building confidence

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short presentation on to build one's self confidence


Slide 1

Building CONFIDENCEJessie S. Singson, MBAPresenter Notes:

Introduce your selfQuick meet and greet with your participants - if you dont know them; if your group is around 10-15 heads, you can get their names individuallySet expectations topics to be covered; timeline for the sessionTransition to slide 2 by saying something like you ready?, lets get started1

Presenter Notes:

Talk about the quote.Explain further by sharing your personal story, personal wins and how self confidence helped you.Transition to Slide 3 by saying Ive won and part of winning is to share what I know so you too can be WINNERS yourselves.2How People View UsWhat We DoHow We LookWhat We SayHow We Say ItPresenter Notes:

1. When it comes to building self-confidence, perception is everything. The way you view yourself has a huge impact on how others will ultimately perceive you. There may be some factors beyond your control when it comes to the confidence game, but you're in the driver's seat, holding the keys to your public persona.You've probably seen the dynamic executive who manages to be commanding even though he has a slight lisp or a bald spot the size of Miami, or the woman who isn't all that attractive but still manages to exude a kind of self-assurance that makes her seem much more alluring than she actually is. These are both examples of mind over matter, where individuals have managed to turn their nervous energy and drive into a personal magnetism that influences others. It may not be as powerful as charisma, but self-confidence helps build a bridge between you and those around you.

2. These are major contributing factors to building confidence.

Impressions: Contributing FactorsWhat We Do and How We ActPreparation is KeyKnow Thy SelfSit in the Front RowBe Resilient

Presenter Notes:1. Preparation is Key - Whatever your personal style happens to be, use it to help strategize your actions and enhance your self-confidence. If pinpoint planning doesn't give you performanceanxiety, prep work, like knowing the route to a new job before your first day, could mean the difference between arriving frazzled and defeated or calm and ready to punch in. The same goes for things like getting a good night'ssleep, eating (or not eating) before that big interview, or studying in plenty of time for the big test.Good preparation can involve the old adage practice makes perfect, too. Just because you're a lousy cook, driver or public speaker doesn't mean you won't improve with a little training and practice. It's human nature to stick with the things you're good at, but don't give up on other interesting activities, skills or experiences because you can't hit the ball out of the park your first time at bat. Be willing to practice and prepare. It can be a life-changer.

2. Know Thy Self - What we perceive about ourselves is greatly a reflection of how we will end up living our lives. by Stephen RichardsYouridentity is not locked to the past, to your parents expectations or demands, to your past failures, to your current view of yourself. Your identity is something that you cancreateevery single day. Once you realize that, yourself-confidencewill begin to ignite. Assess your self know what your own skills (physical, mental, interpersonal) Know what you have done and achieved Challenge your thoughts. Identify thenegativebeliefs you have about yourself and challenge them. Findevidence to the contrary,proving your beliefs wrong.

3. Sit in the Front Row - In schools, offices, and public assemblies around the world, people constantly strive to sit at the back of the room. Most people prefer the back because theyre afraid of being noticed. This reflects a lack of self confidence. By choosing to sit in the front, you can get over this irrational fear and build your self confidence. Youll also be more visible to the important people talking from the front of the room and you wont be easily distracted by things going on around you.

4. Be Resilient - No one is perfect the first time out, but often self-confidence teeters on a mountain of goals and expectations. If you get rattled when you aren't the best at something or when things don't go according to plan, you'll always be at the mercy of factors you can't control. When you're resilient, your self-confidence isn't a function of your performance, and that's a very liberating way to live. Resilience is natural to the human condition. The trick is to recognize that you aren't defined by one foul up -- or even two or three. Self-confident people are on a journey of self-discovery. They're curious and embrace new challenges because they have realistic expectations and aren't keeping score.When life doesn't quite turn out the way you expect it will or want it to, give yourself a little wiggle room. The more you reward yourself for stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new instead of bashing yourself for a less-than-stellar performance, the easier it will be to tackle the next challenge with confidence.

