building a mobile, cloud, checkin app in 75 minutes - zero to hero

[email protected] | @AL_Laframboise [email protected] | @ DMDevDude Esri Developer Network Building a Mobile, Cloud, Check-in App in 75 Minutes - Zero to Hero

Upload: oreillywhere20

Post on 21-May-2015




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Session on how to build a complete mobile-cloud solution using ArcGIS mobile APIs and an ArcGIS Online Subscription. How to monetize your solution too! By Allan Laframboise, Esri


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[email protected] | @AL_Laframboise

[email protected] | @ DMDevDude

Esri Developer Network

Building a Mobile, Cloud, Check-in App in 75 Minutes

- Zero to Hero

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Dev Meet Ups

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Esri = “ezri”

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Geospatial platform… solve location-based problems.

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Modeling with layers…

Geospatial Sandwich

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place street parcel


Point Line Polygon

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The “arc”

Intelligent Feature




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Web Create








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GIS apps are

Location-based apps


Location-based Systems

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Location Intelligence

E311/Service Request

Campus Routing

Sky Harbor Airport

Quake Map

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Social Intelligence

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Power of Social

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GIS architecture - 101


Geo Services ArcGIS Server



Social Media

ArcGIS Online

Mobile Web


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So you want to build an app…

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The idea


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Pizza Finder!

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Apps Value

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User Requirements

Find pizza restaurants

Within a certain “tolerance”

Around me, address or touch map



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the mock-up

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System Requirements

Multiple devices

No hardware

Single service provider

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Business Requirements

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Got a cloud-based, geospatial solution?


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ArcGIS Online Platform

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ArcGIS Online Subscription - your personal cloud.

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Upload to the cloud


Check In

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Forgot to demo?

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Choosing your weapon

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Mobile and Web

Apple iOS

Microsoft Windows

Phone 7

Google Android

Native or Web?

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ArcGIS for JavaScript

ArcGIS for iOS

ArcGIS for Windows Phone

ArcGIS for Android

ArcGIS for Windows Silverlight

ArcGIS for Flex

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ArcGIS Online Basemaps

Visualizing your world

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Base layer options…

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Projections and Spatial References

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Where in the world am I?



Geographic - WGS 1984


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Basemap Service

dojo.require(""); map = new esri.Map("mapDiv", { wrapAround180: true, null }); map.SetSpatialReference({"wkid":102100}); var basemap = new esri.layers.ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer(basemapURL); map.addLayer(basemap);

var basemapURL = “”;

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ArcGIS Online Services

Solving problems

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Where am I?

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Input Coordinates

function zoomToLocation(location) { var centerPoint = esri.geometry.geographicToWebMercator( new esri.geometry.Point(location.coords.longitude, location.coords.latitude)); var symbol = new esri.symbol.PictureMarkerSymbol( {"url":”images/BluePin1LargeB.png“,”width":28,"height":28} ); var graphic = new esri.Graphic(centerPoint, symbol);; map.centerAndZoom(centerPoint, 16); }

navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(zoomToLocation, this.geolocationError);

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Geocode Service

var address = { "SingleLine": address }; locator.outSpatialReference = map.spatialReference; var params = {address: address, outFields: ["Loc_name"]} geocodeService.addressToLocations(params, geoCodeResults); Ext.each(candidates, function (candidate) { if (candidate.score > 80) { var geom = candidate.location; var graphic = new esri.Graphic(geom, symbol, null);; } });

var geocodeService = new esri.tasks.Locator("");

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Drive time tolerance?

