broseph stalin the following document was put together by...

BROSEPH STALIN The following document was put together by Jack T., Luke H. and Murad C., with the help of Alua T. and Salome D., for their IB History revision. Because they were idiot high schoolers at the time this was written, some of the stuff may not be exactly appropriate. Good luck with your IB! PAPER 2 BIBLE: 432308932/IB%20History%20Paper%202%20Bible.pdf HELPFUL FOR “RISE OF SINGLE PARTY STATES/RULERS” 1. Causes, Practices and effects of World War I HOW World War I Started: Crash Course World History 209 ... Summary of ww1 Germany, Austria and Italy are standing together in the middle of a bar when Serbia bumps into Austria and spills Austria’s pint. Austria demands Serbia buy it a whole new suit because of the new beer stains on its trouser leg. Germany expresses its support for Austria’s point of view. Britain recommends that everyone calm down a bit. Serbia points out that it can’t afford a whole suit, but offers to pay for the cleaning of Austria’s trousers. Russia and Serbia look at Austria. Austria asks Serbia who it’s looking at. Russia suggests that Austria should leave its little brother alone. Austria inquires as to whose army will assist Russia in doing so. Germany appeals to Britain that France has been looking at it, and that its sufficiently out of order that Britain not intervene. Britain replies that France can look at who it wants to, that Britain is looking at Germany too, and what is Germany going to do about it? Germany tells Russia to stop looking at Austria, or Germany will render Russia incapable of such action anymore. Britain and France ask Germany whether it’s looking at Belgium. Turkey and Germany go off into a corner and whisper. When they come back, Turkey makes a show of not looking at anyone.

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The following document was put together by Jack T., Luke H. and Murad C., with the help

of Alua T. and Salome D., for their IB History revision. Because they were idiot high

schoolers at the time this was written, some of the stuff may not be exactly appropriate. Good

luck with your IB!



1. Causes, Practices and effects of World War I

HOW World War I Started: Crash Course World History 209 ... Summary of ww1

Germany, Austria and Italy are standing together in the middle of a bar when Serbia bumps into Austria and spills Austria’s pint.

Austria demands Serbia buy it a whole new suit because of the new beer stains on its trouser leg.

Germany expresses its support for Austria’s point of view. Britain recommends that everyone calm down a bit. Serbia points out that it can’t afford a whole suit, but offers to pay for the cleaning of

Austria’s trousers. Russia and Serbia look at Austria. Austria asks Serbia who it’s looking at. Russia suggests that Austria should leave its little brother alone. Austria inquires as to whose army will assist Russia in doing so. Germany appeals to Britain that France has been looking at it, and that its sufficiently out

of order that Britain not intervene. Britain replies that France can look at who it wants to, that Britain is looking at Germany

too, and what is Germany going to do about it? Germany tells Russia to stop looking at Austria, or Germany will render Russia incapable

of such action anymore. Britain and France ask Germany whether it’s looking at Belgium. Turkey and Germany go off into a corner and whisper. When they come back, Turkey

makes a show of not looking at anyone.

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Germany rolls up its sleeves, looks at France, and punches Belgium. France and Britain punch Germany. Austria punches Russia. Germany punches Britain

and France with one hand and Russia with the other. Russia throws a punch at Germany, but misses and nearly falls over. Japan calls over

from the other side of the room that it’s on Britain’s side, but stays there. Italy surprises everyone by punching Austria.

Australia punches Turkey, and gets punched back. There are no hard feelings because Britain made Australia do it.

France gets thrown through a plate glass window, but gets back up and carries on fighting. Russia gets thrown through another one, gets knocked out, suffers brain damage, and wakes up with a complete personality change.

Italy throws a punch at Austria and misses, but Austria falls over anyway. Italy raises both fists in the air and runs round the room chanting.

America waits till Germany is about to fall over from sustained punching from Britain and France, then walks over and smashes it with a barstool, then pretends it won the fight all by itself.

By now all the chairs are broken and the big mirror over the bar is shattered. Britain, France and America agree that Germany threw the first punch, so the whole thing is Germany’s fault . While Germany is still unconscious, they go through its pockets, steal its wallet, and buy drinks for all their friends.

