bt race to the line.pdf

Objectives As the official communications services partner for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, BT Global Services, the division of BT that provides managed network IT services, was responsible for carrying every call, piece of data, image and sports report for the Games. Needless to say, London 2012 was a reputation defining moment for BT which is why they sought a robust thought leadership programme to raise awareness and drive new business opportunities. In light of the various business challenges expected during the Olympics, BT required a communications programme that would position them as the best partner to provide technology and know-how to help businesses develop the kind of agility that London 2012 might demand of them. It needed to raise awareness and deliver media coverage across business and vertical sector media channels to prompt customers into considering their state of business readiness for the Games, and provide a hook for BT Global Services sales teams to start new customer conversations. Strategy and plan BT’s strategy was to give business customers the motivation to consider immediate steps that could help their organisation over the Olympic summer, whilst also delivering longer-term benefits. Based on this, the strategy had three strands: 1. To create new content and an online destination that offered inspiration to businesses considering the challenges and opportunities offered by London 2012 2. To use the content to engage media in debate and drive coverage that encouraged businesses to reconsider their state of readiness 3. To leverage BT’s heritage of insight around how businesses coped with the impact of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics as part of a thought leadership programme. CLIENT: BT GLOBAL SERVICES CAMPAIGN: RACE TO THE LINE: CREATING A LONDON 2012 SALES ENGAGEMENT PLATFORM FOR BT CATEGORIES: 19 UNITED KINGDOM AND IRELAND (LESS THAN £ 50,000 IN FEES); 25 BUSINESS-TO-BUSINESS MARKETING; 65 TECHNOLOGY: SOFTWARE & SERVICES AGENCY: PORTER NOVELLI RACE TO THE LINE: CREATING A LONDON 2012 SALES ENGAGEMENT PLATFORM FOR BT

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  • Objectives

    As the official communications services partner for the London

    2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, BT Global Services, the

    division of BT that provides managed network IT services, was

    responsible for carrying every call, piece of data, image and

    sports report for the Games. Needless to say, London 2012 was

    a reputation defining moment for BT which is why they sought a

    robust thought leadership programme to raise awareness and drive

    new business opportunities.

    In light of the various business challenges expected during the

    Olympics, BT required a communications programme that would

    position them as the best partner to provide technology and

    know-how to help businesses develop the kind of agility that

    London 2012 might demand of them. It needed to raise awareness

    and deliver media coverage across business and vertical sector

    media channels to prompt customers into considering their state

    of business readiness for the Games, and provide a hook for BT

    Global Services sales teams to start new customer conversations.

    Strategy and plan

    BTs strategy was to give business customers the motivation to

    consider immediate steps that could help their organisation over the

    Olympic summer, whilst also delivering longer-term benefits. Based

    on this, the strategy had three strands:

    1. To create new content and an online destination that offered

    inspiration to businesses considering the challenges and

    opportunities offered by London 2012

    2. To use the content to engage media in debate and drive coverage

    that encouraged businesses to reconsider their state of readiness

    3. To leverage BTs heritage of insight around how businesses

    coped with the impact of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics

    as part of a thought leadership programme.

    Client: BT GloBal ServiceSCampaign: race To The line: creaTinG a london 2012 SaleS enGaGemenT PlaTform for BTCategOrieS: 19 UniTed KinGdom and ireland (leSS Than 50,000 in feeS); 25 BUSineSS-To-BUSineSS marKeTinG; 65 TechnoloGY: SofTWare & ServiceSagenCy: PorTer novelli

    raCe tO the line: Creating a lOndOn 2012 SaleS engagement platfOrm fOr Bt

  • implementation

    The result was the Race to the Line survey: the most authoritative

    barometer of UK business sentiment towards London 2012 that

    had ever been attempted. Decision-makers from 1,200 private and

    public sector organisations were surveyed online in October 2011 and the results compiled into a comprehensive report that

    analysed the expected effects of the Games around the country and across both public and private sector organisations in a variety

    of different industries.

