budget breakdown and funding


Upload: mahbubulk

Post on 14-Aug-2015




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Props/ Equipment Location Total

Camera Media department £10 (deposit)

Alan Hern Hall Wanstead High School


Stationary Set Pound Land £1

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SO WHY FUND US?Comparing our short film to others, we have that edge that little ‘edge of the seat’

Moment thanks to the mystery we have in our film which is guaranteed to keep the audience

Interested throughout the running time of the film.

So you’re probably wondering what's so different about our film compared to others?

Well if you’ve seen Men In Black, the opening scene where Will Smith is taken into the

Room and has to write on the paper and he gets up and drags the table, when watching that

No one would expect him to go through, but he does, and our film is similar, as a little kid

Who no one would expect to complete this “exam” yet he does, that’s where the twist is in

Our film,

As Good overcomes evil, a classic binary opposite which everyone knows no matter where

And who they are they know the difference between evil and good, and usually good over-

Comes evil which is expected.

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Firstly the film isn’t complex so distributing it shouldn't’t be hard as we can always go film festivals and show the films, and as its got a

message which everyone would understand the movie would attract many people to view the film also with its strange edge its got a

unique side to it which always attracts people, as it’s a short film of not such long running time, many people wouldn't’t mind watching

the film.