bu f cawt erils a j a »•••:••: •' >%• , . . %?,•)» t ... · ei t>ears...

^ wm ha ifU:'.- wr ./ , -, yy,^y« « y ZSs HWBwtJtJan-#.'!-A-VwrfV HOME WEfy*l&^j£ VllP^fc^THttfVri^VirriHT , Erils KredrikBdh, who died afparplo, - " '\ . V? ' f «l^ $ > CAWT »fa«rfn,«pS **%•> ^ WTO •' ; , !' f ,," f -*»*»&% . " vv&iitifc&iL'.fA -fy •ENI>ENT.JALLE( . rsta^tu^iv, &ftn|£ bu ^„%k.' two Cfi . KKTEfcFD ,T^,m,A«*fa^frr-, J »•••:••: •' JIATTKI^rpqs'^OPFICfcf^IWW^MPi'KfO^ ,$ , . . %?,•)» t-riKfCKHisfttbV MXBO»S, i8?fl. > % ' - V J f - m jlffJL BSRS'Jjai! y"wii|, wi , - ^ ' » P p^W^' '-Ohl ,. •^' •• "-"• :,w Judge ,#i^«4;.i^ii^finis^v^Pi-'^^ feftilVaet jn•»Mii^^^•'^.:'^"|M < ^^^•"^ ^ r ' Vi-i._ wm R « foter Bhr; •en. Ins farw i^tja^6ui^vy..'>. >v;:,. 4'^ Dn *Wi naeffifeMt! ft bifets&fjf,i&^#;$we' 7. :_CN- in^i^^Vi^: >->,x ST- « '"--fys " i rV -ji ?-•* Ht'Jr *| ft K ( JN; j,> i-T. v\ inuunju "from the footfef , .- , ., * -Seven at the land ql^e Suturg^^nd u record ijiadc. , \ *'' /!'?>• T'"' , J J. S opened. a' ; I^miitT 1 , Coylo's 000 ty loan on fa|nj&. ( V ^ ^ -' ' ' The eou n ty dbmifri^ipt era- rciufeed to 'Accept the Orr; jthe _ ^,. hospital, and s chaise of the ty fet v \V Ta^dUier Jyga^. 7; i * The Sop. •Friday wh„- ^_.T .^.......... •Nels O. Melby and Ati^ie ljell. .Sunday N. Deogan'a farm wt^ daiiiaged and the flrc-i were put/ouirpnly'mthihe .taTde^t _ -work. , V TH6 G. James M . badly'bilrn|% uj^o,;'still cerix Sling. *, jit| ' The head CLE , ^ dopai ' tniient .' Store ^A~,^ 7 „— pan alif-le ou a looseipfth* of stairs one day ln,ST WWI^?" ^ fell .- SEV> fit;-"!! ty iiig 1 . them; ; I^RI^WAYS FWIUENT'- jv occur by Teasb!^ ok such care- ts •' --s V ;•''WV' : >'A'~ •'•'• i-•'<&'• JfcSSjnOSB,. y- ; - r -_ .bloorf'Haijptioni^ 1 Aug;' pchei'C;; The arii'in^|1ij?ts a northwest In a friencil^ , , of Larson's. .Jftery- bUnw " t hrovvn kud injureftv^ "* t0i&1k cters Thought to,?^e-' , } Or tJansr'. of Organized' ajdqes Brdj vv - ^--i-T.,^ , v , Jfhfe city T.a^dayt; afternoon.' Oh® day la^t Wibpk th^Bhoriff ,received wordvthat t^o tnbnh'am^d^GartonandGa^bell:, caiBpffig-irt:ihe hlllB weat'of SIinot wittl a biiad'df lidbiei«:£Uibiieht to. be etolen one^i . Iiti^#CtoKp9/^»f Turlington, ha 4 d Inis^id •*^)ay^c^9^-i^^|^4wr^ey:;''xind.- tj)^ jcbUjf w$PBEm& 'bunch-• of-' ;hoy^'.y88Bf.^^'-^epVf^^ ; -'drtviiigf; 'Mr, in gettinsr tlie: a way; with .th^ :'.tt|irnal;; ??he horsaa ine^^^j^df^.'sqme-timeoQthoj^W ' :Sh'e|^^o%rd i|Cpoinpani6^ by Jiift ^udiSMp^t Sarur^y, aft^rae^^ .for - the they arrived 'tfteytiiu nd thp j^i'il' had tdken w 4Ue 'hw^es about ?ind : lef^ft>r_the' south four Ikrar&Jjtofore, ; "id?hey drdve-abrtjut seven- ojfid Sunday^ r dmve|^toAVi^ht(tli , n, vrhftKf th^ afph hsd bi^^aro^^ed'ant) pltlced Hn m am/^tnat':'they aT^ in^twjA<but it ME&.b&l fai. K#&ew,.