building a crm on top of elasticsearch

+ How we’re building a CRM on top of ElasticSearch

Upload: mark-greene

Post on 01-Dec-2014



Data & Analytics

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How EverTrue is building a donor CRM on top of ElasticSearch. We cover some of the issues around scaling ElasticSearch and which aspects of ElasticSearch we are using to deliver value to our customers.


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How we’re building a CRM on top of ElasticSearch

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About me (quickly)

Director of Engineering @ EverTrue

Love distributed data stores, love them!

Using ElasticSearch for ~1 year

Mark Greene / @markjgreene

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What does EverTrue do?

We help nonprofits raise more money

by allowing them to identify and build relationships with potential donors

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How do we do that?

Obligatory database tube

Resolving identities across third party data sources

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Cluster Setup•3 Masters, 2 data nodes, AZ aware

•~40m documents, ~25GB

•1 index, 7 types

•5 shards, 1 replica

•Peak work loads equate to 4-5k ops/s

•Using mostly default settings

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Data Model•Mapping contains ~50 default fields.

•Most fields are stored as both analyzed and not analyzed

•Leverage dynamic templates for custom fields created by our customers

•Each custom field is stored by as analyzed and not analyzed

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Write Path


Background Background JobsJobs

Background Background JobsJobs

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Read Path

3. Load full contact objects w/ meta Offline streaming jobs

ContactContacts APIs API

ContactContacts APIs API

Search Search APIAPI

Search Search APIAPI

1. Submit EverTrue DSL


2. Translate to ES Query, returns contact


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Arbitrary field filtering

Aggregations ES Hadoop Plugin

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Filter Cache: Our first scaling issue

Turns out field cache is unbounded by default...

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First Solution

• We set indices.fielddata.cache.size to 50%

• No more OOME Crashes

• Then something else happened....Really slow queries (Problem sign #1)

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Slow Query?... More Hardware Right?!

Type m1.xlarge r3.2xlarge r3.2xlarge




Round disk thingy SSD’s SSD’s

ES Version v1.1.2 v1.1.2 v1.3.2

has_child query time 12-15s 6-8s ~100ms

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Lessons Learned

•Watch the release notes & GH issues like a hawk

•Don’t fall to far behind w/r/t versions

•We waited to long (6 months)

•Keep ES fed with plenty of memory

•Need monitoring to have any hope of understanding operational issues

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Settings We Tweaked


• Default 20mb -> 60mb (SSD’s can handle it)

• indices.fielddata.cache.size

• Set to 70% of heap

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ES Hadoop Integration

•We use it for a lot of our offline jobs

•One map task per shard

•Small shard deployments may underutilize your hadoop cluster

•Mapper inputs do not contain meta fields like _version

•Forces another read for write back scenarios

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