Origins of WWI (M.A.I.N.) Militarism

The Arms Race: By 1914, Germany had the greatest increase in military buildup. Great Britain and Germany both greatly increased their navies in this time period. Further, in Germany and Russia particularly, the military establishment began to have a greater influence on public policy. This increase in militarism helped push the countries involved to war. Dreadnought crisis starting 1906 + Plans (Schlieffen + Plan 17)

Alliances Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria­Hungary, Italy, (Bulgaria) = military Triple Entente: UK, France, Russia, (Serbia) = at first diplomatic (settle colonial

disputes between UK and FR), not proper military agreement Mutual Defense

Imperialism Before World War 1, Africa and parts of Asia were points of contention

amongst the European countries. This was especially true because of the raw materials these areas could provide. The increasing competition and desire for greater empires led to an increase in confrontation that helped push the world into World War I. The new Kaiser (Wilhelm II) wanted Germany to have a “place in the sun”=new country, colonies=state their place as a world power. Weltpolitik (causes the 2 Moroccan crisis (1905­1911) and partly the balkan wars (1912­1913)


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Much of the origin of the war was based on the desire of the Slavic peoples in Bosnia and Herzegovina to no longer be part of Austria­Hungary but instead be part of Serbia. In this way, nationalism led directly to the War. But in a more general way, the nationalism of the various countries throughout Europe contributed not only to the beginning but the extension of the war in Europe. Each country tried to prove their dominance and power. It boosted pride in military + cultural values promoted by press and governments (national unity + people bearing the cost of military expenditure) => development of individual economy + military => competition for the desire to assert dominance (Darwin’s theory)// development of Pan­Slavism => AH fear Serbian growth (that was backed by Russia, viewed as ‘guardian of Slavic people’ + they wanted access to the sea) (our little status quo, we wanna keep it)

Archdukes, Cynicism, and World War I: Crash Course World ...

Stages of War Shot heard around the World

the Powder Keg of Europe Secret Black Hand society, a nationalist movement favouring a union

between Bosnia­Herzegovina and Serbia → Gavrilo Princip Assassination in Sarajevo

Archduke Franz Ferdinand Xx360swagscopedxX by Princip. (Principwned) The Black Hand

The Road to War Austrian Government was pissed + was always looking for an opportunity

to break a preventive war with serbia (we kill them before they become too powerful) (also they thought Russia might back them up this time because they too were often victim of terrorism) and created an evil arse ultimatum for the Serbian Government:

6.Investigate the assassination ­ They didn’t agree to this one = WAR

Some people say (Erdmann + Zechlin) that Germany did not want a European war: only a localized conflict

They were attempts to stop the war:

Willy­Nicky telegrams 26th July: ‘peace’ conference proposition between GR, BR and RU (+FR?) = all accept

but Germany Bethmann­Hollweg did ask AH on July 29th to only invade the capital of Serbia and the

open talks with Russia (this was ignored)

How War was Fought

DAT attrition nutrition (more supplies = victory) Trenches were straight dank

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Lots of death and misery and pain and suffering and anguish and hardship and grief and even misfortune.

Heavy duty PTSD Made people scared of war U­Boats attacking trade routes Total War


Treaty of Versailles (fucked Germany up.) Huge economic struggles for most countries. Many killed. Lack of faith in governments (WWI was supposed to be quick and easy.) Fear of war (affected homefront, too.)

2. Rise of Single Party States in Europe: Hitler and Nazi Germany

World War II: Crash Course World History #38 ­ YouTube

Hitler’s consolidation of power--> Inter war years

Rise of the Nazi party / fall of the Weimar Republic

Weimar Government saw what some argue could be called “The Golden Years”. The public was democratically represented, women had greater freedom and could vote and have jobs. theatre and the arts flourished however these golden years were heavily dependant on foreign investment, this all happened under Chancellor Gustav Stresemann 1923

His first act was to call off the strikes in Ruhr (he was successful) as he thought the occupation led to political instability and a severe strain on the German economy.

He issued the new Rentenmark (money) to stabilize the inflation and negotiated with the Reparations Commission about payments of reparations.

Stresemann became Foreign Minister from 1923 to 1929 (his death). Dawes Plan 1924 to negotiate American loans and a relaxation of reparation payments. Stresemann also introduced reforms to help ordinary people such as job centres,

unemployment pay and better housing. Entered Germany into the League of Nations in 1926. Young Plan 1929: extension of the Dawes Plan, second renegotiation of Germany's

World War I reparation payments. Happened right before the wall street collapse The Golden Years:

The years 1924­29 were comparatively prosperous, as the German economy recovered and grew.