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Geoprocessing Service

var driveTimes = “1 2 3”; // minutes var featureSet = new esri.tasks.FeatureSet(); featureSet.features = features.push(geoCodeGraphic); var params = {"Location":featureSet,"Times":driveTimes }; geoProcessService.execute(params, driveTimeResults, null); function driveTimeResults(results,messages) { var features = results[0].value.features; for (var f = 0, fl = features.length; f < fl; f++) { var feature = features[f]; if (f == 0) // minute 1 feature.setSymbol(polySymbolRed); if (f ==1) // minute 2 … driveTimeLayer.add(feature); } ); }

var geoProcessService = new esri.tasks.Geoprocessor( "");

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Find places of interest

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Feature Service – “geo query”

var q = new esri.tasks.Query(); q.returnGeometry = true; q.outFields = ["NAME", "ADDRESS", "PHONE", "DESCRIPTION"]; q.geometry = driveTimeGeometry; q.spatialRelationship = esriSpatialRelIntersects q.where = "Cuisine = 'pizza'"; poiCloudFeatureService.execute(q, addPizzaLocations, null); function addPizzaLocations(features) { Ext.each(features , function(feature){ graphic = new esri.Graphic(feature.geometry, symbol, null); pizzaLayer.add(graphic); }); }

var poiCloudFeatureService = new QueryTask ("");

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Select a place

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Graphics Query

dojo.connect(pizzaLayer, "onClick", displayInfo); function displayInfo(args) { var pizzaLocation = args.graphic; var newView = Ext.create('PF.view.PizzaLocation', {

fullscreen:true, feature:pizzaLocation, title:pizzaLocation.attributes['Name'] }); this.defaultMapView.push(newView);


var pizzaLayer= map.layers["pizzaLayer"]; // stay local

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Ok, take me there!

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Route Service

var params = new esri.tasks.RouteParameters(); params.stops.features[0] = startLoc; params.stops.features[1] = endLoc; params.returnDirections = true; params.directionsLengthUnits = esri.Units.MILES; routeService.solve(params, function (solveResult) { var directions = solveResult.routeResults[0].directions; directionFeatures = directions.features; var routeGeom = directions.mergedGeometry; var startPt = routeGeom.getPoint(0,0); var lastPath = routeGeom.paths[routeGeom.paths.length - 1]; var endPt = routeGeom.getPoint(routeGeom.paths.length – 1, lastPath.length - 1); } function addGraphics(startPt, endPt, lastPath)…

var routeService = new esri.tasks.RouteTask ("");

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Are we there yet?

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Geometry Service - geofencing

var bufParams = new esri.tasks.BufferParameters(); bufParams.distances = [ 25 ]; bufParams.geometries = [ toPt ]; bufParams.outSpatialReference = new esri.SpatialReference({"wkid":102100}); geomService.buffer(bufParams, function (geometries) { var geoFence = geometries[0]; var symbol = self.checkinToleranceSymbol; var graphic = new esri.Graphic(geoFence, symbol); geoFenceGraphicLayer.add(graphic) }); … isPoint InFence = geoFence.contains(currentLocation); // local

Var geomService = new esri.tasks.GeometryService( " /ArcGIS/rest/services/Geometry/GeometryServer");

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Feature Service – update the cloud

// Invisible layers var distance = getDistance(routeGraphic); var duration = getDuration(checkInTime, checkOutTime); var userRating = getUserRating(duration, distance); routeGraphic.Attributes["POI_ID"] = poi.attribues[' POI_ID' ]; routeGraphic.Attributes["Name"] = poi.attributes[' NAME' ]; routeGraphic.Attributes["CheckIn"] = checkInTime; routeGraphic.Attributes["CheckOut"] = checkOutTime; routeGraphic.Attributes["Duration"] = duration; routeGraphic.Attributes["Distance"] = distance; routeGraphic.Attributes["Rating"] = userRating; checkInLayer.applyEdits([routeGraphic], null, null);

var checkInLayer = new FeatureLayer( "");

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Putting it all together

Monetizing your cloud

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Sharing your cloud

Cloud Space



Tomato Head


ArcGIS Online

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Forgot again?

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A closer look with GIS

Demographics Location


Spatial Patterns



Stronger Business

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The “Ultimate” Geospatial Sandwich

That’s your mobile, cloud, check-in solution in 75 minutes!

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(via Chrome, iPhone, iPad and Android)

[email protected] | @AL_Laframboise

[email protected] | @ DMDevDude