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  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4





  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    One of the most important resources to be managed is m

    and equipments.

    The cost of using machineries / equipments may varies

    range of 20% - 40% of total construction cost.

    ome types of pro!ects are labour intensive "hile ma!ori

    structure "or#s are e$tensively using machineries / equipm


  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    ased on substantial cost involved& thus construction mach

    equipments must be properly managed.'ppropriate planning and acquiring of machineries can help

    avoid the problems face during construction stage.

    Introduction (cont’d)

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    OBJECTIVES OF Plant & Equipment Manageme

    To ma$imise the plant and equipment output

    To complement the "or#s "ith available materials and labour

    To reduce idling time

      To control and complete the !ob faster (for big pro!ects)

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    Contractors Plant and Equipment Acquis


    • Buy

    • Rent

    • Buy and rent

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    Buy Plant and Equipment


    - Plant and equipment is available when required

    - An important consideration for project award

    - Adds asset value to the company

    - Can be competitive in tender bids


    - Maintenance cost (workshop)

    - Storage cost

    - Operator cost

    - High capital investment

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    Rent Plant and Equipment



    Low capital cost- No maintenance cost

    - No storage cost

    - Can be competitive in tender bids when there are many suppliers


    - High tender cost because of high rental cost

    - May not be available when needed

    - Not a return in investment

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    The decision to acquire construction machineries / equipmen

    considered seriously cause the capital required is very high.

    some machineries can be in the range of several hundred th

    *illion +inggit.

    ,f decided to purchase and o"n a particular machine& one ha

    into account services such as maintenance& rental& cost acco

    Acquisition of Machineries anEquipments

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    The decision to acquire construction machineries / equipmen

    considered seriously cause the capital required is very high. some machineries can be in the range of several hundred th

    *illion +inggit.

    ,f decided to purchase and o"n a particular machine& one ha

    into account services such as maintenance& rental& cost acco

    Acquisition of Machineries anEquipments

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    There are several factors to be considered if one decided to

    and o"n a particular machine.(i) Output apacity beside capacity of the machine& avas#ill operator has to be ta#en into account.

    (ii) *ar#et emand before purchasing it is good to condemand so that the purchasing is not only for a pro!ect bube rented out.

    Acquisition of Machineries anEquipments

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    epends upon

    ite location conditions

    1eriod of use

    ontractors available capital

    'vailability of storage /"or#shop

    'vailability of trained operator

    *anagement and maintenance cost

    'dvantages/disadvantages of buying

    'dvantages/disadvantages of renting

    Considerations to Buy or Rent

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    Seleting t!e plant and equipment



    Site ondition and loation

    Type o" proType of Construction


    with oth



  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    Fators to $e Considered in Plant and Equipment C


    ost to be borne

    Time "hen required

    requency of use

    Transportation to site cost



    epreciation cost

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    1lanning and scheduling of machineries / equipments must b

    on the "or# programme. +equisition on acquiring must be m

    the decision has been made to use a particular machinery.

    'nalysis of levelling on the usage of machineries / equipmen

    guide the managers to ma#e critical decision.

    Planning of Machineries andEquipments

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    3ndoubtedly& critical activities "ill be given the most priority.,f during a particular day& 2 or more activities require the useequipment& hence priority must be given to the critical activit

    espite careful planning and acquisition& problems may still construction stage.

    Planning of Machineries andEquipments

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    everal problems faced by the contractors during the construprogress.

    'mong these problems are highlighted in igure . 5o"eveimportant things to do is to acquire the machineries / equipmneeded.

    Problems related to MachineriesEquipments

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    +neconomic age

    +na2areof Mar3et







    Figure 1 : Problems Related to Machineries and Equipm

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  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    DIGGER• multiple usage it finds its application

    • Building highways, airports and roads.

    • Construction of dams, water and sewersystems.

    • Constructing commercial buildings,housing developments, hospitals, schoolsand office building.

    • Helps in mining and offshore drilling.