* TbQy p bftt. ona^owite ia tPwiinclautlKtt'did .not be-: few ddyii of ^ah "ulyel' oi the sW«ti»r,h, Kjrsamzau » nd died frolJi a hQK>o»l"»gOf E&camc •« Mi„Af to thia county in 1^87, anU,0ngaJ|d m ; io minvi rttnc^injy and-ijrae sncce^aful. Sy waa the owner of the Cnrpi^ tpw-nwitfr.; The fUBeral was perliaps the larg6s| &vor u wwwin'Df Sieen in^^this j^nt^tifts proces^JO^ be-' idr^ tlStieVes^ inR over amile lpn^ IIOWM 4^ years ,... •• '.-.-1 1 - old and leavos a.wi3fe, y Vf / ^ Qattlelyr old, 88 , 2yrs ol 3 yra old,- $S5v cpw^SlB;;Hiilea,-l, __ 3 yrsyo}a, Sl6, §Ueop, $$. Hogs, ,$3: MorGhandi^e, - ''?)!) per ce Bapk ^tock, 60 per cent; Elevator^ per'cont; (Grain in eleYitprs^0O(p<?r c Law bh prairie,=82 poY »?£&£&** valleyv §2.50 par acrfe; 'Ipip' hortiesteadf not*prov«n it and nothing lees, than $1' £$£(£&& jllOt myl: frodrfKRs . A-large number of.rati<SiQr#'aha'^km itid in a ^er^in t£te weatern flffft,; of < the "q^uStj kSSfa»&v'if' have VKtiei' lodsinsr "hersea. riirht ! ,.oTofli - om. '"Tliat o^e T)elonpeii to •IM^^Biefiard^n at Elbo^: Wood?! , have Kj\en' loosing jaeipeB. ri«h* ! ^Ipng and i^ hoped-'that t^^cause ^ ^^esQ tr^&i& ';'-? I Tne trial of the- alleged^hdiw^wevei? Will come up. the^t|er. gdaonth.; The fellowjs.-, . •"* ^ i;|ShqrifitgcpSeld is : . -Y ..^KILIUM.IB ^CUILCAW *9 ^; UO .V(MUGI;IMWWLVW ^ -,'; LAP- hi» good vvorie in THE7CAP^IMO^ THEH^: be & N °™- ' >*M.' ' : passed PROHI^I^P ;THE STANDIN^ M > -R*^3 of horses oil ^'he^^re^t^ •.. \\jith'^^ .; - fesa MARY ' Clear --'hbrae "" ' - - - ' 'Mom mstaufaiit tlier eveniiiSvb^i cashieT k j, , , iJowar.l R6bjdabn,'^oe of the $> ^icjlliest'sranc^er^-on lifof $£$$%• ' 'Earth, ^assbd- ^hrb&gh 'Saturday, on life Avak,to' !?$$£ "Itapids, Minn;., tQilq ^ "' agricultural mteresWn - place. If^orderieQ I , .-ent sent t*- Ms hi;othejf B$i v _ at W'h ite KaWh^a.s a&«ac€foffer- ing during hjsa&berfc^ 5 " It is astonishing ^hovf imf'ifte fanners a^ tui;njlg oyerlih^sbd: N earlyv|\^i7O^e^^*,a<Mi^T'-«0ra€» plowing /a,ira -"sqlfiy Ai%' ' ;now; uwMis-thj|>e w - ^of last sejtsosi oijl^he fair crop is all tljat j 'v put this CQiiUtra^ 'o #'•• tootii^ of ; , rgtateC t " '\: EdwardOHoh^ "killed at tlie'-S Larson's * morning: 4 ^ up a _- ^'fforrey .. Miss Mary'Clear' '\ from thel^ela^ci iir " day., .' -'v.^:ft .i... ••>lfafto D.' Alta.,ia; pi ;jS^^iieih^.'^"atten4ancei/ir^i\- •?'• : ':,'' ?v t. Manager Butler, of the Sun^y Budget, is ill in'the hbspitftl in Miapf u ahd : the Bu.dget id svJ^p«nd.ed for the-present.' i ®lie l^^ppniteg^organiaed ; a churcfe at ti^ .YiCTBW-l>o^gStihday> There are: fh^tti. in^hie viciiaity. t^ker prpacUed. ^ able Eaater SQi#' 'ijuir $ fpr;-' treatment;? iiWei{onfe%a» ^pfendicitftr., ^iop of^he>!