bruce lee fighting method 4 -- advanced techniques

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  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


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  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques




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  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


    WARS IS!;, ...... ..--......_._._ ....-........_...--.-_ .. _ . . . . . ., q, '_ .__ . . . . .__ . _ .....-.........""""'........_._......-..._._....._._..._...__ ................._....... _..__.........., ......-.._.....-._-- ..-._-_ .....-_..._-_ .........__ ...._.__ .._................_,,_ .. ....._..--,' _..... .....~ . . , . . . . . .... ....... .._,,,_... .. ...__ .... """'-

    BRUCElEE-19401973Ilruce Let! (jasl",d b r i U i ~ " U y like a meu.oT through the world.:.fmOlftin! IlIU and motion l'lcturotl . Then. o nJuly 20 . 1973. in HonllKong, !Ike a meU!ur-he vO.>,"hoo. extinglllshro b ~ ' .. .dden deaUl.

    110 was jus t 32 .BruC0 Lee began h .. martial \lfU I t u d ~ with wing ehun. underthe tUIerwnal phuto tilelUyehara .. former I tudent of Druce w .

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


    DEDlCATlO'l;To ell the I ' r i ~ n d t end Itl ldfnlf or lll'\lce 1M

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


    ACKNOWLEUGEMEN'I'Our 6inoo!'\l p p r ~ c l a t i o n to Joe B o x I n ~ r , who ~ p e " ~ .., mud,

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


    IntroductionTIIII book . . . . In tht makinl in 1966 and moot of the photo-

    IIfII.phl wen: MOt tlltn, ' " ' " Rruce I n t e l 1 d ~ \() publish tlli!;book y ~ " ' " "go bu t dacll1o!d 1111'1"" It whfn lie leanwd that nmnuolu.n. inttructo . . WBt I ullnl hl l "ame to )ll'0lllo\e themselves, It ..... .quite COlllmon to h_ CQ.,noenu like' " I tauaht IlC\lce .""," or"lIruce I.- tAu., t me j f t t tune d o . ~ ,\lId Btu"" .....y new. """"..,.", Or ! tno_ U>ete martial artU\.o.lIN.: . d idn't wanl people w _ hi. name to promoUl

    lhenW'lvOll or t h ~ l ..,hoolll wit.h tab\: pl(:knlH. li e didn't WAnlthem to I t ll'llttltudc"C. lhll .....y . . . . ,....,iaUy th e youR( _n .

    BUI .ru.. hil ~ I h , II;' . .>do.... IJn ... ftlt that Bruce h. doon\l'lbuted to m\>dl in the world o f the martial wt. that it wouldbe 11""\ 10. it the mowledte of Rruoo "'u1d difo ..n.h lulU,A1lhoullil the book can ne\'er f 1 I P ~ the .,tl1al l n . . OUt ullimal.e ItO&l it \0 pfeJW"l01.1 .. . "", to r any .IILlallon .To train yourself for !bio 11"1'1, )'Ou "'us, tnUn ..,nously.Nulhinall ta ken for wantaek or puneh 1110 bag. you

    ha ... to lma.aln. that you = actually h l t l i t > ~ an ...Jwrsary. RHlIyconcflIlJt.Unl . puU1na 100 ~ e n \ In yOUt kocks and pUnehM. I flhe ,,"ly 'QY)'OU are lOin. to be p>Od ."

    If ),ou h . , . alrewy ! , h e o !.her tiln. .. rolumeo o f /lrUIlt 1_',Fflhrln, "'le\.ll lie!. of le""m left by t h ~ late Btu""Lee. 1"-111 .... Iume. bHidH tNdtlng yo u th l more ~ v a n C " O " d fl(bt.mlWdu,Iq,,'" UplaLl" how to " '" your m-,,,. apt"S! you r OPP-,_to!. 110'" 10 mant'Llver and what to do apl"R dINe"'''1 1)'1"' " offi&hU)'rs; how to ", ke 1101' of ren' ' '"f! and II"W to C?un",roIUl

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


    J ~ e l K u n ~ D o .hel KUMe Do UI"" f o u n d ~ d by lku LMl'tJU,", he feltIhe marllDlarls Wf!I'f/ 100 ronfined.You Clfn"f fighl in perl/em h, uxd 10 *, yMCIf""' aM allaelrtv" M /HIff/iMI gnd 1101 .. . intd.11 Kune Do WGf C ~ g l ~ by lk"u Lu10 show 'I fIhalall old arl mU51lr11nf(o-m,/,ike Ihe day lumllO nighlondnighl, 10 dayIhe ""'y o f fighlin, musl oW ~ f o r mBtuColIM d ~ l X ! l o p e d Ju t Kune Do

    bUI wllhNd l d , , ~ h"lIe a ""me fo r II !

