bsc delivery program 2015-2019 - bogan shire council · comfortable country living delivery program...

Comfortable Country Living Delivery Program 2015 2019 Bogan SHIRE Adopted 25 June 2015 214/2015

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Comfortable Country Living

Delivery Program2015 ‐ 2019 

Bogan SHIRE 

Adopted 25 June 2015



Page 2 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program


The Delivery  Program  and Opera onal  Plan  and  Budget  are where  the  community's  long‐term strategic goals, expressed  in  the Bogan Shire 2026 Community Strategic Plan, are  systema cally translated into ac ons. 

The Delivery Program  is a statement of commitment to the community from the elected council.  In preparing the program, Council is accoun ng for its stewardship of the community's long‐term goals, outlining what  it  intends to do towards achieving these goals during  its term of office and what its priori es will be.  The Delivery Program (2015‐2019) provides detailed informa on on the Council's specific ac ons and projects that will be implemented for each service.  

The Delivery Program replaces the  former Management Plan requirements.  It  is designed as the single point of  reference  for  all  ac vi es undertaken by Council during each  term of office. All plans, projects, ac vi es and funding alloca ons must be directly linked to this Program. 

Suppor ng  the Delivery  Program  is  an  annual Opera onal  Plan.  It  spells  out  the  details  of  the Program – the  individual projects and ac vi es that will be undertaken each year to achieve the commitments made in the Delivery Program. 

Council must  review  its Delivery Program each year when preparing  the Opera onal Plan.   Any significant amendments to the Program must be re‐exhibited. 

Each new council is responsible for preparing a new Delivery Program in response to Bogan Shire 2026 and will be held accountable for  implemen ng the program within  its term.   Each outgoing council is required to report to the community on what it has achieved.    


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Table of Contents

About Bogan Shire ................................................................................................................................ 4 Message from the Mayor ..................................................................................................................... 5 Council Values ...................................................................................................................................... 6 Corporate Informa on ......................................................................................................................... 7 Planning and Repor ng Framework ..................................................................................................... 8 Our Vision, Our Mission ........................................................................................................................ 9 Strategic Priori es .............................................................................................................................. 10 

1 Building our Community ........................................................................................................ 12 1.1  Culture and Social ....................................................................................................................................... 13 1.2  Community Facili es ................................................................................................................................... 15 1.3  Ageing and Disability Support ..................................................................................................................... 20 1.4  Children and Young People Support ........................................................................................................... 21 1.5  Library ......................................................................................................................................................... 23 1.6  Educa on .................................................................................................................................................... 24 

2 Connec ng our Community ................................................................................................... 25 2.1  Road Networks ........................................................................................................................................... 26 2.2  Public Road Transport ................................................................................................................................. 28 2.3  Ac ve Transport .......................................................................................................................................... 29 2.4  Air Services .................................................................................................................................................. 30 2.5  Rail Services ................................................................................................................................................ 31 

3 Managing our Environment ................................................................................................... 32 3.1  Built Environment ....................................................................................................................................... 33 3.2  Waste Management ................................................................................................................................... 36 3.3  Natural Environment .................................................................................................................................. 37 3.4  Noxious Weeds ........................................................................................................................................... 40 3.5  Water .......................................................................................................................................................... 41 3.6  Sewerage .................................................................................................................................................... 43 

4 Our Health and Safety............................................................................................................ 44 4.1  Environmental Health ................................................................................................................................. 45 4.2  Disaster Management................................................................................................................................. 47 4.3  Public Health ............................................................................................................................................... 48 4.4  Fire Services ................................................................................................................................................ 49 4.5  Policing ........................................................................................................................................................ 50 

5 Developing our Economy ....................................................................................................... 51 5.1  Local Industries and Business ..................................................................................................................... 52 5.2  Tourism ....................................................................................................................................................... 54 5.3  Communica ons ......................................................................................................................................... 56 

6 Responsible Local Government ............................................................................................. 57 6.1  Leadership, Advocacy and Governance ...................................................................................................... 58 6.2  Managing our Business ............................................................................................................................... 60 



Page 4 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

About Bogan Shire  

Bogan  Shire,  situated  in Western New  South Wales,  has  an  area  of  14,610  square  kilometres, equivalent  to  about  1.8%  of  the  State's  land  surface.  The  geographical  centre  of  the  State  lies within the Shire boundaries. The Shire has an es mated popula on of 3012. Nyngan, the Shire’s Administra ve Centre,  is  located on  the Bogan River at  the  junc on of  the Mitchell and Barrier Highways ‐ an ideal rest point for the weary traveller.  

There  is an abundance of produc ve agricultural  land  for sheep and ca le produc on and  large scale  cropping  enterprises. Nyngan's  farmers  are  highly  compe ve  on  local  and  interna onal markets and the  large quan ty of agricultural produce  is conducive to the development of value adding industries and marke ng ventures.  

Nyngan offers warm hospitality and all the facili es of a modern rural township. Three Motels, two Caravan Parks and Hotels provide a choice of accommoda on op ons. Three licensed Clubs cater for entertainment and relaxa on. The town also boasts a selec on of cafes, restaurants and take‐away food outlets for dining. 

The Bogan Shire has 1 high school, four primary schools, 1 pre‐school, a mobile pre‐school, and a TAFE Campus. Nyngan's medical needs are catered for by the new Nyngan Health Service (Mul ‐purpose  Health  Centre which  incorporates  a  nursing  home  complex)  and  a  network  of  health professionals including two doctors. 

The recrea onal and spor ng facili es in Nyngan are excellent and include facili es for bowls, golf, tennis,  dancing,  swimming,  rugby  union,  rugby  league,  touch  football,  cricket,  netball,  fishing, boa ng, canoeing, water‐skiing, soccer, li le athle cs and pony club. Whether you are looking for an outback experience or a place to escape the hec c pace of the city life, we hope that a visit to 

the Bogan Shire will show you what real “Comfortable Country Living" is all about. 


Page 5 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

Message from the Mayor

The Bogan Shire community’s vision  for  the  future  is “Comfortable Country Living”.   Our Bogan Shire 2026 Community Strategic Plan (CSP) sets out the goals we want to achieve towards reaching this vision and the strategies that will help get is there. 

In  turn, our 2015‐2019 Delivery Program sits beneath  the Bogan Shire 2026 CSP and details  the ac vi es  Council  will  undertake  over  the  next  few  years  to  achieve  the  strategic  priori es iden fied within the CSP.  

During our community consulta on we took note of many ideas that people had about ac ons or ac vi es that Council could be doing to achieve “Comfortable Country Living”.  In conjunc on with our Resourcing Plan, Council has considered and adopted this Delivery Program which covers four financial years, 2015/16 to 2018/19.   

I  would  like  to  thank  all  community  members  who  par cipated  in  the  development  of  this Program; your input is vital to ensuring that Council delivers on those things that are important to you and I would encourage you and others to con nue to contribute to our Delivery Program as it develops over the next four years. 

On behalf of Council I commend the Delivery Program to all residents. 


Ray Donald



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Council Values

Statement of Business Ethics

Bogan Shire Council is commi ed to the highest standards of honesty, fairness and integrity in all its business dealings. 

Council  operates  according  to  an  adopted  Code  of  Conduct  that  sets  out  the  standards  of behaviour  that  Councillors  and  staff  are  expected  to  abide  by  when  dealing  with  customers, suppliers, members of the community and public and when interac ng with work colleagues. 

It  is  important  given  increasing  interac on  between  Council  and  the  business  community  that standards of ethical behaviour expected of Councillors and staff are also maintained by members of the business community in their dealings with Council. Compliance with the standards contained within the document will ensure the best level of service can be provided to the community. 