^re fb)rmerly*owned py; the Sur^Mj^cantilp Co^Jlo also ^bought $h,e ; Wb^ ; stiock of goods \m$^has: th^. lar^^ndl^V^to^ks'ii) the 'c^n- '"tj<- :^^yHw"iiood', feliosv .and will make d ii \ Vicibu| Ca^jne Anting Cottle: . am addened ahd)^ og Of the; St4 Berhatcl class, attaekod. cat-lje belonging to a M r.' Poiloejc aTjd :r. •"••. Kl.;f ."C ol CO y , ! . ^p-V^ntihjafettt of the prairie &^re all ih- M i not, but the women ftaine to the legcufc and "ere in- fitrumentaliii saving anient ire herd 'frorsV dj^i^ilatiqt^M^e- Polloelc first saw tlie tr •an two miles trying the fifeeinff stock, ehe vl ' As^sors Hold ^efitin^ ^ Twenty of the *thnty-eifi;ht nssopsorp ot Ward eounty miitwith Coupity.Aiidit- or ljarHon last. gbiturday and a baAis Of valuation which fcho aased^ors are t<xad-- here to, was planned. ;i ' ; "J' * The follpy^ng in the value * " ,us "*« United for Llfe by Rev'^ Pidirflt'Jnnes Wednesday Evenn! VMJIIFCJ'PJV'VI W*IV NYWIA'W*', contr^ctiYre parties Rohttr Kim frthfl GHffitJ, •*- r ^-'- ilSoVWl .'Rersojial -Alp #d •, visit in m&, movikl Mr^. LeSueur Minnesota. v -' |M f . opor. thc^H&le in with X W, SAtojOBBtittt ' -> A T KAttvbtMjppd O. K5t Johnson, two of CarpjpV' SKmen, Acie Mi not visitdra-^Piiesda^/'^ * , '•' IVfiil^Jalia Jo^nsoh. of Black Rivep i6"„ isj\ifeiting her brother,: A. 1 ; weejj. . ^_^JSsaes: Ceorgie and Lauriiinie .lth'el'i popular young ladies of BerJ^ were viwtprakin the pity Satiirday. _jrt'0I^lai^Y^.v)^;1^n-in;-^ieaga t vseveral weekH,taking a 6oui'se i ih elec-. «jty, is^s^ected honip Saturday even- ing. : #v'..'S :-. .-''V,'-' 1 •;. - -,- - . •*••';''- : ,OnO"df<4W:pi^tfi(^t hfrtrife '<i which haa*'^veKocPii|se,4 iH.ffi Til «ibc nt4highome<^»tfe:Miir^ jli'trTof SiTir-rSy^ <{ ov«nin<f af? o'ejpe t^onty-ftveiof the tieare^ i i " V.'MJ;K. M.B. a very „,j;f»ride dr^f3.ed, A iii' heii^ie tta,. fcrim- in, and "silk. spangled 1 •poarcd <fcb better,. ad- >le wfti#. attbnded by ^^'Murraj', brpth- ,. the^^cid^i' Alter con- v,...; .„ . " fl b{s?t fishes ;had,; been ppj#; U weadmg' lu^ch, i,The couple ^uuihev ;pf .^r xvh'dd i np jiresentH. - In about a -I'th^y ^ill leaye.ipr Ganada on their Irhng.trfp: * ':' .H ' : "'' : Wr /fl'he groom iR a lnembpr "*i>t the ^eal ««tai*nm ol Murray : & Nixon,;.8nd to thi's city< about a yep? ago. He steady young fiian nnd 1: as gaiped a vplkw ^mong Miiiot'ti .best ImtsinesH nien; The 'brjd# is a (^arniiDg."young n-omsu at pwpu isessing apjfe'afance.. 'Ji'hc. Inde- pendent wishes couple - continued happjnebB tfer^gh life, SPEECH BV R. W. DALZIEL^I^ cy>'riN tTrj i'itow L^ST WEKII.] ' - df iVgeiit Falvey, who has been ill for several weeks, \ v A- Rev. W. C. Hunter tvent-to "Wlo^ Cfty on Tuesday to attend thp^re^ byterv, but wijl preach atLogan'Sunday > Drl Thoa. Storey^ a popular Faigo : dentist^ has opened elegant, dehtal par lors in-rooms i.aiid 5 of tljjS^opera bloi k; 3" Mr^:;' Steve Lf^w^'who^as b«en at the' point of. death f(ir some dOTt^ffe reported; iio^better -and her expecited at any timei.