brooklawn physical education and health 2012-2013

Brooklawn Physical Education and Health 2012-2013

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Post on 01-Apr-2015




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Slide 2 Brooklawn Physical Education and Health 2012-2013 Slide 3 Brooklawn Physcal Education and Health Staff Mr. Wilbur: Lead Teacher Ms. Satch Mr. DiGiacomo Ms. Fiore Mr. Totka Ms. Rushing Mr. Gihorski Slide 4 Locks and T shirts Your child has received a red combination lock at $6 and a Brooklawn Physical Education grey Tshirt at $7. The lock stays on their assigned locker and their uniform and all valuables should get locked in their locker. The uniform should be brought home at LEAST once a week to be washed. Slide 5 Uniform The Brooklawn Physical Education uniform consists of the grey Brooklawn T shirt, athletic shorts (NO zippers, buttons, or buckles), socks, and SNEAKERS. We go outside on the field when the weather is nice, so keep in mind that things could get muddy. All students must print their names on the front of their t shirt Slide 6 Here is an example. Slide 7 Deodorant Deodorant can be kept in the lockers as long as it is NOT NOT a spray and it is glass. Slide 8 Students Expectations Students are expected to change for physical education and use the locker room facilities during the first 5 minutes of their assigned physical education period. After that time, the student will be marked late to class. Slide 9 Student Expectations Students are not permitted in the locker room during the physical education period for any reason unless accompanied by a teacher. Slide 10 Students are responsible for their own possessions!!! Students must have a red lock and use it on their own assigned physical education locker. If the lock is on a different locker, it will be cut off immediately. No key locks are allowed, a red master combination lock purchased from the school/ P.E. department is required. Slide 11 Slide 12 Students who behave in a manner that is dangerous to themselves or others, or are disruptive in class, are subject to disciplinary action. Such students could receive a zero for the day and/ or disciplinary action by the administration. Students are reminded that any lack of participation will result in grade reduction. Slide 13 At the end of the period, students are expected to remain in the locker room until the passing bell rings. Any student who leaves this area before the bell will be considered to have CUT class and the appropriate disciplinary action will be taken. Slide 14 Students Expectations Any questionable subject matter on clothing will not be allowed. NO jewelry is allowed. All piercings and earrings, as well as necklaces, bracelets, rings etc. are to be taken off before class begins. It is recommended that all possessions of value be left at home! All long hair must be pulled back out of the students face. Slide 15 Excessive unprepareds can result in a poor grade. Slide 16 Students are encouraged to be prepared and participate in all physical education and health classes. Missing out on these life skills could affect adult health in the future. Slide 17 Grading Skill Assessment will take place in a dynamic environment for each unit a student participates in. Slide 18 Fitnessgram Health Related Testing is also an important part of each students grade. It includes many aspects of overall health and well- being. Students will be tested on pushups, curlups, PACER jog, mile run, and sit and reach. Slide 19 Assessment is a required component for all students. All assignments will be calculated into the students physical education grades each marking period. Slide 20 Any questions, please contact the Physical Education staff. Slide 21 Grading Policy Participation6 points Preparation6 points Skill Assessing4 points Written Knowledge4 points Total points that can be earned = 20 Slide 22 Point Distribution Scale 19-20A98-100 18A-90 17B+85 16B80 15B-75 14C+70 Slide 23 Point Distribution 13C65 12C-60 11D+55 10D50 9 or lessF45 Slide 24 Assessment Procedures Written Skills and Knowledge of Activity: 20% Self Assessment Peer Assessment Teacher Observation Written Assignments Homework Assignments Slide 25 Physical Skills: 20% Meets/ Exceeds Personal Ability Fitness Assessment Demonstration of Skills Understanding of Rules Slide 26 Participation: 30% Follows Directions/ Behavior Sportsmanship Cooperation Performs Warm-ups Performs Daily Activity Slide 27 Preparation: 30% Wears the appropriate attire Arrives on time Slide 28 Dont worry, this will be on the website. Slide 29 Locker Room Procedures Any type of bullying, intimidation, or harassment of any kind will NOT be tolerated. Students should come to class, get changed, put their personal belongings in their assigned locker and make sure their lock is locked! Slide 30 Workfolders Each student will receive a workfolder Workfolders will contain all written assignments, assessments, and work, completed by your child during the course of the year. Slide 31 Health Each student will get 1 full Marking Period of Health. Health will take place during 2nd and 3rd Marking Period. Slide 32 Health Evaluation and Assessment Test and Quizzes45% Class Work and Journals35% Homework20% Slide 33 Fitness/ Wellness Room Slide 34 Slide 35 Click on the Academics tab on the Brooklawn website Click on the Physical Education Website This information is very new and will be up on the website very soon! Brooklawn PE Website