4Impressions: Contributing FactorsHow We LookDressing/GroomingFacial ExpressionsGestures/PostureAccessories

Presenter Notes:

1. Dressing/Grooming - Dressing with confidence is more than wearing the latest fashion trend, its about feeling good about what youre wearing, looking poised and feeling self-assured in all situations.Would you believe that something as simple as how you dress could affect yourattitude and self-confidence? The truth is, how people dress is related in some way to how they feel. They feel first and dress later. Just think of a time when you didnt feel well, did you want to pull out all the stops and dress smart? Not likely. You probably pulled on whatever was closest to you and dressed the way you felt not that well.If we change the way we dress the way we feel will change. When we are dressed well and look good we automatically feel better. When we feel good we are more likely to feel good inside, have more energy and treat others better.You can boost yourattitude, self-confidence and feel good about what youre wearing if you:1. Knowing the occasion2. Know your audience3. Know your personal style4. Know the effects of color

Know the OccasionWhile you are standing in front of your closet give some consideration to the occasion. What you wear will depend on the event. Whether you are going to a business meeting, shopping, to church or to a gala event, what you wear should be tailored to the occasion.A business setting can be traditional (banking, law etc.) or softly tailored (advertising, public relations, etc). The dress code for traditional business is structured, tailored clothes with straight lines and firm fabrics (suits). For softy tailored business setting, use softer lines, structured blazers and jackets, matched or unmatched tailored pantsSocial occasions can include anything from a lunch with a friend to a formal event. To feel comfortable at an informal social event opt for unmatched suits, denim skirts, khaki pants and turtlenecks. Black tie means formal and white tie means ultra formal. At a black tie event men wear tuxedos and women wear cocktail or long dresses.

Know Your AudienceYour audience is the people with whom you come in contact. They can be your clients, boss and colleagues (in business) or your peers (social situations). Dress to fit the image of a person in your role. We dont expect to see bankers dressed in jeans and a t-shirt; farmers dressed in suits; clean mechanics; or cleaners wearing delicate fabrics. When you are dressed out of your role your competence comes into question.When you dress to suit your role you feel more confident. For example, if you work in an environment where you create artistic products your audience will expect you to dress a little artistic. If you are dressed conservatively not only will you feel uncomfortable your audience will feel something is astray.People want to interact with people with whom they feel comfortable or who they feel are like them. That means knowing what is expected in particular roles and dressing to fit that role.

Know Your Personal StyleYour personal style is expressed in everything you do. When it comes to fashion your style is evident in the patterns and texture of fabrics you like to wear as well as your accent pieces such as jewelry, handbags and shoes. When you are aware of your style and feel comfortable with it then you can express yourself with confidence.Take a moment to decide which one of the four style preferences best suits you - classic, romantic, sporty or dramatic? The classic style has an elegant traditional look and wears timeless garments. The romantic style has a soft feminine look and prefers to wear dresses and skirts rather than pants. The sporty style likes casual comfortable clothes and prefers natural fabrics. The dramatic style is sophisticated, turns heads and likes to wear the latest trends.You may be thinking, what if my personal style is sporty and I am attending a gala event or my style is dramatic and I am attending a ball game? How can I feel confident, express my style and still fit the occasion? All occasions will not fit our personal style but if we know our style well enough we can make accommodations. The sporty style would feel comfortable at a gala event wearing long, flowing pants, and simple top and low (but elegant) shoes. The dramatic style can feel comfortable at a ball game wearing a leather jacket, a bold print top and angular jewelry.

Know The Effect of ColoursColour is the magic that brings interest to our world. We are instinctively drawn to certain colours and respond to them with feeling. When used in garments and laid against our skin they produce either positive or negative results. The right colours will make your eyes sparkle and your skin glow; while the wrong colours will make you look tired and your skin drab. This is why it is important to know the colours that look best on you. You can do this yourself by sitting in front of a mirror, placing different colours next to your face and notice which colours make your skin come alive and which ones wash it out.Colours are divided into two categories warm and cool. When you discover which colours look best on you and wear them consistently you will notice that you look better, feel better and have more confidence.Colours produce specific emotions and it affects how you feel and how others respond to you. For example, blue is a soothing, calming colour and red is an exciting, energetic, attention-grabbing color. Knowing the affects of these colours which would you wear in a potentially argumentative situation?Knowing the emotional effect of colours and their symbolic links allows us to choose colours that will give us our desired effects.When you dress with confidence you know you have made the best choices for you and you feel comfortable in any situation. It means feeling attractive and completely you. Our confidence is enhanced when we know that we are dressed appropriately for the situation and our style, we are wearing colours that brighten us on the inside as well as outside and we feel attractive and authentic.