    8eCIfUfC Ihe Vtry words. JUI Kune Do,"ut(Jdy i"dlClfle

    fhal II "nOlhtr m(UI/a1 ar ls form.AllY form or "yle dou I'f/"rlCI"lid I,;, IHlief $ "Ow ,II ro,,/lfcl ,

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


    Sourc .TIl o fJn t ~ " " Do by Bruce lee~ ; " . by t:thrin !.. H s . l e ~

    ContentsCII, \PTE R XI I: lJand for Offense (1'r.Jn l } . . . . 18

    Simple .n d Compound AllAc:tFeint with KickHook. Spin and Sweep Kick

    CHAPTER XV: [)ere",", and CounterArt of Countenn.ackinlSt.op-hlt with PunehStop-hil wLth Ki c kOIhft. Counlerini Kic:kI

    . . . . . . . . . 66

    . . . . . . 92

    CHAPTER XVI: Alt:ributel.nd 'hclico . . . . . . . . . . 118,-AttltullcMecht.nicaland [ntemp"! FiJht.enPreparation and Es....,.,tion

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


    Chopt. . XIIHand Techniques fo, Offense1part1l

    Y o ~ r O I f ~ " 1 P :

    YOllr off .ll u mould " - limpl. "" d d' ...d"""""''' ' it may "" hard to conlrol

    Bu l Q6'ins/ IOmw"" who CllII projllcto rompl"" a/loc/r U10uld b your ""I.1lm/nK. the b y /00 oompln: allock,

    mU&"1 " " p=lI

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


    /lAND 1'J;CHNJQUES Fon opn:NSEIn Jeet ku"c do, therc "hardty any dirthuyour opponell\ hut also help you o o ~ " .th vario .. otykls of rotht

    You mUSt study your o p p o n e n ~ , Thke ~ d " " " t a g e of his w

    Compo .nd attack iI II p r e ~ m i n . .y aellon .uch as feinl, heat.etcelera, before launching thll teal attack, The suCC

    .""'n WIth JlQOO te

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques




    InchllO In re.ach and provw .. a ran .trlko boca" . It It"lvt'il only ishort dlatance to the target..Like ulher .kULMI mung, \he fmflll'l of your ,trlkinll handmould be utendl.4d... in photo 2. Vou should comp\el.e ) 'OutItrlke dOJeCtly in front of your nOOM!.. . In pho> 3. WId no t likephoto A, wllich Ie"' ' ' ' an lIpenl"._L Iha upper h o e . . . , ~ To aUac. d,,\!O:tly ....tth fingff .lab . . nat ,kdled r ~ t e < :.quite diffICult. 8nK

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques

    13/62,,", in photo I, Ib> .tand$ I" t .... on"iUllrd pOoiti(", li t heraces h;' opponent. wh o 1$ In a .Imlla. pollitin. He then feint.llowby crouching slightly and moV


    I\eside$ 1.IlIinK I t .. B feint, It allo prev up Or c, tcl> up to you.S l ~ and timing should work WKetl1cr. Vou ohouW be able todictate the rhythm \0 your o p P < ' n e n ~ by either opeeding up QT

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


    010 ... ' ' , do..., yDllf OlDllcmen\.o. Another ....y II to elUblish .... ".. rhythm and then . . .ldo!"ly .Ua('k ....... your oppan ... in th e dold"" . . . . . his motion bolIinl to d. . _.:':onomy vf motion .n d k ... p ; n ~ your m U J c I ~ 1 ne>:iblC! ct.n In.IUUl I your &peed. I I fault of moot novice c:ompoitlto. . ill tII.1 theyuy to o h..-d to r ... h the .... ch quickly end IM!dn to JftSI end""'ten t h ~ activ.ty. Thlo only mn .. them leloI effectlVl! . . th etenolon CIOueel unnalary muecular o o " t n ~ " t l o n , . .hieh ac t ath rak_duc in , th n lpeed end u ~ " " their f t I ~ . A hlJhf perfomwl"" II o b \ . f L i p ~ ...hen an athlete 10 free endunren . ned, th.., . . >on he trre. to f,,,,:e or r l r l ~ . h.'mse!!. \\1,en IrunnCt 10 lQlnll at fu t as he ClLn. he should nOt (foel that he oughtto be f ) ~ ' 8 r . e.Another dfectlw technique iI to ell....., your 1:Im",,....I0'"down Inite"" vf l ~ i n 8 up your m o v e m ~ n t - j u . s t before Impect.In DUtil!" w"nlJ, th e lau""h.lnll of the l irike has. moment o{ peUtein ill fo . . . . .d path. """,po-Ulnl your opponnnl to open the V\llnerable Ime . . . . . . . . thl9Wll DIIt of 11m"" .1'\nunl ....y mean JUcreM Dr reu"", In your offM';ve and defenI-ive ~ h n t q u .. . The attack Dr co""ter should oeeur . t the mo_ment ot your opponent's stale of inel,lllude. Attack should ""mewhen your opponent iii ~ , p o s o c d in Pnlparinc hl l otle .... .11 he . .momentarily ronnli"lllnK marc on .tUck than defente. Othero p p o r t u n ~ tim .. am wlw!n ill .... >oe blvwihould be din!ctJy.t th e f...,." at in photo C.