This was driven by industrial growth, American loans and the restoration of foreign trade and investment.

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The Weimar government introducing ground­breaking policies such as housing projects and a welfare system.

Industrial workers be makin dem benjis, mulah, franklins $$$


Germans were not used to the democratic process and had no desire for it German people wanted a strong ruler who could make decisions and solve problems

quickly This feeling was accelerated following the weimar govt’s slow response to the Great

Depression. Turning attention towards fascist parties who offered quick, radical solutions Important events/actions for the rise of Nazi Party:

Beer Hall Putsch (Hitler didn’t get anywhere) ­ Nov. 8­9, 1923 ⇒ Hitler behind bars #FreeHitler #MeinKampf #MeinFreedom ­ General Luddendorf was there.

Germany’s economic crash. #damnwallstreet The Weimar Republic installed by the Treaty of Paris = PREMATURE HATRED.

There were advantages to the new republic, but: unpopular + proportional representation (made it hard to have a majority) + article 48

Spartacists (1919 Freikorps), Kapp Putsch (1920) The lack of effect/reaction the Weimar Republic had against the economic

downfall. Hitler’s promises to reinstate a Nationalist Germany = Fuck you to Treaty of Versailles Anything looked good compared to the ALREADY failing Weimar Republic + Hitler

showed signs of powerful leader = PEOPLE WANT STRENGTH IN TIMES OF CRISIS.

Blaming other parties (communists ­ Reichstag Fire) Blame ze jews!!! #scapegoats Hitler eventually held enough seats (230 seats ­ July 30th, 1932) in the Reichstag to

influence any and all decisions (got up if they didn’t like the vote) ­ never formed a coalition. = never the majority

For progress to continue, Hindenburg had no other option, but to make Hitler chancellor (he was just too popular and had too much influence) (moustached casanova) (became chancellor jan 30, 1933) [also Von Paper = help if I’m vice­chancellor (at the beginning did not want to give up chancellor]

Reichstag Fire results in March 1933, Enabling Act is created: gives LEGISLATIVE POWERS to Chancellor, so by July 1933, Nazi Party is declared only legal party of the Reichstag and all others are banned.

Concordat (ended towards 1937), Law for the restoration of the Professional civil service, Night of the Long Knives

Hitler makes himself Führer (August 19, 1934) (the day after Hindenburg’s death) And the fun begins! Nuremberg laws (1935), Kristallnacht (1938)

YOU GUYS for the real exam there is a play called The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui that is basically a parody of Hitler’s rise (he’s a gangster who tries to control the vegetable

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market in it) : it’s surprisingly fun to read and helpful when you want a funner way to remember all this.

Nazi Germany Ideology:

Economy Pre­Hitler:

Lack food supply + raw materials Unemployment WW1 fucked them

Solutions: Long term: Lebensraum => Autarky Short term: Schacht’s New plan 1934

Illegal to pay foreigners in their currency Bilateral agreements = control of imports

4 year plan of Goering synthetic materials instead of imported ones more controls on imports labour forces under tighter control

They created jobs!

Schacht’s plan (international trade controlled) Rearmament + civil service removing women and jews from workforce Boost agriculture / infrastructure building “Strength through Joy” + German labour Front

(educating young men for 6 months for jobs)

What they did not do: Reduction of the active population (ain’t be no more

women or “undesirable”) Statistics modified for Public Opinion. Even if they had work:

Low wages Poor working conditions


Propaganda controlled by Ministry of Public enlightenment and propaganda. #Goebbels

Controlled press + bans (Otto Dix, Jazz music) Political

Fürher, Guide of Germany. Put political enemies in camps; special laws for ‘racial purity’ Gestapo (secret police)

Social: Women:

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Medals for best mom “Cross of Honor for Best Mom.” remove women from workforce Financial support for each child the mother spawned. Once they

had 4 kids they didn’t have to pay back the loans. Prizes for marriage. Lebensborn (Creepy Aryan maker camps.) (also unmarried sex

was encouraged during the war so that women could “donate a child to the Fuhrer”)

