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Heat is our element Heat is our element [ Air ] [ Water ] [ Earth ] [ Buderus ]

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Heat is our element

Heat is our element

[ Air ]

[ Water ]

[ Earth ]

[ Buderus ]

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[ Air ]

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[ Water ]

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[ Earth ]

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[ Fire ]

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Heatis our elementThe desire for warmth – a need both natural and elementary.

Nature provides the resources required to satisfy that need.

Buderus supplies the technology. And where heat is concerned

we are in our element. It encompasses our competence, our

know-how, our focus and our ability. This is where passion and

experience come together. As a result we can create that feeling

of well-being that all of us enjoy so much. Of course, our

innovative heating systems play their part by unobtrusively and

reliably ensuring a perfect climate.

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[ Buderus ]

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Simply perfect!When everything fitstogether this well –from the first idea tothe last bolt. Onlysystem suppliers offeryou such benefits.

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Everything fits –simply relax and enjoythe comfort. Whereintegrated heatingsolutions areconcerned, Buderus ishard to beat.

I’m a mother, so I knowwhat it means to takeresponsibility. I’mparticularly pleased thatBuderus considers thelong term. That makesmy decisions easier.

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Dad said we now havea genuine solarshower. It is not justreally warm, but alsogood for theenvironment. That’swhy I say: Thank youBuderus.

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Everything is easier withthe right experience.Buderus have aquired agreat deal over 275years. Perhaps that’swhy feeling good is easywith Buderus.

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Controlling fire – for more than 275 years

On the 14th March 1731, Johann Wilhelm Buderus I started producing cast iron

products in upper Hessen. As early as the 19th century, the company

manufactured stoves that were in demand all over the world as “Long burners”.

Since that time, Buderus has been synonymous with reliable and cosy warmth.

At Buderus, the know-how from a wealth of experience meets the innovative

strength of a passionate dedicated team. Together, they help to create a

successful brand. Now Buderus Heiztechnik GmbH has joined Thermotechnology

of the Robert Bosch GmbH, to create the Bosch Thermotechnik GmbH, the

largest supplier of heating equipment in Europe; so Buderus continues to write

the next exciting chapter of its success story.

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TraditionFutureQualityResponsibilityProduct rangeSystemPartnershipInternational orientation


One brand – all types of

fuel. Cast for heating

with oil: The oil fired cast

iron condensing boiler

Logano plus GB125.

Buderus technology

proven in millions of


The result of more than 275 years of experience in the heating sector: Leading in every detail. Ideas that help our customers

to heat efficiently for years to come. For example the ALU plus technology employed in heat exchangers – plasma-

polymerised finned tubes for a longer service life and maximum heat transferability.

Energy saving in its

finest form: Gas fired

condensing boiler

Logamax plus GB162.

With astonishing

standard efficiency levels

of up to 110%.

Fuel with a future: Solar

rays. Our high

performance flat-plate

collectors SKS 4.0 bring

solar energy into your

home – for domestic hot

water heating and central

heating backup.

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This is how we’ll heat tomorrow

It’s hard to believe, but there is still much to be discovered. However, those who

seek shall find. Stay inquisitive. Improve what has been well proven. Think ahead

rather than following the crowd. Since its inception, Buderus has set milestones

in the heating technology sector. Pioneering work in low temperature technology,

condensing technology with standard efficiency levels of up to 110%, innovative

control systems that regulate boilers, solar heating systems and DHW cylinders

intelligently, heat pumps that now draw free energy from the ground or from the

air or the fuel cell, on which we are currently working. Time and again Buderus

has understood how to set trends in the heating equipment sector –

consequently the brand today is a vital as it was 275 years ago.

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TraditionFutureQualityResponsibilityProduct rangeSystemPartnershipInternational orientation


A new age, new

challenges. We are

always looking for

answers: For example

with burners that burn

rapeseed oil and that are



Yesterday, we just used to heat. Advanced heating management today sets new standards. That’s where Buderus comes into its own.

Our control systems regulate complex systems at the push of a button, with the result that you can enjoy maximum convenience, with a

perfect climate in every room, and still achieve optimum energy comsumption.

In the Buderus test

laboratory, the future is

not left to chance. Every

new idea is subjected to

demanding tests before

it is developed into a

new product.

Our declared aim: Future

security. To protect

valuable resources, we

turn our know-how – and

our products into

sustainable heating


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Reliable heat

Whatever we do at Buderus, we do it thoroughly, because we know that only

durable quality creates trust in a brand. Consequently, we make the highest

demands of materials, production and services. ‘Just good’ is just not good

enough. At Buderus, we always strive for excellence. No surprise then that the

trade highly values the robustness and long service life of Buderus boilers.

However, the often praised quality of our products is certainly no cause for

complacency. Instead, it is the incentive to continue to improve. Every year, we

formulate specific quality goals – for research, development, production and


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Improved heat transfer, more hygienic pipe coating, controls with improved ergonomics, an appealing design, even better

system matching – the sum total of many well thought-out details that create the Buderus quality.