    • Excavating, digging, small demolitions,landscaping and preparation ofconstruction sites.

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    Like any bulldozer scrape dozer too has tractor, ripper

    and blade as the main part. It uses scraper for doing

    various functions which in turn is controlled by joy stick,

    monitor panels and pedals. The whole mechanism of the

    dozer depends on the principle of the hydraulic systems.


    Land clearing and land leveling

    Preparing construction sites

    Helps in the construction of roadsConstruction and maintenance of canals and dams

    Removal of snowsOther smaller and bigger civil engineering projects.

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    Scraper is an important mechanical equipment that is

    used for excavating, digging and hauling of materials.

    Scraper is available in different sizes and configuration

    depending on the nature of the project. It is one of the

    most versatile equipment that performs different

    functions single handedly.


    It helps in preparing the ground for the new loads of solid

    waste that constantly arrive.

    Helps in preparing work at landfills.

    It digs, the site, loads, hauls and dumps the wastes

    materials and helps in preparing the sites for


    It is also used in road construction etc.

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     Armed with heavy carriage capacities and

    powerful engines, the construction crane

    finds their applicability in numerous

    projects like.


     At construction sites, cranes are used to

    lift steel, concrete and other materials.

    i. Construction of bridges.

    ii.Construction of ports.iii.Lifting heavy industrial devices.

    iv. Used in lifting of containers on sea

    ports etc.

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    Batching Plant

    Equipment used at a concrete batching plants includes soils, weight hoppers conveyors, mix

    auxiliary generators. The raw material like cement, sand and aggregate are batched and mi

    moisture concrete. The required concrete is fed via conveyor belt into the block machine. Boo

    for pulling the material towards the gates for batching of aggregates. Cement Hopper with S

    concrete mixer reversible drum, weight batcher with precision scales for aggregate and cem

    other equipments that are used in concrete batching plants.

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4



    6conomics (usage and return of investment)

    uitability "ith type and quantity of "or#

    'vailability of competent and responsible operator

    *aintenance /rental cost

    torage and "or#shop

    uture use

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


      1revention of materials and labour "astage

      mooth e$ecution of "or#


      7uality ontrol

      ompletion of pro!ect "ithin the contract period

    Summary %Contd' 

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


     Temporary Works and ServLECTURE 4

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    What is Temporary Works?

    •  Defned in BS 5975•  An ‘engineered solution’ used to

    – Support or protect an existing structuthe

    permanent works during construction– Support an item o plant or e!uipment– Support an exca"ation– #ro"ide access

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    Examples of Temporary Works


    – %renches& exca"ations& temporar' slopes and stockpiles(



    – +ormwork& alsework& propping& acade retention& needlinshoring& edge protection& temporar' ,ridges& site hoardinsignage& site encing(

    $!uipment-plant oundations

    – %ower crane ,ases& supports& anchors and ties or hoists.)/#s& crane and piling platorms

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    Tall building:

    Vertical Transportation & Handling /Access

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    •Access to the interior and exterior o the ,uilding is needed or worand e"en plant or machiner'(

    •/orkers ha"e to ,e lited to their work areas within the ,uilding ,eithat the' do not tire themsel"es clim,ing stairs

    •.aterials ha"e to ,e lited to their installation positions within the ,,uilt(

     %he common e!uipment or machineries used are1

    • Sca*olding 2elicopters• )ranes 3u,,ish )hute• Derricks• 4ondolas-Swinging Stage• 2oists•

    $le"ator lits6

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    S&A%%-I$#• A temporar' working platorm

    erected around the perimeter o a ,uilding structureusuall' constructed rom steel or aluminium allo' tu,esclipped or coupled together to pro"idea means o access to high le"el working areas as wellpro"iding a sae platorm rom which to work