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    ThQ Rl1Ill!ht right "'ould be

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


    ready to block any blow. By PUUini your ' 'Illoukle.'' into theblow, you earl i n" " ,_ you. I'

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


    .,._bo .._ _ _ ......... _,110

    .. __ . . . . . "'." . .AI> _ bo.. "., or . . ....,...._. _odI7 ..... yow _. 0 _ . . . ._ , " _--.."' .....-.. .............-,..110._01___ 1 ... . . . . ""-.._____ ",_--..._01I00I ...__ ..... _ ....., v .. _____ . _..._.....__ ,

    1_ . - , .,\/""""'" .... _. &hI '" .... bod, . . . . _ -. ........ _bo__ .._____ " " .-.1_. f . . . _._ ." , t I o o_" " " " " kl_ .. ....... Ioo_,." o . . . . . . A

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    To ~ " " " u ~ the l e a d i n ~ liiht to t h ~ OOd)l. lund in t h ~ oo-(ll1artJpooitlo". u In photo I (fi'ont vorwlllr1d IA (side ,"",wI. Then drop)'OUl body torw.d ...,d ot.ep in III pIIoloo 2 0IIII.1 2A.Your fronl 1IIi&ll\l)l


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    1\ I t Imporu.nt thlt yo u follow lhmuah with your l'urlCh. Tr y1.0 link yOW" body 10 the ....... of th . W'get 10 your blow will bedol i . . -J IHahUy up_d or"_ horiwntally. Thill delivery po.llOOn 10 . . ......d rnoN'd'uve.Let: l\arldJ in the on..., poiltion . p in l t r i l l h t - ~ oWO-rwnt, . . Ii. pholO 1. Ii .n optn lin. Tim"" . very Importlnt. II you mUll . 1 I l tyour .ttack .. the opponent'. an n mann , ICfOIIJ Of in \h .o""""te d.recuon.ApLnIt left-lnd OppOnenl. II In pho"> A, Loot r.",11 wllh b .lead hand t.o draw bil Ollpo . hlndo u pwn , " In 1111010 B........ n .. th e openin, develop&. Lee dr i .... I hud L

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques



    h i I h ~ ' Ulan normal. iwerful blow If Mllv"",d I'mPKly. It if

    wed ... counwr or . . . oombiTUl\,on. The 1'0WO)l' II ~ t n e " , 1 c < I mo .. thall. ! ~ a d punch 1)eco.u"" yo u st.lndinl forth.,. .way..,dCOn In.,......., th . momtfltum of th . blow bero", cont.lrt. F\lrIher.mof1!, you h.vt t h ~ tuU 11M of your body be/llnd t h ~ pund>.

    Bu t for""",," rI",Wiand . . usinlllle lett II u""'tural. totpedallywhen throom from ,diotance. To develop Ikill III puncl"". withyo w len, pnctictl with II cnllantly 0" t h ~ h ..."Y 1>"1 until it 10jUl4" prolldl"1 as Ih . other hII'dTo Ihrow , flrlUllhl Io:fl. oUond In the on...,..:! l>OIoIllon . . . Inphnu,. 1 . . ,d IA . Rol&llI your h , ~ c\ooCk . . . . . . pivotlnl moIlly...,yo,"", flexed, .K' fOOl, II in pho1O$ 2 and 'lA. Your weiChlIho"ld Ih'fl 1.0 your front foot ...,d yur \cad hand \a dnowntoward your face fn . protection... In I'hotnt 3 and 3A Your