- ' '. T : '"•" John C. Lowe is hori frotttyNew York trying tp org ]j[o is meeting Menifhyii-, vT«- MiS^ifiHlife Boshard, iprmerly book keefc&isfof^tiro Optic,- \vas recently wed- decl^\yilFtid•.Leinieni, a, Kinot clerk. fm. I 'LLNU'IN NIIAN MAIII lit tl/V 1 /W tna irewer, Phe^b'gl L throw if rowTi 1 Our Sunday school counted 100 -lafet Sabbath. "Makej>^1^^; . , JIan is jto fte'hieaS'ured^y his 'ideals rather,than- by his eondu^ « tmU drine, Sund»>^dJppfdlildren, ".The subjects -for next;jSuijdBy "are: s ,it'.^ay -^S0^: '"i'hc -Religion that , ^^O^';1S»WS?\:i •,:•• :N'-,';'.: ; •t'"' j Nfl nWt*n^awtjJyt" bad in;sp"tti£*, of her prac ' ticpi, but^iii^j^ig^^Is?She' wh> the $re£esjanifc EM&p^ial«n1.h#et^ Eidscoparchurches, unite in practi vfoyjif i mi a tr&rk, as they are (ioina jiteek, baser! bigotry is notat borne : spirit -of our Episcoga 1 J ile. He permit •c, ct .the si ^ "V ttittk t<.4 : A A Be5t Terips, Qijickest Returns , i w< ^ n !v" " - Catf on ^us bgfqge nuking thz loan-: ;cb your Irani and g£t our Wm3 t FirVAL^ PROOFS •'••o : i%' ., "E. R."wf. LeSueur ^ £•1 instead ot a crowded hanement, where ftl't^, disease artd dlti&Afortj vied xyfc p4ch othdir In making ear.th.li|^;h*H;^ rSOp no li<>mes t nor" farms^|iM^agfed' or su«h treasures -• forpclpMW^ because un- £& sialism there wwo need l'or ipprt- IjMing thei homeH^and the " people are see.u re under th» use and "po.ss(;.s9ion of thorn fpt'eo^fears with tne privilege of •'' ' > r "r'' ""'v v'i"'' '••<••. •• ' - ";£WlP>rt I see the cla(ruing of th^| * ' ' lit 1 " ' 1 "* ^{irium opening ltko the fragrant »M«£ Id into full arid perfect bloom. - . Po I-' picture 'the advantages -'ape ^enoufs in too high colors?' Is thef«ftri? >)e t appinesis; I have described too good k£be5tf ue? i have told you that socialf' ei t>ears upon the pure, White brow u^auty.^o^n 6{;i.dealisna. -lsthq.bnghb' npss of my picUirc above tlia.ideal? Ca. ,Et,Hn, in hia fitii^cnc_3B, :J fafic"y' Qjieace a: ( fiappMess "pmer shall enj> T 1'he idbal savorB's The good is clone •iv'afeecQatet 'Tfietreasuj tleient for wai is the , cl^ar^ed a , ipHcry of hi Hue li^ly t tp4a» to -el ediicd disco{ and wroi %rit sri 'f the pe e best. ,v of hjs mal- ji'th, are all *4 fjpihess. Qa^i' which mu: lercentage ort Is it wron- when the la 3 Is it a lesser V (Te have beea^ :v ' liberty: we; hav^' _ were free. Wi ves in bonds of s'jJ jipients of unn> - anarchy to revc ' .'o demand that the ' r deposed frcrtn their t!: ' '0 remain men with se >ss than demand a Q and for tho people all we vote to reins' isin. norsgs backed, '4& H>juri|ig ] A fort •^t^the-'G. 4' wrecks given An tram pu . mm paired: 4V. '4 ^.Chi«| . RoaclvW® #, ' ingy'"#U#^ hot^i .. to 8ystemaiioi%>ft """ th& ^ripJin bmwK ^fenesat^c- ^ N?Mry iSttiooiV betenM ' M •4 l^tvveej to .•br^ki^slg ,<»st clttfrl Setf Jjrol lskii!