BUT said to have a great purpose (and during the war, back to work in farms first, then everywhere)

Children: Schools (textbooks+PE…) Teacher purged ­ replaced with Nazi officials. Nazi elite schools

(Napolas= SS+ Adolf Hitler schools=diplomates) Hitler youth (HJ and BDM) BUT opposition (Edelweiss and swing groups)

Foreign policy: Treaty of Versailles (destroy it) Expansion (lebenstraum) Aggressive (use of force, fear of war from other countries) Racism (irredentism, the Aryan race

How Hitler ignored the Treaty of Versailles (timeline):

1935: Anglo­German Naval Pact

1936: Rhineland: He re­armed and sent troops to the Rhineland

1938: (March) Austria: Remember Anschluss ? He took Austria (Germans together

forever <3) (September) Munich Conference: An agreement was reached that Hitler could

annex the Sudetenland provided he promised not to invade anywhere else signed by France, the United Kingdom, and Italy.)

(October) Czechoslovakia: He invaded and captured the Sudetenland (Berchtesgaden Conference) *never mentioned (Bad Godesberg Conference) *never mentioned


(March) oops He did it again: He took all of Czechoslovakia (August 23) Nazi­Soviet Pact is signed. (September) Invasion of Poland *start of WW2 (France grew the balls to do

something ­ UK still waiting.)

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3. Causes, Practices and effects of World War II


How it was fought Blitzkrieg (Planes, tanks followed by infantry.)

The German plans were efficient at first (eg for France (the Maginot line… oh France)) But Hitler’s (who was the chief of armies) next plans and refusal to retreat lead the armies nowhere (Barbarossa (NIRIWE (=no one invades russia in winter ever))

Mass infantry charges made impossible by the invention of the machinegun Cavalry replaced by tanks (became primary mode of land attack) Portable machine guns (very important) Improved war planes Improved artillery Rocket launchers TARGETED CIVILIANS TOTAL WAR


Treaty of Versailles related causes:

War Guilt Clause (231) ­ Germany should accept the blame for starting World War One Reparations ­ Germany had to pay £6,600 million for the damage caused by the war Disarmament ­ Germany was only allowed to have a small army and six naval ships. No

tanks, no air force and no submarines were allowed. The Rhineland area was to be demilitarized.

Territorial Clauses ­ Land was taken away from Germany and given to other countries. Anschluss (union with Austria) was forbidden. Saar was a protectorate of the League, Sudetenland to Czechoslovakia, parts to new Poland (10% of land lost + all colonies)

Failure of the League of Nations:

Failure to provide collective security (Wilson’s 14 points). weaknesses of the league derived from their inability to respond quickly, having no military to enforce decisions, and being eurocentric. (No real power)

Failure to achieve disarmament. no one wanted to disarm after ww1 which made it easier for germany to rearm, since no one else was doing it... like reverse peer pressure.

Euro centric ­ Had permanent members who held majority of power (GB, FRANCE, JAPAN, ITALY)

United States was not a member, nor was USSR for a certain period of time reducing the effectiveness of economic sanctions (also colonies weren’t members, which was unfair)

The Japanese invasion of Manchuria (1931) and Italy's attacks on Abyssinia (1935) completely bypassed the League.

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Two of the main reasons for the failure was the selfish acts of the greatest members Britain and France as, especially during the Great Depression, they were more concerned with internal than external problems. Also, it lacked the USA's presence which was a great failure for the League as its economic sanctions did not have much impact when it lacked the presence of the strongest economic power.

The failure of the League encouraged Hitler in his expansionist moves during the 1930s and by 1939, the League had failed to prevent another war.

