building bridges across cultures

Copyright PLAYER MAP, Inc. All Rights Reserved.. Bridging Cultures

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Post on 21-Jan-2015




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We all struggle with scheduling and making time for what is most important – strengthening the relationships in our lives. How much more difficult is it when different cultures are at play? On this webinar, you'll learn: · What are bridges? · What is your culture? · Universal Best Practices · Bridging cultures · Is there a Player Culture? Presented by Scott Leland, founder of PLAYER MAP, and Bill Rust, leader of KUMA Solutions and sales guide with FranklinCovey.


Page 1: Building Bridges Across Cultures

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Bridging  Cultures  

Page 2: Building Bridges Across Cultures

Via  The  Corner!  

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Page 3: Building Bridges Across Cultures

What  are  Bridges    Substantial personal or professional connections


More  than  just  exchanging  biz  cards  or  connec@ng  on  social  media!  

Page 4: Building Bridges Across Cultures

!   The  beliefs,  customs,  arts,  etc.,  of  a  par@cular  society,  group,  place,  or  @me  

!   A  par@cular  society  that  has  its  own  beliefs,      ways  of  life,  art,  etc.  

!   A  way  of  thinking,  behaving,  or  working  that  exists  in  a  place,  organiza@on  or  business  


What  is  Culture    Culture is…

Page 5: Building Bridges Across Cultures

“I don’t know who discovered water, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t a fish.”

~ Marshall McLuhan

Copyright  PLAYER  MAP,  Inc.    All  Rights  Reserved.  Player  Map  X-­‐Ray  Patent  Pending  

Be aware of blind spots

What  is  your  Culture    

Page 6: Building Bridges Across Cultures

What companies have

STRONG cultures?

Copyright  PLAYER  MAP,  Inc.    All  Rights  Reserved.  Player  Map  X-­‐Ray  Patent  Pending  

Geography, language…other influences

Types  of  Culture    

Page 7: Building Bridges Across Cultures

To name a few…

! Time zones

! Language

! Regulations

! Currencies

! Humor


There are a lot of differences!

What  are  the  Challenges    

Page 8: Building Bridges Across Cultures

Common  piGalls    

!   Are  they  being  friendly  or  merely  polite?    

!   Are  they  asking  ques.ons  because  they                  are  really  interested?  


!   Why  are  they  smiling?    

!   Does  not  hearing  "no"  mean  “yes”?      


Don’t try to force your culture on others

What  to  Avoid  

Page 9: Building Bridges Across Cultures

Good cultural awareness does not make up for poor business acumen

! Who are the right players?

! When is the right timing?

! What is the right message?


Universal  Best  Prac@ces  

Page 10: Building Bridges Across Cultures

 Adapt  your  communica@on  style  !   High  context  /  Low  context    Understand  differences    !   Stay  true  to  yourself        


It’s all about respect

Bridging  Cultures  

Page 11: Building Bridges Across Cultures

!   Value  Seeker  

!   Risk  Taker  

!   Team  Builder  

!   BoNom  Line  

!   Buy  vs.  Sold    

Player  Culture    

Page 12: Building Bridges Across Cultures

Are you a player?

Players  like  Players  

Page 13: Building Bridges Across Cultures

Want  to  hear  about  upcoming  webinars?    Be  sure  you  sign  up  on!      

     Find  us        @connectmembers                    



Find  more  Thought  Leadership  content  and  past  webinars/recordings  on  The  Corner!      

Page 14: Building Bridges Across Cultures

14  Copyright PLAYER MAP, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Player Map X-Ray Patent Pending

! Bridges

! Culture

! Universal Best


! Challenges

! Pitfalls

! Bridging Cultures

! Player Culture


Page 15: Building Bridges Across Cultures

15  Copyright PLAYER MAP, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Player Map X-Ray Patent Pending

Contact  Contact us if you have additional questions or comments

 !    Bill:      bill.rust@[email protected]        


   !   ScoN:    [email protected]                                        