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Page 1: bu f CAWT Erils A J A »•••:••: •' >%• , . . %?,•)» t ... · ei t>ears upon the pure, White brow u^auty.^o^n 6{;i.dealisna. -lsthq.bnghb' npss of my picUirc above

^ wm



w r . / , - , y y , ^ y « « y

ZSs HWBwtJtJan-#.'!-A-VwrfV HOME WEfy*l&^j£ VllP^fc^THttfVri^VirriHT , Erils KredrikBdh, who died afparplo, - " '\ . V?

'f«l^$>CAWT »fa«rfn,«pS **%•> ^ WTO •' ; , !' • f ,," f -*»*»&%

. " • vv&iitifc&iL'.fA -fy

•ENI>ENT.JALLE( . rsta^tu^iv, &ftn|£


two Cfi . KKTEfcFD ,T^,m,A«*fa^frr-,

J»•••:••: •' JIATTKI^rpqs'^OPFICfcf^IWW^MPi'KfO^ ,$ , . . %?,•)» t-riKfCKHisfttbV MXBO»S, i8?fl. • > % • ' • - V J f - m

• jlffJL

BSRS'Jjai! y"wii|, wi , - ^ ' » P

p^W^' '-Ohl ,. •^' •• "-"• :,w Judge ,#i^«4;.i^ii^finis^v^Pi-'^^

feftilVaet jn•»Mii^^^•'^.:'^"|M<^^^•"^ ^ r' Vi-i._ wm


« foter Bhr; •en. Ins farw i^tja^6ui^vy..'>. >v;:,. 4'^ •

Dn *Wi naeffifeMt! ft bifets&fjf,i&^#;$we' 7. :_CN- in^i^^Vi^: >->,x

ST-« '"--fys

" i rV

-ji ?-•* Ht'Jr *|


K( JN;

j,> i-T. v\ inuunju "from the footfef , .- , .,

* -Seven at the land ql^e Suturg^^nd u record ijiadc. , \ *'' /!'?>• T'"' , J J. S opened. a'; I^miitT1, Coylo's 000 ty loan on fa|nj&. ( V ^ ^ -' ' '

The eou n ty dbmifri^ipt era- rciufeed to 'Accept the Orr; jthe „ _ ^,. hospital, and s chaise of the

ty r£ fetv \V

Ta^dUier Jyga^. • 7;

k« i *

The Sop. •Friday wh„- ^_.T .^.......... •Nels O. Melby and Ati^ie ljell. .Sunday N. Deogan'a farm wt^ daiiiaged and the flrc-i were put/ouirpnly'mthihe .taTde^t _

-work. , • V • TH6 G.

•James M . badly'bilrn|% uj^o,;'still cerix Sling. *, jit| '

The head CLE , dopai'tniient.'Store^A~, 7 „— pan alif-le ou a looseipfth* of stairs one day ln,ST • WWI^?" fell.- SEV>


ty iiig1 .them;; I^RI^WAYS FWIUENT'-jv occur by Teasb!^ ok such care­ts •' --s V ;•'• 'WV': >'A'~ •'•'• i-•'<&'• • JfcSSjnOSB,. y- ; - r -_

.bloorf'Haijptioni^ 1 Aug;' pchei'C;; The arii'in^|1ij?ts a

northwest In a friencil^ , ,

of Larson's. .Jftery- bUnw " t hrovvn kud injureftv^ "* t0i&1k

cters Thought to,?^e-' , }Or tJansr'. of Organized' ajdqes Brdj

vv - ^--i-T.,^ , v ,

Jfhfe city T.a^dayt; afternoon.' • Oh® day la^t Wibpk th^Bhoriff ,received wordvthat t^o tnbnh'am^d^GartonandGa^bell:, caiBpffig-irt:ihe hlllB weat'of SIinot wittl a biiad'df lidbiei«:£Uibiieht to. be • etolen one^i . Iiti^#CtoKp9/^»f Turlington, ha4d Inis^id •*^)ay^c^9^-i^^|^4wr^ey:;''xind.- tj)^ jcbUjf w$PBEm& 'bunch-• of-' ;hoy^'.y88Bf.^^'-^epVf^^;-'drtviiigf; 'Mr, in gettinsr tlie:

• a way; with .th^ :'.tt|irnal;; ??he horsaa


' :Sh'e|^^o%rd i|Cpoinpani6^ by Jiift ^udiSMp^t Sarur^y, aft^rae^^ .for - the

they arrived 'tfteytiiu nd thp j^i'il' had tdken w4Ue 'hw^es about

?ind:lef^ft>r_the' south four Ikrar&Jjtofore,;"id?hey drdve-abrtjut seven-

ojfid Sunday^ rdmve|^toAVi^ht(tli,n, vrhftKf th^ afph hsd bi^^aro^^ed'ant) pltlced Hn m

am/^tnat':'they aT^ in^twjA<but it ME&.b&l fai. K#&ew,.* TbQy p bftt. ona^owite ia tPwiinclautlKtt'did .not be-:

few ddyii of ^ah "ulyel' oi the sW«ti»r,h, Kjrsamzau »nd died frolJi a hQK>o»l"»gOf E&camc •« Mi„Af to thia county in 1^87, anU,0ngaJ|d m

; io minvi rttnc^injy and-ijrae sncce^aful. Sy waa the owner of the Cnrpi^ tpw-nwitfr.; The fUBeral was perliaps the larg6s| &vor

u wwwin'Df Sieen in^^this j^nt^tifts proces^JO^ be-' idr^ tlStieVes^ inR over amile lpn^ IIOWM 4^ years ,... •• '.-.-1 • 1 - old and leavos a.wi3fe, y Vf / ^

Qattlelyr old, 88 , 2yrs ol 3 yra old,- $S5v cpw^SlB;;Hiilea,-l, __ 3 yrsyo}a, Sl6, §Ueop, $$. Hogs, ,$3: MorGhandi^e, -''?)!) per ce Bapk ^tock, 60 per cent; Elevator^ per'cont; (Grain in eleYitprs^0O(p<?r c Law bh prairie,=82 poY »?£&£&** valleyv §2.50 par acrfe; 'Ipip' hortiesteadf not*prov«n it and nothing lees, than $1'

£$£(£&& jllOt myl:

frodrfKRs . A-large number of.rati<SiQr#'aha'^km itid • in a ^er^in t£te weatern flffft,; of < the "q^uStj kSSfa»&v'if' have VKtiei' lodsinsr "hersea. riirht!,.oTofli

- om. '"Tliat o^e T)elonpeii to •IM^^Biefiard^n at Elbo^: Wood?! ,

have Kj\en' loosing jaeipeB. ri«h*!^Ipng and i^ hoped-'that t^^cause ^ ^^esQ tr^&i& ';'-?

I Tne trial of the- alleged^hdiw^wevei? Will come up. the^t|er.

gdaonth.; The fellowjs.-, . •"* ^ i;|ShqrifitgcpSeld is : . -Y ..^KILIUM.IB ^CUILCAW *9 ^; UO .V(MUGI;IMWWLVW

-,'; • LAP- hi» good vvorie in THE7CAP^IMO THEH^: be &N°™- ' >*M.' ' :

passed PROHI^I^P ;THE STANDIN M > • -R*^3 of horses oil ^'he^^re^t^ •.. \\jith'^^ .; - fesa MARY 'Clear --'hbrae

"" ' - • - - ' 'Mom

mstaufaiit tlier eveniiiSvb^i



j, , , iJowar.l R6bjdabn,'^oe of the $> icjlliest'sranc^er -on lifof $£$$%•

' 'Earth, assbd- ^hrb&gh 'Saturday, on life Avak,to' !?$$£ "Itapids, Minn;., tQilq ^ "' agricultural mteresWn

- place. If^orderieQ I , .-ent sent t*- Ms hi;othejf B$i v _

at W'h ite KaWh^a.s a&«ac€foffer­ing during hjsa&berfc^ 5

" It is astonishing hovf imf'ifte fanners a^ tui;njlg oyerlih^sbd:

„ N earlyv|\^i7O^e^^*,a<Mi^T'-«0ra€» plowing /a,ira -"sqlfiy Ai%'

' ;now; uwMis-thj|>e w - ^of last sejtsosi oijl^he

fair crop is all tljat j 'v put this CQiiUtra^ 'o

#'•• tootii^ of ; , rgtateC • t

" '\: EdwardOHoh^ "killed at tlie'-S Larson's * morning: 4

^ up a

_ - ' f f o r r e y .. Miss Mary'Clear' '\ from thel^ela^ci iir " day., .' -'v.^:ft .i... ••>lfafto D.' Alta.,ia;

pi ;jS^^iieih^.'^"atten4ancei/ir^i\- •?'• :':,''?v

t. Manager Butler, of the Sun^y Budget, is ill in'the hbspitftl in Miapf uahd: the Bu.dget id svJ^p«nd.ed for the-present.' i ®lie l^^ppniteg^organiaed ; a churcfe at ti^ .YiCTBW-l>o^gStihday> There are:

fh^tti. in^hie viciiaity. t^ker prpacUed. ^ able Eaater


'ijuir $ fpr;-' treatment;? iiWei{onfe%a» ^pfendicitftr.,

^iop of^he>!^re fb)rmerly*owned py; the Sur^Mj^cantilp Co^Jlo also bought $h,e; Wb^; stiock of goods \m$^has: th^. lar^^ndl^V^to^ks'ii) the 'c^n-