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


    puneh .hQuld be d c ~ , ' e r e d Illa,,,,! in front or your nOlle an d nOt~ k ~ photo X, which, al'U!r th e d e ~ v e r y , leav. . your uPI>er li""nguarde moot th e bk>w. Jun befo"" u..'.lht ""nn",U, obltructing tha o p p ( " ' ~ n t " ,;",t, I>e deliven a

    nlght Ipft to !he op""nenn face, as in photo 3. Thill uph ....rydone with" twist of hill hip !Q lIle r;ght .. . he pivots on the ~ I e f his left fool. The pivol Mould be dolle "" ...ply, with a snap ofIs hip, and completed with" onap of hi!; lett "",oulder.If you, op""nent lIeps back without parr)' inK Or bk>cking. It ill

    ten a good JIlIUleuvcr to renew Ille attack, aiming mt the ad -".,.d t M ~ t ' ' 'ch II> th . dlln or knee. It is alJo effective lIpin,t



  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


    A ~ J t ",ho ploceo hi s ...... 01'1 the I'1!U fOOl Insteadof win.a.hort Ilep "-"t. attack that rear foot. The ettectiven_

    o f . renewed Ilta"t d."..,d:!I "'Chly on you. knowledge o f the ....yyour opp( tlghta. It can hardly IUcceed wi\houl p,dimin.,yplanl. You must 0.1$0 have good foo\wOI'k to r a quick {orwaMrecno"'Y an d In ,bUllY 10 keep yOll' oJ1JIOnCIlt ottbIIl"",,,,,.The technlqut'S on . ",newell u\.ock can be. $\t1Iiihl lhrust,lnd feinl, t- I or triP with c o m b i n a t l o n ~ . A I ~ k by oombinatiOll IIUSUally < : o m p ~ of oeHlps. II i f . . . . . . . Qf p\U1cheo. or kk:b.. . n " , , ~ nu"ltlI)' and to b lO " , than ".' of the

    aUKk .. to dr. . or r o n : ~ your opponent tnto pft'C1lrio.. .!ion for. rtnlilbml blo . .Combination 1110"" come in after a di p. This ",norally r"",,lt. in you r opponent droPP"'1 hillcuard an d leavin, In opening for th e r",oJ blo", .There i I . . . . th e ".fety tnl>le." in which th e first bLa.and theronal blo.. land.t the ume pw.". For ""'mp .. . , f the ,nihal puncb;. 10 the body I.I1d the .econd 10 his ....... thft1 the lu i punchIhOllk1 be 10 hill body.O f ! ~ n lh e Id't or . . . . . th" , . is uNd photo 2. opp"""oy Dr f.tH Itt . ,k is "",ploy!, no t with t h ~ In",n\lon ofhitting. but to draw Dr enlke you, oppon.,nt to ,".ack in " lpecificline"" you can parry the blow lind coun"". The l11

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques



    II ) YOU.f\' coltfuMd IUId roo nptl1.c

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


    !lAND TECHNIQUES FOR m'F1i.NSEA1tholJ8h '(>I!f'd iI important, too many flahu.n pu t too mumempbUII on It, When a fip,uo. fails in h. o t t ~ n " ~ blows, "WI)'times he . . . . . the wrong llroke ..,d bla"," hil fallun! to lack ot-.ri&hter muO! UM the prop"" 'ttokes u the n&h' time q . ~ nhis o]'ponenL To ul tro m diU .",nt an"," and ' Iudy hill t.cllCl andtunlnl, Includ/!d In thill action are lOme o f th" 'ttokes th.t an tUOd in jeet k l lM do ,

    StrGigtu urI to the BodyTile ilnl&ht k>tr. blow I the body, l ib the ' tn l" , t lett, itand can be uoe d '" a counter, u.e

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  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques



    (!J.lllrt an opponent in t h ~ right l ~ a d ~ t a ! l " " , as In photo 1. LooWl an o p < ! n i n ~ by de

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


    lAod ./oI1t'I'tw! II'b n.ot I pow"",,,] WIeII b" l ..- to W I' yOtirOl'pontlht orrt.lance, k ~ i n . 111m L'rom bein' ... ," It ill I f . ,. ,app"'l p""eII and no t . pu"' . Your hand mo .1d be held and""'tum hlah to of f .. a , . . , , ~ .hand o:.>""te. T h ~ .,."'" Mo . d beftllaxlld and Mould _Ink In.U,oatJ of p . ling back wilen belnl

    b ....ghl blOCk to the on"i\1ard posltlon.It II p. .ctlcal to la .nch more thllll Ono Jl'b became the INlOndone h IO"d clunoe to land l ! the prcv!ou. On" ill d"hvered with"""nomy. n... "''''''''q .ent one if ooWer-up for mM-Sed jab.A mul\.Ol..cIe of jabs ~ a n be thrown to .""1' your opponent on 1Md o f ~ . . .ve . . yo " . t u d ~ y prno hl.lQ. ottennll him no rest

