of products, namelyBWF-Certifire and BM TRADA Q-Mark. In eachcase traceability is assured with the use oftamper evident labels and plastic plugs toprovide clear understanding of fire rating and ofcourse origin of manufacture. You or indeed

future custodians of fitted fire doors will be leftin no doubt simply by looking at the top edgeof any Vicaima fire door, where clear identifica-tion including a detailed inkjet stamp enablesVicaima to establish complete control of ourproducts throughout their lifecycle.

01793 532 333

Don’t play with �re

Traceability: Top edge of a Vicaima Fire Door

Saving lives and property

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Clean paint solutions from Crown TradeCrown Trade has extended its CleanExtreme range to offer specifiers a trio ofhigh performance products to help combat the common problems of dirt,mould and bacteria. The water-based

range offers three quick drying and low odour solutions to creatingclean and hygienic surfaces and features Clean Extreme Anti-BacterialScrubbable Matt, Clean Extreme Stain Resistant Scrubbable Matt andClean Extreme Mould Inhibiting Scrubbable Matt. The full CleanExtreme range is also available in a high performance, stain-resistant,durable and washable Acrylic Eggshell mid sheen finish.

Offsite solutions awarded Offsite Solutions, one of the UK’s leadingbathroom pod manufacturer, has beenawarded an £8m contract by BerkeleyHomes for the offsite manufacture of morethan 900 high specification bathrooms forthe 68-storey Valiant Tower at South QuayPlaza – a landmark development in thehistoric London Docklands. The contract is

the UK’s largest bathroom pod contract for a single residential schemeand the highest value project to be awarded to Offsite Solutions inthe history of the company.

[email protected]

LowBoard provides ideal UFH solution

A complex and time constrained redevelop-ment contract in central London is makingextensive use of ‘LowBoard22’ underfloorheating panels, as well as other productsfrom the OMNIE range, to offer optimumcomfort and flexibility of living space for itsfuture residents. A spokesperson for the

project team commented: “The LowBoard22 system from OMNIE deliversgood efficiency using low circuit temperatures while keeping build heightto an absolute minimum. The decision to use one of OMNIE’s UltraLowoptions not only down to its minimal depth, but also the straightforwardinstallation process, low wastage, and overall value for money.”

01392 363605

Convenient and paper-freeEnjoy reading ADF but find it’s not alwaysconvenient to have the printed magazine?Or has your workplace turned paper-free?The Digital Issue offers you the samecontent, delivered straight to your inboxand accessible via smartphone, tablet and desktop computers. Be among the firstto read all the latest features, comment,interviews, and more, before the print

issue has even been delivered! What’s more, the Digital Issue includesinteractive links to featured companies. Subscribe for free now.

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Interiors; Exteriors

For that challenging high pro/le project where you need to make a real impact and lastingimpression, Radiator Renovator can help you retain the site’s original history and characterby preserving the original radiators. Alternatively, we can supply you with a superbselection of original ornate cast iron radiators. We have available the largest stock of ornatevintage radiators sourced from North America, the UK and Europe. For an informal chatabout the service(s) we can you and your client call Andrew on 07908 971657.


07908 971657

Radiator Renovator has a proven track record in working alongside architects and buildingprofessional of various disciplines in order to supply and renovate all types of cast ironradiators. We aim to give you a sincere and trustworthy service based on you and yourcustomer’s requirements. We have worked on high pro/le, prestigious restoration and newbuild programmes across various sites ranging from important national heritage buildingsthrough to universities and schools and private and commercial conference facilities.

Here to help customers grow

Freefoam highlights the updates and additions to its whole product rangethat have taken place over the last six months. The roofline range has hada boost with the addition of Anthracite Grey to the Round Rainwatersystem. With the continuing growth in grey across the window, door androofline market this new product means suppliers can now offer both theDeep and Round gutter options to customers. The phenomenal demandfor cladding shows no signs of slowing. Freefoam added a beautiful subtlegrey green shade to its 170mm Weatherboard range called Sage Green.Appealing to those who want to achieve a traditional ‘heritage’ look butwith the benefits of low maintenance PVC. Freefoam extended theGeopanel range adding new designs and colours including tile, slate andconcrete effects. Freefoam has also added to its internal panelling range,launching Acrylic Panels. High quality, high specification panels suitablefor kitchens and bathrooms in a contemporary colour range.