Bogan Shire Council has seven corporate values that guide our thinking, actions and decision making:  

1. Having respect for other people We treat everyone equally and work to build and maintain mutual respect amongst ourselves, as Shire staff and councillors, as well as with our customers  

2. Providing responsive customer service We recognise that our main func on is to serve our local community and we make every effort to deliver quality services in a way that meets, or exceeds, their expecta ons   

3. Taking pride in Nyngan and the greater Bogan Shire We take pride in doing what we do well to make a difference for the benefit of the whole Bogan Shire community to preserve and improve our “comfortable country living”   

4. Working together as a team to get things done We build teams that work together in a posi ve and suppor ve way to get the job done. Teams know that they rely on each individual to do their part and we encourage healthy two‐way feedback  

5. Being accountable for our decisions and ac ons We accept responsibility for the decisions and ac ons that are taken on behalf of our community. Individually, all Council staff have ownership of their tasks and du es to make sure that we get the job done to the best of our ability  

6. Ac ng with integrity and honesty Our dealings are open and transparent. We can be trusted to do the right thing and we strive to provide the best value for money to the community, our customers  

7. Demonstra ng strong leadership Together with our community we have established a vision for the future of our Shire and we are commi ed to planning for and leading the achievement of our community’s strategic goals  


Page 7 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program


Ray Donald 


Jim Hampstead OAM 


Greg Deacon 

Jodi Douglas 

Danny Du on 

Hazel Griffiths 

Elaine McLaughlin 

Glen Neill 

Kevin Ryan 


General Manager ‐ Derek Francis 

Manager Corporate Services ‐ Luke Taberner 

Manager Development and Environmental Services ‐ Tim Riley 

Manager Engineering Services ‐ Graeme Bourke  


Hill Rogers Spencer Steer 

Level 9, 60‐70 Elizabeth Street 



Council Chambers: 81 Cobar Street, Nyngan 

Office Hours: 8.00am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday 

Postal Address: PO Box 221, NYNGAN NSW 2825 

Telephone: 0268 359 000/Fax: 0268 359 011 

E‐mail: [email protected] 


Corporate Information


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Planning & Reporting Framework

Review Framework 


Resourcing Strategy

Long Term Financial


Asset Management


Workforce Plan

Other Strategies and Plans


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Our Vision, Our Mission




To provide a comfortable country lifestyle by progressively improving

the level of appropriate facilities and services and encouraging

growth and economic development that is responsive to the needs of

the community


Page 10 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

Strategic Priorities

Bogan Shire’s Community Strategic Plan 2026

The Community Strategic Plan is the highest level plan that a council will prepare. The purpose of the plan  is to  iden fy the community’s main priori es and aspira ons for the future and to plan strategies  for achieving  these goals.  In doing  this,  the planning process considers  the  issues and pressures  that  may  affect  the  community  and  the  level  of  resources  that  will  realis cally  be available to achieve its aims and aspira ons.  

Themes and Goals Expressed in Bogan Shire 2026

Building our Community Goal: A connected and cohesive community with opportuni es for all residents and visitors to fully par cipate in the social, cultural, recrea onal and educa onal ac vi es which build a community.  

Connec ng our Community

Goal: A  transport network which enables efficient movement of people and  freight ensuring  the Shire’s accessibility is maintained and all have access to a quality road network and public transport. 

Managing our Environment

Goal: To support the current and long‐term liveability of our Shire by enhancing and protec ng our environment through sound urban planning, managing our waste stream and sewerage services, and  providing  potable  water  supplies  that  are  economically  sustainable,  reliable  and environmentally responsible.

Our Health and Safety

Goal:  Enhance  the health  and  safety of  our  community  through provision  of  effec ve  essen al services, programs and ensuring equitable access for all to these services.

Economic Development

Goal: S mulate and maintain economic growth  to build a  strong  local economy,  suppor ng  the development of local businesses and a rac ng people to the Shire. 

Responsible Local Government

Goal:  Local Government which  is open  and  transparent  in delivering  responsive  services  to  the community in an efficient, effec ve and ethical way using sound business prac ces. 


Page 11 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

Working with the NSW State Government

The NSW State Government recently launched NSW 2021 which is a 10 year strategic plan. In this plan the following areas have been iden fied as a priority for the Government: 

→ Rebuild the Economy 

→ Return Quality Services 

→ Renovate Infrastructure 

→ Strengthen our Local Environment and Communi es 

→ Restore Accountability to Government 


The  themes and goals expressed  in Bogan Shire 2026  link  in with  these priori es and provide a basis for Council and the State Government to work together for the benefit of our community.  

The following goals rela ng to the Return Quality Services sec on are of par cular significance to the Bogan Shire: 

→ Transport 

→ Health 

→ Family and Community Services 

→ Educa on 

→ Police and Jus ce 

Strategic Priorities

Page 12 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

1-Building our Community

Goal - A connected and cohesive community with opportunities for all residents, workers and visitors to fully participate in the

educational, cultural and recreational activities which build a community.

Key Performance Indicator 

Measure of success 

Our community events con nue to be well‐supported 

We receive posi ve feedback on the standard of community facili es 

Older people and people with disabili es are able to par cipate in community life 

We receive posi ve community feedback, including from government agencies, on the development of young people 

The community makes good use of the Library 

We have posi ve levels of enrolment in educa on and training facili es 

Page 13 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

1-Building our Community

1.1 Culture and Social 

Outcome: Our community enjoys and actively participates in our rich culture, social environment and communal vibe.

Strategy 1.1.1 Con nue to support and create opportuni es for community fes vals, events and cultural ac vi es through planning, marke ng, direct involvement and various forms of assistance. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Provide community events, ac vi es and venues to celebrate Australia Day  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

ii  Provide facili es and administra ve support for the Nyngan Easter Challenge  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Engineering 


iii  Seek sponsorship and organise the Christmas Lights and Rural Mailbox Compe ons  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

iv Provide facili es for the Nyngan Show, Ag Expo and Duck Creek and other community events at the Nyngan Showgrounds 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Engineering Services 

v  Support community organisa ons to host an event to celebrate Interna onal Women's Day  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

vi  Support a range of local community organisa ons  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

vii  Support and encourage the Arts, including through the Bogan Shire Council Arts Fund.  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Ac vi es 2015/16 

 Strategy 1.1.2 Support all local communi es, heritage and cultural groups to reconnect to, preserve and share our Shire’s heritage and social history. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Con nue to support the Nyngan Museum and Mid‐State Shearing Shed Museum  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

ii  Support groups to source funding (e.g. Heritage or Historical Buildings maintenance and repairs)  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

iii  Conduct ci zenship ceremonies  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

iv  Iden fica on and preserva on of Aboriginal heritage items  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Ac vi es 2015/16 

Page 14 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

1-Building our Community

Strategy 1.1.3 Iden fy, respect and preserve sites and items of historical significance. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Maintain and preserve Council owned historic buildings  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


ii  Inves gate opportuni es for grant funding for studies and preserva on of our historic buildings  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


iii  ‐  Review the Community Heritage Study       

Manager Development and Environmental 


Ac vi es 2015/16 

Strategy 1.1.4 Con nue to support and promote a rac ons contribu ng to the cultural and economic development of the Shire. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i Promote annual events calendar via website and council column (e.g. WSPA End of Year Concert, Deb Ball, ANZAC Day Events etc.) 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

ii  Con nue to promote the Nyngan Museum and Mid‐State Shearing Shed Museum  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Ac vi es 2015/16 

Strategy 1.1.5 Develop and support volunteer groups to carry out func ons and projects for the benefit of the community and the volunteer.    Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i Work with volunteer groups to support their ac vi es. (e.g. administra ve support and assistance with grant applica ons) 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

ii  Support Na onal Tree Day  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

iii  Produce and update the Community Directory ‐ both the hard copy and on Council's website  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

iv  Support and promote Na onal Volunteer Week  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Page 15 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

1-Building our Community

1.2 Community Facili es 

Outcome: We have attractive and well managed community facilities that are regularly used and provide for valued recreational,

sporting and cultural programs for our community and visitors.