    THE . . . . 1 ( "5T

    , . " . F"i6cT h ~ bftck rlf' iI one of the mOlt ""'lINing punchH yo .

    o o l l v ~ r becau"" il ill rut. aco:.... c and "Vtl\.,]cppluc. II can belaunched !Yom pi th ' th " on guard flO'ition 0 ' even w ...n you Ill"e",:"nd;nll" n(NlchalMnUy with your handt hlUttPnil loosely by yourht)ll. AI the latttt. po$I\.Oon, yo . . , In nonbUi.,. ...nt """,t/on toMInk. blow befo", your opponent can be p"".-ed .

    The dch"n'Y " f the leadmK IIKk rllt Ihould rome d"""ll), &omth ' front h ... d without teh!Pl>hln" . . In photo X, an d the blo'". ,o"ld be coming oveml.lld ~ " d nol lik" ph(lto y, ... h d ~ thehand b .... ""11 hortzon1olU), t..c""111 It ..... fint wl!hd . .wn, Thc1:>low Cl.ll 1H diredoed a " y w ~ ' " on your opponent', r..,. bu t t h ~ temp\

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


    FRONT VltW

    5101: VIf.W

    .'rom the p"'llion ... III 1'00101 ] and lA .INdIO, bock fisl II .,-.d "" venK:1Il . .mlc:tn:1llar motion ... InvlwWf 2 IlfId 2,\ . Y"u. bodY.. . ht 0h,(U t" U>e front .. your

    In< hllfld IImult&nrouely moveo tlip.tly d"",n..-.d to protectq t . " ' " b :b U ... U .. any ""-"""'" to your head or b o d ~ ... 11\phol.I:I .nd :lA. Open yOUI' I ' H f hand f,n I*"'yiol_

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


    A p l n ~ a righl.lead .. ance-

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


    " " " ~ from muvin, 11M'" uf his body an d live< you ""fet)' at)'Ou launch yO\lr ' I t a ~ k . 0. IIII\.I.nce. on e hand (An bill . . . .d fo .pinninK and th" other for Ilriklnl. It (: lI l> be ...1ied at.> . . a prot.fC.LIve>< \nip h . hand while Nl>PinC forwllf'd.Wh"n (niPPIng. you Ihould ~ . . . , y u your lm"" o. ulll other meam . .l/Uardl and k""p you . moven"",t l I ~ h t . Allo. a t you arc trs PI';"1 o.hay" .. l r ~ d y trapped yo ur Ol'l"'nent'l hondo u&

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques



    pho\.O X. Vo .. mUll It...,. i t 11..,1, I i In 1>110\.0 Y IIyou open hook, .. IIso . . . .uce yOOf der ........ n.e ......,.IhatpI), )'0 .... "Lbo .. II ben!.. u in 1>11010 Z. \h . and mDNOplosiVII th e hook K ~ e p your . .m I Iitlle I I ' I O ~ rigid JIIA bef" ..,."",To dcl!ver th t hook from ttlVII:n"tKhin. $VOI]",t Or ,whIp. t . h ~ hook

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


    Apinrl an opponent on th e Arne oUnce, .. . in ph!)tQ I , t h ~ lead hook iI often delivered when he has lowm!

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


    You are woving o b U < l ~ e l y and your dimi bentbefQre otriking and o t n l g h ~ n them a. you thmw punch . At

    Impact. you ,hould be on your to"" and il!aning .lightly backward.'t1l.e weight .hould be on YOul" laft rO"1 If the blow a right andvice vena if the blow is a lett.Agw ut right lead opjXlnent uoe your left han d to trap theopponent', right arm u you deliv"," a right lead up]>olTCUI. ToexOC"Ute the lett fu r upP

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


    ChaptOl XIVAttacks With Kicks

    Th . /ltighly Ffe/I ( yow..,.., aMpl willt yo.." {u l .

    probably. yow a,.. /lord /0 ml.Q>...., you COli I < ~ p yowr al ooywitl l P

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


    ATTACKS WITH KICKSIn .uacklnK, \h , bNt ltleb to uae ..... the qukk, fut. llnet. A

    kkt h . to be deUven!