Appeasement: Basically the idea of the Policy of Appeasement was that: 1) People kinda felt sorry for Germany since they were starting to realize that the terms of the Treaty of Versailles where kinda harsh, so they were giving them some more breathing room by relaxing on reparation payments, and allowing them to regain German speaking territories and such. + Germany was a buffer zone for France and Britain against Russia (hey if they kill each other, we’re good) 2) (A failure by the League of Nations to provide collective security) Britain and France were more concerned with problems at home to focus on stopping Germany from breaking the treaty of versailles. No one wanted war, so appeasement seemed like the only way to prevent war since they didn’t wanna be the ones to start it by intervening. 3) Everyone thought that Russia was kind of a dick too (ew communism) so they were gonna wait and see if maybe Germany and Russia would dick it out so they wouldn't have to. But for some dumb fucking reason Britain and France decided to go to war with Germany even though it was obvious germany’s eyes were set on Russia (jk it wasn't really that obvious cuz of the Nazi Soviet pact + damn learn your history lessons Hitler: no one ever invades Russia in winter. Ever. (except the Mongols)) The failure of the Policy of Appeasement was evident when Nazi Germany signed the Nazi­Soviet Pact in August, 1939, thereby avoiding a war on two fronts (+ making sure they would get poland without USSR going er I don’t think so). Germany's next victim, after the invasion of Czechoslovakia, was Poland. This, however, proved to be the final time the Nazis were unopposed. With the invasion of Poland, on September 3, 1939, the French declared war on Germany. The British waited, and when Germany crossed into Belgium territory they declared war on Germany.


Wall Street Crash (1929):

Richard Overy, "No single factor was more important in explaining the breakdown of the diplomatic system in the 1930s than the world economic crisis."

Attracted people to extremist parties (Nazism and Communism and whatnot. But after a while only Nazism cuz they fuckin shrekt the Commies after the Reichstag Fire) because fed up with the Weimar Rep. + no politician clearly said “hold on here. we gotta problem. imma solve it doing this and this bitches” (=no real clear­cut solutions for the

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issues at hand) + looked for easy solutions to their problems (the mean mean jews, communists and pretty much everyone except the ‘real’ Aryans)

Large scale withdrawal of American investment lead to hyperinflation. Rise of Fascist leaders followed the Depression: Hitler's aims:

Abolish Treaty of Versailles ­ seen as grave injustice humiliation. Expand German territory ­ Lebensraum (unite with Austria (anschluss) + irredentism) +

make Germany an autarky Defeat Communism + the minorities that “caused all germany’s problems”

4. Origins of the Cold War

Tehran Conference (28 Nov ­ 1 Dec 1943) ­ U.S. (+Britain) didn’t agree with the

U.S.S.R.’s policies on the outcome of Germany (to pay for reparations) Yalta Conference (4­11 Feb 1945) ­ U.S. + Russia came to agreement to make Europe

democratic (both had different ideologies on democracy though) = tension Potsdam Conference (16 July ­ 2 Aug 1945)Truman acting like a dick (atomic bomb

arrogancy) increased tension. 1946 ­ “Kennan Telegrams” and Nikolai Novikov:

U.S.S.R. and U.S. communicating misleading information about each other via embassies. US embassy said USSR was “calling for destruction of capitalism” + readying it’s army.

USSR embassy said Truman wanted to dominate the world + was preparing for war with USSR

Truman didn’t trust Stalin’s communist ass, cause he hated communism Stalin agreed to Molotov­Ribbentrop Pact (= Nazi Soviet Pact) just before the war. Tension also caused by: how long it took for U.S. to finally come and protect russia

during the war + the U.S.’s dropping of nuke without telling stalin, to intimidate USSR

After the war ­ Stalin didn’t trust the U.S. because they despised Capitalism: Marshall Plan + Truman Doctrine (both helping rebuild Europe) intimidated the

Russians = feared spread of capitalism + U.S. chokehold in Europe → to destruction of Soviet system.

Truman didn’t trust USSR = feared they wanted to destroy democracy + capitalist institutions (through expansion of communism ­ sphere of influence the USSR had created in neighbouring countries) = ‘Iron Curtain’ bitch.

this guys crash courses are superficial and biased and he frequently becomes sidetracked. 9/10 wouldn’t watch - Dude, their helpful, also for sciences they’re the bomb

USA vs USSR Fight! The Cold War: Crash ... ­ YouTube

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The Cold War: Crash Course US History #37 ­ YouTube

The Cold War in Asia: Crash Course US History #38 ... CAUSES OF THE COLD WAR [BARE]back Mountain Beliefs: Communism vs Democracy+Capitalism Aims: Spread vs stop Communism, Reparations vs help Germany Resentment about history: West tried to stop 1918 Russian Revolution. Nazi­Soviet Pact Events YALTA Conference (February 1945) 1. Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt 2. Divide Germany into 4 zones (France, Britain, USA, USSR) 3. to hold free elections in Eastern European countries 4. United Nations 5. to set up a government of Communists and non Communists in Poland.