'"tj<- • :^^yHw"iiood', feliosv .and will make d ii

\ Vicibu| Ca^jne Anting Cottle:

. am addened ahd)^ og Of the; St4 Berhatcl class, attaekod. cat-lje belonging to a M r.' Poiloejc aTjd :r. •"••. Kl.;f ."C ol CO y,!. ^p-V^ntihjafettt of the prairie &^re all ih- M i not, but the women ftaine to the legcufc and "ere in-fitrumentaliii saving anient ire herd 'frorsV dj^i^ilatiqt^M^e-Polloelc first saw tlie tr •an two miles trying the fifeeinff stock, ehe vl

' As^sors Hold ^efitin^ ^ Twenty of the *thnty-eifi;ht nssopsorp

ot Ward eounty miitwith Coupity.Aiidit-or ljarHon last. gbiturday and a baAis Of valuation which fcho aased^ors are t<xad--here to, was planned. ;i ' ; "J' *

The follpy^ng in the value * ",us"*«

United for Llfe by Rev'^ Pidirflt'Jnnes Wednesday Evenn!


contr^ctiYre parties Rohttr Kim frthfl GHffitJ, •*-r^-'- ilSoVWl

.'Rersojial -Alp

#d •, visit in

m&, movikl

Mr^. LeSueur Minnesota. v -' |M f .

opor. thc^H&le in with X W, SAtojOBBtittt ' ->

A T KAttvbtMjppd O. K5t Johnson, two of CarpjpV' SKmen, Acie Mi not visitdra-^Piiesda^/'^ * , '•'

IVfiil^Jalia Jo^nsoh. of Black Rivep i6"„ isj\ifeiting her brother,: C» A.1;

weejj. . ^_^JSsaes: • Ceorgie and Lauriiinie .lth'el'i popular young ladies of BerJ^

were viwtprakin the pity Satiirday. _jrt'0I^lai^Y^.v)^;1^n-in;-^ieaga

t vseveral weekH,taking a 6oui'seiih elec-. «jty, is^s^ected honip Saturday even­

ing. :#v'..'S :-. .-''V,'-'1 •;. - -,- - . •*••';''- :

,OnO"df<4W:pi^tfi(^t hfrtrife '<i which haa*'^veKocPii|se,4 iH.ffi Til «ibc nt4highome<^»tfe:Miir^ jli'trTof SiTir-rSy^ <{ ov«nin<f af? o'ejpe t^onty-ftveiof the tieare^ — • i i " —

V.'MJ;K. M.B.

a very

„,j;f»ride dr^f3.ed,Aiii' heii^ie tta,. fcrim-

in, and "silk. spangled1

•poarcd <fcb better,. ad->le wfti#. attbnded by

^^'Murraj', brpth-,. the^^cid^i' Alter con-

v,...; .„ . "fl b{s?t fishes ;had,; been ppj#; U weadmg' lu^ch, i,The couple

^uuihev ;pf .^r xvh'dd i np jiresentH. - In about a

-I'th^y ^ill leaye.ipr Ganada on their Irhng.trfp: * ':' .H ':"'':Wr

/fl'he groom iR a lnembpr "*i>t the ^eal ««tai*nm ol Murray : & Nixon,;.8nd

to thi's city< about a yep? ago. He • steady young fiian nnd 1: as gaiped a vplkw ^mong Miiiot'ti .best ImtsinesH nien; The 'brjd# is a (^arniiDg."young n-omsu at pwpu isessing apjfe'afance.. 'Ji'hc. Inde­pendent wishes &« couple - continued happjnebB tfer^gh life,

SPEECH BV R. W. DALZIEL^I^ cy>'riN tTrj i'itow L^ST WEKII.] ' -

df iVgeiit Falvey, who has been ill for several weeks, \ v A-• Rev. W. C. Hunter tvent-to "Wlo^ Cfty on Tuesday to attend thp^re^ byterv, but wijl preach atLogan'Sunday >

