broward county commission in hot water - failed to stop pompano beach cra illegal land grabs

The World of Jimmy Star Publications Inc. 1940 E Sunrise Blvd Fort Lauderdale FL 33304 +1 954.828.9979 Call Center [email protected] CONT ACT: Jimmy Star, +1 954.828.9979, worldofjimmystar@yah For Immediate Release Re: Pompano Beac h Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) v. Gil Eriksen Properties LLC; Case No. 06-004169 (21) BROWARD COUNTY COMMISSION DOES NOT STOP ILLEGAL POMPANO BEACH COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Pompano Beach, FL, June 18, 2010 – How could an illegal agency without the power of eminent domain succeed in taking property from private citizens for decades under the nose of the Broward County Commission? How come the Commission failed to stop such grand larceny? The Pompano Beach Community Redevelopment A gency in Broward County, Florida wasn’t a legal agency and didn’t have the power of eminent domain to take properties, even though it had  been seizing properties for a decade. Broward County Commissioner Kristin D. Jacobs was aware of the questionable practices of the Pompano Beach Community Redevelopment A gency in her district, going so far as to write letters of inquiry to the Pompano Mayor and Chair of the CRA at the prompt of complaints of her constituents. Yet when a court ruling identified that the City of Pompano Beach had no right to create a separate Community Redevelopment Agenc y , nor pass its powers of eminent domain to said agency, because it was never authorized by Broward County, the Broward County Commission went quiet. This Community Redevelopment Agency had already taken countless properties for a decade, and was continuing to take  properties, despite the ruling, making for a huge legal liability concern for the county along with its city of Pompano Beach. Commissioner Jacobs' Decembe r 2006 letter to then Mayor and Chair of the CRA, John Rayson (attached) inquired why non-blighted upscale property was  being taken for private development when a Florida Constitutional Amendment was passed against this kind of eminent domain taking. Many of the land grabs by the illegal CRA were for private development under the auspices “affordable housing”, whereby prime land would be stolen from residents for pennies on the dollar through bogus eminent domain seizures, demolished, and then sold off to developers for a profit. Many of the Broward County Commissioners and 1 of 3

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8/9/2019 Broward County Commission in Hot Water - Failed to Stop Pompano Beach CRA Illegal Land Grabs 1/3

The World of Jimmy Star Publications Inc.1940 E Sunrise Blvd 

Fort Lauderdale FL 33304

+1 954.828.9979 Call Center [email protected]

CONTACT: Jimmy Star, +1 954.828.9979, [email protected]

For Immediate ReleaseRe: Pompano Beach Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) v. Gil Eriksen

Properties LLC; Case No. 06-004169 (21)



Pompano Beach, FL, June 18, 2010 – How could an illegal agency withoutthe power of eminent domain succeed in taking property from private citizens for 

decades under the nose of the Broward County Commission? How come the

Commission failed to stop such grand larceny? The Pompano Beach Community

Redevelopment Agency in Broward County, Florida wasn’t a legal agency and

didn’t have the power of eminent domain to take properties, even though it had

 been seizing properties for a decade.

Broward County Commissioner Kristin D. Jacobs was aware of the

questionable practices of the Pompano Beach Community Redevelopment Agency

in her district, going so far as to write letters of inquiry to the Pompano Mayor and

Chair of the CRA at the prompt of complaints of her constituents. Yet when a court

ruling identified that the City of Pompano Beach had no right to create a separate

Community Redevelopment Agency, nor pass its powers of eminent domain to

said agency, because it was never authorized by Broward County, the Broward

County Commission went quiet. This Community Redevelopment Agency had

already taken countless properties for a decade, and was continuing to take

 properties, despite the ruling, making for a huge legal liability concern for the

county along with its city of Pompano Beach.

Commissioner Jacobs' December 2006 letter to then Mayor and Chair of 

the CRA, John Rayson (attached) inquired why non-blighted upscale property was being taken for private development when a Florida Constitutional Amendment

was passed against this kind of eminent domain taking. Many of the land grabs by

the illegal CRA were for private development under the auspices “affordable

housing”, whereby prime land would be stolen from residents for pennies on the

dollar through bogus eminent domain seizures, demolished, and then sold off to

developers for a profit. Many of the Broward County Commissioners and

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Pompano Beach Community Redevelopment members and advisory committees

have questionable ties to developers, and recently arrests for fraud and bribery in

land grab schemes have been made on both fronts.

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In the land grab case of Gil Eriksen Properties as mentioned in Jacob's

letter, even though the CRA did not have the power of eminent domain, and a

Constitutional Amendment was passed against the taking of private property for 

 private development, the CRA seized the property and was not stopped at any point by the Broward County Court or the Broward County Commission, in effect

allowing a rogue agency to run wild. Is it complicity, conspiracy, or negligence on

the part of overseers is now the topic of debate.

As it stands however, the takings by the Pompano Beach Community

Redevelopment Agency with no authority are being seen as Constitutional offense.

The case of Pompano Beach CRA v Gil Eriksen Properties is still open and

unresolved after five years, which many are calling out as a further obstruction of 

 justice, blockade of due process, and cover-up. In that case, the property owner is

still owed $4 million dollars in restitution, even though the Pompano Beach

Community Redevelopment Agency took possession of the private property four 

years ago, and has since destroyed it.


Was your property taken by the Pompano Beach Community Redevelopment


Find information and resources at 

Report your complaint to the 19th Statewide Grand Jury on Public Corruption at


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