POTSDAM Conference (July 1945) 1. Stalin, Truman and Churchill 2. agreed to bring Nazi war criminals to trial 3. Disagreements: Soviet policy in Poland (misunderstanding about democracy) and size of

reparations 4. Truman’s all like “my dick is bigger than yours. i’d say its about the size of a nuclear

warhead” to Stalin, which makes Stalin amp up research on nukes, and lose trust in USA SALAMI TACTICS (1945–48) ‘Slice­by­slice’, Stalin ensured all East Eur.countries had Communist govts

1. Albania (1945) 2. Bulgaria (1945) 3. Poland (1947) 4. Hungary (1947) 5. Romania (1945–1947) 6. Czechoslovakia (1948) 7. East Germany (1949)

EVENTS 1946–1948 1. ‘Iron Curtain’ speech (March 1946) ∙ Churchill goes to Fulton, Missouri (Truman’s crib) ∙ Discusses divide in Europe ­ Not well­recieved (another war like serious guys wtf?!) (aint nobody havin that) ­ Stalin calls it an “act of war” 2. Greece (February 1947) US supplied arms and money to defeat the Communists. 3. Truman Doctrine (March 1947)

­ Truman states that the US should economically aid countries combatting Communism 4. Marshall Plan (April 1948)

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­ America introduced ‘Marshall Aid’ – $17 billion to get Europe’s economy going. ­ Stalin forbade Communist countries from accepting Marshall Aid

5. Cominform (October 1947) ­ Cominform was set up to control all Communist countries in Europe. ­ Response to Truman Doctrine ­ Forum for international communist groups to coordinate actions

6. Czechoslovakia (February 1948) ­ Communists took control

THE BERLIN BLOCKADE 1. Causes [CABAN] ∙ Cold War was beginning to bite – created tension. ∙ Aims – USA+UK wanted Germany to recover/ Stalin looting German industrial capacity. ∙ Bizonia – USA, UK, France merged zones – became more prosperous than the Soviet. ∙ American Aid – Marshall Aid was voted 31 March 1948. ∙ New Currency –Britain and America introduced new currency – destabilised the East

German economy. Stalin said that this was the cause of the blockade. 2. Events – (24 June 1948) – Stalin closed rail + road links to Berlin / Lasted 11 months/

Allies airlifted supplies to Berlin – 275,000 flights, 1.5m tons/ In winter, Berliners lived on dried eggs and potatoes/ 4 hours of electricity a day./ US had B29 bombers on standby./ (12 May 1949) – Stalin re­opened the borders.

3. Results [CENA] ∙ Cold War got worse. ∙ East/West Germany: German Democratic Republic/ Federal Republic of Germany. ∙ NATO and Warsaw Pact – NATO (1949) defensive alliance against USSR/ Warsaw Pact

1955 by Russia ∙ Arms Race. The USA and USSR competed for world domination. KOREAN WAR (North Korea [Communist] invaded South Korea [Capitalist]) 1. Causes [DUCKS] [cause they eat ducks] ∙ Domino theory – China Communist in 1949. Truman feared Far­East would follow ∙ Undermine Communism – The National Security Council recommended (NSC 68 – April

1950) abandoning containment to ‘roll back’ Communism. ∙ Cold War – America & Russia for world domination – Korea a ‘war at arm’s length’. ∙ Kim Il Sung – got Stalin’s and Mao tse Tung’s agreement to attack South Korea. ∙ Syngman Rhee (1950) – boasted he would attack North Korea 2. Events ∙ By June 1950 – the NKPA captured most of South Korea ∙ July 1950 – UN troops (Americans led by MacArthur), drove the Communists back to the

Chinese border. ∙ October 1950 – China attacked/ drove the Americans back/ advanced into South Korea. ∙ March 1950 – American reinforcements drove back Chinese (200,000 dead). Truman

told the troops to stop t the 38th parallel. Truman sacked MacArthur for criticising his orders. ∙ 1953 – Truce: America claimed successful containment Hungary (1956) 1. Causes: ∙ Poverty – When most of Hungary’s food was sent to Russia (i guess they went Hungary)

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∙ Russian Control – The Hungarians were very patriotic/ They hated censorship, the AVH, and Russian control of education./ They hated having Russian troops stationed in Hungary