Strategy 1.2.1 Maintain Nyngan Pool facili es to meet community expecta ons and relevant regula ons. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i Monitor pool water, facili es and maintain to meet community expecta ons as well as regulated standards 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


Ac vi es 2015/16 

Strategy 1.2.2 Improve and upgrade Nyngan Pool to cater for a variety of users. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Commence work on upgrades, opera ng within budget parameters  ‐   ‐     ‐  

Manager Development and Environmental 


ii  Review poten al for  wider usage of pool facili es outside exis ng user groups  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


Ac vi es 2015/16 

Page 16 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

1-Building our Community

Strategy 1.2.3 Maintain and improve our parks, gardens and playgrounds to promote their use and enjoyment by the whole community and our visitors. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Con nue to support the Nyngan Garden Club in volunteer ac vi es in our parks and gardens  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

ii  Ini ate a Community Street Tree Plan ng Program  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


iii  Construct pedestrian path connec ng Rotary Park to town levee  Ongoing  Ongoing  ‐    Manager Engineering 


iv  Consult with Nyngan Garden Club regularly to gather sugges ons for garden improvements  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


v  Revise Maintenance Program to reflect seasonal usage  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


vi  Consider proposals for addi onal vehicle access to O’Reilly Park and playground areas  ‐    ‐    ‐   

Manager Development and Environmental 


vii  Seek grants to fund M&R Program  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


viii  Con nue to upgrade and enhance recrea onal spaces and facili es as funding permits  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


ix  Management and maintenance of the cemetery in accordance with the Plan of Management  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


x  Implement landscaping plans for Davidson and Vanges Parks  in conjunc on with the Streetscape Plan  Ongoing  ‐  ‐ 

Manager Development and Environmental 



Progressively conduct safety and access audits for reserves  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


Ac vi es 2015/16 

Page 17 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

1-Building our Community

Strategy 1.2.4 Maintain and improve our sports grounds and ac ve recrea onal facili es to promote the good health and well‐being of the community through the diversity of sport and recrea on on offer. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Seek grant funding to improve and develop exis ng recrea onal buildings  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


ii  Seek grant funding to improve and develop exis ng grounds and facili es  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Engineering 


iii  Undertake progressive M&R Program for exis ng buildings  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


iv  Undertake progressive M&R Program for exis ng facili es  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Engineering 


v Cemetery opera ons are carried out in an efficient and dignified manner by keeping accurate cemetery records and paying due respect to bereaved families 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Engineering Services 

vi Maintain smooth playing surfaces and full grass cover on all sports grounds through a planned watering and fer lising program 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Engineering Services 

vii Liaise with stakeholders for self‐funded maintenance and improvements incorpora ng sustainable principles 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Engineering Services 

viii Develop a partnership with user groups to improve resourcing, alloca on and mul ‐use of recrea onal facili es 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Engineering Services 

ix  Con nue to seek partnership funding for installa on of floodlights for Larkin Oval  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Engineering 


Ac vi es 2015/16 

Page 18 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

1-Building our Community

Strategy 1.2.5 Provide well maintained community halls and other similar facili es for community use. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Develop progressive M&R program for all Shire halls and community facili es capital works  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


ii  Seek grants to improve all Shire halls and community facili es  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


iii  ‐   

Conduct a review of user groups of all Shire halls and community facilities to ascertain the number  and type of users and the levels of use 


Conduct a review of user groups of all Shire halls and community facilities to ascertain the number  and type of users and the levels of use 

Manager Development and Environmental 


iv  Seek grants to develop and improve village facili es  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


Ac vi es 2015/16 

Strategy 1.2.6 Provide well maintained Shire showground and equestrian facili es for community use. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Consult with Showground user groups on facility requirements and programming of events  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

ii  Review General Maintenance program and procedures 

Seek grant funding to improve exis ng ground facili es for all user groups 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Engineering Services 

iii  Maintain racecourse track drainage, landscape areas and buildings to acceptable standard  Ongoing 

Extend irriga on system to provide coverage of all opera onal areas at the showground 

Ongoing  Manager Engineering Services 

Ac vi es 2015/16 

Page 19 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

1-Building our Community

Strategy 1.2.7 Develop a plan of management for the Palais Theatre to support community ac vi es. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Develop works program for renewal of sea ng and interior furnishings 

Refurbish change rooms and toilets 

Repair aged building structure and paint interior 

Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


ii  Seek grants for renova on of Palais Theatre  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


iii  Develop works program for upgrading for compliance with BCA provisions 

Commence progressive upgrade program for compliance with BCA provisions 

Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


iv  Review outdoor theatre area for usage/alterna ve usage  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


Ac vi es 2015/16 

Strategy 1.2.8 Provide a youth centre that is maintained for recrea onal, educa onal and cultural ac vi es. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i Work with schools and community organisa ons to iden fy needs, opportuni es and funding op ons for a dedicated youth centre 

‐    ‐    ‐    General Manager 

Ac vi es 2015/16 

Page 20 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

1-Building our Community

1.3 Ageing and Disability Support 

Outcome: Older people and people with disabilities feel safe, secure, valued, included and are able to actively participate in

community life.

Strategy 1.3.1 Create an environment and culture that allows the community to feel safe, empowered and included. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i Work with the community, Police and Government agencies to understand issues and lobby Government to address them 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

ii  Inves gate the need/interest in development of Neighbourhood Watch or similar programs 


  ‐    ‐    General Manager 

Ac vi es 2015/16 

Strategy 1.3.2 Iden fy and monitor the social services needs of older people and people with disabili es in the community and provide infrastructure to support assisted and independent living and social interac on. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i Work with the community and Government agencies to understand issues, such as community transport and lobby Government to address them 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Ac vi es 2015/16 

Strategy 1.3.3 Promote a range of recrea onal, spor ng and other opportuni es for personal development, interac on and healthy lifestyle for older people and people with a disability through educa on, support networks and facili es. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i Work with the community and Government agencies to understand issues and lobby Government to address them 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

ii  Inves gate opportuni es for funded workshops and/or events in Seniors Week  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

iii  Sponsor and organise Senior Ci zen of the Year Awards, Morning Tea and Concert in Seniors Week  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Ac vi es 2015/16 

Strategy 1.3.4 Support Community Transport (volunteer driver scheme). 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i Work with the community and Government agencies to understand issues and lobby Government to address them 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Ac vi es 2015/16 

Page 21 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

1-Building our Community

1.4 Children and Young People Support  

Outcome: Children and young people are cared for, safe and are actively engaged with support and development opportunities to

encourage them to reach their potential.

Strategy 1.4.1 Provide childcare facili es, preschools, a er hours care and playgroups that meet the needs of the community. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i Work with organisa ons on behalf of the community to support their needs, including providing facili es for a preschool and / or a er school care. 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Ac vi es 2015/16 

Strategy 1.4.2 Con nue to provide the Bush Mobile playgroup service. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Con nue to provide the BBM playgroup sessions throughout the Shire  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Corporate 


ii Review the strategic direc on and opera ons of the BBM playgroup to ensure the op mum provision of services 


Review the strategic direc on and opera ons of the BBM playgroup to ensure the op mum provision of services 

‐  Manager Corporate Services 

Ac vi es 2015/16 

Strategy 1.4.3 Improve the educa on, health, employment and economic development opportuni es for young people. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i Work with the community and Government agencies to understand issues and lobby Government to address them 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Ac vi es 2015/16 

Page 22 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

1-Building our Community

Strategy 1.4.4 Provide opportuni es for young people to be ac vely engaged in the development, design and planning of programs, services and infrastructure in which they are a stakeholder or user group. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i Incorporate consulta on with young people into planning for Council programs and events wherever possible 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

ii  Provide facili es, equipment and administra ve support to StormCo group of volunteers  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

iii  Work with local schools to support youth events and community educa on and awareness programs  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

iv  Source funding for Youth Week ac vi es and/or events  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

v  Seek youth input into planning proposals for recrea onal areas 

Develop ongoing upgrade program that reflects youth input in recrea onal areas 

‐  ‐ Manager 

Development and Environmental 


vi  ‐   

Work with youth organisa ons and young people to develop strategies for delivering a range of youth programs and ac vi es. (e.g. High School SRC, Barnardos, Nyngan LALC) 

Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

vii  ‐    ‐   Inves gate the feasibility of a local Police Ci zens Youth Club 

‐    General Manager 

Ac vi es 2015/16 

Page 23 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

1-Building our Community

1.5 Library 

Outcome: Our library is used by all as a centre for information, learning and recreational reading.

Strategy 1.5.1 Focus on community needs in providing and promo ng quality facili es and access to printed and online informa on and other resources. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Provide and promote a well maintained and accessible library service  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Corporate 


ii  Inves gate ways to encourage greater numbers of both tradi onal and non‐tradi onal library users  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Corporate 


iii  Con nue to provide free Wi‐Fi internet services  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Corporate Services 

Ac vi es 2015/16 

Strategy 1.5.2 Maintain North Western Regional Library Service partnership. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Council to con nue to carry out its obliga ons under the partnership agreement.  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Corporate 


Ac vi es 2015/16 

Page 24 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

1-Building our Community

1.6 Educa on 

Outcome: Our community has access to quality education and learning opportunities at all levels to increase their skills especially in the areas we

have a local skills deficit, to support the development of our community and increase their capacity to prosper and contribute to the community.