01604 591110

Supporting the Grenfell CommunityAs part of the ongoing support to the Grenfell community, Abet Laminati and Formwise are proud to havehelped realise the ambitious DIY SOS Grenfell project to build the replacement Dale Youth Boxing Club andnew Community Centre. Abet donated 12mm compact grade high pressure laminate in a grey Zebrano finishfor the washrooms and cubicles, as well as a graphite grey for the lockers. These were supplied to FormwiseWashrooms, a manufacturer, supplier and installer of quality cubicles, panels, lockers, changing room furnitureand panelling. Formwise managed to design, fabricate and install two complete changing rooms includingtoilets and shower cubicles in the boxing club as well as washroom facilities in the community centre. Compactgrade laminate is perfect for this kind of heavy-duty application where aesthetics and visual appeal need to becoupled with high performance and long-life cycles. Suitable for both wet and dry areas, they are known ashardwearing, durable and very attractive solutions for cubicle, partition and locker applications with excellentresistance to impact, scratches and abrasion.

Terrazzo: The trend that stands the test of timeRecently it’s been seen as a one-hit wonder from the 70s, but terrazzo has in fact been a popular material eversince Ancient Rome and today it’s back among the top global design trends. Thanks to the versatility ofseamless resin terrazzo flooring, it provides the designers of large commercial facilities with the opportunityto think of the floor area as one massive canvas. Getting creative with the aggregates added in the resin mixalso gives designers the ability to tailor the shimmer and shine that’s achieved across the floor area. Forexample, crystal mirror glass, marble, flint, granite and mother of pearl can all be incorporated into a resinterrazzo floor. Thanks to its ability to transform an environment and provide an easy to maintain finish,Flowcrete’s seamless resin terrazzo range Mondéco has been installed in a long list of prestigious, high-endlocations around the world. In 2017 Leicester Square Kitchen embraced a technological advance in the worldof terrazzo. 100 square metres of Mondéco Rapide was applied in and around the restaurant’s central bararea. The floor was applied at night, which meant that by the morning it was sufficiently cured.

01270 753000

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Gluckman Smith Architects’ FontHouse project – recently announcedas an RIBA Regional Awards winner

– is defined by its palette of high qualitymaterials, including pre-weathered NordicBrass roofing.

Font House is located within a historicwalled garden in the grounds of Grade I listed Nevill Holt Hall in Leicestershire. Thenew house and landscaped garden providediscreet entertainment space, supportingNevill Holt’s Opera festival, and is at theheart of the owner’s vision of breathing new life into a historic country estate.

The design takes on a symmetrical form with the composed presence of a pavilion. A large central reception space is framed by two simple bedrooms thatproject beyond the central mass of the building and overlook two ponds. In turn, these ponds wrap around a south facing terrace that is accessed from the reception space.

The material palette draws inspirationfrom the surroundings and from local materials. The series of hand-crafted

pre-weathered Nordic Brass roofs, encapsulating a central rooflight and set on ironstone facades, are inspired by the Hall itself.

Gluckman Smith Architects’ won the RIBA2018 East Midlands Award for Font House, along with the Conservation awardand Project architect award. The RIBA judgesreported that: ‘Sitting at just the perfect height the beautifully executed [brass] roof can be glimpsed from the main hall,tempting the visitor on…the [brass] roof is a triumph’.

Nordic Brass is an alloy of copper and zincmanufactured by Aurubis. Other NordicCopper ranges from Aurubis include Nordic

Standard ‘mill finish’ and Nordic Brown pre-oxidised copper, offering lighter or darker shades of brown determined by the thickness of the oxide layer.

The extensive Nordic Blue, Nordic Green and new Nordic Turquoise ranges have been developed with properties andcolours based on the same brochantite mineralogy found in natural patinas all over the world. As well as the solid patinacolours, ‘Living’ surfaces are available foreach with other intensities of patina flecks revealing some of the dark oxidisedbackground material.