    • Supported rom the ground or on a oor sla, or platorm

    • 3emain static and di8cult to mo"e

    •  %'pes o Sca*olding1

    • #utlog sca*olds• ndependent sca*olds

    • )antile"ered sca*olds

    •  %russ:out sca*old

    • 4antries

    Basic )omponents

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    Basic )omponents

    #utlog Sca*olding

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    #utlog Sca*olding

    • A putlog sca*old consists o a single ro2 of staparallel to the ace o the ,uilding and set as ar a

    rom it as is necessar' to accommodate a platormor f"e ,oards wide& with the inner edge o the placlose to the wall as is practica,le( %he standards connected ,' a ledger fxed with right angle coupthe putlogs are fxed to the ledgers using putlog c

     %he ,lade end o the putlog tu,e or putlog adaptnormall' placed hori;ontall' on the ,rickwork ,eitaking care to use the maximum ,earing area(

    •  the' are onl' suita,le or new work in ,ricks or ,

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    ndependent Sca*olding

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    ndependent Sca*olding• An independent sca*old consists o a dou,le row o standards& with e

    parallel to the ,uilding( %he inner row is set as close to the ,uilding apractica,le( %he distance ,etween the lines o standards should ,e thnecessar' to accommodate the re!uired num,er o ,oards and toe ,

    • A "ariation ma' ,e adopted in which the row o standards nearest to can ,e set ,ack a,out edger ,racing is generall' fxed to alternate pairs o standards(Swa' ,racing is re!uired at inter"als not exceeding

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    )antile"ered Sca*olding

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    )antile"ered Sca*olding

    • A cantile"ered sca*old is an independent tied standing scconstructed in accordance with the B#4 ,ut erected romcantile"ered ,eams 3S?& @B& soldiers& trusses& etc6 out ro

    ,uilding or structure( )antile"ered sca*olds using a ,eamarrangement as seen in fgure A6 must ,e designed ,' a engineer(

    • eedles should ,e secured ,' through ,olting di"ider ,aanchoring& or propping ,etween the needle and the oor /here possi,le the in,oard part o the needle should ,e atimes the out,oard length( %he ,ase o the sca*old shouldto the needle as close as practical to the locating @:head

    • All practica,le steps need to ,e taken to protect the area cantile"er during the erection and dismantling process( Aprecautions such as ull planking and pl'ing the ,ase lit o

    sca*old& kick,oards and screening should ,e used to pre"

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4



     %russ:out Sca*olding

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    • A orm o independent tied sca*old used whereit is impractica,le& undesira,le or uneconomic to sca*old rom ground le"el(

    • %he supporting sca*old structures is known as theout(

    • 3e!uires special skill sand should thereore alwa'carried out ,' trained and experienced personnel

    • +igure B shows a sca*old erected out a window oa ,uilding( A propping tower is erected ,etween tconcrete oors with a needle transom tu,e6 extethrough the opening( %he cantile"er e*ect o the the intended sca*old is transerred to the lower w

    opening as shown(

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4



    4antries Sca*olding

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4



    • %hese are ele"ated platorms usedthe ,uilding ,eing maintained or u

    construction is adacent to a pu,licootpath

    •A gantr' o"er a ootpath can ,e us

    or storage o materials& housingunits o accommodation andsupporting an independent sca*old

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  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    • %hese are liting de"ices designed to raise materimeans o rope operation and mo"e the load hori;within their limitations o an' particular machine(

    • %he range o cranes a"aila,le is "er' wide and thchoice must ,e ,ased on the loads to ,e lited& hehori;ontal distance to ,e co"ered& time periods oroperations& utilisation actors and degree o mo,ire!uired

    • %'pes o crane1

    • .o,ile )rane

    • Static )rane

    • %ower )rane

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    %'pes C ?i,

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


     %'pes C ?i,

    Saddle hori;ontal6 i, >u8ng i,

    %'pes C ?i,

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


     %'pes C ?i,

    +ixed i,

    %'pes C Base

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


     %'pes C Base

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    )ruciorm ,ase ,allasted

    )ruciorm ,ase un,allasted

    $#$DAB>$ B

    )3@)+C3. BAS$

    .o,ile )ranes : Sel #ropelled)ranes

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4



    •.o,ile cranes

    mounted on awheeled chassisand ha"e onl'one operator

    position rom whichthe craneis controlled andthe "ehicle dri"en

    .o,ile )ranes – >orr'