    It II n.tura! for mort mMtlU anll'" to u. or . . yo n thl'll feetII th e m,ll.ll ,,",.pons In .ttad

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques



    Apinst IOmoMlfIt 1tandin8 oppc!tiU'. u In photo I. Lee' UII ' l theame appro.ctl by IweepinK IIlI hand upward. i i i in photo 2. andquickly dnvt'$ his .id" kick to Ihe kft knee thil; bme, ILl in photo3. Notice thaI Le a.,pwachC'S Oil opponent with I". eye. "''''' ' ' thet""" and not on the \&JiCI .rea. He doa; th .. I c."noun"", hiointention-kceplIlllh . oppor1l.'fll t i l_ ina.


    U : t J d , , , S j d ~ K ; c ~ The .ide kick is the ",ott \Xl", .. ..l blow in JKD. II II 10 Itronglba! many tim . even a bioi'll. ... ll nol. p",vent it from kn.o

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  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques



  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


    In Ihe sene. o f pho"",. "ppOtiw pee Lee dUlJlgeo hll1.llcUco..,d u_"tug!> ' ida kk:k. over l b ~ Ol'ponenl" guU"dinl hand!;. 10 the f.ce,"In photo 3. THII! HOOK KICjO\

    Hoolr KkllThe 1I00k kick l i the mostdomln.1lnr kick in JKD bee.".. II 10

    _y to hi t your OI'I)Onenl-ihe way th e kick it deU_od giv"," youmonl oppOt"l.uruty thm olbc ........d at the _me t . i m ~ , of f_ youweunly room .. m e d l u m < h . ~ ngbti"ll. II .,.n b40 dtbvered


  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


    Apin'" r'lcht-loead-cU,MOoOpponenl. as in photo I , LeoQ ft m(emu. klle.:! tiel1 3 IIIld 3'\ (bird' . . 'e VI\Iw).

    The relnt must b lmpretllve enoUjJh to c",.l

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


    TH E S ~ I N KICK

    111. $pUi Kkk'I'h t Ipln kick II u..ed caullously 1lI,.,.1 kun l do !...aUIII! apinll .a dtlfelUlve M I .. . Iw-,n illl,"" r. you ""'y be a , , " ' ~ with your_k to him while y()\l ...... uunlllK. Rul n .. e r t . h ~ . i t ... nlu-ailla kick a.. nllt an unWJrY oppe Ipin kick is uil,d moody . . I ""unl

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


    employ Ihupin kick in t IWeo"l,in,O ..... pinC motion'" Il.a blowII pro)f>cted (rom the Ilde, Rut in JK O it 10 mt )n ) t thrult, with th eblow h.ltin. dlrertly In froM of th e tarpt.

    To IPply I higtl "p1D kiek qa i . . hi l opponHIt In th e .......


    ""nOlI, U In photo 1, Lo!e f.k", wllh hlo lead hand, a. In photo 2.Bul till! oPilOnenl doesn't ""pOnd to th . (!"It""" in photo 2, quickly PNO" on h" 'ill1>l fOOl ..,d ~ n d s a hid> kick w hi lf ~ , . . t1 phou. 3 , dnvinl him back . . . in phou. ".

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


    1\11'11"11. mHM'Ie '" tke oPp

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques



    A ( \



    Swup K ; , , ~ n... ..... o . . , , ~ kick is iQld ()m UiIO!d JKO 00.:."''"'.~ I l ! l i n s t 5Omeonc in the &amenanoo ... you, the lead hand is alwaysp r o t e < : t i n ~ his tace. Second. the kick .. delivered hilt> )lJ1d is .p t tobe caught" an experienced fiihll! . Thinl, t h ~ kk;k is nOtp o w ~ f u l enoUih to knock your O p ~ n e ! 1 t down.'n>e ' " . ~ p kick h"" iu ette

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


    DEFENSE AND COUNTERO::I..nlolntlAlckllll ... cnft)' ................ It I f q . at. to ...

    . , ,(1 earl too very d ......... lo your Oppontollt bec1I........ 1I1OMR1.I), ... I f ...ed to tnuce Yl/ll..,d h"lIICOnd

    tMd,n6 f ln." Jal>11>e i n . f in . , jo.b ... IQO

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques



    photo 1. LH quictly moves in at he _ lb . oppoocm'... inCoomlna. u in pholD 2. WitJl bill Iud h. . ,], . . lkh only halO tnlftla mu m Ihorter d i l t a n ~ than a Iw]nl, IAe it to . . .d h.opponent'l taCI!. as in photo 3. LN oonllanUy keepo hi> lluardhand h\ih to block. &II in photo 4.