01875 812 144

Winning ways with Nordic Brass

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Now it’s time to lift and slide ourproduct range with Comar 7Pi LS+.Innovative lift and slide gearing

provides smooth operation for door configurations up to 12 metres wide and 3metres high, creating true glazed sliding walls.From one system Comar 7P.i LS+ providesdelivered solutions, for the summer monthsmaximise the opening space with the three-track slider which creates two thirdsclear opening, whilst in the winter the lowestU-values keep out the cold.

Innovation comes from Comar 7P.i LS+ offering unique solutions from onesystem, which means that with the sameprofiles you can provide lift slide or straightrolling gear, standard or slim interlock,enhanced performance with the inclusion of thermal foam and double or triple track configurations.

Optional slim interlocks maximise thehomeowners view out when the doors are inthe closed position keeping the slim sightlinesof Comar 7Pi LS+ doors with the reassuranceof the lowest U-values, so even in the coldestwinter months daylighting is maximised and

warmth assured. For a standard CEN size setof doors U-values are down to 1.4 with a 1.0centre pane and using glass technology andComar’s Enhanced Thermal Foam U-valuesof 0.74 are achievable.

The real advantage of this system is it’ssmooth and easy lift operation, it’s ease ofoperation for sliding doors means that thereis no alternative; it really is a lift slide life forall members of the family. Another advantageis the ability to lock the door in an openposition anywhere along the track whichmeans that the homeowner can open the doorfor ventilation without the risk of smallchildren and toddlers exiting the doors.

For our fabricator and trade partners,Comar Systems utilises multi-functionprofiles which means that from a minimumstock all configurations of this feature ladensystem can be fabricated. Installers with theunique Comar Easyfit components minimisetime on site and disruption to the homeowner whilst maximising returns.

Feedback from the UKAS Accredited TestHouse was “it is the best they’d ever seen”, asit passed BS6375 Parts one, two and three

with no  water leakage at 1050Pa. Thehardware, has been tested to over 50,000open and closing cycles.

Glazing technology advances every daywith new triple glazed units providing everlower centre pane values, acoustic glasses tomeet enhanced performance criteria arewidely specified, Comar 7P.i LS+ nowprovides a future proof solution with aglazing pocket of up to 57mm. With a simplechange of gasket and beads the Comar 7P.iLS+ provides this flexible solution for all yourglazing needs.

020 8685 [email protected]

Comar 7P.i LS+ It’s a Lift Slide Life for Us

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The new Dogs Trust Manchester Re-homing Centre includes kennelsfor 61 dogs with abundant space

allocated for indoor and outdoor dog exerciseareas. The Centre’s buildings are designed toprovide visitor friendly facilities for trainingsessions and demonstrations on how toimprove dog behaviour. Visitors will also beable to learn more about different breeds andtheir responsibilities as owners.

Of course, keeping the kennels and exerciseareas clean, fresh and hygienic is a majorconsideration in the design of such a facility.Contractors McPhillips were keen to providethe best possible surface water drainagesystem, so asked Hauraton to supply theirrecommended channels for trial at the Trust’s Loughborough Centre. Hauratonspecified FASERFIX® KS 100 channels fittedwith FIBRETEC® moulded gratings. The testinstallation proved very successful and witheveryone liking the product, the KS surfacedrainage system was chosen for theManchester project.FASERFIX® KS channels are made from

Fibre Reinforced Concrete (FRC), and for thisproject, were specified with stainless steelpressings permanently moulded along theirexposed top edges making the whole unitresistant to any cleaning fluids used. The material, PA-GF is used to make the

FIBRETEC® grating. This was developed byHauraton some years ago and has proved

itself in numerous demanding drainage applications. The fibre reinforced plasticmoulding is corrosion resistant and offershigh stability and huge strength for its weight.Indeed the Class C250 (BSEN 1433) 8mmslotted grating, can take the weight of acommercial vehicle if necessary. Withemphases on detailed design, the grating is very appropriate for use in areas where avisually appealing and chemically resistantproduct is important. Each channel assembly features the

company’s patented SIDE-LOCK boltlessfixing system which allows for quick fittingor removal of the gratings. For example, 10metres of 0.5m long gratings can be fitted or removed in about 70 seconds – a big advantage if the channels need clearing.

