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Bueromoebel guenstig

Upload: artem-dryha

Post on 12-Apr-2017




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The online shop has been designed for a German office furniture retailer.Its key spirit is ‘price-consciousness together with style and functionality’.

On entering the site you see an automatized gallery displaying the cornerstone items of the product line.Scrolling down you find several lines about why you actually should buy from this retailer and another automatized and clickable menu of the brands featured. Selecting one of the brands one can open the full assortment of its SKUs displayed on the site and available for purchase.

The block below is featured with ‘About Us’, Newsletter, Contacts, available Payment systems buttons, Consumer Information,Blog and social media buttons.


The horizontal drop down menus allow to open the corresponding catalogues:

❏ GESCHÄFTSEINRICHTUNG (Business facilities)❏ KONFERENZMÖBEL (Conference furniture)❏ EMPFANG (Reception)❏ HERSTELLER IM SHOP (Manufacturers)



Each catalogue is featured with filters to sort according to:

❏ Category❏ Price❏ Mechanism❏ Workspace❏ Type of Back❏ Load Capacity❏ Manufacturer❏ Design Team

Search and filters


The Product page contains four pictures of the product itself and its selectable parts. The main shot can be zoomed and replaced by a product shot in another color and material.

Also there are social media buttons to share the product description (with an indication of the number of shares), email it and print.

Product Description


The most interesting part of this project was implementing customization feature for products. We accepted a challenge of creating custom extension for this functionality and proud that we achieved this goal!

NOTE! The price will change correspondingly and automatically. This is a separately customized solution for this especial project. This feature was coded by our experts.

Product Description


The Product details are situated on the same page below. There’s also ‘Request’ button available that leads to a detailed form.

Request form


After visitor has clicked at least one item, the menu “ZULETZT ANGESEHENE ARTIKEL” (Items Recently Seen) is available on the left of the products’ previews.

Recently Seen Items


Customers are able to register through filling in a simple form and then use the email address as a login.

Login/Sign up Form


And, of course, the site is fully compatible with any device you’re browsing it on.

Mobile Friendly


In the shopping cart (Warenkorb) users can see the full information about the products chosen. Please note that users can see the total price, sum without taxes, separately the sum of taxes.Also they are able to manage them or completely clean the shopping cart (not one by one).

Shopping Cart


Need unique and modern e-Commerce solution which fit to all business’s requirements?

Do not hesitate to reaching out one of our sales managers!

Our website: http://wdg-company.com/contacts

Our representatives:

Artem Dryha [email protected]: dryha.artem

Svetlana Lysova [email protected]: lysova.svetlana92

Marina Prokopenko [email protected]: marina.prokopenko.web

Contact us!