Strategy 1.6.1 Iden fy training and skill development needs and foster a mentoring program for distance educa on that includes our whole community. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i Assist TAFE Western Connect to engage with the community to understand its needs and deliver appropriate training programs 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Ac vi es 2015/16 

Strategy 1.6.2 Provide a range of high quality primary and secondary educa on and voca onal training facili es and opportuni es. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Support the schools in the Shire through website adver sing of events and volunteer support  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

ii Work with the community and Government agencies to understand issues and lobby Government to address them 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

iii  Work with schools to support youth events  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

iv  Provide scholarships to all schools at annual awards nights  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Ac vi es 2015/16 

Strategy 1.6.3 Provide support and encouragement for local people to complete ter ary educa on and to work in Bogan Shire. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i Work with the community and Government agencies to understand issues and lobby Government to address them 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Ac vi es 2015/16 

Page 25 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

Goal - A transport network which enables efficient movement of people and freight ensuring the Shire’s accessibility is maintained and

all have access to a quality road network and public transport .

Key Performance Indicator 

Measure of success 

We receive posi ve feedback on the standard of our roads 

Bitumen sealed State Roads, Regional Roads and local roads are maintained to an all‐weather standard 

Unsealed Regional Roads and local roads are trafficable in dry weather condi ons 

Bogan Shire Council Traffic Commi ee direc ves and recommenda ons are implemented 

We receive posi ve feedback on public transport within Nyngan 

There is an increase in numbers of people using ac ve transport 

We receive posi ve feedback on airport usage and rail linkages 

Airport safety standards are maintained to provide a structurally sound runway and safe approach paths 

2-Connecting our Community

Page 26 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

2-Connecting our Community

2.1 Road Networks 

Outcome: Our well-constructed and maintained road network enables safe and efficient movement of people and freight

throughout the Shire.

Strategy 2.1.1 Adopt and implement the asset management plan for all shire roads. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Iden fy road priori es for asset renewal to implement Transport Asset Management Plan  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Engineering 


Ac vi es 2015/16 

Strategy 2.1.2 Maintain State Roads on behalf of RMS. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i Prepare bids for submission to Roads and Mari me Services for Ordered Works component of State Roads Maintenance Contract (RMCC) and undertake work as agreed 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Engineering Services 

Ac vi es 2015/16 

Strategy 2.1.3 Maintain Shire Roads in accordance with standards expressed in our asset management plan and our annual maintenance program. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i Provide road grading and gravel patching of unsealed road network based on priority parameters including condi on assessment and traffic volumes 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Engineering Services 

ii Reseal and rehabilitate sealed local roads based on condi on assessment and in accordance with the Asset Management capital renewal program 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Engineering Services 

Ac vi es 2015/16 

Strategy 2.1.4 Design and construct new roads to support the needs of the community. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Construct  and  seal  a  sec on  of  bitumen  road  as iden fied according to Council’s priori es.  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Engineering 


Ac vi es 2015/16 

Page 27 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

2-Connecting our Community

Strategy 2.1.5 Work with the RMS to ensure current standards of road safety are maintained and to assist in the educa on of the community. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Renew all bicycle lane marking and ‘give way’ holding lines in Nyngan and villages  ‐    ‐    ‐    Manager Engineering 


ii Construct pedestrian kerb ramps as iden fied in Pedestrian Access Mobility Plan subject to con nuing RMS grant funding 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Engineering Services 

iii  Update and implement Council Fleet Road Safety Policy specifying WH&S requirements  ‐    Review Council Fleet 

Road Safety Policy  ‐    Manager Engineering Services 

iv  Work with the Traffic Commi ee to develop and implement a Road Safety Strategy 

Iden fy traffic issues specific to Bogan Shire:  Heavy Vehicle 

Slowdown  Road Safety Month  Driver Fa gue – 

coffee break point  Shared Pathway 

Educa on 

Coordinate and run Road Safety Month  ‐    Manager Engineering 


Ac vi es 2015/16 

Strategy 2.1.6 Maintain suppor ng infrastructure such as parking, kerbs and gu ers, signage and street ligh ng to current standards. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Implement footpath repairs iden fied through inspec on for public liability risk reduc on  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Engineering 


ii  Inspect street ligh ng and report deficiencies to Essen al Energy  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Engineering 


iii  Clean and maintain pipe culvert and levee drainage system once per year  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Engineering 


Ac vi es 2015/16 

Strategy 2.1.7 Encourage community feedback on road issues. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Conduct village and rural road tour with Councillors and meet with road users to resolve local issues  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Ac vi es 2015/16 

Page 28 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

2-Connecting our Community

2.2 Public Road Transport  

Outcome: We have reliable, cost-effective and regular public road transport linking the Shire to Dubbo and beyond as well as in

Nyngan itself, increasing mobility for people without their own transport and providing a more sustainable alternative.

Strategy 2.2.1 Iden fy gaps and opportuni es and engage with stakeholders, including local bus operators to inves gate op ons for improved public transport. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  ‐   Talk to exis ng operators about issues and poten al strategy to address these issues 

‐   Talk to exis ng operators about issues and poten al strategy to address these issues 

General Manager 

Ac vi es 2015/16 

Page 29 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

2-Connecting our Community

2.3 Ac ve Transport  

Outcome: Our network supports and encourages people to take up active travel such as walking and cycling to enhance their social

and physical well-being.

Strategy 2.3.1 Engage with poten al users, especially schools, to determine preferred bikeway routes. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Increase cyclists and drivers awareness of each other and the importance of obeying the road rules  ‐    ‐    ‐    Manager Engineering 


ii  Engage with schools to determine the preferred bikeway routes  ‐    ‐    ‐    Manager Engineering 


Ac vi es 2015/16 

Strategy 2.3.2 Design and construct bikeways and footpaths incorpora ng tree shade cover. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Con nue implementa on of pedestrian access improvements 

Footway improvements for disabled access  ‐    ‐    Manager Engineering 


ii Con nue to improve the quality, number and length of walking and cycling paths, par cularly to tourist sites 

Iden fy and apply for grant funding for the installa on of shared pathways 

‐    ‐    Manager Engineering Services 

Ac vi es 2015/16 

Strategy 2.3.3 Educate the community and promote use of ac ve transport around Nyngan. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Develop an educa onal program in consulta on with schools and other community groups  ‐    ‐    ‐    Manager Engineering 


Ac vi es 2015/16 

Page 30 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

2-Connecting our Community

2.4 Air Services 

Outcome: Our valuable airport assets are used to their full potential providing residents, workers and visitors with cost-effective,

reliable and safe air services.

Strategy 2.4.1 Maintain airport facili es to meet required standards 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Conduct obstacle survey and remove iden fied flight path hazards 

Twice yearly weed spraying on runway and 

taxi way 

Conduct obstacle survey and remove iden fied flight path hazards 

Twice yearly weed spraying on runway and 

taxi way Manager Engineering 


ii  Review exis ng buildings M&R program and budget  Implement buildings M&R program  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


Ac vi es 2015/16 

Strategy 2.4.2 Engage with community and exis ng airport users to iden fy opportuni es for improvement 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i Implement a program to protect and maintain exis ng infrastructure assets to support the local economy. 

‐    ‐    ‐    Manager Engineering Services 

Ac vi es 2015/16 

Strategy 2.4.3 Advocate for the introduc on of a regular commercial air service to Nyngan 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Con nue to lobby state and federal agencies to improve public transport to Nyngan  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Ac vi es 2015/16 

Page 31 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

2-Connecting our Community

2.5 Rail Services 

Outcome: Our rail connection provides a cost-effective and reliable alternative to other forms of transport for people and freight.

Strategy 2.5.1 Inves gate opportuni es for the reintroduc on of regular passenger services between Dubbo and Nyngan/Bourke. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  ‐   

Work with the community and State Government on possible opportuni es to reintroduce regular passenger services to Nyngan 

‐  ‐  General Manager 

Ac vi es 2015/16 

Page 32 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

3-Managing our Environment

Goal - To support the current and long-term liveability of our Shire by enhancing and protecting our environment through

sound urban planning, managing our waste stream and sewerage services, and providing potable water supplies that are

economically sustainable, reliable and environmentally responsible.