    A .top-hil m wl b

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques



    l,Ndlll8 l lJprrTh e Iead,", nih\" l ib the I"Mhng ntlK'" ;'b. is . rood dI'iU' lun., . . . In" 1

    oounlCf1 with night rijJllt I ...d .. the opponent IlI.empli B,... In 1'1>0\.0 2. LH ltopll!he .Uacll wh .. hi> punch ton t t Ithe .... In \WlOto 3.Actually 011 ltop-Im If UIfd to.,....,.\ the Itt...,k .. t It unfoldmi. It can be an indlf'l!ct or dl'''''1 attol" . It mo.)' be u.eed while Iheopponent 1\01011 forw",d 10 p " " ~ h or kick. whill> he III feinting. Ofwhilt lie II movlo" betwft'n' e o m ~ c s t o o n combinallon .

    AJIIlinst IOmI!ne IAndin, in the 01'110"11"

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


    Sh.1I or 1m Kid.' n I ~ thin I) , knee low lOde IdI:k, ""mellm. ref.....:! U> i l l Ihe

    " I ~ P " kick, iI ( I n " I) ( the ml)fl formidable d e f ~ r u I " " InJKD If done plOfieiently, ynu ean JUIl abut Rop My kllld orattack apilUl. ti.e J}Unch ..... kiCk. 1'ho eonoept 1)( thll kiCk II!.>tat your !NOn the .tUCk. 1'hlt m.,.,.., you h . v ~ tl) atop yow( > P I " " ' ~ n t whUe he iI In motion. IUJI. ~ r o r e a r o . ~ t i o n Of juJ!.b c r ~ he aUIC". To do that.. you mUll. mud! qu",kor than hp\1;. '11111 tl"llil can d e v m ~ by trainIng "'-vii) in t h ~ . , lMce ot._ r th . ar t of a n t l e l ~ n

    TH [ ""nlt KICKAI .....ouo.-ed in a prior cbapter, 8mce Leo! . . . . IllWIoY" f tq Iahetod or hill)ppor>ml beaux of hl l kffn, cultivated .... _ ..e..He UIl'd to p r a c 1 . i ~ it JnllllnUy 10 i n ~ h .. oenslt;Yity of lu imobile lurroundil".To employ th . 10... aide kJck ..,.Inlt IOm"",n" 'tandinlj: in th . me l>OSItlon, .. . in 1'11010 1. Lee otudiolo It .. oppOnent, ( ..walllni for hll fint mOve. Ao lOOn .. . the opl'""ent belln. h ..

    ~ t t . I C k , u In ph"l0 2. Lee ''''''''1'" hl l INd h-.od ""wltd butlatehif; mo"",ntum. Set"", hili "ppotIMt ean land It .. blow, LH ... al!.alel"ll'lth alowlide klock to Itil knff 1n p h o ~ 3.



  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques



    ' ( l h t i n , an opponent who llands on the opJ>OSlt.ol Itlnce . . '"pilato 1, 10 nOI dll'lcrent from OM whole foet ani In th e IUD! !poaItlon .. yOWl. In>t..bly it II tuier to je.m hllo lead Let beauoe I tII IUIP'I!d with yo .... In ph'O 2. when the opponent lungeo atLN, he mfIeU Ihe a t t a c k ~ . EYen with the opp.ment hlVllll hud .tArt, Lee'. quick reaction itoI>' tho attack frommalerWilioJ, U In photo 3.

    , \p in" , an opponent '" doter ""'II!'. u in photo A, and .. hollando in the o ~ u : potIRli

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques



  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques




    . t ~ n > p U to kklt with MI,.,at foot. u in phot.o I . One!he aUackis Laur>dwd, LN. orIlhout .. .y hCRlaUOn, counl.t . by lllidin. h ."*,,, tOOt fM"Ward and emplor- a nglll . .POf\om('.ch

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


    THE HOOI( 1(1(:1(

    Sot>letilUft io wioe 10 Indu.. yOIU opponent 10 I t O p ~ " luUy,pre'l'fntinl hi'" fiom meowrin, aplnst I parry and a counwra1.-tack. Bu.t be I W ~ . " ' thaI he doeln't r .", I 1.lOpll1t 10 Waw y.,..inlO a Itlp .Hooft Kick

    Th. hook k ~ k is one 01 the lasten and '11Itelll" ruln . . . .b\e lpOU .