01582 501380

Friendly Hauraton surface drainage system installed

The auditorium for the HumanitiesDivision of Uppsala University(Humanistiska Teatern) is an

innovative and unique building designed inthe shape of a horseshoe. Unlike traditionallecture halls, the horseshoe-shaped design ofthis unique building allows all in the auditorium to see and hear each other,encouraging both speakers and attendees toparticipate in lectures and debates. Thisunusual building is encapsulated in a spectacular facade created from over 300

perforated aluminium sheets. The vision ofartist Ann Lislegaard has been brought to life by using RMIG ImagePerf technology to transfer her intricate design to the metal sheets.

White Arkitekter has been awarded theprestigious Swedish architectural prizePLÅT18, in recognition of the innovative useof perforated metal.

01925 [email protected]

An artist’s vision is brought to life


Humanistiska Teatern, Uppsala University

University campus auditorium, Sweden

Architects: White Arkitekter Artist: Ann Lislegaard

Technical Characteristics

Raw material: Aluminium EN AW-5754Pattern: RMIG ImagePerf Thickness: 3.0 mm Finishing operations: Bending Surface treatment: Powder coating

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The Foyle Arena in Derry uses largeareas of Kalwall® for the pool area and sports hall elevations in

order to minimise glare and maximise natural daylight. Designed and specified byarchitects Samuel Stevenson & Sons, thiscentre of excellence forms part of the North-West Regional Sports Campus. The Kalwall is a key component of the£12.7m re-development with double indoorswimming pool coupled with new facilitiesfor Judo, Wrestling and Mountaineering.

During the day, the Kalwall enhancesdaylight and distributes it internally withoutshadows and glare while at night it creates awelcoming glow with scallop-shapedbacklighting. The unique ability to transmitlarge amounts of usable light with relativelylow levels of solar heat gain means lessradiant energy transmitted and this, coupled

with diffusion, does away with the hot spots and glare. With increased naturaldaylight and resistance to solar gain, energy-consuming artificial lighting and air-conditioning costs are dramatically reduced.

Kalwall is highly resistant to impact,making it excellent for use in schools, leisurefacilities, gymnasia, offices and other publicbuildings. It is particularly popular forswimming pools and sports halls. Glare on aswimming pool surface is a common concernwith dazzling rippled sunlight bouncing offthe surface which can cause discomfort toswimmers. In addition, it can be a serioussafety concern as lifeguards can struggle to see swimmers should they be in need of

assistance. In sports halls, it is also importantthat there is an even distribution of light so that players can distinguish markings onthe floor as well as easily spotting balls andother obstacles.

Kalwall is a popular choice for projectswhere performance, long life cycle and lowmaintenance are required, coupled with anaesthetic finish. The lightweight systemreduces the need for supporting structureswhile offering the highest protection in termsof wind-borne debris and resistance toimpact, abrasion and point loads.

01233 501

Shining lighton a centre ofexcellence

Viiu, the outstanding slim-line slidingdoor taking the market by storm, hasbecome the first product of its type

to pass the new more stringent securitystandard PAS24-2016.Viiu offers ultra-slim sightlines, secure

laminated glass throughout and an ingenious, unobtrusive design. With the outer-frame entirely built into the facade, it gives the appearance of a wall of glass,strong enough to support moving glasssections of up to 750kg, and fixed glasssections up to 1200kg.But it’s the product’s unusually slim

but robust interlock section that’s allowed it to achieve much sought-after PAS24-2016accreditation.“The PAS24-2016 process is extremely

challenging,” explains Viiu Sales Director RodTate. “It was recently updated to stipulate the interlocks should not part by 50mmunder 450kgs of force from both sides. As a result, most systems on the market

found themselves in trouble. They simplyhadn’t been designed to withstand that levelof force. “During testing, most slim interlocks