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Heating technology with an eye on the future

What will tomorrow bring? How will we live tomorrow, and how will we heat

tomorrow? An increasing population shares ever more scarce resources, and

energy prices keep rising. The ecological balance is under threat; temperatures

are rising dramatically. Challenges that Buderus, as a responsible and farsighted

brand, meets head on. Therefore, over the past few years we have developed

into a specialist where heating with renewables is concerned. We draw on the

air, sun, ground and water for new environmentally responsible heating solutions.

With bio-oil, with solar collectors, with heat pumps and solid fuel boilers, and we

apply our collective energies to save as much energy as possible for the future.

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In the past, a roof was just a roof. Today, a roof can be part of the heating system. Our solar collectors show the way: Heating

with nature instead of plundering nature to heat. As a major brand with a long tradition, Buderus faces up to its


Heavenly energy. The

sun delivers free heating


Wood and pellets:

Energy from the woods

that burns CO2-neutral.

Ground and air – two

plentiful energy stores

for advanced Buderus

heat pumps.

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Feel-good warmth for any project

What do the Prado in Madrid, Castle Neuschwanstein and the Lisbon football

stadium have in common? Well, at least one thing: A heating system by Buderus

ensures a perfect climate. Not surprising, really – after all, the Buderus system

enables the easy creation of heating systems from a single source from 7 to

19 000 kW. From “your own four walls” to industrial complexes, Buderus always

has the right solution. For any type of building or fuel – whether oil, bio-oil, gas or

solid fuel. Yet with all of the technical advances made, we always keep our focus

on the most important aspect – you. Your convenience. Your well-being. Your

security. Innovative Buderus heating management ensures the efficient handling

of energy, and an individual feel-good climate. All at the push of a button.

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TraditionFutureQualityResponsibilityProduct rangeSystemPartnershipInternational orientation


A whole world of heat. Apartments, detached houses, industrial complexes, theatres or football stadia. Buderus always

ensures the right climate with the right heating technology for any project or type of energy.

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One brand, many

thousands of parts

and one


system. That makes

it easy to configure

complex heating

solutions – from

one source.

Buderus is the system integrator. That makes us stand out. From a single

source, we supply a comprehensive and 100% matching system. Ready for any

task, any type of energy and for every region. Our product range covers boilers,

matching DHW cylinders, solar solutions, ventilation systems and accessories

that are easy to integrate. A universal control system provides the necessary

intelligent and energy efficient control. A definite plus, particularly in systems

combining renewables and conventional components. Everything matches, and

everything works. System technology that is no trouble to install. One team –

perfectly adapted to each member – that saves plenty of energy, not just now,

but over many years.

Reliability by design

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TraditionFutureQualityResponsibilityProduct rangeSystemPartnershipInternational orientation


High yield

solar collectors

of the latest generation

Energy efficiency at its

best: Buderus gas fired

condensing boilers

Ventilation systems

from Buderus

Beautifully designed


for every room

Suitable solutions for

DHW heating

Flue gas systems


you need for

underfloor heating

Solar station

Instrumentation &

control technology

Burners and burner

accessories in

different versions

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Freundliche Wärme

Buderus is a dynamic pacemaker in the heating equipment sector, yet still holds

onto a few virtues that, at first glance, seem as if from another age: We value a

personal relationship with our customers, we are always receptive to their

wishes, we are friendly, punctual and reliable. Virtues that you will soon learn to

value when you start working with Buderus. We see our role as that of partner to

the heating trade. Tailor-made services round off the Buderus heating technology

range. These include training, quick spare part deliveries, assistance in

engineering and commissioning, product documentation and marketing support.

Our service philosophy is quite simple: We are here for you whenever you need

us. We are your major sales partner – covering all of Germany with 50 sales

outlets and 10 service centres.

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We treat our customers

as partners and assist

them where we can; for

example during


The two sides of a strong brand: Top quality heating technology and services you can rely on for our partners. Anytime,


Friendly, competent and

quick: The Buderus

wholesale operation.

Here, service means on-

time logistics and rapid

spare part deliveries.

Pushing ahead in the

market – together.

Buderus, the powerful

brand, is always at your

side – for example with

practical training or

engineering support.

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Unlimited energy

The fascination with advanced heating technology is no respecter of borders.

The world is our market. Today, Buderus maintains a presence in approximately

50 predominantly European countries – and every year the number increases.

Our local service experts maintain the close contact with our customers.

However, to us, global business means not only to be everywhere, but instead

to be open-minded towards the wider world. An international team, mutual

respect and inspiration resulting from the meeting of different minds – that is

the atmosphere that makes us fit for the constant changes facing the world

market. Partnership with the trade, energy-efficient heating technology offering

a long service life, advanced solutions for any type of energy and task: That’s

Buderus. To say it in four simple words: Heat is our element.

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TraditionFutureQualityResponsibilityProduct rangeSystemPartnershipInternational orientation


Whether in China, the

USA or Russia –

Buderus is always local,

and that in almost 50

countries of the world.

A big name in the heating firmament. Worldwide, Buderus is one of the leading brands in heating technology.

New markets, new

opportunities – the

“Global Village” is

closing in. Buderus

offers energy without


Europe, Asia or America:

Close proximity to our

customers matters

everywhere where

Buderus is active.

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Bosch Thermotechnik GmbHBuderus International Marketing35573 Wetzlar, Germany

www.buderus.de [email protected]