∙ Catholic Church – Communism tried to destroy religion, but Hungarians were Catholics ∙ Help from the West – The Hungarians rumor spread that Esienhower or UN would help. ∙ Destalinisation –Led to protests against Rakosi’s harsh government. ∙ Events (3 key dates) ∙ 23 October – Student riots – attacks on AVH and Russian troops ∙ 24 October – 3 November – Reforming government led by Imre Nagy (Democracy/

Freedom of speech/ Freedom of religion/ Aimed to withdraw from Warsaw Pact. ∙ 4 November – Soviets sent 1000 tanks to crush/ Western powers protested but didn’t want

a war. 2. Results

Janos Kadar put in control of Hungary/ 4,000 Hungarians killed/ Nagy shot./ 200,000 Hungarians flee to West./ Many westerners leave the Communist party./ Russia stays in control in Eastern Europe./ Western leaders all the more determined to ‘contain’ communism.

Berlin Wall ­ August 13, 1961

1. Causes

∙ Growing tension (U2 crisis/ Kennedy finances anti­Communist forces in Laos and Vietnam) ∙ Refugees (West Berlin enjoyed much higher standard than East Berlin./ 1945 –1960 3

million people crossed the border – a propaganda point for the US – most were skilled workers.

Cuban Missile Crisis 1. Causes ∙ Superpower tension – U2 – Berlin Wall – Laos – Vietnam ∙ Fidel Castro’s Cuba – only 90 miles off coast of America./ Close relationship with USSR

(oil, machinery and money in return for sugar)/ Cuba nationalises American companies ∙ Bay of Pigs – (April 1961) America sent in rebels in but they were defeated (a humiliation). ∙ Missile bases – 14 October 1962: USA U2 spy planes photographs Soviet missile sites on

Cuba. 2. Events ∙ Kennedy ordered a naval blockade and threatened invasion. ∙ For 13 days the world was on the brink of nuclear war. ∙ Kennedy promised to remove US missiles from Turkey ∙ 28 October Khrushchev removed the missiles and the crisis was over 3. Results ∙ Khrushchev seemed to have failed ∙ Kennedy became the hero of the Western world ∙ Telephone hotline set up between Moscow and Washington. ∙ (1963) – Nuclear test ban treaty signed.

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Different interpretations:

Soviet historians They blamed the United States.

The Traditionalists (orthodox) All western writers before the 1970s, and many since, blamed the Cold War on the

Soviet Union and its "attempt to impose its ideology on the rest of the world".

The Revisionists In 1959 the historian William Appleman Williams was the first to suggest that America

was to blame. The Revisionists said America was engaged in a war to keep countries open to

capitalism and American trade. Revisionists said that Truman's use of the atomic bomb without telling Stalin was the

start of the Cold War.

The Post­Revisionists John Lewis Gaddis first published this idea in 1972. The post­revisionists argued that neither Russia or America was to blame, but that the

Cold War was the result of misunderstandings on both sides, and the failure to appreciate each other's fears.

After the collapse of Communism Russian historians such as Zubok and Pleshakov have been able to study the Soviet

Union's secret files for the first time. These files show that Soviet leaders during the Cold War were genuinely trying to avoid

conflict with the USA. This puts more of the blame back on America. Modern historians stress the Cold War as a clash between capitalism and communism.

SPACE + ARMS RACE August 1945 ­ Hiroshima + Nagasaki August 1949 ­ USSR detonates nuke November 1952 ­ US H­bomb June 1955 ­ Eisenhower proposes “Open Skies” at Geneva Summit October 1957 ­ Sputnik November 1957 ­ Sputnik II, now with more dog January 1958 ­ US satellite: Explorer I (sends peanut butter to space) May 1960 ­ U2 plane shot down + East­West Summit in Paris (Khrushchev has bitchfit) April 1961 ­ Yuri Gagarin is first man in space

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U2 Crisis 1 May 1960 Soviets shot down American U2 spy plane over USSR, and captured pilot Gary Powers. Americans had to admit he was a spy. Khrushchev gets really butthurt. Kruschev says to eisenhower “you know what’s good for butthurt? if you lick my butthole.” Eisenhower refuses. “Just a little peck on the cheek” he asks, but Eisenhower is having none of it so they both storm off.