    Apinot an OnnUhlllK Ittack, at in photo 1, Leoe Quickly p .OUOn roar foot and . . . k .... his weight to Ie, . ~ o i d i n l l the rum bym

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


    in photo 1. w f. k . . . "..t pund> to hil faot... n pholO 2. AIthe oppoMnt ""mm,tI. hu"",-It WII.b hil ow n otfl,-'l1 Wparnes and almM 111 on. omooth motion. __ he OppoMl'lt'.riplt wrist. Then he q u ~ k l y lilts '" hook kick to 11.11 groin. at 1ftphoto 3.

    Thit ill I ' t ' f ~ m o d 10 .. the Mqu ...ot o f o.,t.Ioek on oompt..tlon.After lb . oppontnt hu Lunpd. you party hiol blow and d1vm hll.pnmary attack. 'Illen you OOU"to.'r ",hlll! the "PI>O"""'" body IIext..nded from t h ~ lun", Uf dunnll Itbo IOCt of recovery- there '- nomo .. ment uf you. u p p o n ~ n C I f o o ~ durinllhia bnt phalo'A j p I l n l l l . l O . . . . . . , n ~ ullnll "'ft oomllOuOO preponllo", wl ... reb)' he

    """pi rorwant and 'mploy. Itil h"nd llimullaneuuliy, II

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


    I,Je )'OU' but _ron.pbut ... tiIIo\$t o",,,,!V1n, and c \ e t e n " ~ O " ~ I . 1M and hi l OpponM I stand at .. tar don&nce. feelm, eachOUI," III pholO l . Suddenly, hi l oppOO"'-' "'sh .!1.lI _. as Inphoto 3Standln'ln th e modellC' dlItance, Lee too"", .. "ut i " .. OI'I>OIIenl.... In p h ~ A. Norrna1ly .. . spin kick 111101 the Uocllc to ute hero!,bu t Lcc applieo i l dfc

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


    Chapt.r XVIAtttibutes and Tactics

    To".Tbclic;, (o r I h ~ I I ! r " U ~ " ,

    who .. ,/"p """d or Itia opponentHe """ hio b""/ILI in .. { i p lwhilo- onolll ... C

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


    ATTRIBUTES AND TACTICS"..,A ""..,n m.... have ~ i n .ttcibulet In ord . to b e . Ikilled

    t i l h ~ r . Th t .ttributef 1M)' bt leemed Or inNOu.. "or inlUn .. .opecd i t .n i n n a ~ t n ~ but . , . " ,110 be deeIoped furth. I f you.... born with ... t .pftd thm you h,,,,, to p n . c t i e ~ doHy to "",ulrllit Or if Y"u d" have ev-I but want to lnerHM It. you mull. Innn..,.~ f ' I ! an: IOlv ..... 1 different tY)18 of .peed. A pern lll1IB ill belnl tonflnl!

    An athlete with a winninl ' l t l tude" II telf-oontid...,t .IId >fl._...t. He feoelo him""lr in command o( the OItuatioQ. He n. .y.l ton ~ n c e I poyclloloop:a:t err..:t of MnO""''''. "butteTfllto; In

    you h .... him In U'Ouble . 0 . . . him to _I ' ronorvd ..,.;I when he

  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


    doe$, attack him. eono.ntnotft your attac:b on hi! W ftk .. - omdw a l t ~ him fLCht "your n."t.." r>t his.'IlIe difference be\. .oen an ...... eur and an C:lptft is Ihat whenan uJM'rI. _.n opportunity, he .. .w. Lt quickly . 1I ' rna. . . . . . . .of h . _na l and inleUill'l'n .. . de/i"'lrinl pur>eh_ and lucb in "wul DULnner---o:...,.tln(l "pMing after openlllil "",til h .dchven. powerful, danueinK blo ...


  • 8/6/2019 Bruce Lee Fighting Method 4 -- Advanced Techniques


    1.\0 OF JUT t l ; \ ~ IlOI" Bruce 1ft (:'"k ,\,

    I\RlO ' u n FlGIIU"G .\lLTI [O!) \"0J. 1, ( ) , : f c " " " TMIq.>t>m ' B " , ~ / " " ( I I I " 1 / ("J,,, 1("".'.1" -1".'

    IiRI"O: II.E'S n GIITI.'iG .I.t;THO I) 101. 1, &a.1c Tnlnln8, dJ"" . " /d mld.lf , . I, .'

    BJl.LU LEE"S nf.HllSG \"l3, ~ I J . U in T , " ' ~ 1m ,I .! , .. \ ."/

    CII ISbL Gl:.G t l lIII em,. /.