building a responsible digital image

Digital Citizenship: Building a Responsible Digital Image Standards: Link here to view the Standards address through this learning experience Description: This module focuses on appropriate digital footprinting. Teachers need to model responsible digital use by maintain a respectable digital presence Objectives: Participants will . . . create a working definition of Digital Footprinting explore the consequences (either positive or negative) of building an online presence. reflect up strategies to engage in responsible and meaningful conversations with students about digital footprinting develop strategies to model responsible digital citizenship. Focusing on Setting the Stage by Priming the Learning Pump To Set the Stage, capture your thoughts to this question: When you hear "digital footprint," "digital dossier," "digital image", what comes to mind?

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A Learning Experience for teachers. Teachers can explore what it means to build a responsible digital presence for themselves and for their students.


Page 1: Building a responsible digital image

Digital Citizenship: Building a Responsible Digital Image


Link here to view the Standards address through this learning experience


This module focuses on appropriate digital footprinting. Teachers need to model responsible digital use by maintain a respectable digital presence


Participants will . . .

● create a working definition of Digital Footprinting● explore the consequences (either positive or negative) of building an online presence.● reflect up strategies to engage in responsible and meaningful conversations with

students about digital footprinting● develop strategies to model responsible digital citizenship.

Focusing on Setting the Stage by Priming the Learning Pump

To Set the Stage, capture your thoughts to this question: When you hear "digital footprint," "digital dossier," "digital image", what comes to mind?

Page 2: Building a responsible digital image

Focusing on Context: Did You Know?

Watch this video to establish context of responsible digital footprinting:

Focusing on Your Reaction

In a blog post on the Connected Principal, Jonathan Martin wrote of a recent interview with a teaching candidate. He posed this question: How would you explain your own digital citizenship and ways you use Web 2.0 Tools to collaborate, create, and communicate online? This was her response:

"Oh no, I would never do that; I know that it is dangerous and deeply problematic to ever put information about yourself on line because it will come back to haunt you. In our family we know we must guard our privacy and protect ourselves from anything that could hurt our reputation"

Mr. Martin notes that he didn't hire her. He then added this statement:

"Let’s view digital footprints not as frightening dangers to avoid, but as fruitful opportunities to cultivate for ourselves and especially for our students; let’s seek to support them in creating digital portfolios and wonderfully positive images of themselves online."

What is your reaction to not only the candidate's response, but to Mr. Martin's above thought? Go to the Edmodo group (Group Code: 1sf8ut) and provide your response to the post. Then, respond to at least one other participant. Here is where collaboration and connection become so dynamic. Use this time to build community

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Focusing on the Power Balanced with the Responsibility: A Video:

Watch this video which combines an awareness of the power of a digital footprint balanced with a necessity to create one responsibly:

How large is your online footprint?

Focusing on Are You Well Googled

Look at this image:

Page 4: Building a responsible digital image

Author Will Richardson writes, "I think we should actually make it an expressed outcome from high school that all of our students are Googled well, under their full name, on graduation day.

Have you ever Googled yourself? If not, try it. What did you find? Try Pipl search to discover more about your online identity. Look at this great resource: 8 Tools To Track Your Footprints on the Web. These tools help you track your online presence, and not just that, but what others are saying about you.

So, if your students or other people were to look you up on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, or any other social media site (or even Googled you), what image would you display? What would they discover about you?

Spend some time in this activity reflecting on those questions: Write your own personal testimonial about your digital image about what your digital image reflects about you. Use Penzu to reflect (or any other journaling/note-taking tool that you might be familiar with [Evernote, etc.], or if you currently Blog, write a blog post to your audience about the power of a Digital Image and what yours says about you.

Focusing on Your Digital Footprint? A Quiz

Look at this quiz created by Lisa Neilsen and members of her PLN (Side Note: What a great way to collaborate with members of a PLN using Twitter, Google, Blog posts--now that is connecting and collaborating).

This quiz is ideal to use with your students to address their understanding of Digital Footprinting and creating and maintaining a respective and responsible online presence. But, before you do, take this quiz yourself:

Digital Footprint Quiz

Notice the results analysis, point values and the meaning of each value. Think on these questions and and think about ways to explore them with current and/or future students and other colleagues: How can you use these results personally and professionally? How can you use the results with your students? What specific activities and strategies could you plan for each score level, both for yourself and your students? (from a "New Foot on the Block" to "Web Wise").

A Discussion to Have with Students

Conduct this quiz activity with your students and develop a plan to engage them in conversations about digital responsibility, digital footprinting and building a respectable and honorable online presence: What would that plan look like? When will you implement? Who will be involved? What resources are needed?

To assist you in this path of discovery, discussion, and demonstration,, access the curriculum resources from Common Sense Media. Browser various curriculum resources by grade level. The focus here is Digital Literacy and Digital Citizenship. The lessons are engaging and interactive. If you click on the Scope and Sequence, you will discover a variety of Digital

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Literacy/Citizenship. Click on “Digital Footprint and Reputation.” By doing so, you will notice the specific lessons across the ages that address that topic.

Use this Livebinder of Resources for additional Lessons Plan, tips/strategies, and video resources to help empower you and your students to discuss, create, and model a respectable online presence.

Choose one lesson, strategy, or idea from the above resources (or as many as you would like) to adapt and model with your virtual and/or face-to-face students (currently and/or future). Then ENGAGE by sharing the resource, lesson, or strategy and why it impressed you. POST your THOUGHTS in our Edmodo Group for the respective community post.

An Extension Primer: Using One of the Lesson Activities from Common Sense Media

After you have used the above lesson strategy, use these questions to help you REFLECT. What were the aha moments? What challenged you? What would you do differently next time? How did this lesson and its outcomes give you and your students a great insight into Digital Citizenship general and Building a Responsible Digital Image specifically? (Note: Many of you may not have current students, so this Extension activity is meant for you to REFLECT and IMPLEMENT when do have a f2f or virtual classroom of students)

Focusing on Strategies to Build a Responsible Digital Image

Focus #1: Tips for Managing Your Digital FootprintUsing the resources above and those in the Livebinder for this learning experience, let's collectively create a list of ways that students and teachers can manage a responsible digital image. Use the following Padlet (formerly known as Wallwisher) Wall to post your responses. Click on the image below. Be sure to include your name and then one or two ways (within the confines of the 140 character limit)

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Focus #2: Mapping Your Digital ImageRecommendation: Do what George Couros did. He created, from his blog, a detailed explanation of His Digital Footprint. Here is what my Digital Image looks like (Using Popplet).

Click on this link to access a larger view of My Digital Footprint

This Footprint is certainly not exhaustive, but will capture the essence of tracking my online presence. Notice as well that in all of the examples I have distinguished my private footprint from my professional. Also, each example provides an explanation of how I am cognizant of building a responsible and respectable image.

Now it is your turn:

Create your own Popplet and upload the link using this spreadsheet