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  • 7/31/2019 B.Shyam Sunder-Problems of Indian Minorities.docx (2)



    Problems of Indian Minorities

    It is really the duty and responsibility of the minorities to tell the majority or

    their Governments where exactly the shoe pinches them and how bitter is the

    pain. It is for the majority party to support them and secure adequate safeguards

    for them.

    B.Shyam Sunder

    Published by


    Mool Bharati B.Shyam Sunder Memorial SocietyB.Shyam Sunder Marg . Gulbarga 585105 (Karnataka State )

    e-mail [email protected]

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    Smt. Indira Gandhi,


    National Integration Committee,

    Prime Minister House,

    New Delhi.


    Dear Madam,

    Permit me to place before you a few aspects of the plight of Indian Minorities. The item

    that deserves priority on your agenda is the psychological problem.

    Has the attitude and behaviour of the majority towards the minorities during the last

    thirteen years been such as so to engender in their minds the feeling that they are not

    looked down upon, discriminated against or treated as second class citizens?

    The more deeply and intimately you probe this question the sooner you will realise that

    the answer is in the negative.

    Here are some observation, which your committee might check up in the course of its

    tours and interviews. These are very necessary because there is hardly any worthwhile

    published material, which can give you a real insight into their feelings and grievances.

    They are too over-awed and terror-stricken to organise meetings or otherwise make

    known their miseries. Their so-called representatives in Legislative or administrative

    bodies owe their position to the benevolence of the ruling clique. Your committee,

    there fore, issues a comprehensive questionnaire and simultaneously announces that no

    member of the minority community would be victimized for speaking the truth.

    Scheduled Castes

    I first deal with the Scheduled Castes, the group to which I belong. There is a strong

    feeling among our intelligent and thinking sections that we have been included among the

    Hindus merely to consolidate their domination in the land. Funds are spent in the name

    oh Harijans uplift to keep our masses quiet and submissive. If some of us are given

    prominent position or if flattering circulars are published, it is only to show to the world

    that caste Hindus are liberal-minded and you will see that the Scheduled Castes are still

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    segregated in the district portion of the village, where they live in the midst of poverty

    and diseases. If they are elected to the Samithis, they are expected to sweep the premises

    of the Samithis Office none of the higher classes is prepared to do. The newly honoured

    untouchables dare not say No to the Samithi high command, otherwise, he is thrown

    out and persecuted. His place is given to someone who will say Yes to everything.

    The Scheduled Caste people are perpetually haunted by a sense of inferiority andfrustration generated by the age-long overbearing attitude of the majority community.

    Because of joint electorates, stooges of the ruling community invariably fill their reserved

    seats. Although every advertisement issued by Public Services Commission and other

    Government Institutions mention that preference will be given to qualified candidates

    from the Scheduled Castes, in practice rarely does he secure the job, even though

    qualified. The statutory reservation of percentage in services is put in operation mostly in

    the appointment of Chaprasis, Sweepers and menial servants. The Census report and

    other statistical publications do not give a complete picture of their social, economical

    and educational conditions. There are still lakhs of villages in Bharat where they have to

    walk several miles to get a pot of water. The report published by the Commissioner

    Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are replete with heart-rending details of theirday-to-day sufferings.


    This comparatively more educated community is being driven out from all positions of

    power and influence in the states, There sons and daughters are denied admissions to

    technical and professional colleges on some pretext or the other. Policy-making

    institutions, administrative or educational, are being deprived in their keen intellect a

    deep insight. Even their legal acumen is not made use of. They are deliberately ignored in

    every walk of life, including teaching profession, where they excel.


    As apprehended, the first casualty of Indias independence was the Muslim minority.

    There was no security of life and property for them during the early years of

    independence, both in the north and in the south. The position has improved since,

    although sporadic outburst of violence and terrorism by the majority to take place now

    and then at different places: but what has not disappeared from the minds of the Muslims

    is fear and anxiety about their present and future.