Key Performance Indicator 

Measure of success 

Our LEP and DCP are contemporary and used to make appropriate decisions 

We reduce our kerbside waste to landfill 

We maintain and even grow our rate of recycling 

We receive posi ve feedback on our reserves and public places 

We maintain 100% compliance with the weed act 

The Strategic Business Plan and Asset Management Plan for capital renewal works for water supply, water treatment and water delivery are implemented 

Non‐compliance to water supply quality guidelines are within acceptable limits 

The Sewer Strategic Business Plan and Asset Management Plan for asset renewal are implemented 

We maintain compliance with EPA licence condi ons for effluent quality and effluent reuse 

We stage the implementa on of the Liquid Trade Waste Policy 

Page 33 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

3-Managing our Environment

3.1 Built Environment 

Outcome: The character, liveability and prosperity of our Shire are enhanced through sound urban planning processes and

facilitation of developments in accordance with the Bogan Local Environmental Plan.

Strategy 3.1.1 Conduct periodic reviews of Council’s planning instruments to ensure that land use planning supports the long term sustainability of our local communi es and our economy. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Monitor workability of LEP 2011 and DCP 2012  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


ii  Iden fy land suitable for recrea onal purposes  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


iii  Define and priori se plans of management for public land  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


iv    ‐  

Endeavour to iden fy and purchase parcels of Crown Land that may be of value for development 

Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


v  Review LEP 2011   ‐   Review LEP 2011  ‐    

Manager Development and Environmental 


vi  Review DCP 2012   ‐   Review DCP 2012   ‐  Manager 

Development and Environmental 


Ac vi es 2015/16 

Strategy 3.1.2 Iden fy opportuni es to expand the availability of a range of housing op ons based on lifestyle choices and affordability. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Dra  proposal to Council for re‐subdividing of exis ng blocks 

Encourage re‐subdivisions of exis ng blocks 

Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


ii  Conduct inspec ons of vacant premises.  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


iii  Work with the Community to develop a re rement complex in Nyngan.  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


iv Implement Growth Management Strategy to ensure adequate stocks of appropriately zoned land 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


Ac vi es 2015/16 

Page 34 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

3-Managing our Environment

Strategy 3.1.3 Development complies with the Local Environmental Plan legisla on formed through the Regional Land Use Study Project. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Con nual review and monitoring of LEP and DCP  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


ii  Ensure all future development compliance with LEP and DCP  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


iii  Incorporate sustainability controls into LEP  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


iv Manage construc on cer ficate process, Principal Cer fying Authority process, building site service and management, and inspec on and orders process 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


v  Provide quality evidence and document management  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


vi  Respond to reforms in planning process and advocate on behalf of Council  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


vii Review and respond to State Government Infrastructure and Planning Commi ee on sustainable land use 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


viii  Respond effec vely to rezoning applica ons  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


ix  Prepare dra s for appendix to DCP for future land usage  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


x  Incorporate heritage controls into LEP  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


xi  Incorporate heritage controls into DCP  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


Ac vi es 2015/16 

Page 35 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

3-Managing our Environment

Strategy 3.1.4 Ensure our community’s buildings are safe, healthy and maintained through regular inspec ons and compliance with the NSW Building Cer fica on Scheme. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  All essen al services measures to be inspected and cer fied  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


ii  Develop an essen al services measures program for council public buildings 

Monitor and review essen al services measures program 

Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


iii  Develop a program of progress upda ng of Council public buildings M&R program 

Implement progressive M&R program  Ongoing  Monitor and review 

M&R program 

Manager Development and Environmental 


iv  Issue planning and building cer ficates including effec ve customer service  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


v Provide an effec ve development applica on, assessment and determina on system including pre‐lodgement service and effec ve customer service 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


vi Inves gate concerns or complaints in rela on to overgrown allotments and buildings in a state of disrepair 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


vii Discharge Council's responsibili es for the management of development and development compliance 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


Ac vi es 2015/16 

Strategy 3.1.5 Develop and implement flood management plans for all urban flood plain areas. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Use Flood Management Study to determine heights for lots outside of levee bank 

Monitor and review LEP and DCP for Flood Management inclusion 

Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


ii  Maintain stormwater management infrastructure  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Engineering Services 

iii  Review LEP and DCP for Flood Management  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


iv Develop, review and Implement flood risk studies and plans in accordance with NSW Government Guidelines  

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


v  Review construc on requirements in flood prone areas  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


Ac vi es 2015/16 

Page 36 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

3-Managing our Environment

3.2 Waste Management 

Outcome: Our waste stream is effectively managed, reducing waste to landfill and maximising resource recovery through recycling.

Strategy 3.2.1 Provide efficient and cost effec ve kerbside collec on of solid and recyclable waste. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Monitor and review waste service volumes  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


ii  Monitor all kerbside waste collec on service  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


iii  Review and monitor 240lt kerbside recycling service  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


iv  Monitor all waste and recycling programs  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


v  Audit the effec veness of Council’s internal waste management processes 

Monitor Council’s internal waste management processes 

Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


Ac vi es 2015/16 

Strategy 3.2.2 Operate the Nyngan Waste Depot to comply with standards and regula ons, ensuring it is environmentally sound. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Develop new Waste Facility Opera ons Management Plan 

Implement Waste Facility Opera ons Management Plan 

Review Waste Facility Opera ons Management Plan 

Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


ii  Establish fire breaks to all waste facili es every 6 months  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


iii  Monitor all deposited waste for separa on procedures  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


Ac vi es 2015/16 

Page 37 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

3-Managing our Environment

3.3 Natural Environment 

Outcome: Our reserves and other public places are clean, litter-free and appropriately managed, preserving their valued use,

biodiversity and visual amenity whilst protecting our environment from waste and litter pollution.

Strategy 3.3.1 Provide safe, high quality, well serviced and maintained reserves and recrea onal areas. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Par cipate in Na onal Tree Day  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 

Services & General Manager 

ii  Provide li er and recycling bins at BBQ areas in Council parks.  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


iii  Monitor and review playground upgrade program  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


iv  Seek grant funding for expansion of all recrea onal areas  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


v  Seek community input into exis ng recrea onal areas  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


Ac vi es 2015/16 

Strategy 3.3.2 Improve the amenity of the river corridor to enhance and increase u lisa on for a range of recrea onal ac vi es. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i Support Nyngan Aboriginal Lands Council in the development of a natural lagoon area immediately downstream of the recrea on weir on the Bogan River 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

ii  Seek grant funding for Improvement of Recrea onal Areas  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


iii  Inves gate means of reducing li er in the river  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


iv  Review all exis ng access points to river Develop upgrading program to access points to river 

Monitor and review annually major river recrea onal ac vity 

Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


Ac vi es 2015/16 

Page 38 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

3-Managing our Environment

Strategy 3.3.3 Provide a clean and pleasant streetscape, ensuring regular street sweeping and cleaning of public spaces. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Review exis ng Cleaning Program Develop and review new Cleaning Program of public areas 

Monitor new Cleaning Program of public areas  Ongoing 

Manager Engineering Services 

ii  Review exis ng street bin containers and emptying procedures    ‐  

Review exis ng street bin containers and emptying procedures 

  ‐  Manager 

Development and Environmental 


iii  Review Streetscape design for street bin containers    ‐     ‐     ‐  

Manager Development and Environmental 


iv  Develop procedures in conjunc on with Pangee Street program  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Engineering Services 

Ac vi es 2015/16 

Strategy 3.3.4 Implement programs which foster responsible and protec ve behaviours towards reducing waste and li er pollu on. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Review exis ng methods of li er control Develop progressive upgrade of li er collec on system 

Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


ii  Seek community input to areas of concern of li er control 

Implement community li er control measures 

Monitor and review community li er control measures 

Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


iii  Conduct random li er control patrols to reduce the incidence of li ering  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


iv  Enforce breaches of environmental legisla on  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


v  Seek community input to waste control measures Develop a proposal for an addi onal kerbside bulk collec on services 

Monitor and review  proposal for addi onal bulk kerbside collec on 

Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


Ac vi es 2015/16 

Page 39 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

3-Managing our Environment

Strategy 3.3.5 Protect, preserve and enhance Bogan Shire’s natural environments, waterways, flora and fauna through responsible development and management. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Review DA Consent Condi ons: Environmental Protec on 

Monitor LEP and DCP provisions for Environmental Protec on 

Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


ii  Enforce all development to comply with condi ons of DA Consents  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


iii  Support the Central West CMA Catchment Ac on Plan and the State Plan  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


iv Undertake regular patrols and respond to community requests for enforcement of use restric ons on public reserves 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


v Subject to budge ng and legisla ve requirements, consider the use of energy efficient technologies in our opera ons and when undertaking new projects and vehicles. 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


vi  Develop environmental walks program in conjunc on with schools  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


Ac vi es 2015/16 

Page 40 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

3-Managing our Environment

3.4 Noxious Weeds 

Outcome: Our local environment is protected from noxious weeds through inspection and control measures in compliance with the

Noxious Weeds Act.