    The research brief incorporated topics ranging from the

    preparations being made and perceived opportunities presented by

    the Games through to technology topics such as flexible working

    and network security. The brief was shared across BT, ensuring

    stakeholder buy-in and building anticipation for how the results

    could be used within sales and marketing programmes.

    During analysis, the London 2012 Race to the Line research results

    were combined with findings from previous BT research into the

    experience of businesses around Vancouver 2010 to create a story that

    revealed a sharp divide between organisations poised to take advantage

    of the opportunities that almost a million extra visitors to the country

    would bring and those relying on luck to see them through.

    The results were compiled into a series of reports, showing the

    perspectives of large and small businesses, as well as public versus

    private organisations. A set of press releases was developed to tell

    the overall business story and tailored perspectives for key vertical

    sectors (e.g. retail, financial services, transport). All of these had to

    be navigated through a rigorous approvals process.

    The research was launched to media through a breakfast roundtable

    hosted by BT in London. To ensure a stimulating debate,

    spokespeople from the Canadian High Commission, London First,

    Visa and Ovum joined BTs President of Global Services and

    London Business Director to offer different perspectives around

    the table.

    To complement the media campaign, BT developed a web page

    hosting videos and content encouraging businesses to consider their

    state of readiness. It offered a simple self-assessment tool, case

    studies on how BT was helping its customers and links to expert

    viewpoints on relevant issues such as flexible working and network

    security. Businesses could also book a London 2012 showcase visit

    to get a demonstration on how BT could support their organisation

    to be more agile and resilient.

    Campaign content and insight was repackaged for publication

    through the BT Viewpoint blog, and followers alerted through

    a series of tweets. A crib sheet was also created for the BT sales

    teams and a series of briefing calls undertaken to promote how

    collateral could be used to open up new conversations with


    A BT marketing campaign was also developed and ran in January

    and February 2012, using the research as the basis for messaging

    and content. This included print advertisements that drew on the

    research findings which appeared in the Economists World in

    2012 publication, the Sunday Telegraph and City AM. BT also ran

    a series of advertisements titled 12 tips to an extraordinary 2012

    in the Evening Standard and Metro, as well as a series of online

    ads, that highlighted the need for businesses to prepare for London

    2012 and further strengthened BTs position in this area.


    The media launch was attended by 15 journalists from national

    publications including the Daily Telegraph, Mail on Sunday, Reuters,

    FT, Evening Standard and vertical titles from sectors ranging from

    retail to manufacturing. This made it the best attended media event

    BT Global Services had hosted in over two years.

    More than 68 pieces of media coverage ensured that the research was

    seen by a potential audience in excess of 18 million across the UK.

    Message analysis showed BT positively positioned as both a thought

    leader on business readiness and in its role as official communications

    services partner to London 2012. Coverage also raised the personal

    profile of Emer Timmons, the president of BT Global Services UK.

    The campaign drove a steady stream of traffic to BTs online

    sites. Campaign videos on the BT Viewpoint YouTube channel

    were viewed over 1,000 times, while Race to the Line infographics

    published on the BT Viewpoint blog attracted over 3,000 views,

    making them the highest ranked content on this site of all time.

    Positive feedback from BT sales teams suggested that this was one

    of the most effective communications campaigns in recent years in

    helping them to engage customers in conversations. Individual visits

    to the BT Centre Showcase, demonstrating the technology solutions

    offered by BT, were arranged for 27 new customers. This generated

    26 opportunities to the value of 2.3 million and nurtured 22

    opportunities to the value of 76 million.

    In total the campaign helped to close sales of a value 71 per cent

    higher than the target set, and a pipeline total order value of 35 per

    cent higher than the target set.

    Client: BT GloBal ServiceS Campaign: race To The line: creaTinG a london 2012 SaleS enGaGemenT PlaTform for BT agenCy: PorTer novelli

    The sales figures are given in commercial confidence, for the judges eyes only.