    They are subjected to a kind subtle and insidious psychological coercion against which

    there can be no legal or constitutional remedy and, as a result of which they are feelingdemoralised, frustrated and of no consequences. Their talents are not being utilized for

    the good of the country in any shape or form. They are not employed in security and

    defence services, Socially, they are tolerated as an inferior class or citizens and are

    discriminated against in the matters of :

    a) Admission in professional colleges on the basis of rules which keep on changingfrom year to year, every change being designed to Keep out minorities.

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    b) Permits, licenses and contracts;c) Employment Opportunities:d) Employment bodies; and higher services.

    While there is no ban on the learning and teaching of Urdu, young students are so

    burdened with their curricula which include the national language and the regionallanguage that they have no time and energy left to learn, outside school hours, their

    cultural language, which is now at a discount every where, even though it is the de- facto

    common language of the country.

    The Muslims form 10% of the population of India, yet they have not been given even 4%

    representation in the councils and services of the nation. In villages and towns where

    Muslims ahead considerable number of voters, they have been split up into two or three

    constituencies to avoid there getting an effective voice in the election. Their candidates in

    the legislatures, elected as a mark of favors by the Majority Community, are invariably

    those who are either too considerate or too docile to ventilate their communitys

    grievances. Their population throughout India is so scattered that they do not count inany state. Moreover, they are sternly discouraged and maligned if they try to organise

    themselves on any regional or All India basis even though the constitutional allows it.


    Take the case of the Christians. They feel that they are wooed only once in five years

    just before the elections to be exploited as voters and are ignored soon after. Their

    educational institutions are constantly threatened with the stoppage or reduction of their

    grants; their missionaries, who are doing humanitarian works, are looked upon as spies

    and agents of foreign Governments, visas are refused to foreign teachers and social

    workers coming out to staff institutions run by them in India for the benefit of all.


    The Sikhs complain that their language is given a secondary position and their Panthic

    activities are suspected as being anti-national and reactionary. While other states are

    formed on linguistic basis, the Sikhs have been given no state, which they can call their

    homeland. Some of they are unjustifiable accused of being in league with Pakistan,

    merely to discredit them in public eye.


    The Anglo-Indians have to beg favours from the powers that be and hang around the

    ruling community to get small mercies. They have a feeling that they are not looked

    upon as children of Bharat. The modest proposal include English among the language of

    India in the eighth Schedule of the Constitution was voted down by ruling party majority

    in Parliament, although it is the Mother tongue of a minority, medium of higher education

    and de facto official languages.

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    The Parses are welcomed as financial patrons of ruling party. The moment they stop

    their contributions, it is likely they may also be deprived of permits, licences and other

    official favours which will, in course of time reduce the percentage and financial standing

    of this enterprising community of businessmen and industrialists. They are discouragedif they wish to have contracts abroad.

    Problems for consideration

    The question is; what can be done to make the minorities feel that they are equal citizens

    in the Republic India and are not discriminated against? A few of the problems are stated

    below for the consideration of your committee.

    Security of life and property

    A. Cases of arson, rioting, loot and murder, in which two communities are involved,should be tried by Magistrate specially appointed for the purposes, because if such cases

    are entrusted to the normal courts, justice is bound to be delayed to the disadvantage.

    B. The State Government should be called upon to levy a punitive tax on the entire

    village or area where incident has taken place. This will act as a psychological deterrent.

    Where loss of property has taken place, the victims should be duly compensated in cash

    or kind. Others have unlawfully occupied properties belonging to one community which

    should form the subject of adjudication by special tribunal, who should be expected to

    complete their proceedings within a specified period, Religious buildings and institutions

    should also be included in this category.

    Freedom from fear and anxiety

    The term Security also includes absence of anxiety and fear, which means

    psychological freedom. Guaranteeing security of life and property whereby the minorities

    will feel safe to pursue the programs of their developments, progress and happiness.

    Freedom of culture

    The freedom includes the right of the minority to educate its children in its own way,

    provided their system of education does not breed disloyalty to the best interest of the

    country and its people. The minority should, therefore, be entitled by the Constitution ofthe country to establish, manage the control social, educational, charitable and religious

    institution to be financed by the state in the shape of adequate grant-in-aid.