Strategy 3.4.1 Meet Council’s obliga ons under the Noxious Weeds Act 1993 in respect of maintenance of noxious weeds including density and distribu on. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Council to meet Noxious Weeds Control obliga ons  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


ii  Opera ons are in accordance with Regional Weed Control Plans  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


Ac vi es 2015/16 

Strategy 3.4.2 Ensure Council opera ons are in accordance with endorsed Regional Weed Control Plans. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Monitor and review Regional Weed Control Plans  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Development and Environmental 


ii  Review exis ng weed management program on public lands  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


Ac vi es 2015/16 

Strategy 3.4.3 Implement the Shire’s weed‐specific Control Plans for targeted noxious weeds. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Conduct private property inspec ons under the noxious weed program  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


Ac vi es 2015/16 

Page 41 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

3-Managing our Environment

3.5 Water 

Outcome: We have access to a secure water supply that is well-managed to provide us with a reliable, safe and cost effective service.

Strategy 3.5.1 Provide a financially viable, efficient, permanent potable water supply that has sufficient capacity for current and projected growth requirements. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Examine op ons for replacement of exis ng Water Treatment Plant  ‐  ‐  ‐ 

Manager Engineering Services 

ii  Con nue implementa on of the Strategic Business Plan for Water  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Engineering Services 

iii  Take samples of and analyse potable water supplies  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Engineering Services 

iv  Iden fy opportuni es for raw water irriga on at spor ng fields  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Engineering Services 

v Prepare submission for inclusion of Water Treatment Plant replacement on NSW Government Country Town Water Supply Program 

‐  ‐  ‐ Manager 

Engineering Services 

Ac vi es 2015/16 

Strategy 3.5.2 Implement an ongoing program of capital works improvements and enhancements and asset management to ensure the responsible management of water supply to the area and surrounding villages. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Con nue water main replacement program  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Engineering Services 

ii  Provide planning, inves ga on design and management of water management facili es  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Engineering Services 

iii Maintain water supply infrastructure to relevant Department of Health and Department of Primary Industries (NSW Office of Water) Standards, and in accordance with sustainability 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Engineering Services 

iv  Renew capital assets under the Asset Management Plan  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Engineering Services 

Ac vi es 2015/16 

Page 42 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

3-Managing our Environment

Strategy 3.5.3 Enhance the security of our water supply, ensuring long term drought management plans are developed and water losses are minimised through involvement in the Lower Macquarie Water U li es Alliance. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Develop water loss reduc on program  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Engineering Services 

ii  Con nue ac ve involvement in Lower Macquarie Water User Alliance  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Engineering Services 

iii  Develop regional Water Quality Improvement Plans  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Engineering Services 

iv  Con nue community educa on on water conserva on prac ces  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Engineering Services 

v Commence construc on of infrastructure to ensure security of Nyngan’s water supply, subject to government funding. 

Ongoing  ‐  ‐ Manager 

Engineering Services 

Ac vi es 2015/16 

Page 43 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

3-Managing our Environment

3.6 Sewerage 

Outcome: We have a reliable, safe and cost effective sewerage service.

Strategy 3.6.1 Provide a financially viable and efficient sewerage system that has sufficient capacity for current and projected growth requirements. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Monitor and review opera onal costs to improve efficiency of system  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Engineering Services 

Ac vi es 2015/16 

Strategy 3.6.2 Implement an ongoing program of capital works improvements and enhancements and asset management to ensure the responsible management of waste water in Nyngan. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Renew capital assets under the Asset Management Plan  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Engineering Services 

ii Make prepara ons for the development of a database of all sewage management systems within the Local Government Area. 

Monitor and review the development of a database of all sewage management systems within the Local Government Area. 


Engineering Services 

Ac vi es 2015/16 

Strategy 3.6.3 Ensure our compliance with the EPA license by regularly tes ng the waste water for treated effluent re‐use and disposal. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Engage consultants for monitoring and repor ng on Effluent Quality for license repor ng  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Engineering Services 

Ac vi es 2015/16 

Strategy 3.6.4 Ensure management of liquid trade waste through comprehensive licensing prac ces and a charging structure that reflects costs of treatment. 

Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Ac vi es 2018/19  Council Lead 

i  Con nue implementa on of Trade Waste Policy  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager 

Engineering Services 

Ac vi es 2015/16 

Page 44 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

4-Our Health and Safety

Goal - Enhance the health and safety of our community through provision of effective essential services and ensuring equitable

access for all to these services.

Key Performance Indicator 

Measure of success 

We protect the community through carrying out our regulatory environmental health func on 

Council ac vely par cipates in the State Emergency  Service  commi ee mee ngs and provides  support to volunteers 

The Levee Maintenance Manual for Nyngan township is implemented 

We receive posi ve feedback from the community regarding access to medical services and facili es 

Fire services are available when needed 

Our crime rate sta s cs are maintained or even improve 

Page 45 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

4-Our Health and Safety

4.1 Environmental Health 

Outcome: The health, safety and well-being of residents, workers and visitors is protected by providing effective licensing and

regulatory services for commercial premises, essential services and animal management.

Strategy 4.1.1 Ensure compliance with Local Liquor Accord strategies to maximise public health and safety. 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Provide informa on regarding new Liquor License applica ons, and make submissions on new applica ons to the State Government as required 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager Development and Environmental 

Services Provide advisory services to the Liquor Accord and assist in programs to encourage alterna ve transport op ons and responsible service of alcohol programs 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager Development and Environmental 


Strategy 4.1.2 Conduct bi‐annual inspec ons of food prepara on businesses to ensure compliance with Safe Foods Standards. 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Monitor and review food premises register  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager Development and Environmental 


Undertake bi‐annual food premises Inspec ons to ensure food handlers compliance with standards  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


Strategy 4.1.3 Conduct annual inspec ons of commercial premises to ensure compliance of the Building Code of Australia. 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Monitor and review essen al service register  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager Development and Environmental 


Implement measures to encourage owners to comply with the provisions of the BCA 

Encourage owners par cipa on in BCA upgrading 

Ongoing  Ongoing Manager Development and Environmental 


 ‐   Undertake an audit of Commercial Buildings for BCA compliance 

Ongoing  Ongoing Manager Development and Environmental 


Page 46 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

4-Our Health and Safety

Strategy 4.1.4 Con nue ongoing management and control of companion animals and ensure owner compliance with NSW Companion Animals Act 1998 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Improve public awareness to animal control  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager Development and Environmental 

Services Con nue to develop and implement the Companion Animals Policy to control cats and dogs in accordance with the Companion Animals Act 

Monitor and review dog control measures  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


Data entry of life me registra ons and fee reconcilia on  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager Development and Environmental 


Promote the registra on of companion animals  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager Development and Environmental 


Page 47 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

4-Our Health and Safety

4.2 Disaster Management 

Outcome: We have the capability in place to plan, organise and implement measures to respond to and recover from disasters.

Strategy 4.2.1 Con nue with the Local Emergency Management Commi ee to ensure appropriate response plans are in place. 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Monitor and review of Disaster and Emergency Management Strategy  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Con nue to fulfil Council’s statutory obliga ons relevant to the LEMC  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Strategy 4.2.2 The Local Emergency Management Commi ee and local State Emergency Services are adequately resourced to ensure they are equipped, trained and prepared to respond to disasters and incidents. 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Provide a support role to the LEMC/SES  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Engineering Services 

Develop, distribute , communicate and review Flood Risk informa on and tools in partnership with SES  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Engineering 

Services Support volunteer agencies as required during a disaster event  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Engineering 


Develop Community Emergency Flood Response Plans in partnership with SES  ‐ 

Review Community Emergency Flood Response Plans biennially 

‐  Manager Engineering Services 


Develop and implement staff training program in accordance with Disaster and Emergency Management Strategy 

‐     ‐   Manager Engineering Services 

Strategy 4.2.3 Regularly maintain the pumps and the levee bank surrounding Nyngan to ensure the township remains safe and secure during adverse weather condi ons and poten al influx of floodwaters. 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Amend maintenance procedures for floodgate outlets into the  Bogan  River  and  include  in  the  levee  maintenance manual 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Engineering Services 

Grass and debris to be cleared from flood gates annually  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Engineering Services 

Review levee maintenance manual  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Engineering Services 

Monitor compliance with  levee maintenance manual and perform required maintenance works  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Engineering 


Page 48 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

4-Our Health and Safety

4.3 Public Health 

Outcome: Our community has access to the medical services and facilities it needs to enhance and protect our health.