bend under the pressure, often resulting in gaps bigger than the magic figure of 50mm – the minimum amount of space a would-be intruder could realistically get theirarm through.“Viiu is the first and as-yet only system to

stand up to that level of force. A simple lookat the shape and size of the Viiu interlockshows that by design it has the strengthrequired to pass the test. We have videoevidence showing there was no gap at allbetween Viiu’s inside and outside interlock.”Viiu is also a cut above the competition

in other ways. A motorised option is alsoavailable – and its drive gear is discreetlyhoused in the unit’s 100m head profile, whichitself is hidden behind the building’s facade. Most competitor products, by contrast,

require chunky head profiles up to 300mm in height. The motor can be easily accessedfrom below for maintenance or repairwithout the need for ugly internal accesspanels inside the home.What’s more, Viiu comes with automatic

obstruction detection on motorised models,and a choice of wall-mounted or key fob operation.

0800 877 0077

Viiu becomes UK’s �rst PAS24-2016 accredited slimline sliding door

Architect: Crahay & Jamaigne ArchitectesPhoto: Samuel Defourny

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For 25 years, EverEdge have beenknown as ‘The Edging Company’. Wehave been manufacturing edging for

gardens, parks and public buildings and thisedging range has been installed across theworld. In more recent years, there has been aboom in demand for podium landscapingproducts and EverEdge have been supplyingcustom made steel planter walls for projectsacross the UK. EverEdge have a busy custommade department able to advice and quote onprojects of all sizes.

The attached project, an installation on anew building in Islington, required a range ofedging products from as little as 100mm to600mm high and a mixture of curves, straightlines and corners. This Islington Square development is offering 250 residential unitsas well as leisure and retail facilities.EverEdge are providing steel edging andplanters for private roof terraces as well ascommunal gardens and spaces.

Green roofs and podium gardens havebecome a must on new city developments.They are an excellent way to improve green

spaces in built up areas whilst providing themuch needed new homes. Creating podiumgardens creates a number of challenges. Withour years of experience in manufacturingsteel edging products, EverEdge are perfectly

placed to advise on the best way to handlethese challenges.

01630 417120

‘The Edging Company’

The Primark Distribution Centre, near Kettering was developed byLondon Metric Property Plc. Known

as Thunderbird 2 the £77 million facilitycomprises a 93,000m2 warehouse, some5,000m² of office space and 50,000m² of hard standing with parking for 175 HGVsand 530 cars. A major earthworks operationwas necessary to level the ground and create the vast plateau on which the buildingand hard standings were constructed. With such a large hard standing area an effective surface water drainage system was essential.

Having supplied high capacity surfacewater drainage channels for hard-standingareas at numerous distribution centresthorough out the UK, Hauraton were confident their RECYFIX® HICAP® highcapacity channels would comply with the stringent specification asked for by the contractors.

It was decided to drain the hard standing

area using four sizes of RECYFIX® HICAP®

– 100, 200, 300 and 680 because of theiroverall volume capacities. As well as straightruns of 100 and 200 channels, the 200, 300and 680 sizes were installed in a step fallarrangement providing an enhanced watervolume for these runs of 366,324 litres per metre (l/m). All the sizes supplied hadfixed ductile iron, 14mm open slot inletsfinished with KTL, a rust resistant coating.All 1229 metres of RECYFIX® HICAP®

channel installed complied with loadingcategory Class F900 (900kN).

In addition some 200m of HauratonFASERFIX® KS 100 channel withHEELSAFE ductile iron gratings were also installed in the site car parks requiring a loading category of Class C250 (250kN).The gratings were also specified with a KTL coating.