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    Discrimination an offence

    Discrimination against citizen by Government officers in public administrat-

    ion or by private employers in factories and commercial concern on the ground of caste,

    creed or social status shall be treated as an offence, The jurisdiction to the such cases

    shall be vested in a tribunal to be created for the purpose.

    Fundamental rights

    The enjoyment of fundamental rights be further guaranteed by making any act or

    omission calculated to prevent full enjoyment as an offence punished by law.

    Electoral system

    The minorities have tasted the bitter pill of joint electorates during the last 13 years and

    have found that it does not protect their interest. They cannot elect persons whom they

    trust. Therefore, a convention should be established making it obligatory on everypolitical party contesting the election to device a method where by the trusted member of

    organisation of each minority are invited to the party concerned.

    Your committee cannot ignore the facts that other countries have given liberal, weightage

    to their minorities. For instance, Egypt has given a weightage of 30% to the Coptic

    Christians, who constitute 3% of its population. Similarly breadth of vision is manifested

    in the Constitution of Lebanon, Cyprus, Nigeria and several other countries. The Nehru

    Committee in 1932 and the Sapru Committee in 1945 had recommended weightage and

    reservation for the minorities, if they gave up separate electorates.

    In the delimitation of constituencies, a great injustice has been done to the minorities bywhich the minorities by which their voting strength in a particular constituency has been

    deliberately reduced to a negligible percentage have deliberately reduced their voting

    strength in a particular constituency to a negligible percentage. This should be set right

    by restoring the Status Quanta and by the institution of multiple membership and the

    entire electoral system from the point of view of giving a fair chance to the minorities.

    Minority candidates are allotted to constituencies where the partys know full well that

    they will suffer a defeat. As against them the Jan Sangh, RSS or the Mahasabha are

    encouraged to put up their own candidates. To add insult injury, minority leaders are

    twitted their candidates were responsible for the loss of so many congress seats. To end

    this farce, minority candidates should be given the constituencies of their own choice orwhere they are expected to have a deciding voice.

    Other safeguards

    Recruitment of public services be made through Public Service Commission, in such a

    way as to ensure proportionate representation to the different minorities on the basis of

    minimum requisite qualifications.

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    There should be created a Ministry of Minorities Affairs, with corresponding

    arrangement in the States, to protect minority rights and to promote their welfare. The

    Sapru Committee had recommended minority commission in the Centre and State,

    elected by the minority members of the concerned Legislature

    Privilege of minorities

    Professor Christian Bay of University of California, whose famous treaties entitled The

    Structure of Freedom is supposed to be the latest authoritative work on political

    science says on page 382.

    Majority should not have the authority to decide whether

    or not minority interests have been unjustly victimised

    It is really the duty and responsibility of the minorities to tell the majority or their

    Governments where exactly the shoe pinches them and how bitter is the pain. It is for themajority party to support them and secure adequate safeguards for them.

    You will realize, Madam, that it is essential in the interests of National Integration that

    the causes for the prevailing discontent among the minorities should be removed

    forthwith and they should be afford full of opportunities to serve the country to the fullest

    capacity. The argument that India a secular country or those fundamental rights of

    citizenship have been guaranteed in the Constitution will no longer lull the minorities into

    complacency. Every ruling party takes into consideration communities, castes and sects

    in the allotment of election tickets, in the setting apart of constituencies, in making

    appointments and in distributing favours. Religious, linguistic and cultural minorities

    have been recognised in the constitution and rightly so. Then why ignore those who haveno nuisance value and shut ones eyes and ears to their miseries and lamentations? The

    Hindu minority in Kashmir is treated generously, while Non-Hindu minorities in the rest

    of India are neglected and ill-treated. Nobody takes the trouble to enquiry into the

    reasons for this inconsistent behaviour.

    It is do away with this discrimination and callousness that your committee has been

    appointed. May good sense, breadth of vision and realism permeate your deliberations

    and recommendations!

    Wishing you and your committee every success in this delicate and all-important task

    I remaina loyal and conscientious

    son of Bharat,


    B.A., LL.B., M.L.A.,

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