Strategy 4.3.1 Work with the community and the State Government to ensure medical, dental, specialist, mental health and allied health services and facili es meet the needs of residents and visitors. 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Work closely with Nyngan Health Council to lobby on behalf of the community  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Liaise with Western LHD to resolve relevant issues  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Review incen ves to a ract and retain medical professionals in Nyngan  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Strategy 4.3.2 Provide an appropriate level of ambulance services for the community. 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Monitor availability of a 24 hour Ambulance Service for the Shire  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Strategy 4.3.3 Work with the community, volunteer organisa ons and the State Government on programs that promote health and wellbeing. 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Review and update the Smoke Free Outdoor Areas Policy as required    ‐  

Review and update the Smoke Free Outdoor Areas Policy as required 

  ‐   General Manager 

Work with Cancer Council NSW on projects to benefit the community  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Page 49 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

4-Our Health and Safety

4.4 Fire Services 

Outcome: Our fire services provide effective and efficient services to the community to protect property and the safety of our community.

Strategy 4.4.1 People and property located within the town and villages are protected from fire related incidents. 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Support the ac vi es of Fire and Rescue NSW and RFS and lobby in response to community issues and concerns  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


Ensure compliance with BCA provisions to all premises  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing Manager Development and Environmental 


Liaise with Fire and Rescue NSW on appropriate develop‐ment of commercial premises  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


Strategy 4.4.2 People and property located within rural areas are protected from fire related incidents. 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Support the ac vi es of RFS and lobby in response to community issues and concerns  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


Implement BCA and AS 3959 provisions to new DA Consents  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


Implement hazard reduc on program for villages and rural proper es  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


Page 50 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

4-Our Health and Safety

4.5 Policing 

Outcome: Our police services provide effective and efficient services to the community to protect property and the safety of our community.

Strategy 4.5.1 Provide an appropriate level of police services for the community. 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Lobby NSW Police for appropriate numbers in response to community concerns  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Support by agreement with NSW Police the recruitment of Police through provision of housing at market rental  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Strategy 4.5.2 Lobby NSW Police for increased policing and community safety ini a ves. 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Lobby on behalf of the community  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Strategy 4.5.3 Improve community safety and maintain low crime levels. 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Par cipate  in  Community  Safety  Precinct  mee ngs  to discuss and address any issues  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Respond to a range of community safety issues  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Page 51 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

5-Developing our Economy

Goal - Stimulate and maintain economic growth to build a strong local economy, supporting the development of local businesses

and attracting people to the Shire.

Key Performance Indicator 

Measure of success 

We have increased levels of business tenancy / investment / development 

Tourist numbers increase 

We receive posi ve feedback on appearance of the main street and town services 

Mobile phone signals are available 

Page 52 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

5-Developing our Economy

5.1 Local Industries and Business 

Outcome: Local industries, including tourism, and the business that support them continue to grow and prosper.

Strategy 5.1.1 Undertake an assessment of our local business and industry, in par cular the retail industry, to iden fy gaps and develop ini a ves to ac vely encourage the establishment of sustainable economic growth and local employment opportuni es. 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Work with local businesses to iden fy issues  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Maintain and develop rela onship with Regional Development Australia (RDA) Orana  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Industrial lots to be developed as demand presents, connec ng to u lity services and construc on of kerb and gu er 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Engineering Services 


Inves gate the prepara on of an Economic Development Plan for Bogan Shire, including a rural machinery depot 

             ‐    ‐    General Manager 

Strategy 5.1.2 Create and maintain a diverse commercial sector that is sustainable, vibrant, located in safe, well designed and visually appealing premises and which meets the needs of our community and visitors. 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Work with local business community to ensure appropriate standards are maintained  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


Inves gate programs to encourage ways to improve the appearance of shop fronts in our main street  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Development and Environmental 


Strategy 5.1.3 Support agricultural businesses so that they have the capacity to be a significant contributor to the local, regional and na onal economy. 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Lobby in response to community concerns  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Strategy 5.1.4 Work in conjunc on with the mines to obtain mutual benefit from an abundance of natural mining resources which provide our shire with opportuni es for local economic growth and employment. 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Develop rela onships with the mines to explore opportuni es for mutual benefit  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Page 53 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

5-Developing our Economy

Strategy 5.1.5 Support and strengthen local business networks to encourage the sharing of informa on and resources to build the capacity of local business and industry. 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Produce and update the Business Directory on council's website  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Council to con nue shopping locally for services and products where appropriate  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Strategy 5.1.6 Inves gate opportuni es to support the township of Nyngan and villages of Girilambone, Coolabah and Hermidale. 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Produce and update the Bogan Shire Prospectus  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Meet with village communi es to discuss and understand issues  rela ng  to  the maintenance and  servicing of  town and village facili es 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Strategy 5.1.7 Liaise with Government Agency employers to encourage the provision of incen ves for a rac on and reten on of essen al service workers to relocate to Nyngan. 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Iden fy requirements and discuss op ons with Government Agencies  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Page 54 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

5-Developing our Economy

5.2 Tourism 

Outcome: Bogan Shire is regarded as a welcoming and attractive place for people to visit, providing services, cultural experiences and

recreational opportunities for our visitors.

Strategy 5.2.1 Adopt and implement a streetscape master plan. 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Carry out improvements in line with the plan  Ongoing   ‐     ‐    Manager Engineering Services 

Enhance the first impressions tourists and newcomers have of Nyngan and the villages by:   Plan ng trees at town and village entrances, along 

main access routes, in the town centres and in parks   Improving signage for Shire entry points showing 

des na ons, accommoda on etc.   Upgrading shop fronts   Iden fying loca ons for rest areas along Shire roads   Improving facili es at the long‐haul bus stop 

(specifically the area behind the St Vincent de Paul shop as it is the main thoroughfare to the Davidson Park toilets) 

Con nue to maintain landscaping at town and village entrances, replacing trees as necessary 

Carry out a street tree plan ng project in Nyngan 

Con nue to improve signage for Shire entry points 

Manager Engineering Services 

Strategy 5.2.2 Develop and implement a visitor strategy which includes the iden fica on of poten al opportuni es for growth and new tourism products through consulta on with stakeholders. 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Con nue to update, produce and distribute the Official Tourist Guide to local businesses and VICs in neighbouring shires 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Conduct photographic shoot to provide a source of up‐to‐date photographs for marke ng and promo onal material  Ongoing   ‐     ‐    General Manager 

Con nue to adver se Nyngan and Bogan Shire (in print media and on appropriate websites)  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Membership of Inland NSW Tourism  Ongoing   ‐     ‐    General Manager 

Develop a Visitor Tourism Strategy in conjunc on with Inland Tourism and BCTBG 

Iden fy new tourism opportuni es and ini a ves 

‐   ‐    General Manager 

Work with Nyngan LALC on their proposal for a recrea onal / educa onal centre 

Encourage the development of quality Indigenous tourism business 

Ongoing  Ongoing Manager Development and Environmental Services & General 


 ‐     ‐   Conduct a regional adver sing campaign to a ract visitors from within our region 

 ‐    General Manager 

Page 55 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

5-Developing our Economy

Strategy 5.2.3 Provide and maintain a quality Visitor Informa on Centre which encourages and supports growth across many sectors of the local economy. 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Seek accredita on for new Visitor Informa on Centre at Nyngan Museum    ‐     ‐     ‐   General Manager 

Inves gate opportuni es to distribute tourism informa on throughout the Shire  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Page 56 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

5-Developing our Economy

5.3 Communica ons 

Outcome: The community has access to the latest communications infrastructure and technology to facilitate communications for

learning, business and providing services to our community..