Results Khrushchev walks out of Paris summit (14 May 1960)/ Eisenhower’s planned visit to Russia cancelled/ Khrushchev demands US leaves West Berlin/ Americans came off badly – been caught lying­ propaganda victory for USSR./ New American president Kennedy promises to get tough on Communism.

Communism goes down Timeline of collapse of communism­static/_/js/k=gmail.main.en.Ijp8TKMBHRA.O/m=m_i,t/am=PiMa4E7G_UGMMWeWvkL377­fXVJ85PCiPsKEl­wIgP­b_T­A3wP6aAsY/rt=h/d=1/t=zcms/rs=AHGWq9BGOu2tYZL5VPm7yOj3JeY­023DQA

Gorbachev and His Actions Glasnost Perestroika Satellite States Poland Cold War Reagan

3. Explain and account for the decline and fall of one communist regime, excluding USSR.

Introduction The Soviet Union lost control over Poland after food prices increased in July of 1980. Censorship Low wages Bad living/working conditions Suppression of religion

Confiscated religious property, atheism in school, ridiculed religion

THESIS: The Soviet Union relinquished their authority over Poland by granting them the to right to strike and to form labor unions, which paved the way for Lech Walesa and the Solidarity movement to build momentum and ultimately end Poland’s communist regime. Food Prices Increase of July 1980 August = 17,000 workers protest (with Walesa leading them) 21 points in Gdansk Accord

Page 16: BROSEPH STALIN The following document was put together by · BROSEPH STALIN The following document was put together

Results in right to organize and strike Signed with Jagielski Solidarity formed September 1980 (Lech Walesa was an electrician)

Solidarity goes underground Growing alarm in USSR General Jaruzelski, now Prime Minister, outlaws Solidarity in December 1981 Many arrests Martial law 1981 Suppression of the Church

Most Poles were Catholic Pope was Polish

Don’t call it a comeback Growing popularity Support from Church

Everyone wants religious freedom International support

Financial help from American trade unions + funding from CIA Failure of Polish government to fix economy Glasnost 1985

“openness” More rights and freedoms to the Soviet people Freedom of expression, decreased censorship, can now criticize government officials

Solidarity no longer outlawed 1986 Round Table talks February 1989

Conclusion Peaceful transition of power Lech Walesa becomes first freely elected president of Poland after Communism on December 22,


3. Explain and account for the decline and fall of one communist regime, excluding USSR.

The Communist government in Poland fell for a number of reasons. The government failed to solve the economic stagnation and solidarity had become incredibly popular and had the support of the Catholic Church behind it. Gorbachev’s reforms in 1988 gave the polish government the confidence to legalize solidarity, which was the final step in the downfall of polish communism.

∙ Problems in Poland o Recession in the 1970’s o Food shortages, low wages, pollution, bad working conditions, bad living

conditions, o Censorship

∙ Rise of solidarity

Page 17: BROSEPH STALIN The following document was put together by · BROSEPH STALIN The following document was put together

o 1880 protests gdansk shipyard poles successfully protested for higher wages, lower food prices

o People did not see solidarity an alternative to the communist party but something which would make things better

o Solidarity became so strong (3.4 million to 9.5 million in one year) that a general strike would devastate the economy

­ Immensely popular both internally and internationally. 95% of poles said they trusted solidarity. Lech Walesa was regularly interviewed by western media + solidarity logo sold on postcards/posters

∙ Role of the church o Communism in principle is anti­religious o In Poland the strength of the Catholic Church meant that the

government had to compromise with the church. Nearly every pole was catholic + the pope was polish

o Solidarity demanded religious freedom and therefore the Catholic Church supported them.

∙ Government suppression o Govt fearing soviet intervention imposes martial law 1981 o Jaruzelski forces solidarity underground by banning it 1981­82 o Jaruzelski begins campaign against catholic church. Leads to violence

against priests in the streets. Famous priest Jerzy Popieluzko beaten to death by secret police 1984.

o Increases internal dissent and causes the united states to impose trade sanctions causing inflation.

Solidarity’s growing size and popularity paired with the support of the Catholic Church increased the pressure on the polish government to reach an agreement with solidarity. Following Gorbachev’s introduction of Glasnost relieved Poland of the possibility of Soviet intervention which previously had been a concern.