    .ounted )ranes

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    .ounted )ranes

    • .o,ile cranes consists o a latticeor telescopic

    ,oom mounted on especiall'adapted truck or lorr'(

    • 2a"e two operatingpositions1 the lorr',eing dri"en rom acon"entional ront ca,and the crane ,eingcontrolled rom a di*erent location(

    • %he liting capacitiescan ,e increased ,'using outrigger sta,ili;ing acks(

    .o,ile )ranes – >orr'

    .ounted >attice ?i, )ranes

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    .ounted >attice ?i, )ranes

    • %hese cranes ollowthe same ,asicprinciples as thelorr' mountedtelescopic cranes,ut the' ha"e a

    lattice ,oom andare designed ashea"' dut' craneswith liting capacitiesin excess o E== tones(

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    /heel:mounted crane !uadr>attice ,oom crane

    -attice bterminol

    .o,ile )ranes –%rack .ounted )ranes

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


     %rack .ounted )ranes

    •  %hese machines can ,e auni"ersal power unitrigged as a crane or apurpose designed trackmounted crane with orwithout a ' i, attachment(

    •  %he latter t'pe areusuall' more powerul with litingcapacities up to F5 tonnes(

    • )an tra"el and carr' out litingoperations on most site withoutthe need or special road andhardstands pro"isions ,utthe' ha"e to ,e riggedon arri"al ater ,eing transportedto site on a low loader lorr'

    Static )rane :.ast )rane

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    Static )rane .ast )rane

    • Similar in appearance tothe amiliar tower

    cranes ,ut the' ha"e onemaor di*erence in that themast or toweris mounted on theslewing ring and thus rotateswhereas a towercrane has the slewing ring at

    the top o towerand thereore onl' the i,portion rotates(

    • Sel erecting& o relati"el' lowliting capacit' and are usuall'ftted with lu8ng i,(

    %ower )ranes  • Most tower cranes hav


  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


     %ower )ranes assembled and erectedto use and can be equihorizontal of luffing ji

    Wide range of models makes it difficult to chsuitable for any particmost tower cranes caninto one of four basic g

    • Self Supporting Stat


    • Supported Static Tow

    • Travelling Tower Cr

    • Climbing Cranes

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


     %ower )ranes –Sel Supporting Static %ower )r

    • 2igh liting capacit' with the mast or tower fxed toa oundation ,ase(

    • Suita,le or confned and open sites

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  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


     %ower )ranes –Supported Static %ower )ranes

    Similar in concept to sel supportingcranes and are used where high lits arere!uired& the mast or tower ,eing tiedat suita,le inter"als to the structure to gextra sta,ilit' and open sites

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  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


     %ower )ranes 5"ravelling (!ail Mounted)  %ower )

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    • .ounted on power ,ogiesrunning on a wide gauge

    railwa' track togi"e greater siteco"erage(

    • Cnl' slightgradients can ,e

    accommodatedthereore areasona,l' le"elsite or speciall'constructedrailwa' support trestle is

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


     %ower )ranes 5&limbing )ranes

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    •Used in conjunction with tallbuildings and structures.

    •The climbing mast ortower is housedwithin the structureand raised as the height of thestructure is increased.