Strategy 5.3.1 Maximise the coverage and availability of telecommunica ons infrastructure across the shire. 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Lobby service providers on behalf of the community  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Strategy 5.3.2 Provide appropriate communica ons infrastructure and services including lobbying for early inclusion into the Na onal Broadband Network. 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Monitor na onal broadband ini a ves and capacity    ‐     ‐     ‐   General Manager 

Page 57 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

Goal - Local Government which is open and transparent in delivering responsive services to the community in an efficient,

effective and ethical way using sound business practices.

Key Performance Indicator 

Measure of success 

Our corporate repor ng is on  me and to required standard 

We have 100% compliance with our statutory obliga ons 

We receive posi ve customer sa sfac on feedback 

Annual statutory audits are posi ve 

6-Responsible Local Government

Page 58 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

6-Responsible Local Government

6.1 Leadership, Advocacy and Governance 

Outcome: Bogan Shire council will deliver open, transparent and effective local government, lobbying on behalf of the community and

working in partnership with regional bodies.

Strategy 6.1.1 Facilitate meaningful engagement and consulta on with the community and other stakeholders to progress the outcomes of the Community Strategic Plan. 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Maintain a community consulta on database (from CSP implementa on)  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Undertake community engagement regarding major Council plans and projects   ‐     ‐     ‐    General Manager 

Inves gate and implement mechanisms to enhance feedback to the community on larger community projects 

 ‐     ‐                 ‐  General Manager 

 ‐     Hold a Community Strategic Plan forum   ‐    General Manager 

 ‐     ‐   Devise evalua on framework to measure effec veness of community engagement 

 ‐    General Manager 

Strategy 6.1.2 Provide accountability to the community by regularly repor ng on Council ac vi es through the publica on of business papers, mee ng minutes and general informa on. 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Provide accurate and  mely mee ng agendas and minutes  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Proac vely release appropriate Council informa on e.g. Council Business Paper and Minutes through the website and council column 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Strategy 6.1.3 Promote accountability to the community by mely comple on and publica on of statutory reports. 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Complete Annual Report  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Corporate Services 

Produce Council’s quarterly reports, delivery program and budget and opera onal plans  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Corporate 


Complete statutory financial accounts  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Corporate Services 

Page 59 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

6-Responsible Local Government

Strategy 6.1.4 Represent the interests of the community through local Councillors. 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Hold regular Council mee ngs  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Strategy 6.1.5 Maintain effec ve partnerships through regional and industry bodies to collaborate on ma ers of mutual interest and lobby collec vely on behalf of the community. 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Maintain partnerships with OROC, LMWUA  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Undertake lobbying as appropriate  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Con nue contrac ng alliance with RMS  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Page 60 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

6-Responsible Local Government

6.2 Managing our Business 

Outcome: Our business is resourced with a competent and motivated workforce and is effectively managed through sound procedures and

financial practices to enable us to build and deliver community services and infrastructure both now and into the future.

Strategy 6.2.1 Develop and implement our Opera onal Plan and Budget so as to manage our financial resources responsibly. 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Provide dra  Opera onal Plan and Budget to Council within agreed  meframes   Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Corporate 

Services Provide management accoun ng services including the implementa on and management of a financial repor ng system that draws informa on from Authority.  

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Corporate Services 

Develop and manage Council’s long term financial strategy  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Corporate Services 

Effec vely manage Council’s financial resources  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Corporate Services 

Strategy 6.2.2 Maximise revenue opportuni es, such as grants for achievable projects 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Coordinate grant opportuni es across council  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Establish and maintain a schedule of rental proper es   Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Corporate Services 

Manage prudent investment of Council’s funds   Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Corporate Services 

Review internal charges to the Water, Sewer and Waste Funds   Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Corporate 


Strategy 6.2.3 Manage the recovery of all revenues raised by Council through efficient and systema c debt recovery policies. 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Implement revised Debt Recovery Policy    ‐   Review Debt Recovery Policy    ‐   Manager Corporate 

Services Collect rates effec vely and efficiently to improve the collec on rate   Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Corporate 

Services Carry out Council’s resolu on on the sale of proper es for unpaid rates   ‐                 ‐  ‐ 

Manager Corporate Services 

Page 61 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

6-Responsible Local Government

Strategy 6.2.5 Conduct regular review of systems and processes to improve the effec veness of risk management, control and governance processes. 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Review Staff Induc on process    ‐   Review Staff Induc on process    ‐   Manager Corporate 


Implement recommenda ons iden fied in annual safety audits  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Corporate 


  Develop an IT Disaster Recovery Plan 

Implement IT Disaster Recovery Plan 

Monitor and review IT Disaster Recovery Plan 

Manager Corporate Services 

Strategy 6.2.4 Conduct regular reviews of policies, repor ng systems and plans including asset management and risk management plans to confirm that they are fit for purpose. 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Review exis ng Council Policies and progressively update them  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Implement approved Asset Management Plan  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Engineering Services 

Review Asset Management Plan and amend as necessary  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Engineering Services 

Implement procurement guidelines and procedures    ‐     ‐     ‐   Manager Corporate Services 

Maintain Council’s corporate registers (e.g. policy, pecuniary interests and delega ons register)  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Corporate 


Page 62 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

6-Responsible Local Government

Strategy 6.2.7 Promote a culture of customer service, including suppor ng processes, to deliver high quality services to the community. 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Council to provide informa on packs to new rate payers and residents  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing 

Manager Corporate Services & General 


Develop customer service charter  Ongoing Monitor compliance with the customer Service Charter guidelines 

Ongoing  Manager Corporate Services 

Inves gate improvements for the tracking and repor ng of customer service requests and complaints   Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Corporate 


 ‐    Initiate a customer service training program  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Strategy 6.2.6 Develop and implement workforce plans to develop and retain a skilled and mo vated workforce including aspects such as organisa onal structure, training plans, performance appraisals and salary systems. 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Maintain current posi on descrip ons  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Ensure that Council’s values are incorporated into our ini a ves and ac vi es  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Develop, implement and review Council’s HR guidelines  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Develop a performance management system    ‐     ‐     ‐   General Manager 

Maintain the number of appren ceships and traineeships across the organisa on  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Develop and implement annual training plans  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Manage Council’s recruitment process and procedures  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Manage educa onal assistance program  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Conduct staff Induc on and familiarisa on programs  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Manage Council's payroll and leave administra on func on.  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Corporate 

Services Manage and promote awareness and effec ve use of the Employee Assistance Program.  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Develop an ageing workforce strategy Implement the ageing workforce strategy  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

  ‐  Develop and implement Recruitment and Reten on Strategy 

Review Recruitment and Reten on Strategies in line with Workforce Plan 

Ongoing  General Manager 

Page 63 Bogan Shire - Delivery Program

6-Responsible Local Government

Strategy 6.2.9 Adequately resource our IT and communica ons systems consistent with industry standards and technological development. 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Ensure the IT resource plan reflects requirements   ‐     ‐     ‐    Manager Corporate Services 

Manage Council’s IT network and infrastructure  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Corporate Services 

Manage and maintain a Records Management System that meets the needs of the organisa on, the community and legisla ve requirements 

Con nue to capture records electronically, storing and filing them appropriately for easy and efficient access 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Corporate Services 

Fully implement Trim records management system and processes  ‐  ‐  ‐   

Maintain an up to date Council website  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Corporate Services 

Strategy 6.2.8 Iden fy, characterise and asses all poten al risks to Workplace Health and Safety and public liability. 

Ac vi es 2014/15  Ac vi es 2015/16  Ac vi es 2016/17  Ac vi es 2017/18  Council Lead 

Adequate insurance coverage provided and reviewed annually  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Corporate 


Ensure all managers understand their responsibili es in managing risk modify job descrip ons and KPI's where appropriate. 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Ongoing compliance with Council's statutory obliga ons and to properly discharge Council's common law duty of care to the community when managing risks 

Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  General Manager 

Review and implement Council’s WH&S plan and systems  Ongoing  Ongoing  Ongoing  Manager Corporate Services 

Contact Details ‐ For more informa on

Telephone: 02 6835 9000 

Fax: 02 6835 9011 

Email: [email protected] 


In Person: 81 Cobar Street, Nyngan 

Postal Address: PO Box 221, Nyngan NSW 2825