01582 501380

High capacity surface water drainage for Primark Distribution Centre, Kettering

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The trade association Interpave has justlaunched its new hard landscape,commercial paving and SuDS resource

website for architects,urban designers, engineers and other specifiers, at all stages of the design process. Concrete block paving, flags, kerbs and

related products play a key role in urbandesign, public realm and the spaces aroundand between buildings. In particular, concreteblock permeable paving is the most versatile,multifunctional solution to meet SustainableDrainage System (SuDS) requirements. The new website provides an essential

resource covering all aspects of design withprecast concrete products, including an inspirational project gallery and case studies,supported by background information forearly design stages, as well as CPD. A comprehensive series of technical documents covering all types of precast concrete paving products provide the definitive source of guidance for specifiers and contrac-tors – including detailing, construction and maintenance. Over the coming weeks, several new or

updated Interpave technical and educationaldocuments will be launched and specifierscan register on the website to be kept up-to-date with the latest publications and projects. Representing major UK manufacturers,

Interpave promotes and develops precast

concrete paving as a modern, flexible andsustainable technology for applicationsranging from hard landscape to the heaviest-duty commercial pavements.

0116 232 5170

New Paving Resource Launched

Powder coating has transformed themetal finishing world and made the useof metal, in all forms of construction,

increasingly exciting for architects. Whilehigh impact colour statements enhance many townscapes, the beauty of metal itselfis making a resurgence as an impressivedesign feature. Recent trends are towardsnaturally weathered metals and PowdertechCorby has responded with its own flagshipcollection, Evolution™, a range of powdercoatings offering the organic, natural look ofmetal patination. The name ‘Evolution™’ reflects the

changes in appearance that occur as metalsevolve, in their natural state, when exposedto the atmosphere. The colours and texturescaused by rust on iron, blue-green verdigrisoxidation on copper, and other metal patinasare all visually attractive and recognised fortheir natural beauty. Of course, metal in thisstate is not fit for purpose – it is decaying andlosing its integrity. Evolution™ powdercoatings offer the best of both worlds; thedesired appearance of weathered metal

together with high level protection againstweathering for your metal. The powders used for Evolution™ are all

of architectural specification, meeting allnecessary Qualicoat and British/Europeanstandards. Customers expect the highestpossible quality and all products used arerigorously tested for durability, corrosionprotection and colour stability. Our uniqueprocess, carried out under controlled conditions, results in a finish that is suitablefor internal and external architecturalapplications with a natural and authenticvariation in appearance that will be unique toevery customer. Evolution™ takes patinationinto new realms with seventy-two differentshades currently. Continuing with anevolution theme, these shades are groupedinto five ranges – Stone Age, Bronze Age, IronAge and Steam Age to Modern Day. With Evolution ™, designers and architects

can employ the strength and versatility ofmetal and celebrate its beauty by protectingit with a coating that not only ensureslongevity but reflects how its appearance

would evolve over time, in the naturalenvironment. Specifiers and manufacturerscan select the powders with full confidence intheir suitability and performance, confirmedby Powdertech’s twenty-five-year guarantee.

[email protected]

An evolution in colour

EvolutionTM: Bronze Age range, ‘Aged Copper’

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Digital magazineNewsletter • Daily digests




Style, safety and durabilityNeaco’s latest range of fireproof deckingprovides an ideal combination of style,safety and durability. Ideal for balconies,terraces and external walkways, Neaco’sdecking is precision-engineered to provideexceptional slip resistance which can befurther enhanced with an optional serratedsurface. All systems are manufactured from

aluminium which is A1 Fire Rated and fully compliant with Class 0of Approved Document B ‘Fire Safety.’ Each option provides efficientdrainage and ventilation.

[email protected]

Expansion into offsite housingThe McAvoy Group has announced its expansion into the residential sector with thelaunch of a new modular solution for allhousing tenures – affordable homes, marketsale, build-to-rent, student accommodation, and

emergency housing. McAvoy has developed a steel-framed offsitehousing solution for multi-storey apartments, detached, semi-detachedand terraced family homes. An entire house can be assembled in asingle day – and from foundations to occupation in just seven days.The McAvoy approach to housing will reduce programme times byat least 50 per cent compared to site-based construction.