2. Facial Expressions Smile. Arranging your facial muscles in a smile actually makes you feel happier and moreconfident. It triggers those feelings in your brain. Eye Contact. For one thing, it is polite for others. Also, eye contact will help others to listen to your thinking carefully. Look people in the eyes when you talk to them - you can look away for a moment or two to get your footing, but in general, stay focused on the eyes of the people you're talking to. If you see someone looking confused or concerned when you're speaking, you may even think about whether or not you're being clear enough. However, you shouldn't let one confused person get you off track.

3. Gestures/Posture - The way you carry yourself tells a story. People with slumped shoulders and lethargic movements display a lack of self confidence. They arent enthusiastic about what theyre doing and everyone around can tell. By practicing good posture, youll automatically feel greater self confidence. Stand up straight, keep your head up, and make eye contact. Youll make a positive impression on others and instantly feel more self-confident and empowered.A job interview often feels like a trip to the executioner, whether youre afresh grad hunting for workor a seasoned veteran searching for greener pastures. In fact, merely showing up for it can already cause you all kinds of unexpected stress. Entering an unfamiliar office, getting weird looks from your potential officemates, and awkwardly waiting for your (most likely late) interviewer all these can make you feel more jittery and pressured.Thankfully, there is a more productive way to use this waiting time besides nervously fiddling with your smart phone.The technique is power posing, or holding a posture of confidence for two minutes, even when you do not feel confident. In general, high-power poses tend to be open, proud and expansive.Low-power poses, on the other hand, tend to be closed and guarded, making your body smaller.(Read this article (

4. Accessories - refer to #1; Basic Rule: Make your accessories make you and not break you.

5Impressions: Contributing FactorsWhat We say and How We Say ItVocabularyFacts/Knowledge/StoriesVoiceTonePitch/TempoBe Concise

Presenter Notes:

Good communication is the key to success, whether you're speaking in front of a large audience or applying for a job. (

Vocabulary Read as much as you can. The more you read, the more you'll know and the more expansive your vocabulary will be. You'll be learning new words and understanding new phrases without even knowing it, and soon, you'll be using the words you read while you're speaking. Having a wide vocabulary is a must if you really want to speak well. This doesn't mean that you have to throw fifty $100 words into your speeches or everyday conversations every time. Just a few key "fancy" words can make you sound more intelligent, but not like you're trying too hard.Keep a vocabulary journal. Write down all of the new words you've encountered while reading and define them.2. Fact, Knowledge, Stories - State your opinions with conviction. Before you speak, you have to make sure you really KNOW and BELIEVE in what you say. Again reading and preparation are driving factors. Know the company and the position you are applying for Stay true to the facts and the knowledge you have as it relates to the position you are applying for Make your stories count and make sure you dont stray away from the conversation

Its more importantly about how you say it. If you start a sentence by saying, "I think that" Or, "But maybe" then nothing you say afterwards will sound as forceful as it would have if you just made the statement.

3. Voice - Speak loudly enough to be heard and understood. While you don't want to shout, you should speak loudly enough so that people don't have to ask you to repeat yourself. Speaking quietly or softly will make people think you are shy and that you don't have confidence in what you're saying -- that you don't really want to be heard anyway. If you speak in a low voice, not only will others not be able to hear what you say, but you will also portray a submissive demeanor, which suggests the opposite of a confident one.On the other hand, you don't want to speak so loudly that you're talking over people just to be heard. Your words alone should get people's attention.4. Tone - Your Tone of Voice Affects How People Respond to You. Your voice must consistently sound upbeat, warm, under control and CLEAR.Understanding your voiceAll of us are born with a particular voice. It is our trademark. Most of us do not have a radio announcers voice. However, unless there is a congenital defect, any voice can be improved by pausing and breathing.To improve the tone of your voice:Make sure you are breathing from the diaphragm. Many people are shallow breathers. This can cause the voice to sound strident.Drink lots of water to keep the voice sounding pleasant all day long. The ordinary person uses up a quart of water an hour. When you talk all day long on the phone, it is important to keep the vocal cords lubricated.Sit up straight. Posture does affect breathing.Use gestures to make your voice sound energetic. It is especially important to use gestures when you are tired. They will give your voice additional power and will help you to emphasize words or phrases to get your point across.You automatically warm up the tone of your voice when you smile.

