"build killer shoulders"

26 WWW.MAXMUSCLE.COM ı JANUARY 2014 MAXWORKOUT BY BRIAN FURER • PHOTOS BY JAMESPATRICK.COM Build Killer Shoulders The year 2012 was a great year in the development of my company, VIP Real Estate in Colorado, but my workaholic nature took its toll on my body and my life. In December 2012, I weighed 232 pounds with full muscle atrophy from lack of use. I was hung over, out of shape, didn’t ft in my clothes, couldn’t run, jump, etc. And I HATED it. I was depressed and miserable. I knew it was time for a drastic change! I set my goal on January 2nd to do whatever it took to win Max Muscle's MaxForm Life Challenge and take the stage in my frst NPC show, the Northern Colorado NPC on April 14th, 2013. Coming from so far behind, I was undertaking the impossible. To accomplish the impossible, I knew I could leave no stone unturned. I had to surround myself with the best of the best, the cream of the crop, the most advanced techniques and the greatest knowledge base. I had to employ every advantage and apply them with 110 percent effort. I started with diet and supplementation from Denver’s Mile High Max Muscle, guided by Billy VanHeusen, Jesse Lehman

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MAXWORKOUT By Brian Furer • Photos by JamesPatrick.com

Build Killerill

Shoulders The year 2012 was a great year in the development of my company, VIP Real Estate in Colorado, but my workaholic nature took its toll on my body and my life. In December 2012, I weighed 232 pounds with full muscle atrophy from lack of use. I was hung over, out of shape, didn’t ft in my clothes, couldn’t run, jump, etc. And I HATED it. I was depressed and miserable. I knew it was time for a drastic change! I set my goal on January 2nd to do whatever it took to win Max Muscle's MaxForm Life Challenge and take the stage in my frst NPC show, the Northern Colorado NPC on April 14th, 2013. Coming from so far behind, I was undertaking the impossible. To accomplish the impossible, I knew I could leave no stone unturned. I had to surround myself with the best of the best, the cream of the crop, the most advanced techniques and the greatest knowledge base. I had to employ every advantage and apply them with 110 percent effort. I started with diet and supplementation from Denver’s Mile High Max Muscle, guided by Billy VanHeusen, Jesse Lehman



and Adam Kreisher – absolute gurus. I then joined The Gym in Denver that is known to produce the most professional athletes of all gyms. The Gym is a hard core Olympic training center style gym home to NPC, IFBB pros, UFC and other MMA fghters, pro football, basketball and Olympic competitors. I hired its owner, IFBB Pro and MMA Pro fghter Chris Williamson, the best of the best. My meals were prepped by Ready Fit Go and physical imperfections

were corrected with Dry Needling by Dr. Ben Cowin of Action Spine & Sports Medicine in Denver. My training partners were also IFBB Pros. In every area, I sought out and implemented the best there was. Then, I emulated them, listened, learned, trained alongside and took every ounce of advice I could by the amazing group I had surrounded myself with – and pushed onward with reckless abandon, ultimate discipline and unwavering precision. I owe

Why a shoulder workout? The shoulder – a genetically ill-constructed joint comprised of many small muscles that when trained properly,

transform to make your upper body look HUGE. They add width, dimension, a striking silhouette and the defnition

between bicep and tricep attachment looks impressive. Many people don’t train shoulders properly so their shoulders

are undersized. When trained well, shoulders truly set you apart, making this my favorite muscle group to develop!

much to them and thank them daily for the support, guidance and foundation that took me to where I am today. In the end, I’m not a pro yet. But by doing what the pros do, I’m so much closer to it than I would have been otherwise! The drive behind my success was this: to become a pro, train like a pro! So, I hope you enjoy this pro shoulder workout that helped me in my journey to become one of the Top 10 MaxForm Life Challenge winners.

Look for more winning workouts as we feature one workout per month showcasing some of Max Muscle's Top 10 MaxForm Life Challenge fnalists.

Behind-the-Head Military Press on Smith MachineThis is a primary lift, heavier than

many for shoulders. Before beginning,

position a short backed chair properly

for back support. Test alignment with

no weights frst, ensure that you

can lower the bar from the pressed

position to approximately the base

of your skull, without hitting yourself

on the head! Once weighted, place

hands relatively wide on the bar and

lower the low position slowly and

controlled, then explode back up to

the pressed position.

Do a light warm-up set of 20, then

increase weight for each subsequent

set of 12, 10 and 8 reps.

Dumbbell Military PressSame reps and sets as the Smith Machine press,

only using dumbbells to engage control and

stabilizer muscles, and hit a different angle!

Smith Machine Upright RowsWith the Smith Machine bar racked low near your

knees, stand facing the bar, feet shoulder-width

apart, grab the bar with about 8-10 inches in

between your hands. As you pull the bar up, lead

with your elbows high, isolating rear shoulder.

This is NOT a clean and jerk, and is not meant

to engage your biceps. Elevate bar to just below

your chin. Do three sets of 10-12 reps.




Lateral Flys(Small muscles targeted so

use light weights.) Standing,

leaning only slightly forward

at the waist, raise the

weights to your sides with

elbows slightly bent but

unmoving, rotating only from

the shoulder joint – mimic

the wings of a bird.

Do three sets of 12 reps.

Lat Flys on AngleThis is a modifcation of the

lateral fies, one arm at a

time. Find an object to grip

in the non-lifting hand, feet

against that object, but lean

away from the object placing

your body at an angle.

Do three sets of 12 reps.

Rear Delt Bent-Over FlysSame motion as the lateral fy: arms stationary,

rotating from the shoulder joint – only your

body should be close to parallel with the foor,

targeting the rear deltoid muscle.

Do three sets of 12 reps.


Cable-Crossing PullsWith a cable cage, cable pulleys high and to

the sides, grab left pulley with right hand, right

pulley with left hand. Start with arms straight,

hands together, tension on cables. Pull cables

away from center isolating rear deltoid. Again,

arms straight, rotate from shoulder joint.

Do three sets of 12 reps. MS&F

Traps Shoulder ShrugsThis targets the trapezius.

Start with feet shoulder-

width apart, hands holding

fairly heavy weights at your

sides. With arms hanging

naturally at your sides, fex

the traps to elevate your

shoulders straight up, trying

to touch your ears, which is

a shrugging motion, hence

the name!

Do three sets of 12 reps

with escalating weight

based on ability.