Drl Thoa. Storey^ a popular Faigo:

dentist^ has opened elegant, dehtal par lors in-rooms i.aiid 5 of tljjS^opera bloi k; 3" Mr^:;' Steve Lf^w^'who^as b«en at the' point of. death f(ir some dOTt^ffe reported; iio^better -and her expecited at any timei.- ' '. T:'"•"

John C. Lowe is hori frotttyNew York trying tp org ]j[o is meeting Menifhyii-, vT«-

MiS^ifiHlife Boshard, iprmerly book keefc&isfof^tiro Optic,- \vas recently wed-decl^\yilFtid•.Leinieni, a, Kinot clerk. fm. I 'LLNU'IN NIIAN MAIII l i t t l /V 1 /W tna

irewer, Phe^b'gl

L throw if rowTi1

Our Sunday school counted 100 -lafet Sabbath. "Makej>^1^^; • . ,

JIan is jto fte'hieaS'ured^y his 'ideals rather,than- by his eondu^ « tmU drine, Sund»>^dJppfdlildren,

".The subjects -for next;jSuijdBy "are: s ,it'.^ay -^S0^: '"i'hc -Religion

that,^^O^';1S»WS?\:i •,:•• :N'-,';'.:; •t'"' j Nfl nWt*n^awtjJyt" bad in;sp"tti£*, of her prac

' ticpi, but^iii^j^ig^^Is?She' wh>

the $re£esjanifc EM&p^ial«n1.h#et^ Eidscoparchurches, unite in practi vfoyjif i mi a tr&rk, as they are (ioina jiteek, baser! bigotry is notat borne

: spirit -of our Episcoga1 J

ile. He permit •c, ct .the


^ " V

ttittk t<.4

:A A

Be5t Terips,

Qijickest Returns , i w< ^ n !v" " -

Catf on ^us bgfqge nuking thz loan-: ;cb

your Irani and g£t our Wm3t

FirVAL^ PROOFS •'••o • : i%'

. , " E . R . " w f . LeSueur ^


instead ot a crowded hanement, where ftl't^, disease artd dlti&Afortj vied xyfc p4ch othdir In making ear.th.li|^;h*H;^ rSOp no li<>mes t nor" farms^|iM^agfed' or su«h treasures -• forpclpMW^ because un-£& sialism there wwo need l'or ipprt-IjMing thei homeH^and the " people are see.u re under th» use and "po.ss(;.s9ion of thorn fpt'eo^fears with tne privilege of

•'' ' >r "r'' ""'v v'i"'' '••<••. •• ' -";£WlP>rt I see the cla(ruing of th^|

* ' ' lit1" '1"* ^{irium opening ltko the fragrant »M«£ Id into full arid perfect bloom. - . Po I-' picture 'the advantages -'ape

^enoufs in too high colors?' Is thef«ftri? >)e t appinesis; I have described too good k£be5tf ue? i have told you that socialf' ei t>ears upon the pure, White brow

u^auty.^o^n 6{;i.dealisna. -lsthq.bnghb' npss of my picUirc above tlia.ideal? Ca.

,Et,Hn, in hia fitii^cnc_3B,:Jfafic"y' Qjieace a: ( fiappMess "pmer shall enj>


1'he idbal savorB's The good is clone •iv'afeecQatet 'Tfietreasuj tleient for wai is the

, cl^ar^ed a , ipHcry of hi Hue li^ly t

tp4a» to -el ediicd disco{ and wroi

%rit sri

'f the pe e best.

,v of hjs mal-ji'th, are all *4 fjpihess. Qa^i'

which mu: lercentage ort

Is it wron-when the la3

Is it a lesser V (Te have beea^:v'

liberty: we; hav^' _ were free. Wi

ves in bonds of s'jJ jipients of unn> -anarchy to revc '

.'o demand that the ' r deposed frcrtn their t!: ' '0 remain men with se >ss than demand a Q

and for tho people all we vote to reins' isin.

norsgs backed, '4& H>juri|ig ]

A fort •^t^the-'G.

4' wrecks given An tram pu

. mm paired: 4V. '4 ^.Chi«|

. RoaclvW® #, ' ingy'"#U#^

hot^i .. to 8ystemaiioi%>ft

""" th& ripJin


^fenesat^c-^ N?Mry

iSttiooiV betenM

' M •4



.•br^ki^slg ,<»st clttfrl Setf Jjrol