5. Pitch/Tempo - Don't be afraid to pause. Some people view pausing as a sign of weakness, but this is absolutely not the case. It's okay to pause to gather your thoughts and to think about what you're going to say next. What's far worse is speaking too fast and sounding like you're rambling, being frantic, or even saying something that you will immediately regret. Part of slowing down and speaking thoughtfully means that pauses in your speech will sound more natural. If you use verbal pauses (such as "um" or "uh") while you speak, don't be too worried about it. It's just a natural way of getting our minds into gear. If you think you use them too much, you can try to tone it down, but don't think that you have to avoid them completely.

6. Be Concise Keep it SHORT and SMART. Another part of speaking well means knowing what not to say. You may think that you have to give ten examples to prove some point, but in reality, you may only need just one or two, and your ideas will come off more strongly because you chose the best points instead of throwing the entire kitchen sink at the audience you're addressing.

6Building Self-ConfidenceIt is a PROCESS that involves:Self-EsteemSelf-RespectSelf-TalkRisk Taking

Presenter Notes:

1. Developing Self-Confidence Is A Process - Learn The Process And Expand And Improve Every Aspect of Your Life!The process of Developing Self-Confidence begins when you first change your belief of what you think you can or cannot accomplish.If you dont believe that you have the ability to accomplish whatever it is that you are striving for you are without question guaranteeing your failure.

2. Self-Esteem - A more logical, realistic and beneficial approach to the individual is an unconditional acceptance of the core Self which leads to a healthy self esteem. Healthy self-esteem is feeling good about yourself, and feeling that you are a worthwhile person. This doesn't mean being overconfident just believing in yourself and knowing what you do well.

3. Self Talk - If your mind is telling you that it is just too difficult you are going to have to start to tell your mind that you can do it because in essence you control your thoughts. You can start this process through the use of self-talk, this is where you just spend a day continuously telling yourself that you can accomplish the task you have chosen.Now, after spending the day taking control of your thoughts and telling yourself that you can accomplish the task at hand get to it, jump right in and show yourself that you have the power and the ability to win!Your self-esteem will rise with every accomplishment regardless of how grand or glorious it may or may not be. As your self-esteem rises so does your self-confidence and your belief that you can accomplish tasks that you might otherwise not have been able to accomplish.This all becomes a vicious yet wonderful chain reaction that results in you developing self-confidence to set higher and higher goals. This is how you build upon your smaller success.You started with one small goal which you did not believe you could accomplish yet you proved yourself wrong.Although if you think about it in reality you proved yourself to be right because you spent that one day telling yourself that you could accomplish the task at hand and in the end that is exactly what you had done.Self-talk is incredibly powerful not only in developing self-confidence but in changing your inner beliefs. We will only excel to the level that we believe we can.

4. Take Risks - When you lack confidence, it's easier to stay with the familiar. Real confidence-boosting power comes from tackling something new, though. You may not succeed right away, but when you do, the experience is liberating. Many people never achieve their full potential -- not because the opportunities aren't out there, but because they're afraid to risk failure. Think of it this way: If you aren't taking risks, you aren't growing as a person. When you fail at a new challenge, it's a sign you're getting somewhere. It's one more mistake you won't make again.There's an extra added bonus, too. Developing self-confidence is a process, and once you've worked through the fear of failing, it gets easier. You know you'll survive the humiliation of revealing your imperfect self, and you'll begin to realize that a few initial failures are a small price to pay for learning and experiencing new things.

Its not what you say out of your mouth that determines your life, its what you whisper to yourself that has the most power!Robert T. Kiosaki7Building Self-Confidence WorksheetList down 5 positive qualities, strengths, traits you ownWhat are you past successes, achievementsA brief self-pep talkA risk I will take in the near futurePresenter Notes:

Present the activityGive materials if anyDebrief by explaining relevance of the activity. Raise the stakes or get their commitment through Slide 9.8(3-6 months from now )I am

Powerful LanguagePresent TensePositive Images

Create a VisionPreview Meeting-Dale9What happens when breakthroughs happen? You slowly improve yourselves.Start writing your visions. They should be written in PRESENT TENSE, use POSITIVE IMAGES and POWERFUL LANGUAGE. Assignment is to finish it.

Then end the presentation using the video on slide 10.