    •Upon completion thecrane is dismantledinto small sectionsand lowered downthe face of the building


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    • %he Derricks crane is asimple and inexpensi"e

    solution or liting hea"'weights E= tonnes ormore6 at long radius upto

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    • 4u' Derrick hasse"eral gu's ca,leties6 that holding up the mast

    and to help slewing o thecranes ,oom(

    • %he other ends o the gu's areanchored to the ,uildingstructure(

    • %he ,oom is hinged to the ,aseo the mast(

    • /inches located atthe mast ,ase(1 useto derrick the ,oom andhoisting the load

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    Scotch Derrick

    i il i d i h

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    • Similar in design to thegu' derrick except thatit has no gu's ca,leties6& has a shortermast and a longer,oom(

    • t is sta,ili;ed ,'

    ha"ing its two,acksta's to ,eloaded with ,allast

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


     4CDC>AS C3 S/44 S%A4$

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    • %hese consists o a working platorm in the orm o a crawhich is suspended rom cantile"er ,eams or outriggers

    roo o a tall ,uilding to gi"e access to the aGade orcarr'ing out light maintenance work and cleaning acti"it

    • %he cradles can ha"e manual or power control and ,e inunit or grouped together to orma continuous working p grouped together the' are connected to one another aa,utment ends with hinges to orm a gap o not more th


    • .an' high rise ,uilding ha"e a permanent cradle s'steminstalled at roo le"el and this is recommended or all ,uo"er

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4



  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    •  %hese are designed or the"ertical transportation o materials& passengers or materials andpassengers(

    • .aterials hoists are designed or one specifc use i(e( %he"ertical transportation o materials6 and under nocircumstances should the' ,e used to transport passengers(

    • .ost material host are o a mo,ile ormat which can ,e dismantled&olded onto the chassis and mo"ed to another position or siteunder their own power or towed ,u' a haulage "ehicle

    • #assenger hoists are designed to carr' passengers although

    most are capa,le o transporting a com,ined load o materials andpassengers within the liting capacit' o the hoist

    • A wide selection o hoists are a"aila,le ranging rom a singlecage with rope suspension to twin cages with rack andpinion operation mounted on two sides o a static tower(

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    E-E,A"!S (-I%"S)

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    • %hese mo"e on tracks(

     %he' are more sta,leand ha"e highercapacities as comparedwith a gondola

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    !+''ISH &H+"E

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    • @sed to direct disposals o de,ris rom"arious oor to the ,in on the ground oor

    •  %he simple concept o connecting se"eralperorated dust,ins(

    •  %he tapered la'eredc'linders are producedrom reinorced ru,,erwith chain linkage orcontinuit'( C"erall length

    are generall' EE==mm&pro"iding an e*ecti"e length o Em(

    • 2oppers and side entr' unit are made orspecial applications


  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    • /hen it is not possi,le

    to use crane to lit thetopmost part o the,uilding such astelecommunicationtower mast6 helicopter

    ,ecomes a "ia,lesolution despite its "er' high cost

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    SA%E". S.S"EM %! "A-- '+I-I$#&$S"!+&"I$

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    • %he great heights& strong winds at heights andconstricteworking space make atal alls andcollisions "er' possi,

    • .ost accidents in a worksite are categori;edunder 1

    • Ialls o personJ

    • Iworkers struck ,' alling o,ectsJ

    • Accidents ma' result in high direct and indirectcosts1

    • Direct )osts1 medical costs& workers’ compensation aninsurance ,enefts(

    • ndirect )osts1 reduced producti"it'& o, scheduledela'damage to e!uipment and acilities& low moraleamongand possi,le additional lia,ilit' claims

    +alls C #erson

    • .easures against all

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    go persons1

    • A 2or3ing platform should

    ,e pro"ided to workerswhene"er practica,le 1should ,e o ade!uate width& carr'ingcapacit' and with su8cientguardrails toa*ord a sae and stead' oothold and handhold( %hewidth should not ,e less thanK

  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4


    g p 1falling ob7ects include8

    • 4ood housekeeping and minimi;ing de,ris

    ,eing generated& hence less alling


    • S'stematic and regular disposal

    o accumulated de,ris& pro"isions o perimeter o"erhead shelter(

    • Access and egress shelters to ,uilding 1

    pro"ision o saet' net

    sand pro"ision o pedestrian walkwa' orhoarding

    •  %he compulsor' wearing o saet' helmets

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  • 8/20/2019 BSS552 LECT 3 -4