[email protected]

Brushed Nordic Royal copper alloy fins help define a major redevelopmentto complete one of Edinburgh’s

historic squares.Comprising 9,300m2 of ‘Grade A’ office

space, 6,500m2 of leisure/retail and a suite of luxury apartments, the redevelopmentoccupies most of the southern edge of StAndrew Square in the heart of Edinburgh’s‘New Town’ World Heritage Site. A series of metal and stone fins enables

the complex to be very ‘open’ whenviewed directly, taking advantage of theextraordinary long views and maximisingdaylight, whilst appearing solid in obliquepedestrian views. Various metals wereappraised for the fins and a group of copperalloys from Aurubis identified for long-termquality and handsome weathering. Finally, Nordic Royal was selected – a

golden alloy of copper with aluminium andzinc, giving a rich golden through-colour thatis very stable. It retains its golden colour and gradually loses some of its sheen as theoxide layer thickens with exposure to the atmosphere, resulting in a protective matt

finish. In order to accelerate the process forthis project, Aurubis treated the Nordic Royalto give a non-reflective, brushed surface thatwill then change in subtle ways over time.

Other Nordic Products from Aurubisinclude Nordic Standard ‘mill finish’ andNordic Brown pre-oxidised copper, offeringlighter or darker shades of brown determinedby the thickness of the oxide layer. The extensive Nordic Blue, Nordic Green andnew Nordic Turquoise ranges have beendeveloped with properties and colours basedon the same brochantite mineralogy found innatural patinas all over the world. As well asthe solid patina colours, ‘Living’ surfaces areavailable for each with other intensities ofpatina flecks revealing some of the darkoxidised background material. Other alloys include Nordic Bronze,

an alloy of copper and tin, initially with asimilar colour to Nordic Standard, gradually changing to a stable, dark chocolate brown.Nordic Brass – which can also be suppliedpre-weathered – is an alloy of copper and zinc with a distinctive golden yellow colour.When exposed to the atmosphere, the surfacebegins to darken within weeks and canchange to a dark brown in around a year.

01875 812 144

Completing the Square with Nordic Royal

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With the increase in the number of newbuild properties coupled with achange in the style of building devel-

opments over recent years the rise of Julietbalconies has been apparent within the UKhousing sector. Here at MACO we prideourselves on not only producing the highestquality in premium hardware across the doorand window spectrum but also our innovationacross this sector.

Looking at the Juliet Balcony system, we wereable to utilise our Part Q and PAS24 tested andapproved Tilt & Turn window hardware toachieve a superior, slimmer Juliet balcony door.In using this proven hardware system, boastingour high security i.S. locking cam technology,results in a full perimeter locking system forboth opening doors. In using tilt and turnfittings, the locking system is operated by inter-nal handles, being smaller and slimmer thantraditional Juliet balcony door handle sets the

ascetics of the door set are further enhanced,however the benefits go much further.

As well as the security benefits, offered by ourhigh security MULTI Matic range, anotherbenefit are the slim sightlines of the sash and anincreased glass area, flooding the room withmore natural daylight. The use of concealedhinges enhance the smooth sightlines furtheron any Juliet Balcony door system, and enablesthem to be produced with a slimmer outerframe, whilst not sacrificing the weight of thedoor. Each sash can weigh up to 180Kg allowingfor acoustic and triple glazed glass units, furtherenhancing the energy efficiency of the doorsets. The MACO Juliet Balcony system is suitablefor all material types, PVC, Aluminium andtimber systems can all be accommodated.

As well as letting in more natural daylight,ventilation is further improved. One of the twodoors can be tilted to give a safe and secureventilation at the head of the door. This tilt

function allows for an efficient ventilation of theroom whilst restricting the opening through thedoors, enabling safe ventilation of a room whenit is unoccupied. As with traditional door setsboth sashes are openable to 90 degrees, restric-tor arms integrated into the doors ensure thatthe sashes do not freely swing in the wind.

The advantage to the homeowner are, betterenergy efficiency, allowing for more naturaldaylight into the home as well giving a betterviews from the reduced profile lines.

If you would like more information or haveany questions on the MACO Tilt & turn JulietBalcony please E-mail or call us.

Follow us on Twitter @UKMACO and searchMACO Door and Window Hardware on LinkedInto keep up to date on all latest product innova-tions and news from us here at MACO.

01795 433900 [email protected]

Tested and approved Tilt & Turn window hardwareachieves a superior, slimmer Juliet balcony.

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Image: Floating Homes Project © Vent-Axia

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